/** | |
* Rooms | |
* Pokemon Showdown - | |
* | |
* Every chat room and battle is a room, and what they do is done in | |
* rooms.ts. There's also a global room which every user is in, and | |
* handles miscellaneous things like welcoming the user. | |
* | |
* `Rooms.rooms` is the global table of all rooms, a `Map` of `RoomID:Room`. | |
* Rooms should normally be accessed with `Rooms.get(roomid)`. | |
* | |
* All rooms extend `BasicRoom`, whose important properties like `.users` | |
* and `.game` are documented near the the top of its class definition. | |
* | |
* @license MIT | |
*/ | |
const ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); | |
const TIMEOUT_EMPTY_DEALLOCATE = 10 * 60 * 1000; | |
const TIMEOUT_INACTIVE_DEALLOCATE = 40 * 60 * 1000; | |
const REPORT_USER_STATS_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1000; | |
const MAX_CHATROOM_ID_LENGTH = 225; | |
const CRASH_REPORT_THROTTLE = 60 * 60 * 1000; | |
const RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN = null; | |
import { FS, Utils, Streams } from '../lib'; | |
import { type RoomSection, RoomSections } from './chat-commands/room-settings'; | |
import { type QueuedHunt } from './chat-plugins/scavengers'; | |
import { type ScavengerGameTemplate } from './chat-plugins/scavenger-games'; | |
import { type RepeatedPhrase } from './chat-plugins/repeats'; | |
import { | |
PM as RoomBattlePM, RoomBattle, RoomBattlePlayer, RoomBattleTimer, type RoomBattleOptions, | |
} from "./room-battle"; | |
import { BestOfGame } from './room-battle-bestof'; | |
import { RoomGame, SimpleRoomGame, RoomGamePlayer } from './room-game'; | |
import { MinorActivity, type MinorActivityData } from './room-minor-activity'; | |
import { Roomlogs, type Roomlog } from './roomlogs'; | |
import { RoomAuth } from './user-groups'; | |
import { type PartialModlogEntry, mainModlog } from './modlog'; | |
import { Replays } from './replays'; | |
import * as crypto from 'crypto'; | |
/********************************************************* | |
* the Room object. | |
*********************************************************/ | |
interface MuteEntry { | |
userid: ID; | |
time: number; | |
guestNum: number; | |
autoconfirmed: string; | |
} | |
interface ChatRoomTable { | |
title: string; | |
desc: string; | |
userCount: number; | |
section?: string; | |
subRooms?: string[]; | |
spotlight?: string; | |
privacy: RoomSettings['isPrivate']; | |
} | |
interface ShowRequest { | |
name: string; | |
link: string; | |
comment: string; | |
dimensions?: [number, number, boolean]; | |
} | |
interface BattleRoomTable { | |
p1?: string; | |
p2?: string; | |
minElo?: 'tour' | number; | |
} | |
interface UserTable { | |
[userid: string]: User; | |
} | |
export interface RoomSettings { | |
title: string; | |
auth: { [userid: string]: GroupSymbol }; | |
creationTime: number; | |
section?: RoomSection; | |
readonly autojoin?: boolean; | |
aliases?: string[]; | |
banwords?: string[]; | |
isPrivate?: PrivacySetting; | |
modjoin?: AuthLevel | true | null; | |
modchat?: AuthLevel | null; | |
staffRoom?: boolean; | |
language?: ID | false; | |
slowchat?: number | false; | |
events?: { [k: string]: RoomEvent | RoomEventAlias | RoomEventCategory }; | |
filterStretching?: boolean; | |
filterEmojis?: boolean; | |
filterCaps?: boolean; | |
filterLinks?: boolean; | |
jeopardyDisabled?: boolean; | |
mafiaDisabled?: boolean; | |
unoDisabled?: boolean; | |
hangmanDisabled?: boolean; | |
auctionDisabled?: boolean; | |
gameNumber?: number; | |
highTraffic?: boolean; | |
spotlight?: string; | |
parentid?: string | null; | |
desc?: string | null; | |
introMessage?: string | null; | |
staffMessage?: string | null; | |
rulesLink?: string | null; | |
dataCommandTierDisplay?: 'tiers' | 'doubles tiers' | 'National Dex tiers' | 'numbers'; | |
requestShowEnabled?: boolean | null; | |
permissions?: { [k: string]: GroupSymbol }; | |
minorActivity?: PollData | AnnouncementData; | |
minorActivityQueue?: MinorActivityData[]; | |
repeats?: RepeatedPhrase[]; | |
topics?: string[]; | |
autoModchat?: { | |
rank: GroupSymbol, | |
time: number, | |
// stores previous modchat setting. if true, modchat was fully off | |
active: boolean | AuthLevel, | |
}; | |
tournaments?: TournamentRoomSettings; | |
defaultFormat?: string; | |
scavSettings?: AnyObject; | |
scavQueue?: QueuedHunt[]; | |
// should not ever be saved because they're inapplicable to persistent rooms | |
/** This includes groupchats, battles, and help-ticket rooms. */ | |
isPersonal?: boolean; | |
isHelp?: boolean; | |
noLogTimes?: boolean; | |
noAutoTruncate?: boolean; | |
isMultichannel?: boolean; | |
} | |
export type MessageHandler = (room: BasicRoom, message: string) => void; | |
export type Room = GameRoom | ChatRoom; | |
export type PrivacySetting = boolean | 'hidden' | 'voice' | 'unlisted'; | |
import type { AnnouncementData } from './chat-plugins/announcements'; | |
import type { PollData } from './chat-plugins/poll'; | |
import type { AutoResponder } from './chat-plugins/responder'; | |
import type { RoomEvent, RoomEventAlias, RoomEventCategory } from './chat-plugins/room-events'; | |
import type { Tournament, TournamentRoomSettings } from './tournaments/index'; | |
export abstract class BasicRoom { | |
/** to rename use room.rename */ | |
readonly roomid: RoomID; | |
title: string; | |
readonly type: 'chat' | 'battle'; | |
readonly users: UserTable; | |
/** | |
* Scrollback log. This is the log that's sent to users when | |
* joining the room. Should roughly match what's on everyone's | |
* screen. | |
*/ | |
readonly log: Roomlog; | |
/** | |
* The room's current RoomGame, if it exists. Each room can have 0 to 2 | |
* `RoomGame`s, and ` === this`. | |
* Rooms may also have an additional game in `this.subGame`. | |
* However, `subGame`s do not update ``. | |
*/ | |
game: RoomGame | null; | |
subGame: RoomGame | null; | |
/** | |
* The room's current battle. Battles are a type of RoomGame, so in battle | |
* rooms (which can only be `GameRoom`s), `this.battle ===`. | |
* In all other rooms, `this.battle` is `null`. | |
*/ | |
battle: RoomBattle | null; | |
/** | |
* The room's current best-of set. Best-of sets are a type of RoomGame, so in best-of set | |
* rooms (which can only be `GameRoom`s), `this.bestof ===`. | |
* In all other rooms, `this.bestof` is `null`. | |
*/ | |
bestOf: BestOfGame | null; | |
/** | |
* The game room's current tournament. If the room is a battle room whose | |
* battle is part of a tournament, `this.tour ===`. | |
* In all other rooms, `this.tour` is `null`. | |
*/ | |
tour: Tournament | null; | |
auth: RoomAuth; | |
/** use `setParent` to set this */ | |
readonly parent: Room | null; | |
/** use `subroom.setParent` to set this, or `clearSubRooms` to clear it */ | |
readonly subRooms: ReadonlyMap<string, Room> | null; | |
readonly muteQueue: MuteEntry[]; | |
userCount: number; | |
active: boolean; | |
muteTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
modchatTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
lastUpdate: number; | |
lastBroadcast: string; | |
lastBroadcastTime: number; | |
settings: RoomSettings; | |
/** If true, this room's settings will be saved in config/chatrooms.json, allowing it to stay past restarts. */ | |
persist: boolean; | |
scavgame: ScavengerGameTemplate | null; | |
scavLeaderboard: AnyObject; | |
responder?: AutoResponder | null; | |
privacySetter?: Set<ID> | null; | |
hideReplay: boolean; | |
reportJoins: boolean; | |
batchJoins: number; | |
reportJoinsInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
minorActivity: MinorActivity | null; | |
minorActivityQueue: MinorActivityData[] | null; | |
banwordRegex: RegExp | true | null; | |
logUserStatsInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
expireTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
userList: string; | |
pendingApprovals: Map<string, ShowRequest> | null; | |
messagesSent: number; | |
/** | |
* These handlers will be invoked every n messages. | |
* handler:number-of-messages map | |
*/ | |
nthMessageHandlers: Map<MessageHandler, number>; | |
constructor(roomid: RoomID, title?: string, options: Partial<RoomSettings> = {}) { | |
this.users = Object.create(null); | |
this.type = 'chat'; | |
this.muteQueue = []; | |
this.battle = null; | |
this.bestOf = null; | | = null; | |
this.subGame = null; | |
this.tour = null; | |
this.roomid = roomid; | |
this.title = (title || roomid); | |
this.parent = null; | |
this.userCount = 0; | | = null; | | = false; | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
this.lastUpdate = 0; | |
this.lastBroadcast = ''; | |
this.lastBroadcastTime = 0; | |
// room settings | |
this.settings = { | |
title: this.title, | |
auth: Object.create(null), | |
creationTime:, | |
}; | |
this.persist = false; | |
this.hideReplay = false; | |
this.subRooms = null; | |
this.scavgame = null; | |
this.scavLeaderboard = {}; | |
this.auth = new RoomAuth(this); | |
this.reportJoins = true; | |
this.batchJoins = 0; | |
this.reportJoinsInterval = null; | |
options.title = this.title; | |
if (options.isHelp) options.noAutoTruncate = true; | |
this.reportJoins = !!(Config.reportjoins || options.isPersonal); | |
this.batchJoins = options.isPersonal ? 0 : Config.reportjoinsperiod || 0; | |
if (!options.auth) options.auth = {}; | |
this.log = Roomlogs.create(this, options); | |
this.banwordRegex = null; | |
this.settings = options as RoomSettings; | |
if (!this.settings.creationTime) this.settings.creationTime =; | |
this.auth.load(); | |
if (!options.isPersonal) this.persist = true; | |
