/** | |
* Simulator Battle | |
* Pokemon Showdown - | |
* | |
* This file is where the battle simulation itself happens. | |
* | |
* The most important part of the simulation is the event system: | |
* see the `runEvent` function definition for details. | |
* | |
* General battle mechanics are in `battle-actions`; move-specific, | |
* item-specific, etc mechanics are in the corresponding file in | |
* `data`. | |
* | |
* @license MIT | |
*/ | |
import { Dex, toID } from './dex'; | |
import { Teams } from './teams'; | |
import { Field } from './field'; | |
import { Pokemon, type EffectState, RESTORATIVE_BERRIES } from './pokemon'; | |
import { PRNG, type PRNGSeed } from './prng'; | |
import { type MoveRequest, type ChoiceRequest, Side } from './side'; | |
import { State } from './state'; | |
import { BattleQueue, type Action } from './battle-queue'; | |
import { BattleActions } from './battle-actions'; | |
import { Utils } from '../lib/utils'; | |
declare const __version: any; | |
export type ChannelID = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4; | |
export type ChannelMessages<T extends ChannelID | -1> = Record<T, string[]>; | |
const splitRegex = /^\|split\|p([1234])\n(.*)\n(.*)|.+/gm; | |
export function extractChannelMessages<T extends ChannelID | -1>(message: string, channelIds: T[]): ChannelMessages<T> { | |
const channelIdSet = new Set(channelIds); | |
const channelMessages: ChannelMessages<ChannelID | -1> = { | |
[-1]: [], | |
0: [], | |
1: [], | |
2: [], | |
3: [], | |
4: [], | |
}; | |
for (const [lineMatch, playerMatch, secretMessage, sharedMessage] of message.matchAll(splitRegex)) { | |
const player = playerMatch ? parseInt(playerMatch) : 0; | |
for (const channelId of channelIdSet) { | |
let line = lineMatch; | |
if (player) { | |
line = channelId === -1 || player === channelId ? secretMessage : sharedMessage; | |
if (!line) continue; | |
} | |
channelMessages[channelId].push(line); | |
} | |
} | |
return channelMessages; | |
} | |
interface BattleOptions { | |
format?: Format; | |
formatid: ID; | |
/** Output callback */ | |
send?: (type: string, data: string | string[]) => void; | |
prng?: PRNG; // PRNG override (you usually don't need this, just pass a seed) | |
seed?: PRNGSeed; // PRNG seed | |
rated?: boolean | string; // Rated string | |
p1?: PlayerOptions; // Player 1 data | |
p2?: PlayerOptions; // Player 2 data | |
p3?: PlayerOptions; // Player 3 data | |
p4?: PlayerOptions; // Player 4 data | |
debug?: boolean; // show debug mode option | |
forceRandomChance?: boolean; // force Battle#randomChance to always return true or false (used in some tests) | |
deserialized?: boolean; | |
strictChoices?: boolean; // whether invalid choices should throw | |
} | |
interface EventListenerWithoutPriority { | |
effect: Effect; | |
target?: Pokemon; | |
index?: number; | |
callback?: Function; | |
state: EffectState | null; | |
end: Function | null; | |
endCallArgs?: any[]; | |
effectHolder: Pokemon | Side | Field | Battle; | |
} | |
interface EventListener extends EventListenerWithoutPriority { | |
order: number | false; | |
priority: number; | |
subOrder: number; | |
effectOrder?: number; | |
speed?: number; | |
} | |
type Part = string | number | boolean | Pokemon | Side | Effect | Move | null | undefined; | |
// The current request state of the Battle: | |
// | |
// - 'teampreview': beginning of BW/XY/SM battle (Team Preview) | |
// - 'move': beginning of each turn | |
// - 'switch': end of turn if fainted (or mid turn with switching effects) | |
// - '': no request. Used between turns, or when the battle is over. | |
// | |
// An individual Side's request state is encapsulated in its `activeRequest` field. | |
export type RequestState = 'teampreview' | 'move' | 'switch' | ''; | |
export class Battle { | |
readonly id: ID; | |
readonly debugMode: boolean; | |
readonly forceRandomChance: boolean | null; | |
readonly deserialized: boolean; | |
readonly strictChoices: boolean; | |
readonly format: Format; | |
readonly formatData: EffectState; | |
readonly gameType: GameType; | |
/** | |
* The number of active pokemon per half-field. | |
* See header comment in side.ts for details. | |
*/ | |
readonly activePerHalf: 1 | 2 | 3; | |
readonly field: Field; | |
readonly sides: [Side, Side] | [Side, Side, Side, Side]; | |
readonly prngSeed: PRNGSeed; | |
dex: ModdedDex; | |
gen: number; | |
ruleTable: Dex.RuleTable; | |
prng: PRNG; | |
rated: boolean | string; | |
reportExactHP: boolean; | |
reportPercentages: boolean; | |
supportCancel: boolean; | |
actions: BattleActions; | |
queue: BattleQueue; | |
readonly faintQueue: { | |
target: Pokemon, | |
source: Pokemon | null, | |
effect: Effect | null, | |
}[]; | |
readonly log: string[]; | |
readonly inputLog: string[]; | |
readonly messageLog: string[]; | |
sentLogPos: number; | |
sentEnd: boolean; | |
requestState: RequestState; | |
turn: number; | |
midTurn: boolean; | |
started: boolean; | |
ended: boolean; | |
winner?: string; | |
effect: Effect; | |
effectState: EffectState; | |
event: AnyObject; | |
events: AnyObject | null; | |
eventDepth: number; | |
activeMove: ActiveMove | null; | |
activePokemon: Pokemon | null; | |
activeTarget: Pokemon | null; | |
lastMove: ActiveMove | null; | |
lastSuccessfulMoveThisTurn: ID | null; | |
lastMoveLine: number; | |
/** The last damage dealt by a move in the battle - only used by Gen 1 Counter. */ | |
lastDamage: number; | |
effectOrder: number; | |
quickClawRoll: boolean; | |
speedOrder: number[]; | |
teamGenerator: ReturnType<typeof Teams.getGenerator> | null; | |
readonly hints: Set<string>; | |
readonly NOT_FAIL: ''; | |
readonly HIT_SUBSTITUTE: 0; | |
readonly FAIL: false; | |
readonly SILENT_FAIL: null; | |
readonly send: (type: string, data: string | string[]) => void; | |
trunc: (num: number, bits?: number) => number; | |
clampIntRange: (num: any, min?: number, max?: number) => number; | |
toID = toID; | |
constructor(options: BattleOptions) { | |
this.log = []; | |
this.add('t:', Math.floor( / 1000)); | |
const format = options.format || Dex.formats.get(options.formatid, true); | |
this.format = format; | |
this.dex = Dex.forFormat(format); | |
this.gen = this.dex.gen; | |
this.ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(format); | |
this.trunc = this.dex.trunc; | |
this.clampIntRange = Utils.clampIntRange; | |
// Object.assign(this,; | |
for (const i in { | |
const entry =[i]; | |
if (typeof entry === 'function') (this as any)[i] = entry; | |
} | |
if (format.battle) Object.assign(this, format.battle); | | = ''; | |
this.debugMode = format.debug || !!options.debug; | |
// Require debug mode and explicitly passed true/false | |
this.forceRandomChance = (this.debugMode && typeof options.forceRandomChance === 'boolean') ? | |
options.forceRandomChance : null; | |
this.deserialized = !!options.deserialized; | |
this.strictChoices = !!options.strictChoices; | |
this.formatData = this.initEffectState({ id: }); | |
this.gameType = (format.gameType || 'singles'); | |
this.field = new Field(this); | |
this.sides = Array(format.playerCount).fill(null) as any; | |
this.activePerHalf = this.gameType === 'triples' ? 3 : | |
(format.playerCount > 2 || this.gameType === 'doubles') ? 2 : | |
1; | |
this.prng = options.prng || new PRNG(options.seed || undefined); | |
this.prngSeed = this.prng.startingSeed; | |
this.rated = options.rated || !!options.rated; | |
this.reportExactHP = !!format.debug; | |
this.reportPercentages = false; | |
this.supportCancel = false; | |
this.queue = new BattleQueue(this); | |
this.actions = new BattleActions(this); | |
this.faintQueue = []; | |
this.inputLog = []; | |
this.messageLog = []; | |
this.sentLogPos = 0; | |
this.sentEnd = false; | |
this.requestState = ''; | |
this.turn = 0; | |
this.midTurn = false; | |
this.started = false; | |
this.ended = false; | |
this.effect = { id: '' } as Effect; | |
this.effectState = this.initEffectState({ id: '' }); | |
this.event = { id: '' }; | | = null; | |
this.eventDepth = 0; | |
this.activeMove = null; | |
this.activePokemon = null; | |
this.activeTarget = null; | |
this.lastMove = null; | |
this.lastMoveLine = -1; | |
this.lastSuccessfulMoveThisTurn = null; | |
this.lastDamage = 0; | |
this.effectOrder = 0; | |
this.quickClawRoll = false; | |
this.speedOrder = []; | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.activePerHalf * 2; i++) { | |
this.speedOrder.push(i); | |
} | |
this.teamGenerator = null; | |
this.hints = new Set(); | |
this.NOT_FAIL = ''; | |
this.HIT_SUBSTITUTE = 0; | |
this.FAIL = false; | |
this.SILENT_FAIL = null; | |
this.send = options.send || (() => {}); | |
const inputOptions: { formatid: ID, seed: PRNGSeed, rated?: string | true } = { | |
formatid: options.formatid, seed: this.prngSeed, | |
}; | |
if (this.rated) inputOptions.rated = this.rated; | |
if (typeof __version !== 'undefined') { | |
if (__version.head) { | |
this.inputLog.push(`>version ${__version.head}`); | |
} | |
if (__version.origin) { | |
this.inputLog.push(`>version-origin ${__version.origin}`); | |
} | |
} | |
this.inputLog.push(`>start ` + JSON.stringify(inputOptions)); | |
this.add('gametype', this.gameType); | |
// timing is early enough to hook into ModifySpecies event | |
for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { | |
if ('+*-!'.includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; | |
const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); | |
if (subFormat.exists) { | |
const hasEventHandler = Object.keys(subFormat).some( | |
// skip event handlers that are handled elsewhere | |
val => val.startsWith('on') && ![ | |
'onBegin', 'onTeamPreview', 'onBattleStart', 'onValidateRule', 'onValidateTeam', 'onChangeSet', 'onValidateSet', | |
].includes(val) | |
); | |
if (hasEventHandler) this.field.addPseudoWeather(rule); | |
} | |
} | |
const sides: SideID[] = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4']; | |
for (const side of sides) { | |
if (options[side]) { | |
this.setPlayer(side, options[side]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
toJSON(): AnyObject { | |
return State.serializeBattle(this); | |
} | |
static fromJSON(serialized: string | AnyObject): Battle { | |
return State.deserializeBattle(serialized); | |
} | |
get p1() { | |
return this.sides[0]; | |
} | |
get p2() { | |
return this.sides[1]; | |
} | |
get p3() { | |
return this.sides[2]; | |
} | |
get p4() { | |
return this.sides[3]; | |
} | |
toString() { | |
return `Battle: ${this.format}`; | |
} | |
random(m?: number, n?: number) { | |
return this.prng.random(m, n); | |
} | |
randomChance(numerator: number, denominator: number) { | |
if (this.forceRandomChance !== null) return this.forceRandomChance; | |
return this.prng.randomChance(numerator, denominator); | |
} | |
sample<T>(items: readonly T[]): T { | |
return this.prng.sample(items); | |
} | |
/** Note that passing `undefined` resets to the starting seed, but `null` will roll a new seed */ | |
resetRNG(seed: PRNGSeed | null = this.prngSeed) { | |
this.prng = new PRNG(seed); | |
this.add('message', "The battle's RNG was reset."); | |
} | |
suppressingAbility(target?: Pokemon) { | |
return this.activePokemon && this.activePokemon.isActive && (this.activePokemon !== target || this.gen < 8) && | |
this.activeMove && this.activeMove.ignoreAbility && !target?.hasItem('Ability Shield'); | |
} | |
setActiveMove(move?: ActiveMove | null, pokemon?: Pokemon | null, target?: Pokemon | null) { | |
this.activeMove = move || null; | |
this.activePokemon = pokemon || null; | |
this.activeTarget = target || pokemon || null; | |
} | |
clearActiveMove(failed?: boolean) { | |
if (this.activeMove) { | |
if (!failed) { | |
this.lastMove = this.activeMove; | |
} | |
this.activeMove = null; | |
this.activePokemon = null; | |
this.activeTarget = null; | |
} | |
} | |
updateSpeed() { | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
pokemon.updateSpeed(); | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* The default sort order for actions, but also event listeners. | |
* | |
* 1. Order, low to high (default last) | |
* 2. Priority, high to low (default 0) | |
* 3. Speed, high to low (default 0) | |
* 4. SubOrder, low to high (default 0) | |
* 5. EffectOrder, low to high (default 0) | |
* | |
* Doesn't reference `this` so doesn't need to be bound. | |
*/ | |
comparePriority(this: void, a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject) { | |
return -((b.order || 4294967296) - (a.order || 4294967296)) || | |
((b.priority || 0) - (a.priority || 0)) || | |
((b.speed || 0) - (a.speed || 0)) || | |
-((b.subOrder || 0) - (a.subOrder || 0)) || | |
-((b.effectOrder || 0) - (a.effectOrder || 0)) || | |
0; | |
} | |
static compareRedirectOrder(this: void, a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject) { | |
return ((b.priority || 0) - (a.priority || 0)) || | |
((b.speed || 0) - (a.speed || 0)) || | |
((a.effectHolder?.abilityState && b.effectHolder?.abilityState) ? | |
-(b.effectHolder.abilityState.effectOrder - a.effectHolder.abilityState.effectOrder) : 0) || | |
0; | |
} | |
static compareLeftToRightOrder(this: void, a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject) { | |
return -((b.order || 4294967296) - (a.order || 4294967296)) || | |
((b.priority || 0) - (a.priority || 0)) || | |
-((b.index || 0) - (a.index || 0)) || | |
0; | |
} | |
/** Sort a list, resolving speed ties the way the games do. */ | |
speedSort<T extends AnyObject>(list: T[], comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number = this.comparePriority) { | |
if (list.length < 2) return; | |
let sorted = 0; | |
// This is a Selection Sort - not the fastest sort in general, but | |
// actually faster than QuickSort for small arrays like the ones | |
// `speedSort` is used for. | |
// More importantly, it makes it easiest to resolve speed ties | |
// properly. | |
while (sorted + 1 < list.length) { | |
let nextIndexes = [sorted]; | |
// grab list of next indexes | |
for (let i = sorted + 1; i < list.length; i++) { | |
const delta = comparator(list[nextIndexes[0]], list[i]); | |
if (delta < 0) continue; | |
if (delta > 0) nextIndexes = [i]; | |
if (delta === 0) nextIndexes.push(i); | |
} | |
// put list of next indexes where they belong | |
for (let i = 0; i < nextIndexes.length; i++) { | |
const index = nextIndexes[i]; | |
if (index !== sorted + i) { | |
// nextIndexes is guaranteed to be in order, so it will never have | |
// been disturbed by an earlier swap | |
[list[sorted + i], list[index]] = [list[index], list[sorted + i]]; | |
