/** | |
* Main server ladder library | |
* Pokemon Showdown - | |
* | |
* This file handles ladders for the main server on | |
* | |
* | |
* Ladders for all other servers is handled by ladders.ts. | |
* | |
* Matchmaking is currently still implemented in rooms.ts. | |
* | |
* @license MIT | |
*/ | |
import { Utils } from '../lib'; | |
export class LadderStore { | |
formatid: string; | |
static readonly formatsListPrefix = ''; | |
constructor(formatid: string) { | |
this.formatid = formatid; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns [formatid, html], where html is an the HTML source of a | |
* ladder toplist, to be displayed directly in the ladder tab of the | |
* client. | |
*/ | |
// This requires to be `async` because it must conform with the `LadderStore` interface | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await | |
async getTop(prefix?: string): Promise<[string, string] | null> { | |
return null; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns a Promise for the Elo rating of a user | |
*/ | |
async getRating(userid: string) { | |
const formatid = this.formatid; | |
const user = Users.getExact(userid); | |
if (user?.mmrCache[formatid]) { | |
return user.mmrCache[formatid]; | |
} | |
const [data] = await LoginServer.request('mmr', { | |
format: formatid, | |
user: userid, | |
}); | |
let mmr = NaN; | |
if (data && !data.errorip) { | |
mmr = Number(data); | |
} | |
if (isNaN(mmr)) return 1000; | |
if (user && === userid) { | |
user.mmrCache[formatid] = mmr; | |
} | |
return mmr; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Update the Elo rating for two players after a battle, and display | |
* the results in the passed room. | |
*/ | |
async updateRating(p1name: string, p2name: string, p1score: number, room: AnyObject): Promise<[ | |
number, AnyObject | undefined | null, AnyObject | undefined | null, | |
]> { | |
if (Ladders.disabled) { | |
room.addRaw(`Ratings not updated. The ladders are currently disabled.`).update(); | |
return [p1score, null, null]; | |
} | |
const formatid = this.formatid; | |
const p1 = Users.getExact(p1name); | |
const p2 = Users.getExact(p2name); | |
const p1id = toID(p1name); | |
const p2id = toID(p2name); | |
const ladderUpdatePromise = LoginServer.request('ladderupdate', { | |
p1: p1name, | |
p2: p2name, | |
score: p1score, | |
format: formatid, | |
}); | |
// calculate new Elo scores and display to room while loginserver updates the ladder | |
const [p1OldElo, p2OldElo] = (await Promise.all([this.getRating(p1id), this.getRating(p2id)])).map(Math.round); | |
const p1NewElo = Math.round(this.calculateElo(p1OldElo, p1score, p2OldElo)); | |
const p2NewElo = Math.round(this.calculateElo(p2OldElo, 1 - p1score, p1OldElo)); | |
const p1Act = (p1score > 0.9 ? `winning` : (p1score < 0.1 ? `losing` : `tying`)); | |
let p1Reasons = `${p1NewElo - p1OldElo} for ${p1Act}`; | |
if (!p1Reasons.startsWith('-')) p1Reasons = '+' + p1Reasons; | |
room.addRaw(Utils.html`${p1name}'s rating: ${p1OldElo} → <strong>${p1NewElo}</strong><br />(${p1Reasons})`); | |
const p2Act = (p1score > 0.9 || p1score < 0 ? `losing` : (p1score < 0.1 ? `winning` : `tying`)); | |
let p2Reasons = `${p2NewElo - p2OldElo} for ${p2Act}`; | |
if (!p2Reasons.startsWith('-')) p2Reasons = '+' + p2Reasons; | |
room.addRaw(Utils.html`${p2name}'s rating: ${p2OldElo} → <strong>${p2NewElo}</strong><br />(${p2Reasons})`); | |
room.rated = Math.min(p1NewElo, p2NewElo); | |
if (p1) p1.mmrCache[formatid] = +p1NewElo; | |
if (p2) p2.mmrCache[formatid] = +p2NewElo; | |
room.update(); | |
const [data, error] = await ladderUpdatePromise; | |
let problem = false; | |
if (error) { | |
if (error.message !== 'stream interrupt') { | |
room.add(`||Ladder isn't responding, score probably updated but might not have (${error.message}).`); | |
problem = true; | |
} | |
} else if (!room.battle) { | |
problem = true; | |
} else if (!data) { | |
room.add(`|error|Unexpected response ${data} from ladder server.`); | |
room.update(); | |
problem = true; | |
} else if (data.errorip) { | |
room.add(`|error|This server's request IP ${data.errorip} is not a registered server.`); | |
room.add(`|error|You should be using ladders.js and not ladders-remote.js for ladder tracking.`); | |
room.update(); | |
problem = true; | |
} | |
if (problem) { | |
// We used to clear mmrCache for the format to get the users updated rating next search | |
// we now no longer do that because that results in the user getting paired with other users as though they have 1000 elo | |
// if the next query times out, which happens very frequently. This results in a lot of confusion, so we're just | |
// going to not clear this cache. If the user gets the proper rating later - great. If they don't, | |
// this will ensure they still get matched up in a much more accurate fashion. | |
return [p1score, null, null]; | |
} | |
return [p1score, data?.p1rating, data?.p2rating]; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns a Promise for an array of strings of <tr>s for ladder ratings of the user | |
*/ | |
// This requires to be `async` because it must conform with the `LadderStore` interface | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await | |
static async visualizeAll(username: string) { | |
return [`<tr><td><strong>Please use the official client at</strong></td></tr>`]; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Calculates Elo based on a match result | |
*/ | |
calculateElo(oldElo: number, score: number, foeElo: number): number { | |
// see lib/ntbb-ladder.lib.php in the pokemon-showdown-client repo for the login server implementation | |
// *intentionally* different from calculation in ladders-local, due to the high activity on the main server | |
// The K factor determines how much your Elo changes when you win or | |
// lose games. Larger K means more change. | |
// In the "original" Elo, K is constant, but it's common for K to | |
// get smaller as your rating goes up | |
let K = 50; | |
// dynamic K-scaling (optional) | |
if (oldElo < 1100) { | |
if (score < 0.5) { | |
K = 20 + (oldElo - 1000) * 30 / 100; | |
} else if (score > 0.5) { | |
K = 80 - (oldElo - 1000) * 30 / 100; | |
} | |
} else if (oldElo > 1300) { | |
K = 40; | |
} | |
// main Elo formula | |
const E = 1 / (1 + 10 ** ((foeElo - oldElo) / 400)); | |
const newElo = oldElo + K * (score - E); | |
return Math.max(newElo, 1000); | |
} | |
} | |