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* Random Battles chat-plugin
* Written by dhelmise with inspiration from sirDonovan and The Immortal
* Set probability code written by Annika
import { FS, Utils } from '../../../lib';
interface SetCriteria {
moves: { mustHave: Move[], mustNotHave: Move[] };
ability: { mustHave?: Ability, mustNotHave: Ability[] };
item: { mustHave?: Item, mustNotHave: Item[] };
nature: { mustHave?: Nature, mustNotHave: Nature[] };
teraType: { mustHave?: TypeInfo, mustNotHave: TypeInfo[] };
function getHTMLCriteriaDescription(criteria: SetCriteria) {
const format = (list: { name: string }[]) => => Utils.html`<strong>${}</strong>`);
const parts = [];
const { moves, ability, item, nature, teraType } = criteria;
if (moves.mustHave.length) {
parts.push(`had the move${Chat.plural(moves.mustHave)} ${Chat.toListString(format(moves.mustHave))}`);
if (moves.mustNotHave.length) {
parts.push(`did not have the move${Chat.plural(moves.mustNotHave)} ${Chat.toListString(format(moves.mustNotHave), 'or')}`);
if (ability.mustHave) {
parts.push(Utils.html`had the ability <strong>${}</strong>`);
if (ability.mustNotHave.length) {
parts.push(`did not have the ${Chat.plural(ability.mustNotHave, 'abilities', 'ability')} ${Chat.toListString(format(ability.mustNotHave), 'or')}`);
if (item.mustHave) {
parts.push(Utils.html`had the item <strong>${}</strong>`);
if (item.mustNotHave.length) {
parts.push(`did not have the item${Chat.plural(item.mustNotHave)} ${Chat.toListString(format(item.mustNotHave), 'or')}`);
if (nature.mustHave) {
parts.push(Utils.html`had the nature <strong>${}</strong>`);
if (nature.mustNotHave.length) {
parts.push(`did not have the nature${Chat.plural(nature.mustNotHave)} ${Chat.toListString(format(nature.mustNotHave), 'or')}`);
if (teraType.mustHave) {
parts.push(Utils.html`had the Tera Type <strong>${}</strong>`);
if (teraType.mustNotHave.length) {
parts.push(`did not have the Tera Type${Chat.plural(teraType.mustNotHave)} ${Chat.toListString(format(teraType.mustNotHave), 'or')}`);
return Chat.toListString(parts, 'and');
function setProbability(
species: Species,
format: Format,
criteria: SetCriteria,
rounds = 700
): { rounds: number, matches: number } {
const results = { rounds, matches: 0 };
const generator = Teams.getGenerator(format);
for (let i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
const set = generator.randomSet(
format.gameType !== 'singles',
if (criteria.item.mustHave && set.item !== continue;
if (criteria.item.mustNotHave.some(item => === set.item)) continue;
if (criteria.ability.mustHave && set.ability !== continue;
if (criteria.ability.mustNotHave.some(ability => === set.ability)) continue;
if (criteria.nature.mustHave && set.nature !== continue;
if (criteria.nature.mustNotHave.some(nature => === set.nature)) continue;
if (criteria.teraType.mustHave && set.teraType !== continue;
if (criteria.teraType.mustNotHave.some(type => === set.teraType)) continue;
const setHasMove = (move: Move) => {
const id = === 'hiddenpower' ? `${}${toID(move.type)}` :;
return set.moves.includes(id);
if (!criteria.moves.mustHave.every(setHasMove)) continue;
if (criteria.moves.mustNotHave.some(setHasMove)) continue;
return results;
const GEN_NAMES: { [k: string]: string } = {
gen1: '[Gen 1]', gen2: '[Gen 2]', gen3: '[Gen 3]', gen4: '[Gen 4]', gen5: '[Gen 5]', gen6: '[Gen 6]', gen7: '[Gen 7]',
gen8: '[Gen 8]', gen9: '[Gen 9]',
export const STAT_NAMES: { [k: string]: string } = {
hp: "HP", atk: "Atk", def: "Def", spa: "SpA", spd: "SpD", spe: "Spe",
const TIERS: { [k: string]: string } = {
uber: "Uber", ubers: "Uber",
ou: "OU", uu: "UU", ru: "RU", nu: "NU", pu: "PU",
mono: "Mono", monotype: "Mono", lc: "LC", littlecup: "LC",
function formatAbility(ability: Ability | string) {
ability = Dex.abilities.get(ability);
return `<a href="https://${Config.routes.dex}/abilities/${}" target="_blank" class="subtle" style="white-space:nowrap">${}</a>`;
export function formatNature(n: string) {
const nature = Dex.natures.get(n);
function formatMove(move: Move | string) {
move = Dex.moves.get(move);
return `<a href="https://${Config.routes.dex}/moves/${}" target="_blank" class="subtle" style="white-space:nowrap">${}</a>`;
function formatItem(item: Item | string) {
if (typeof item === 'string' && item === "No Item") {
return `No Item`;
} else {
item = Dex.items.get(item);
return `<a href="https://${Config.routes.dex}/items/${}" target="_blank" class="subtle" style="white-space:nowrap">${}</a>`;
function formatType(type: TypeInfo | string) {
type = Dex.types.get(type);
* Gets the sets for a Pokemon for a format that uses the new schema.