this.minorActivity = null; | |
this.minorActivityQueue = null; | |
if (options.parentid) { | |
this.setParent(Rooms.get(options.parentid) || null); | |
} | |
this.subRooms = null; | | = false; | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
this.modchatTimer = null; | |
this.logUserStatsInterval = null; | |
this.expireTimer = null; | |
if (Config.logchat) { | |
this.roomlog('NEW CHATROOM: ' + this.roomid); | |
if (Config.loguserstats) { | |
this.logUserStatsInterval = setInterval(() => this.logUserStats(), Config.loguserstats); | |
} | |
} | |
this.userList = ''; | |
if (this.batchJoins) { | |
this.userList = this.getUserList(); | |
} | |
this.pendingApprovals = null; | |
this.messagesSent = 0; | |
this.nthMessageHandlers = new Map(); | |
this.tour = null; | | = null; | |
this.battle = null; | |
this.validateTitle(this.title, this.roomid); | |
} | |
toString() { | |
return this.roomid; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Send a room message to all users in the room, without recording it | |
* in the scrollback log. | |
*/ | |
send(message: string) { | |
if (this.roomid !== 'lobby') message = '>' + this.roomid + '\n' + message; | |
if (this.userCount) Sockets.roomBroadcast(this.roomid, message); | |
} | |
sendMods(data: string) { | |
this.sendRankedUsers(data, '*'); | |
} | |
sendRankedUsers(data: string, minRank: GroupSymbol = '+') { | |
if (this.settings.staffRoom) { | |
if (!this.log) throw new Error(`Staff room ${this.roomid} has no log`); | |
this.log.add(data); | |
return; | |
} | |
for (const i in this.users) { | |
const user = this.users[i]; | |
// hardcoded for performance reasons (this is an inner loop) | |
if (user.isStaff || this.auth.atLeast(user, minRank)) { | |
user.sendTo(this, data); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Send a room message to a single user. | |
*/ | |
sendUser(user: Connection | User, message: string) { | |
user.sendTo(this, message); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Add a room message to the room log, so it shows up in the room | |
* for everyone, and appears in the scrollback for new users who | |
* join. | |
*/ | |
add(message: string) { | |
this.log.add(message); | |
return this; | |
} | |
roomlog(message: string) { | |
this.log.roomlog(message); | |
return this; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Writes an entry to the modlog for that room, and the global modlog if entry.isGlobal is true. | |
*/ | |
modlog(entry: PartialModlogEntry) { | |
const override = this.tour ? `${this.roomid} tournament: ${this.tour.roomid}` : undefined; | |
this.log.modlog(entry, override); | |
return this; | |
} | |
uhtmlchange(name: string, message: string) { | |
this.log.uhtmlchange(name, message); | |
} | |
attributedUhtmlchange(user: User, name: string, message: string) { | |
this.log.attributedUhtmlchange(user, name, message); | |
} | |
hideText(userids: ID[], lineCount = 0, hideRevealButton?: boolean) { | |
const cleared = this.log.clearText(userids, lineCount); | |
for (const userid of cleared) { | |
this.send(`|hidelines|${hideRevealButton ? 'delete' : 'hide'}|${userid}|${lineCount}`); | |
} | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Inserts (sanitized) HTML into the room log. | |
*/ | |
addRaw(message: string) { | |
return this.add('|raw|' + message); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Inserts some text into the room log, attributed to user. The | |
* attribution will not appear, and is used solely as a hint not to | |
* highlight the user. | |
*/ | |
addByUser(user: User, text: string): this { | |
return this.add('|c|' + user.getIdentity(this) + '|/log ' + text); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Like addByUser, but without logging | |
*/ | |
sendByUser(user: User | null, text: string) { | |
this.send('|c|' + (user ? user.getIdentity(this) : '~') + '|/log ' + text); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Like addByUser, but sends to mods only. | |
*/ | |
sendModsByUser(user: User, text: string) { | |
this.sendMods('|c|' + user.getIdentity(this) + '|/log ' + text); | |
} | |
update() { | |
if (!this.log.broadcastBuffer.length) return; | |
if (this.reportJoinsInterval) { | |
clearInterval(this.reportJoinsInterval); | |
this.reportJoinsInterval = null; | |
this.userList = this.getUserList(); | |
} | |
this.send(this.log.broadcastBuffer.join('\n')); | |
this.log.broadcastBuffer = []; | |
this.log.truncate(); | |
this.pokeExpireTimer(); | |
} | |
getUserList() { | |
let buffer = ''; | |
let counter = 0; | |
for (const i in this.users) { | |
if (!this.users[i].named) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
counter++; | |
buffer += ',' + this.users[i].getIdentityWithStatus(this); | |
} | |
const msg = `|users|${counter}${buffer}`; | |
return msg; | |
} | |
nextGameNumber() { | |
const gameNumber = (this.settings.gameNumber || 0) + 1; | |
this.settings.gameNumber = gameNumber; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
return gameNumber; | |
} | |
// mute handling | |
runMuteTimer(forceReschedule = false) { | |
if (forceReschedule && this.muteTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(this.muteTimer); | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
} | |
if (this.muteTimer || this.muteQueue.length === 0) return; | |
const timeUntilExpire = this.muteQueue[0].time -; | |
if (timeUntilExpire <= 1000) { // one second of leeway | |
this.unmute(this.muteQueue[0].userid, "Your mute in '" + this.title + "' has expired."); | |
// runMuteTimer() is called again in unmute() so this function instance should be closed | |
return; | |
} | |
this.muteTimer = setTimeout(() => { | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
this.runMuteTimer(true); | |
}, timeUntilExpire); | |
} | |
isMuted(user: User): ID | undefined { | |
if (!user) return; | |
if (this.muteQueue) { | |
for (const entry of this.muteQueue) { | |
if ( === entry.userid || | |
user.guestNum === entry.guestNum || | |
(user.autoconfirmed && user.autoconfirmed === entry.autoconfirmed)) { | |
if (entry.time - < 0) { | |
this.unmute(; | |
return; | |
} else { | |
return entry.userid; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.parent) return this.parent.isMuted(user); | |
} | |
getMuteTime(user: User): number | undefined { | |
const userid = this.isMuted(user); | |
if (!userid) return; | |
for (const entry of this.muteQueue) { | |
if (userid === entry.userid) { | |
return entry.time -; | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.parent) return this.parent.getMuteTime(user); | |
} | |
getGame<T extends RoomGame>(constructor: new (...args: any[]) => T, subGame = false): T | null { | |
// TODO: switch to `static readonly gameid` when all game files are TypeScripted | |
if (subGame && this.subGame && === return this.subGame as T; | |
if ( && === return as T; | |
return null; | |
} | |
getMinorActivity<T extends MinorActivity>(constructor: new (...args: any[]) => T): T | null { | |
if (this.minorActivity? === return this.minorActivity as T; | |
return null; | |
} | |
getMinorActivityQueue(settings = false): MinorActivityData[] | null { | |
const usedQueue = settings ? this.settings.minorActivityQueue : this.minorActivityQueue; | |
if (!usedQueue?.length) return null; | |
return usedQueue; | |
} | |
queueMinorActivity(activity: MinorActivityData): void { | |
if (!this.minorActivityQueue) this.minorActivityQueue = []; | |
this.minorActivityQueue.push(activity); | |
this.settings.minorActivityQueue = this.minorActivityQueue; | |
} | |
clearMinorActivityQueue(slot?: number, depth = 1) { | |
if (!this.minorActivityQueue) return; | |
if (slot === undefined) { | |
this.minorActivityQueue = null; | |
delete this.settings.minorActivityQueue; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
} else { | |
this.minorActivityQueue.splice(slot, depth); | |
this.settings.minorActivityQueue = this.minorActivityQueue; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
if (!this.minorActivityQueue.length) this.clearMinorActivityQueue(); | |
} | |
} | |
setMinorActivity(activity: MinorActivity | null, noDisplay = false): void { | |
this.minorActivity?.endTimer(); | |
this.minorActivity = activity; | |
if (this.minorActivity) { | |; | |
if (!noDisplay) this.minorActivity.display(); | |
} else { | |
delete this.settings.minorActivity; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
} | |
} | |
saveSettings() { | |
if (!this.persist) return; | |
if (! return; // during initialization | |; | |
} | |
checkModjoin(user: User) { | |
if ( in this.users) return true; | |
if (!this.settings.modjoin) return true; | |
// users with a room rank can always join | |
if (this.auth.has( return true; | |
const modjoinSetting = this.settings.modjoin !== true ? this.settings.modjoin : this.settings.modchat; | |
if (!modjoinSetting) return true; | |
if (!Users.Auth.isAuthLevel(modjoinSetting)) { | |
Monitor.error(`Invalid modjoin setting in ${this.roomid}: ${modjoinSetting}`); | |
} | |
return ( | |
this.auth.atLeast(user, modjoinSetting) || Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, modjoinSetting) | |
); | |
} | |
mute(user: User, setTime?: number) { | |
const userid =; | |
if (!setTime) setTime = 7 * 60000; // default time: 7 minutes | |
if (setTime > 90 * 60000) setTime = 90 * 60000; // limit 90 minutes | |
// If the user is already muted, the existing queue position for them should be removed | |
if (this.isMuted(user)) this.unmute(userid); | |
// Place the user in a queue for the unmute timer | |
for (let i = 0; i <= this.muteQueue.length; i++) { | |
