import { Utils } from '../../lib'; | |
type Operator = '^' | 'negative' | '%' | '/' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '('; | |
interface Operators { | |
precedence: number; | |
associativity: "Left" | "Right"; | |
} | |
const OPERATORS: { [k in Operator]: Operators } = { | |
"^": { | |
precedence: 5, | |
associativity: "Right", | |
}, | |
"negative": { | |
precedence: 4, | |
associativity: "Right", | |
}, | |
"%": { | |
precedence: 3, | |
associativity: "Left", | |
}, | |
"/": { | |
precedence: 3, | |
associativity: "Left", | |
}, | |
"*": { | |
precedence: 3, | |
associativity: "Left", | |
}, | |
"+": { | |
precedence: 2, | |
associativity: "Left", | |
}, | |
"-": { | |
precedence: 2, | |
associativity: "Left", | |
}, | |
"(": { | |
precedence: 1, | |
associativity: "Right", | |
}, | |
}; | |
const BASE_PREFIXES: { [base: number]: string } = { | |
2: "0b", | |
8: "0o", | |
10: "", | |
16: "0x", | |
}; | |
function parseMathematicalExpression(infix: string) { | |
// Shunting-yard Algorithm -- | |
const outputQueue: string[] = []; | |
const operatorStack: Operator[] = []; | |
infix = infix.replace(/\s+/g, ""); | |
const infixArray = infix.split(/([+\-*/%^()])/).filter(token => token); | |
let isExprExpected = true; | |
for (const token of infixArray) { | |
if (isExprExpected && "+-".includes(token)) { | |
if (token === '-') operatorStack.push('negative'); | |
} else if ("^%*/+-".includes(token)) { | |
if (isExprExpected) throw new SyntaxError(`Got "${token}" where an expression should be`); | |
const op = OPERATORS[token as Operator]; | |
let prevToken = operatorStack[operatorStack.length - 1] || '('; | |
let prevOp = OPERATORS[prevToken]; | |
while (op.associativity === "Left" ? op.precedence <= prevOp.precedence : op.precedence < prevOp.precedence) { | |
outputQueue.push(operatorStack.pop()!); | |
prevToken = operatorStack[operatorStack.length - 1] || '('; | |
prevOp = OPERATORS[prevToken]; | |
} | |
operatorStack.push(token as Operator); | |
isExprExpected = true; | |
} else if (token === "(") { | |
if (!isExprExpected) throw new SyntaxError(`Got "(" where an operator should be`); | |
operatorStack.push(token as Operator); | |
isExprExpected = true; | |
} else if (token === ")") { | |
if (isExprExpected) throw new SyntaxError(`Got ")" where an expression should be`); | |
while (operatorStack.length && operatorStack[operatorStack.length - 1] !== "(") { | |
outputQueue.push(operatorStack.pop()!); | |
} | |
operatorStack.pop(); | |
isExprExpected = false; | |
} else { | |
if (!isExprExpected) throw new SyntaxError(`Got "${token}" where an operator should be`); | |
outputQueue.push(token); | |
isExprExpected = false; | |
} | |
} | |
if (isExprExpected) throw new SyntaxError(`Input ended where an expression should be`); | |
while (operatorStack.length > 0) { | |
const token = operatorStack.pop()!; | |
if (token === '(') continue; | |
outputQueue.push(token); | |
} | |
return outputQueue; | |
} | |
function solveRPN(rpn: string[]): [number, number] { | |
let base = 10; | |
const resultStack: number[] = []; | |
for (let token of rpn) { | |
if (token === 'negative') { | |
if (!resultStack.length) throw new SyntaxError(`Unknown syntax error`); | |
resultStack.push(-resultStack.pop()!); | |
} else if (!"^%*/+-".includes(token)) { | |
if (token.endsWith('h')) { | |
// Convert h suffix for hexadecimal to 0x prefix | |
token = `0x${token.slice(0, -1)}`; | |
} else if (token.endsWith('o')) { | |
// Convert o suffix for octal to 0o prefix | |
