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* Dex
* Pokemon Showdown -
* Handles getting data about pokemon, items, etc. Also contains some useful
* helper functions for using dex data.
* By default, nothing is loaded until you call Dex.mod(mod) or
* Dex.forFormat(format).
* You may choose to preload some things:
* - Dex.includeMods() ~10ms
* This will preload `Dex.dexes`, giving you a list of possible mods.
* - Dex.includeFormats() ~30ms
* As above, but will also preload `Dex.formats.all()`.
* - Dex.includeData() ~500ms
* As above, but will also preload all of for Gen 8, so
* functions like `Dex.species.get`, etc will be instantly usable.
* - Dex.includeModData() ~1500ms
* As above, but will also preload `Dex.dexes[...].data` for all mods.
* Note that preloading is never necessary. All the data will be
* automatically preloaded when needed, preloading will just spend time
* now so you don't need to spend time later.
* @license MIT
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as Data from './dex-data';
import { Condition, DexConditions } from './dex-conditions';
import { DataMove, DexMoves } from './dex-moves';
import { Item, DexItems } from './dex-items';
import { Ability, DexAbilities } from './dex-abilities';
import { Species, DexSpecies } from './dex-species';
import { Format, DexFormats } from './dex-formats';
import { Utils } from '../lib/utils';
const BASE_MOD = 'gen9' as ID;
const DATA_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../data');
const MODS_DIR = path.resolve(DATA_DIR, './mods');
const dexes: { [mod: string]: ModdedDex } = Object.create(null);
type DataType =
'Abilities' | 'Rulesets' | 'FormatsData' | 'Items' | 'Learnsets' | 'Moves' |
'Natures' | 'Pokedex' | 'Scripts' | 'Conditions' | 'TypeChart' | 'PokemonGoData';
const DATA_TYPES: (DataType | 'Aliases')[] = [
'Abilities', 'Rulesets', 'FormatsData', 'Items', 'Learnsets', 'Moves',
'Natures', 'Pokedex', 'Scripts', 'Conditions', 'TypeChart', 'PokemonGoData',
const DATA_FILES = {
Abilities: 'abilities',
Aliases: 'aliases',
Rulesets: 'rulesets',
FormatsData: 'formats-data',
Items: 'items',
Learnsets: 'learnsets',
Moves: 'moves',
Natures: 'natures',
Pokedex: 'pokedex',
PokemonGoData: 'pokemongo',
Scripts: 'scripts',
Conditions: 'conditions',
TypeChart: 'typechart',
/** Unfortunately we do too much to want to deal with the casts */
export interface DexTable<T> { [id: string]: T }
export interface AliasesTable { [id: IDEntry]: string }
interface DexTableData {
Abilities: DexTable<import('./dex-abilities').AbilityData>;
Aliases: DexTable<string>;
Rulesets: DexTable<import('./dex-formats').FormatData>;
Items: DexTable<import('./dex-items').ItemData>;
Learnsets: DexTable<import('./dex-species').LearnsetData>;
Moves: DexTable<import('./dex-moves').MoveData>;
Natures: DexTable<import('./dex-data').NatureData>;
Pokedex: DexTable<import('./dex-species').SpeciesData>;
FormatsData: DexTable<import('./dex-species').SpeciesFormatsData>;
PokemonGoData: DexTable<import('./dex-species').PokemonGoData>;
Scripts: DexTable<AnyObject>;
Conditions: DexTable<import('./dex-conditions').ConditionData>;
TypeChart: DexTable<import('./dex-data').TypeData>;
interface TextTableData {
Abilities: DexTable<AbilityText>;
Items: DexTable<ItemText>;
Moves: DexTable<MoveText>;
Pokedex: DexTable<PokedexText>;
Default: DexTable<DefaultText>;
export const toID = Data.toID;
export class ModdedDex {
readonly Data = Data;
readonly Condition = Condition;
readonly Ability = Ability;
readonly Item = Item;
readonly Move = DataMove;
readonly Species = Species;
readonly Format = Format;
readonly ModdedDex = ModdedDex;
readonly name = "[ModdedDex]";
readonly isBase: boolean;
readonly currentMod: string;
readonly dataDir: string;
readonly toID = Data.toID;
gen = 0;
parentMod = '';
modsLoaded = false;
dataCache: DexTableData | null;
textCache: TextTableData | null;
deepClone = Utils.deepClone;
deepFreeze = Utils.deepFreeze;
Multiset = Utils.Multiset;
readonly formats: DexFormats;
readonly abilities: DexAbilities;
readonly items: DexItems;
readonly moves: DexMoves;
readonly species: DexSpecies;
readonly conditions: DexConditions;