const time = + setTime; | |
if (i === this.muteQueue.length || time < this.muteQueue[i].time) { | |
const entry = { | |
userid, | |
time, | |
guestNum: user.guestNum, | |
autoconfirmed: user.autoconfirmed, | |
}; | |
this.muteQueue.splice(i, 0, entry); | |
// The timer needs to be switched to the new entry if it is to be unmuted | |
// before the entry the timer is currently running for | |
if (i === 0 && this.muteTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(this.muteTimer); | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
this.runMuteTimer(); | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
if (!(this.settings.isPrivate === true || this.settings.isPersonal)) { | |
void Punishments.monitorRoomPunishments(user); | |
} | |
return userid; | |
} | |
unmute(userid: string, notifyText?: string) { | |
let successUserid = ''; | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
let autoconfirmed = ''; | |
if (user) { | |
userid =; | |
autoconfirmed = user.autoconfirmed; | |
} | |
for (const [i, entry] of this.muteQueue.entries()) { | |
if (entry.userid === userid || | |
(user && entry.guestNum === user.guestNum) || | |
(autoconfirmed && entry.autoconfirmed === autoconfirmed)) { | |
if (i === 0) { | |
this.muteQueue.splice(0, 1); | |
this.runMuteTimer(true); | |
} else { | |
this.muteQueue.splice(i, 1); | |
} | |
successUserid = entry.userid; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (user && successUserid && userid in this.users) { | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
if (notifyText) user.popup(notifyText); | |
} | |
return successUserid; | |
} | |
logUserStats() { | |
let total = 0; | |
let guests = 0; | |
const groups: { [k: string]: number } = {}; | |
for (const group of Config.groupsranking) { | |
groups[group] = 0; | |
} | |
for (const i in this.users) { | |
const user = this.users[i]; | |
++total; | |
if (!user.named) { | |
++guests; | |
} | |
++groups[this.auth.get(]; | |
} | |
let entry = `|userstats|total:${total}|guests:${guests}`; | |
for (const i in groups) { | |
entry += `|${i}:${groups[i]}`; | |
} | |
this.roomlog(entry); | |
} | |
pokeExpireTimer() { | |
if (this.expireTimer) clearTimeout(this.expireTimer); | |
if (this.settings.isPersonal) { | |
this.expireTimer = setTimeout(() => this.expire(), TIMEOUT_INACTIVE_DEALLOCATE); | |
} else { | |
this.expireTimer = null; | |
} | |
} | |
expire() { | |
this.send('|expire|'); | |
this.destroy(); | |
} | |
reportJoin(type: 'j' | 'l' | 'n', entry: string, user: User) { | |
const canTalk = this.auth.atLeast(user, this.settings.modchat ?? 'unlocked') && !this.isMuted(user); | |
if (this.reportJoins && (canTalk || this.auth.has( { | |
this.add(`|${type}|${entry}`).update(); | |
return; | |
} | |
let ucType = ''; | |
switch (type) { | |
case 'j': ucType = 'J'; break; | |
case 'l': ucType = 'L'; break; | |
case 'n': ucType = 'N'; break; | |
} | |
entry = `|${ucType}|${entry}`; | |
if (this.batchJoins) { | |
this.log.broadcastBuffer.push(entry); | |
if (!this.reportJoinsInterval) { | |
this.reportJoinsInterval = setTimeout( | |
() => this.update(), this.batchJoins | |
); | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.send(entry); | |
} | |
this.roomlog(entry); | |
} | |
getIntroMessage(user: User) { | |
let message = Utils.html`\n|raw|<div class="infobox"> You joined ${this.title}`; | |
if (this.settings.modchat) { | |
message += ` [${this.settings.modchat} or higher to talk]`; | |
} | |
if (this.settings.modjoin) { | |
const modjoin = this.settings.modjoin === true ? this.settings.modchat : this.settings.modjoin; | |
message += ` [${modjoin} or higher to join]`; | |
} | |
if (this.settings.slowchat) { | |
message += ` [Slowchat ${this.settings.slowchat}s]`; | |
} | |
message += `</div>`; | |
if (this.settings.introMessage) { | |
message += `\n|raw|<div class="infobox infobox-roomintro"><div ${(this.settings.section !== 'official' ? 'class="infobox-limited"' : '')}>` + | |
this.settings.introMessage.replace(/\n/g, '') + | |
`</div></div>`; | |
} | |
const staffIntro = this.getStaffIntroMessage(user); | |
if (staffIntro) message += `\n${staffIntro}`; | |
return message; | |
} | |
getStaffIntroMessage(user: User) { | |
if (!user.can('mute', null, this)) return ``; | |
const messages = []; | |
if (this.settings.staffMessage) { | |
messages.push(`|raw|<div class="infobox">(Staff intro:)<br /><div>` + | |
this.settings.staffMessage.replace(/\n/g, '') + | |
`</div>`); | |
} | |
if (this.pendingApprovals?.size) { | |
let message = `|raw|<div class="infobox">`; | |
message += `<details open><summary>(Pending media requests: ${this.pendingApprovals.size})</summary>`; | |
for (const [userid, entry] of this.pendingApprovals) { | |
message += `<div class="infobox">`; | |
message += `<strong>Requester ID:</strong> ${userid}<br />`; | |
if (entry.dimensions) { | |
const [width, height, resized] = entry.dimensions; | |
message += `<strong>Link:</strong><br /> <img src="${}" width="${width}" height="${height}"><br />`; | |
if (resized) message += `(Resized)<br />`; | |
} else { | |
message += `<strong>Link:</strong><br /> <a href="${}"">Link</a><br />`; | |
} | |
message += `<strong>Comment:</strong> ${entry.comment ? entry.comment : 'None.'}<br />`; | |
message += `<button class="button" name="send" value="/approveshow ${userid}">Approve</button>` + | |
`<button class="button" name="send" value="/denyshow ${userid}">Deny</button></div>`; | |
message += `<hr />`; | |
} | |
message += `</details></div>`; | |
messages.push(message); | |
} | |
if ( | |
!this.settings.isPrivate && !this.settings.isPersonal && | |
this.settings.modchat && this.settings.modchat !== 'autoconfirmed' | |
) { | |
messages.push(`|raw|<div class="broadcast-red">Modchat currently set to ${this.settings.modchat}</div>`); | |
} | |
return messages.join('\n'); | |
} | |
getSubRooms(includeSecret = false) { | |
if (!this.subRooms) return []; | |
return [...this.subRooms.values()].filter( | |
room => includeSecret ? true : !room.settings.isPrivate && !room.settings.isPersonal | |
); | |
} | |
validateTitle(newTitle: string, newID?: string, oldID?: string) { | |
if (!newID) newID = toID(newTitle); | |
// `,` is a delimiter used by a lot of /commands | |
// `|` and `[` are delimiters used by the protocol | |
// `-` has special meaning in roomids | |
if (newTitle.includes(',') || newTitle.includes('|')) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Room title "${newTitle}" can't contain any of: ,|`); | |
} | |
if ((!newID.includes('-') || newID.startsWith('groupchat-')) && newTitle.includes('-')) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Room title "${newTitle}" can't contain -`); | |
} | |
if (newID.length > MAX_CHATROOM_ID_LENGTH) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("The given room title is too long."); | |
if (newID !== oldID && throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The room '${newTitle}' already exists.`); | |
} | |
setParent(room: Room | null) { | |
if (this.parent === room) return; | |
if (this.parent) { | |
(this.parent.subRooms as any).delete(this.roomid); | |
if (!this.parent.subRooms!.size) { | |
(this.parent.subRooms as any) = null; | |
} | |
} | |
(this as any).parent = room; | |
if (room) { | |
if (!room.subRooms) { | |
(room as any).subRooms = new Map(); | |
} | |
(room as any).subRooms.set(this.roomid, this); | |
this.settings.parentid = room.roomid; | |
} else { | |
delete this.settings.parentid; | |
} | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
for (const userid in this.users) { | |
this.users[userid].updateIdentity(this.roomid); | |
} | |
} | |
clearSubRooms() { | |
if (!this.subRooms) return; | |
for (const room of this.subRooms.values()) { | |
(room as any).parent = null; | |
} | |
(this as any).subRooms = null; | |
// this doesn't update parentid or subroom user symbols because it's | |
// intended to be used for cleanup only | |
} | |
setPrivate(privacy: PrivacySetting) { | |
this.settings.isPrivate = privacy; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
if (privacy) { | |
for (const user of Object.values(this.users)) { | |
if (!user.named) { | |
user.leaveRoom(this.roomid); | |
user.popup(`The room <<${this.roomid}>> has been made private; you must log in to be in private rooms.`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.battle || this.bestOf) { | |
if (privacy) { | |
if (this.roomid.endsWith('pw')) return true; | |
// This is the same password generation approach as genPassword in the client replays.lib.php | |
// but obviously will not match given mt_rand there uses a different RNG and seed. | |
let password = ''; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 31; i++) password += ALPHABET[crypto.randomInt(0, ALPHABET.length - 1)]; | |
this.rename(this.title, `${this.roomid}-${password}pw` as RoomID, true); | |
} else { | |
if (!this.roomid.endsWith('pw')) return true; | |
const lastDashIndex = this.roomid.lastIndexOf('-'); | |
if (lastDashIndex < 0) throw new Error(`invalid battle ID ${this.roomid}`); | |
this.rename(this.title, this.roomid.slice(0, lastDashIndex) as RoomID); | |
} | |
} | |
this.bestOf?.setPrivacyOfGames(privacy); | |
if ( { | |
for (const player of { | |
player.getUser()?.updateSearch(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
validateSection(section: string) { | |
const target = toID(section); | |
if (!RoomSections.sections.includes(target as any)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${target}" is not a valid room section. Valid categories include: ${RoomSections.sections.join(', ')}`); | |
