Pokemon_server / server /ladders-local.ts
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* Ladder library
* Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/
* This file handles ladders for all servers other than
* play.pokemonshowdown.com.
* Specifically, this is the file that handles calculating and keeping
* track of players' Elo ratings for all formats.
* Matchmaking is currently still implemented in rooms.ts.
* @license MIT
import { FS, Utils } from '../lib';
// ladderCaches = {formatid: ladder OR Promise(ladder)}
// Use Ladders(formatid).ladder to guarantee a Promise(ladder).
// ladder is basically a 2D array representing the corresponding ladder.tsv
// with userid in front
/** [userid, elo, username, w, l, t, lastUpdate */
type LadderRow = [string, number, string, number, number, number, string];
/** formatid: ladder */
type LadderCache = Map<string, LadderRow[] | Promise<LadderRow[]>>;
const ladderCaches: LadderCache = new Map();
export class LadderStore {
formatid: string;
ladder: LadderRow[] | null;
ladderPromise: Promise<LadderRow[]> | null;
saving: boolean;
static readonly formatsListPrefix = '|,LL';
static readonly ladderCaches = ladderCaches;
constructor(formatid: string) {
this.formatid = formatid;
this.ladder = null;
this.ladderPromise = null;
this.saving = false;
getLadder() {
if (!this.ladderPromise) this.ladderPromise = this.load();
return this.ladderPromise;
* Internal function, returns a Promise for a ladder
async load() {
// ladderCaches[formatid]
const cachedLadder = ladderCaches.get(this.formatid);
if (cachedLadder) {
if ((cachedLadder as Promise<LadderRow[]>).then) {
const ladder = await cachedLadder;
return (this.ladder = ladder);
return (this.ladder = cachedLadder as LadderRow[]);
try {
const data = await FS('config/ladders/' + this.formatid + '.tsv').readIfExists();
const ladder: LadderRow[] = [];
for (const dataLine of data.split('\n').slice(1)) {
const line = dataLine.trim();
if (!line) continue;
const row = line.split('\t');
ladder.push([toID(row[1]), Number(row[0]), row[1], Number(row[2]), Number(row[3]), Number(row[4]), row[5]]);
// console.log('Ladders(' + this.formatid + ') loaded tsv: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ladder));
ladderCaches.set(this.formatid, (this.ladder = ladder));
return this.ladder;
} catch {
// console.log('Ladders(' + this.formatid + ') err loading tsv: ' + JSON.stringify(this.ladder));
ladderCaches.set(this.formatid, (this.ladder = []));
return this.ladder;
* Saves the ladder in config/ladders/[formatid].tsv
* Called automatically by updateRating, so you don't need to manually
* call this.
async save() {
if (this.saving) return;
this.saving = true;
const ladder = await this.getLadder();
if (!ladder.length) {
this.saving = false;
const stream = FS(`config/ladders/${this.formatid}.tsv`).createWriteStream();
void stream.write('Elo\tUsername\tW\tL\tT\tLast update\r\n');
for (const row of ladder) {
void stream.write(row.slice(1).join('\t') + '\r\n');
void stream.writeEnd();
this.saving = false;
* Gets the index of a user in the ladder array.
* If createIfNeeded is true, the user will be created and added to
* the ladder array if it doesn't already exist.
indexOfUser(username: string, createIfNeeded = false) {
if (!this.ladder) throw new Error(`Must be called with ladder loaded`);
const userid = toID(username);
for (const [i, user] of this.ladder.entries()) {
if (user[0] === userid) return i;
if (createIfNeeded) {
const index = this.ladder.length;
this.ladder.push([userid, 1000, username, 0, 0, 0, '']);
return index;
return -1;
* Returns [formatid, html], where html is an the HTML source of a
* ladder toplist, to be displayed directly in the ladder tab of the
* client.
async getTop(prefix?: string) {
const formatid = this.formatid;
const name = Dex.formats.get(formatid).name;
const ladder = await this.getLadder();
let buf = `<h3>${name} Top 100</h3>`;
buf += `<table>`;
buf += `<tr><th>` + ['', 'Username', '<abbr title="Elo rating">Elo</abbr>', 'W', 'L', 'T'].join(`</th><th>`) + `</th></tr>`;
for (const [i, row] of ladder.entries()) {
if (prefix && !row[0].startsWith(prefix)) continue;
buf += `<tr><td>` + [
i + 1, row[2], `<strong>${Math.round(row[1])}</strong>`, row[3], row[4], row[5],
].join(`</td><td>`) + `</td></tr>`;
return [formatid, buf];
* Returns a Promise for the Elo rating of a user
async getRating(userid: string) {
const formatid = this.formatid;
const user = Users.getExact(userid);
if (user?.mmrCache[formatid]) {
return user.mmrCache[formatid];
const ladder = await this.getLadder();
const index = this.indexOfUser(userid);
let rating = 1000;
if (index >= 0) {
rating = ladder[index][1];
if (user && user.id === userid) {
user.mmrCache[formatid] = rating;
return rating;
* Internal method. Update the Elo rating of a user.
updateRow(row: LadderRow, score: number, foeElo: number) {
let elo = row[1];
elo = this.calculateElo(elo, score, foeElo);
row[1] = elo;
if (score > 0.6) {
row[3]++; // win
} else if (score < 0.4) {
row[4]++; // loss
} else {
row[5]++; // tie
row[6] = `${new Date()}`;
* Update the Elo rating for two players after a battle, and display
* the results in the passed room.
