/** | |
* Youtube room chat-plugin. | |
* Supports adding channels and selecting a random channel. | |
* Also supports showing video data on request. | |
* Written by Mia, with some design concepts from bumbadadabum. | |
* @author mia-pi-git | |
*/ | |
import { Utils, FS, Net } from '../../lib'; | |
const ROOT = ''; | |
const STORAGE_PATH = 'config/chat-plugins/youtube.json'; | |
const GROUPWATCH_ROOMS = [ | |
'youtube', 'pokemongames', 'videogames', 'smashbros', 'pokemongo', 'hindi', 'franais', 'arcade', | |
]; | |
export const videoDataCache: Map<string, VideoData> = || new Map(); | |
export const searchDataCache: Map<string, string[]> = || new Map(); | |
interface ChannelEntry { | |
name: string; | |
description: string; | |
url: string; | |
icon: string; | |
videos: number; | |
subs: number; | |
views: number; | |
username?: string; | |
category?: string; | |
} | |
export interface VideoData { | |
id: string; | |
title: string; | |
date: string; | |
description: string; | |
channelTitle: string; | |
channelUrl: string; | |
views: number; | |
thumbnail: string; | |
likes: number; | |
dislikes: number; | |
} | |
interface TwitchChannel { | |
status: string; | |
display_name: string; | |
name: string; | |
language: string; | |
created_at: string; | |
logo: string; | |
views: number; | |
followers: number; | |
video_banner: string; | |
url: string; | |
game: string; | |
description: string; | |
updated_at: string; | |
} | |
interface ChannelData { | |
channels: { [k: string]: ChannelEntry }; | |
categories: string[]; | |
intervalTime?: number; | |
} | |
function loadData() { | |
const raw: AnyObject = JSON.parse(FS(STORAGE_PATH).readIfExistsSync() || "{}"); | |
if (!(raw.channels && raw.categories)) { // hasn't been converted to new format | |
const data: Partial<ChannelData> = {}; | |
data.channels = raw; | |
data.categories = []; | |
// re-save into new format | |
FS(STORAGE_PATH).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(data)); | |
return data as ChannelData; | |
} | |
return raw as ChannelData; | |
} | |
const channelData: ChannelData = loadData(); | |
export class YoutubeInterface { | |
interval: NodeJS.Timeout | null; | |
intervalTime: number; | |
data: ChannelData; | |
linkRegex = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)(\/|$)/i; | |
constructor(data?: ChannelData) { | | = data ? data : { categories: [], channels: {} }; | |
this.interval = null; | |
this.intervalTime = 0; | |
if (data?.intervalTime) { | |
this.runInterval(`${data.intervalTime}`); | |
} | |
} | |
async getChannelData(link: string, username?: string) { | |
if (!Config.youtubeKey) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This server does not support YouTube commands. If you're the owner, you can enable them by setting up Config.youtubekey.`); | |
} | |
const id = this.getId(link); | |
const raw = await Net(`${ROOT}channels`).get({ | |
query: { part: 'snippet,statistics', id, key: Config.youtubeKey }, | |
}); | |
const res = JSON.parse(raw); | |
if (!res?.items || res.items.length < 1) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Channel not found.`); | |
} | |
const data = res.items[0]; | |
const cache: ChannelEntry = { | |
name: data.snippet.title, | |
description: data.snippet.description, | |
url: data.snippet.customUrl, | |
icon: data.snippet.thumbnails.medium.url, | |
videos: Number(data.statistics.videoCount), | |
subs: Number(data.statistics.subscriberCount), | |
views: Number(data.statistics.viewCount), | |
username, | |
}; | |[id] = { ...cache }; | |; | |
return cache; | |
} | |
async generateChannelDisplay(link: string) { | |
const id = this.getId(link); | |
const { name, description, icon, videos, subs, views, username } = await this.get(id); | |
// credits bumbadadabum for most of the html | |
let buf = `<div class="infobox"><table style="margin:0px;"><tr>`; | |
buf += `<td style="margin:5px;padding:5px;min-width:175px;max-width:160px;text-align:center;border-bottom:0px;">`; | |
buf += `<div style="padding:5px;background:white;border:1px solid black;margin:auto;max-width:100px;max-height:100px;">`; | |
