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* Integration for Smogon tournaments.
* @author mia-pi-git
import { FS, Utils } from '../../lib';
type Image = [string, number, number];
interface TourEvent {
title: string;
url: string;
desc: string;
image?: Image;
/** If there's an image, there needs to be credit to wherever they got it */
artistCredit?: { url: string, name: string };
id: string;
shortDesc: string;
date: number;
// make this required later
ends?: number;
interface TourTable {
title: string;
tours: TourEvent[];
whitelist?: string[];
icon?: Image;
desc: string;
export const tours: Record<string, TourTable> = {
official: {
title: "Smogon Officials",
// cap this one's dimensions
icon: ['', 178, 200],
tours: [],
desc: "Tournaments run by Smogon staff.",
smogon: {
title: "Open Sign-Ups",
tours: [],
desc: "Tournaments run by Smogon staff and regular users alike.",
ps: {
title: "Pokémon Showdown!",
icon: ['', 146, 44],
tours: [],
desc: "Tournaments run by the rooms of Pokemon Showdown.",
try {
const data = JSON.parse(FS('config/chat-plugins/smogtours.json').readSync());
// settings should prioritize hardcoded values for these keys
const PRIO = ['title', 'icon'];
for (const key in data) {
const section = (tours[key] ||= data[key]) as any;
for (const k in data[key]) {
if (PRIO.includes(k)) {
if (!section[k]) section[k] = data[key][k];
} else {
section[k] = data[key][k];
} catch {}
function saveTours() {
FS('config/chat-plugins/smogtours.json').writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(tours));
function getTour(categoryID: ID, id: string) {
id = toID(id);
if (!tours[categoryID]) return null;
const idx = tours[categoryID].tours.findIndex(f => === id) ?? -1;
const tour = tours[categoryID].tours[idx];
if (!tour) {
return null;
if (tour.ends && > tour.ends) {
tours[categoryID].tours.splice(idx, 1);
return null;
return tour;
function checkWhitelisted(category: ID, user: User) {
return category ?
tours[category].whitelist?.includes( :
Object.values(tours).some(f => f.whitelist?.includes(;
function checkCanEdit(user: User, context: Chat.PageContext | Chat.CommandContext, category?: ID) {
category = toID(category);
if (!checkWhitelisted(category, user)) {
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
smogtours: {
''() {
return this.parse('/j view-tournaments-all');
edit: 'add',
async add(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (!toID(target).length) {
return this.parse(`/help smogtours`);
const targets = target.split('|');
const isEdit = cmd === 'edit';
const tourID = isEdit ? toID(targets.shift()) : null;
// {title}|{category}|{url}|{end date}|{img}|{credit}|{artist}{shortDesc}|{desc}
const [
title, rawSection, url, rawEnds, rawImg, rawCredit, rawArtistName, rawShort, rawDesc,
] = Utils.splitFirst(targets.join('|'), '|', 8).map(f => f.trim());
const sectionID = toID(rawSection);
if (!toID(title)) {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid title. Must have at least one alphanumeric character.`);
const section = tours[sectionID];
if (!section) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid section ID: "${sectionID}"`);
if (!isEdit && => toID(title) === {
return this.popupReply(`A tour with that ID already exists. Please choose another.`);
checkCanEdit(user, this, sectionID);
if (!Chat.isLink(url)) {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid info URL: "${url}"`);
if (!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(rawEnds)) {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid ending date: ${rawEnds}.`);
const ends = new Date(rawEnds).getTime();
if (isNaN(ends)) {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid ending date: ${rawEnds}.`);
let image, artistCredit;
if (rawImg) {
if (!Chat.isLink(rawImg)) {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid image URL: ${rawImg}`);
try {
const dimensions = await Chat.fitImage(rawImg, 300, 300);
image = [rawImg, ...dimensions.slice(0, -1)] as Image;
} catch {
return this.popupReply(`Invalid image URL: ${rawImg}`);
if (image && !(toID(rawCredit) && toID(rawArtistName))) {
return this.popupReply(`All images must have the artist named and a link to the profile of the user who created them.`);
if (rawCredit || rawArtistName) { // if one exists, both should, as verified above
const artistUrl = (Chat.linkRegex.exec(rawCredit))?.[0];
if (!artistUrl) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid artist credit URL.`);
artistCredit = { url: artistUrl, name: rawArtistName.trim() };
if (!rawShort?.length || !rawDesc?.length) {
return this.popupReply(`Must provide both a short description and a full description.`);
const tour: TourEvent = {
title: Utils.escapeHTML(title),