} | |
} | |
if (nextIndexes.length > 1) { | |
this.prng.shuffle(list, sorted, sorted + nextIndexes.length); | |
} | |
sorted += nextIndexes.length; | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Runs an event with no source on each Pokémon on the field, in Speed order. | |
*/ | |
eachEvent(eventid: string, effect?: Effect | null, relayVar?: boolean) { | |
const actives = this.getAllActive(); | |
if (!effect && this.effect) effect = this.effect; | |
this.speedSort(actives, (a, b) => b.speed - a.speed); | |
for (const pokemon of actives) { | |
this.runEvent(eventid, pokemon, null, effect, relayVar); | |
} | |
if (eventid === 'Weather' && this.gen >= 7) { | |
// TODO: further research when updates happen | |
this.eachEvent('Update'); | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Runs an event with no source on each effect on the field, in Speed order. | |
* | |
* Unlike `eachEvent`, this contains a lot of other handling and is only intended for | |
* the 'Residual' and 'SwitchIn' events. | |
*/ | |
fieldEvent(eventid: string, targets?: Pokemon[]) { | |
const callbackName = `on${eventid}`; | |
let getKey: undefined | 'duration'; | |
if (eventid === 'Residual') { | |
getKey = 'duration'; | |
} | |
let handlers = this.findFieldEventHandlers(this.field, `onField${eventid}`, getKey); | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.n < 2 || !side.allySide) { | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findSideEventHandlers(side, `onSide${eventid}`, getKey)); | |
} | |
for (const active of { | |
if (!active) continue; | |
if (eventid === 'SwitchIn') { | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findPokemonEventHandlers(active, `onAny${eventid}`)); | |
} | |
if (targets && !targets.includes(active)) continue; | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findPokemonEventHandlers(active, callbackName, getKey)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findSideEventHandlers(side, callbackName, undefined, active)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findFieldEventHandlers(this.field, callbackName, undefined, active)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findBattleEventHandlers(callbackName, getKey, active)); | |
} | |
} | |
this.speedSort(handlers); | |
while (handlers.length) { | |
const handler = handlers[0]; | |
handlers.shift(); | |
const effect = handler.effect; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Pokemon).fainted) { | |
if (!(handler.state?.isSlotCondition)) continue; | |
} | |
if (eventid === 'Residual' && handler.end && handler.state?.duration) { | |
handler.state.duration--; | |
if (!handler.state.duration) { | |
const endCallArgs = handler.endCallArgs || [handler.effectHolder,]; | | as [any, ...any[]]); | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
let handlerEventid = eventid; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Side).sideConditions) handlerEventid = `Side${eventid}`; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Field).pseudoWeather) handlerEventid = `Field${eventid}`; | |
if (handler.callback) { | |
this.singleEvent(handlerEventid, effect, handler.state, handler.effectHolder, null, null, undefined, handler.callback); | |
} | |
this.faintMessages(); | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
} | |
} | |
/** The entire event system revolves around this function and runEvent. */ | |
singleEvent( | |
eventid: string, effect: Effect, state: EffectState | Record<string, never> | null, | |
target: string | Pokemon | Side | Field | Battle | null, source?: string | Pokemon | Effect | false | null, | |
sourceEffect?: Effect | string | null, relayVar?: any, customCallback?: unknown | |
) { | |
if (this.eventDepth >= 8) { | |
// oh fuck | |
this.add('message', 'STACK LIMIT EXCEEDED'); | |
this.add('message', 'PLEASE REPORT IN BUG THREAD'); | |
this.add('message', 'Event: ' + eventid); | |
this.add('message', 'Parent event: ' +; | |
throw new Error("Stack overflow"); | |
} | |
if (this.log.length - this.sentLogPos > 1000) { | |
this.add('message', 'LINE LIMIT EXCEEDED'); | |
this.add('message', 'PLEASE REPORT IN BUG THREAD'); | |
this.add('message', 'Event: ' + eventid); | |
this.add('message', 'Parent event: ' +; | |
throw new Error("Infinite loop"); | |
} | |
// this.add('Event: ' + eventid + ' (depth ' + this.eventDepth + ')'); | |
let hasRelayVar = true; | |
if (relayVar === undefined) { | |
relayVar = true; | |
hasRelayVar = false; | |
} | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Status' && (target instanceof Pokemon) && target.status !== { | |
// it's changed; call it off | |
return relayVar; | |
} | |
if (eventid !== 'Start' && eventid !== 'TakeItem' && effect.effectType === 'Item' && | |
(target instanceof Pokemon) && target.ignoringItem()) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Embargo, Klutz or Magic Room'); | |
return relayVar; | |
} | |
if (eventid !== 'End' && effect.effectType === 'Ability' && (target instanceof Pokemon) && target.ignoringAbility()) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Gastro Acid or Neutralizing Gas'); | |
return relayVar; | |
} | |
if ( | |
effect.effectType === 'Weather' && eventid !== 'FieldStart' && eventid !== 'FieldResidual' && | |
eventid !== 'FieldEnd' && this.field.suppressingWeather() | |
) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Air Lock'); | |
return relayVar; | |
} | |
const callback = customCallback || (effect as any)[`on${eventid}`]; | |
if (callback === undefined) return relayVar; | |
const parentEffect = this.effect; | |
const parentEffectState = this.effectState; | |
const parentEvent = this.event; | |
this.effect = effect; | |
this.effectState = state as EffectState || this.initEffectState({}); | |
this.event = { id: eventid, target, source, effect: sourceEffect }; | |
this.eventDepth++; | |
const args = [target, source, sourceEffect]; | |
if (hasRelayVar) args.unshift(relayVar); | |
let returnVal; | |
if (typeof callback === 'function') { | |
returnVal = callback.apply(this, args); | |
} else { | |
returnVal = callback; | |
} | |
this.eventDepth--; | |
this.effect = parentEffect; | |
this.effectState = parentEffectState; | |
this.event = parentEvent; | |
return returnVal === undefined ? relayVar : returnVal; | |
} | |
/** | |
* runEvent is the core of Pokemon Showdown's event system. | |
* | |
* Basic usage | |
* =========== | |
* | |
* this.runEvent('Blah') | |
* will trigger any onBlah global event handlers. | |
* | |
* this.runEvent('Blah', target) | |
* will additionally trigger any onBlah handlers on the target, onAllyBlah | |
* handlers on any active pokemon on the target's team, and onFoeBlah | |
* handlers on any active pokemon on the target's foe's team | |
* | |
* this.runEvent('Blah', target, source) | |
* will additionally trigger any onSourceBlah handlers on the source | |
* | |
* this.runEvent('Blah', target, source, effect) | |
* will additionally pass the effect onto all event handlers triggered | |
* | |
* this.runEvent('Blah', target, source, effect, relayVar) | |
* will additionally pass the relayVar as the first argument along all event | |
* handlers | |
* | |
* You may leave any of these null. For instance, if you have a relayVar but | |
* no source or effect: | |
* this.runEvent('Damage', target, null, null, 50) | |
* | |
* Event handlers | |
* ============== | |
* | |
* Items, abilities, statuses, and other effects like SR, confusion, weather, | |
* or Trick Room can have event handlers. Event handlers are functions that | |
* can modify what happens during an event. | |
* | |
* event handlers are passed: | |
* function (target, source, effect) | |
* although some of these can be blank. | |
* | |
* certain events have a relay variable, in which case they're passed: | |
* function (relayVar, target, source, effect) | |
* | |
* Relay variables are variables that give additional information about the | |
* event. For instance, the damage event has a relayVar which is the amount | |
* of damage dealt. | |
* | |
* If a relay variable isn't passed to runEvent, there will still be a secret | |
* relayVar defaulting to `true`, but it won't get passed to any event | |
* handlers. | |
* | |
* After an event handler is run, its return value helps determine what | |
* happens next: | |
* 1. If the return value isn't `undefined`, relayVar is set to the return | |
* value | |
* 2. If relayVar is falsy, no more event handlers are run | |
* 3. Otherwise, if there are more event handlers, the next one is run and | |
* we go back to step 1. | |
* 4. Once all event handlers are run (or one of them results in a falsy | |
* relayVar), relayVar is returned by runEvent | |
* | |
* As a shortcut, an event handler that isn't a function will be interpreted | |
* as a function that returns that value. | |
* | |
* You can have return values mean whatever you like, but in general, we | |
* follow the convention that returning `false` or `null` means | |
* stopping or interrupting the event. | |
* | |
* For instance, returning `false` from a TrySetStatus handler means that | |
* the pokemon doesn't get statused. | |
* | |
* If a failed event usually results in a message like "But it failed!" | |
* or "It had no effect!", returning `null` will suppress that message and | |
* returning `false` will display it. Returning `null` is useful if your | |
* event handler already gave its own custom failure message. | |
* | |
* Returning `undefined` means "don't change anything" or "keep going". | |
* A function that does nothing but return `undefined` is the equivalent | |
* of not having an event handler at all. | |
* | |
* Returning a value means that that value is the new `relayVar`. For | |
* instance, if a Damage event handler returns 50, the damage event | |
* will deal 50 damage instead of whatever it was going to deal before. | |
* | |
* Useful values | |
* ============= | |
* | |
* In addition to all the methods and attributes of Dex, Battle, and | |
* Scripts, event handlers have some additional values they can access: | |
* | |
* this.effect: | |
* the Effect having the event handler | |
* this.effectState: | |
* the data store associated with the above Effect. This is a plain Object | |
* and you can use it to store data for later event handlers. | |
* | |
* the Pokemon, Side, or Battle that the event handler's effect was | |
* attached to. | |
* | |
* the event ID | |
*, this.event.source, this.event.effect: | |
* the target, source, and effect of the event. These are the same | |
* variables that are passed as arguments to the event handler, but | |
* they're useful for functions called by the event handler. | |
*/ | |
runEvent( | |
eventid: string, target?: Pokemon | Pokemon[] | Side | Battle | null, source?: string | Pokemon | false | null, | |
sourceEffect?: Effect | null, relayVar?: any, onEffect?: boolean, fastExit?: boolean | |
) { | |
// if (Battle.eventCounter) { | |
// if (!Battle.eventCounter[eventid]) Battle.eventCounter[eventid] = 0; | |
// Battle.eventCounter[eventid]++; | |
// } | |
if (this.eventDepth >= 8) { | |
// oh fuck | |
this.add('message', 'STACK LIMIT EXCEEDED'); | |
this.add('message', 'PLEASE REPORT IN BUG THREAD'); | |
this.add('message', 'Event: ' + eventid); | |
this.add('message', 'Parent event: ' +; | |
throw new Error("Stack overflow"); | |
} | |
if (!target) target = this; | |
let effectSource = null; | |
if (source instanceof Pokemon) effectSource = source; | |
const handlers = this.findEventHandlers(target, eventid, effectSource); | |
if (onEffect) { | |
if (!sourceEffect) throw new Error("onEffect passed without an effect"); | |
const callback = (sourceEffect as any)[`on${eventid}`]; | |
if (callback !== undefined) { | |
if (Array.isArray(target)) throw new Error(""); | |
handlers.unshift(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: sourceEffect, callback, state: this.initEffectState({}), end: null, effectHolder: target, | |
}, `on${eventid}`)); | |
} | |
} | |
if (['Invulnerability', 'TryHit', 'DamagingHit', 'EntryHazard'].includes(eventid)) { | |
handlers.sort(Battle.compareLeftToRightOrder); | |
} else if (fastExit) { | |
handlers.sort(Battle.compareRedirectOrder); | |
} else { | |
this.speedSort(handlers); | |
} | |
let hasRelayVar = 1; | |
const args = [target, source, sourceEffect]; | |
// console.log('Event: ' + eventid + ' (depth ' + this.eventDepth + ') t:' + + ' s:' + (!source || + ' e:' +; | |
if (relayVar === undefined || relayVar === null) { | |
relayVar = true; | |
hasRelayVar = 0; | |
} else { | |
args.unshift(relayVar); | |
} | |
const parentEvent = this.event; | |
this.event = { id: eventid, target, source, effect: sourceEffect, modifier: 1 }; | |
this.eventDepth++; | |
let targetRelayVars = []; | |
if (Array.isArray(target)) { | |
if (Array.isArray(relayVar)) { | |
targetRelayVars = relayVar; | |
} else { | |
for (let i = 0; i < target.length; i++) targetRelayVars[i] = true; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const handler of handlers) { | |
if (handler.index !== undefined) { | |
// TODO: find a better way to do this | |
if (!targetRelayVars[handler.index] && !(targetRelayVars[handler.index] === 0 && | |
eventid === 'DamagingHit')) continue; | |
if ( { | |
args[hasRelayVar] =; | | =; | |
} | |
if (hasRelayVar) args[0] = targetRelayVars[handler.index]; | |
} | |
const effect = handler.effect; | |
const effectHolder = handler.effectHolder; | |
// this.debug('match ' + eventid + ': ' + + ' ' + status.effectType); | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Status' && (effectHolder as Pokemon).status !== { | |
// it's changed; call it off | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Ability' && effect.flags['breakable'] && | |
this.suppressingAbility(effectHolder as Pokemon)) { | |
if (effect.flags['breakable']) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Mold Breaker'); | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!effect.num) { | |
// ignore attacking events for custom abilities | |
const AttackingEvents = { | |
BeforeMove: 1, | |
BasePower: 1, | |
Immunity: 1, | |
RedirectTarget: 1, | |
Heal: 1, | |
SetStatus: 1, | |
CriticalHit: 1, | |
ModifyAtk: 1, ModifyDef: 1, ModifySpA: 1, ModifySpD: 1, ModifySpe: 1, ModifyAccuracy: 1, | |
ModifyBoost: 1, | |
ModifyDamage: 1, | |
ModifySecondaries: 1, | |
ModifyWeight: 1, | |
TryAddVolatile: 1, | |
TryHit: 1, | |
TryHitSide: 1, | |
TryMove: 1, | |
Boost: 1, | |
DragOut: 1, | |
Effectiveness: 1, | |
}; | |
