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* Trivia plugin
* Written by Morfent
import { Utils } from '../../../lib';
import { type Leaderboard, LEADERBOARD_ENUM, type TriviaDatabase, TriviaSQLiteDatabase } from './database';
const MAIN_CATEGORIES: { [k: string]: string } = {
ae: 'Arts and Entertainment',
pokemon: 'Pok\u00E9mon',
sg: 'Science and Geography',
sh: 'Society and Humanities',
const SPECIAL_CATEGORIES: { [k: string]: string } = {
misc: 'Miscellaneous',
event: 'Event',
eventused: 'Event (used)',
subcat: 'Sub-Category 1',
subcat2: 'Sub-Category 2',
subcat3: 'Sub-Category 3',
subcat4: 'Sub-Category 4',
subcat5: 'Sub-Category 5',
oldae: 'Old Arts and Entertainment',
oldsg: 'Old Science and Geography',
oldsh: 'Old Society and Humanities',
oldpoke: 'Old Pok\u00E9mon',
const ALL_CATEGORIES: { [k: string]: string } = { ...SPECIAL_CATEGORIES, ...MAIN_CATEGORIES };
* Aliases for keys in the ALL_CATEGORIES object.
const CATEGORY_ALIASES: { [k: string]: ID } = {
poke: 'pokemon' as ID,
subcat1: 'subcat' as ID,
const MODES: { [k: string]: string } = {
first: 'First',
number: 'Number',
timer: 'Timer',
triumvirate: 'Triumvirate',
const LENGTHS: { [k: string]: { cap: number | false, prizes: number[] } } = {
short: {
cap: 20,
prizes: [3, 2, 1],
medium: {
cap: 35,
prizes: [4, 2, 1],
long: {
cap: 50,
prizes: [5, 3, 1],
infinite: {
cap: false,
prizes: [5, 3, 1],
Object.setPrototypeOf(MAIN_CATEGORIES, null);
Object.setPrototypeOf(SPECIAL_CATEGORIES, null);
Object.setPrototypeOf(ALL_CATEGORIES, null);
Object.setPrototypeOf(MODES, null);
Object.setPrototypeOf(LENGTHS, null);
const SIGNUP_PHASE = 'signups';
const QUESTION_PHASE = 'question';
const INTERMISSION_PHASE = 'intermission';
const START_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
const INTERMISSION_INTERVAL = 20 * 1000;
const MASTERMIND_INTERMISSION_INTERVAL = 500; // 0.5 seconds
const PAUSE_INTERMISSION = 5 * 1000;
export interface TriviaQuestion {
question: string;
category: string;
answers: string[];
user?: string;
/** UNIX timestamp in milliseconds */
addedAt?: number;
export interface TriviaLeaderboardData {
[userid: string]: TriviaLeaderboardScore;
export interface TriviaLeaderboardScore {
score: number;
totalPoints: number;
totalCorrectAnswers: number;
export interface TriviaGame {
mode: string;
/** if number, question cap, else score cap */
length: keyof typeof LENGTHS | number;
category: string;
startTime: number;
creator?: string;
givesPoints?: boolean;
type TriviaLadder = ID[][];
export type TriviaHistory = TriviaGame & { scores: { [k: string]: number } };
export interface TriviaData {
/** category:questions */
questions?: { [k: string]: TriviaQuestion[] };
submissions?: { [k: string]: TriviaQuestion[] };
leaderboard?: TriviaLeaderboardData;
altLeaderboard?: TriviaLeaderboardData;
/* `scores` key is a user ID */
history?: TriviaHistory[];
moveEventQuestions?: boolean;
interface TopPlayer {
id: string;
player: TriviaPlayer;
name: string;
export const database: TriviaDatabase = new TriviaSQLiteDatabase('config/chat-plugins/triviadata.json');
/** from:to Map */
export const pendingAltMerges = new Map<ID, ID>();
function getTriviaGame(room: Room | null) {
if (!room) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This command can only be used in the Trivia room.`);
const game =;
if (!game) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no game in progress.`);
if (game.gameid !== 'trivia') {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The currently running game is not Trivia, it's ${game.title}.`);
return game as Trivia;
function getMastermindGame(room: Room | null) {
if (!room) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This command can only be used in the Trivia room.`);
const game =;
if (!game) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no game in progress.`);
if (game.gameid !== 'mastermind') {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The currently running game is not Mastermind, it's ${game.title}.`);
return game as Mastermind;
function getTriviaOrMastermindGame(room: Room | null) {
try {
return getMastermindGame(room);
} catch {
return getTriviaGame(room);
* Generates and broadcasts the HTML for a generic announcement containing
* a title and an optional message.
function broadcast(room: BasicRoom, title: string, message?: string) {
let buffer = `<div class="broadcast-blue"><strong>${title}</strong>`;
if (message) buffer += `<br />${message}`;
buffer += '</div>';
return room.addRaw(buffer).update();
async function getQuestions(
categories: ID[] | 'random',
order: 'newestfirst' | 'oldestfirst' | 'random',
limit = 1000
): Promise<TriviaQuestion[]> {
if (categories === 'random') {
const history = await database.getHistory(1);
const lastCategoryID = toID(history?.[0].category).replace("random", "");
const randCategory = Utils.randomElement(
.filter(cat => toID(MAIN_CATEGORIES[cat]) !== lastCategoryID)
return database.getQuestions([randCategory], limit, { order });
} else {
const questions = [];
for (const category of categories) {
if (category === 'all') {
questions.push(...(await database.getQuestions('all', limit, { order })));
} else if (!ALL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${category}" is an invalid category.`);
questions.push(...(await database.getQuestions(categories.filter(c => c !== 'all'), limit, { order })));
return questions;
* Records a pending alt merge
export async function requestAltMerge(from: ID, to: ID) {
if (from === to) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot merge leaderboard entries with yourself!`);
if (!(await database.getLeaderboardEntry(from, 'alltime'))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The user '${from}' does not have an entry in the Trivia leaderboard.`);
if (!(await database.getLeaderboardEntry(to, 'alltime'))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The user '${to}' does not have an entry in the Trivia leaderboard.`);
pendingAltMerges.set(from, to);
* Checks that it has been approved by both users,
* and merges two alts on the Trivia leaderboard.
export async function mergeAlts(from: ID, to: ID) {
if (pendingAltMerges.get(from) !== to) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Both '${from}' and '${to}' must use /trivia mergescore to approve the merge.`);
if (!(await database.getLeaderboardEntry(to, 'alltime'))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The user '${to}' does not have an entry in the Trivia leaderboard.`);
if (!(await database.getLeaderboardEntry(from, 'alltime'))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The user '${from}' does not have an entry in the Trivia leaderboard.`);
await database.mergeLeaderboardEntries(from, to);
// TODO: fix /trivia review
class Ladder {
cache: Record<Leaderboard, { ladder: TriviaLadder, ranks: TriviaLeaderboardData } | null>;
constructor() {
this.cache = {
alltime: null,
nonAlltime: null,
cycle: null,
invalidateCache() {
let k: keyof Ladder['cache'];
for (k in this.cache) {
this.cache[k] = null;
async get(leaderboard: Leaderboard = 'alltime') {
if (!this.cache[leaderboard]) await this.computeCachedLadder();
return this.cache[leaderboard];
async computeCachedLadder() {
const leaderboards = await database.getLeaderboards();
for (const [lb, data] of Object.entries(leaderboards) as [Leaderboard, TriviaLeaderboardData][]) {
const leaders = Object.entries(data);
const ladder: TriviaLadder = [];
const ranks: TriviaLeaderboardData = {};
for (const [leader] of leaders) {
ranks[leader] = { score: 0, totalPoints: 0, totalCorrectAnswers: 0 };
for (const key of ['score', 'totalPoints', 'totalCorrectAnswers'] as (keyof TriviaLeaderboardScore)[]) {
Utils.sortBy(leaders, ([, scores]) => -scores[key]);
let max = Infinity;
let rank = -1;
for (const [leader, scores] of leaders) {
const score = scores[key];
if (max !== score) {
max = score;
if (key === 'score' && rank < 500) {
if (!ladder[rank]) ladder[rank] = [];
ladder[rank].push(leader as ID);
ranks[leader][key] = rank + 1;
this.cache[lb] = { ladder, ranks };
export const cachedLadder = new Ladder();
class TriviaPlayer extends Rooms.RoomGamePlayer<Trivia> {
points: number;
correctAnswers: number;
answer: string;
currentAnsweredAt: number[];
lastQuestion: number;
answeredAt: number[];
isCorrect: boolean;
isAbsent: boolean;
constructor(user: User, game: Trivia) {
super(user, game);
this.points = 0;
this.correctAnswers = 0;
this.answer = '';
this.currentAnsweredAt = [];
this.lastQuestion = 0;
this.answeredAt = [];
this.isCorrect = false;
this.isAbsent = false;
setAnswer(answer: string, isCorrect?: boolean) {
this.answer = answer;
this.currentAnsweredAt = process.hrtime();
this.isCorrect = !!isCorrect;
incrementPoints(points = 0, lastQuestion = 0) {
this.points += points;
this.answeredAt = this.currentAnsweredAt;
this.lastQuestion = lastQuestion;
clearAnswer() {
this.answer = '';
this.isCorrect = false;
toggleAbsence() {
this.isAbsent = !this.isAbsent;
reset() {
this.points = 0;
this.correctAnswers = 0;
this.answer = '';
this.answeredAt = [];
this.isCorrect = false;
export class Trivia extends Rooms.RoomGame<TriviaPlayer> {
override readonly gameid = 'trivia' as ID;
kickedUsers: Set<string>;
canLateJoin: boolean;
game: TriviaGame;
questions: TriviaQuestion[];
isPaused = false;
phase: string;
phaseTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null;
questionNumber: number;
curQuestion: string;
curAnswers: string[];
askedAt: number[];
categories: ID[];
room: Room, mode: string, categories: ID[], givesPoints: boolean,
length: keyof typeof LENGTHS | number, questions: TriviaQuestion[], creator: string,
isRandomMode = false, isSubGame = false, isRandomCategory = false,
) {
super(room, isSubGame);
this.title = 'Trivia';
this.allowRenames = true;
this.playerCap = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
this.kickedUsers = new Set();
this.canLateJoin = true;
this.categories = categories;
const uniqueCategories = new Set(this.categories
.map(cat => {
if (cat === 'all') return 'All';
let category = [...uniqueCategories].join(' + ');
if (isRandomCategory) category =`Random (${category})`; = {
mode: (isRandomMode ? `Random (${MODES[mode]})` : MODES[mode]),
this.questions = questions;
this.phase = SIGNUP_PHASE;
this.phaseTimeout = null;
this.questionNumber = 0;
this.curQuestion = '';
this.curAnswers = [];
this.askedAt = [];
setPhaseTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, timeout: number) {
if (this.phaseTimeout) {
this.phaseTimeout = setTimeout(callback, timeout);
getCap() {
if ( in LENGTHS) return { points: LENGTHS[].cap };
if (typeof === 'number') return { questions: };
throw new Error(`Couldn't determine cap for Trivia game with length ${}`);
getDisplayableCap() {
const cap = this.getCap();
if (cap.questions) return `${cap.questions} questions`;
if (cap.points) return `${cap.points} points`;
return `Infinite`;
* How long the players should have to answer a question.