readonly natures: Data.DexNatures;
readonly types: Data.DexTypes;
readonly stats: Data.DexStats;
constructor(mod = 'base') {
this.isBase = (mod === 'base');
this.currentMod = mod;
this.dataDir = (this.isBase ? DATA_DIR : MODS_DIR + '/' + this.currentMod);
this.dataCache = null;
this.textCache = null;
this.formats = new DexFormats(this);
this.abilities = new DexAbilities(this);
this.items = new DexItems(this);
this.moves = new DexMoves(this);
this.species = new DexSpecies(this);
this.conditions = new DexConditions(this);
this.natures = new Data.DexNatures(this);
this.types = new Data.DexTypes(this);
this.stats = new Data.DexStats(this);
get data(): DexTableData {
return this.loadData();
get dexes(): { [mod: string]: ModdedDex } {
return dexes;
mod(mod: string | undefined): ModdedDex {
if (!dexes['base'].modsLoaded) dexes['base'].includeMods();
return dexes[mod || 'base'].includeData();
forGen(gen: number) {
if (!gen) return this;
return this.mod(`gen${gen}`);
forFormat(format: Format | string): ModdedDex {
if (!this.modsLoaded) this.includeMods();
const mod = this.formats.get(format).mod;
return dexes[mod || BASE_MOD].includeData();
modData(dataType: DataType, id: string) {
if (this.isBase) return[dataType][id];
if ([dataType][id] !== dexes[this.parentMod].data[dataType][id]) return[dataType][id];
return ([dataType][id] = Utils.deepClone([dataType][id]));
effectToString() {
* Sanitizes a username or Pokemon nickname
* Returns the passed name, sanitized for safe use as a name in the PS
* protocol.
* Such a string must uphold these guarantees:
* - must not contain any ASCII whitespace character other than a space
* - must not start or end with a space character
* - must not contain any of: | , [ ]
* - must not be the empty string
* - must not contain Unicode RTL control characters
* If no such string can be found, returns the empty string. Calling
* functions are expected to check for that condition and deal with it
* accordingly.
* getName also enforces that there are not multiple consecutive space
* characters in the name, although this is not strictly necessary for
* safety.
getName(name: any): string {
if (typeof name !== 'string' && typeof name !== 'number') return '';
name = `${name}`.replace(/[|\s[\],\u202e]+/g, ' ').trim();
if (name.length > 18) name = name.substr(0, 18).trim();
// remove zalgo
name = name.replace(
name = name.replace(/[\u239b-\u23b9]/g, '');
return name;
* Returns false if the target is immune; true otherwise.
* Also checks immunity to some statuses.
source: { type: string } | string,
target: { getTypes: () => string[] } | { types: string[] } | string[] | string
): boolean {
const sourceType: string = typeof source !== 'string' ? source.type : source;
// @ts-expect-error really wish TS would support this
const targetTyping: string[] | string = target.getTypes?.() || target.types || target;
if (Array.isArray(targetTyping)) {
for (const type of targetTyping) {
if (!this.getImmunity(sourceType, type)) return false;
return true;
const typeData = this.types.get(targetTyping);
if (typeData && typeData.damageTaken[sourceType] === 3) return false;
return true;
source: { type: string } | string,
target: { getTypes: () => string[] } | { types: string[] } | string[] | string
): number {
const sourceType: string = typeof source !== 'string' ? source.type : source;
// @ts-expect-error really wish TS would support this
const targetTyping: string[] | string = target.getTypes?.() || target.types || target;
let totalTypeMod = 0;
if (Array.isArray(targetTyping)) {
for (const type of targetTyping) {
totalTypeMod += this.getEffectiveness(sourceType, type);
return totalTypeMod;
const typeData = this.types.get(targetTyping);
if (!typeData) return 0;
switch (typeData.damageTaken[sourceType]) {
case 1: return 1; // super-effective
case 2: return -1; // resist
// in case of weird situations like Gravity, immunity is handled elsewhere
default: return 0;
getDescs(table: keyof TextTableData, id: ID, dataEntry: AnyObject) {
if (dataEntry.shortDesc) {
return {
desc: dataEntry.desc,
shortDesc: dataEntry.shortDesc,
const entry = this.loadTextData()[table][id];
if (!entry) return null;
const descs = {