* Old formats will use getData()
function getSets(species: string | Species, format: string | Format = 'gen9randombattle'): {
level: number,
sets: any[],
} | null {
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
format = Dex.formats.get(format);
species = dex.species.get(species);
const isDoubles = format.gameType === 'doubles';
let folderName = format.mod;
if ( === 'randomBaby') folderName += 'baby';
if (species.isNonstandard === 'CAP') folderName += 'cap';
const setsFile = JSON.parse(
FS(`data/random-battles/${folderName}/${isDoubles ? 'doubles-' : ''}sets.json`)
.readIfExistsSync() || '{}'
const data = setsFile[];
if (!data?.sets?.length) return null;
return data;
* Gets the random battles data for a Pokemon for formats with the old schema.
function getData(species: string | Species, format: string | Format): AnyObject | null {
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
format = Dex.formats.get(format);
species = dex.species.get(species);
const dataFile = JSON.parse(
FS(`data/random-battles/${format.mod}/data.json`).readIfExistsSync() || '{}'
const data = dataFile[];
if (!data) return null;
return data;
* Gets the default level for a Pokemon in the given format.
* Returns 0 if the format doesn't use default levels or it can't be determined.
function getLevel(species: string | Species, format: string | Format): number {
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
format = Dex.formats.get(format);
species = dex.species.get(species);
switch ( {
// Only formats where levels are not all manually assigned should be copied here
case 'gen2randombattle':
const levelScale: { [k: string]: number } = {
ZU: 81,
ZUBL: 79,
PU: 77,
PUBL: 75,
NU: 73,
NUBL: 71,
UU: 69,
UUBL: 67,
OU: 65,
Uber: 61,
return levelScale[species.tier] || 80;
return 0;
function getRBYMoves(species: string | Species) {
species = Dex.mod(`gen1`).species.get(species);
const data = getData(species, 'gen1randombattle');
if (!data) return false;
let buf = `<br/><b>Level</b>: ${data.level}`;
if (data.comboMoves) {
buf += `<br/><b>Combo moves</b>: `;
buf +=", ");
if (data.exclusiveMoves) {
buf += `<br/><b>Exclusive moves</b>: `;
buf +=", ");
if (data.essentialMoves) {
buf += `<br/><b>Essential move${Chat.plural(data.essentialMoves)}</b>: `;
buf +=", ");
if (data.moves) {
buf += `<br/><b>Randomized moves</b>: `;
buf +=", ");
if (
!data.moves && !data.comboMoves &&
!data.exclusiveMoves && !data.essentialMove
) {
return false;
return buf;
function getLetsGoMoves(species: string | Species) {
species = Dex.species.get(species);
const data = getData(species, 'gen7letsgorandombattle');
if (!data) return false;
const isLetsGoLegal = (
(species.num <= 151 || ['Meltan', 'Melmetal'].includes( &&
(!species.forme || ['Alola', 'Mega', 'Mega-X', 'Mega-Y', 'Starter'].includes(species.forme))
if (!isLetsGoLegal) return false;
if (!data.moves?.length) return false;
return`, `);
function battleFactorySets(species: string | Species, tier: string | null, gen = 'gen9', isBSS = false) {
species = Dex.species.get(species);
if (typeof species.battleOnly === 'string') {
species = Dex.species.get(species.battleOnly);
gen = toID(gen);
const genNum = parseInt(gen[3]);
if (isNaN(genNum) || genNum < 6 || (isBSS && genNum < 7)) return null;
const statsFile = JSON.parse(
FS(`data/random-battles/gen${genNum}/${isBSS ? `bss-` : ``}factory-sets.json`).readIfExistsSync() ||
if (!Object.keys(statsFile).length) return null;
let buf = ``;
if (!isBSS) {
if (!tier) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Please provide a valid tier.`);