getRoundLength() {
return 12 * 1000 + 500;
addTriviaPlayer(user: User) {
if (this.playerTable[]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
for (const id of user.previousIDs) {
if (this.playerTable[id]) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
if (this.kickedUsers.has( {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You were kicked from the game and thus cannot join it again.`);
for (const id of user.previousIDs) {
if (this.playerTable[id]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
if (this.kickedUsers.has(id)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You were kicked from the game and cannot join until the next game.`);
for (const id in this.playerTable) {
const targetUser = Users.get(id);
if (targetUser) {
const isSameUser = (
targetUser.previousIDs.includes( ||
targetUser.previousIDs.some(tarId => user.previousIDs.includes(tarId)) ||
!Config.noipchecks && targetUser.ips.some(ip => user.ips.includes(ip))
if (isSameUser) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
if (this.phase !== SIGNUP_PHASE && !this.canLateJoin) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This game does not allow latejoins.`);
makePlayer(user: User): TriviaPlayer {
return new TriviaPlayer(user, this);
destroy() {
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
this.phaseTimeout = null;
onConnect(user: User) {
const player = this.playerTable[];
if (!player?.isAbsent) return false;
onLeave(user: User, oldUserID: ID) {
// The user cannot participate, but their score should be kept
// regardless in cases of disconnects.
const player = this.playerTable[oldUserID ||];
if (!player || player.isAbsent) return false;
* Handles setup that shouldn't be done from the constructor.
init() {
const signupsMessage = ?
`Signups for a new Trivia game have begun!` : `Signups for a new unranked Trivia game have begun!`;
broadcast(,,`Mode: ${} | Category: ${} | Cap: ${this.getDisplayableCap()}<br />` +
`<button class="button" name="send" value="/trivia join">` +`Sign up for the Trivia game!` + `</button>` +` (You can also type <code>/trivia join</code> to sign up manually.)`
getDescription() {
return`Mode: ${} | Category: ${} | Cap: ${this.getDisplayableCap()}`;
* Formats the player list for display when using /trivia players.
formatPlayerList(settings: { max: number | null, requirePoints?: boolean }) {
return this.getTopPlayers(settings).map(player => {
const buf = Utils.html`${} (${player.player.points || "0"})`;
return player.player.isAbsent ? `<span style="color: #444444">${buf}</span>` : buf;
}).join(', ');
* Kicks a player from the game, preventing them from joining it again
* until the next game begins.
kick(user: User) {
if (!this.playerTable[]) {
if (this.kickedUsers.has( {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${} has already been kicked from the game.`);
for (const id of user.previousIDs) {
if (this.kickedUsers.has(id)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${} has already been kicked from the game.`);
for (const kickedUserid of this.kickedUsers) {
const kickedUser = Users.get(kickedUserid);
if (kickedUser) {
const isSameUser = (
kickedUser.previousIDs.includes( ||
kickedUser.previousIDs.some(id => user.previousIDs.includes(id)) ||
!Config.noipchecks && kickedUser.ips.some(ip => user.ips.includes(ip))
if (isSameUser) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${} has already been kicked from the game.`);
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${} is not a player in the game.`);
for (const id of user.previousIDs) {
leave(user: User) {
if (!this.playerTable[]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current game.`);
* Starts the question loop for a trivia game in its signup phase.
start() {
if (this.phase !== SIGNUP_PHASE) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The game has already been started.`);
broadcast(,`The game will begin in ${START_TIMEOUT / 1000} seconds...`);
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), START_TIMEOUT);
pause() {
if (this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is already paused.`);
if (this.phase === QUESTION_PHASE) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot pause the trivia game during a question.`);
this.isPaused = true;
broadcast(,`The Trivia game has been paused.`);
resume() {
if (!this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is not paused.`);
this.isPaused = false;
broadcast(,`The Trivia game has been resumed.`);
if (this.phase === INTERMISSION_PHASE) this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), PAUSE_INTERMISSION);
* Broadcasts the next question on the questions list to the room and sets
* a timeout to tally the answers received.
async askQuestion() {
if (this.isPaused) return;
if (!this.questions.length) {
const cap = this.getCap();
if (!cap.questions && !cap.points) {
if ( === 'infinite') {
this.questions = await database.getQuestions(this.categories, 1000, {
order:'Random') ? 'random' : 'oldestfirst',
// If there's no score cap, we declare a winner when we run out of questions,
// instead of ending a game with a stalemate
void`The game of Trivia has ended because there are no more questions!`);
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
this.phaseTimeout = null;
broadcast(,`No questions are left!`,`The game has reached a stalemate`
if ( this.destroy();
this.phase = QUESTION_PHASE;
this.askedAt = process.hrtime();
const question = this.questions.shift()!;
this.curQuestion = question.question;
this.curAnswers = question.answers;
// Move question categories if needed
if (question.category === MOVE_QUESTIONS_AFTER_USE_FROM_CATEGORY && await database.shouldMoveEventQuestions()) {
await database.moveQuestionToCategory(question.question, MOVE_QUESTIONS_AFTER_USE_TO_CATEGORY);
setTallyTimeout() {
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.tallyAnswers(), this.getRoundLength());
* Broadcasts to the room what the next question is.
sendQuestion(question: TriviaQuestion) {
broadcast(,`Question ${this.questionNumber}: ${question.question}`,`Category: ${ALL_CATEGORIES[question.category]}`
* This is a noop here since it'd defined properly by subclasses later on.
* All this is obligated to do is take a user and their answer as args;
* the behaviour of this method can be entirely arbitrary otherwise.
answerQuestion(answer: string, user: User): string | void {}
* Verifies whether or not an answer is correct. In longer answers, small
* typos can be made and still have the answer be considered correct.
verifyAnswer(targetAnswer: string) {
return this.curAnswers.some(answer => {
const mla = this.maxLevenshteinAllowed(answer.length);
return (answer === targetAnswer) || (Utils.levenshtein(targetAnswer, answer, mla) <= mla);
* Return the maximum Levenshtein distance that is allowable for answers of the given length.
maxLevenshteinAllowed(answerLength: number) {
if (answerLength > 5) {
return 2;
if (answerLength > 4) {
return 1;
return 0;
* This is a noop here since it'd defined properly by mode subclasses later
* on. This calculates the points a correct responder earns, which is
* typically between 1-5.
calculatePoints(diff: number, totalDiff: number) {}
* This is a noop here since it's defined properly by mode subclasses later
* on. This is obligated to update the game phase, but it can be entirely
* arbitrary otherwise.
tallyAnswers(): void | Promise<void> {}
* Ends the game after a player's score has exceeded the score cap.
async win(buffer: string) {
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
this.phaseTimeout = null;
const winners = this.getTopPlayers({ max: 3, requirePoints: true });
buffer += `<br />${this.getWinningMessage(winners)}`;
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`, buffer);
for (const i in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[i];
const user = Users.get(;
if (!user) continue;
( ?`You gained ${player.points} points and answered ` :`You answered `) +`${player.correctAnswers} questions correctly.`
const buf = this.getStaffEndMessage(winners, winner =>;
const logbuf = this.getStaffEndMessage(winners, winner =>;`(${buf}!)`);;{
action: 'TRIVIAGAME',
loggedBy: toID(,
note: logbuf,
if ( {
const prizes = this.getPrizes();
// these are for the non-all-time leaderboard
// only the #1 player gets a prize on the all-time leaderboard
const scores = new Map<ID, number>();
for (let i = 0; i < winners.length; i++) {
scores.set(winners[i].id as ID, prizes[i]);
for (const userid in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[userid];
if (!player.points) continue;
void database.updateLeaderboardForUser(userid as ID, {
alltime: {
score: userid === winners[0].id ? prizes[0] : 0,
totalPoints: player.points,
totalCorrectAnswers: player.correctAnswers,
nonAlltime: {
score: scores.get(userid as ID) || 0,
totalPoints: player.points,
totalCorrectAnswers: player.correctAnswers,
cycle: {
score: scores.get(userid as ID) || 0,
totalPoints: player.points,
totalCorrectAnswers: player.correctAnswers,
if (typeof === 'number') = `${} questions`;
const scores = Object.fromEntries(this.getTopPlayers({ max: null })
.map(player => [, player.player.points]));
if ( {
await database.addHistory([{,
length: typeof === 'number' ? `${} questions` :,
getPrizes() {
// Reward players more in longer infinite games
const multiplier = === 'infinite' ? Math.floor(this.questionNumber / 25) || 1 : 1;
return (LENGTHS[]?.prizes || [5, 3, 1]).map(prize => prize * multiplier);
options: { max: number | null, requirePoints?: boolean } = { max: null, requirePoints: true }
): TopPlayer[] {
const ranks = [];
for (const userid in this.playerTable) {
const user = Users.get(userid);
const player = this.playerTable[userid];
if ((options.requirePoints && !player.points) || !user) continue;
ranks.push({ id: userid, player, name: });
Utils.sortBy(ranks, ({ player }) => (
[-player.points, player.lastQuestion, hrtimeToNanoseconds(player.answeredAt)]
return options.max === null ? ranks : ranks.slice(0, options.max);
getWinningMessage(winners: TopPlayer[]) {
const prizes = this.getPrizes();
const [p1, p2, p3] = winners;
if (!p1) return `No winners this game!`;
let initialPart =`${Utils.escapeHTML(} won the game with a final score of <strong>${p1.player.points}</strong>`;
if (! {
return `${initialPart}.`;
} else {
initialPart +=`, and `;
switch (winners.length) {
case 1:
return`${initialPart}their leaderboard score has increased by <strong>${prizes[0]}</strong> points!`;
case 2:
return`${initialPart}their leaderboard score has increased by <strong>${prizes[0]}</strong> points! ` +`${Utils.escapeHTML(} was a runner-up and their leaderboard score has increased by <strong>${prizes[1]}</strong> points!`;
case 3:
return initialPart + Utils.html`${`${} and ${} were runners-up. `}` +`Their leaderboard score has increased by ${prizes[0]}, ${prizes[1]}, and ${prizes[2]}, respectively!`;
getStaffEndMessage(winners: TopPlayer[], mapper: (k: TopPlayer) => string) {
let message = "";
if (winners.length) {
const winnerParts: ((k: TopPlayer) => string)[] = [
winner =>`User ${mapper(winner)} won the game of ` +
( ?`ranked ` :`unranked `) +`${} mode trivia under the ${} category with ` +`a cap of ${this.getDisplayableCap()} ` +`with ${winner.player.points} points and ` +`${winner.player.correctAnswers} correct answers`,
winner =>` Second place: ${mapper(winner)} (${winner.player.points} points)`,
winner =>`, third place: ${mapper(winner)} (${winner.player.points} points)`,
for (const [i, winner] of winners.entries()) {
message += winnerParts[i](winner);
} else {
message = `No participants in the game of ` +
( ?`ranked ` :`unranked `) +`${} mode trivia under the ${} category with ` +`a cap of ${this.getDisplayableCap()}`;
return `${message}`;
end(user: User) {
broadcast(, Utils.html`${`The game was forcibly ended by ${}.`}`);
* Helper function for timer and number modes. Milliseconds are not precise
* enough to score players properly in rare cases.
