Pokemon_server / server /ladders.ts
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* Matchmaker
* Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/
* This keeps track of challenges to battle made between users, setting up
* matches between users looking for a battle, and starting new battles.
* @license MIT
const LadderStore: typeof import('./ladders-remote').LadderStore = (
typeof Config === 'object' && Config.remoteladder ? require('./ladders-remote') : require('./ladders-local')
const SECONDS = 1000;
import type { ChallengeType } from './room-battle';
import { BattleReady, BattleChallenge, GameChallenge, BattleInvite, challenges } from './ladders-challenges';
* Keys are formatids
const searches = new Map<string, {
playerCount: number,
/** userid:BattleReady */
searches: Map<ID, BattleReady>,
* This keeps track of searches for battles, creating a new battle for a newly
* added search if a valid match can be made, otherwise periodically
* attempting to make a match with looser restrictions until one can be made.
class Ladder extends LadderStore {
async prepBattle(connection: Connection, challengeType: ChallengeType, team: string | null = null, isRated = false) {
// all validation for a battle goes through here
const user = connection.user;
const userid = user.id;
if (team === null) team = user.battleSettings.team;
if (Rooms.global.lockdown && Rooms.global.lockdown !== 'pre') {
let message = `The server is restarting. Battles will be available again in a few minutes.`;
if (Rooms.global.lockdown === 'ddos') {
message = `The server is under attack. Battles cannot be started at this time.`;
return null;
if (Punishments.isBattleBanned(user)) {
connection.popup(`You are barred from starting any new games until your battle ban expires.`);
return null;
const gameCount = user.games.size;
if (Monitor.countConcurrentBattle(gameCount, connection)) {
return null;
if (Monitor.countPrepBattle(connection.ip, connection)) {
return null;
try {
this.formatid = Dex.formats.validate(this.formatid);
} catch (e: any) {
connection.popup(`Your selected format is invalid:\n\n- ${e.message}`);
return null;
let rating = 0;
let valResult;
let removeNicknames = !!(user.locked || user.namelocked);
const regex = /(?:^|])([^|]*)\|([^|]*)\|/g;
let match = regex.exec(team);
let unownWord = '';
while (match) {
const nickname = match[1];
const speciesid = toID(match[2] || match[1]);
if (speciesid.length <= 6 && speciesid.startsWith('unown')) {
unownWord += speciesid.charAt(5) || 'a';
if (nickname) {
const filtered = Chat.nicknamefilter(nickname, user);
if (typeof filtered === 'string' && (!filtered || filtered !== match[1])) {
`Your team was rejected for the following reason:\n\n` +
`- Your Pokémon has a banned nickname: ${match[1]}`
return null;
} else if (filtered === false) {
removeNicknames = true;
match = regex.exec(team);
if (unownWord) {
const filtered = Chat.nicknamefilter(unownWord, user);
if (!filtered || filtered !== unownWord) {
`Your team was rejected for the following reason:\n\n` +
`- Your Unowns spell out a banned word: ${unownWord.toUpperCase()}`
return null;
if (isRated && !Ladders.disabled) {
const uid = user.id;
[valResult, rating] = await Promise.all([
TeamValidatorAsync.get(this.formatid).validateTeam(team, { removeNicknames, user: uid }),
if (uid !== user.id) {
// User feedback for renames handled elsewhere.
return null;
if (!rating) rating = 1;
} else {
if (Ladders.disabled) {
connection.popup(`The ladder is temporarily disabled due to technical difficulties - you will not receive ladder rating for this game.`);
rating = 1;
const validator = TeamValidatorAsync.get(this.formatid);
valResult = await validator.validateTeam(team, { removeNicknames, user: user.id });
if (!valResult.startsWith('1')) {
`Your team was rejected for the following reasons:\n\n` +
`- ` + valResult.slice(1).replace(/\n/g, `\n- `)
return null;
const settings = { ...user.battleSettings, team: valResult.slice(1) };
user.battleSettings.inviteOnly = false;
user.battleSettings.hidden = false;
return new BattleReady(userid, this.formatid, settings, rating, challengeType);
static getChallenging(userid: ID) {
const userChalls = Ladders.challenges.get(userid);
if (userChalls) {
for (const chall of userChalls) {
if (chall.from === userid) return chall;
return null;
async makeChallenge(connection: Connection, targetUser: User) {
const user = connection.user;
if (targetUser === user) {
connection.popup(`You can't battle yourself. The best you can do is open PS in Private Browsing (or another browser) and log into a different username, and battle that username.`);
return false;
if (Ladder.getChallenging(user.id)) {
connection.popup(`You are already challenging someone. Cancel that challenge before challenging someone else.`);
return false;
let blockChallenge: boolean;
if (typeof targetUser.settings.blockChallenges === 'boolean') {
blockChallenge = targetUser.settings.blockChallenges;
} else if (targetUser.settings.blockChallenges === 'friends') {
blockChallenge = !targetUser.friends?.has(user.id);
} else {
blockChallenge = !Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, targetUser.settings.blockChallenges);
if (blockChallenge && !user.can('bypassblocks', targetUser)) {
connection.popup(`The user '${targetUser.name}' is not accepting challenges right now.`);
Chat.maybeNotifyBlocked('challenge', targetUser, user);
return false;
if (Date.now() < user.lastChallenge + 10 * SECONDS && !Config.nothrottle) {
// 10 seconds ago, probable misclick
connection.popup(`You challenged less than 10 seconds after your last challenge! It's cancelled in case it's a misclick.`);
return false;
const currentChallenges = Ladders.challenges.get(targetUser.id);
if (currentChallenges && currentChallenges.length >= 3 && !user.autoconfirmed) {
`This user already has 3 pending challenges.\n` +
`You must be autoconfirmed to challenge them.`
return false;
const ready = await this.prepBattle(connection, 'challenge');
if (!ready) return false;
// If our target is already challenging us in the same format,
// simply accept the pending challenge instead of creating a new one.