} | |
return target as RoomSection; | |
} | |
setSection(section?: string) { | |
if (!this.persist) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot change the section of temporary rooms.`); | |
} | |
if (section) { | |
const validatedSection = this.validateSection(section); | |
if (this.settings.isPrivate && [true, 'hidden'].includes(this.settings.isPrivate)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Only public rooms can change their section.`); | |
} | |
const oldSection = this.settings.section; | |
if (oldSection === section) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${this.title}'s room section is already set to "${RoomSections.sectionNames[oldSection]}".`); | |
} | |
this.settings.section = validatedSection; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
return validatedSection; | |
} | |
delete this.settings.section; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
return undefined; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Displays a warning popup to all non-staff users users in the room. | |
* Returns a list of all the user IDs that were warned. | |
*/ | |
warnParticipants(message: string) { | |
const warned = Object.values(this.users).filter(u => !u.can('lock')); | |
for (const user of warned) { | |
user.popup(`|modal|${message}`); | |
} | |
return warned; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param newID Add this param if the roomid is different from `toID(newTitle)` | |
* @param noAlias Set this param to true to not redirect aliases and the room's old name to its new name. | |
*/ | |
rename(newTitle: string, newID?: RoomID, noAlias?: boolean) { | |
if (!newID) newID = toID(newTitle) as RoomID; | |
const oldID = this.roomid; | |
this.validateTitle(newTitle, newID, oldID); | |
if (this.type === 'chat' && { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Please finish your game (${}) before renaming ${this.roomid}.`); | |
} | |
(this as any).roomid = newID; | |
this.title = this.settings.title = newTitle; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
if (newID === oldID) { | |
for (const user of Object.values(this.users)) { | |
user.sendTo(this, `|title|${newTitle}`); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
Rooms.rooms.delete(oldID); | |
Rooms.rooms.set(newID, this as Room); | |
if (this.battle && oldID) { | |
for (const player of this.battle.players) { | |
if (player.invite) { | |
const chall = Ladders.challenges.searchByRoom(player.invite, oldID); | |
if (chall) chall.roomid = this.roomid; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (oldID === 'lobby') { | |
Rooms.lobby = null; | |
} else if (newID === 'lobby') { | |
Rooms.lobby = this as ChatRoom; | |
} | |
if (!noAlias) { | |
for (const [alias, roomid] of Rooms.aliases.entries()) { | |
if (roomid === oldID) { | |
Rooms.aliases.set(alias, newID); | |
} | |
} | |
// add an alias from the old id | |
Rooms.aliases.set(oldID, newID); | |
if (!this.settings.aliases) this.settings.aliases = []; | |
// resolve an old (fixed) bug in /renameroom | |
if (!this.settings.aliases.includes(oldID)) this.settings.aliases.push(oldID); | |
} else { | |
// clear aliases | |
for (const [alias, roomid] of Rooms.aliases.entries()) { | |
if (roomid === oldID) { | |
Rooms.aliases.delete(alias); | |
} | |
} | |
this.settings.aliases = undefined; | |
} | |; | |
for (const user of Object.values(this.users)) { | |
user.moveConnections(oldID, newID); | |
user.send(`>${oldID}\n|noinit|rename|${newID}|${newTitle}`); | |
} | |
if (this.parent?.subRooms) { | |
(this as any).parent.subRooms.delete(oldID); | |
(this as any).parent.subRooms.set(newID, this as ChatRoom); | |
} | |
if (this.subRooms) { | |
for (const subRoom of this.subRooms.values()) { | |
(subRoom as any).parent = this as ChatRoom; | |
subRoom.settings.parentid = newID; | |
} | |
} | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
Punishments.renameRoom(oldID, newID); | |
void this.log.rename(newID); | |
} | |
onConnect(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
const userList = this.userList ? this.userList : this.getUserList(); | |
this.sendUser( | |
connection, | |
'|init|chat\n|title|' + this.title + '\n' + userList + '\n' + this.log.getScrollback() + this.getIntroMessage(user) | |
); | |
this.minorActivity?.onConnect?.(user, connection); | |, connection); | |
} | |
onJoin(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
if (!user) return false; // ??? | |
if (this.users[]) return false; | |
Chat.runHandlers('onBeforeRoomJoin', this, user, connection); | |
if (user.named) { | |
this.reportJoin('j', user.getIdentityWithStatus(this), user); | |
} | |
const staffIntro = this.getStaffIntroMessage(user); | |
if (staffIntro) this.sendUser(user, staffIntro); | |
this.users[] = user; | |
this.userCount++; | |
this.checkAutoModchat(user); | |, connection); | |
Chat.runHandlers('onRoomJoin', this, user, connection); | |
return true; | |
} | |
onRename(user: User, oldid: ID, joining: boolean) { | |
if ( === oldid) { | |
return this.onUpdateIdentity(user); | |
} | |
if (!this.users[oldid]) { | |
Monitor.crashlog(new Error(`user ${oldid} not in room ${this.roomid}`)); | |
} | |
if (this.users[]) { | |
Monitor.crashlog(new Error(`user ${} already in room ${this.roomid}`)); | |
} | |
delete this.users[oldid]; | |
this.users[] = user; | |
if (joining) { | |
this.reportJoin('j', user.getIdentityWithStatus(this), user); | |
const staffIntro = this.getStaffIntroMessage(user); | |
if (staffIntro) this.sendUser(user, staffIntro); | |
} else if (!user.named) { | |
this.reportJoin('l', ' ' + oldid, user); | |
} else { | |
this.reportJoin('n', user.getIdentityWithStatus(this) + '|' + oldid, user); | |
} | |
this.minorActivity?.onRename?.(user, oldid, joining); | |
this.checkAutoModchat(user); | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* onRename, but without a userid change | |
*/ | |
onUpdateIdentity(user: User) { | |
if (user?.connected) { | |
if (!this.users[]) return false; | |
if (user.named) { | |
this.reportJoin('n', user.getIdentityWithStatus(this) + '|' +, user); | |
} | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
onLeave(user: User) { | |
if (!user) return false; // ... | |
if (!( in this.users)) { | |
Monitor.crashlog(new Error(`user ${} already left`)); | |
return false; | |
} | |
delete this.users[]; | |
this.userCount--; | |
if (user.named) { | |
this.reportJoin('l', user.getIdentity(this), user); | |
} | |; | |
this.runAutoModchat(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
runAutoModchat() { | |
if (!this.settings.autoModchat || return; | |
// they are staff and online | |
const staff = Object.values(this.users).filter(u => this.auth.atLeast(u, '%')); | |
if (!staff.length) { | |
const { time } = this.settings.autoModchat; | |
if (!time || time < 5) { | |
throw new Error(`Invalid time setting for automodchat (${Utils.visualize(this.settings.autoModchat)})`); | |
} | |
if (this.modchatTimer) return; | |
this.modchatTimer = setTimeout(() => { | |
if (!this.settings.autoModchat) return; | |
const { rank } = this.settings.autoModchat; | |
const oldSetting = this.settings.modchat; | |
this.settings.modchat = rank; | |
this.add( | |
// always gonna be minutes so we can just use the number directly lol | |
`|raw|<div class="broadcast-blue"><strong>This room has had no active staff for ${time} minutes,` + | |
` and has had modchat set to ${rank}.</strong></div>` | |
).update(); | |
this.modlog({ | |
}); | |
// automodchat will always exist | | = oldSetting || true; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
this.modchatTimer = null; | |
}, time * 60 * 1000); | |
} | |
} | |
checkAutoModchat(user: User) { | |
if (user.can('mute', null, this, 'modchat')) { | |
if (this.modchatTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(this.modchatTimer); | |
} | |
if (this.settings.autoModchat?.active) { | |
const oldSetting =; | |
if (typeof oldSetting === 'string') { | |
this.settings.modchat = oldSetting; | |
} else { | |
delete this.settings.modchat; | |
} | | = false; | |
this.saveSettings(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
destroy(): void { | |
// deallocate ourself | |
if ( { | |; | | = null; | |
this.battle = null; | |
this.tour = null; | |
} | |
// remove references to ourself | |
for (const i in this.users) { | |
this.users[i].leaveRoom(this as Room, null); | |
delete this.users[i]; | |
} | |
this.setParent(null); | |
this.clearSubRooms(); | |
Chat.runHandlers('onRoomDestroy', this.roomid); | |; | |; | |
if (this.settings.aliases) { | |
for (const alias of this.settings.aliases) { | |
Rooms.aliases.delete(alias); | |
} | |
} | | = false; | |
// Ensure there aren't any pending messages that could restart the expire timer | |
this.update(); | |
// Clear any active timers for the room | |
if (this.muteTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(this.muteTimer); | |
this.muteTimer = null; | |
} | |
if (this.expireTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(this.expireTimer); | |
this.expireTimer = null; | |
} | |
if (this.reportJoinsInterval) { | |
clearInterval(this.reportJoinsInterval); | |
} | |
this.reportJoinsInterval = null; | |
if (this.logUserStatsInterval) { | |
clearInterval(this.logUserStatsInterval); | |
} | |
this.logUserStatsInterval = null; | |
void this.log.destroy(); | |
Rooms.rooms.delete(this.roomid); | |
if (this.roomid === 'lobby') Rooms.lobby = null; | |
} | |
tr(strings: string | TemplateStringsArray, ...keys: any[]) { | |
return || 'english' as ID, strings, ...keys); | |
} | |