if (!(toID(tier) in TIERS)) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`That tier isn't supported.`);
if (!(TIERS[toID(tier)] in statsFile)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${TIERS[toID(tier)]} is not included in [Gen ${genNum}] Battle Factory.`);
const t = statsFile[TIERS[toID(tier)]];
if (!( in t)) {
const formatName = Dex.formats.get(`${gen}battlefactory`).name;
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} doesn't have any sets in ${TIERS[toID(tier)]} for ${formatName}.`);
const setObj = t[];
if (genNum >= 9) {
buf += `Species rarity: ${setObj.weight} (higher is more common, max 10)<br />`;
buf += `<span style="color:#999999;">Sets for ${} in${genNum === 8 ? `` : ` ${GEN_NAMES[gen]}`} ${TIERS[toID(tier)]}:</span><br />`;
for (const [i, set] of setObj.sets.entries()) {
if (genNum >= 9) {
buf += `<details><summary>Set ${i + 1} (${set.weight}%)</summary>`;
} else {
buf += `<details><summary>Set ${i + 1}</summary>`;
buf += `<ul style="list-style-type:none;">`;
buf += `<li>${set.species}${set.gender ? ` (${set.gender})` : ``} @ ${Array.isArray(set.item) ?" / ") : formatItem(set.item)}</li>`;
buf += `<li>Ability: ${Array.isArray(set.ability) ?" / ") : formatAbility(set.ability)}</li>`;
if (TIERS[toID(tier)] === "LC" && !set.level) buf += `<li>Level: 5</li>`;
if (set.level && set.level < 100) buf += `<li>Level: ${set.level}</li>`;
if (set.shiny) buf += `<li>Shiny: Yes</li>`;
if (set.happiness) buf += `<li>Happiness: ${set.happiness}</li>`;
if (genNum === 9 && set.teraType) {
buf += `<li>Tera Type: ${' / ')}</li>`;
if (set.evs) {
buf += `<li>EVs: `;
const evs: string[] = [];
let ev: string;
for (ev in set.evs) {
if (set.evs[ev] === 0) continue;
evs.push(`${set.evs[ev]} ${STAT_NAMES[ev]}`);
buf += `${evs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>${Array.isArray(set.nature) ?" / ") : formatNature(set.nature)} Nature</li>`;
if (set.ivs) {
buf += `<li>IVs: `;
const ivs: string[] = [];
let iv: string;
for (iv in set.ivs) {
if (set.ivs[iv] === 31) continue;
ivs.push(`${set.ivs[iv]} ${STAT_NAMES[iv]}`);
buf += `${ivs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
for (const moveid of set.moves) {
buf += `<li>- ${Array.isArray(moveid) ?" / ") : formatMove(moveid)}</li>`;
buf += `</ul></details>`;
} else {
const format = Dex.formats.get(`${gen}bssfactory`);
if (!( in statsFile)) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} doesn't have any sets in ${}.`);
const setObj = statsFile[];
if (genNum >= 9) {
buf += `Species rarity: ${setObj.weight} (higher is more common, max 10)<br />`;
buf += `Sets for ${} in ${}:<br />`;
for (const [i, set] of setObj.sets.entries()) {
buf += `<details><summary>Set ${i + 1} (${set.weight}%)</summary>`;
buf += `<ul style="list-style-type:none;padding-left:0;">`;
buf += `<li>${Dex.forFormat(format).species.get(set.species).name} @ ${" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>Ability: ${" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>Level: 50</li>`;
buf += `<li>Tera Type: ${' / ')}</li>`;
if (set.evs) {
buf += `<li>EVs: `;
const evs: string[] = [];
let ev: string;
for (ev in set.evs) {
if (!set.evs[ev]) continue;
evs.push(`${set.evs[ev]} ${STAT_NAMES[ev]}`);
buf += `${evs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>${formatNature(set.nature)} Nature</li>`;
if (set.ivs) {
buf += `<li>IVs: `;
const ivs: string[] = [];
let iv: string;
for (iv in set.ivs) {
if (set.ivs[iv] === 31) continue;
ivs.push(`${set.ivs[iv]} ${STAT_NAMES[iv]}`);
buf += `${ivs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
for (const moveSlot of set.moves) {
buf += `<li>- ${' / ')}</li>`;