if (eventid in AttackingEvents) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Mold Breaker'); | |
continue; | |
} else if (eventid === 'Damage' && sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === 'Move') { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Mold Breaker'); | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (eventid !== 'Start' && eventid !== 'SwitchIn' && eventid !== 'TakeItem' && | |
effect.effectType === 'Item' && (effectHolder instanceof Pokemon) && effectHolder.ignoringItem()) { | |
if (eventid !== 'Update') { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Embargo, Klutz or Magic Room'); | |
} | |
continue; | |
} else if ( | |
eventid !== 'End' && effect.effectType === 'Ability' && | |
(effectHolder instanceof Pokemon) && effectHolder.ignoringAbility() | |
) { | |
if (eventid !== 'Update') { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Gastro Acid or Neutralizing Gas'); | |
} | |
continue; | |
} | |
if ( | |
(effect.effectType === 'Weather' || eventid === 'Weather') && | |
eventid !== 'Residual' && eventid !== 'End' && this.field.suppressingWeather() | |
) { | |
this.debug(eventid + ' handler suppressed by Air Lock'); | |
continue; | |
} | |
let returnVal; | |
if (typeof handler.callback === 'function') { | |
const parentEffect = this.effect; | |
const parentEffectState = this.effectState; | |
this.effect = handler.effect; | |
this.effectState = handler.state || this.initEffectState({}); | | = effectHolder; | |
returnVal = handler.callback.apply(this, args); | |
this.effect = parentEffect; | |
this.effectState = parentEffectState; | |
} else { | |
returnVal = handler.callback; | |
} | |
if (returnVal !== undefined) { | |
relayVar = returnVal; | |
if (!relayVar || fastExit) { | |
if (handler.index !== undefined) { | |
targetRelayVars[handler.index] = relayVar; | |
if (targetRelayVars.every(val => !val)) break; | |
} else { | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (hasRelayVar) { | |
args[0] = relayVar; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this.eventDepth--; | |
if (typeof relayVar === 'number' && relayVar === Math.abs(Math.floor(relayVar))) { | |
// this.debug(eventid + ' modifier: 0x' + | |
// ('0000' + (this.event.modifier * 4096).toString(16)).slice(-4).toUpperCase()); | |
relayVar = this.modify(relayVar, this.event.modifier); | |
} | |
this.event = parentEvent; | |
return Array.isArray(target) ? targetRelayVars : relayVar; | |
} | |
/** | |
* priorityEvent works just like runEvent, except it exits and returns | |
* on the first non-undefined value instead of only on null/false. | |
*/ | |
priorityEvent( | |
eventid: string, target: Pokemon | Side | Battle, source?: Pokemon | null, | |
effect?: Effect, relayVar?: any, onEffect?: boolean | |
): any { | |
return this.runEvent(eventid, target, source, effect, relayVar, onEffect, true); | |
} | |
resolvePriority(h: EventListenerWithoutPriority, callbackName: string) { | |
const handler = h as EventListener; | |
handler.order = (handler.effect as any)[`${callbackName}Order`] || false; | |
handler.priority = (handler.effect as any)[`${callbackName}Priority`] || 0; | |
handler.subOrder = (handler.effect as any)[`${callbackName}SubOrder`] || 0; | |
if (!handler.subOrder) { | |
// | |
const effectTypeOrder: { [k in EffectType]?: number } = { | |
// Z-Move: 1, | |
Condition: 2, | |
// Slot Condition: 3, | |
// Side Condition: 4, | |
// Field Condition: 5, (includes weather but also terrains and pseudoweathers) | |
Weather: 5, | |
Format: 5, | |
Rule: 5, | |
Ruleset: 5, | |
// Poison Touch: 6, (also includes Perish Body) | |
Ability: 7, | |
Item: 8, | |
// Stall: 9, | |
}; | |
handler.subOrder = effectTypeOrder[handler.effect.effectType] || 0; | |
if (handler.effect.effectType === 'Condition') { | |
if (handler.state?.target instanceof Side) { | |
if (handler.state.isSlotCondition) { | |
// slot condition | |
handler.subOrder = 3; | |
} else { | |
// side condition | |
handler.subOrder = 4; | |
} | |
} else if (handler.state?.target instanceof Field) { | |
// field condition | |
handler.subOrder = 5; | |
} | |
} else if (handler.effect.effectType === 'Ability') { | |
if ( === 'Poison Touch' || === 'Perish Body') { | |
handler.subOrder = 6; | |
} else if ( === 'Stall') { | |
handler.subOrder = 9; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (callbackName.endsWith('SwitchIn') || callbackName.endsWith('RedirectTarget')) { | |
// If multiple hazards are present on one side, their event handlers all perfectly tie in speed, priority, | |
// and subOrder. They should activate in the order they were created, which is where effectOrder comes in. | |
// This also applies to speed ties for which ability like Lightning Rod redirects moves. | |
// TODO: In-game, other events are also sorted this way, but that's an implementation for another refactor | |
handler.effectOrder = handler.state?.effectOrder; | |
} | |
if (handler.effectHolder && (handler.effectHolder as Pokemon).getStat) { | |
const pokemon = handler.effectHolder as Pokemon; | |
handler.speed = pokemon.speed; | |
if (callbackName.endsWith('SwitchIn')) { | |
// Pokemon speeds including ties are resolved before all onSwitchIn handlers and aren't re-sorted in-between | |
// so we subtract a fractional speed from each Pokemon's respective event handlers by using the index of their | |
// unique field position in a pre-sorted-by-speed array | |
const fieldPositionValue = pokemon.side.n * this.sides.length + pokemon.position; | |
handler.speed -= this.speedOrder.indexOf(fieldPositionValue) / (this.activePerHalf * 2); | |
} | |
} | |
return handler; | |
} | |
findEventHandlers(target: Pokemon | Pokemon[] | Side | Battle, eventName: string, source?: Pokemon | null) { | |
let handlers: EventListener[] = []; | |
if (Array.isArray(target)) { | |
for (const [i, pokemon] of target.entries()) { | |
// console.log(`Event: ${eventName}, Target: ${pokemon}, ${i}`); | |
const curHandlers = this.findEventHandlers(pokemon, eventName, source); | |
for (const handler of curHandlers) { | | = pokemon; // Original "effectHolder" | |
handler.index = i; | |
} | |
handlers = handlers.concat(curHandlers); | |
} | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
// events usually run through EachEvent should never have any handlers besides `on${eventName}` so don't check for them | |
const prefixedHandlers = !['BeforeTurn', 'Update', 'Weather', 'WeatherChange', 'TerrainChange'].includes(eventName); | |
if (target instanceof Pokemon && (target.isActive || source?.isActive)) { | |
handlers = this.findPokemonEventHandlers(target, `on${eventName}`); | |
if (prefixedHandlers) { | |
for (const allyActive of target.alliesAndSelf()) { | |
handlers.push(...this.findPokemonEventHandlers(allyActive, `onAlly${eventName}`)); | |
handlers.push(...this.findPokemonEventHandlers(allyActive, `onAny${eventName}`)); | |
} | |
for (const foeActive of target.foes()) { | |
handlers.push(...this.findPokemonEventHandlers(foeActive, `onFoe${eventName}`)); | |
handlers.push(...this.findPokemonEventHandlers(foeActive, `onAny${eventName}`)); | |
} | |
} | |
target = target.side; | |
} | |
if (source && prefixedHandlers) { | |
handlers.push(...this.findPokemonEventHandlers(source, `onSource${eventName}`)); | |
} | |
if (target instanceof Side) { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.n >= 2 && side.allySide) break; | |
if (side === target || side === target.allySide) { | |
handlers.push(...this.findSideEventHandlers(side, `on${eventName}`)); | |
} else if (prefixedHandlers) { | |
handlers.push(...this.findSideEventHandlers(side, `onFoe${eventName}`)); | |
} | |
if (prefixedHandlers) handlers.push(...this.findSideEventHandlers(side, `onAny${eventName}`)); | |
} | |
} | |
handlers.push(...this.findFieldEventHandlers(this.field, `on${eventName}`)); | |
handlers.push(...this.findBattleEventHandlers(`on${eventName}`)); | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
findPokemonEventHandlers(pokemon: Pokemon, callbackName: string, getKey?: 'duration') { | |
const handlers: EventListener[] = []; | |
const status = pokemon.getStatus(); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
let callback = status[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pokemon.statusState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: status, callback, state: pokemon.statusState, end: pokemon.clearStatus, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
for (const id in pokemon.volatiles) { | |
const volatileState = pokemon.volatiles[id]; | |
const volatile = this.dex.conditions.getByID(id as ID); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = volatile[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && volatileState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: volatile, callback, state: volatileState, end: pokemon.removeVolatile, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} else if (['ability', 'item'].includes(':')[0])) { | |
// Innate abilities/items; see comment below | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
if (this.gen >= 5 && callbackName === 'onSwitchIn' && !volatile.onAnySwitchIn) { | |
callback = volatile.onStart; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && volatileState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: volatile, callback, state: volatileState, end: pokemon.removeVolatile, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Abilities and items Start at different times during the SwitchIn event, so we run their onStart handlers | |
// during the SwitchIn event instead of running the Start event during switch-ins | |
// gens 4 and before still use the old system, though | |
const ability = pokemon.getAbility(); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = ability[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pokemon.abilityState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: ability, callback, state: pokemon.abilityState, end: pokemon.clearAbility, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
} else if (this.gen >= 5 && callbackName === 'onSwitchIn' && !ability.onAnySwitchIn) { | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = ability.onStart; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pokemon.abilityState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: ability, callback, state: pokemon.abilityState, end: pokemon.clearAbility, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
const item = pokemon.getItem(); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = item[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pokemon.itemState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: item, callback, state: pokemon.itemState, end: pokemon.clearItem, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
} else if (this.gen >= 5 && callbackName === 'onSwitchIn' && !item.onAnySwitchIn) { | |
callback = item.onStart; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pokemon.itemState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: item, callback, state: pokemon.itemState, end: pokemon.clearItem, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
const species = pokemon.baseSpecies; | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = species[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: species, callback, state: pokemon.speciesState, end() {}, effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
const side = pokemon.side; | |
for (const conditionid in side.slotConditions[pokemon.position]) { | |
const slotConditionState = side.slotConditions[pokemon.position][conditionid]; | |
const slotCondition = this.dex.conditions.getByID(conditionid as ID); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = slotCondition[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && slotConditionState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: slotCondition, | |
callback, | |
state: slotConditionState, | |
end: side.removeSlotCondition, | |
endCallArgs: [side, pokemon,], | |
effectHolder: pokemon, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
findBattleEventHandlers(callbackName: string, getKey?: 'duration', customHolder?: Pokemon) { | |
const handlers: EventListener[] = []; | |
let callback; | |
const format = this.format; | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = format[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && this.formatData[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: format, callback, state: this.formatData, end: null, effectHolder: customHolder || this, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
if ( && (callback =[callbackName]) !== undefined) { | |
for (const handler of callback) { | |
const state = ( === 'Format') ? this.formatData : null; | |
handlers.push({ | |
effect:, callback: handler.callback, state, end: null, effectHolder: customHolder || this, | |
priority: handler.priority, order: handler.order, subOrder: handler.subOrder, | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
findFieldEventHandlers(field: Field, callbackName: string, getKey?: 'duration', customHolder?: Pokemon) { | |
const handlers: EventListener[] = []; | |
let callback; | |
for (const id in field.pseudoWeather) { | |
const pseudoWeatherState = field.pseudoWeather[id]; | |
const pseudoWeather = this.dex.conditions.getByID(id as ID); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = pseudoWeather[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && pseudoWeatherState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: pseudoWeather, callback, state: pseudoWeatherState, | |
end: customHolder ? null : field.removePseudoWeather, effectHolder: customHolder || field, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
const weather = field.getWeather(); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = weather[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && this.field.weatherState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: weather, callback, state: this.field.weatherState, | |
end: customHolder ? null : field.clearWeather, effectHolder: customHolder || field, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
const terrain = field.getTerrain(); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
callback = terrain[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && field.terrainState[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: terrain, callback, state: field.terrainState, | |
end: customHolder ? null : field.clearTerrain, effectHolder: customHolder || field, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