} | |
export class GlobalRoomState { | |
readonly settingsList: RoomSettings[]; | |
readonly chatRooms: ChatRoom[]; | |
/** | |
* Rooms that users autojoin upon connecting | |
*/ | |
readonly autojoinList: RoomID[]; | |
/** | |
* Rooms that users autojoin upon logging in | |
*/ | |
readonly modjoinedAutojoinList: RoomID[]; | |
readonly ladderIpLog: Streams.WriteStream; | |
readonly reportUserStatsInterval: NodeJS.Timeout; | |
lockdown: boolean | 'pre' | 'ddos'; | |
battleCount: number; | |
lastReportedCrash: number; | |
lastBattle: number; | |
lastWrittenBattle: number; | |
maxUsers: number; | |
maxUsersDate: number; | |
formatList: string; | |
constructor() { | |
this.settingsList = []; | |
try { | |
this.settingsList = require(FS('config/chatrooms.json').path); | |
if (!Array.isArray(this.settingsList)) this.settingsList = []; | |
} catch {} // file doesn't exist [yet] | |
if (!this.settingsList.length) { | |
this.settingsList = [{ | |
title: 'Lobby', | |
auth: {}, | |
creationTime:, | |
autojoin: true, | |
section: 'official', | |
}, { | |
title: 'Staff', | |
auth: {}, | |
creationTime:, | |
isPrivate: 'hidden', | |
modjoin: '%', | |
autojoin: true, | |
}]; | |
} | |
this.chatRooms = []; | |
this.autojoinList = []; | |
this.modjoinedAutojoinList = []; | |
for (const [i, settings] of this.settingsList.entries()) { | |
if (!settings?.title) { | |
Monitor.warn(`ERROR: Room number ${i} has no data and could not be loaded.`); | |
continue; | |
} | |
if ((settings as any).staffAutojoin) { | |
// convert old staffAutojoin format | |
delete (settings as any).staffAutojoin; | |
(settings as any).autojoin = true; | |
if (!settings.modjoin) settings.modjoin = '%'; | |
if (settings.isPrivate === true) settings.isPrivate = 'hidden'; | |
} | |
// We're okay with assinging type `ID` to `RoomID` here | |
// because the hyphens in chatrooms don't have any special | |
// meaning, unlike in helptickets, groupchats, battles etc | |
// where they are used for shared modlogs and the like | |
const id = toID(settings.title) as RoomID; | |
Monitor.notice("RESTORE CHATROOM: " + id); | |
const room = Rooms.createChatRoom(id, settings.title, settings); | |
if (room.settings.aliases) { | |
for (const alias of room.settings.aliases) { | |
Rooms.aliases.set(alias, id); | |
} | |
} | |
this.chatRooms.push(room); | |
if (room.settings.autojoin) { | |
if (room.settings.modjoin) { | |
this.modjoinedAutojoinList.push(id); | |
} else { | |
this.autojoinList.push(id); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
Rooms.lobby = Rooms.rooms.get('lobby') as ChatRoom; | |
// init battle room logging | |
if (Config.logladderip) { | |
this.ladderIpLog = Monitor.logPath('ladderip/ladderip.txt').createAppendStream(); | |
} else { | |
// Prevent there from being two possible hidden classes an instance | |
// of GlobalRoom can have. | |
this.ladderIpLog = new Streams.WriteStream({ write() { return undefined; } }); | |
} | |
this.reportUserStatsInterval = setInterval( | |
() => this.reportUserStats(), | |
); | |
// init users | |
this.maxUsers = 0; | |
this.maxUsersDate = 0; | |
this.lockdown = false; | |
this.battleCount = 0; | |
this.lastReportedCrash = 0; | |
this.formatList = ''; | |
let lastBattle; | |
try { | |
lastBattle = Monitor.logPath('lastbattle.txt').readSync('utf8'); | |
} catch {} | |
this.lastBattle = Number(lastBattle) || 0; | |
this.lastWrittenBattle = this.lastBattle; | |
void this.loadBattles(); | |
} | |
async serializeBattleRoom(room: Room) { | |
if (!room.battle || room.battle.ended) return null; | |
room.battle.frozen = true; | |
const log = await room.battle.getLog(); | |
const players = =>; | |
if (!players.length || !log?.length) return null; // shouldn't happen??? | |
// players can be empty right after `/importinputlog` | |
return { | |
roomid: room.roomid, | |
inputLog: log.join('\n'), | |
players, | |
title: room.title, | |
rated: room.battle.rated, | |
timer: { | |, | |
active: !!room.battle.timer.timer || false, | |
}, | |
}; | |
} | |
deserializeBattleRoom(battle: NonNullable<Awaited<ReturnType<GlobalRoomState['serializeBattleRoom']>>>) { | |
const { inputLog, players, roomid, title, rated, timer } = battle; | |
const [, formatid] = roomid.split('-'); | |
const room = Rooms.createBattle({ | |
format: formatid, | |
inputLog, | |
roomid, | |
title, | |
rated: Number(rated), | |
players: [], | |
delayedTimer:, | |
}); | |
if (!room?.battle) return false; // shouldn't happen??? | |
if (timer) { // json blob of settings | |
Object.assign(room.battle.timer.settings, timer); | |
} | |
for (const [i, playerid] of players.entries()) { | |
room.auth.set(playerid, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL); | |
const player = room.battle.players[i]; | |
( as string) = playerid; | |
room.battle.playerTable[playerid] = player; | |
player.hasTeam = true; | |
const user = Users.getExact(playerid); | | = user?.name || playerid; // in case user hasn't reconnected yet | |
user?.joinRoom(room); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
async saveBattles() { | |
let count = 0; | |
const out = Monitor.logPath('battles.jsonl.progress').createAppendStream(); | |
for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
if (!room.battle || room.battle.ended) continue; | |
room.battle.frozen = true; | |
room.battle.timer.stop(); | |
const b = await this.serializeBattleRoom(room); | |
if (!b) continue; | |
await out.writeLine(JSON.stringify(b)); | |
count++; | |
} | |
await out.writeEnd(); | |
await Monitor.logPath('battles.jsonl.progress').rename(Monitor.logPath('battles.jsonl').path); | |
return count; | |
} | |
battlesLoading = false; | |
async loadBattles() { | |
this.battlesLoading = true; | |
for (const u of Users.users.values()) { | |
u.send( | |
`|pm|~|${u.getIdentity()}|/uhtml restartmsg,` + | |
`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>Your battles are currently being restored.<br />Please be patient as they load.</div>` | |
); | |
} | |
const startTime =; | |
let count = 0; | |
let input; | |
try { | |
const stream = Monitor.logPath('battles.jsonl').createReadStream(); | |
await stream.fd; | |
input = stream.byLine(); | |
} catch { | |
return; | |
} | |
for await (const line of input) { | |
if (!line) continue; | |
if (this.deserializeBattleRoom(JSON.parse(line))) count++; | |
} | |
for (const u of Users.users.values()) { | |
u.send(`|pm|~|${u.getIdentity()}|/uhtmlchange restartmsg,`); | |
} | |
await Monitor.logPath('battles.jsonl').unlinkIfExists(); | |
Monitor.notice(`Loaded ${count} battles in ${ - startTime}ms`); | |
this.battlesLoading = false; | |
} | |
rejoinGames(user: User) { | |
for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
const player = && ! &&[]; | |
if (!player) continue; | |
// prevents players from being re-added to games like Scavengers after they've finished | |
if (player.completed) continue; | |; | | =; | |
user.joinRoom(room.roomid); | |
} | |
} | |
modlog(entry: PartialModlogEntry, overrideID?: string) { | |
void Rooms.Modlog.write('global', entry, overrideID); | |
} | |
writeChatRoomData() { | |
FS('config/chatrooms.json').writeUpdate(() => ( | |
JSON.stringify(this.settingsList) | |
.replace(/\{"title":/g, '\n{"title":') | |
.replace(/\]$/, '\n]') | |
), { throttle: 5000 }); | |
} | |
writeNumRooms() { | |
if (this.lockdown) { | |
if (this.lastBattle === this.lastWrittenBattle) return; | |
this.lastWrittenBattle = this.lastBattle; | |
} else { | |
// batch writes so we don't have to write them every new battle | |
// very probably premature optimization, considering by default we | |
// write significantly larger log files every new battle | |
if (this.lastBattle < this.lastWrittenBattle) return; | |
this.lastWrittenBattle = this.lastBattle + LAST_BATTLE_WRITE_THROTTLE; | |
} | |
Monitor.logPath('lastbattle.txt').writeUpdate( | |
() => `${this.lastWrittenBattle}` | |
); | |
} | |
reportUserStats() { | |
if (this.maxUsersDate) { | |
void LoginServer.request('updateuserstats', { | |
date: this.maxUsersDate, | |
users: this.maxUsers, | |
}); | |
this.maxUsersDate = 0; | |
} | |
void LoginServer.request('updateuserstats', { | |
date:, | |
users: Users.onlineCount, | |
}); | |
} | |
get formatListText() { | |
if (this.formatList) { | |
return this.formatList; | |
} | |
this.formatList = `|formats${Ladders.formatsListPrefix || ''}`; | |
let section = ''; | |
let prevSection = ''; | |
let curColumn = 1; | |
for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) { | |
if (format.section) section = format.section; | |
if (format.column) curColumn = format.column; | |
if (! continue; | |
if (!format.challengeShow && !format.searchShow && !format.tournamentShow) continue; | |
if (section !== prevSection) { | |
prevSection = section; | |
this.formatList += `|,${curColumn}|${section}`; | |
} | |
this.formatList += `|${}`; | |
let displayCode = 0; | |
if ( displayCode |= 1; | |
if (format.searchShow) displayCode |= 2; | |
if (format.challengeShow) displayCode |= 4; | |
if (format.tournamentShow) displayCode |= 8; | |
const ruleTable = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format); | |
const level = ruleTable.adjustLevel || ruleTable.adjustLevelDown || ruleTable.maxLevel; | |
if (level === 50) displayCode |= 16; | |
// 32 was previously used for Multi Battles | |
if (format.bestOfDefault) displayCode |= 64; | |
if (format.teraPreviewDefault) displayCode |= 128; | |
this.formatList += ',' + displayCode.toString(16); | |
} | |
return this.formatList; | |
} | |
get configRankList() { | |
if (Config.nocustomgrouplist) return ''; | |