desc: '',
shortDesc: '',
for (let i = this.gen; i < dexes['base'].gen; i++) {
const curDesc = entry[`gen${i}` as keyof typeof entry]?.desc;
const curShortDesc = entry[`gen${i}` as keyof typeof entry]?.shortDesc;
if (!descs.desc && curDesc) {
descs.desc = curDesc;
if (!descs.shortDesc && curShortDesc) {
descs.shortDesc = curShortDesc;
if (descs.desc && descs.shortDesc) break;
if (!descs.shortDesc) descs.shortDesc = entry.shortDesc || '';
if (!descs.desc) descs.desc = entry.desc || descs.shortDesc;
return descs;
* Ensure we're working on a copy of a move (and make a copy if we aren't)
* Remember: "ensure" - by default, it won't make a copy of a copy:
* moveCopy === Dex.getActiveMove(moveCopy)
* If you really want to, use:
* moveCopyCopy = Dex.getActiveMove(
getActiveMove(move: Move | string): ActiveMove {
if (move && typeof (move as ActiveMove).hit === 'number') return move as ActiveMove;
move = this.moves.get(move);
const moveCopy: ActiveMove = this.deepClone(move);
moveCopy.hit = 0;
return moveCopy;
getHiddenPower(ivs: StatsTable) {
const hpTypes = [
'Fighting', 'Flying', 'Poison', 'Ground', 'Rock', 'Bug', 'Ghost', 'Steel',
'Fire', 'Water', 'Grass', 'Electric', 'Psychic', 'Ice', 'Dragon', 'Dark',
const tr = this.trunc;
const stats = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spe: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31 };
if (this.gen <= 2) {
// Gen 2 specific Hidden Power check. IVs are still treated 0-31 so we get them 0-15
const atkDV = tr(ivs.atk / 2);
const defDV = tr(ivs.def / 2);
const speDV = tr(ivs.spe / 2);
const spcDV = tr( / 2);
return {
type: hpTypes[4 * (atkDV % 4) + (defDV % 4)],
power: tr(
(5 * ((spcDV >> 3) + (2 * (speDV >> 3)) + (4 * (defDV >> 3)) + (8 * (atkDV >> 3))) + (spcDV % 4)) / 2 + 31
} else {
// Hidden Power check for Gen 3 onwards
let hpTypeX = 0;
let hpPowerX = 0;
let i = 1;
for (const s in stats) {
hpTypeX += i * (ivs[s as StatID] % 2);
hpPowerX += i * (tr(ivs[s as StatID] / 2) % 2);
i *= 2;
return {
type: hpTypes[tr(hpTypeX * 15 / 63)],
// After Gen 6, Hidden Power is always 60 base power
power: (this.gen && this.gen < 6) ? tr(hpPowerX * 40 / 63) + 30 : 60,
* Truncate a number into an unsigned 32-bit integer, for
* compatibility with the cartridge games' math systems.
trunc(this: void, num: number, bits = 0) {
if (bits) return (num >>> 0) % (2 ** bits);
return num >>> 0;
target: string,
searchIn?: ('Pokedex' | 'Moves' | 'Abilities' | 'Items' | 'Natures' | 'TypeChart')[] | null,
isInexact?: boolean
): AnyObject[] | null {
if (!target) return null;
searchIn = searchIn || ['Pokedex', 'Moves', 'Abilities', 'Items', 'Natures'];
const searchObjects = {
Pokedex: 'species', Moves: 'moves', Abilities: 'abilities', Items: 'items', Natures: 'natures', TypeChart: 'types',
} as const;
const searchTypes = {
Pokedex: 'pokemon', Moves: 'move', Abilities: 'ability', Items: 'item', Natures: 'nature', TypeChart: 'type',
} as const;
let searchResults: AnyObject[] | null = [];
for (const table of searchIn) {
const res = this[searchObjects[table]].get(target);
if (res.exists && res.gen <= this.gen) {
searchType: searchTypes[table],
if (searchResults.length) return searchResults;
if (isInexact) return null; // prevent infinite loop
const cmpTarget = toID(target);
let maxLd = 3;
if (cmpTarget.length <= 1) {
return null;
} else if (cmpTarget.length <= 4) {
maxLd = 1;
} else if (cmpTarget.length <= 6) {
maxLd = 2;
searchResults = null;
for (const table of [...searchIn, 'Aliases'] as const) {
const searchObj =[table] as DexTable<any>;
if (!searchObj) continue;
for (const j in searchObj) {
const ld = Utils.levenshtein(cmpTarget, j, maxLd);
if (ld <= maxLd) {
const word = searchObj[j].name || j;
const results = this.dataSearch(word, searchIn, word);
if (results) {
searchResults = results;
maxLd = ld;
return searchResults;
loadDataFile(basePath: string, dataType: DataType | 'Aliases'): AnyObject | void {
try {
const filePath = basePath + DATA_FILES[dataType];
const dataObject = require(filePath);
if (!dataObject || typeof dataObject !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError(`${filePath}, if it exists, must export a non-null object`);