buf += `</ul></details>`;
} else {
buf += `<span style="color:#999999;">Sets for ${} in ${}:</span><br />`;
for (const [i, set] of setObj.sets.entries()) {
buf += `<details><summary>Set ${i + 1}</summary>`;
buf += `<ul style="list-style-type:none;padding-left:0;">`;
buf += `<li>${set.species}${set.gender ? ` (${set.gender})` : ``} @ ${Array.isArray(set.item) ?" / ") : formatItem(set.item)}</li>`;
buf += `<li>Ability: ${Array.isArray(set.ability) ?" / ") : formatAbility(set.ability)}</li>`;
if (!set.level) buf += `<li>Level: 50</li>`;
if (set.level && set.level < 50) buf += `<li>Level: ${set.level}</li>`;
if (set.shiny) buf += `<li>Shiny: Yes</li>`;
if (set.happiness) buf += `<li>Happiness: ${set.happiness}</li>`;
if (set.evs) {
buf += `<li>EVs: `;
const evs: string[] = [];
let ev: string;
for (ev in set.evs) {
if (set.evs[ev] === 0) continue;
evs.push(`${set.evs[ev]} ${STAT_NAMES[ev]}`);
buf += `${evs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>${Array.isArray(set.nature) ?" / ") : formatNature(set.nature)} Nature</li>`;
if (set.ivs) {
buf += `<li>IVs: `;
const ivs: string[] = [];
let iv: string;
for (iv in set.ivs) {
if (set.ivs[iv] === 31) continue;
ivs.push(`${set.ivs[iv]} ${STAT_NAMES[iv]}`);
buf += `${ivs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
for (const moveid of set.moves) {
buf += `<li>- ${Array.isArray(moveid) ?" / ") : formatMove(moveid)}</li>`;
buf += `</ul></details>`;
return buf;
function CAP1v1Sets(species: string | Species) {
species = Dex.species.get(species);
const statsFile = JSON.parse(
FS(`data/random-battles/gen8/cap-1v1-sets.json`).readIfExistsSync() ||
if (!Object.keys(statsFile).length) return null;
if (species.isNonstandard !== "CAP") {
return {
e: `[Gen 8] CAP 1v1 only allows Pok\u00e9mon created by the Create-A-Pok\u00e9mon Project.`,
parse: `/cap`,
if (species.isNonstandard === "CAP" && !( in statsFile)) {
return { e: `${} doesn't have any sets in [Gen 8] CAP 1v1.` };
let buf = `<span style="color:#999999;">Sets for ${} in [Gen 8] CAP 1v1:</span><br />`;
for (const [i, set] of statsFile[].entries()) {
buf += `<details><summary>Set ${i + 1}</summary>`;
buf += `<ul style="list-style-type:none;">`;
buf += `<li>${set.species ||}${set.gender ? ` (${set.gender})` : ``} @ ${Array.isArray(set.item) ?" / ") : formatItem(set.item)}</li>`;
buf += `<li>Ability: ${Array.isArray(set.ability) ?" / ") : formatAbility(set.ability)}</li>`;
if (set.level && set.level < 100) buf += `<li>Level: ${set.level}</li>`;
if (set.shiny) buf += `<li>Shiny: Yes</li>`;
if (set.happiness) buf += `<li>Happiness: ${set.happiness}</li>`;
if (set.evs) {
buf += `<li>EVs: `;
const evs: string[] = [];
let ev: string;
for (ev in set.evs) {
if (set.evs[ev] === 0) continue;
evs.push(`${set.evs[ev]} ${STAT_NAMES[ev]}`);
buf += `${evs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
buf += `<li>${Array.isArray(set.nature) ?" / ") : formatNature(set.nature)} Nature</li>`;
if (set.ivs) {
buf += `<li>IVs: `;
const ivs: string[] = [];
let iv: string;
for (iv in set.ivs) {
if (set.ivs[iv] === 31) continue;
ivs.push(`${set.ivs[iv]} ${STAT_NAMES[iv]}`);
buf += `${ivs.join(" / ")}</li>`;
for (const moveid of set.moves) {
buf += `<li>- ${Array.isArray(moveid) ?" / ") : formatMove(moveid)}</li>`;
buf += `</ul></details>`;
return buf;
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
randbats: 'randombattles',
randomdoublesbattle: 'randombattles',
randdubs: 'randombattles',
babyrandombattle: 'randombattles',
babyrands: 'randombattles',
// randombattlenodmax: 'randombattles',
// randsnodmax: 'randombattles',