const hrtimeToNanoseconds = (hrtime: number[]) => hrtime[0] * 1e9 + hrtime[1];
* First mode rewards points to the first user to answer the question
* correctly.
export class FirstModeTrivia extends Trivia {
answerQuestion(answer: string, user: User) {
const player = this.playerTable[];
if (!player) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current trivia game.`);
if (this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is paused.`);
if (this.phase !== QUESTION_PHASE) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no question to answer.`);
if (player.answer) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already attempted to answer the current question.`);
if (!this.verifyAnswer(answer)) return;
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
const points = this.calculatePoints();
player.incrementPoints(points, this.questionNumber);
const players =;
const buffer = Utils.html`${`Correct: ${players}`}<br />` +`Answer(s): ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}` + `<br />` +`They gained <strong>5</strong> points!` + `<br />` +`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`;
const cap = this.getCap();
if ((cap.points && player.points >= cap.points) || (cap.questions && this.questionNumber >= cap.questions)) {
for (const i in this.playerTable) {
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`, buffer);
calculatePoints() {
return 5;
tallyAnswers(): void {
if (this.isPaused) return;
for (const i in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[i];
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`,`Correct: no one...` + `<br />` +`Answers: ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}` + `<br />` +`Nobody gained any points.` + `<br />` +`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`
setAskTimeout() {
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
* Timer mode rewards up to 5 points to all players who answer correctly
* depending on how quickly they answer the question.
export class TimerModeTrivia extends Trivia {
answerQuestion(answer: string, user: User) {
const player = this.playerTable[];
if (!player) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current trivia game.`);
if (this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is paused.`);
if (this.phase !== QUESTION_PHASE) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no question to answer.`);
const isCorrect = this.verifyAnswer(answer);
player.setAnswer(answer, isCorrect);
* The difference between the time the player answered the question and
* when the question was asked, in nanoseconds.
* The difference between the time scoring began and the time the question
* was asked, in nanoseconds.
calculatePoints(diff: number, totalDiff: number) {
return Math.floor(6 - 5 * diff / totalDiff);
tallyAnswers() {
if (this.isPaused) return;
let buffer = (`Answer(s): ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}<br />` +
`<table style="width: 100%; background-color: #9CBEDF; margin: 2px 0">` +
`<tr style="background-color: #6688AA">` +
`<th style="width: 100px">Points gained</th>` +
`<th>${`Correct`}</th>` +
const innerBuffer = new Map<number, [string, number][]>([5, 4, 3, 2, 1].map(n => [n, []]));
const now = hrtimeToNanoseconds(process.hrtime());
const askedAt = hrtimeToNanoseconds(this.askedAt);
const totalDiff = now - askedAt;
const cap = this.getCap();
let winner = cap.questions && this.questionNumber >= cap.questions;
for (const userid in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[userid];
if (!player.isCorrect) {
const playerAnsweredAt = hrtimeToNanoseconds(player.currentAnsweredAt);
const diff = playerAnsweredAt - askedAt;
const points = this.calculatePoints(diff, totalDiff);
player.incrementPoints(points, this.questionNumber);
const pointBuffer = innerBuffer.get(points) || [];
pointBuffer.push([, playerAnsweredAt]);
if (cap.points && player.points >= cap.points) {
winner = true;
let rowAdded = false;
for (const [pointValue, players] of innerBuffer) {
if (!players.length) continue;
rowAdded = true;
const playerNames = Utils.sortBy(players, ([name, answeredAt]) => answeredAt)
.map(([name]) => name);
buffer += (
'<tr style="background-color: #6688AA">' +
`<td style="text-align: center">${pointValue}</td>` +
Utils.html`<td>${playerNames.join(', ')}</td>` +
if (!rowAdded) {
buffer += (
'<tr style="background-color: #6688AA">' +
'<td style="text-align: center">&#8212;</td>' +
`<td>${`No one answered correctly...`}</td>` +
buffer += '</table>';
buffer += `<br />${`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`}`;
if (winner) {
} else {
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`, buffer);
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
* Number mode rewards up to 5 points to all players who answer correctly
* depending on the ratio of correct players to total players (lower ratio is
* better).
export class NumberModeTrivia extends Trivia {
answerQuestion(answer: string, user: User) {
const player = this.playerTable[];
if (!player) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current trivia game.`);
if (this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is paused.`);
if (this.phase !== QUESTION_PHASE) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no question to answer.`);
const isCorrect = this.verifyAnswer(answer);
player.setAnswer(answer, isCorrect);
calculatePoints(correctPlayers: number) {
return correctPlayers && (6 - Math.floor(5 * correctPlayers / this.playerCount));
getRoundLength() {
return 6 * 1000;
tallyAnswers() {
if (this.isPaused) return;
let buffer;
const innerBuffer = Utils.sortBy(
.filter(player => !!player.isCorrect)
.map(player => [, hrtimeToNanoseconds(player.currentAnsweredAt)]),
([player, answeredAt]) => answeredAt
const points = this.calculatePoints(innerBuffer.length);
const cap = this.getCap();
let winner = cap.questions && this.questionNumber >= cap.questions;
if (points) {
for (const userid in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[userid];
if (player.isCorrect) player.incrementPoints(points, this.questionNumber);
if (cap.points && player.points >= cap.points) {
winner = true;
const players = Utils.escapeHTML([playerName]) => playerName).join(', '));
buffer =`Correct: ${players}` + `<br />` +`Answer(s): ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}<br />` +
`${Chat.plural(innerBuffer,`Each of them gained <strong>${points}</strong> point(s)!`,`They gained <strong>${points}</strong> point(s)!`)}`;
} else {
for (const userid in this.playerTable) {
const player = this.playerTable[userid];
buffer =`Correct: no one...` + `<br />` +`Answer(s): ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}<br />` +`Nobody gained any points.`;
buffer += `<br />${`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`}`;
if (winner) {
} else {
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`, buffer);
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
* Triumvirate mode rewards points to the top three users to answer the question correctly.
export class TriumvirateModeTrivia extends Trivia {
answerQuestion(answer: string, user: User) {
const player = this.playerTable[];
if (!player) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current trivia game.`);
if (this.isPaused) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The trivia game is paused.`);
if (this.phase !== QUESTION_PHASE) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is no question to answer.`);
player.setAnswer(answer, this.verifyAnswer(answer));
const correctAnswers = Object.keys(this.playerTable).filter(id => this.playerTable[id].isCorrect).length;
if (correctAnswers === 3) {
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
void this.tallyAnswers();
calculatePoints(answerNumber: number) {
return 5 - answerNumber * 2; // 5 points to 1st, 3 points to 2nd, 1 point to 1st
tallyAnswers() {
if (this.isPaused) return;
const correctPlayers = Object.values(this.playerTable).filter(p => p.isCorrect);
Utils.sortBy(correctPlayers, p => hrtimeToNanoseconds(p.currentAnsweredAt));
const cap = this.getCap();
let winner = cap.questions && this.questionNumber >= cap.questions;
const playersWithPoints = [];
for (const player of correctPlayers) {
const points = this.calculatePoints(correctPlayers.indexOf(player));
player.incrementPoints(points, this.questionNumber);
playersWithPoints.push(`${Utils.escapeHTML(} (${points})`);
if (cap.points && player.points >= cap.points) {
winner = true;
for (const i in this.playerTable) {
let buffer = ``;
if (playersWithPoints.length) {
const players = playersWithPoints.join(", ");
buffer =`Correct: ${players}<br />` +`Answers: ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}<br />` +`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`;
} else {
buffer =`Correct: no one...` + `<br />` +`Answers: ${this.curAnswers.join(', ')}<br />` +`Nobody gained any points.` + `<br />` +`The top 5 players are: ${this.formatPlayerList({ max: 5 })}`;
if (winner) return;
broadcast(,`The answering period has ended!`, buffer);
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
* Mastermind is a separate, albeit similar, game from regular Trivia.