const existingChall = Ladders.challenges.search(user.id, targetUser.id);
if (existingChall) {
if (
existingChall.from === targetUser.id &&
existingChall.to === user.id &&
existingChall.format === this.formatid &&
) {
if (Ladders.challenges.remove(existingChall)) {
Ladders.match([existingChall.ready, ready]);
return true;
} else {
connection.popup(`There's already a challenge (${existingChall.format}) between you and ${targetUser.name}!`);
Ladders.challenges.update(user.id, targetUser.id);
return false;
Ladders.challenges.add(new BattleChallenge(user.id, targetUser.id, ready));
Ladders.challenges.send(user.id, targetUser.id, `/log ${user.name} wants to battle!`);
user.lastChallenge = Date.now();
Chat.runHandlers('onChallenge', user, targetUser, ready.formatid);
return true;
static async acceptChallenge(connection: Connection, chall: BattleChallenge) {
const ladder = Ladders(chall.format);
const ready = await ladder.prepBattle(connection, 'challenge');
if (!ready) return;
if (Ladders.challenges.remove(chall)) {
return Ladders.match([chall.ready, ready]);
cancelSearch(user: User) {
const formatid = toID(this.formatid);
const formatTable = Ladders.searches.get(formatid);
if (!formatTable) return false;
if (!formatTable.searches.has(user.id)) return false;
return true;
static cancelSearches(user: User) {
let cancelCount = 0;
for (const formatTable of Ladders.searches.values()) {
const search = formatTable.searches.get(user.id);
if (!search) continue;
return cancelCount;
getSearcher(search: BattleReady) {
const formatid = toID(this.formatid);
const user = Users.get(search.userid);
if (!user?.connected || user.id !== search.userid) {
const formatTable = Ladders.searches.get(formatid);
if (formatTable) formatTable.searches.delete(search.userid);
if (user?.connected) {
user.popup(`You changed your name and are no longer looking for a battle in ${formatid}`);
return null;
return user;
static getSearches(user: User) {
const userSearches = [];
for (const [formatid, formatTable] of Ladders.searches) {
if (formatTable.searches.has(user.id)) userSearches.push(formatid);
return userSearches;
static updateSearch(user: User, connection: Connection | null = null) {
let games: { [k: string]: string } | null = {};
let atLeastOne = false;
for (const roomid of user.games) {
const room = Rooms.get(roomid);
if (!room) {
Monitor.warn(`while searching, room ${roomid} expired for user ${user.id} in rooms ${[...user.inRooms]} and games ${[...user.games]}`);
const game = room.game;
if (!game) {
Monitor.warn(`while searching, room ${roomid} has no game for user ${user.id} in rooms ${[...user.inRooms]} and games ${[...user.games]}`);
games[roomid] = game.title + (game.allowRenames ? '' : '*');
atLeastOne = true;
if (!atLeastOne) games = null;
const searching = Ladders.getSearches(user);
(connection || user).send(`|updatesearch|` + JSON.stringify({
hasSearch(user: User) {
const formatid = toID(this.formatid);
const formatTable = Ladders.searches.get(formatid);
if (!formatTable) return false;
return formatTable.searches.has(user.id);
* Validates a user's team and fetches their rating for a given format
* before creating a search for a battle.