if (dataObject[dataType]?.constructor?.name !== 'Object') {
throw new TypeError(`${filePath}, if it exists, must export an object whose '${dataType}' property is an Object`);
return dataObject[dataType];
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw e;
name: string, exportName: string
): DexTable<MoveText | ItemText | AbilityText | PokedexText | DefaultText> {
return require(`${DATA_DIR}/text/${name}`)[exportName];
includeMods(): this {
if (!this.isBase) throw new Error(`This must be called on the base Dex`);
if (this.modsLoaded) return this;
for (const mod of fs.readdirSync(MODS_DIR)) {
dexes[mod] = new ModdedDex(mod);
this.modsLoaded = true;
return this;
includeModData(): this {
for (const mod in this.dexes) {
return this;
includeData(): this {
return this;
loadTextData() {
if (dexes['base'].textCache) return dexes['base'].textCache;
dexes['base'].textCache = {
Pokedex: this.loadTextFile('pokedex', 'PokedexText') as DexTable<PokedexText>,
Moves: this.loadTextFile('moves', 'MovesText') as DexTable<MoveText>,
Abilities: this.loadTextFile('abilities', 'AbilitiesText') as DexTable<AbilityText>,
Items: this.loadTextFile('items', 'ItemsText') as DexTable<ItemText>,
Default: this.loadTextFile('default', 'DefaultText') as DexTable<DefaultText>,
return dexes['base'].textCache;
loadData(): DexTableData {
if (this.dataCache) return this.dataCache;
const dataCache: { [k in keyof DexTableData]?: any } = {};
const basePath = this.dataDir + '/';
const Scripts = this.loadDataFile(basePath, 'Scripts') || {};
// We want to inherit most of Scripts but not this.
const init = Scripts.init;
this.parentMod = this.isBase ? '' : (Scripts.inherit || 'base');
let parentDex;
if (this.parentMod) {
parentDex = dexes[this.parentMod];
if (!parentDex || parentDex === this) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to load ${this.currentMod}. 'inherit' in scripts.ts should specify a parent mod from which to inherit data, or must be not specified.`
if (!parentDex) {
// Formats are inherited by mods and used by Rulesets
for (const dataType of DATA_TYPES.concat('Aliases')) {
dataCache[dataType] = this.loadDataFile(basePath, dataType);
if (dataType === 'Rulesets' && !parentDex) {
for (const format of this.formats.all()) {
dataCache.Rulesets[] = { ...format, ruleTable: null };
if (parentDex) {
for (const dataType of DATA_TYPES) {
const parentTypedData: DexTable<any> =[dataType];
if (!dataCache[dataType] && !init) {
dataCache[dataType] = parentTypedData;
const childTypedData: DexTable<any> = dataCache[dataType] || (dataCache[dataType] = {});
for (const entryId in parentTypedData) {
if (childTypedData[entryId] === null) {
// null means don't inherit
delete childTypedData[entryId];
} else if (!(entryId in childTypedData)) {
// If it doesn't exist it's inherited from the parent data
childTypedData[entryId] = parentTypedData[entryId];
} else if (childTypedData[entryId]?.inherit) {
// {inherit: true} can be used to modify only parts of the parent data,
// instead of overwriting entirely
delete childTypedData[entryId].inherit;
// Merge parent and child's entry, with child overwriting parent.
childTypedData[entryId] = { ...parentTypedData[entryId], ...childTypedData[entryId] };
dataCache['Aliases'] =['Aliases'];
// Flag the generation. Required for team validator.
this.gen = dataCache.Scripts.gen;
if (!this.gen) throw new Error(`Mod ${this.currentMod} needs a generation number in scripts.js`);
this.dataCache = dataCache as DexTableData;
// Execute initialization script.
if (init);
return this.dataCache;
includeFormats(): this {
return this;
dexes['base'] = new ModdedDex();
// "gen9" is an alias for the current base data
dexes[BASE_MOD] = dexes['base'];
export const Dex = dexes['base'];
export declare namespace Dex {
export type Species = import('./dex-species').Species;
export type Item = import('./dex-items').Item;
export type Move = import('./dex-moves').Move;
export type Ability = import('./dex-abilities').Ability;
export type HitEffect = import('./dex-moves').HitEffect;
export type SecondaryEffect = import('./dex-moves').SecondaryEffect;
export type RuleTable = import('./dex-formats').RuleTable;
export default Dex;