* In Mastermind, each player plays their own personal round of Trivia,
* and the top n players from those personal rounds go on to the finals,
* which is a game of First mode trivia that ends after a specified interval.
export class Mastermind extends Rooms.SimpleRoomGame {
override readonly gameid = 'mastermind' as ID;
/** userid:score Map */
leaderboard: Map<ID, { score: number, hasLeft?: boolean }>;
phase: string;
currentRound: MastermindRound | MastermindFinals | null;
numFinalists: number;
constructor(room: Room, numFinalists: number) {
this.leaderboard = new Map();
this.title = 'Mastermind';
this.allowRenames = true;
this.playerCap = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
this.phase = SIGNUP_PHASE;
this.currentRound = null;
this.numFinalists = numFinalists;
init() {
broadcast(,`Signups for a new Mastermind game have begun!`,`The top <strong>${this.numFinalists}</strong> players will advance to the finals!` + `<br />` +`Type <code>/mastermind join</code> to sign up for the game.`
addTriviaPlayer(user: User) {
if (user.previousIDs.concat( => id in this.playerTable)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
for (const targetUser of Object.keys(this.playerTable).map(id => Users.get(id))) {
if (!targetUser) continue;
const isSameUser = (
targetUser.previousIDs.includes( ||
targetUser.previousIDs.some(tarId => user.previousIDs.includes(tarId)) ||
!Config.noipchecks && targetUser.ips.some(ip => user.ips.includes(ip))
if (isSameUser) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You have already signed up for this game.`);
formatPlayerList() {
return Utils.sortBy(
player => -(this.leaderboard.get( || 0)
).map(player => {
const isFinalist = this.currentRound instanceof MastermindFinals && in this.currentRound.playerTable;
const name = isFinalist ? Utils.html`<strong>${}</strong>` : Utils.escapeHTML(;
return `${name} (${this.leaderboard.get( || "0"})`;
}).join(', ');
* Starts a new round for a particular player.
* @param playerID the user ID of the player
* @param category the category to ask questions in (e.g. PokΓ©mon)
* @param questions an array of TriviaQuestions to be asked
* @param timeout the period of time to end the round after (in seconds)
startRound(playerID: ID, category: ID, questions: TriviaQuestion[], timeout: number) {
if (this.currentRound) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is already a round of Mastermind in progress.`);
if (!(playerID in this.playerTable)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`That user is not signed up for Mastermind!`);
if (this.leaderboard.has(playerID)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The user "${playerID}" has already played their round of Mastermind.`);
if (this.playerCount <= this.numFinalists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot start the game of Mastermind until there are more players than finals slots.`);
this.currentRound = new MastermindRound(, category, questions, playerID);
setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.currentRound) return;
const points = this.currentRound.playerTable[playerID]?.points;
const player = this.playerTable[playerID].name;
broadcast(,`The round of Mastermind has ended!`,
points ?`${player} earned ${points} points!` : undefined
this.leaderboard.set(playerID, { score: points || 0 });
this.currentRound = null;
}, timeout * 1000);
* Starts the Mastermind finals.
* According the specification given by Trivia auth,
* Mastermind finals are always in the 'all' category.
* @param timeout timeout in seconds
async startFinals(timeout: number) {
if (this.currentRound) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There is already a round of Mastermind in progress.`);
for (const player in this.playerTable) {
if (!this.leaderboard.has(toID(player))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot start finals until the user '${player}' has played a round.`);
const questions = await getQuestions(['all' as ID], 'random');
if (!questions.length) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There are no questions in the Trivia database.`);
this.currentRound = new MastermindFinals(, 'all' as ID, questions, this.getTopPlayers(this.numFinalists));
setTimeout(() => {
void (async () => {
if (this.currentRound) {
const [winner, second, third] = this.currentRound.getTopPlayers();
this.currentRound = null;
let buf =`No one scored any points, so it's a tie!`;
if (winner) {
const winnerName = Utils.escapeHTML(;
buf =`${winnerName} won the game of Mastermind with ${winner.player.points} points!`;
let smallBuf;
if (second && third) {
const secondPlace = Utils.escapeHTML(;
const thirdPlace = Utils.escapeHTML(;
smallBuf = `<br />${`${secondPlace} and ${thirdPlace} were runners-up with ${second.player.points} and ${third.player.points} points, respectively.`}`;
} else if (second) {
const secondPlace = Utils.escapeHTML(;
smallBuf = `<br />${`${secondPlace} was a runner up with ${second.player.points} points.`}`;
broadcast(, buf, smallBuf);
}, timeout * 1000);
* NOT guaranteed to return an array of length n.
* See the Trivia auth discord:
getTopPlayers(n: number) {
if (n < 0) return [];
const sortedPlayerIDs = Utils.sortBy(
[...this.leaderboard].filter(([, info]) => !info.hasLeft),
([, info]) => -info.score
).map(([userid]) => userid);
if (sortedPlayerIDs.length <= n) return sortedPlayerIDs;
/** The number of points required to be in the top n */
const cutoff = this.leaderboard.get(sortedPlayerIDs[n - 1])!;
while (n < sortedPlayerIDs.length && this.leaderboard.get(sortedPlayerIDs[n])! === cutoff) {
return sortedPlayerIDs.slice(0, n);
end(user: User) {
broadcast(,`The game of Mastermind was forcibly ended by ${}.`);
if (this.currentRound) this.currentRound.destroy();
leave(user: User) {
if (!this.playerTable[]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You are not a player in the current game.`);
const lbEntry = this.leaderboard.get(;
if (lbEntry) {
this.leaderboard.set(, { ...lbEntry, hasLeft: true });
kick(toKick: User, kicker: User) {
if (!this.playerTable[]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${} is not a player in the game.`);
if (this.numFinalists > (this.players.length - 1)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Kicking ${} would leave this game of Mastermind without enough players to reach ${this.numFinalists} finalists.`
if (this.currentRound?.playerTable[]) {
if (this.currentRound instanceof MastermindFinals) {
} else /* it's a regular round */ {
export class MastermindRound extends FirstModeTrivia {
constructor(room: Room, category: ID, questions: TriviaQuestion[], playerID?: ID) {
super(room, 'first', [category], false, 'infinite', questions, 'Automatically Created', false, true);
this.playerCap = 1;
if (playerID) {
const player = Users.get(playerID);
const targetUsername = playerID;
if (!player) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User "${targetUsername}" not found.`);
} = 'Mastermind';
init() {
start() {
const player = Object.values(this.playerTable)[0];
const name = Utils.escapeHTML(;
broadcast(,`A Mastermind round in the ${} category for ${name} is starting!`);
`|tempnotify|mastermind|Your Mastermind round is starting|Your round of Mastermind is starting in the Trivia room.`
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), MASTERMIND_INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
win(): Promise<void> {
if (this.phaseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.phaseTimeout);
this.phaseTimeout = null;
return Promise.resolve();
addTriviaPlayer(user: User): string | undefined {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This is a round of Mastermind; to join the overall game of Mastermind, use /mm join`);
setTallyTimeout() {
// Players must use /mastermind pass to pass on a question
pass() {
setAskTimeout() {
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), MASTERMIND_INTERMISSION_INTERVAL);
destroy() {
export class MastermindFinals extends MastermindRound {
constructor(room: Room, category: ID, questions: TriviaQuestion[], players: ID[]) {
super(room, category, questions);
this.playerCap = players.length;
for (const id of players) {
const player = Users.get(id);
if (!player) continue;
override start() {
broadcast(,`The Mastermind finals are starting!`);
// Use the regular start timeout since there are many players
this.setPhaseTimeout(() => void this.askQuestion(), MASTERMIND_FINALS_START_TIMEOUT);
async win() {
const points = new Map<string, number>();
for (const id in this.playerTable) {
points.set(id, this.playerTable[id].points);
setTallyTimeout = FirstModeTrivia.prototype.setTallyTimeout;
pass() {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot pass in the finals.`);
const triviaCommands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
sortednew: 'new',
newsorted: 'new',
unrankednew: 'new',
newunranked: 'new',
async new(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const randomizeQuestionOrder = !cmd.includes('sorted');
const givesPoints = !cmd.includes('unranked');
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
if ( {
return this.errorReply(`There is already a game of ${} in progress.`);
const targets = (target ? target.split(',') : []);
if (targets.length < 3) return this.errorReply("Usage: /trivia new [mode], [category], [length]");
let mode: string = toID(targets[0]);
if (['triforce', 'tri'].includes(mode)) mode = 'triumvirate';
const isRandomMode = (mode === 'random');
if (isRandomMode) {
const acceptableModes = Object.keys(MODES).filter(curMode => curMode !== 'first');
mode = Utils.shuffle(acceptableModes)[0];
if (!MODES[mode]) return this.errorReply(`"${mode}" is an invalid mode.`);
let categories: ID[] | 'random' = targets[1]
.map(cat => {
const id = toID(cat);
return CATEGORY_ALIASES[id] || id;
if (categories[0] === 'random') {
if (categories.length > 1) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot combine random with another category.`);
categories = 'random';
const questions = await getQuestions(categories, randomizeQuestionOrder ? 'random' : 'oldestfirst');
let length: ID | number = toID(targets[2]);
if (!LENGTHS[length]) {
length = parseInt(length);
if (isNaN(length) || length < 1) return this.errorReply(`"${length}" is an invalid game length.`);
// Assume that infinite mode will last for at least 75 points
const questionsNecessary = typeof length === 'string' ? (LENGTHS[length].cap || 75) / 5 : length;
if (questions.length < questionsNecessary) {
if (categories === 'random') {
return this.errorReply(`There are not enough questions in the randomly chosen category to finish a trivia game.`
if (categories.length === 1 && categories[0] === 'all') {
return this.errorReply(`There are not enough questions in the trivia database to finish a trivia game.`
return this.errorReply(`There are not enough questions under the specified categories to finish a trivia game.`
let _Trivia;
if (mode === 'first') {
_Trivia = FirstModeTrivia;
} else if (mode === 'number') {
_Trivia = NumberModeTrivia;
} else if (mode === 'triumvirate') {
_Trivia = TriumvirateModeTrivia;
} else {
_Trivia = TimerModeTrivia;
const isRandomCategory = categories === 'random';
categories = isRandomCategory ? [questions[0].category as ID] : categories as ID[]; = new _Trivia(