findSideEventHandlers(side: Side, callbackName: string, getKey?: 'duration', customHolder?: Pokemon) { | |
const handlers: EventListener[] = []; | |
for (const id in side.sideConditions) { | |
const sideConditionData = side.sideConditions[id]; | |
const sideCondition = this.dex.conditions.getByID(id as ID); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
const callback = sideCondition[callbackName]; | |
if (callback !== undefined || (getKey && sideConditionData[getKey])) { | |
handlers.push(this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: sideCondition, callback, state: sideConditionData, | |
end: customHolder ? null : side.removeSideCondition, effectHolder: customHolder || side, | |
}, callbackName)); | |
} | |
} | |
return handlers; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Use this function to attach custom event handlers to a battle. See Battle#runEvent for | |
* more information on how to write callbacks for event handlers. | |
* | |
* Try to use this sparingly. Most event handlers can be simply placed in a format instead. | |
* | |
* this.onEvent(eventid, target, callback) | |
* will set the callback as an event handler for the target when eventid is called with the | |
* default priority. Currently only valid formats are supported as targets but this will | |
* eventually be expanded to support other target types. | |
* | |
* this.onEvent(eventid, target, priority, callback) | |
* will set the callback as an event handler for the target when eventid is called with the | |
* provided priority. Priority can either be a number or an object that contains the priority, | |
* order, and subOrder for the event handler as needed (undefined keys will use default values) | |
*/ | |
onEvent(eventid: string, target: Format, AnyObject[]) { // rest = [priority, callback] | |
if (!eventid) throw new TypeError("Event handlers must have an event to listen to"); | |
if (!target) throw new TypeError("Event handlers must have a target"); | |
if (!rest.length) throw new TypeError("Event handlers must have a callback"); | |
if (target.effectType !== 'Format') { | |
throw new TypeError(`${} is a ${target.effectType} but only Format targets are supported right now`); | |
} | |
let callback, priority, order, subOrder, data; | |
if (rest.length === 1) { | |
[callback] = rest; | |
priority = 0; | |
order = false; | |
subOrder = 0; | |
} else { | |
[data, callback] = rest; | |
if (typeof data === 'object') { | |
priority = data['priority'] || 0; | |
order = data['order'] || false; | |
subOrder = data['subOrder'] || 0; | |
} else { | |
priority = data || 0; | |
order = false; | |
subOrder = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
const eventHandler = { callback, target, priority, order, subOrder }; | |
if (! = {}; | |
const callbackName = `on${eventid}`; | |
const eventHandlers =[callbackName]; | |
if (eventHandlers === undefined) { | |[callbackName] = [eventHandler]; | |
} else { | |
eventHandlers.push(eventHandler); | |
} | |
} | |
checkMoveMakesContact(move: ActiveMove, attacker: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon, announcePads = false) { | |
if (move.flags['contact'] && attacker.hasItem('protectivepads')) { | |
if (announcePads) { | |
this.add('-activate', defender, this.effect.fullname); | |
this.add('-activate', attacker, 'item: Protective Pads'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
return !!move.flags['contact']; | |
} | |
getPokemon(fullname: string | Pokemon) { | |
if (typeof fullname !== 'string') fullname = fullname.fullname; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const pokemon of side.pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.fullname === fullname) return pokemon; | |
} | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
getAllPokemon() { | |
const pokemonList: Pokemon[] = []; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
pokemonList.push(...side.pokemon); | |
} | |
return pokemonList; | |
} | |
getAllActive(includeFainted?: boolean) { | |
const pokemonList: Pokemon[] = []; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
if (pokemon && (includeFainted || !pokemon.fainted)) { | |
pokemonList.push(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return pokemonList; | |
} | |
makeRequest(type?: RequestState) { | |
if (type) { | |
this.requestState = type; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
side.clearChoice(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
type = this.requestState; | |
} | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
side.activeRequest = null; | |
} | |
if (type === 'teampreview') { | |
// `pickedTeamSize = 6` means the format wants the user to select | |
// the entire team order, unlike `pickedTeamSize = undefined` which | |
// will only ask the user to select their lead(s). | |
const pickedTeamSize = this.ruleTable.pickedTeamSize; | |
this.add(`teampreview${pickedTeamSize ? `|${pickedTeamSize}` : ''}`); | |
} | |
const requests = this.getRequests(type); | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
this.sides[i].emitRequest(requests[i]); | |
} | |
if (this.sides.every(side => side.isChoiceDone())) { | |
throw new Error(`Choices are done immediately after a request`); | |
} | |
} | |
clearRequest() { | |
this.requestState = ''; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
side.activeRequest = null; | |
side.clearChoice(); | |
} | |
} | |
getRequests(type: RequestState) { | |
// default to no request | |
const requests: ChoiceRequest[] = Array(this.sides.length).fill(null); | |
switch (type) { | |
case 'switch': | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
const side = this.sides[i]; | |
if (!side.pokemonLeft) continue; | |
const switchTable = => !!pokemon?.switchFlag); | |
if (switchTable.some(Boolean)) { | |
requests[i] = { forceSwitch: switchTable, side: side.getRequestData() }; | |
} | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'teampreview': | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
const side = this.sides[i]; | |
const maxChosenTeamSize = this.ruleTable.pickedTeamSize || undefined; | |
requests[i] = { teamPreview: true, maxChosenTeamSize, side: side.getRequestData() }; | |
} | |
break; | |
default: | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
const side = this.sides[i]; | |
if (!side.pokemonLeft) continue; | |
const activeData = => pokemon?.getMoveRequestData()); | |
requests[i] = { active: activeData, side: side.getRequestData() }; | |
if (side.allySide) { | |
(requests[i] as MoveRequest).ally = side.allySide.getRequestData(true); | |
} | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
const multipleRequestsExist = requests.filter(Boolean).length >= 2; | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
if (requests[i]) { | |
if (!this.supportCancel || !multipleRequestsExist) requests[i].noCancel = true; | |
} else { | |
requests[i] = { wait: true, side: this.sides[i].getRequestData() }; | |
} | |
} | |
return requests; | |
} | |
tiebreak() { | |
if (this.ended) return false; | |
this.inputLog.push(`>tiebreak`); | |
this.add('message', "Time's up! Going to tiebreaker..."); | |
const notFainted = => ( | |
side.pokemon.filter(pokemon => !pokemon.fainted).length | |
)); | |
this.add('-message',, i) => ( | |
`${}: ${notFainted[i]} Pokemon left` | |
)).join('; ')); | |
const maxNotFainted = Math.max(...notFainted); | |
let tiedSides = this.sides.filter((side, i) => notFainted[i] === maxNotFainted); | |
if (tiedSides.length <= 1) { | |
return[0]); | |
} | |
const hpPercentage = => ( | | => pokemon.hp / pokemon.maxhp).reduce((a, b) => a + b) * 100 / 6 | |
)); | |
this.add('-message',, i) => ( | |
`${}: ${Math.round(hpPercentage[i])}% total HP left` | |
)).join('; ')); | |
const maxPercentage = Math.max(...hpPercentage); | |
tiedSides = tiedSides.filter((side, i) => hpPercentage[i] === maxPercentage); | |
if (tiedSides.length <= 1) { | |
return[0]); | |
} | |
const hpTotal = => ( | | => pokemon.hp).reduce((a, b) => a + b) | |
)); | |
this.add('-message',, i) => ( | |
`${}: ${Math.round(hpTotal[i])} total HP left` | |
)).join('; ')); | |
const maxTotal = Math.max(...hpTotal); | |
tiedSides = tiedSides.filter((side, i) => hpTotal[i] === maxTotal); | |
if (tiedSides.length <= 1) { | |
return[0]); | |
} | |
return this.tie(); | |
} | |
forceWin(side: SideID | null = null) { | |
if (this.ended) return false; | |
this.inputLog.push(side ? `>forcewin ${side}` : `>forcetie`); | |
return; | |
} | |
tie() { | |
return; | |
} | |
win(side?: SideID | '' | Side | null) { | |
if (this.ended) return false; | |
if (side && typeof side === 'string') { | |
side = this.getSide(side); | |
} else if (!side || !this.sides.includes(side)) { | |
side = null; | |
} | |
this.winner = side ? : ''; | |
this.add(''); | |
if (side?.allySide) { | |
this.add('win', + ' & ' +; | |
} else if (side) { | |
this.add('win',; | |
} else { | |
this.add('tie'); | |
} | |
this.ended = true; | |
this.requestState = ''; | |
for (const s of this.sides) { | |
if (s) s.activeRequest = null; | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
lose(side: SideID | Side) { | |
if (typeof side === 'string') { | |
side = this.getSide(side); | |
} | |
if (!side) return; // can happen if a battle crashes | |
if (this.gameType !== 'freeforall') { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!side.pokemonLeft) return; | |
side.pokemonLeft = 0; | |[0]?.faint(); | |
this.faintMessages(false, true); | |
if (!this.ended && side.requestState) { | |
side.emitRequest({ wait: true, side: side.getRequestData() }); | |
side.clearChoice(); | |
if (this.allChoicesDone()) this.commitChoices(); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
canSwitch(side: Side) { | |
return this.possibleSwitches(side).length; | |
} | |
getRandomSwitchable(side: Side) { | |
const canSwitchIn = this.possibleSwitches(side); | |
return canSwitchIn.length ? this.sample(canSwitchIn) : null; | |
} | |
private possibleSwitches(side: Side) { | |
if (!side.pokemonLeft) return []; | |
const canSwitchIn = []; | |
for (let i =; i < side.pokemon.length; i++) { | |
const pokemon = side.pokemon[i]; | |
if (!pokemon.fainted) { | |
canSwitchIn.push(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
return canSwitchIn; | |
} | |
swapPosition(pokemon: Pokemon, newPosition: number, attributes?: string) { | |
if (newPosition >= { | |
throw new Error("Invalid swap position"); | |
} | |
const target =[newPosition]; | |
if (newPosition !== 1 && (!target || target.fainted)) return false; | |
this.add('swap', pokemon, newPosition, attributes || ''); | |
const side = pokemon.side; | |
side.pokemon[pokemon.position] = target; | |
side.pokemon[newPosition] = pokemon; | |[pokemon.position] = side.pokemon[pokemon.position]; | |[newPosition] = side.pokemon[newPosition]; | |
if (target) target.position = pokemon.position; | |
pokemon.position = newPosition; | |
this.runEvent('Swap', target, pokemon); | |
this.runEvent('Swap', pokemon, target); | |
return true; | |
} | |
getAtSlot(slot: PokemonSlot): Pokemon; | |
getAtSlot(slot: PokemonSlot | null): Pokemon | null; | |
getAtSlot(slot: PokemonSlot | null) { | |
if (!slot) return null; | |
const side = this.sides[slot.charCodeAt(1) - 49]; // 49 is '1' | |
const position = slot.charCodeAt(2) - 97; // 97 is 'a' | |
const positionOffset = Math.floor(side.n / 2) *; | |
return[position - positionOffset]; | |
} | |
faint(pokemon: Pokemon, source?: Pokemon, effect?: Effect) { | |
pokemon.faint(source, effect); | |
} | |
endTurn() { | |
this.turn++; | |
this.lastSuccessfulMoveThisTurn = null; | |
const dynamaxEnding: Pokemon[] = []; | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['dynamax']?.turns === 3) { | |
dynamaxEnding.push(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
if (dynamaxEnding.length > 1) { | |
this.updateSpeed(); | |
this.speedSort(dynamaxEnding); | |
} | |
for (const pokemon of dynamaxEnding) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('dynamax'); | |
} | |
// Gen 1 partial trapping ends when either Pokemon or a switch in faints to residual damage | |
if (this.gen === 1) { | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']) { | |
const target = pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].locked; | |
if (target.hp <= 0 || !target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']; | |
} | |
} | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
const source = pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].source; | |
if (source.hp <= 0 || !source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped']; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
const trappedBySide: boolean[] = []; | |
const stalenessBySide: ('internal' | 'external' | undefined)[] = []; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
let sideTrapped = true; | |
let sideStaleness: 'internal' | 'external' | undefined; | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
if (!pokemon) continue; | |
pokemon.moveThisTurn = ''; | |
pokemon.newlySwitched = false; | |
pokemon.moveLastTurnResult = pokemon.moveThisTurnResult; | |
pokemon.moveThisTurnResult = undefined; | |
if (this.turn !== 1) { | |
pokemon.usedItemThisTurn = false; | |
pokemon.statsRaisedThisTurn = false; | |
pokemon.statsLoweredThisTurn = false; | |
// It shouldn't be possible in a normal battle for a Pokemon to be damaged before turn 1's move selection | |
// However, this could be potentially relevant in certain OMs | |
pokemon.hurtThisTurn = null; | |
} | |
pokemon.maybeDisabled = false; | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
moveSlot.disabled = false; | |
moveSlot.disabledSource = ''; | |
} | |
this.runEvent('DisableMove', pokemon); | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
const activeMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
this.singleEvent('DisableMove', activeMove, null, pokemon); | |
if (activeMove.flags['cantusetwice'] && pokemon.lastMove?.id === { | |
pokemon.disableMove(; | |
} | |
} | |
// If it was an illusion, it's not any more | |
if (pokemon.getLastAttackedBy() && this.gen >= 7) pokemon.knownType = true; | |
for (let i = pokemon.attackedBy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const attack = pokemon.attackedBy[i]; | |
if (attack.source.isActive) { | |
attack.thisTurn = false; | |
} else { | |
pokemon.attackedBy.splice(pokemon.attackedBy.indexOf(attack), 1); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen >= 7 && !pokemon.terastallized) { | |