buf += `<a href="${ROOT}channel/${id}"><img src="${icon}" width=100px height=100px/></a>`; | |
buf += `</div><p style="margin:5px 0px 4px 0px;word-wrap:break-word;">`; | |
buf += `<a style="font-weight:bold;color:#c70000;font-size:12pt;" href="${id}">${name}</a>`; | |
buf += `</p></td><td style="padding: 0px 25px;font-size:10pt;background:rgb(220,20,60);width:100%;border-bottom:0px;vertical-align:top;">`; | |
buf += `<p style="padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `${videos} videos | ${subs} subscribers | ${views} video views</p>`; | |
buf += `<p style="margin-left: 5px; font-size:9pt;color:white;">`; | |
buf += `${description.slice(0, 400).replace(/\n/g, ' ')}${description.length > 400 ? '(...)' : ''}</p>`; | |
if (username) { | |
buf += `<p style="text-align:left;font-style:italic;color:white;">PS username: ${username}</p></td></tr></table></div>`; | |
} else { | |
buf += '</td></tr></table></div>'; | |
} | |
return buf; | |
} | |
randChannel(cat?: string) { | |
let channels = Object.keys(; | |
if (channels.length < 1) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There are no channels in the database.`); | |
} | |
if (cat) { | |
cat = toID(cat); | |
const categoryIDs =; | |
if (!categoryIDs.includes(cat as ID)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid category.`); | |
} | |
channels = channels.filter(id => { | |
const channel =[id]; | |
return channel.category && toID(channel.category) === cat; | |
}); | |
} | |
const id = Utils.shuffle(channels)[0]; | |
return this.generateChannelDisplay(id); | |
} | |
get(id: string, username?: string): Promise<ChannelEntry> { | |
if (!(id in return this.getChannelData(id, username); | |
return Promise.resolve({[id] }); | |
} | |
async getVideoData(id: string): Promise<VideoData | null> { | |
const cached = videoDataCache.get(id); | |
if (cached) return cached; | |
let raw; | |
try { | |
raw = await Net(`${ROOT}videos`).get({ | |
query: { part: 'snippet,statistics', id, key: Config.youtubeKey }, | |
}); | |
} catch (e: any) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Failed to retrieve video data: ${e.message}.`); | |
} | |
const res = JSON.parse(raw); | |
if (!res?.items || res.items.length < 1) return null; | |
const video = res.items[0]; | |
const data: VideoData = { | |
title: video.snippet.title, | |
id, | |
date: new Date(video.snippet.publishedAt).toString(), | |
description: video.snippet.description, | |
channelTitle: video.snippet.channelTitle, | |
channelUrl: video.snippet.channelId, | |
views: video.statistics.viewCount, | |
thumbnail: video.snippet.thumbnails.default.url, | |
likes: video.statistics.likeCount, | |
dislikes: video.statistics.dislikeCount, | |
}; | |
videoDataCache.set(id, data); | |
return data; | |
} | |
channelSearch(search: string) { | |
let channel; | |
if ([search]) { | |
channel = search; | |
} else { | |
for (const id of Object.keys( { | |
const name = toID([id].name); | |
const username =[id].username; | |
if (name === toID(search) || username && toID(username) === toID(search)) { | |
channel = id; | |
break; // don't iterate through everything once a match is found | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return channel; | |
} | |
getId(link: string) { | |
let id = ''; | |
if (!link) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage('You must provide a YouTube link.'); | |
if ([link]) return link; | |
if (!link.includes('channel/')) { | |
if (link.includes('youtube')) { | |
id = link.split('v=')[1] || ''; | |
} else if (link.includes('')) { | |
id = link.split('/')[3] || ''; | |
} else { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage('Invalid YouTube channel link.'); | |
} | |
} else { | |
id = link.split('channel/')[1] || ''; | |
} | |
if (id.includes('&')) id = id.split('&')[0]; | |
if (id.includes('?')) id = id.split('?')[0]; | |
return id; | |
} | |
async generateVideoDisplay(link: string, fullInfo = false) { | |