room, mode, categories, givesPoints, length, questions,, isRandomMode, false, isRandomCategory
newhelp: [
`/trivia new [mode], [categories], [length] - Begin a new Trivia game.`,
`/trivia unrankednew [mode], [category], [length] - Begin a new Trivia game that does not award leaderboard points.`,
`/trivia sortednew [mode], [category], [length] β€” Begin a new Trivia game in which the question order is not randomized.`,
`Requires: + % @ # ~`,
join(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.sendReply(`You are now signed up for this game!`);
joinhelp: [`/trivia join - Join the current game of Trivia or Mastermind.`],
kick(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
const { targetUser } = this.requireUser(target, { allowOffline: true });
getTriviaOrMastermindGame(room).kick(targetUser, user);
kickhelp: [`/trivia kick [username] - Kick players from a trivia game by username. Requires: % @ # ~`],
leave(target, room, user) {
this.sendReply(`You have left the current game of Trivia.`);
leavehelp: [`/trivia leave - Makes the player leave the game.`],
start(target, room) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
starthelp: [`/trivia start - Ends the signup phase of a trivia game and begins the game. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
answer(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
let game: Trivia | MastermindRound | MastermindFinals;
try {
const mastermindRound = getMastermindGame(room).currentRound;
if (!mastermindRound) throw new Error;
game = mastermindRound;
} catch {
game = getTriviaGame(room);
const answer = toID(target);
if (!answer) return this.errorReply(`No valid answer was entered.`);
if ( === 'trivia' && !Object.keys(game.playerTable).includes( {
game.answerQuestion(answer, user);
this.sendReply(`You have selected "${answer}" as your answer.`);
answerhelp: [`/trivia answer OR /ta [answer] - Answer a pending question.`],
resume: 'pause',
pause(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
if (cmd === 'pause') {
} else {
pausehelp: [`/trivia pause - Pauses a trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
resumehelp: [`/trivia resume - Resumes a paused trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
end(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
endhelp: [`/trivia end - Forcibly end a trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
getwinners: 'win',
async win(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
const game = getTriviaGame(room);
if ( !== 'infinite' && !user.can('editroom', null, room)) {
return this.errorReply(`Only Room Owners and higher can force a Trivia game to end with winners in a non-infinite length.`
await`${} ended the game of Trivia!`);
winhelp: [`/trivia win - End a trivia game and tally the points to find winners. Requires: + % @ # ~ in Infinite length, else # ~`],
'': 'status',
players: 'status',
status(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false;
const game = getTriviaGame(room);
const targetUser = this.getUserOrSelf(target);
if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User ${target} does not exist.`);
let buffer = `${game.isPaused ?`There is a paused trivia game` :`There is a trivia game in progress`}, ` +`and it is in its ${game.phase} phase.` + `<br />` +`Mode: ${} | Category: ${} | Cap: ${game.getDisplayableCap()}`;
const player = game.playerTable[];
if (player) {
if (!this.broadcasting) {
buffer += `<br />${`Current score: ${player.points} | Correct Answers: ${player.correctAnswers}`}`;
} else if ( !== {
return this.errorReply(`User ${} is not a player in the current trivia game.`);
buffer += `<br />${`Players: ${game.formatPlayerList({ max: null, requirePoints: false })}`}`;
statushelp: [`/trivia status [player] - lists the player's standings (your own if no player is specified) and the list of players in the current trivia game.`],
submit: 'add',
async add(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
if (cmd === 'add') this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
if (cmd === 'submit') this.checkCan('show', null, room);
if (!target) return false;
const questions: TriviaQuestion[] = [];
const params = target.split('\n').map(str => str.split('|'));
for (const param of params) {
if (param.length !== 3) {
this.errorReply(`Invalid arguments specified in "${param}". View /trivia help for more information.`);
const categoryID = toID(param[0]);
const category = CATEGORY_ALIASES[categoryID] || categoryID;
if (!ALL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
this.errorReply(`'${param[0].trim()}' is not a valid category. View /trivia help for more information.`);
if (cmd === 'submit' && !MAIN_CATEGORIES[category]) {
this.errorReply(`You cannot submit questions in the '${ALL_CATEGORIES[category]}' category`);
const question = Utils.escapeHTML(param[1].trim());
if (!question) {
this.errorReply(`'${param[1].trim()}' is not a valid question.`);
if (question.length > MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH) {
this.errorReply(`Question "${param[1].trim()}" is too long! It must remain under ${MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH} characters.`
await database.ensureQuestionDoesNotExist(question);
const cache = new Set();
const answers = param[2].split(',')
.filter(answer => !cache.has(answer) && !!cache.add(answer));
if (!answers.length) {
this.errorReply(`No valid answers were specified for question '${param[1].trim()}'.`);
if (answers.some(answer => answer.length > MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH)) {
this.errorReply(`Some of the answers entered for question '${param[1].trim()}' were too long!\n` +
`They must remain under ${MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH} characters.`
let formattedQuestions = '';
for (const [index, question] of questions.entries()) {
formattedQuestions += `'${question.question}' in ${question.category}`;
if (index !== questions.length - 1) formattedQuestions += ', ';
if (cmd === 'add') {
await database.addQuestions(questions);
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION', null, `added ${formattedQuestions}`);
this.privateModAction(`Questions ${formattedQuestions} were added to the question database by ${}.`);
} else {
await database.addQuestionSubmissions(questions);
if (!user.can('mute', null, room)) this.sendReply(`Questions '${formattedQuestions}' were submitted for review.`);
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION', null, `submitted ${formattedQuestions}`);
this.privateModAction(`Questions ${formattedQuestions} were submitted to the submission database by ${} for review.`);
submithelp: [`/trivia submit [category] | [question] | [answer1], [answer2] ... [answern] - Adds question(s) to the submission database for staff to review. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
addhelp: [`/trivia add [category] | [question] | [answer1], [answer2], ... [answern] - Adds question(s) to the question database. Requires: % @ # ~`],
async review(target, room) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('ban', null, room);
const submissions = await database.getSubmissions();
if (!submissions.length) return this.sendReply(`No questions await review.`);
let innerBuffer = '';
for (const [index, question] of submissions.entries()) {
innerBuffer += `<tr><td><strong>${index + 1}</strong></td><td>${question.category}</td><td>${question.question}</td><td>${question.answers.join(", ")}</td><td>${question.user}</td></tr>`;
const buffer = `|raw|<div class="ladder"><table>` +
`<tr><td colspan="6"><strong>${Chat.count(submissions.length, "</strong> questions")} awaiting review:</td></tr>` +
`<tr><th>#</th><th>${`Category`}</th><th>${`Question`}</th><th>${`Answer(s)`}</th><th>${`Submitted By`}</th></tr>` +
innerBuffer +
reviewhelp: [`/trivia review - View the list of submitted questions. Requires: @ # ~`],
reject: 'accept',
async accept(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('ban', null, room);
target = target.trim();
if (!target) return false;
const isAccepting = cmd === 'accept';
const submissions = await database.getSubmissions();
if (toID(target) === 'all') {
if (isAccepting) await database.addQuestions(submissions);
await database.clearSubmissions();
const questionText = => `"${q.question}"`).join(', ');
const message = `${(isAccepting ? "added" : "removed")} all questions (${questionText}) from the submission database.`;
this.modlog(`TRIVIAQUESTION`, null, message);
return this.privateModAction(`${} ${message}`);
if (/\d+(?:-\d+)?(?:, ?\d+(?:-\d+)?)*$/.test(target)) {
const indices = target.split(',');
const questions: string[] = [];
// Parse number ranges and add them to the list of indices,
// then remove them in addition to entries that aren't valid index numbers
for (let i = indices.length; i--;) {
if (!indices[i].includes('-')) {
const index = Number(indices[i]);
if (Number.isInteger(index) && index > 0 && index <= submissions.length) {
questions.push(submissions[index - 1].question);
} else {
indices.splice(i, 1);
const range = indices[i].split('-');
const left = Number(range[0]);
let right = Number(range[1]);
if (!Number.isInteger(left) || !Number.isInteger(right) ||
left < 1 || right > submissions.length || left === right) {
indices.splice(i, 1);
do {
questions.push(submissions[right - 1].question);
} while (--right >= left);
indices.splice(i, 1);
const indicesLen = indices.length;
if (!indicesLen) {
return this.errorReply(`'${target}' is not a valid set of submission index numbers.\n` +`View /trivia review and /trivia help for more information.`
if (isAccepting) {
await database.acceptSubmissions(questions);
} else {
await database.deleteSubmissions(questions);
const questionText = => `"${q}"`).join(', ');
const message = `${(isAccepting ? "added " : "removed ")}submission number${(indicesLen > 1 ? "s " : " ")}${target} (${questionText})`;
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION', null, message);
return this.privateModAction(`${} ${message} from the submission database.`);
this.errorReply(`'${target}' is an invalid argument. View /trivia help questions for more information.`);
accepthelp: [`/trivia accept [index1], [index2], ... [indexn] OR all - Add questions from the submission database to the question database using their index numbers or ranges of them. Requires: @ # ~`],
rejecthelp: [`/trivia reject [index1], [index2], ... [indexn] OR all - Remove questions from the submission database using their index numbers or ranges of them. Requires: @ # ~`],
async delete(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
target = target.trim();
if (!target) return this.parse(`/help trivia delete`);
const question = Utils.escapeHTML(target).trim();
if (!question) {
return this.errorReply(`'${target}' is not a valid argument. View /trivia help questions for more information.`);
const { category } = await database.ensureQuestionExists(question);
await database.deleteQuestion(question);
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION', null, `removed '${target}' from ${category}`);
return this.privateModAction(`${} removed question '${target}' (category: ${category}) from the question database.`);
deletehelp: [`/trivia delete [question] - Delete a question from the trivia database. Requires: % @ # ~`],