randombattles(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
const battle = room?.battle;
let isDoubles = cmd === 'randomdoublesbattle' || cmd === 'randdubs';
let isBaby = cmd === 'babyrandombattle' || cmd === 'babyrands';
let isNoDMax = cmd.includes('nodmax');
if (battle) {
if (battle.format.includes('nodmax')) isNoDMax = true;
if (battle.format.includes('doubles') || battle.gameType === 'freeforall') isDoubles = true;
if (battle.format.includes('baby')) isBaby = true;
const args = target.split(',');
if (!args[0]) return this.parse(`/help randombattles`);
const { dex } = this.splitFormat(target, true);
const isLetsGo = (dex.currentMod === 'gen7letsgo');
const searchResults = dex.dataSearch(args[0], ['Pokedex']);
if (!searchResults?.length) {
this.errorReply(`No Pok\u00e9mon named '${args[0]}' was found${Dex.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Gen ${dex.gen}` : ""}. (Check your spelling?)`);
let inexactMsg = '';
if (searchResults[0].isInexact) {
inexactMsg = `No Pok\u00e9mon named '${args[0]}' was found${Dex.gen > dex.gen ? ` in Gen ${dex.gen}` : ""}. Searching for '${searchResults[0].name}' instead.`;
const species = dex.species.get(searchResults[0].name);
const extraFormatModifier = isLetsGo ? 'letsgo' : (dex.currentMod === 'gen8bdsp' ? 'bdsp' : '');
const babyModifier = isBaby ? 'baby' : '';
const doublesModifier = isDoubles ? 'doubles' : '';
const noDMaxModifier = isNoDMax ? 'nodmax' : '';
const formatName = `gen${dex.gen}${extraFormatModifier}${babyModifier}random${doublesModifier}battle${noDMaxModifier}`;
const format = dex.formats.get(formatName);
const movesets = [];
let setCount = 0;
if (dex.gen === 1) {
const rbyMoves = getRBYMoves(species);
if (!rbyMoves) {
return this.errorReply(`Error: ${} has no Random Battle data in ${GEN_NAMES[toID(args[1])]}`);
movesets.push(`<span style="color:#999999;">Moves for ${} in ${}:</span>${rbyMoves}`);
setCount = 1;
} else if (isLetsGo) {
const lgpeMoves = getLetsGoMoves(species);
if (!lgpeMoves) {
return this.errorReply(`Error: ${} has no Random Battle data in [Gen 7 Let's Go]`);
movesets.push(`<span style="color:#999999;">Moves for ${} in ${}:</span><br />${lgpeMoves}`);
setCount = 1;
} else {
const setsToCheck = [species];
if (dex.gen >= 8 && !isNoDMax) setsToCheck.push(dex.species.get(`${args[0]}gmax`));
if (species.otherFormes) setsToCheck.push( => dex.species.get(pkmn)));
if ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9].includes(dex.gen)) {
for (const pokemon of setsToCheck) {
const data = getSets(pokemon,;
if (!data) continue;
const sets = data.sets;
const level = data.level || getLevel(pokemon, format);
let buf = `<span style="color:#999999;">Moves for ${} in ${}:</span><br/>`;
buf += `<b>Level</b>: ${level}`;
for (const set of sets) {
buf += `<details><summary>${set.role}</summary>`;
if (dex.gen === 9) {
buf += `<b>Tera Type${Chat.plural(set.teraTypes)}</b>: ${set.teraTypes.join(', ')}<br/>`;
} else if (([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].includes(dex.gen)) && set.preferredTypes) {
buf += `<b>Preferred Type${Chat.plural(set.preferredTypes)}</b>: ${set.preferredTypes.join(', ')}<br/>`;
buf += `<b>Moves</b>: ${set.movepool.sort().map(formatMove).join(', ')}<br/>`;
if (set.abilities) {
buf += `<b>Abilit${Chat.plural(set.abilities, 'ies', 'y')}</b>: ${set.abilities.sort().join(', ')}`;
buf += '</details>';
} else {
for (let pokemon of setsToCheck) {
let data = getData(pokemon,;
if (!data && isNoDMax) {
pokemon = dex.species.get( + 'gmax');
data = getData(pokemon,;
if (!data) continue;
if (!data.moves || pokemon.isNonstandard === 'Future') continue;