token = `0o${token.slice(0, -1)}`; | |
} else if (token.endsWith('b')) { | |
// Convert b suffix for binary to 0b prefix | |
token = `0b${token.slice(0, -1)}`; | |
} | |
if (token.startsWith('0x')) base = 16; | |
if (token.startsWith('0b')) base = 2; | |
if (token.startsWith('0o')) base = 8; | |
let num = Number(token); | |
if (isNaN(num) && token.toUpperCase() in Math) { | |
// @ts-expect-error Math consts should be safe | |
num = Math[token.toUpperCase()]; | |
} | |
if (isNaN(num) && token !== 'NaN') { | |
throw new SyntaxError(`Unrecognized token ${token}`); | |
} | |
resultStack.push(num); | |
} else { | |
if (resultStack.length < 2) throw new SyntaxError(`Unknown syntax error`); | |
const a = resultStack.pop()!; | |
const b = resultStack.pop()!; | |
switch (token) { | |
case "+": | |
resultStack.push(a + b); | |
break; | |
case "-": | |
resultStack.push(b - a); | |
break; | |
case "*": | |
resultStack.push(a * b); | |
break; | |
case "/": | |
resultStack.push(b / a); | |
break; | |
case "%": | |
resultStack.push(b % a); | |
break; | |
case "^": | |
resultStack.push(b ** a); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (resultStack.length !== 1) throw new SyntaxError(`Unknown syntax error`); | |
return [resultStack.pop()!, base]; | |
} | |
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = { | |
math: "calculate", | |
calculate(target, room, user) { | |
if (!target) return this.parse('/help calculate'); | |
let base = 0; | |
const baseMatchResult = (/\b(?:in|to)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\b/).exec(target); | |
if (baseMatchResult) { | |
switch (toID(baseMatchResult[1])) { | |
case 'decimal': case 'dec': base = 10; break; | |
case 'hexadecimal': case 'hex': base = 16; break; | |
case 'octal': case 'oct': base = 8; break; | |
case 'binary': case 'bin': base = 2; break; | |
default: | |
return this.errorReply(`Unrecognized base "${baseMatchResult[1]}". Valid options are binary or bin, octal or oct, decimal or dec, and hexadecimal or hex.`); | |
} | |
} | |
const expression = target.replace(/\b(in|to)\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\b/g, '').trim(); | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return; | |
try { | |
const [result, inferredBase] = solveRPN(parseMathematicalExpression(expression)); | |
if (!base) base = inferredBase; | |
let baseResult = ''; | |
if (Number.isFinite(result) && base !== 10) { | |
baseResult = `${BASE_PREFIXES[base]}${result.toString(base).toUpperCase()}`; | |
if (baseResult === expression) baseResult = ''; | |
} | |
let resultStr = ''; | |
const resultTruncated = parseFloat(result.toPrecision(15)); | |
let resultDisplay = resultTruncated.toString(); | |
if (resultTruncated > 10 ** 15) { | |
resultDisplay = resultTruncated.toExponential(); | |
} | |
if (baseResult) { | |
resultStr = `<strong>${baseResult}</strong> = ${resultDisplay}`; | |
} else { | |
resultStr = `<strong>${resultDisplay}</strong>`; | |
} | |
this.sendReplyBox(`${expression}<br />= ${resultStr}`); | |
} catch (e: any) { | |
this.sendReplyBox( | |
Utils.html`${expression}<br />= <span class="message-error"><strong>Invalid input:</strong> ${e.message}</span>` | |
); | |
} | |
}, | |
calculatehelp: [ | |
`/calculate [arithmetic question] - Calculates an arithmetical question. Supports PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction), pi and e.`, | |
`/calculate [arithmetic question] in [base] - Returns the result in a specific base. [base] can be bin, oct, dec or hex.`, | |
], | |
}; | |