if (!Config.youtubeKey) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This server does not support YouTube commands. If you're the owner, you can enable them by setting up Config.youtubekey.`); | |
} | |
const id = this.getId(link); | |
const info = await this.getVideoData(id); | |
if (!info) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Video not found.`); | |
if (!fullInfo) { | |
let buf = `<b>${info.title}</b> `; | |
buf += `(<a class="subtle" href="${info.channelUrl}">${info.channelTitle}</a>)<br />`; | |
buf += `<youtube src="${id}" />`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
let buf = `<table style="margin:0px;"><tr>`; | |
buf += `<td style="margin:5px;padding:5px;min-width:175px;max-width:160px;text-align:center;border-bottom:0px;">`; | |
buf += `<div style="padding:5px;background:#b0b0b0;border:1px solid black;margin:auto;max-width:100px;max-height:100px;">`; | |
buf += `<a href="${ROOT}channel/${id}"><img src="${info.thumbnail}" width=100px height=100px/></a>`; | |
buf += `</div><p style="margin:5px 0px 4px 0px;word-wrap:break-word;">`; | |
buf += `<a style="font-weight:bold;color:#c70000;font-size:12pt;" href="${id}">${info.title}</a>`; | |
buf += `</p></td><td style="padding: 0px 25px;font-size:10pt;max-width:100px;background:`; | |
buf += `#white;width:100%;border-bottom:0px;vertical-align:top;">`; | |
buf += `<p style="background: #e22828; padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `${info.likes} likes | ${info.dislikes} dislikes | ${info.views} video views<br><br>`; | |
buf += `<small>Published on ${} | ID: ${id}</small><br>Uploaded by: ${info.channelTitle}</p>`; | |
buf += `<br><details><summary>Video Description</p></summary>`; | |
buf += `<p style="background: #e22828;max-width:500px;padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `<i>${info.description.slice(0, 400).replace(/\n/g, ' ')}${info.description.length > 400 ? '(...)' : ''}</p><i></details></td>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
save() { | |
return FS(STORAGE_PATH).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(; | |
} | |
async searchVideo(name: string, limit?: number): Promise<string[] | undefined> { | |
const cached = searchDataCache.get(toID(name)); | |
if (cached) { | |
return cached.slice(0, limit); | |
} | |
const raw = await Net(`${ROOT}search`).get({ | |
query: { | |
part: 'snippet', q: name, | |
key: Config.youtubeKey, order: 'relevance', | |
}, | |
}); | |
const result = JSON.parse(raw); | |
const resultArray = result.items?.map((item: AnyObject) => item?.id?.videoId).filter(Boolean); | |
searchDataCache.set(toID(name), resultArray); | |
return resultArray.slice(0, limit); | |
} | |
async searchChannel(name: string, limit = 10): Promise<string[] | undefined> { | |
const raw = await Net(`${ROOT}search`).get({ | |
query: { | |
part: 'snippet', q: name, type: 'channel', | |
key: Config.youtubeKey, order: 'relevance', maxResults: limit, | |
}, | |
}); | |
const result = JSON.parse(raw); | |
return result? AnyObject) => item?.snippet?.channelId); | |
} | |
runInterval(time: string) { | |
let interval = Number(time); | |
if (interval < 10) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${interval} is too low - set it above 10 minutes.`); | |
this.intervalTime = interval; | | = interval; | |
interval = interval * 60 * 1000; | |
if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval); | |
this.interval = setInterval(() => { | |
void (async () => { | |
const room = Rooms.get('youtube'); | |
if (!room) return; // do nothing if the room doesn't exist anymore | |
const res = await YouTube.randChannel(); | |
room.add(`|html|${res}`).update(); | |
})(); | |
}, interval); | |
return this.interval; | |
} | |
async createGroupWatch(url: string, baseRoom: Room, title: string) { | |
const videoInfo = await this.getGroupwatchData(url); | |
const num = baseRoom.nextGameNumber(); | |
baseRoom.saveSettings(); | |
return new GroupWatch(baseRoom, num, url, title, videoInfo); | |
} | |
async getGroupwatchData(url: string) { | |
if (!Chat.isLink(url)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Invalid URL: " + url); | |
} | |
const urlData = new URL(url); | |