let randomMoves = data.moves;
const level = data.level || getLevel(pokemon, format);
if (isDoubles && data.doublesMoves) randomMoves = data.doublesMoves;
if (isNoDMax && data.noDynamaxMoves) randomMoves = data.noDynamaxMoves;
const m = randomMoves.slice().sort().map(formatMove);
`<details>` +
`<summary><span style="color:#999999;">Moves for ${} in ${}:<span style="color:#999999;"></summary>` +
(level ? `<b>Level</b>: ${level}<br>` : '') +
`${m.join(`, `)}</details>`
if (!movesets.length) {
return this.errorReply(`Error: ${} has no Random Battle data in ${}`);
let buf = movesets.join('<hr/>');
if (setCount <= 2) {
buf = buf.replace(/<details>/g, '<details open>');
randombattleshelp: [
`/randombattles OR /randbats [pokemon], [gen] - Displays a Pok\u00e9mon's Random Battle Moves. Defaults to Gen 9. If used in a battle, defaults to the gen of that battle.`,
`/randomdoublesbattle OR /randdubs [pokemon], [gen] - Same as above, but instead displays Random Doubles Battle moves.`,
bssfactory: 'battlefactory',
battlefactory(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
const isBSS = cmd === 'bssfactory';
if (isBSS) {
const args = target.split(',');
if (!args[0]) return this.parse(`/help battlefactory`);
const species = Dex.species.get(args[0]);
if (!species.exists) {
return this.errorReply(`Error: Pok\u00e9mon '${args[0].trim()}' not found.`);
let mod = 'gen9';
if (args[1] && toID(args[1]) in Dex.dexes && Dex.dexes[toID(args[1])].gen >= 7) mod = toID(args[1]);
const bssSets = battleFactorySets(species, null, mod, true);
if (!bssSets) return this.parse(`/help battlefactory`);
return this.sendReplyBox(bssSets);
} else {
const args = target.split(',');
if (!args[0]) return this.parse(`/help battlefactory`);
const species = Dex.species.get(args[0]);
if (!species.exists) {
return this.errorReply(`Error: Pok\u00e9mon '${args[0].trim()}' not found.`);
let tier = '';
if (args[1] && toID(args[1]) in TIERS) {
tier = TIERS[toID(args[1])];
} else {
tier = 'ou';
const mod = args[2] || 'gen9';
let bfSets;
if ( === 'Necrozma-Ultra') {
bfSets = battleFactorySets(Dex.species.get('necrozma-dawnwings'), tier, mod);
if (bfSets) {
bfSets += battleFactorySets(Dex.species.get('necrozma-duskmane'), tier, mod)!;
} else if ( === 'Zygarde-Complete') {
bfSets = battleFactorySets(Dex.species.get('zygarde'), tier, mod);
if (bfSets) {
bfSets += battleFactorySets(Dex.species.get('zygarde-10'), tier, mod)!;
} else {
bfSets = battleFactorySets(species, tier, mod);
if (!bfSets) return this.parse(`/help battlefactory`);
return this.sendReplyBox(bfSets);
battlefactoryhelp: [
`/battlefactory [pokemon], [tier], [gen] - Displays a Pok\u00e9mon's Battle Factory sets. Supports Gens 6-8. Defaults to Gen 8. If no tier is provided, defaults to OU.`,
`- Supported tiers: OU, Ubers, UU, RU, NU, PU, Monotype (Gen 7 only), LC (Gen 7 only)`,
`/bssfactory [pokemon], [gen] - Displays a Pok\u00e9mon's BSS Factory sets. Supports Gen 7-9. Defaults to Gen 9.`,
cap1v1(target, room, user) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
if (!target) return this.parse(`/help cap1v1`);
const species = Dex.species.get(target);
if (!species.exists) return this.errorReply(`Error: Pok\u00e9mon '${target.trim()}' not found.`);
const cap1v1Set = CAP1v1Sets(species);
if (!cap1v1Set) return this.parse(`/help cap1v1`);
if (typeof cap1v1Set !== 'string') {
this.errorReply(`Error: ${cap1v1Set.e}`);
if (cap1v1Set.parse) this.parse(cap1v1Set.parse);
return this.sendReplyBox(cap1v1Set);
cap1v1help: [
`/cap1v1 [pokemon] - Displays a Pok\u00e9mon's CAP 1v1 sets.`,
setodds: 'randombattlesetprobabilities',