shortDesc: rawShort.replace(/&#13;&#10;/g, '\n'),
desc: rawDesc.replace(/&#13;&#10;/g, '\n'),
id: tourID || toID(title),
if (isEdit) {
const index = => ===;
if (index < 0) {
return this.popupReply(`Tour not found. Create one first.`);
}, 1);
end(target, room, user, connection) {
const [sectionID, tourID] = target.split(',').map(toID).filter(Boolean);
if (!sectionID || !tourID) {
return this.parse(`/help smogtours`);
const section = tours[sectionID];
if (!section) return this.popupReply(`Invalid section: "${sectionID}"`);
const idx = => === tourID);
const title =[idx].title;
if (idx < 0) {
return this.popupReply(`Tour with ID "${tourID}" not found.`);
}, 1);
this.popupReply(`Tour "${title}" ended.`);
whitelist(target, room, user) {
const [sectionID, targetID] = target.split(',').map(toID).filter(Boolean);
if (!sectionID || !targetID) {
return this.parse(`/help smogtours`);
const section = tours[sectionID];
if (!section) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid section ID: "${sectionID}". Valid IDs: ${Object.keys(tours).join(', ')}`);
if (section.whitelist?.includes(targetID)) {
return this.errorReply(`That user is already whitelisted on that section.`);
if (!section.whitelist) section.whitelist = [];
`${} whitelisted ${targetID} to manage tours for the ${section.title} section`
this.globalModlog('TOUR WHITELIST', targetID);
unwhitelist(target, room, user) {
const [sectionID, targetID] = target.split(',').map(toID).filter(Boolean);
if (!sectionID || !targetID) {
return this.parse(`/help smogtours`);
const section = tours[sectionID];
if (!section) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid section ID: "${sectionID}". Valid IDs: ${Object.keys(tours).join(', ')}`);
const idx = section.whitelist?.indexOf(targetID) ?? -1;
if (!section.whitelist || idx < 0) {
return this.errorReply(`${targetID} is not whitelisted in that section.`);
section.whitelist.splice(idx, 1);
if (!section.whitelist.length) {
delete section.whitelist;
`${} removed ${targetID} from the tour management whitelist for the ${section.title} section`
this.globalModlog('TOUR UNWHITELIST', targetID);
view() {
return this.parse(`/join view-tournaments-all`);
smogtourshelp: [
`/smogtours view - View a list of ongoing forum tournaments.`,
`/smogtours whitelist [section], [user] - Whitelists the given [user] to manage tournaments for the given [section].`,
`Requires: ~`,
`/smogtours unwhitelist [section], [user] - Removes the given [user] from the [section]'s management whitelist.`,
`Requires: ~`,
/** Modifies `inner` in-place to wrap it in the necessary HTML to show a tab on the sidebar. */
function renderTab(inner: string, isTitle?: boolean, isCur?: boolean) {
isTitle = false;
let buf = '';
if (isCur) {
// the CSS breaks entirely without the folderhacks.
buf += `<div class="folder cur"><div class="folderhack3"><div class="folderhack1">`;
buf += `</div><div class="folderhack2"></div>`;
buf += `<div class="selectFolder">${inner}</div></div></div>`;
} else {
if (!isTitle) {
inner = `<div class="selectFolder">${inner}</div>`;
buf += `<div class="folder">${inner}</div>`;
return buf;
const refresh = (pageid: string) => (
`<button class="button" name="send" value="/join ${pageid}" style="float: right">` +
`<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Refresh</button>`
const back = (section?: string) => (
`<a class="button" target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-${section ? `section-${section}` : 'all'}" style="float: left">` +
`<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> Back</a>`
export function renderPageChooser(curPage: string, buffer: string, user?: User) {
let buf = `<div class="folderpane">`;
buf += `<div class="folderlist">`;
buf += `<div class="folderlistbefore"></div>`;
const keys = Object.keys(tours);
buf += => {
let innerBuf = '';
const tourData = tours[cat];
innerBuf += renderTab(
`<strong><a target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-section-${cat}">${tourData.title}</a></strong>`,
curPage === cat
if ( {
Utils.sortBy(, t =>;
innerBuf += => (
`<i class="fa fa-trophy"></i><a target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-view-${cat}-${}">${t.title}</a>`,
curPage === `${cat}-${}`
} else {
innerBuf += renderTab(`None`, false);
return innerBuf;
}).join('<div class="foldersep"></div>');
if (user && (checkWhitelisted('', user) || user?.can('rangeban'))) {
buf += `<div class="foldersep"></div>`;
buf += renderTab(
`<strong>Manage</strong>`, true, curPage === 'manage'
buf += renderTab(
`<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i><a target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-start">Start new</a>`,
curPage === 'start',
buf += renderTab(
