import { Utils } from '../lib'; | |
import { RoomGamePlayer, RoomGame } from "./room-game"; | |
import type { RoomBattlePlayerOptions, RoomBattleOptions } from './room-battle'; | |
import type { PrivacySetting, RoomSettings } from './rooms'; | |
const BEST_OF_IN_BETWEEN_TIME = 40; | |
export class BestOfPlayer extends RoomGamePlayer<BestOfGame> { | |
wins = 0; | |
ready: boolean | null = null; | |
options: Omit<RoomBattlePlayerOptions, 'user'> & { user: null }; | |
dcAutoloseTime: number | null = null; | |
constructor(user: User | null, game: BestOfGame, num: number, options: RoomBattlePlayerOptions) { | |
super(user, game, num); | |
this.options = { ...options, user: null }; | |
} | |
avatar() { | |
let avatar = Users.get(; | |
if (!avatar || typeof avatar === 'number') avatar = 'unknownf'; | |
const url = Chat.plugins.avatars?.Avatars.src(avatar) || | |
`https://${Config.routes.client}/sprites/trainers/${avatar}.png`; | |
return url; | |
} | |
updateReadyButton() { | |
const user = this.getUser(); | |
if (!user?.connected) return; | |
this.dcAutoloseTime = null; | |
const room =; | |
const battleRoom =[ - 1]?.room as Room | undefined; | |
const gameNum = + 1; | |
if (this.ready === false) { | |
const notification = `|tempnotify|choice|Next game|It's time for game ${gameNum} in your best-of-${}!`; | |
if (battleRoom && user.inRooms.has(battleRoom.roomid)) { | |
battleRoom.send(notification); | |
} else { | |
this.sendRoom(notification); | |
} | |
} else { | |
const notification = `|tempnotifyoff|choice`; | |
battleRoom?.sendUser(user, notification); | |
this.sendRoom(notification); | |
} | |
if (this.ready === null) { | |
const button = `|c|~|/uhtml controls,`; | |
this.sendRoom(button); | |
battleRoom?.sendUser(user, button); | |
return; | |
} | |
const cmd = `/msgroom ${room.roomid},/confirmready`; | |
const button = `|c|~|/uhtml controls,<div class="infobox"><p style="margin:6px">Are you ready for game ${gameNum}, ${}?</p><p style="margin:6px">` + | |
(this.ready ? | |
`<button class="button" disabled><i class="fa fa-check"></i> I'm ready!</button> – waiting for opponent...` : | |
`<button class="button notifying" name="send" value="${cmd}">I'm ready!</button>` | |
) + | |
`</p></div>`; | |
this.sendRoom(button); | |
battleRoom?.sendUser(user, button); | |
} | |
} | |
export class BestOfGame extends RoomGame<BestOfPlayer> { | |
override readonly gameid = 'bestof' as ID; | |
override allowRenames = false; | |
override room!: GameRoom; | |
bestOf: number; | |
format: Format; | |
winThreshold: number; | |
options: Omit<RoomBattleOptions, 'players'> & { parent: Room, players: null }; | |
forcedSettings: { modchat?: string | null, privacy?: string | null } = {}; | |
ties = 0; | |
games: { room: GameRoom, winner: BestOfPlayer | null | undefined, rated: number }[] = []; | |
playerNum = 0; | |
/** null = tie, undefined = not ended */ | |
winner: BestOfPlayer | null | undefined = undefined; | |
/** when waiting between battles, this is the just-ended battle room, the one with the |tempnotify| */ | |
waitingBattle: GameRoom | null = null; | |
nextBattleTimerEnd: number | null = null; | |
nextBattleTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; | |
/** Does NOT control bestof's own timer, which is always-on. Controls timers in sub-battles. */ | |
needsTimer = false; | |
score: number[] | null = null; | |
constructor(room: GameRoom, options: RoomBattleOptions) { | |
super(room); | |
this.gameid = 'bestof' as ID; | |
this.format = Dex.formats.get(options.format); | |
this.bestOf = Number(Dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format).valueRules.get('bestof'))!; | |
this.winThreshold = Math.floor(this.bestOf / 2) + 1; | |
this.title =; | |
if (!toID(this.title).includes('bestof')) { | |
this.title += ` (Best-of-${this.bestOf})`; | |
} | | = this; | |
this.options = { | |
...options, | |
isBestOfSubBattle: true, | |
parent:, | |
allowRenames: false, | |
players: null, | |
}; | |
for (const playerOpts of options.players) { | |
this.addPlayer(playerOpts.user, playerOpts); | |
} | |
process.nextTick(() => this.nextGame()); | |
} | |
override onConnect(user: User) { | |
const player = this.playerTable[]; | |
player?.sendRoom('|cantleave|'); | |