async searchBattle(user: User, connection: Connection) {
if (!user.connected) return;
const format = Dex.formats.get(this.formatid);
if (!format.searchShow) {
connection.popup(`Error: Your format ${format.id} is not ladderable.`);
const oldUserid = user.id;
const search = await this.prepBattle(connection, format.rated ? 'rated' : 'unrated', null, format.rated !== false);
if (oldUserid !== user.id) return;
if (!search) return;
this.addSearch(search, user);
* Verifies whether or not a match made between two users is valid. Returns
matchmakingOK(matches: [BattleReady, User][]) {
const formatid = toID(this.formatid);
const users = matches.map(([ready, user]) => user);
const userids = users.map(user => user.id);
// users must be different
if (new Set(users).size !== users.length) return false;
if (Config.noipchecks) {
users[0].lastMatch = users[1].id;
users[1].lastMatch = users[0].id;
return true;
// users must have different IPs
if (new Set(users.map(user => user.latestIp)).size !== users.length) return false;
// users must not have been matched immediately previously
for (const user of users) {
if (userids.includes(user.lastMatch)) return false;
// search must be within range
let searchRange = 100;
const times = matches.map(([search]) => search.time);
const elapsed = Date.now() - Math.min(...times);
if (formatid === `gen${Dex.gen}ou` || formatid === `gen${Dex.gen}randombattle`) {
searchRange = 50;
searchRange += elapsed / 300; // +1 every .3 seconds
if (searchRange > 300) searchRange = 300 + (searchRange - 300) / 10; // +1 every 3 sec after 300
if (searchRange > 600) searchRange = 600;
const ratings = matches.map(([search]) => search.rating);
if (Math.max(...ratings) - Math.min(...ratings) > searchRange) return false;
matches[0][1].lastMatch = matches[1][1].id;
matches[1][1].lastMatch = matches[0][1].id;
return true;
* Starts a search for a battle for a user under the given format.
addSearch(newSearch: BattleReady, user: User) {
const formatid = newSearch.formatid;
let formatTable = Ladders.searches.get(formatid);
if (!formatTable) {
formatTable = {
playerCount: Dex.formats.get(formatid).playerCount,
searches: new Map(),
Ladders.searches.set(formatid, formatTable);
if (formatTable.searches.has(user.id)) {
user.popup(`Couldn't search: You are already searching for a ${formatid} battle.`);
const matches = [newSearch];
// In order from longest waiting to shortest waiting
for (const search of formatTable.searches.values()) {
const searcher = this.getSearcher(search);
if (!searcher) continue;
const matched = this.matchmakingOK([[search, searcher], [newSearch, user]]);
if (matched) {
if (matches.length >= formatTable.playerCount) {
for (const matchedSearch of matches) formatTable.searches.delete(matchedSearch.userid);
formatTable.searches.set(newSearch.userid, newSearch);
* Creates a match for a new battle for each format in this.searches if a
* valid match can be made. This is run periodically depending on
static periodicMatch() {
// In order from longest waiting to shortest waiting
for (const [formatid, formatTable] of Ladders.searches) {
if (formatTable.playerCount > 2) continue; // TODO: implement
const matchmaker = Ladders(formatid);
let longest: [BattleReady, User] | null = null;
for (const search of formatTable.searches.values()) {
if (!longest) {
const longestSearcher = matchmaker.getSearcher(search);
if (!longestSearcher) continue;
longest = [search, longestSearcher];
const searcher = matchmaker.getSearcher(search);
if (!searcher) continue;
const [longestSearch, longestSearcher] = longest;
const matched = matchmaker.matchmakingOK([[search, searcher], [longestSearch, longestSearcher]]);
if (matched) {
Ladder.match([longestSearch, search]);
static match(readies: BattleReady[]) {
const formatid = readies[0].formatid;
if (readies.some(ready => ready.formatid !== formatid)) throw new Error(`Format IDs don't match`);
const players = [];
let missingUser = null;
let minRating = Infinity;
for (const ready of readies) {
const user = Users.get(ready.userid);
if (!user) {
missingUser = ready.userid;
team: ready.settings.team,
rating: ready.rating,
hidden: ready.settings.hidden,
inviteOnly: ready.settings.inviteOnly,
if (ready.rating < minRating) minRating = ready.rating;
if (missingUser) {
for (const ready of readies) {
Users.get(ready.userid)?.popup(`Sorry, your opponent ${missingUser} went offline before your battle could start.`);
return undefined;
const format = Dex.formats.get(formatid);
const delayedStart = format.playerCount > players.length ? 'multi' : false;
return Rooms.createBattle({
format: formatid,
rated: minRating,
challengeType: readies[0].challengeType,
function getLadder(formatid: string) {
return new Ladder(formatid);
const periodicMatchInterval = setInterval(
() => Ladder.periodicMatch(),
export const Ladders = Object.assign(getLadder, {
cancelSearches: Ladder.cancelSearches,
updateSearch: Ladder.updateSearch,
acceptChallenge: Ladder.acceptChallenge,
visualizeAll: Ladder.visualizeAll,
getSearches: Ladder.getSearches,
match: Ladder.match,
// tells the client to ask the server for format information
formatsListPrefix: LadderStore.formatsListPrefix,
disabled: false as boolean | 'db',