async move(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
target = target.trim();
if (!target) return false;
const params = target.split('\n').map(str => str.split('|'));
for (const param of params) {
if (param.length !== 2) {
this.errorReply(`Invalid arguments specified in "${param}". View /trivia help for more information.`);
const categoryID = toID(param[0]);
const category = CATEGORY_ALIASES[categoryID] || categoryID;
if (!ALL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
this.errorReply(`'${param[0].trim()}' is not a valid category. View /trivia help for more information.`);
const question = Utils.escapeHTML(param[1].trim());
if (!question) {
this.errorReply(`'${param[1].trim()}' is not a valid question.`);
const { category: oldCat } = await database.ensureQuestionExists(question);
await database.moveQuestionToCategory(question, category);
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION', null, `changed category for '${param[1].trim()}' from '${oldCat}' to '${param[0]}'`);
return this.privateModAction(`${} changed question category from '${oldCat}' to '${param[0]}' for '${param[1].trim()}' ` +`from the question database.`
movehelp: [
`/trivia move [category] | [question] - Change the category of a question in the trivia database. Requires: % @ # ~`,
async migrate(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('editroom', null, room);
const [sourceCategory, destinationCategory] = target.split(',').map(toID);
for (const category of [sourceCategory, destinationCategory]) {
if (category in MAIN_CATEGORIES) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Main categories cannot be used with /trivia migrate. If you need to migrate to or from a main category, contact a technical Administrator.`);
if (!(category in ALL_CATEGORIES)) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${category}" is not a valid category`);
const sourceCategoryName = ALL_CATEGORIES[sourceCategory];
const destinationCategoryName = ALL_CATEGORIES[destinationCategory];
const command = `/trivia migrate ${sourceCategory}, ${destinationCategory}`;
if (user.lastCommand !== command) {
this.sendReply(`Are you SURE that you want to PERMANENTLY move all questions in the category ${sourceCategoryName} to ${destinationCategoryName}?`);
this.sendReply(`This cannot be undone.`);
this.sendReply(`Type the command again to confirm.`);
user.lastCommand = command;
user.lastCommand = '';
const numQs = await database.migrateCategory(sourceCategory, destinationCategory);
this.modlog(`TRIVIAQUESTION MIGRATE`, null, `${sourceCategoryName} to ${destinationCategoryName}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} migrated all ${numQs} questions in the category ${sourceCategoryName} to ${destinationCategoryName}.`);
migratehelp: [
`/trivia migrate [source category], [destination category] β€” Moves all questions in a category to another category. Requires: # ~`,
async edit(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
let isQuestionOnly = false;
let isAnswersOnly = false;
const args = target.split('|').map(arg => arg.trim());
let oldQuestionText = args.shift();
if (toID(oldQuestionText) === 'question') {
isQuestionOnly = true;
oldQuestionText = args.shift();
} else if (toID(oldQuestionText) === 'answers') {
isAnswersOnly = true;
oldQuestionText = args.shift();
if (!oldQuestionText) return this.parse(`/help trivia edit`);
const { category } = await database.ensureQuestionExists(Utils.escapeHTML(oldQuestionText));
let newQuestionText: string | undefined;
if (!isAnswersOnly) {
newQuestionText = args.shift();
if (!newQuestionText) {
isAnswersOnly = true; // for modlog formatting
} else {
if (newQuestionText.length > MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The new question text is too long. The limit is ${MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH} characters.`);
const answers: ID[] = [];
if (!isQuestionOnly) {
const answerArgs = args.shift();
if (!answerArgs) {
if (isAnswersOnly) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must specify new answers.`);
isQuestionOnly = true; // for modlog formatting
} else {
for (const arg of answerArgs?.split(',') || []) {
const answer = toID(arg);
if (!answer) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Answers cannot be empty; double-check your syntax.`);
if (answer.length > MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The answer '${answer}' is too long. The limit is ${MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH} characters.`);
if (answers.includes(answer)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You may not specify duplicate answers.`);
// We _could_ edit it in place but I think this isn't that much overhead and
// it keeps the API simpler (we'd still have to SELECT from the questions table to get the ID,
// and passing a SQLite ID around is an implementation detail).
if (!isQuestionOnly && !answers.length) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must specify at least one answer.`);
await database.editQuestion(
// Cast is safe because if `newQuestionText` is undefined, `isAnswersOnly` is true.
isAnswersOnly ? undefined : Utils.escapeHTML(newQuestionText!),
isQuestionOnly ? undefined : answers
let actionString = `edited question '${oldQuestionText}' in ${category}`;
if (!isAnswersOnly) actionString += ` to '${newQuestionText}'`;
if (answers.length) {
actionString += ` and changed the answers to ${answers.join(', ')}`;
this.modlog('TRIVIAQUESTION EDIT', null, actionString);
this.privateModAction(`${} ${actionString}.`);
edithelp: [
`/trivia edit <old question text> | <new question text> | <answer1, answer2, ...> - Edit a question in the trivia database, replacing answers if specified. Requires: % @ # ~`,
`/trivia edit question | <old question text> | <new question text> - Alternative syntax for /trivia edit.`,
`/trivia edit answers | <old question text> | <new answers> - Alternative syntax for /trivia edit.`,
async qs(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
let buffer = "|raw|<div class=\"ladder\" style=\"overflow-y: scroll; max-height: 300px;\"><table>";
if (!target) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false;
const counts = await database.getQuestionCounts();
if (! return this.sendReplyBox(`No questions have been submitted yet.`);
buffer += `<tr><th>Category</th><th>${`Question Count`}</th></tr>`;
// we want all the named categories and also all the categories in SQL, without duplication
for (const category of new Set([...Object.keys(ALL_CATEGORIES), ...Object.keys(counts)])) {
const name = ALL_CATEGORIES[category] || category;
if (category === 'random' || category === 'total') continue;
const tally = counts[category] || 0;
buffer += `<tr><td>${name}</td><td>${tally} (${((tally * 100) /}%)</td></tr>`;
buffer += `<tr><td><strong>${`Total`}</strong></td><td><strong>${}</strong></td></table></div>`;
return this.sendReply(buffer);
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
target = toID(target);
const category = CATEGORY_ALIASES[target] || target;
if (category === 'random') return false;
if (!ALL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
return this.errorReply(`'${target}' is not a valid category. View /help trivia for more information.`);
const list = await database.getQuestions([category], Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, { order: 'oldestfirst' });
if (!list.length) {
buffer += `<tr><td>${`There are no questions in the ${ALL_CATEGORIES[category]} category.`}</td></table></div>`;
return this.sendReply(buffer);
if (user.can('ban', null, room)) {
const cat = ALL_CATEGORIES[category];
buffer += `<tr><td colspan="3">${`There are <strong>${list.length}</strong> questions in the ${cat} category.`}</td></tr>` +
for (const [i, entry] of list.entries()) {
buffer += `<tr><td><strong>${(i + 1)}</strong></td><td>${entry.question}</td><td>${entry.answers.join(", ")}</td><tr>`;
} else {
const cat = target;
buffer += `<td colspan="2">${`There are <strong>${list.length}</strong> questions in the ${cat} category.`}</td></tr>` +
for (const [i, entry] of list.entries()) {
buffer += `<tr><td><strong>${(i + 1)}</strong></td><td>${entry.question}</td></tr>`;
buffer += "</table></div>";
qshelp: [
"/trivia qs - View the distribution of questions in the question database.",
"/trivia qs [category] - View the questions in the specified category. Requires: % @ # ~",
cssearch: 'search',
casesensitivesearch: 'search',
doublespacesearch: 'search',
async search(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
let type, query;
if (cmd === 'doublespacesearch') {
query = [' '];
type = target;
} else {
[type, ...query] = target.split(',');
if (!target.includes(',')) return this.errorReply(`No valid search arguments entered.`);
type = toID(type);
let options;
if (/^q(?:uestion)?s?$/.test(type)) {
options = { searchSubmissions: false, caseSensitive: cmd !== 'search' };
} else if (/^sub(?:mission)?s?$/.test(type)) {
options = { searchSubmissions: true, caseSensitive: cmd !== 'search' };
} else {
return this.sendReplyBox(`No valid search category was entered. Valid categories: submissions, subs, questions, qs`
let queryString = query.join(',');
if (cmd !== 'doublespacesearch') queryString = queryString.trim();
if (!queryString) return this.errorReply(`No valid search query was entered.`);
const results = await database.searchQuestions(queryString, options);
if (!results.length) return this.sendReply(`No results found under the ${type} list.`);
let buffer = `|raw|<div class="ladder"><table><tr><th>#</th><th>${`Category`}</th><th>${`Question`}</th></tr>` +
`<tr><td colspan="3">${`There are <strong>${results.length}</strong> matches for your query:`}</td></tr>`;
buffer +=
(q, i) =>`<tr><td><strong>${i + 1}</strong></td><td>${q.category}</td><td>${q.question}</td></tr>`
buffer += "</table></div>";
searchhelp: [
`/trivia search [type], [query] - Searches for questions based on their type and their query. This command is case-insensitive. Valid types: submissions, subs, questions, qs. Requires: + % @ * ~`,
`/trivia casesensitivesearch [type], [query] - Like /trivia search, but is case sensitive (capital letters matter). Requires: + % @ * ~`,
`/trivia doublespacesearch [type] β€” Searches for questions with back-to-back space characters. Requires: + % @ * ~`,
async moveusedevent(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
const currentSetting = await database.shouldMoveEventQuestions();
if (target) {
this.checkCan('editroom', null, room);
const isEnabling = this.meansYes(target);
if (isEnabling) {
if (currentSetting) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Moving used event questions is already enabled.`);
await database.setShouldMoveEventQuestions(true);
} else if (this.meansNo(target)) {
if (!currentSetting) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Moving used event questions is already disabled.`);
await database.setShouldMoveEventQuestions(false);
} else {
return this.parse(`/help trivia moveusedevent`);
this.modlog(`TRIVIA MOVE USED EVENT QUESTIONS`, null, isEnabling ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
`Trivia questions in the ${fromCatName} category will ${isEnabling ? 'now' : 'no longer'} be moved to the ${toCatName} category after they are used.`
} else {
currentSetting ?