// In Gen 7, the real type of every Pokemon is visible to all players via the bottom screen while making choices | |
const seenPokemon = pokemon.illusion || pokemon; | |
const realTypeString = seenPokemon.getTypes(true).join('/'); | |
if (realTypeString !== seenPokemon.apparentType) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typechange', realTypeString, '[silent]'); | |
seenPokemon.apparentType = realTypeString; | |
if (pokemon.addedType) { | |
// The typechange message removes the added type, so put it back | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typeadd', pokemon.addedType, '[silent]'); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
pokemon.trapped = pokemon.maybeTrapped = false; | |
this.runEvent('TrapPokemon', pokemon); | |
if (!pokemon.knownType || this.dex.getImmunity('trapped', pokemon)) { | |
this.runEvent('MaybeTrapPokemon', pokemon); | |
} | |
// canceling switches would leak information | |
// if a foe might have a trapping ability | |
if (this.gen > 2) { | |
for (const source of pokemon.foes()) { | |
const species = (source.illusion || source).species; | |
if (!species.abilities) continue; | |
for (const abilitySlot in species.abilities) { | |
const abilityName = species.abilities[abilitySlot as keyof Species['abilities']]; | |
if (abilityName === source.ability) { | |
// pokemon event was already run above so we don't need | |
// to run it again. | |
continue; | |
} | |
const ruleTable = this.ruleTable; | |
if ((ruleTable.has('+hackmons') || !ruleTable.has('obtainableabilities')) && ! { | |
// hackmons format | |
continue; | |
} else if (abilitySlot === 'H' && species.unreleasedHidden) { | |
// unreleased hidden ability | |
continue; | |
} | |
const ability = this.dex.abilities.get(abilityName); | |
if (ruleTable.has('-ability:' + continue; | |
if (pokemon.knownType && !this.dex.getImmunity('trapped', pokemon)) continue; | |
this.singleEvent('FoeMaybeTrapPokemon', ability, {}, pokemon, source); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (pokemon.fainted) continue; | |
sideTrapped = sideTrapped && pokemon.trapped; | |
const staleness = pokemon.volatileStaleness || pokemon.staleness; | |
if (staleness) sideStaleness = sideStaleness === 'external' ? sideStaleness : staleness; | |
pokemon.activeTurns++; | |
} | |
trappedBySide.push(sideTrapped); | |
stalenessBySide.push(sideStaleness); | |
side.faintedLastTurn = side.faintedThisTurn; | |
side.faintedThisTurn = null; | |
} | |
if (this.maybeTriggerEndlessBattleClause(trappedBySide, stalenessBySide)) return; | |
if (this.gameType === 'triples' && this.sides.every(side => side.pokemonLeft === 1)) { | |
// If both sides have one Pokemon left in triples and they are not adjacent, they are both moved to the center. | |
const actives = this.getAllActive(); | |
if (actives.length > 1 && !actives[0].isAdjacent(actives[1])) { | |
this.swapPosition(actives[0], 1, '[silent]'); | |
this.swapPosition(actives[1], 1, '[silent]'); | |
this.add('-center'); | |
} | |
} | |
this.add('turn', this.turn); | |
if (this.gameType === 'multi') { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.canDynamaxNow()) { | |
if (this.turn === 1) { | |
this.addSplit(, ['-candynamax',]); | |
} else { | |
this.add('-candynamax',; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen === 2) this.quickClawRoll = this.randomChance(60, 256); | |
if (this.gen === 3) this.quickClawRoll = this.randomChance(1, 5); | |
this.makeRequest('move'); | |
} | |
maybeTriggerEndlessBattleClause( | |
trappedBySide: boolean[], stalenessBySide: ('internal' | 'external' | undefined)[] | |
) { | |
// Gen 1 Endless Battle Clause triggers | |
// These are checked before the 100 turn minimum as the battle cannot progress if they are true | |
if (this.gen <= 1) { | |
const noProgressPossible = this.sides.every(side => { | |
const foeAllGhosts = side.foe.pokemon.every(pokemon => pokemon.fainted || pokemon.hasType('Ghost')); | |
const foeAllTransform = side.foe.pokemon.every(pokemon => ( | |
pokemon.fainted || | |
// true if transforming into this pokemon would lead to an endless battle | |
// Transform will fail (depleting PP) if used against Ditto in Stadium 1 | |
(this.dex.currentMod !== 'gen1stadium' || !== 'ditto') && | |
// there are some subtleties such as a Mew with only Transform and auto-fail moves, | |
// but it's unlikely to come up in a real game so there's no need to handle it | |
pokemon.moves.every(moveid => moveid === 'transform') | |
)); | |
return side.pokemon.every(pokemon => ( | |
pokemon.fainted || | |
// frozen pokemon can't thaw in gen 1 without outside help | |
pokemon.status === 'frz' || | |
// a pokemon can't lose PP if it Transforms into a pokemon with only Transform | |
(pokemon.moves.every(moveid => moveid === 'transform') && foeAllTransform) || | |
// Struggle can't damage yourself if every foe is a Ghost | |
(pokemon.moveSlots.every(slot => slot.pp === 0) && foeAllGhosts) | |
)); | |
}); | |
if (noProgressPossible) { | |
this.add('-message', `This battle cannot progress. Endless Battle Clause activated!`); | |
return this.tie(); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.turn <= 100) return; | |
// the turn limit is not a part of Endless Battle Clause | |
if (this.turn >= 1000) { | |
this.add('message', `It is turn 1000. You have hit the turn limit!`); | |
this.tie(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
if ( | |
(this.turn >= 500 && this.turn % 100 === 0) || // every 100 turns past turn 500, | |
(this.turn >= 900 && this.turn % 10 === 0) || // every 10 turns past turn 900, | |
this.turn >= 990 // every turn past turn 990 | |
) { | |
const turnsLeft = 1000 - this.turn; | |
const turnsLeftText = (turnsLeft === 1 ? `1 turn` : `${turnsLeft} turns`); | |
this.add('bigerror', `You will auto-tie if the battle doesn't end in ${turnsLeftText} (on turn 1000).`); | |
} | |
if (!this.ruleTable.has('endlessbattleclause')) return; | |
// for now, FFA doesn't support Endless Battle Clause | |
if (this.format.gameType === 'freeforall') return; | |
// Are all Pokemon on every side stale, with at least one side containing an externally stale Pokemon? | |
if (!stalenessBySide.every(s => !!s) || !stalenessBySide.some(s => s === 'external')) return; | |
// Can both sides switch to a non-stale Pokemon? | |
const canSwitch = []; | |
for (const [i, trapped] of trappedBySide.entries()) { | |
canSwitch[i] = false; | |
if (trapped) break; | |
const side = this.sides[i]; | |
for (const pokemon of side.pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.fainted && !(pokemon.volatileStaleness || pokemon.staleness)) { | |
canSwitch[i] = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (canSwitch.every(s => s)) return; | |
// Endless Battle Clause activates - we determine the winner by looking at each side's sets. | |
const losers: Side[] = []; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
let berry = false; // Restorative Berry | |
let cycle = false; // Harvest or Recycle | |
for (const pokemon of side.pokemon) { | |
berry = RESTORATIVE_BERRIES.has(toID(pokemon.set.item)); | |
if (['harvest', 'pickup'].includes(toID(pokemon.set.ability)) || | |'recycle' as ID)) { | |
cycle = true; | |
} | |
if (berry && cycle) break; | |
} | |
if (berry && cycle) losers.push(side); | |
} | |
if (losers.length === 1) { | |
const loser = losers[0]; | |
this.add('-message', `${}'s team started with the rudimentary means to perform restorative berry-cycling and thus loses.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (losers.length === this.sides.length) { | |
this.add('-message', `Each side's team started with the rudimentary means to perform restorative berry-cycling.`); | |
} | |
return this.tie(); | |
} | |
start() { | |
// Deserialized games should use restart() | |
if (this.deserialized) return; | |
// need all players to start | |
if (!this.sides.every(side => !!side)) throw new Error(`Missing sides: ${this.sides}`); | |
if (this.started) throw new Error(`Battle already started`); | |
const format = this.format; | |
this.started = true; | |
if (this.gameType === 'multi') { | |
this.sides[1].foe = this.sides[2]!; | |
this.sides[0].foe = this.sides[3]!; | |
this.sides[2]!.foe = this.sides[1]; | |
this.sides[3]!.foe = this.sides[0]; | |
this.sides[1].allySide = this.sides[3]!; | |
this.sides[0].allySide = this.sides[2]!; | |
this.sides[2]!.allySide = this.sides[0]; | |
this.sides[3]!.allySide = this.sides[1]; | |
// sync side conditions | |
this.sides[2]!.sideConditions = this.sides[0].sideConditions; | |
this.sides[3]!.sideConditions = this.sides[1].sideConditions; | |
} else { | |
this.sides[1].foe = this.sides[0]; | |
this.sides[0].foe = this.sides[1]; | |
if (this.sides.length > 2) { // ffa | |
this.sides[2]!.foe = this.sides[3]!; | |
this.sides[3]!.foe = this.sides[2]!; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
this.add('teamsize',, side.pokemon.length); | |
} | |
this.add('gen', this.gen); | |
this.add('tier',; | |
if (this.rated) { | |
if (this.rated === 'Rated battle') this.rated = true; | |
this.add('rated', typeof this.rated === 'string' ? this.rated : ''); | |
} | |
format.onBegin?.call(this); | |
for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { | |
if ('+*-!'.includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; | |
const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); | |
subFormat.onBegin?.call(this); | |
} | |
if (this.sides.some(side => !side.pokemon[0])) { | |
throw new Error('Battle not started: A player has an empty team.'); | |
} | |
if (this.debugMode) { | |
this.checkEVBalance(); | |
} | |
format.onTeamPreview?.call(this); | |
for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { | |
if ('+*-!'.includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; | |
const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); | |
subFormat.onTeamPreview?.call(this); | |
} | |
this.queue.addChoice({ choice: 'start' }); | |
this.midTurn = true; | |
if (!this.requestState) this.turnLoop(); | |
} | |
restart(send?: (type: string, data: string | string[]) => void) { | |
if (!this.deserialized) throw new Error('Attempt to restart a battle which has not been deserialized'); | |
(this as any).send = send; | |
} | |
checkEVBalance() { | |
let limitedEVs: boolean | null = null; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
const sideLimitedEVs = !side.pokemon.some( | |
pokemon => Object.values(pokemon.set.evs).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) > 510 | |
); | |
if (limitedEVs === null) { | |
limitedEVs = sideLimitedEVs; | |
} else if (limitedEVs !== sideLimitedEVs) { | |
this.add('bigerror', "Warning: One player isn't adhering to a 510 EV limit, and the other player is."); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
boost( | |
boost: SparseBoostsTable, target: Pokemon | null = null, source: Pokemon | null = null, | |
effect: Effect | null = null, isSecondary = false, isSelf = false | |
) { | |
if (this.event) { | |
target ||=; | |
source ||= this.event.source; | |
effect ||= this.effect; | |
} | |
if (!target?.hp) return 0; | |
if (!target.isActive) return false; | |
if (this.gen > 5 && !target.side.foePokemonLeft()) return false; | |
boost = this.runEvent('ChangeBoost', target, source, effect, { ...boost }); | |
boost = target.getCappedBoost(boost); | |
boost = this.runEvent('TryBoost', target, source, effect, { ...boost }); | |
let success = null; | |
let boosted = isSecondary; | |
let boostName: BoostID; | |
for (boostName in boost) { | |
const currentBoost: SparseBoostsTable = { | |
[boostName]: boost[boostName], | |
}; | |
let boostBy = target.boostBy(currentBoost); | |
let msg = '-boost'; | |
if (boost[boostName]! < 0 || target.boosts[boostName] === -6) { | |
msg = '-unboost'; | |
boostBy = -boostBy; | |
} | |
if (boostBy) { | |
success = true; | |
switch (effect?.id) { | |
case 'bellydrum': case 'angerpoint': | |
this.add('-setboost', target, 'atk', target.boosts['atk'], '[from] ' + effect.fullname); | |
break; | |
case 'bellydrum2': | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy, '[silent]'); | |
this.hint("In Gen 2, Belly Drum boosts by 2 when it fails."); | |
break; | |
case 'zpower': | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy, '[zeffect]'); | |
break; | |
default: | |
if (!effect) break; | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Move') { | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy); | |
} else if (effect.effectType === 'Item') { | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy, '[from] item: ' +; | |
} else { | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Ability' && !boosted) { | |
this.add('-ability', target,, 'boost'); | |
boosted = true; | |
} | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy); | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
this.runEvent('AfterEachBoost', target, source, effect, currentBoost); | |
} else if (effect?.effectType === 'Ability') { | |
if (isSecondary || isSelf) this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy); | |
} else if (!isSecondary && !isSelf) { | |
this.add(msg, target, boostName, boostBy); | |
} | |
} | |
this.runEvent('AfterBoost', target, source, effect, boost); | |
if (success) { | |
if (Object.values(boost).some(x => x > 0)) target.statsRaisedThisTurn = true; | |
if (Object.values(boost).some(x => x < 0)) target.statsLoweredThisTurn = true; | |
} | |
return success; | |
} | |
spreadDamage( | |
damage: SpreadMoveDamage, targetArray: (false | Pokemon | null)[] | null = null, | |
source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: 'drain' | 'recoil' | Effect | null = null, instafaint = false | |
) { | |
if (!targetArray) return [0]; | |
const retVals: (number | false | undefined)[] = []; | |
if (typeof effect === 'string' || !effect) effect = this.dex.conditions.getByID((effect || '') as ID); | |
for (const [i, curDamage] of damage.entries()) { | |
const target = targetArray[i]; | |
let targetDamage = curDamage; | |
if (!(targetDamage || targetDamage === 0)) { | |
retVals[i] = targetDamage; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!target || !target.hp) { | |
retVals[i] = 0; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!target.isActive) { | |
retVals[i] = false; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (targetDamage !== 0) targetDamage = this.clampIntRange(targetDamage, 1); | |
if ( !== 'struggle-recoil') { // Struggle recoil is not affected by effects | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Weather' && !target.runStatusImmunity( { | |