player?.updateReadyButton(); | |
} | |
override makePlayer(user: User | null, options: RoomBattlePlayerOptions): BestOfPlayer { | |
return new BestOfPlayer(user, this, ++this.playerNum, options); | |
} | |
override addPlayer(user: User, options: RoomBattlePlayerOptions) { | |
const player = super.addPlayer(user, options); | |
if (!player) throw new Error(`Failed to make player ${user} in ${this.roomid}`); | |, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL); | |
return player; | |
} | |
checkPrivacySettings(options: RoomBattleOptions & Partial<RoomSettings>) { | |
let inviteOnly = false; | |
const privacySetter = new Set<ID>([]); | |
for (const p of options.players) { | |
if (p.user) { | |
if (p.inviteOnly) { | |
inviteOnly = true; | |
privacySetter.add(; | |
} else if (p.hidden) { | |
privacySetter.add(; | |
} | |
this.checkForcedUserSettings(p.user); | |
} | |
} | |
if (privacySetter.size) { | |
const room =; | |
if (this.forcedSettings.privacy) { | |
room.setPrivate(false); | |
room.settings.modjoin = null; | |
room.add(`|raw|<div class="broadcast-blue"><strong>This best-of set is required to be public due to a player having a name starting with '${this.forcedSettings.privacy}'.</div>`); | |
} else if (!options.tour || (room.tour?.allowModjoin)) { | |
room.setPrivate('hidden'); | |
if (inviteOnly) room.settings.modjoin = '%'; | |
room.privacySetter = privacySetter; | |
if (inviteOnly) { | |
room.settings.modjoin = '%'; | |
room.add(`|raw|<div class="broadcast-red"><strong>This best-of set is invite-only!</strong><br />Users must be invited with <code>/invite</code> (or be staff) to join</div>`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
checkForcedUserSettings(user: User) { | |
this.forcedSettings = { | |
modchat: this.forcedSettings.modchat || Rooms.RoomBattle.battleForcedSetting(user, 'modchat'), | |
privacy: this.forcedSettings.privacy || Rooms.RoomBattle.battleForcedSetting(user, 'privacy'), | |
}; | |
if ( | |
this.players.some(p => p.getUser()?.battleSettings.special) || | |
(this.options.rated && this.forcedSettings.modchat) | |
) { | | = '\u2606'; | |
} | |
} | |
setPrivacyOfGames(privacy: PrivacySetting) { | |
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { | |
const room =[i].room; | |
const prevRoom =[i - 1]?.room; | |
const gameNum = i + 1; | |
room.setPrivate(privacy); | |`|uhtmlchange|game${gameNum}|<a href="/${room.roomid}">${room.title}</a>`); | |
room.add(`|uhtmlchange|bestof|<h2><strong>Game ${gameNum}</strong> of <a href="/${this.roomid}">a best-of-${this.bestOf}</a></h2>`).update(); | |
if (prevRoom) { | |
prevRoom.add(`|uhtmlchange|next|Next: <a href="/${room.roomid}"><strong>Game ${gameNum} of ${this.bestOf}</strong></a>`).update(); | |
} | |
} | |
this.updateDisplay(); | |
} | |
clearWaiting() { | |
this.waitingBattle = null; | |
for (const player of this.players) { | |
player.ready = null; | |
player.updateReadyButton(); | |
} | |
if (this.nextBattleTimer) { | |
clearInterval(this.nextBattleTimer); | |
this.nextBattleTimerEnd = null; | |
} | |
this.nextBattleTimerEnd = null; | |
this.nextBattleTimer = null; | |
} | |
getOptions(): RoomBattleOptions | null { | |
const players = => ({ | |
...player.options, | |
user: player.getUser()!, | |
})); | |
if (players.some(p => !p.user)) { | |
return null; | |
} | |
return { | |
...this.options, | |
players, | |
}; | |
} | |
nextGame() { | |
const prevBattleRoom = this.waitingBattle; | |
if (!prevBattleRoom && return; // should never happen | |
this.clearWaiting(); | |
const options = this.getOptions(); | |
if (!options) { | |
for (const p of this.players) { | |
if (!p.getUser()) { | |
// tbc this isn't just being offline, it's changing name or being offline for 15 minutes | |
this.forfeitPlayer(p, ` lost by being unavailable at the start of a game.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
throw new Error(`Failed to get options for ${this.roomid}`); | |
} | |
const battleRoom = Rooms.createBattle(options); | |
// shouldn't happen even in lockdown | |
if (!battleRoom) throw new Error("Failed to create battle for " + this.title); | |{ | |
room: battleRoom, | |
winner: undefined, | |
rated: battleRoom.rated, | |
}); | |
// the absolute result is what counts for rating | |
battleRoom.rated = 0; | |