const host = urlData.hostname; | |
let videoInfo: GroupwatchData; | |
if (['', ''].includes(host)) { | |
const id = this.getId(url); | |
const data = await this.getVideoData(id); | |
if (!data) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Video not found.`); | |
videoInfo = Object.assign(data, { groupwatchType: 'youtube' }) as GroupwatchData; | |
} else if (host === '') { | |
const data = await Twitch.getChannel(urlData.pathname.slice(1)); | |
if (!data) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Channel not found`); | |
videoInfo = Object.assign(data, { groupwatchType: 'twitch' }) as GroupwatchData; | |
} else { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid URL: must be either a Youtube or Twitch link.`); | |
} | |
return videoInfo; | |
} | |
} | |
export const Twitch = new class { | |
linkRegex = /(https?:\/\/)?\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)/i; | |
async getChannel(channel: string): Promise<TwitchChannel | undefined> { | |
if (!Config.twitchKey || typeof Config.twitchKey !== 'object') { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Twitch is not enabled.`); | |
} | |
channel = toID(channel); | |
let res; | |
try { | |
res = await Net(``).get({ | |
headers: { | |
'Authorization': `Bearer ${Config.twitchKey.key}`, | |
'Client-Id':, | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
'Accept': "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json", | |
}, | |
query: { query: channel }, | |
}); | |
} catch (e: any) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Error retrieving twitch channel: ${e.message}`); | |
} | |
const data = JSON.parse(res); | |
Utils.sortBy(data.channels as AnyObject[], c => -c.followers); | |
return data?.channels?.[0] as TwitchChannel | undefined; | |
} | |
visualizeChannel(info: TwitchChannel) { | |
let buf = `<div class="infobox"><table style="margin:0px;"><tr>`; | |
buf += `<td style="margin:5px;padding:5px;min-width:175px;max-width:160px;text-align:center;border-bottom:0px;">`; | |
buf += `<div style="padding:5px;background:white;border:1px solid black;margin:auto;max-width:100px;max-height:100px;">`; | |
buf += `<a href="${info.url}"><img src="${info.logo}" width=100px height=100px/></a>`; | |
buf += `</div><p style="margin:5px 0px 4px 0px;word-wrap:break-word;">`; | |
buf += `<a style="font-weight:bold;color:#6441a5;font-size:12pt;" href="${info.logo}">${info.display_name}</a>`; | |
buf += `</p></td><td style="padding: 0px 25px;font-size:10pt;background:rgb(100, 65, 164);width:100%;border-bottom:0px;vertical-align:top;">`; | |
buf += `<p style="padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
const created = new Date(info.created_at); | |
buf += `${info.followers} subscribers | ${info.views} stream views | created ${Chat.toTimestamp(created).split(' ')[0]}</p>`; | |
buf += `<p style="color:white;font-size:10px">Last seen playing ${} (Status: ${info.status})</p>`; | |
buf += `<hr /><p style="margin-left: 5px; font-size:9pt;color:white;">`; | |
buf += `${info.description.slice(0, 400).replace(/\n/g, ' ')}${info.description.length > 400 ? '...' : ''}</p>`; | |
buf += '</td></tr></table></div>'; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
}; | |
type GroupwatchData = VideoData & { groupwatchType: 'youtube' } | TwitchChannel & { groupwatchType: 'twitch' }; | |
export class GroupWatch extends Rooms.SimpleRoomGame { | |
override readonly gameid = 'groupwatch' as ID; | |
url: string; | |
info: GroupwatchData; | |
started: number | null = null; | |
id: string; | |
static groupwatches = new Map<string, GroupWatch>(); | |
constructor(room: Room, num: number, url: string, title: string, videoInfo: GroupwatchData) { | |
super(room); | |
this.title = title; | | = `${room.roomid}-${num}`; | |
GroupWatch.groupwatches.set(, this); | |
this.url = url; | | = videoInfo; | |
} | |
onJoin(user: User) { | |
const hints = this.hints(); | |
for (const hint of hints) { | |
user.sendTo(, `|html|${hint}`); | |
} | |
} | |
start() { | |
if (this.started) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`We've already started.`); | |