this.debug('weather immunity'); | |
retVals[i] = 0; | |
continue; | |
} | |
targetDamage = this.runEvent('Damage', target, source, effect, targetDamage, true); | |
if (!(targetDamage || targetDamage === 0)) { | |
this.debug('damage event failed'); | |
retVals[i] = curDamage === true ? undefined : targetDamage; | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
if (targetDamage !== 0) targetDamage = this.clampIntRange(targetDamage, 1); | |
if (this.gen <= 1) { | |
if (this.dex.currentMod === 'gen1stadium' || | |
!['recoil', 'drain', 'leechseed'].includes( && effect.effectType !== 'Status') { | |
this.lastDamage = targetDamage; | |
} | |
} | |
retVals[i] = targetDamage = target.damage(targetDamage, source, effect); | |
if (targetDamage !== 0) target.hurtThisTurn = target.hp; | |
if (source && effect.effectType === 'Move') source.lastDamage = targetDamage; | |
const name = effect.fullname === 'tox' ? 'psn' : effect.fullname; | |
switch ( { | |
case 'partiallytrapped': | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, '[from] ' + this.effectState.sourceEffect.fullname, '[partiallytrapped]'); | |
break; | |
case 'powder': | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, '[silent]'); | |
break; | |
case 'confused': | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, '[from] confusion'); | |
break; | |
default: | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Move' || !name) { | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth); | |
} else if (source && (source !== target || effect.effectType === 'Ability')) { | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, `[from] ${name}`, `[of] ${source}`); | |
} else { | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, `[from] ${name}`); | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
if (targetDamage && effect.effectType === 'Move') { | |
if (this.gen <= 1 && effect.recoil && source) { | |
if (this.dex.currentMod !== 'gen1stadium' || target.hp > 0) { | |
const amount = this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(targetDamage * effect.recoil[0] / effect.recoil[1]), 1); | |
this.damage(amount, source, target, 'recoil'); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen <= 4 && effect.drain && source) { | |
const amount = this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(targetDamage * effect.drain[0] / effect.drain[1]), 1); | |
// Draining can be countered in gen 1 | |
if (this.gen <= 1) this.lastDamage = amount; | |
this.heal(amount, source, target, 'drain'); | |
} | |
if (this.gen > 4 && effect.drain && source) { | |
const amount = Math.round(targetDamage * effect.drain[0] / effect.drain[1]); | |
this.heal(amount, source, target, 'drain'); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (instafaint) { | |
for (const [i, target] of targetArray.entries()) { | |
if (!retVals[i] || !target) continue; | |
if (target.hp <= 0) { | |
this.debug(`instafaint: ${ =>}`); | |
this.faintMessages(true); | |
if (this.gen <= 2) { | |
target.faint(); | |
if (this.gen <= 1) { | |
this.queue.clear(); | |
// Fainting clears accumulated Bide damage | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['bide']?.damage) { | |
pokemon.volatiles['bide'].damage = 0; | |
this.hint("Desync Clause Mod activated!"); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, Bide's accumulated damage is reset to 0 when a Pokemon faints."); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return retVals; | |
} | |
damage( | |
damage: number, target: Pokemon | null = null, source: Pokemon | null = null, | |
effect: 'drain' | 'recoil' | Effect | null = null, instafaint = false | |
) { | |
if (this.event) { | |
target ||=; | |
source ||= this.event.source; | |
effect ||= this.effect; | |
} | |
return this.spreadDamage([damage], [target], source, effect, instafaint)[0]; | |
} | |
directDamage(damage: number, target?: Pokemon, source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: Effect | null = null) { | |
if (this.event) { | |
target ||=; | |
source ||= this.event.source; | |
effect ||= this.effect; | |
} | |
if (!target?.hp) return 0; | |
if (!damage) return 0; | |
damage = this.clampIntRange(damage, 1); | |
if (typeof effect === 'string' || !effect) effect = this.dex.conditions.getByID((effect || '') as ID); | |
// In Gen 1 BUT NOT STADIUM, Substitute also takes confusion and HJK recoil damage | |
if (this.gen <= 1 && this.dex.currentMod !== 'gen1stadium' && | |
['confusion', 'jumpkick', 'highjumpkick'].includes( { | |
// Confusion and recoil damage can be countered | |
this.lastDamage = damage; | |
if (target.volatiles['substitute']) { | |
const hint = "In Gen 1, if a Pokemon with a Substitute hurts itself due to confusion or Jump Kick/Hi Jump Kick recoil and the target"; | |
// if the move was a self-targeting move, the source is the same as the target. We need to check the opposing substitute | |
const foe =[0]; | |
if (foe?.volatiles['substitute']) { | |
foe.volatiles['substitute'].hp -= damage; | |
if (foe.volatiles['substitute'].hp <= 0) { | |
foe.removeVolatile('substitute'); | |
foe.subFainted = true; | |
} else { | |
this.add('-activate', foe, 'Substitute', '[damage]'); | |
} | |
this.hint(hint + " has a Substitute, the target's Substitute takes the damage."); | |
return damage; | |
} else { | |
this.hint(hint + " does not have a Substitute there is no damage dealt."); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
damage = target.damage(damage, source, effect); | |
switch ( { | |
case 'strugglerecoil': | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, '[from] recoil'); | |
break; | |
case 'confusion': | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth, '[from] confusion'); | |
break; | |
default: | |
this.add('-damage', target, target.getHealth); | |
break; | |
} | |
if (target.fainted) this.faint(target); | |
return damage; | |
} | |
heal(damage: number, target?: Pokemon, source: Pokemon | null = null, effect: 'drain' | Effect | null = null) { | |
if (this.event) { | |
target ||=; | |
source ||= this.event.source; | |
effect ||= this.effect; | |
} | |
if (effect === 'drain') effect = this.dex.conditions.getByID(effect as ID); | |
if (damage && damage <= 1) damage = 1; | |
damage = this.trunc(damage); | |
// for things like Liquid Ooze, the Heal event still happens when nothing is healed. | |
damage = this.runEvent('TryHeal', target, source, effect, damage); | |
if (!damage) return damage; | |
if (!target?.hp) return false; | |
if (!target.isActive) return false; | |
if (target.hp >= target.maxhp) return false; | |
const finalDamage = target.heal(damage, source, effect); | |
switch (effect?.id) { | |
case 'leechseed': | |
case 'rest': | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth, '[silent]'); | |
break; | |
case 'drain': | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth, '[from] drain', `[of] ${source}`); | |
break; | |
case 'wish': | |
break; | |
case 'zpower': | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth, '[zeffect]'); | |
break; | |
default: | |
if (!effect) break; | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Move') { | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth); | |
} else if (source && source !== target) { | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth, `[from] ${effect.fullname}`, `[of] ${source}`); | |
} else { | |
this.add('-heal', target, target.getHealth, `[from] ${effect.fullname}`); | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
this.runEvent('Heal', target, source, effect, finalDamage); | |
return finalDamage; | |
} | |
chain(previousMod: number | number[], nextMod: number | number[]) { | |
// previousMod or nextMod can be either a number or an array [numerator, denominator] | |
if (Array.isArray(previousMod)) { | |
previousMod = this.trunc(previousMod[0] * 4096 / previousMod[1]); | |
} else { | |
previousMod = this.trunc(previousMod * 4096); | |
} | |
if (Array.isArray(nextMod)) { | |
nextMod = this.trunc(nextMod[0] * 4096 / nextMod[1]); | |
} else { | |
nextMod = this.trunc(nextMod * 4096); | |
} | |
return ((previousMod * nextMod + 2048) >> 12) / 4096; // M'' = ((M * M') + 0x800) >> 12 | |
} | |
chainModify(numerator: number | number[], denominator = 1) { | |
const previousMod = this.trunc(this.event.modifier * 4096); | |
if (Array.isArray(numerator)) { | |
denominator = numerator[1]; | |
numerator = numerator[0]; | |
} | |
const nextMod = this.trunc(numerator * 4096 / denominator); | |
this.event.modifier = ((previousMod * nextMod + 2048) >> 12) / 4096; | |
} | |
modify(value: number, numerator: number | number[], denominator = 1) { | |
// You can also use: | |
// modify(value, [numerator, denominator]) | |
// modify(value, fraction) - assuming you trust JavaScript's floating-point handler | |
if (Array.isArray(numerator)) { | |
denominator = numerator[1]; | |
numerator = numerator[0]; | |
} | |
const tr = this.trunc; | |
const modifier = tr(numerator * 4096 / denominator); | |
return tr((tr(value * modifier) + 2048 - 1) / 4096); | |
} | |
/** Given a table of base stats and a pokemon set, return the actual stats. */ | |
spreadModify(baseStats: StatsTable, set: PokemonSet): StatsTable { | |
const modStats: SparseStatsTable = { atk: 10, def: 10, spa: 10, spd: 10, spe: 10 }; | |
const tr = this.trunc; | |
let statName: keyof StatsTable; | |
for (statName in modStats) { | |
const stat = baseStats[statName]; | |
modStats[statName] = tr(tr(2 * stat + set.ivs[statName] + tr(set.evs[statName] / 4)) * set.level / 100 + 5); | |
} | |
if ('hp' in baseStats) { | |
const stat = baseStats['hp']; | |
modStats['hp'] = tr(tr(2 * stat + set.ivs['hp'] + tr(set.evs['hp'] / 4) + 100) * set.level / 100 + 10); | |
} | |
return this.natureModify(modStats as StatsTable, set); | |
} | |
natureModify(stats: StatsTable, set: PokemonSet): StatsTable { | |
// Natures are calculated with 16-bit truncation. | |
// This only affects Eternatus-Eternamax in Pure Hackmons. | |
const tr = this.trunc; | |
const nature = this.dex.natures.get(set.nature); | |
let s: StatIDExceptHP; | |
if ( { | |
s =; | |
const stat = this.ruleTable.has('overflowstatmod') ? Math.min(stats[s], 595) : stats[s]; | |
stats[s] = tr(tr(stat * 110, 16) / 100); | |
} | |
if (nature.minus) { | |
s = nature.minus; | |
const stat = this.ruleTable.has('overflowstatmod') ? Math.min(stats[s], 728) : stats[s]; | |
stats[s] = tr(tr(stat * 90, 16) / 100); | |
} | |
return stats; | |
} | |
finalModify(relayVar: number) { | |
relayVar = this.modify(relayVar, this.event.modifier); | |
this.event.modifier = 1; | |
return relayVar; | |
} | |
getCategory(move: string | Move) { | |
return this.dex.moves.get(move).category || 'Physical'; | |
} | |
randomizer(baseDamage: number) { | |
const tr = this.trunc; | |
return tr(tr(baseDamage * (100 - this.random(16))) / 100); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns whether a proposed target for a move is valid. | |
*/ | |
validTargetLoc(targetLoc: number, source: Pokemon, targetType: string) { | |
if (targetLoc === 0) return true; | |
const numSlots = this.activePerHalf; | |
const sourceLoc = source.getLocOf(source); | |
if (Math.abs(targetLoc) > numSlots) return false; | |
const isSelf = (sourceLoc === targetLoc); | |
const isFoe = (this.gameType === 'freeforall' ? !isSelf : targetLoc > 0); | |
const acrossFromTargetLoc = -(numSlots + 1 - targetLoc); | |
const isAdjacent = (targetLoc > 0 ? | |
Math.abs(acrossFromTargetLoc - sourceLoc) <= 1 : | |
Math.abs(targetLoc - sourceLoc) === 1); | |
if (this.gameType === 'freeforall' && targetType === 'adjacentAlly') { | |
// moves targeting one ally can instead target foes in Battle Royal | |
return isAdjacent; | |
} | |
switch (targetType) { | |
case 'randomNormal': | |
case 'scripted': | |
case 'normal': | |
return isAdjacent; | |
case 'adjacentAlly': | |
return isAdjacent && !isFoe; | |
case 'adjacentAllyOrSelf': | |
return isAdjacent && !isFoe || isSelf; | |
case 'adjacentFoe': | |
return isAdjacent && isFoe; | |
case 'any': | |
return !isSelf; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
validTarget(target: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, targetType: string) { | |
return this.validTargetLoc(source.getLocOf(target), source, targetType); | |
} | |
getTarget(pokemon: Pokemon, move: string | Move, targetLoc: number, originalTarget?: Pokemon) { | |
move = this.dex.moves.get(move); | |
let tracksTarget = move.tracksTarget; | |
// Stalwart sets trackTarget in ModifyMove, but ModifyMove happens after getTarget, so | |
// we need to manually check for Stalwart here | |
if (pokemon.hasAbility(['stalwart', 'propellertail'])) tracksTarget = true; | |
if (tracksTarget && originalTarget?.isActive) { | |
// smart-tracking move's original target is on the field: target it | |
return originalTarget; | |
} | |
// banning Dragon Darts from directly targeting itself is done in side.ts, but | |
// Dragon Darts can target itself if Ally Switch is used afterwards | |
if (move.smartTarget) { | |
const curTarget = pokemon.getAtLoc(targetLoc); | |
return curTarget && !curTarget.fainted ? curTarget : this.getRandomTarget(pokemon, move); | |
} | |
// Fails if the target is the user and the move can't target its own position | |
const selfLoc = pokemon.getLocOf(pokemon); | |
if ( | |
['adjacentAlly', 'any', 'normal'].includes( && targetLoc === selfLoc && | |
!pokemon.volatiles['twoturnmove'] && !pokemon.volatiles['iceball'] && !pokemon.volatiles['rollout'] | |
) { | |
return move.flags['futuremove'] ? pokemon : null; | |
} | |
if ( !== 'randomNormal' && this.validTargetLoc(targetLoc, pokemon, { | |
const target = pokemon.getAtLoc(targetLoc); | |
if (target?.fainted) { | |
if (this.gameType === 'freeforall') { | |
// Target is a fainted opponent in a free-for-all battle; attack shouldn't retarget | |
return target; | |
} | |
if (target.isAlly(pokemon)) { | |
if ( === 'adjacentAllyOrSelf' && this.gen !== 5) { | |
return pokemon; | |
} | |
// Target is a fainted ally: attack shouldn't retarget | |
return target; | |
} | |
} | |
if (target && !target.fainted) { | |
// Target is unfainted: use selected target location | |
return target; | |
} | |
// Chosen target not valid, | |
// retarget randomly with getRandomTarget | |
} | |
return this.getRandomTarget(pokemon, move); | |
} | |
getRandomTarget(pokemon: Pokemon, move: string | Move) { | |
// A move was used without a chosen target | |
// For instance: Metronome chooses Ice Beam. Since the user didn't | |
// choose a target when choosing Metronome, Ice Beam's target must | |