`<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i><a target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-edit">Edit existing</a>`,
curPage === 'edit',
if (user.can('rangeban')) {
buf += renderTab(
`<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i><a target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-whitelists">Whitelist</a>`,
curPage === 'whitelist',
buf += `<div class="folderlistafter"></div></div></div><div class="teampane">`;
buf += `${buffer}</div>`;
return buf;
function error(page: string, message: string, user: User) {
return renderPageChooser(page, `<div class="message-error">${message}</div>`, user);
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {
tournaments: {
all(query, user) {
let buf = `${refresh(this.pageid)}<br /><center>`;
buf += `<h2><psicon pokemon="Meloetta-Pirouette" />Welcome!<psicon pokemon="Meloetta-Pirouette" /></h2>`;
const icon = tours.official.icon;
if (icon) buf += `<img src="${icon[0]}" width="${icon[1]}" height="${icon[2]}"></center>`;
buf += `<hr />`;
this.title = '[Tournaments] All';
buf += `<p>Smogon runs official tournaments across their metagames where the strongest and most `;
buf += `experienced competitors duke it out for prizes and recognition!</p><p>`;
buf += `You can see a listing of current official tournaments here; `;
buf += `by clicking any hyperlink, you will be directed to the forum for any given tournament!</p><p>`;
buf += `Be sure to sign up if you are eager to participate or `;
buf += `check it out if you want to spectate the most hyped games out there.</p><p>`;
buf += `For information on tournament rules and etiquette, check out <a href="">this information thread</a>.`;
buf += `</p><center>`;
buf += Object.keys(tours).map(catID => (
`<a class="button" target="replace" href="/view-tournaments-section-${catID}">` +
`<i class="fa fa-play"></i> ${tours[catID].title}</a>`
)).join(' ');
buf += `</center>`;
return renderPageChooser('', buf, user);
view(query, user) {
const [categoryID, tourID] =;
if (!categoryID || !tourID) {
return error('', 'You must specify a tour category and a tour ID.', user);
this.title = `[Tournaments] [${categoryID}] `;
if (!tours[categoryID]) {
return error('', `Invalid tour section: '${categoryID}'.`, user);
const tour = getTour(categoryID, tourID);
if (!tour) {
return error(categoryID, `Tour '${tourID}' not found.`, user);
// unescaping since it's escaped on client
this.title += `${tour.title}`
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// stuff!
let buf = `${back(categoryID)}${refresh(this.pageid)}<br />`;
buf += `<center><h2><a href="${tour.url}">${tour.title}</a></h2>`;
if (tour.image) {
buf += `<img src="${tour.image[0]}" width="${tour.image[1]}" height="${tour.image[2]}" />`;
if (tour.artistCredit) {
buf += `<br /><small>The creator of this image, ${}, `;
buf += `<a href="${tour.artistCredit.url}">can be found here.</a></small>`;
buf += `</center>`;
if (tour.ends) {
buf += `<br />Signups end: ${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(tour.ends)).split(' ')[0]}`;
buf += `<hr />`;
buf += Utils.escapeHTML(tour.desc).replace(/\n/ig, '<br />');
buf += `<br /><br /><a class="button notifying" href="${tour.url}">View information and signups</a>`;
try {
checkCanEdit(user, this, categoryID);
buf += `<br /><br /><details class="readmore"><summary>Manage</summary>`;
buf += `<button class="button" name="send" value="/smogtours end ${categoryID},${tourID}">End tour</button>`;
buf += `</details>`;
} catch {}
return renderPageChooser(query.join('-'), buf, user);
section(query, user) {
const categoryID = toID(query.shift());
if (!categoryID) {
return error('', `No section specified.`, user);
this.title = '[Tournaments] ' + categoryID;
const category = tours[categoryID];
if (!category) {
return error('', Utils.html`Invalid section specified: '${categoryID}'`, user);
let buf = `${back()}${refresh(this.pageid)}<br /><center><h2>${category.title}</h2>`;
if (category.icon) {
buf += `<img src="${category.icon[0]}" width="${category.icon[1]}" height="${category.icon[2]}" /><br />`;
buf += `</center>${category.desc}<hr />`;
let needsSave = false;
for (const [i, tour] of {
if (tour.ends && (tour.ends < {, 1);
needsSave = true;
if (needsSave) saveTours();
if (! {
buf += `<p>There are currently no tournaments in this section with open signups.</p>`;
buf += `<p>Check back later for new tours.</p>`;
} else {
buf += => {
let innerBuf = `<div class="infobox">`;
innerBuf += `<a href="/view-tournaments-view-${categoryID}-${}">${tour.title}</a><br />`;
innerBuf += Utils.escapeHTML(tour.shortDesc);
innerBuf += `</div>`;
return innerBuf;
}).join('<br />');
return renderPageChooser(categoryID, buf, user);
start(query, user) {