randbatsodds: 'randombattlesetprobabilities',
randbatsprobabilities: 'randombattlesetprobabilities',
randombattlesetprobabilities(target, room, user) {
// Restricted to global staff and randbats room auth
const randbatsRoom = Rooms.get('randombattles');
if (!randbatsRoom?.auth.has( {
if (!target) return this.parse(`/help randombattlesetprobabilities`);
const args = target.split(',');
if (args.length < 2) return this.parse(`/help randombattlesetprobabilities`);
// Optional format
let format = Dex.formats.get('gen9randombattle');
let formatOrSpecies = args.shift();
const possibleFormat = Dex.formats.get(formatOrSpecies);
if (possibleFormat.exists) {
if (! {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} does not have randomly-generated teams.`);
format = possibleFormat;
formatOrSpecies = args.shift();
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
// Species
const species = dex.species.get(formatOrSpecies);
if (!species.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Species ${} does not exist in the specified format.`);
let setExists: boolean;
if ([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9].includes(dex.gen)) {
setExists = !!getSets(species, format);
} else {
const data = getData(species, format);
if (!data) {
setExists = false;
} else if (format.gameType === 'doubles' || format.gameType === 'freeforall') {
setExists = !!data.doublesMoves;
} else {
setExists = !!data.moves;
if (!setExists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} does not have random battle moves in ${}.`);
// Criteria
const criteria: SetCriteria = {
moves: { mustHave: [], mustNotHave: [] },
item: { mustNotHave: [] },
ability: { mustNotHave: [] },
nature: { mustNotHave: [] },
teraType: { mustNotHave: [] },
if (args.length < 1) {
this.errorReply(`You must specify at least one condition.`);
return this.parse(`/help randombattlesetprobabilities`);
for (const arg of args) {
let [key, value] = arg.split('=');
key = toID(key);
if (!value || !key) {
this.errorReply(`Invalid condition format: ${arg}`);
return this.parse(`/help randombattlesetprobabilities`);
switch (key) {
case 'moves':
for (const rawMove of value.split('&')) {
const move = dex.moves.get(rawMove);
if (!move.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${rawMove}" is not a move in the specified format.`);
const isNegation = rawMove.trim().startsWith('!');
if (isNegation) {
} else {
case 'item':
const item = dex.items.get(value);
if (!item.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${value}" is not an item in the specified format.`);
const itemNegation = value.trim().startsWith('!');
if (itemNegation) {
} else {
if (criteria.item.mustHave) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Impossible situation: two items (${} and ${}) are required.`);
criteria.item.mustHave = item;
case 'ability':
const ability = dex.abilities.get(value);
if (!ability.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${value}" is not an ability in the specified format.`);
const abilityNegation = value.trim().startsWith('!');
if (abilityNegation) {
} else {
if (criteria.ability.mustHave) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Impossible situation: two abilities (${} and ${}) are required.`);
criteria.ability.mustHave = ability;
case 'nature':
const nature = dex.natures.get(value);
if (!nature.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${value}" is not a nature in the specified format.`);
const natureNegation = value.trim().startsWith('!');
if (natureNegation) {
} else {