// be chosen randomly. | |
// The target is chosen randomly from possible targets, EXCEPT that | |
// moves that can target either allies or foes will only target foes | |
// when used without an explicit target. | |
move = this.dex.moves.get(move); | |
if (['self', 'all', 'allySide', 'allyTeam', 'adjacentAllyOrSelf'].includes( { | |
return pokemon; | |
} else if ( === 'adjacentAlly') { | |
if (this.gameType === 'singles') return null; | |
const adjacentAllies = pokemon.adjacentAllies(); | |
return adjacentAllies.length ? this.sample(adjacentAllies) : null; | |
} | |
if (this.gameType === 'singles') return[0]; | |
if (this.activePerHalf > 2) { | |
if ( === 'adjacentFoe' || === 'normal' || === 'randomNormal') { | |
// even if a move can target an ally, auto-resolution will never make it target an ally | |
// i.e. if both your opponents faint before you use Flamethrower, it will fail instead of targeting your ally | |
const adjacentFoes = pokemon.adjacentFoes(); | |
if (adjacentFoes.length) return this.sample(adjacentFoes); | |
// no valid target at all, return slot directly across for any possible redirection | |
return[ - 1 - pokemon.position]; | |
} | |
} | |
return pokemon.side.randomFoe() ||[0]; | |
} | |
checkFainted() { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
if (pokemon.fainted) { | |
pokemon.status = 'fnt' as ID; | |
pokemon.switchFlag = true; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
faintMessages(lastFirst = false, forceCheck = false, checkWin = true) { | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
const length = this.faintQueue.length; | |
if (!length) { | |
if (forceCheck && this.checkWin()) return true; | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (lastFirst) { | |
this.faintQueue.unshift(this.faintQueue[this.faintQueue.length - 1]); | |
this.faintQueue.pop(); | |
} | |
let faintQueueLeft, faintData; | |
while (this.faintQueue.length) { | |
faintQueueLeft = this.faintQueue.length; | |
faintData = this.faintQueue.shift()!; | |
const pokemon: Pokemon =; | |
if (!pokemon.fainted && this.runEvent('BeforeFaint', pokemon, faintData.source, faintData.effect)) { | |
this.add('faint', pokemon); | |
if (pokemon.side.pokemonLeft) pokemon.side.pokemonLeft--; | |
if (pokemon.side.totalFainted < 100) pokemon.side.totalFainted++; | |
this.runEvent('Faint', pokemon, faintData.source, faintData.effect); | |
this.singleEvent('End', pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); | |
this.singleEvent('End', pokemon.getItem(), pokemon.itemState, pokemon); | |
if (pokemon.regressionForme) { | |
// before clearing volatiles | |
pokemon.baseSpecies = this.dex.species.get(pokemon.set.species ||; | |
pokemon.baseAbility = toID(pokemon.set.ability); | |
} | |
pokemon.clearVolatile(false); | |
pokemon.fainted = true; | |
pokemon.illusion = null; | |
pokemon.isActive = false; | |
pokemon.isStarted = false; | |
delete pokemon.terastallized; | |
if (pokemon.regressionForme) { | |
// after clearing volatiles | |
pokemon.details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails(); | |
pokemon.regressionForme = false; | |
} | |
pokemon.side.faintedThisTurn = pokemon; | |
if (this.faintQueue.length >= faintQueueLeft) checkWin = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen <= 1) { | |
// in gen 1, fainting skips the rest of the turn | |
// residuals don't exist in gen 1 | |
this.queue.clear(); | |
// Fainting clears accumulated Bide damage | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['bide']?.damage) { | |
pokemon.volatiles['bide'].damage = 0; | |
this.hint("Desync Clause Mod activated!"); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, Bide's accumulated damage is reset to 0 when a Pokemon faints."); | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (this.gen <= 3 && this.gameType === 'singles') { | |
// in gen 3 or earlier, fainting in singles skips to residuals | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (this.gen <= 2) { | |
// in gen 2, fainting skips moves only | |
this.queue.cancelMove(pokemon); | |
} else { | |
// in gen 3, fainting skips all moves and switches | |
this.queue.cancelAction(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (checkWin && this.checkWin(faintData)) return true; | |
if (faintData && length) { | |
this.runEvent('AfterFaint',, faintData.source, faintData.effect, length); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
checkWin(faintData?: Battle['faintQueue'][0]) { | |
const team1PokemonLeft = this.sides[0].pokemonLeft + (this.sides[0].allySide?.pokemonLeft || 0); | |
const team2PokemonLeft = this.sides[1].pokemonLeft + (this.sides[1].allySide?.pokemonLeft || 0); | |
const team3PokemonLeft = this.gameType === 'freeforall' && this.sides[2]!.pokemonLeft; | |
const team4PokemonLeft = this.gameType === 'freeforall' && this.sides[3]!.pokemonLeft; | |
if (!team1PokemonLeft && !team2PokemonLeft && !team3PokemonLeft && !team4PokemonLeft) { | | && this.gen > 4 ? : null); | |
return true; | |
} | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (!side.foePokemonLeft()) { | |; | |
return true; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
getActionSpeed(action: AnyObject) { | |
if (action.choice === 'move') { | |
let move = action.move; | |
if (action.zmove) { | |
const zMoveName = this.actions.getZMove(action.move, action.pokemon, true); | |
if (zMoveName) { | |
const zMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(zMoveName); | |
if (zMove.exists && zMove.isZ) { | |
move = zMove; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (action.maxMove) { | |
const maxMoveName = this.actions.getMaxMove(action.maxMove, action.pokemon); | |
if (maxMoveName) { | |
const maxMove = this.actions.getActiveMaxMove(action.move, action.pokemon); | |
if (maxMove.exists && maxMove.isMax) { | |
move = maxMove; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// take priority from the base move, so abilities like Prankster only apply once | |
// (instead of compounding every time `getActionSpeed` is called) | |
let priority = this.dex.moves.get(; | |
// Grassy Glide priority | |
priority = this.singleEvent('ModifyPriority', move, null, action.pokemon, null, null, priority); | |
priority = this.runEvent('ModifyPriority', action.pokemon, null, move, priority); | |
action.priority = priority + action.fractionalPriority; | |
// In Gen 6, Quick Guard blocks moves with artificially enhanced priority. | |
if (this.gen > 5) action.move.priority = priority; | |
} | |
if (!action.pokemon) { | |
action.speed = 1; | |
} else { | |
action.speed = action.pokemon.getActionSpeed(); | |
} | |
} | |
runAction(action: Action) { | |
const pokemonOriginalHP = action.pokemon?.hp; | |
let residualPokemon: (readonly [Pokemon, number])[] = []; | |
// returns whether or not we ended in a callback | |
switch (action.choice) { | |
case 'start': { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.pokemonLeft) side.pokemonLeft = side.pokemon.length; | |
} | |
this.add('start'); | |
// Change Zacian/Zamazenta into their Crowned formes | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { | |
let rawSpecies: Species | null = null; | |
if ( === 'zacian' && pokemon.item === 'rustedsword') { | |
rawSpecies = this.dex.species.get('Zacian-Crowned'); | |
} else if ( === 'zamazenta' && pokemon.item === 'rustedshield') { | |
rawSpecies = this.dex.species.get('Zamazenta-Crowned'); | |
} | |
if (!rawSpecies) continue; | |
const species = pokemon.setSpecies(rawSpecies); | |
if (!species) continue; | |
pokemon.baseSpecies = rawSpecies; | |
pokemon.details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails(); | |
pokemon.setAbility(species.abilities['0'], null, true); | |
pokemon.baseAbility = pokemon.ability; | |
const behemothMove: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
'Zacian-Crowned': 'behemothblade', 'Zamazenta-Crowned': 'behemothbash', | |
}; | |
const ironHead = pokemon.baseMoves.indexOf('ironhead'); | |
if (ironHead >= 0) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(behemothMove[]); | |
pokemon.baseMoveSlots[ironHead] = { | |
move:, | |
id:, | |
pp: move.noPPBoosts ? move.pp : move.pp * 8 / 5, | |
maxpp: move.noPPBoosts ? move.pp : move.pp * 8 / 5, | |
target:, | |
disabled: false, | |
disabledSource: '', | |
used: false, | |
}; | |
pokemon.moveSlots = pokemon.baseMoveSlots.slice(); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.format.onBattleStart); | |
for (const rule of this.ruleTable.keys()) { | |
if ('+*-!'.includes(rule.charAt(0))) continue; | |
const subFormat = this.dex.formats.get(rule); | |
if (subFormat.onBattleStart); | |
} | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { | |
if (!side.pokemonLeft) { | |
// forfeited before starting | |[i] = side.pokemon[i]; | |[i].fainted = true; | |[i].hp = 0; | |
} else { | |
this.actions.switchIn(side.pokemon[i], i); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllPokemon()) { | |
this.singleEvent('Start', this.dex.conditions.getByID(, pokemon.speciesState, pokemon); | |
} | |
this.midTurn = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
case 'move': | |
if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; | |
if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; | |
this.actions.runMove(action.move, action.pokemon, action.targetLoc, { | |
sourceEffect: action.sourceEffect, zMove: action.zmove, | |
maxMove: action.maxMove, originalTarget: action.originalTarget, | |
}); | |
break; | |
case 'megaEvo': | |
this.actions.runMegaEvo(action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'megaEvoX': | |
this.actions.runMegaEvoX?.(action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'megaEvoY': | |
this.actions.runMegaEvoY?.(action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'runDynamax': | |
action.pokemon.addVolatile('dynamax'); | |
action.pokemon.side.dynamaxUsed = true; | |
if (action.pokemon.side.allySide) action.pokemon.side.allySide.dynamaxUsed = true; | |
break; | |
case 'terastallize': | |
this.actions.terastallize(action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'beforeTurnMove': | |
if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; | |
if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; | |
this.debug('before turn callback: ' +; | |
const target = this.getTarget(action.pokemon, action.move, action.targetLoc); | |
if (!target) return false; | |
if (!action.move.beforeTurnCallback) throw new Error(`beforeTurnMove has no beforeTurnCallback`); | |, action.pokemon, target); | |
break; | |
case 'priorityChargeMove': | |
if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; | |
if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; | |
this.debug('priority charge callback: ' +; | |
if (!action.move.priorityChargeCallback) throw new Error(`priorityChargeMove has no priorityChargeCallback`); | |, action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'event': | |
this.runEvent(action.event!, action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'team': | |
if (action.index === 0) { | |
action.pokemon.side.pokemon = []; | |
} | |
action.pokemon.side.pokemon.push(action.pokemon); | |
action.pokemon.position = action.index; | |
// we return here because the update event would crash since there are no active pokemon yet | |
return; | |
case 'pass': | |
return; | |
case 'instaswitch': | |
case 'switch': | |
if (action.choice === 'switch' && action.pokemon.status) { | |
this.singleEvent('CheckShow', this.dex.abilities.getByID('naturalcure' as ID), null, action.pokemon); | |
} | |
if (this.actions.switchIn(, action.pokemon.position, action.sourceEffect) === 'pursuitfaint') { | |
// a pokemon fainted from Pursuit before it could switch | |
if (this.gen <= 4) { | |
// in gen 2-4, the switch still happens | |
this.hint("Previously chosen switches continue in Gen 2-4 after a Pursuit target faints."); | |
action.priority = -101; | |
this.queue.unshift(action); | |
break; | |
} else { | |
// in gen 5+, the switch is cancelled | |
this.hint("A Pokemon can't switch between when it runs out of HP and when it faints"); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'revivalblessing': | |
action.pokemon.side.pokemonLeft++; | |
if ( < { | |
this.queue.addChoice({ | |
choice: 'instaswitch', | |
pokemon:, | |
target:, | |
}); | |
} | | = false; | | = false; | | = false; | | = ''; | | = 1; // Needed so hp functions works | | / 2); | |
this.add('-heal',,, '[from] move: Revival Blessing'); | |
action.pokemon.side.removeSlotCondition(action.pokemon, 'revivalblessing'); | |
break; | |
case 'runSwitch': | |
this.actions.runSwitch(action.pokemon); | |
break; | |
case 'shift': | |
if (!action.pokemon.isActive) return false; | |
if (action.pokemon.fainted) return false; | |
this.swapPosition(action.pokemon, 1); | |
break; | |
case 'beforeTurn': | |
this.eachEvent('BeforeTurn'); | |
break; | |
case 'residual': | |
this.add(''); | |
this.clearActiveMove(true); | |
this.updateSpeed(); | |
residualPokemon = this.getAllActive().map(pokemon => [pokemon, pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP()] as const); | |
this.fieldEvent('Residual'); | |
this.add('upkeep'); | |
break; | |
} | |
// phazing (Roar, etc) | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
if (pokemon.forceSwitchFlag) { | |
if (pokemon.hp) this.actions.dragIn(pokemon.side, pokemon.position); | |
pokemon.forceSwitchFlag = false; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this.clearActiveMove(); | |
// fainting | |
this.faintMessages(); | |
if (this.ended) return true; | |
// switching (fainted pokemon, U-turn, Baton Pass, etc) | |
if (!this.queue.peek() || (this.gen <= 3 && ['move', 'residual'].includes(this.queue.peek()!.choice))) { | |
// in gen 3 or earlier, switching in fainted pokemon is done after | |
// every move, rather than only at the end of the turn. | |
this.checkFainted(); | |
} else if (['megaEvo', 'megaEvoX', 'megaEvoY'].includes(action.choice) && this.gen === 7) { | |
this.eachEvent('Update'); | |
// In Gen 7, the action order is recalculated for a Pokémon that mega evolves. | |
for (const [i, queuedAction] of this.queue.list.entries()) { | |
if (queuedAction.pokemon === action.pokemon && queuedAction.choice === 'move') { | |
this.queue.list.splice(i, 1); | |
queuedAction.mega = 'done'; | |
this.queue.insertChoice(queuedAction, true); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
return false; | |
} else if (this.queue.peek()?.choice === 'instaswitch') { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.gen >= 5 && action.choice !== 'start') { | |