this.started =; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
hints() { | |
const title = === 'youtube' ? :; | |
const hints = [ | |
`To watch, all you need to do is click play on the video once staff have started it!`, | |
`We are currently watching: <a href="${this.url}">${title}</a>`, | |
]; | |
if (this.started && === 'youtube') { | |
const diff = - this.started; | |
hints.push(`Video is currently at ${Chat.toDurationString(diff)} (${Math.floor(diff / 1000)} seconds)`); | |
} | |
return hints; | |
} | |
getStatsDisplay() { | |
if ( === 'twitch') { | |
let buf = `<p style="background: #6441a5; padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `<strong>Watching <a href="${}" class="subtle">${}</strong><br />`; | |
buf += `${Chat.count(Object.keys(, 'users')} watching<br />`; | |
buf += `<strong>Playing: ${}`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
let controlsHTML = `<h3>${}</h3>`; | |
controlsHTML += `<div class="infobox"><b>Channel:</b> `; | |
controlsHTML += `<a href="${}">${}</a><br />`; | |
controlsHTML += `<b>Likes:</b> ${} | <b>Dislikes:</b> ${}<br />`; | |
controlsHTML += `<b>Uploaded:</b> <time>${new Date(}</time><br />`; | |
controlsHTML += `<details><summary>Description</summary>${\n/ig, '<br />')}</details>`; | |
controlsHTML += `</div>`; | |
return controlsHTML; | |
} | |
getVideoDisplay() { | |
if ( === 'twitch') { | |
let buf = `<p style="background: #6441a5; padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `<twitch src="${}" width="600" height="330" />`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
let buf = `<p style="background: #e22828; padding: 5px;border-radius:8px;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">`; | |
buf += `<br /><br /><b>${}</b><br />`; | |
const id = YouTube.getId(this.url); | |
const url = `${id}`; | |
let addendum = ''; | |
if (this.started) { | |
const diff = - this.started; | |
addendum = `&start=${Math.floor(diff / 1000)}`; | |
} | |
buf += `<youtube src="${url}${addendum}"></youtube>`; | |
buf += `<br />`.repeat(4); | |
buf += `</p>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
display() { | |
return ( | |
Utils.html`<center><div class="pad"><strong>${} Groupwatch - ${this.title}</strong><br /><br />` + | |
`<p>${this.started ? this.getVideoDisplay() : ""}</p><hr />` + | |
`<p>${this.started ? this.getStatsDisplay() : "<i>Waiting to start the video...</i>"}</p>` + | |
`<p>${this.hints().join('<br />')}</p>` | |
); | |
} | |
update() { | |
for (const user of Object.values( { | |
for (const conn of user.connections) { | |
if (conn.openPages?.has(`groupwatch-${}`)) { | |
void Chat.parse(`/j view-groupwatch-${}`,, user, conn); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
async changeVideo(url: string) { | |
const info = await YouTube.getGroupwatchData(url); | |
if (!info) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Could not retrieve data for URL ${url}`); | |
this.url = url; | |
this.started =; | | = info; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
destroy() { | |
GroupWatch.groupwatches.delete(; | | = null; | | = null!; | |
} | |
} | |
export const YouTube = new YoutubeInterface(channelData); | |
export function destroy() { | |
if (YouTube.interval) clearInterval(YouTube.interval); | |
} | |
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = { | |
async randchannel(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
if (Object.keys( < 1) return this.errorReply(`No channels in the database.`); | |
target = toID(target); | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
const data = await YouTube.randChannel(target); | |
return this.sendReply(`|html|${data}`); | |
}, | |
randchannelhelp: [`/randchannel - View data of a random channel from the YouTube database.`], | |
yt: 'youtube', | |
youtube: { | |
async addchannel(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const [id, name] = target.split(',').map(t => t.trim()); | |
if (!id) return this.errorReply('Specify a channel ID.'); | |
await YouTube.getChannelData(id, name); | |