checkCanEdit(user, this); // broad check first
let buf = `${refresh(this.pageid)}<br />`;
this.title = '[Tournaments] Add';
buf += `<center><h2>Add new tournament</h2></center><hr />`;
buf += `<form data-submitsend="/smogtours add {title}|{category}|{url}|{enddate}|{img}|{credit}|{artist}|{shortDesc}|{desc}">`;
let possibleCategory = Object.keys(tours)[0];
for (const k in tours) {
if (tours[k].whitelist?.includes( {
// favor first one where user is whitelisted where applicable
possibleCategory = k;
buf += `Title: <input name="title" /><br />`;
buf += `Category: <select name="category">`;
const keys = Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(tours), k => [k === possibleCategory, k]).filter(cat => (
checkWhitelisted(toID(cat), user) || user.can('rangeban')
buf += => `<option>${k}</option>`).join('');
buf += `</select><br />`;
buf += `Info link: <input name="url" /><br />`;
buf += `End date: <input type="date" name="enddate" value="${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(' ')[0]}" /><br />`;
buf += `<abbr title="Max length and width: 300px">Image link</abbr> (optional): <input name="img" /><br />`;
buf += `Artist name (required if image provided): <input name="artist" /><br />`;
buf += `Image credit URL (required if image provided, must be a link to the creator's Smogon profile): `;
buf += `<input name="credit" /><br />`;
buf += `Short description: <br /><textarea name="shortDesc" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea><br />`;
buf += `Full description: <br /><textarea name="desc" rows="20" cols="50"></textarea><br />`;
buf += `<button type="submit" class="button notifying">Create!</button></form>`;
return renderPageChooser('start', buf, user);
// edit single
edit(query, user) {
this.title = '[Tournaments] Edit ';
const [sectionID, tourID] =;
if (!sectionID || !tourID) {
return Chat.resolvePage(`view-tournaments-manage`, user, this.connection);
const section = tours[sectionID];
if (!section) return error('edit', `Invalid section: "${sectionID}"`, user);
const tour = => === tourID);
if (!tour) return error('edit', `Tour with ID "${tourID}" not found.`, user);
let buf = `${refresh(this.pageid)}<br /><center><h2>Edit tournament "${tour.title}"</h2></center><hr />`;
buf += `<form data-submitsend="/smogtours edit ${}|{title}|${sectionID}|{url}|{enddate}|{img}|{credit}|{artist}|{shortDesc}|{desc}">`;
buf += `Title: <input name="title" value="${tour.title}"/><br />`;
buf += `Info link: <input name="url" value="${tour.url}" /><br />`;
const curEndDay = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(tour.ends ||' ')[0];
buf += `End date: <input type="date" name="enddate" value="${curEndDay}" /><br />`;
buf += `Image link (optional): <input name="img" value="${tour.image?.[0] || ""}" /><br />`;
buf += `Artist name (required if image provided): <input name="artist" value="${tour.artistCredit?.name}" /><br />`;
buf += `Image credit (required if image provided, must be a link to the creator's Smogon profile): `;
buf += `<input name="credit" value="${tour.artistCredit?.url || ""}"/><br />`;
buf += `Short description: <br />`;
buf += `<textarea name="shortDesc" rows="6" cols="50">${tour.shortDesc}</textarea><br />`;
const desc = Utils.escapeHTML(tour.desc).replace(/<br \/>/g, '&#10;');
buf += `Full description: <br /><textarea name="desc" rows="20" cols="50">${desc}</textarea><br />`;
buf += `<button type="submit" class="button notifying">Update!</button>`;
return renderPageChooser('edit', buf, user);
// panel for all you have perms to edit
manage(query, user) {
checkCanEdit(user, this);
this.title = '[Tournaments] Manage';
let buf = `${refresh(this.pageid)}<br /><center><h2>Manage ongoing tournaments</h2></center><hr />`;
buf += Object.keys(tours).map(cat => {
let innerBuf = '';
try {
checkCanEdit(user, this, toID(cat));
} catch {
return '';
const section = tours[cat];
innerBuf += `<strong>${section.title}</strong>:<br />`;
for (const [i, tour] of {
if (tour.ends && > tour.ends) {, 1);
innerBuf +=
t => `&bull; <a href="/view-tournaments-edit-${cat}-${}">${t.title}</a>`
).join('<br />') || "None active.";
return innerBuf;
}).filter(Boolean).join('<hr />');
return renderPageChooser('manage', buf, user);
whitelists(query, user) {
let buf = `${refresh(this.pageid)}<br /><center><h2>Section whitelists</center</h2><hr />`;
for (const k in tours) {
buf += `<strong>${tours[k].title}</strong><br />`;
const whitelist = tours[k].whitelist || [];
if (!whitelist.length) {
buf += `None.<br />`;
buf += Utils.sortBy(whitelist).map(f => `<li>${f}</li>`).join('');
buf += `<br />`;
return renderPageChooser('whitelist', buf, user);
process.nextTick(() => {
Chat.multiLinePattern.register('/smogtours (add|edit)');