`Trivia questions in the ${fromCatName} category will be moved to the ${toCatName} category after use.` :
`Moving event questions after usage is currently disabled.`
moveusedeventhelp: [
`/trivia moveusedevent - Tells you whether or not moving used event questions to a different category is enabled.`,
`/trivia moveusedevent [on or off] - Toggles moving used event questions to a different category. Requires: # ~`,
async rank(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
let name;
let userid;
if (!target) {
name = Utils.escapeHTML(;
userid =;
} else {
name = Utils.escapeHTML(target);
userid = toID(target);
const allTimeScore = await database.getLeaderboardEntry(userid, 'alltime');
if (!allTimeScore) return this.sendReplyBox(`User '${name}' has not played any Trivia games yet.`);
const score = (
await database.getLeaderboardEntry(userid, 'nonAlltime') ||
{ score: 0, totalPoints: 0, totalCorrectAnswers: 0 }
const cycleScore = await database.getLeaderboardEntry(userid, 'cycle');
const ranks = (await cachedLadder.get('nonAlltime'))?.ranks[userid];
const allTimeRanks = (await cachedLadder.get('alltime'))?.ranks[userid];
const cycleRanks = (await cachedLadder.get('cycle'))?.ranks[userid];
function display(
scores: TriviaLeaderboardScore | null,
ranking: TriviaLeaderboardScore | undefined,
key: keyof TriviaLeaderboardScore,
) {
if (!scores?.[key]) return `<td>N/A</td>`;
return Utils.html`<td>${scores[key]}${ranking?.[key] ? ` (rank ${ranking[key]})` : ``}</td>`;
`<div class="ladder"><table>` +
`<tr><th>${name}</th><th>Cycle Ladder</th><th>All-time Score Ladder</th><th>All-time Wins Ladder</th></tr>` +
`<tr><td>Leaderboard score</td>` +
display(cycleScore, cycleRanks, 'score') +
display(score, ranks, 'score') +
display(allTimeScore, allTimeRanks, 'score') +
`</tr>` +
`<tr><td>Total game points</td>` +
display(cycleScore, cycleRanks, 'totalPoints') +
display(score, ranks, 'totalPoints') +
display(allTimeScore, allTimeRanks, 'totalPoints') +
`</tr>` +
`<tr><td>Total correct answers</td>` +
display(cycleScore, cycleRanks, 'totalCorrectAnswers') +
display(score, ranks, 'totalCorrectAnswers') +
display(allTimeScore, allTimeRanks, 'totalCorrectAnswers') +
`</tr>` +
rankhelp: [`/trivia rank [username] - View the rank of the specified user. If no name is given, view your own.`],
alltimescoreladder: 'ladder',
scoreladder: 'ladder',
winsladder: 'ladder',
alltimewinsladder: 'ladder',
async ladder(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false;
let leaderboard: Leaderboard = 'cycle';
// TODO: rename leaderboards in the code once the naming scheme has been stable for a few months
if (cmd.includes('wins')) leaderboard = 'alltime';
if (cmd.includes('score')) leaderboard = 'nonAlltime';
const ladder = (await cachedLadder.get(leaderboard))?.ladder;
if (!ladder?.length) return this.errorReply(`No Trivia games have been played yet.`);
let buffer = "|raw|<div class=\"ladder\" style=\"overflow-y: scroll; max-height: 300px;\"><table>" +
`<tr><th>${`Rank`}</th><th>${`User`}</th><th>${`Leaderboard score`}</th><th>${`Total game points`}</th><th>${`Total correct answers`}</th></tr>`;
let num = parseInt(target);
if (!num || num < 0) num = 100;
if (num > ladder.length) num = ladder.length;
for (let i = Math.max(0, num - 100); i < num; i++) {
const leaders = ladder[i];
for (const leader of leaders) {
const rank = await database.getLeaderboardEntry(leader, leaderboard);
if (!rank) continue; // should never happen
const leaderObj = Users.getExact(leader as unknown as string);
const leaderid = leaderObj ? Utils.escapeHTML( : leader as unknown as string;
buffer += `<tr><td><strong>${(i + 1)}</strong></td><td>${leaderid}</td><td>${rank.score}</td><td>${rank.totalPoints}</td><td>${rank.totalCorrectAnswers}</td></tr>`;
buffer += "</table></div>";
return this.sendReply(buffer);
ladderhelp: [
`/trivia ladder [n] - Displays the top [n] users on the cycle-specific Trivia leaderboard. If [n] isn't specified, shows 100 users.`,
`/trivia alltimewinsladder [n] - Like /trivia ladder, but displays the all-time Trivia leaderboard.`,
`/trivia alltimescoreladder [n] - Like /trivia ladder, but displays the Trivia leaderboard which is neither all-time nor cycle-specific.`,
resetladder: 'resetcycleleaderboard',
resetcycleladder: 'resetcycleleaderboard',
async resetcycleleaderboard(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('editroom', null, room);
if (user.lastCommand !== '/trivia resetcycleleaderboard') {
user.lastCommand = '/trivia resetcycleleaderboard';
this.errorReply(`Are you sure you want to reset the Trivia cycle-specific leaderboard? This action is IRREVERSIBLE.`);
this.errorReply(`To confirm, retype the command.`);
user.lastCommand = '';
await database.clearCycleLeaderboard();
this.privateModAction(`${} reset the cycle-specific Trivia leaderboard.`);
this.modlog('TRIVIA LEADERBOARDRESET', null, 'cycle-specific leaderboard');
resetcycleleaderboardhelp: [`/trivia resetcycleleaderboard - Resets the cycle-specific Trivia leaderboard. Requires: # ~`],
clearquestions: 'clearqs',
async clearqs(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('questionworkshop' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('declare', null, room);
target = toID(target);
const category = CATEGORY_ALIASES[target] || target;
if (ALL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
if (SPECIAL_CATEGORIES[category]) {
await database.clearCategory(category);
this.modlog(`TRIVIA CATEGORY CLEAR`, null, SPECIAL_CATEGORIES[category]);
return this.privateModAction(`${} removed all questions of category '${category}'.`);
} else {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot clear the category '${ALL_CATEGORIES[category]}'.`);
} else {
return this.errorReply(`'${category}' is an invalid category.`);
clearqshelp: [`/trivia clearqs [category] - Remove all questions of the given category. Requires: # ~`],
pastgames: 'history',
async history(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false;
let lines = 10;
if (target) {
lines = parseInt(target);
if (lines < 1 || lines > 100 || isNaN(lines)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must specify a number of games to view the history of between 1 and 100.`);
const games = await database.getHistory(lines);
const buf = [];
for (const [i, game] of games.entries()) {
let gameInfo = Utils.html`<b>${i + 1}.</b> ${`${game.mode} mode, ${game.length} length Trivia game in the ${game.category} category`}`;
if (game.creator) gameInfo += Utils.html` ${`hosted by ${game.creator}`}`;
gameInfo += '.';
return this.sendReplyBox(buf.join('<br />'));
historyhelp: [`/trivia history [n] - View a list of the n most recently played trivia games. Defaults to 10.`],
async lastofficialscore(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
const scores = Object.entries(await database.getScoresForLastGame())
.map(([userid, score]) => `${userid} (${score})`)
.join(', ');
this.sendReplyBox(`The scores for the last Trivia game are: ${scores}`);
lastofficialscorehelp: [`/trivia lastofficialscore - View the scores from the last Trivia game. Intended for bots.`],
removepoints: 'addpoints',
async addpoints(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('editroom', null, room);
const [userid, pointString] = this.splitOne(target).map(toID);
const points = parseInt(pointString);
if (isNaN(points)) return this.errorReply(`You must specify a number of points to add/remove.`);
const isRemoval = cmd === 'removepoints';
const change = { score: isRemoval ? -points : points, totalPoints: 0, totalCorrectAnswers: 0 };
await database.updateLeaderboardForUser(userid, {
alltime: change,
nonAlltime: change,
cycle: change,
this.modlog(`TRIVIAPOINTS ${isRemoval ? 'REMOVE' : 'ADD'}`, userid, `${points} points`);
isRemoval ?