this.modlog('ADDCHANNEL', null, `${id} ${name ? `username: ${name}` : ''}`); | |
return this.privateModAction( | |
`${} added channel with id ${id} ${name ? `and username (${name}) ` : ''} to the random channel pool.` | |
); | |
}, | |
addchannelhelp: [`/addchannel - Add channel data to the YouTube database. Requires: % @ #`], | |
removechannel(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const id = YouTube.channelSearch(target); | |
if (!id) return this.errorReply(`Channel with ID or name ${target} not found.`); | |
delete[id]; | |; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} deleted channel with ID or name ${target}.`); | |
return this.modlog(`REMOVECHANNEL`, null, id); | |
}, | |
removechannelhelp: [`/youtube removechannel - Delete channel data from the YouTube database. Requires: % @ #`], | |
async channel(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
const channel = YouTube.channelSearch(target); | |
if (!channel) return this.errorReply(`No channels with ID or name ${target} found.`); | |
const data = await YouTube.generateChannelDisplay(channel); | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
return this.sendReply(`|html|${data}`); | |
}, | |
channelhelp: [ | |
'/youtube channel - View the data of a specified channel. Can be either channel ID or channel name.', | |
], | |
async video(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const buffer = await YouTube.generateVideoDisplay(target, true); | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
this.sendReplyBox(buffer); | |
}, | |
channels(target, room, user) { | |
target = toID(target); | |
return this.parse(`/j view-channels${target ? `-${target}` : ''}`); | |
}, | |
help(target, room, user) { | |
return this.parse('/help youtube'); | |
}, | |
categories() { | |
return this.parse(`/j view-channels-categories`); | |
}, | |
update(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const [channel, name] = target.split(','); | |
const id = YouTube.channelSearch(channel); | |
if (!id) return this.errorReply(`Channel ${channel} is not in the database.`); | |[id].username = name; | |
this.modlog(`UPDATECHANNEL`, null, name); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} updated channel ${id}'s username to ${name}.`); | |; | |
}, | |
interval: 'repeat', | |
repeat(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('declare', null, room); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (!YouTube.interval) return this.errorReply(`The YouTube plugin is not currently running an interval.`); | |
return this.sendReply(`Interval is currently set to ${Chat.toDurationString(YouTube.intervalTime * 60 * 1000)}.`); | |
} | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!YouTube.interval) return this.errorReply(`The interval is not currently running`); | |
clearInterval(YouTube.interval); | |
delete; | |; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} turned off the YouTube interval`); | |
return this.modlog(`YOUTUBE INTERVAL`, null, 'OFF'); | |
} | |
if (Object.keys(channelData).length < 1) return this.errorReply(`No channels in the database.`); | |
if (isNaN(parseInt(target))) return this.errorReply(`Specify a number (in minutes) for the interval.`); | |
YouTube.runInterval(target); | |; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set a randchannel interval to ${target} minutes`); | |
return this.modlog(`CHANNELINTERVAL`, null, `${target} minutes`); | |
}, | |
addcategory(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const categoryID = toID(target); | |
if (!categoryID) return this.parse(`/help youtube`); | |
if ( { | |
return this.errorReply(`This category is already added. To change it, remove it and re-add it.`); | |
} | |; | |
this.modlog(`YOUTUBE ADDCATEGORY`, null, target); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} added category '${target}' to the categories list.`); | |; | |
}, | |
removecategory(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const categoryID = toID(target); | |
if (!categoryID) return this.parse(`/help youtube`); | |