// putting the resultant object in Config would enable this to be run again should config.js be reloaded. | |
if (Config.rankList) { | |
return Config.rankList; | |
} | |
const rankList = []; | |
for (const rank in Config.groups) { | |
if (!Config.groups[rank] || !rank) continue; | |
const tarGroup = Config.groups[rank]; | |
const groupType = === 'bot' || (!tarGroup.mute && !tarGroup.root) ? | |
'normal' : (tarGroup.root || tarGroup.declare) ? 'leadership' : 'staff'; | |
rankList.push({ | |
symbol: rank, | |
name: (Config.groups[rank].name || null), | |
type: groupType }); // send the first character in the rank, incase they put a string several characters long | |
} | |
const typeOrder = ['punishment', 'normal', 'staff', 'leadership']; | |
Utils.sortBy(rankList, rank => -typeOrder.indexOf(rank.type)); | |
// add the punishment types at the very end. | |
for (const rank in Config.punishgroups) { | |
rankList.push({ symbol: Config.punishgroups[rank].symbol, name: Config.punishgroups[rank].name, type: 'punishment' }); | |
} | |
Config.rankList = '|customgroups|' + JSON.stringify(rankList) + '\n'; | |
return Config.rankList; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param filter formatfilter, elofilter, usernamefilter | |
*/ | |
getBattles(filter: string) { | |
const rooms: GameRoom[] = []; | |
const [formatFilter, eloFilterString, usernameFilter] = filter.split(','); | |
const eloFilter = +eloFilterString; | |
for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
if (!room?.active || room.settings.isPrivate) continue; | |
if (room.type !== 'battle') continue; | |
if (formatFilter && formatFilter !== room.format) continue; | |
if (eloFilter && (!room.rated || room.rated < eloFilter)) continue; | |
if (usernameFilter && room.battle) { | |
const p1userid =; | |
const p2userid =; | |
if (!p1userid || !p2userid) continue; | |
if (!p1userid.startsWith(usernameFilter) && !p2userid.startsWith(usernameFilter)) continue; | |
} | |
rooms.push(room); | |
} | |
const roomTable: { [roomid: string]: BattleRoomTable } = {}; | |
for (let i = rooms.length - 1; i >= rooms.length - 100 && i >= 0; i--) { | |
const room = rooms[i]; | |
const roomData: BattleRoomTable = {}; | |
if ( && room.battle) { | |
if (room.battle.p1) roomData.p1 =; | |
if (room.battle.p2) roomData.p2 =; | |
if (room.tour) roomData.minElo = 'tour'; | |
if (room.rated) roomData.minElo = Math.floor(room.rated); | |
} | |
if (!roomData.p1 || !roomData.p2) continue; | |
roomTable[room.roomid] = roomData; | |
} | |
return roomTable; | |
} | |
getRooms(user: User) { | |
const roomsData: { | |
chat: ChatRoomTable[], | |
sectionTitles: string[], | |
userCount: number, | |
battleCount: number, | |
} = { | |
chat: [], | |
sectionTitles: Object.values(RoomSections.sectionNames), | |
userCount: Users.onlineCount, | |
battleCount: this.battleCount, | |
}; | |
for (const room of this.chatRooms) { | |
if (!room) continue; | |
if (room.parent) continue; | |
if ( | |
room.settings.modjoin || | |
(room.settings.isPrivate && !(['hidden', 'voice'] as any).includes(room.settings.isPrivate)) || | |
(room.settings.isPrivate === 'voice' && user.tempGroup === ' ') | |
) continue; | |
const roomData: ChatRoomTable = { | |
title: room.title, | |
desc: room.settings.desc || '', | |
userCount: room.userCount, | |
section: room.settings.section ? | |
(RoomSections.sectionNames[room.settings.section] || room.settings.section) : undefined, | |
privacy: !room.settings.isPrivate ? undefined : room.settings.isPrivate, | |
}; | |
const subrooms = room.getSubRooms().map(r => r.title); | |
if (subrooms.length) roomData.subRooms = subrooms; | |
if (room.settings.spotlight) roomData.spotlight = room.settings.spotlight; | |; | |
} | |
return roomsData; | |
} | |
sendAll(message: string) { | |
Sockets.roomBroadcast('', message); | |
} | |
addChatRoom(title: string) { | |
const id = toID(title) as RoomID; | |
if (['battles', 'rooms', 'ladder', 'teambuilder', 'home', 'all', 'public'].includes(id)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (Rooms.rooms.has(id)) return false; | |
const settings = { | |
title, | |
auth: {}, | |
creationTime:, | |
}; | |
const room = Rooms.createChatRoom(id, title, settings); | |
if (id === 'lobby') Rooms.lobby = room; | |
this.settingsList.push(settings); | |
this.chatRooms.push(room); | |
this.writeChatRoomData(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
prepBattleRoom(format: string) { | |
// console.log('BATTLE START BETWEEN: ' + + ' ' +; | |
const roomPrefix = `battle-${toID(Dex.formats.get(format).name)}-`; | |
let battleNum = this.lastBattle; | |
let roomid: RoomID; | |
do { | |
roomid = `${roomPrefix}${++battleNum}` as RoomID; | |
} while (Rooms.rooms.has(roomid)); | |
this.lastBattle = battleNum; | |
this.writeNumRooms(); | |
return roomid; | |
} | |
onCreateBattleRoom(players: User[], room: GameRoom, options: AnyObject) { | |
for (const player of players) { | |
if (player.statusType === 'idle') { | |
player.setStatusType('online'); | |
} | |
} | |
if (Config.reportbattles) { | |
if (typeof Config.reportbattles === 'string') { | |
Config.reportbattles = [Config.reportbattles]; | |
} else if (Config.reportbattles === true) { | |
Config.reportbattles = ['lobby']; | |
} | |
for (const roomid of Config.reportbattles) { | |
const reportRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (reportRoom) { | |
const reportPlayers = => p.getIdentity()).join('|'); | |
reportRoom | |
.add(`|b|${room.roomid}|${reportPlayers}`) | |
.update(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (Config.logladderip && options.rated) { | |
const ladderIpLogString = => `${}: ${p.latestIp}\n`).join(''); | |
void this.ladderIpLog.write(ladderIpLogString); | |
} | |
for (const player of players) { | |
Chat.runHandlers('onBattleStart', player, room); | |
} | |
} | |
deregisterChatRoom(id: string) { | |
id = toID(id); | |
const room = Rooms.get(id); | |
if (!room) return false; // room doesn't exist | |
if (!room.persist) return false; // room isn't registered | |
// deregister from global settings | |
// looping from the end is a pretty trivial optimization, but the | |
// assumption is that more recently added rooms are more likely to | |
// be deleted | |
for (let i = this.settingsList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
if (id === toID(this.settingsList[i].title)) { | |
this.settingsList.splice(i, 1); | |
this.writeChatRoomData(); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
room.persist = false; | |
return true; | |
} | |
delistChatRoom(id: RoomID) { | |
id = toID(id) as RoomID; | |
if (!Rooms.rooms.has(id)) return false; // room doesn't exist | |
for (let i = this.chatRooms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
if (id === this.chatRooms[i].roomid) { | |
this.chatRooms.splice(i, 1); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
removeChatRoom(id: string) { | |
id = toID(id); | |
const room = Rooms.get(id); | |
if (!room) return false; // room doesn't exist | |
room.destroy(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
autojoinRooms(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
// we only autojoin regular rooms if the client requests it with /autojoin | |
// note that this restriction doesn't apply to modjoined autojoin rooms | |
let includesLobby = false; | |
for (const roomName of this.autojoinList) { | |
user.joinRoom(roomName, connection); | |
if (roomName === 'lobby') includesLobby = true; | |
} | |
if (!includesLobby && Config.serverid !== 'showdown') user.send(`>lobby\n|deinit`); | |
} | |
checkAutojoin(user: User, connection?: Connection) { | |
if (!user.named) return; | |
for (let [i, roomid] of this.modjoinedAutojoinList.entries()) { | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (!room) { | |
this.modjoinedAutojoinList.splice(i, 1); | |
i--; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (room.checkModjoin(user)) { | |
user.joinRoom(room.roomid, connection); | |
} | |
} | |
for (const conn of user.connections) { | |
if (conn.autojoins) { | |
const autojoins = conn.autojoins.split(',') as RoomID[]; | |
for (const roomName of autojoins) { | |
void user.tryJoinRoom(roomName, conn); | |
} | |
conn.autojoins = ''; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
handleConnect(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
connection.send(user.getUpdateuserText() + '\n' + this.configRankList + this.formatListText); | |
if (Users.users.size > this.maxUsers) { | |
this.maxUsers = Users.users.size; | |
this.maxUsersDate =; | |
} | |
} | |
startLockdown(err: Error | null = null, slow = false) { | |
if (this.lockdown && err) return; | |
const devRoom = Rooms.get('development'); | |
const stack = (err ? Utils.escapeHTML(err.stack!).split(`\n`).slice(0, 2).join(`<br />`) : ``); | |
for (const [id, curRoom] of Rooms.rooms) { | |
if (err) { | |
if (id === 'staff' || id === 'development' || (!devRoom && id === 'lobby')) { | |
curRoom.addRaw(`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>The server needs to restart because of a crash:</b> ${stack}<br />Please restart the server.</div>`); | |
curRoom.addRaw(`<div class="broadcast-red">You will not be able to start new battles until the server restarts.</div>`); | |
curRoom.update(); | |
} else { | |
curRoom.addRaw(`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>The server needs to restart because of a crash.</b><br />No new battles can be started until the server is done restarting.</div>`).update(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