`${} removed ${points} points from ${userid}'s Trivia leaderboard score.` :
`${} added ${points} points to ${userid}'s Trivia leaderboard score.`
addpointshelp: [
`/trivia removepoints [user], [points] - Remove points from a given user's score on the Trivia leaderboard.`,
`/trivia addpoints [user], [points] - Add points to a given user's score on the Trivia leaderboard.`,
`Requires: # ~`,
async removeleaderboardentry(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('editroom', null, room);
const userid = toID(target);
if (!userid) return this.parse('/help trivia removeleaderboardentry');
if (!(await database.getLeaderboardEntry(userid, 'alltime'))) {
return this.errorReply(`The user '${userid}' has no Trivia leaderboard entry.`);
const command = `/trivia removeleaderboardentry ${userid}`;
if (user.lastCommand !== command) {
user.lastCommand = command;
this.sendReply(`Are you sure you want to DELETE ALL LEADERBOARD SCORES FOR '${userid}'?`);
this.sendReply(`If so, type ${command} to confirm.`);
user.lastCommand = '';
await Promise.all(
(Object.keys(LEADERBOARD_ENUM) as Leaderboard[])
.map(lb => database.deleteLeaderboardEntry(userid, lb))
this.modlog(`TRIVIAPOINTS DELETE`, userid);
this.privateModAction(`${} removed ${userid}'s Trivia leaderboard entries.`);
removeleaderboardentryhelp: [
`/trivia removeleaderboardentry [user] β€” Remove all leaderboard entries for a user. Requires: # ~`,
mergealt: 'mergescore',
mergescores: 'mergescore',
async mergescore(target, room, user) {
const altid = toID(target);
if (!altid) return this.parse('/help trivia mergescore');
try {
await mergeAlts(, altid);
return this.sendReply(`Your Trivia leaderboard score has been transferred to '${altid}'!`);
} catch (err: any) {
if (!err.message.includes('/trivia mergescore')) throw err;
await requestAltMerge(altid,;
return this.sendReply(
`A Trivia leaderboard score merge with ${altid} is now pending! ` +
`To complete the merge, log in on the account '${altid}' and type /trivia mergescore ${}`
mergescorehelp: [
`/trivia mergescore [user] β€” Merge another user's Trivia leaderboard score with yours.`,
help(target, room, user) {
return this.parse(`${this.cmdToken}help trivia`);
triviahelp() {
`|html|<div class="infobox">` +
`<strong>Categories</strong>: <code>Arts &amp; Entertainment</code>, <code>Pok&eacute;mon</code>, <code>Science &amp; Geography</code>, <code>Society &amp; Humanities</code>, <code>Random</code>, and <code>All</code>.<br />` +
`<details><summary><strong>Modes</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li>First: the first correct responder gains 5 points.</li>` +
` <li>Timer: each correct responder gains up to 5 points based on how quickly they answer.</li>` +
` <li>Number: each correct responder gains up to 5 points based on how many participants are correct.</li>` +
` <li>Triumvirate: The first correct responder gains 5 points, the second 3 points, and the third 1 point.</li>` +
` <li>Random: randomly chooses one of First, Timer, Number, or Triumvirate.</li>` +
`</ul></details>` +
`<details><summary><strong>Game lengths</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li>Short: 20 point score cap. The winner gains 3 leaderboard points.</li>` +
` <li>Medium: 35 point score cap. The winner gains 4 leaderboard points.</li>` +
` <li>Long: 50 point score cap. The winner gains 5 leaderboard points.</li>` +
` <li>Infinite: No score cap. The winner gains 5 leaderboard points, which increases the more questions they answer.</li>` +
` <li>You may also specify a number for length; in this case, the game will end after that number of questions have been asked.</li>` +
`</ul></details>` +
`<details><summary><strong>Game commands</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li><code>/trivia new [mode], [categories], [length]</code> - Begin signups for a new Trivia game. <code>[categories]</code> can be either one category, or a <code>+</code>-separated list of categories. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia unrankednew [mode], [category], [length]</code> - Begin a new Trivia game that does not award leaderboard points. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia sortednew [mode], [category], [length]</code> β€” Begin a new Trivia game in which the question order is not randomized. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia join</code> - Join a game of Trivia or Mastermind during signups.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia start</code> - Begin the game once enough users have signed up. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/ta [answer]</code> - Answer the current question.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia kick [username]</code> - Disqualify a participant from the current trivia game. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia leave</code> - Makes the player leave the game.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia end</code> - End a trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia win</code> - End a trivia game and tally the points to find winners. Requires: + % @ # ~ in Infinite length, else # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia pause</code> - Pauses a trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia resume</code> - Resumes a paused trivia game. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
`</ul></details>` +
` <details><summary><strong>Question-modifying commands</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li><code>/trivia submit [category] | [question] | [answer1], [answer2] ... [answern]</code> - Adds question(s) to the submission database for staff to review. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia review</code> - View the list of submitted questions. Requires: @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia accept [index1], [index2], ... [indexn] OR all</code> - Add questions from the submission database to the question database using their index numbers or ranges of them. Requires: @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia reject [index1], [index2], ... [indexn] OR all</code> - Remove questions from the submission database using their index numbers or ranges of them. Requires: @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia add [category] | [question] | [answer1], [answer2], ... [answern]</code> - Adds question(s) to the question database. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia delete [question]</code> - Delete a question from the trivia database. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia move [category] | [question]</code> - Change the category of question in the trivia database. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia migrate [source category], [destination category]</code> β€” Moves all questions in a category to another category. Requires: # ~</li>` +
Utils.html`<li><code>${'/trivia edit <old question text> | <new question text> | <answer1, answer2, ...>'}</code>: Edit a question in the trivia database, replacing answers if specified. Requires: % @ # ~` +
Utils.html`<li><code>${'/trivia edit answers | <old question text> | <new answers>'}</code>: Replaces the answers of a question. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
Utils.html`<li><code>${'/trivia edit question | <old question text> | <new question text>'}</code>: Edits only the text of a question. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia qs</code> - View the distribution of questions in the question database.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia qs [category]</code> - View the questions in the specified category. Requires: % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia clearqs [category]</code> - Clear all questions in the given category. Requires: # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia moveusedevent</code> - Tells you whether or not moving used event questions to a different category is enabled.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia moveusedevent [on or off]</code> - Toggles moving used event questions to a different category. Requires: # ~</li>` +
`</ul></details>` +
`<details><summary><strong>Informational commands</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li><code>/trivia search [type], [query]</code> - Searches for questions based on their type and their query. Valid types: <code>submissions</code>, <code>subs</code>, <code>questions</code>, <code>qs</code>. Requires: + % @ # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia casesensitivesearch [type], [query]</code> - Like <code>/trivia search</code>, but is case sensitive (i.e., capitalization matters). Requires: + % @ * ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia status [player]</code> - lists the player's standings (your own if no player is specified) and the list of players in the current trivia game.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia rank [username]</code> - View the rank of the specified user. If none is given, view your own.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia history</code> - View a list of the 10 most recently played trivia games.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia lastofficialscore</code> - View the scores from the last Trivia game. Intended for bots.</li>` +
`</ul></details>` +
`<details><summary><strong>Leaderboard commands</strong></summary><ul>` +
` <li><code>/trivia ladder [n]</code> - Displays the top <code>[n]</code> users on the cycle-specific Trivia leaderboard. If <code>[n]</code> isn't specified, shows 100 users.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia alltimewinsladder</code> - Like <code>/trivia ladder</code>, but displays the all-time wins Trivia leaderboard (formerly all-time).</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia alltimescoreladder</code> - Like <code>/trivia ladder</code>, but displays the all-time score Trivia leaderboard (formerly nonβ€”all-time)</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia resetcycleleaderboard</code> - Resets the cycle-specific Trivia leaderboard. Requires: # ~` +
` <li><code>/trivia mergescore [user]</code> β€” Merge another user's Trivia leaderboard score with yours.</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia addpoints [user], [points]</code> - Add points to a given user's score on the Trivia leaderboard. Requires: # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia removepoints [user], [points]</code> - Remove points from a given user's score on the Trivia leaderboard. Requires: # ~</li>` +
` <li><code>/trivia removeleaderboardentry [user]</code> β€” Remove all Trivia leaderboard entries for a user. Requires: # ~</li>` +
const mastermindCommands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
answer: triviaCommands.answer,
end: triviaCommands.end,
kick: triviaCommands.kick,
new(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom('trivia' as RoomID);
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
const finalists = parseInt(target);
if (isNaN(finalists) || finalists < 2) {
return this.errorReply(`You must specify a number that is at least 2 for finalists.`);
} = new Mastermind(room, finalists);
newhelp: [
`/mastermind new [number of finalists] β€” Starts a new game of Mastermind with the specified number of finalists. Requires: + % @ # ~`,
async start(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
const game = getMastermindGame(room);
let [category, timeoutString, player] = target.split(',').map(toID);
if (!player) return this.parse(`/help mastermind start`);
category = CATEGORY_ALIASES[category] || category;
if (!(category in ALL_CATEGORIES)) {
return this.errorReply(`${category} is not a valid category.`);
const categoryName = ALL_CATEGORIES[category];
const timeout = parseInt(timeoutString);
if (isNaN(timeout) || timeout < 1 || (timeout * 1000) > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) {
return this.errorReply(`You must specify a round length of at least 1 second.`);
const questions = await getQuestions([category], 'random');
if (!questions.length) {
return this.errorReply(`There are no questions in the ${categoryName} category.`);
game.startRound(player, category, questions, timeout);
starthelp: [
`/mastermind start [category], [length in seconds], [player] β€” Starts a round of Mastermind for a player. Requires: + % @ # ~`,
async finals(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('show', null, room);
const game = getMastermindGame(room);
if (!target) return this.parse(`/help mastermind finals`);
const timeout = parseInt(target);
if (isNaN(timeout) || timeout < 1 || (timeout * 1000) > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) {
return this.errorReply(`You must specify a length of at least 1 second.`);
await game.startFinals(timeout);
finalshelp: [`/mastermind finals [length in seconds] β€” Starts the Mastermind finals. Requires: + % @ # ~`],
join(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.sendReply(`You are now signed up for this game!`);
joinhelp: [`/mastermind join β€” Joins the current game of Mastermind.`],
leave(target, room, user) {
this.sendReply(`You have left the current game of Mastermind.`);
leavehelp: [`/mastermind leave - Makes the player leave the game.`],
pass(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const round = getMastermindGame(room).currentRound;
if (!round) return this.errorReply(`No round of Mastermind is currently being played.`);
if (!( in round.playerTable)) {
return this.errorReply(`You are not a player in the current round of Mastermind.`);
passhelp: [`/mastermind pass β€” Passes on the current question. Must be the player of the current round of Mastermind.`],
'': 'players',
players(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return false;
const game = getMastermindGame(room);
let buf =`There is a Mastermind game in progress, and it is in its ${game.phase} phase.`;
buf += `<br /><hr>${`Players`}: ${game.formatPlayerList()}`;
help() {
return this.parse(`${this.cmdToken}help mastermind`);
mastermindhelp() {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
const commandHelp = [
`<code>/mastermind new [number of finalists]</code>: starts a new game of Mastermind with the specified number of finalists. Requires: + % @ # ~`,
`<code>/mastermind start [category], [length in seconds], [player]</code>: starts a round of Mastermind for a player. Requires: + % @ # ~`,
`<code>/mastermind finals [length in seconds]</code>: starts the Mastermind finals. Requires: + % @ # ~`,
`<code>/mastermind kick [user]</code>: kicks a user from the current game of Mastermind. Requires: % @ # ~`,
`<code>/mastermind join</code>: joins the current game of Mastermind.`,
`<code>/mastermind answer OR /mma [answer]</code>: answers a question in a round of Mastermind.`,
`<code>/mastermind pass OR /mmp</code>: passes on the current question. Must be the player of the current round of Mastermind.`,
return this.sendReplyBox(
`<strong>Mastermind</strong> is a game in which each player tries to score as many points as possible in a timed round where only they can answer, ` +
`and the top X players advance to the finals, which is a timed game of Trivia in which only the first player to answer a question recieves points.` +
`<details><summary><strong>Commands</strong></summary>${commandHelp.join('<br />')}</details>`
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
mm: mastermindCommands,
mastermind: mastermindCommands,
mastermindhelp: mastermindCommands.mastermindhelp,
mma: mastermindCommands.answer,
mmp: mastermindCommands.pass,
trivia: triviaCommands,
ta: triviaCommands.answer,
triviahelp: triviaCommands.triviahelp,
process.nextTick(() => {
Chat.multiLinePattern.register('/trivia add ', '/trivia submit ', '/trivia move ');