const index =; | |
if (index < 0) { | |
return this.errorReply(`${target} is not a valid category.`); | |
} | |
for (const id in { | |
const channel =[id]; | |
if (channel.category === target) delete[id].category; | |
} | |; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} removed the category '${target}' from the category list.`); | |
this.modlog(`YOUTUBE REMOVECATEGORY`, null, target); | |
}, | |
setcategory(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
const [category, id] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(item => item.trim()); | |
if (!target || !category || !id) { | |
return this.parse('/help youtube'); | |
} | |
if (! { | |
return this.errorReply(`Invalid category.`); | |
} | |
const name = YouTube.channelSearch(id); | |
if (!name) return this.errorReply(`Invalid channel.`); | |
const channel =[name]; | |[name].category = category; | |; | |
this.modlog(`YOUTUBE SETCATEGORY`, null, `${id}: to category ${category}`); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set the channel ${}'s category to '${category}'.`); | |
}, | |
decategorize(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.parse('/help youtube'); | |
} | |
const name = YouTube.channelSearch(target); | |
if (!name) return this.errorReply(`Invalid channel.`); | |
const channel =[name]; | |
const category = channel.category; | |
if (!category) return this.errorReply(`That channel does not have a category.`); | |
delete channel.category; | |; | |
this.modlog(`YOUTUBE DECATEGORIZE`, null, target); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} removed the channel ${} from the category ${category}.`); | |
}, | |
}, | |
youtubehelp: [ | |
`YouTube commands:`, | |
`/randchannel [optional category]- View data of a random channel from the YouTube database.` + | |
` If a category is given, the random channel will be in the given category.`, | |
`/youtube addchannel [channel] - Add channel data to the YouTube database. Requires: % @ #`, | |
`/youtube removechannel [channel]- Delete channel data from the YouTube database. Requires: % @ #`, | |
`/youtube channel [channel] - View the data of a specified channel. Can be either channel ID or channel name.`, | |
`/youtube video [video] - View data of a specified video. Can be either channel ID or channel name.`, | |
`/youtube update [channel], [name] - sets a channel's PS username to [name]. Requires: % @ #`, | |
`/youtube repeat [time] - Sets an interval for [time] minutes, showing a random channel each time. Requires: # ~`, | |
`/youtube addcategory [name] - Adds the [category] to the channel category list. Requires: @ # ~`, | |
`/youtube removecategory [name] - Removes the [category] from the channel category list. Requires: @ # ~`, | |
`/youtube setcategory [category], [channel name] - Sets the category for [channel] to [category]. Requires: @ # ~`, | |
`/youtube decategorize [channel name] - Removes the category for the [channel], if there is one. Requires: @ # ~`, | |
`/youtube categores - View all channels sorted by category.`, | |
], | |
groupwatch: { | |
async create(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
if (!GROUPWATCH_ROOMS.includes(room.roomid)) { | |
return this.errorReply(`This room is not allowed to use the groupwatch function.`); | |
} | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const [url, title] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(p => p.trim()); | |
if (!url || !title) return this.errorReply(`You must specify a video to watch and a title for the group watch.`); | |
const game = await YouTube.createGroupWatch(url, room, title); | |
this.modlog(`YOUTUBE GROUPWATCH`, null, `${url} (${title})`); | |
room.add( | |
`|uhtml|${}|` + | |
`<button class="button" name="send" value="/j view-groupwatch-${}">Join the ongoing group watch!</button>` | |
); | |
room.send(`|tempnotify|youtube|New groupwatch - ${title}!`); | |
this.update(); | |
}, | |
end(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const game = this.requireGame(GroupWatch); | |
this.modlog(`GROUPWATCH END`); | |
this.add(`|uhtmlchange|${}|`); | |