this.eachEvent('Update'); | |
for (const [pokemon, originalHP] of residualPokemon) { | |
const maxhp = pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP(pokemon.maxhp); | |
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.getUndynamaxedHP() <= maxhp / 2 && originalHP > maxhp / 2) { | |
this.runEvent('EmergencyExit', pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (action.choice === 'runSwitch') { | |
const pokemon = action.pokemon; | |
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && pokemonOriginalHP! > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.runEvent('EmergencyExit', pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
const switches = | |
side => => pokemon && !!pokemon.switchFlag) | |
); | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
let reviveSwitch = false; // Used to ignore the fake switch for Revival Blessing | |
if (switches[i] && !this.canSwitch(this.sides[i])) { | |
for (const pokemon of this.sides[i].active) { | |
if (this.sides[i].slotConditions[pokemon.position]['revivalblessing']) { | |
reviveSwitch = true; | |
continue; | |
} | |
pokemon.switchFlag = false; | |
} | |
if (!reviveSwitch) switches[i] = false; | |
} else if (switches[i]) { | |
for (const pokemon of this.sides[i].active) { | |
if ( | |
pokemon.hp && pokemon.switchFlag && pokemon.switchFlag !== 'revivalblessing' && | |
!pokemon.skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag | |
) { | |
this.runEvent('BeforeSwitchOut', pokemon); | |
pokemon.skipBeforeSwitchOutEventFlag = true; | |
this.faintMessages(); // Pokemon may have fainted in BeforeSwitchOut | |
if (this.ended) return true; | |
if (pokemon.fainted) { | |
switches[i] = this.sides[i].active.some(sidePokemon => sidePokemon && !!sidePokemon.switchFlag); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (const playerSwitch of switches) { | |
if (playerSwitch) { | |
this.makeRequest('switch'); | |
return true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen < 5) this.eachEvent('Update'); | |
if (this.gen >= 8 && (this.queue.peek()?.choice === 'move' || this.queue.peek()?.choice === 'runDynamax')) { | |
// In gen 8, speed is updated dynamically so update the queue's speed properties and sort it. | |
this.updateSpeed(); | |
for (const queueAction of this.queue.list) { | |
if (queueAction.pokemon) this.getActionSpeed(queueAction); | |
} | |
this.queue.sort(); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Generally called at the beginning of a turn, to go through the | |
* turn one action at a time. | |
* | |
* If there is a mid-turn decision (like U-Turn), this will return | |
* and be called again later to resume the turn. | |
*/ | |
turnLoop() { | |
this.add(''); | |
this.add('t:', Math.floor( / 1000)); | |
if (this.requestState) this.requestState = ''; | |
if (!this.midTurn) { | |
this.queue.insertChoice({ choice: 'beforeTurn' }); | |
this.queue.addChoice({ choice: 'residual' }); | |
this.midTurn = true; | |
} | |
let action; | |
while ((action = this.queue.shift())) { | |
this.runAction(action); | |
if (this.requestState || this.ended) return; | |
} | |
this.endTurn(); | |
this.midTurn = false; | |
this.queue.clear(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Takes a choice string passed from the client. Starts the next | |
* turn if all required choices have been made. | |
*/ | |
choose(sideid: SideID, input: string) { | |
const side = this.getSide(sideid); | |
if (!side.choose(input)) { | |
if (!side.choice.error) { | |
side.emitChoiceError(`Unknown error for choice: ${input}. If you're not using a custom client, please report this as a bug.`); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (!side.isChoiceDone()) { | |
side.emitChoiceError(`Incomplete choice: ${input} - missing other pokemon`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.allChoicesDone()) this.commitChoices(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Convenience method for easily making choices. | |
*/ | |
makeChoices(...inputs: string[]) { | |
if (inputs.length) { | |
for (const [i, input] of inputs.entries()) { | |
if (input) this.sides[i].choose(input); | |
} | |
} else { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
side.autoChoose(); | |
} | |
} | |
this.commitChoices(); | |
} | |
commitChoices() { | |
this.updateSpeed(); | |
// Sometimes you need to make switch choices mid-turn (e.g. U-turn, | |
// fainting). When this happens, the rest of the turn is saved (and not | |
// re-sorted), but the new switch choices are sorted and inserted before | |
// the rest of the turn. | |
const oldQueue = this.queue.list; | |
this.queue.clear(); | |
if (!this.allChoicesDone()) throw new Error("Not all choices done"); | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
const choice = side.getChoice(); | |
if (choice) this.inputLog.push(`>${} ${choice}`); | |
} | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
this.queue.addChoice(side.choice.actions); | |
} | |
this.clearRequest(); | |
this.queue.sort(); | |
this.queue.list.push(...oldQueue); | |
this.requestState = ''; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
side.activeRequest = null; | |
} | |
this.turnLoop(); | |
// workaround for tests | |
if (this.log.length - this.sentLogPos > 500) this.sendUpdates(); | |
} | |
undoChoice(sideid: SideID) { | |
const side = this.getSide(sideid); | |
if (!side.requestState) return; | |
if (side.choice.cantUndo) { | |
side.emitChoiceError(`Can't undo: A trapping/disabling effect would cause undo to leak information`); | |
return; | |
} | |
side.clearChoice(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* returns true if both decisions are complete | |
*/ | |
allChoicesDone() { | |
let totalActions = 0; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.isChoiceDone()) { | |
if (!this.supportCancel) side.choice.cantUndo = true; | |
totalActions++; | |
} | |
} | |
return totalActions >= this.sides.length; | |
} | |
hint(hint: string, once?: boolean, side?: Side) { | |
if (this.hints.has(hint)) return; | |
if (side) { | |
this.addSplit(, ['-hint', hint]); | |
} else { | |
this.add('-hint', hint); | |
} | |
if (once) this.hints.add(hint); | |
} | |
addSplit(side: SideID, secret: Part[], shared?: Part[]) { | |
this.log.push(`|split|${side}`); | |
this.add(...secret); | |
if (shared) { | |
this.add(...shared); | |
} else { | |
this.log.push(''); | |
} | |
} | |
add( (Part | (() => { side: SideID, secret: string, shared: string }))[]) { | |
if (!parts.some(part => typeof part === 'function')) { | |
this.log.push(`|${parts.join('|')}`); | |
return; | |
} | |
let side: SideID | null = null; | |
const secret = []; | |
const shared = []; | |
for (const part of parts) { | |
if (typeof part === 'function') { | |
const split = part(); | |
if (side && side !== split.side) throw new Error("Multiple sides passed to add"); | |
side = split.side; | |
secret.push(split.secret); | |
shared.push(split.shared); | |
} else { | |
secret.push(part); | |
shared.push(part); | |
} | |
} | |
this.addSplit(side!, secret, shared); | |
} | |
addMove(...args: (string | number | Function | AnyObject)[]) { | |
this.lastMoveLine = this.log.length; | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string | |
this.log.push(`|${args.join('|')}`); | |
} | |
attrLastMove(...args: (string | number | Function | AnyObject)[]) { | |
if (this.lastMoveLine < 0) return; | |
if (this.log[this.lastMoveLine].startsWith('|-anim|')) { | |
if (args.includes('[still]')) { | |
this.log.splice(this.lastMoveLine, 1); | |
this.lastMoveLine = -1; | |
return; | |
} | |
} else if (args.includes('[still]')) { | |
// If no animation plays, the target should never be known | |
const parts = this.log[this.lastMoveLine].split('|'); | |
parts[4] = ''; | |
this.log[this.lastMoveLine] = parts.join('|'); | |
} | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string | |
this.log[this.lastMoveLine] += `|${args.join('|')}`; | |
} | |
retargetLastMove(newTarget: Pokemon) { | |
if (this.lastMoveLine < 0) return; | |
const parts = this.log[this.lastMoveLine].split('|'); | |
parts[4] = newTarget.toString(); | |
this.log[this.lastMoveLine] = parts.join('|'); | |
} | |
debug(activity: string) { | |
if (this.debugMode) { | |
this.add('debug', activity); | |
} | |
} | |
getDebugLog() { | |
const channelMessages = extractChannelMessages(this.log.join('\n'), [-1]); | |
return channelMessages[-1].join('\n'); | |
} | |
debugError(activity: string) { | |
this.add('debug', activity); | |
} | |
// players | |
getTeam(options: PlayerOptions): PokemonSet[] { | |
let team =; | |
if (typeof team === 'string') team = Teams.unpack(team); | |
if (team) return team; | |
if (!options.seed) { | |
options.seed = PRNG.generateSeed(); | |
} | |
if (!this.teamGenerator) { | |
this.teamGenerator = Teams.getGenerator(this.format, options.seed); | |
} else { | |
this.teamGenerator.setSeed(options.seed); | |
} | |
team = this.teamGenerator.getTeam(options); | |
return team as PokemonSet[]; | |
} | |
showOpenTeamSheets() { | |
if (this.turn !== 0) return; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
const team = => { | |
const set = pokemon.set; | |
const newSet: PokemonSet = { | |
name: '', | |
species: set.species, | |
item: set.item, | |
ability: set.ability, | |
moves: set.moves, | |
nature: '', | |
gender: pokemon.gender, | |
evs: null!, | |
ivs: null!, | |
level: set.level, | |
}; | |
if (this.gen === 8) newSet.gigantamax = set.gigantamax; | |
if (this.gen === 9) newSet.teraType = set.teraType; | |
// Only display Hidden Power type if the Pokemon has Hidden Power | |
// This is based on how team sheets were written in past VGC formats | |
if (set.moves.some(m => this.dex.moves.get(m).id === 'hiddenpower')) newSet.hpType = set.hpType; | |
// This is done so the client doesn't flag Zacian/Zamazenta as illusions | |
// when they use their signature move | |
if ((toID(set.species) === 'zacian' && toID(set.item) === 'rustedsword') || | |
(toID(set.species) === 'zamazenta' && toID(set.item) === 'rustedshield')) { | |
newSet.species = Dex.species.get(set.species + 'crowned').name; | |
const crowned: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
'Zacian-Crowned': 'behemothblade', 'Zamazenta-Crowned': 'behemothbash', | |
}; | |
const ironHead ='ironhead' as ID); | |
if (ironHead >= 0) { | |
newSet.moves[ironHead] = crowned[newSet.species]; | |
} | |
} | |
return newSet; | |
}); | |
this.add('showteam',, Teams.pack(team)); | |
} | |
} | |
setPlayer(slot: SideID, options: PlayerOptions) { | |
let side; | |
let didSomething = true; | |
const slotNum = parseInt(slot[1]) - 1; | |
if (!this.sides[slotNum]) { | |
// create player | |
const team = this.getTeam(options); | |
side = new Side( || `Player ${slotNum + 1}`, this, slotNum, team); | |
if (options.avatar) side.avatar = `${options.avatar}`; | |
this.sides[slotNum] = side; | |
} else { | |
// edit player | |
side = this.sides[slotNum]; | |
didSomething = false; | |
if ( && !== { | | =; | |
didSomething = true; | |
} | |
if (options.avatar && side.avatar !== `${options.avatar}`) { | |
side.avatar = `${options.avatar}`; | |
didSomething = true; | |
} | |
if ( throw new Error(`Player ${slot} already has a team!`); | |
} | |
if ( && typeof !== 'string') { | | = Teams.pack(; | |
} | |
if (!didSomething) return; | |
this.inputLog.push(`>player ${slot} ` + JSON.stringify(options)); | |
this.add('player',,, side.avatar, options.rating || ''); | |
// Start the battle if it's ready to start | |
if (this.sides.every(playerSide => !!playerSide) && !this.started) this.start(); | |
} | |
/** @deprecated */ | |
join(slot: SideID, name: string, avatar: string, team: PokemonSet[] | string | null) { | |
this.setPlayer(slot, { name, avatar, team }); | |
return this.getSide(slot); | |
} | |
sendUpdates() { | |
if (this.sentLogPos >= this.log.length) return; | |
this.send('update', this.log.slice(this.sentLogPos)); | |
this.sentLogPos = this.log.length; | |
if (!this.sentEnd && this.ended) { | |
const log = { | |
winner: this.winner, | |
seed: this.prngSeed, | |
turns: this.turn, | |
p1: this.sides[0].name, | |
p2: this.sides[1].name, | |
p3: this.sides[2]?.name, | |
p4: this.sides[3]?.name, | |
p1team: this.sides[0].team, | |
p2team: this.sides[1].team, | |
p3team: this.sides[2]?.team, | |
p4team: this.sides[3]?.team, | |
score: [this.sides[0].pokemonLeft, this.sides[1].pokemonLeft], | |
inputLog: this.inputLog, | |
}; | |
if (this.sides[2]) { | |
log.score.push(this.sides[2].pokemonLeft); | |
} else { | |
delete log.p3; | |
delete log.p3team; | |
} | |
if (this.sides[3]) { | |
log.score.push(this.sides[3].pokemonLeft); | |
} else { | |
delete log.p4; | |
delete log.p4team; | |
} | |
this.send('end', JSON.stringify(log)); | |
this.sentEnd = true; | |
} | |
} | |
getSide(sideid: SideID): Side { | |
return this.sides[parseInt(sideid[1]) - 1]; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Currently, we treat Team Preview as turn 0, but the games start counting their turns at turn 0 | |
* There is also overflow that occurs in Gen 8+ that affects moves like Wish / Future Sight | |
* | |
*/ | |
getOverflowedTurnCount(): number { | |
return this.gen >= 8 ? (this.turn - 1) % 256 : this.turn - 1; | |
} | |
initEffectState(obj: Partial<EffectState>, effectOrder?: number): EffectState { | |
if (! = ''; | |
if (effectOrder !== undefined) { | |
obj.effectOrder = effectOrder; | |
} else if ( && && (!( instanceof Pokemon) || { | |
obj.effectOrder = this.effectOrder++; | |
} else { | |
obj.effectOrder = 0; | |
} | |
return obj as EffectState; | |
} | |
clearEffectState(state: EffectState) { | | = ''; | |
for (const k in state) { | |
if (k === 'id' || k === 'target') { | |
continue; | |
} else if (k === 'effectOrder') { | |
state.effectOrder = 0; | |
} else { | |
delete state[k]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
destroy() { | |
// deallocate ourself | |
// deallocate children and get rid of references to them | |
this.field.destroy(); | |
(this as any).field = null!; | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.sides.length; i++) { | |
if (this.sides[i]) { | |
this.sides[i].destroy(); | |
this.sides[i] = null!; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const action of this.queue.list) { | |
delete (action as any).pokemon; | |
} | |
this.queue.battle = null!; | |
this.queue = null!; | |
// in case the garbage collector really sucks, at least deallocate the log | |
(this as any).log = []; | |
} | |
} | |