if (criteria.nature.mustHave) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Impossible situation: two natures (${} and ${}) are required.`);
criteria.nature.mustHave = nature;
case 'tera': case 'teratype':
if (dex.gen < 9) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Tera Types do not exist in the specified format.");
const type = dex.types.get(value);
if (!type.exists) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${value}" is not a type in the specified format.`);
const typeNegation = value.trim().startsWith('!');
if (typeNegation) {
} else {
if (criteria.teraType.mustHave) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Impossible situation: two Tera Types (${} and ${}) are required.`);
criteria.teraType.mustHave = type;
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid criterion: ${key}`);
const results = setProbability(species, format, criteria);
const percentage = Math.round((results.matches / results.rounds) * 100);
return this.sendReplyBox(
Utils.html`Generated ${results.rounds} sets for <strong>${}</strong> in ${}:<br />` +
`Approximately <strong>${percentage}%</strong> (${results.matches} sets) ${getHTMLCriteriaDescription(criteria)}.`
randombattlesetprobabilitieshelp() {
return this.sendReplyBox(
`<code>/randombattlesetprobabilities [optional format], [species], [conditions]</code>: Gives the probability of a set matching the conditions appearing for the given species.<br />` +
`<code>[conditions]</code> is a comma-separated list of conditions of the form <code>[component]=[matching value]</code>, where <code>[component]</code> can be any of the following: ` +
`<ul>` +
`<li><code>moves</code>: matches all generated sets that contain every move specified. <code>[matching value]</code> should be a list of moves separated with <code>&amp;</code>.` +
`<li><code>item</code>: matches all generated sets that have the specified item. <code>[matching value]</code> should be an item name.` +
`<li><code>ability</code>: matches all generated sets with the specified ability. <code>[matching value]</code> should be an ability name.` +
`<li><code>nature</code>: matches all generated sets with the specified nature. <code>[matching value]</code> should be a nature name.` +
`<li><code>tera</code>: matches all generated sets with the specified Tera Type. <code>[matching value]</code> should be a type. Gen 9 only.` +
`</ul>` +
`The given probability is for a set that matches EVERY provided condition. ` +
`Conditions can be negated by prefixing the <code>[matching value]</code> with <code>!</code>.<br />` +
`Requires: % @ # ~ (globally or in the Random Battles room)`
genteam: 'generateteam',
generateteam(target, room, user) {
if (!Rooms.get('randombattles')?.auth.has( this.checkCan('lock');
if (!target) return this.parse('/help generateteam');
const format = Dex.formats.get(target);
if (format.effectType !== 'Format') throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${target}" is not a recognized format.`);
if (! throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`"${}" requires you to bring your own team.`);
const team = Teams.getGenerator(format).getTeam();
const dex = Dex.forFormat(format);
const teamHTML = team
.map((set: PokemonSet) => {
// moves are sometimes given as IDs
set.moves = => dex.moves.get(m).name);
set.item = dex.items.get(set.item).name;
return `<details><summary>${}</summary>${Utils.escapeHTML(Teams.exportSet(set))}<br /></details>`;
return this.sendReplyBox(`<strong>Team for ${}</strong>:` + teamHTML);
generateteamhelp: [`/genteam [format] - Generates a team for the given format. Requires: % @ ~ or Random Battles room auth`],