if (this.needsTimer) { | |
battleRoom.battle?.timer.start(); | |
} | |
const gameNum =; | |
const p1 = this.players[0]; | |
const p2 = this.players[1]; | |
battleRoom.add( | |
Utils.html`|html|<table width="100%"><tr><td align="left">${}</td><td align="right">${}</tr>` + | |
`<tr><td align="left">${this.renderWins(p1)}</td><td align="right">${this.renderWins(p2)}</tr></table>` | |
); | |
battleRoom.add( | |
`|uhtml|bestof|<h2><strong>Game ${gameNum}</strong> of <a href="/${this.roomid}">a best-of-${this.bestOf}</a></h2>` | |
).update(); | |`|html|<h2>Game ${gameNum}</h2>`); | |`|uhtml|game${gameNum}|<a href="/${battleRoom.roomid}">${battleRoom.title}</a>`); | |
this.updateDisplay(); | |
prevBattleRoom?.add( | |
`|uhtml|next|Next: <a href="/${battleRoom.roomid}"><strong>Game ${gameNum} of ${this.bestOf}</strong></a>` | |
).update(); | |
} | |
renderWins(player: BestOfPlayer) { | |
const wins = => game.winner === player).length; | |
const winBuf = `<i class="fa fa-circle"></i> `.repeat(wins); | |
const restBuf = `<i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> `.repeat(this.winThreshold - wins); | |
return player.num === 1 ? winBuf + restBuf : restBuf + winBuf; | |
} | |
updateDisplay() { | |
const p1name = this.players[0].name; | |
const p2name = this.players[1].name; | |
let buf = Utils.html`<br /><strong>${p1name} and ${p2name}'s Best-of-${this.bestOf} progress:</strong><br />`; | |
buf += '<table>'; | |
for (const p of this.players) { | |
buf += Utils.html`<tr><td>${}: </td><td>`; | |
for (let i = 0; i < this.bestOf; i++) { | |
if ([i]?.winner === p) { | |
buf += `<i class="fa fa-circle"></i>`; | |
} else { | |
buf += `<i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i>`; | |
} | |
if (i !== this.bestOf - 1) { | |
buf += ` `; | |
} | |
} | |
buf += `</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</table><br /><br />`; | |
buf += `<table><tr>`; | |
for (const i of [0, null, 1]) { | |
if (i === null) { | |
buf += `<td></td>`; | |
continue; | |
} | |
buf += Utils.html`<td><center><strong>${this.players[i].name}</strong></center></td>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</tr><tr>`; | |
for (const i of [0, null, 1]) { | |
if (i === null) { | |
buf += `<td></td>`; | |
continue; | |
} | |
const p = this.players[i]; | |
const mirrorLeftPlayer = !i ? ' style="transform: scaleX(-1)"' : ""; | |
buf += `<td><center>`; | |
buf += `<img class="trainersprite"${mirrorLeftPlayer} src="${p.avatar()}" />`; | |
buf += `</center></td>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</tr><tr>`; | |
for (const i of [0, null, 1]) { | |
if (i === null) { | |
buf += `<td> vs </td>`; | |
continue; | |
} | |
const team = Teams.unpack(this.players[i] || ""); | |
if (!team || !Dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format).has('teampreview')) { | |
buf += `<td>`; | |
buf += `<psicon pokemon="unknown" /> `.repeat(3); | |
buf += `<br />`; | |
buf += `<psicon pokemon="unknown" /> `.repeat(3); | |
buf += `</td>`; | |
continue; | |
} | |
const mirrorLeftPlayer = !i ? ' style="transform: scaleX(-1)"' : ""; | |
buf += `<td>`; | |
for (const [j, set] of team.entries()) { | |
if (j % 3 === 0 && j > 1) buf += `<br />`; | |
buf += `<psicon pokemon="${set.species}"${mirrorLeftPlayer} />`; | |
} | |
buf += `</td>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</tr></table>`; | |`|fieldhtml|<center>${buf}</center>`); | |
buf ={ room, winner }, index) => { | |
let progress = `being played`; | |
if (winner) progress = Utils.html`won by ${}`; | |
if (winner === null) progress = `tied`; | |
return Utils.html`<p>Game ${index + 1}: <a href="/${room.roomid}"><strong>${progress}</strong></a></p>`; | |
}).join(''); | |
if (this.winner) { | |
buf += Utils.html`<p>${} won!</p>`; | |
} else if (this.winner === null) { | |
buf += `<p>The battle was tied.</p>`; | |
} | |`|controlshtml|<center>${buf}</center>`); | |; | |
} | |
override startTimer() { | |
this.needsTimer = true; | |
for (const { room } of { | |
room.battle?.timer.start(); | |
} | |
} | |
onBattleWin(room: Room, winnerid: ID) { | |
if (this.ended) return; // can happen if the bo3 is destroyed fsr | |
const winner = winnerid ? this.playerTable[winnerid] : null; | |[ - 1].winner = winner; | |