async updateRating(p1name: string, p2name: string, p1score: number, room: AnyObject) {
if (Ladders.disabled) {
room.addRaw(`Ratings not updated. The ladders are currently disabled.`).update();
return [p1score, null, null];
const formatid = this.formatid;
let p2score = 1 - p1score;
if (p1score < 0) {
p1score = 0;
p2score = 0;
const ladder = await this.getLadder();
let p1newElo;
let p2newElo;
try {
const p1index = this.indexOfUser(p1name, true);
const p1elo = ladder[p1index][1];
let p2index = this.indexOfUser(p2name, true);
const p2elo = ladder[p2index][1];
this.updateRow(ladder[p1index], p1score, p2elo);
this.updateRow(ladder[p2index], p2score, p1elo);
p1newElo = ladder[p1index][1];
p2newElo = ladder[p2index][1];
// console.log('L: ' + ladder.map(r => ''+Math.round(r[1])+' '+r[2]).join('\n'));
// move p1 to its new location
let newIndex = p1index;
while (newIndex > 0 && ladder[newIndex - 1][1] <= p1newElo) newIndex--;
while (newIndex === p1index || (ladder[newIndex] && ladder[newIndex][1] > p1newElo)) newIndex++;
// console.log('ni='+newIndex+', p1i='+p1index);
if (newIndex !== p1index && newIndex !== p1index + 1) {
const row = ladder.splice(p1index, 1)[0];
// adjust for removed row
if (newIndex > p1index) newIndex--;
if (p2index > p1index) p2index--;
ladder.splice(newIndex, 0, row);
// adjust for inserted row
if (p2index >= newIndex) p2index++;
// move p2
newIndex = p2index;
while (newIndex > 0 && ladder[newIndex - 1][1] <= p2newElo) newIndex--;
while (newIndex === p2index || (ladder[newIndex] && ladder[newIndex][1] > p2newElo)) newIndex++;
// console.log('ni='+newIndex+', p2i='+p2index);
if (newIndex !== p2index && newIndex !== p2index + 1) {
const row = ladder.splice(p2index, 1)[0];
// adjust for removed row
if (newIndex > p2index) newIndex--;
ladder.splice(newIndex, 0, row);
const p1 = Users.getExact(p1name);
if (p1) p1.mmrCache[formatid] = +p1newElo;
const p2 = Users.getExact(p2name);
if (p2) p2.mmrCache[formatid] = +p2newElo;
void this.save();
if (!room.battle) {
Monitor.warn(`room expired before ladder update was received`);
return [p1score, null, null];
let reasons = `${Math.round(p1newElo) - Math.round(p1elo)} for ${p1score > 0.9 ? 'winning' : (p1score < 0.1 ? 'losing' : 'tying')}`;
if (!reasons.startsWith('-')) reasons = '+' + reasons;
Utils.html`${p1name}'s rating: ${Math.round(p1elo)} &rarr; <strong>${Math.round(p1newElo)}</strong><br />(${reasons})`
reasons = `${Math.round(p2newElo) - Math.round(p2elo)} for ${p2score > 0.9 ? 'winning' : (p2score < 0.1 ? 'losing' : 'tying')}`;
if (!reasons.startsWith('-')) reasons = '+' + reasons;
Utils.html`${p2name}'s rating: ${Math.round(p2elo)} &rarr; <strong>${Math.round(p2newElo)}</strong><br />(${reasons})`
} catch (e: any) {
if (!room.battle) return [p1score, null, null];
room.addRaw(`There was an error calculating rating changes:`);
return [p1score, p1newElo, p2newElo];
* Returns a promise for a <tr> with all ratings for the current format.
async visualize(username: string) {
const ladder = await this.getLadder();
const index = this.indexOfUser(username, false);
if (index < 0) return '';
const ratings = ladder[index];
const output = `<tr><td>${this.formatid}</td><td><strong>${Math.round(ratings[1])}</strong></td>`;
return `${output}<td>${ratings[3]}</td><td>${ratings[4]}</td><td>${ratings[3] + ratings[4]}</td></tr>`;
* Calculates Elo based on a match result
calculateElo(oldElo: number, score: number, foeElo: number): number {
// The K factor determines how much your Elo changes when you win or
// lose games. Larger K means more change.
// In the "original" Elo, K is constant, but it's common for K to
// get smaller as your rating goes up
let K = 50;
// dynamic K-scaling (optional)
if (oldElo < 1200) {
if (score < 0.5) {
K = 10 + (oldElo - 1000) * 40 / 200;
} else if (score > 0.5) {
K = 90 - (oldElo - 1000) * 40 / 200;
} else if (oldElo > 1350 && oldElo <= 1600) {
K = 40;
} else {
K = 32;
// main Elo formula
const E = 1 / (1 + 10 ** ((foeElo - oldElo) / 400));
const newElo = oldElo + K * (score - E);
return Math.max(newElo, 1000);
* Returns a Promise for an array of strings of <tr>s for ladder ratings of the user
static visualizeAll(username: string) {
const ratings = [];
for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) {
if (format.searchShow) {
ratings.push(new LadderStore(format.id).visualize(username));
return Promise.all(ratings);