curRoom.addRaw(`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>The server is restarting soon.</b><br />Please finish your battles quickly. No new battles can be started until the server resets in a few minutes.</div>`).update(); | |
} | |
const game =; | |
// @ts-expect-error TODO: revisit when game.timer is standardized | |
if (!slow && game?.timer && typeof game.timer.start === 'function' && !game.ended) { | |
// @ts-expect-error see above | |
game.timer.start(); | |
if (curRoom.settings.modchat !== '+') { | |
curRoom.settings.modchat = '+'; | |
curRoom.addRaw(`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>Moderated chat was set to +!</b><br />Only users of rank + and higher can talk.</div>`).update(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (const user of Users.users.values()) { | |
user.send(`|pm|~|${user.tempGroup}${}|/raw <div class="broadcast-red"><b>The server is restarting soon.</b><br />Please finish your battles quickly. No new battles can be started until the server resets in a few minutes.</div>`); | |
} | |
this.lockdown = true; | |
this.writeNumRooms(); | |
this.lastReportedCrash =; | |
} | |
automaticKillRequest() { | |
const notifyPlaces: RoomID[] = ['development', 'staff', 'upperstaff']; | |
if (Config.autolockdown === undefined) Config.autolockdown = true; // on by default | |
if (Config.autolockdown && === true && === 0) { | |
// The server is in lockdown, the final battle has finished, and the option is set | |
// so we will now automatically kill the server here if it is not updating. | |
if (Monitor.updateServerLock) { | |
this.notifyRooms( | |
notifyPlaces, | |
`|html|<div class="broadcast-red"><b>Automatic server lockdown kill canceled.</b><br /><br />The server tried to automatically kill itself upon the final battle finishing, but the server was updating while trying to kill itself.</div>` | |
); | |
return; | |
} | |
// final warning | |
this.notifyRooms( | |
notifyPlaces, | |
`|html|<div class="broadcast-red"><b>The server is about to automatically kill itself in 10 seconds.</b></div>` | |
); | |
// kill server in 10 seconds if it's still set to | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
if (Config.autolockdown && === true) { | |
// finally kill the server | |
process.exit(); | |
} else { | |
this.notifyRooms( | |
notifyPlaces, | |
`|html|<div class="broadcsat-red"><b>Automatic server lockdown kill canceled.</b><br /><br />In the last final seconds, the automatic lockdown was manually disabled.</div>` | |
); | |
} | |
}, 10 * 1000); | |
} | |
} | |
notifyRooms(rooms: RoomID[], message: string) { | |
if (!rooms || !message) return; | |
for (const roomid of rooms) { | |
const curRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (curRoom) curRoom.add(message).update(); | |
} | |
} | |
reportCrash(err: Error | string, crasher = "The server") { | |
const time =; | |
if (time - this.lastReportedCrash < CRASH_REPORT_THROTTLE) { | |
return; | |
} | |
this.lastReportedCrash = time; | |
const stack = typeof err === 'string' ? err : err?.stack || err?.message || err?.name || ''; | |
const [stackFirst, stackRest] = Utils.splitFirst(Utils.escapeHTML(stack), `<br />`); | |
let fullStack = `<b>${crasher} crashed:</b> ` + stackFirst; | |
if (stackRest) fullStack = `<details class="readmore"><summary>${fullStack}</summary>${stackRest}</details>`; | |
let crashMessage = `|html|<div class="broadcast-red">${fullStack}</div>`; | |
let privateCrashMessage = null; | |
const upperStaffRoom = Rooms.get('upperstaff'); | |
let hasPrivateTerm = stack.includes('private'); | |
for (const term of (Config.privatecrashterms || [])) { | |
if (typeof term === 'string' ? stack.includes(term) : term.test(stack)) { | |
hasPrivateTerm = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (hasPrivateTerm) { | |
if (upperStaffRoom) { | |
privateCrashMessage = crashMessage; | |
crashMessage = `|html|<div class="broadcast-red"><b>${crasher} crashed in private code</b> <a href="/upperstaff">Read more</a></div>`; | |
} else { | |
crashMessage = `|html|<div class="broadcast-red"><b>${crasher} crashed in private code</b></div>`; | |
} | |
} | |
const devRoom = Rooms.get('development'); | |
if (devRoom) { | |
devRoom.add(crashMessage).update(); | |
} else { | |
Rooms.lobby?.add(crashMessage).update(); | |
Rooms.get('staff')?.add(crashMessage).update(); | |
} | |
if (privateCrashMessage) { | |
upperStaffRoom!.add(privateCrashMessage).update(); | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Destroys personal rooms of a (punished) user | |
* Returns a list of the user's remaining public auth | |
*/ | |
destroyPersonalRooms(userid: ID) { | |
const roomauth = []; | |
for (const [id, curRoom] of Rooms.rooms) { | |
if (curRoom.settings.isPersonal && curRoom.auth.get(userid) === Users.HOST_SYMBOL) { | |
curRoom.destroy(); | |
} else { | |
if (curRoom.settings.isPrivate || curRoom.battle || !curRoom.persist) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (curRoom.auth.has(userid)) { | |
let oldGroup = curRoom.auth.get(userid) as string; | |
if (oldGroup === ' ') oldGroup = 'whitelist in '; | |
roomauth.push(`${oldGroup}${id}`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return roomauth; | |
} | |
} | |
export class ChatRoom extends BasicRoom { | |
// This is not actually used, this is just a fake class to keep | |
// TypeScript happy | |
override battle = null; | |
override active = false as const; | |
override type = 'chat' as const; | |
} | |
export class GameRoom extends BasicRoom { | |
declare readonly type: 'battle'; | |
readonly format: string; | |
p1: User | null; | |
p2: User | null; | |
p3: User | null; | |
p4: User | null; | |
/** | |
* The lower player's rating, for searching purposes. | |
* 0 for unrated battles. 1 for unknown ratings. | |
*/ | |
rated: number; | |
declare battle: RoomBattle | null; | |
declare bestOf: BestOfGame | null; | |
declare game: RoomGame; | |
modchatUser: string; | |
constructor(roomid: RoomID, title: string, options: Partial<RoomSettings & RoomBattleOptions>) { | |
options.noLogTimes = true; | |
options.noAutoTruncate = true; | |
options.isMultichannel = true; | |
super(roomid, title, options); | |
this.reportJoins = !!Config.reportbattlejoins; | |
this.settings.modchat = (Config.battlemodchat || null); | |
this.type = 'battle'; | |
this.format = options.format || ''; | |
// console.log("NEW BATTLE"); | |
this.tour = options.tour || null; | |
this.setParent((options as any).parent || this.tour?.room || null); | |
this.p1 = options.players?.[0]?.user || null; | |
this.p2 = options.players?.[1]?.user || null; | |
this.p3 = options.players?.[2]?.user || null; | |
this.p4 = options.players?.[3]?.user || null; | |
this.rated = options.rated === true ? 1 : options.rated || 0; | |
this.battle = null; | |
this.bestOf = null; | | = null!; | |
this.modchatUser = ''; | | = false; | |
} | |
/** | |
* - logNum = 0 : spectator log (no exact HP) | |
* - logNum = 1, 2, 3, 4 : player log (exact HP for that player) | |
* - logNum = -1 : debug log (exact HP for all players) | |
*/ | |
getLog(channel: -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 = 0) { | |
return this.log.getScrollback(channel); | |
} | |
getLogForUser(user: User) { | |
if (!( in return this.getLog(); | |
return this.getLog([].num as 0); | |
} | |
update(excludeUser: User | null = null) { | |
if (!this.log.broadcastBuffer.length) return; | |
if (this.userCount) { | |
Sockets.channelBroadcast(this.roomid, `>${this.roomid}\n${this.log.broadcastBuffer.join('\n')}`); | |
} | |
this.log.broadcastBuffer = []; | |
this.pokeExpireTimer(); | |
} | |
pokeExpireTimer() { | |
// empty rooms time out after ten minutes | |
if (!this.userCount) { | |
if (this.expireTimer) clearTimeout(this.expireTimer); | |
this.expireTimer = setTimeout(() => this.expire(), TIMEOUT_EMPTY_DEALLOCATE); | |
} else { | |
if (this.expireTimer) clearTimeout(this.expireTimer); | |
this.expireTimer = setTimeout(() => this.expire(), TIMEOUT_INACTIVE_DEALLOCATE); | |
} | |
} | |
requestModchat(user: User | null) { | |
if (!user) { | |
this.modchatUser = ''; | |
} else if (!this.modchatUser || this.modchatUser === || this.auth.get( !== Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL) { | |
this.modchatUser =; | |
} else { | |
return "Modchat can only be changed by the user who turned it on, or by staff"; | |
} | |
} | |
onConnect(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
this.sendUser(connection, '|init|battle\n|title|' + this.title + '\n' + this.getLogForUser(user)); | |, connection); | |
} | |
onJoin(user: User, connection: Connection) { | |
if (!user) return false; // ??? | |
if (this.users[]) return false; | |
Chat.runHandlers('onBeforeRoomJoin', this, user, connection); | |
if (user.named) { | |
this.reportJoin('j', user.getIdentityWithStatus(this), user); | |
} | |
this.users[] = user; | |
this.userCount++; | |
this.checkAutoModchat(user); | |
this.minorActivity?.onConnect?.(user, connection); | |, connection); | |
Chat.runHandlers('onRoomJoin', this, user, connection); | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Sends this room's replay to the connection to be uploaded to the replay | |
* server. To be clear, the replay goes: | |
* | |
* PS server -> user -> loginserver | |
* | |
* NOT: PS server -> loginserver | |
* | |
* That's why this function requires a connection. For details, see the top | |
* comment inside this function. | |
*/ | |
async uploadReplay(user?: User, connection?: Connection, options?: 'forpunishment' | 'silent' | 'auto') { | |
// The reason we don't upload directly to the loginserver, unlike every | |