if (winner) { | |
winner.wins++; | |
const loserPlayer = room.battle!.players.find(p => p.num !== winner.num); | |
if (loserPlayer && loserPlayer.dcSecondsLeft <= 0) { // disconnection means opp wins the set | |
return this.forfeit(, ` lost the series due to inactivity.`); | |
} | |`|html|${} won game ${}!`).update(); | |
if (winner.wins >= this.winThreshold) { | |
return this.end(; | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.ties++; | |
this.winThreshold = Math.floor((this.bestOf - this.ties) / 2) + 1; | |`|html|Game ${} was a tie.`).update(); | |
} | |
if ( >= this.bestOf) { | |
return this.end(''); // overall tie | |
} | |
// no one has won, skip onwards | |
this.promptNextGame(room); | |
} | |
promptNextGame(room: Room) { | |
if (!room.battle || this.winner) return; // ??? | |
this.updateDisplay(); | |
this.waitingBattle = room; | |
const now =; | |
this.nextBattleTimerEnd = now + BEST_OF_IN_BETWEEN_TIME * 1000; | |
for (const player of this.players) { | |
player.ready = false; | |
const dcAutoloseTime = now + room.battle.players[player.num - 1].dcSecondsLeft * 1000; | |
if (dcAutoloseTime < this.nextBattleTimerEnd) { | |
player.dcAutoloseTime = dcAutoloseTime; | |
} | |
player.updateReadyButton(); | |
} | |
this.nextBattleTimer = setInterval(() => this.pokeNextBattleTimer(), 10000); | |
} | |
pokeNextBattleTimer() { | |
if (!this.nextBattleTimerEnd || !this.nextBattleTimer) return; // ?? | |
if ( >= this.nextBattleTimerEnd) { | |
return this.nextGame(); | |
} | |
for (const p of this.players) { | |
if (!p.ready) { | |
const now = - 100; // fudge to make rounding work better | |
if (p.dcAutoloseTime && now > p.dcAutoloseTime) { | |
return this.forfeit(, ` lost the series due to inactivity.`); | |
} | |
const message = (p.dcAutoloseTime ? | |
`|inactive|${} has ${Chat.toDurationString(p.dcAutoloseTime - now)} to reconnect!` : | |
`|inactive|${} has ${Chat.toDurationString(this.nextBattleTimerEnd - now)} to confirm battle start!` | |
); | |
this.waitingBattle?.add(message); | |; | |
} | |
} | |
this.waitingBattle?.update(); | |; | |
} | |
confirmReady(user: User) { | |
const player = this.playerTable[]; | |
if (!player) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("You aren't a player in this best-of set."); | |
} | |
if (!this.waitingBattle) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("The battle is not currently waiting for ready confirmation."); | |
} | |
player.ready = true; | |
player.updateReadyButton(); | |
const readyMsg = `||${} is ready for game ${ + 1}.`; | |
this.waitingBattle.add(readyMsg).update(); | |; | |
if (this.players.every(p => p.ready)) { | |
this.nextGame(); | |
} | |
} | |
override setEnded() { | |
this.clearWaiting(); | |
super.setEnded(); | |
} | |
end(winnerid: ID) { | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
this.setEnded(); | |`|allowleave|`).update(); | |
const winner = winnerid ? this.playerTable[winnerid] : null; | |
this.winner = winner; | |
if (winner) { | |`|win|${}`); | |
} else { | |`|tie`); | |
} | |
this.updateDisplay(); | |; | |
const p1 = this.players[0]; | |
const p2 = this.players[1]; | |
this.score = => p.wins); | |, winnerid); | |
// run elo stuff here | |
let p1score = 0.5; | |
if (winner === p1) { | |
p1score = 1; | |
} else if (winner === p2) { | |
p1score = 0; | |
} | |
const { rated, room } =[ - 1]; | |
if (rated) { | |
void room.battle?.updateLadder(p1score, winnerid); | |
} | |
} | |
override forfeit(user: User | string, message = '') { | |
const userid = (typeof user !== 'string') ? : toID(user); | |
const loser = this.playerTable[userid]; | |
if (loser) this.forfeitPlayer(loser, message); | |
} | |
forfeitPlayer(loser: BestOfPlayer, message = '') { | |
if (this.ended || this.winner) return false; | |
this.winner = this.players.find(p => p !== loser)!; | |`||${}${message || ' forfeited.'}`); | |
this.end(; | |
const lastBattle =[ - 1].room.battle; | |
if (lastBattle && !lastBattle.ended) lastBattle.forfeit(, message); | |
return true; | |
} | |
override destroy() { | |
this.setEnded(); | |
for (const { room } of room.expire(); | | = []; | |
for (const p of this.players) p.destroy(); | |
this.players = []; | |
this.playerTable = {}; | |
this.winner = null; | |
} | |
} | |