game.destroy(); | |
}, | |
start(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const game = this.requireGame(GroupWatch); | |
game.start(); | |
game.update(); | |
}, | |
async edit(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan('mute', null, room); | |
const game = this.requireGame(GroupWatch); | |
await game.changeVideo(target); | |
}, | |
list() { | |
let buf = `<strong>Ongoing groupwatches:</strong><br />`; | |
for (const curRoom of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
if (!curRoom.getGame(GroupWatch)) continue; | |
buf += `<button class="button" name="send" value="/j ${curRoom.roomid}">${curRoom.title}</button>`; | |
} | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
this.sendReplyBox(buf); | |
}, | |
}, | |
groupwatchhelp: [ | |
`/groupwatch create [link],[title] - create a groupwatch for the given Youtube or Twitch [link] with the [title]. Requires: % @ ~ #`, | |
`/groupwatch end - End the current room's groupwatch, if one exists. Requires: % @ ~ #`, | |
`/groupwatch start - Begin playback for the current groupwatch. Requires: % @ ~ #`, | |
`/groupwatch edit [link] - Change the current groupwatch, if one exists, to be viewing the given [link]. Requires: % @ ~ #`, | |
], | |
twitch: { | |
async channel(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom('youtube' as RoomID); | |
if (!Config.twitchKey) return this.errorReply(`Twitch is not configured`); | |
const data = await Twitch.getChannel(target); | |
if (!data) return this.errorReply(`Channel not found`); | |
const html = Twitch.visualizeChannel(data); | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
return this.sendReplyBox(html); | |
}, | |
}, | |
}; | |
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = { | |
async channels(args, user) { | |
const [type] = args; | |
if (!Config.youtubeKey) return `<h2>Youtube is not configured.</h2>`; | |
const titles: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
all: 'All channels', | |
categories: 'by category', | |
}; | |
const title = titles[type] || 'Usernames only'; | |
this.title = `[Channels] ${title}`; | |
let buffer = `<div class="pad"><h4>Channels in the YouTube database: (${title})`; | |
buffer += ` <button class="button" name="send" value="/join view-channels-${type}" style="float: right">Refresh</button>`; | |
buffer += `</h4><hr />`; | |
switch (toID(type)) { | |
case 'categories': | |
if (! { | |
return this.errorReply(`There are currently no categories in the Youtube channel database.`); | |
} | |
const sorted: { [k: string]: string[] } = {}; | |
const channels =; | |
for (const [id, channel] of Object.entries(channels)) { | |
const category = channel.category || "No category"; | |
if (!sorted[category]) { | |
sorted[category] = []; | |
} | |
sorted[category].push(id); | |
} | |
for (const cat in sorted) { | |
buffer += `<h3>${cat}:</h3>`; | |
for (const id of sorted[cat]) { | |
const channel = channels[id]; | |
buffer += `<details><summary>${}</summary>`; | |
buffer += await YouTube.generateChannelDisplay(id); | |
buffer += `</details><br />`; | |
} | |
} | |
break; | |
default: | |
for (const id of Utils.shuffle(Object.keys( { | |
const { name, username } = await YouTube.get(id); | |
if (toID(type) !== 'all' && !username) continue; | |
buffer += `<details><summary>${name}`; | |
buffer += `<small><i> (Channel ID: ${id})</i></small>`; | |
if (username) buffer += ` <small>(PS name: ${username})</small>`; | |
buffer += `</summary>`; | |
buffer += await YouTube.generateChannelDisplay(id); | |
buffer += `</details><hr/ >`; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
buffer += `</div>`; | |
return buffer; | |
}, | |
groupwatch(query, user, connection) { | |
if (!user.named) return Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN; | |
const [roomid, num] = query; | |
const watch = GroupWatch.groupwatches.get(`${roomid}-${num}`); | |
if (!watch) return this.errorReply(`Groupwatch ${roomid}-${num} not found.`); | |
this.title = `[Groupwatch] ${watch.title}`; | |
return watch.display(); | |
}, | |
}; | |