// other interaction with the loginserver, is because it takes so much | |
// bandwidth that it can get identified as a DoS attack by PHP, Apache, or | |
// Cloudflare, and blocked. | |
// While I'm sure this is configurable, it's a huge pain, and getting it | |
// wrong, especially while migrating infrastructure, leads to everything | |
// being unusable and panic while we figure out how to unblock our servers | |
// from each other. It's just easier to "spread out" the bandwidth. | |
// TODO: My ideal long-term fix would be to just have a database (probably | |
// Postgres) shared between client and server, acting as both the server's | |
// battle logs as well as the client's replay database, which both client | |
// and server have write access to. | |
const battle = this.battle; | |
if (!battle) return; | |
// retrieve spectator log (0) if there are privacy concerns | |
const format = Dex.formats.get(this.format, true); | |
// custom games always show full details | |
// random-team battles show full details if the battle is ended | |
// otherwise, don't show full details | |
let hideDetails = !'customgame'); | |
if ( && battle.ended) hideDetails = false; | |
const log = this.getLog(hideDetails ? 0 : -1); | |
let rating: number | undefined; | |
if (battle.ended && this.rated) rating = this.rated; | |
let { id, password } = this.getReplayData(); | |
const silent = options === 'forpunishment' || options === 'silent' || options === 'auto'; | |
if (silent) connection = undefined; | |
const isPrivate = this.settings.isPrivate || this.hideReplay; | |
const hidden = options === 'auto' ? 10 : | |
options === 'forpunishment' || (this as any).unlistReplay ? 2 : | |
isPrivate ? 1 : | |
0; | |
if (isPrivate && hidden === 10) { | |
password = Replays.generatePassword(); | |
} | |
if (battle.replaySaved !== true && hidden === 10) { | |
battle.replaySaved = 'auto'; | |
} else { | |
battle.replaySaved = true; | |
} | |
// If we have a direct connetion to a Replays database, just upload the replay | |
// directly. | |
if (Replays.db) { | |
const idWithServer = Config.serverid === 'showdown' ? id : `${Config.serverid}-${id}`; | |
try { | |
const fullid = await Replays.add({ | |
id: idWithServer, | |
log, | |
players: =>, | |
format:, | |
rating: rating || null, | |
private: hidden, | |
password, | |
inputlog: battle.inputLog?.join('\n') || null, | |
uploadtime: Math.trunc( / 1000), | |
}); | |
const url = `https://${Config.routes.replays}/${fullid}`; | |
connection?.popup( | |
`|html|<p>Your replay has been uploaded! It's available at:</p><p> ` + | |
`<a class="no-panel-intercept" href="${url}" target="_blank">${url}</a> ` + | |
`<copytext value="${url}">Copy</copytext>` | |
); | |
} catch (e) { | |
connection?.popup(`Your replay could not be saved: ${e}`); | |
throw e; | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
// Otherwise, (we're probably a side server), upload the replay through LoginServer | |
const [result] = await LoginServer.request('addreplay', { | |
id, | |
log, | |
players: =>','), | |
format:, | |
rating, // will probably do nothing | |
hidden: hidden === 0 ? '' : hidden, | |
inputlog: battle.inputLog?.join('\n') || undefined, | |
password, | |
}); | |
if (result?.errorip) { | |
connection?.popup(`This server's request IP ${result.errorip} is not a registered server.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
const fullid = result?.replayid; | |
const url = `https://${Config.routes.replays}/${fullid}`; | |
connection?.popup( | |
`|html|<p>Your replay has been uploaded! It's available at:</p><p> ` + | |
`<a class="no-panel-intercept" href="${url}" target="_blank">${url}</a> ` + | |
`<copytext value="${url}">Copy</copytext>` | |
); | |
} | |
getReplayData() { | |
if (!this.roomid.endsWith('pw')) return { id: this.roomid.slice(7), password: null }; | |
const end = this.roomid.length - 2; | |
const lastHyphen = this.roomid.lastIndexOf('-', end); | |
return { id: this.roomid.slice(7, lastHyphen), password: this.roomid.slice(lastHyphen + 1, end) }; | |
} | |
} | |
function getRoom(roomid?: string | BasicRoom) { | |
if (typeof roomid === 'string') { | |
// Accounts for private battles that were made public | |
if ((roomid.startsWith('battle-') || roomid.startsWith('game-bestof')) && roomid.endsWith('pw')) { | |
const room = Rooms.rooms.get(roomid.slice(0, roomid.lastIndexOf('-')) as RoomID); | |
if (room) return room; | |
} | |
return Rooms.rooms.get(roomid as RoomID); | |
} | |
return roomid as Room; | |
} | |
export const Rooms = { | |
Modlog: mainModlog, | |
/** | |
* The main roomid:Room table. Please do not hold a reference to a | |
* room long-term; just store the roomid and grab it from here (with | |
* the Rooms.get(roomid) accessor) when necessary. | |
*/ | |
rooms: new Map<RoomID, Room>(), | |
aliases: new Map<string, RoomID>(), | |
get: getRoom, | |
search(name: string): Room | undefined { | |
return getRoom(name) || getRoom(toID(name)) || getRoom(Rooms.aliases.get(toID(name))); | |
}, | |
createGameRoom(roomid: RoomID, title: string, options: Partial<RoomSettings & RoomBattleOptions>) { | |
if (Rooms.rooms.has(roomid)) throw new Error(`Room ${roomid} already exists`); | |
Monitor.debug("NEW BATTLE ROOM: " + roomid); | |
const room = new GameRoom(roomid, title, options); | |
Rooms.rooms.set(roomid, room); | |
return room; | |
}, | |
createChatRoom(roomid: RoomID, title: string, options: Partial<RoomSettings>) { | |
if (Rooms.rooms.has(roomid)) throw new Error(`Room ${roomid} already exists`); | |
const room: ChatRoom = new (BasicRoom as any)(roomid, title, options); | |
Rooms.rooms.set(roomid, room); | |
return room; | |
}, | |
/** | |
* Can return null during lockdown, so make sure to handle that case. | |
* No need for UI; this function sends popups to users. | |
*/ | |
createBattle(options: RoomBattleOptions & Partial<RoomSettings>) { | |
const players = => player.user); | |
const format = Dex.formats.get(options.format); | |
if (players.length > format.playerCount) { | |
throw new Error(`${players.length} players were provided, but the format is a ${format.playerCount}-player format.`); | |
} | |
if (new Set(players).size < players.length) { | |
throw new Error(`Players can't battle themselves`); | |
} | |
for (const user of players) { | |
Ladders.cancelSearches(user); | |
} | |
const isBestOf = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).valueRules.get('bestof'); | |
if ( === 'pre' && isBestOf && !options.isBestOfSubBattle) { | |
for (const user of players) { | |
user.popup(`The server will be restarting soon. Best-of-${isBestOf} battles cannot be started at this time.`); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
// gotta allow new bo3 child battles to start | |
if ( === true && !options.isBestOfSubBattle) { | |
for (const user of players) { | |
user.popup("The server is restarting. Battles will be available again in a few minutes."); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
const p1Special = players.length ? players[0].battleSettings.special : undefined; | |
let mismatch = `"${p1Special}"`; | |
for (const user of players) { | |
if (user.battleSettings.special !== p1Special) { | |
mismatch += ` vs. "${user.battleSettings.special}"`; | |
} | |
user.battleSettings.special = undefined; | |
} | |
if (mismatch !== `"${p1Special}"`) { | |
for (const user of players) { | |
user.popup(`Your special battle settings don't match: ${mismatch}`); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} else if (p1Special) { | |
options.ratedMessage = p1Special; | |
} | |
// options.rated is a number representing the lowest player rating, for searching purposes | |
// options.rated < 0 or falsy means "unrated", and will be converted to 0 here | |
// options.rated === true is converted to 1 (used in tests sometimes) | |
options.rated = Math.max(+options.rated! || 0, 0); | |
const p1 = players[0]; | |
const p2 = players[1]; | |
const p1name = p1 ? : "Player 1"; | |
const p2name = p2 ? : "Player 2"; | |
let roomTitle; | |
let roomid = options.roomid; | |
if (format.gameType === 'multi') { | |
roomTitle = `Team ${p1name} vs. Team ${p2name}`; | |
} else if (format.gameType === 'freeforall') { | |
// p1 vs. p2 vs. p3 vs. p4 is too long of a title | |
roomTitle = `${p1name} and friends`; | |
} else if (isBestOf && !options.isBestOfSubBattle) { | |
roomTitle = `${p1name} vs. ${p2name}`; | |
roomid ||= `game-bestof${isBestOf}-${}-${}` as RoomID; | |
} else if (options.title) { | |
roomTitle = options.title; | |
} else { | |
roomTitle = `${p1name} vs. ${p2name}`; | |
} | |
roomid ||=; | |
options.isPersonal = true; | |
const room = Rooms.createGameRoom(roomid, roomTitle, options); | |
let game: RoomBattle | BestOfGame; | |
if (options.isBestOfSubBattle || !isBestOf) { | |
game = new RoomBattle(room, options); | |
} else { | |
game = new BestOfGame(room, options); | |
} | | = game; | |
if (options.isBestOfSubBattle && room.parent) { | |
room.setPrivate(room.parent.settings.isPrivate || false); | |
} else { | |
game.checkPrivacySettings(options); | |
} | |
for (const p of players) { | |
if (p) { | |
p.joinRoom(room); | |
Monitor.countBattle(p.latestIp,; | |
} | |
} | |
return room; | |
}, | |
global: null! as GlobalRoomState, | |
lobby: null as ChatRoom | null, | |
BasicRoom, | |
GlobalRoomState, | |
GameRoom, | |
ChatRoom: BasicRoom as typeof ChatRoom, | |
RoomGame, | |
SimpleRoomGame, | |
RoomGamePlayer, | |
MinorActivity, | |
Roomlogs, | |
RoomBattle, | |
BestOfGame, | |
RoomBattlePlayer, | |
RoomBattleTimer, | |
PM: RoomBattlePM, | |
Replays, | |
}; | |