/** | |
* Chat parser | |
* Pokemon Showdown - | |
* | |
* Parses formate. | |
* | |
* @license MIT | |
*/ | |
/* | |
SOURCE FOR LINKREGEX (compile with ) | |
( | |
( | |
# When using http://, allow any domain | |
https?:\/\/ [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )* | |
| | |
# When using www., expect at least one more dot | |
www \. [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )+ | |
| | |
# Otherwise, allow any domain, but only if | |
\b [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )* \. | |
( | |
# followed either a common TLD... | |
( com? | org | net | edu | info | us | jp ) \b | |
| | |
# or any 2-3 letter TLD followed by a port or / | |
[a-z]{2,3} (?= :[0-9] | / ) | |
) | |
) | |
# possible custom port | |
( : [0-9]+ )? | |
( | |
\/ | |
( | |
# characters allowed inside URL paths | |
( | |
[^\s()&<>[\]] | & | " | |
| | |
# parentheses in URLs should be matched, so they're not confused | |
# for parentheses around URLs | |
\( ( [^\s()<>&[\]] | & )* \) | |
| | |
\[ ( [^\s()<>&[\]] | & )* ] | |
)* | |
# URLs usually don't end with punctuation, so don't allow | |
# punctuation symbols that probably arent related to URL. | |
( | |
[^\s()[\]{}\".,!?;:&<>*`^~\\] | |
| | |
# annoyingly, Wikipedia URLs often end in ) | |
\( ( [^\s()<>&[\]] | & )* \) | |
) | |
)? | |
)? | |
| | |
# email address | |
[a-z0-9.]+ @ [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )* \. [a-z]{2,} | |
) | |
(?! [^ ]*> ) | |
*/ | |
export const linkRegex = /(?:(?:https?:\/\/[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)*|www\.[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)+|\b[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)*\.(?:(?:com?|org|net|edu|info|us|jp)\b|[a-z]{2,3}(?=:[0-9]|\/)))(?::[0-9]+)?(?:\/(?:(?:[^\s()&<>[\]]|&|"|\((?:[^\s()<>&[\]]|&)*\)|\[(?:[^\s()<>&[\]]|&)*])*(?:[^\s()[\]{}".,!?;:&<>*`^~\\]|\((?:[^\s()<>&[\]]|&)*\)))?)?|[a-z0-9.]+@[a-z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)*\.[a-z]{2,})(?![^ ]*>)/ig; | |
/** | |
* A span is a part of the text that's formatted. In the text: | |
* | |
* Hi, **this** is an example. | |
* | |
* The word `this` is a `*` span. Many spans are just a symbol repeated, and | |
* that symbol is the span type, but also many are more complicated. | |
* For an explanation of all of these, see the `TextFormatter#get` function | |
* implementation. | |
*/ | |
type SpanType = '_' | '*' | '~' | '^' | '\\' | '|' | '<' | '[' | '`' | 'a' | 'u' | 'spoiler' | '>' | '('; | |
type FormatSpan = [SpanType, number]; | |
class TextFormatter { | |
readonly str: string; | |
readonly buffers: string[]; | |
readonly stack: FormatSpan[]; | |
/** Allows access to special formatting (links without URL preview, pokemon icons) */ | |
readonly isTrusted: boolean; | |
/** Replace \n with <br /> */ | |
readonly replaceLinebreaks: boolean; | |
/** Discord-style WYSIWYM output; markup characters are in `<tt>` */ | |
readonly showSyntax: boolean; | |
/** offset of str that's been parsed so far */ | |
offset: number; | |
constructor(str: string, isTrusted = false, replaceLinebreaks = false, showSyntax = false) { | |
// escapeHTML, without escaping / | |
str = `${str}` | |
.replace(/&/g, '&') | |
.replace(/</g, '<') | |
.replace(/>/g, '>') | |
.replace(/"/g, '"') | |
.replace(/'/g, '''); | |
// filter links first | |
str = str.replace(linkRegex, uri => { | |
if (showSyntax) return `<u>${uri}</u>`; | |
let fulluri; | |
if (/^[a-z0-9.]+@/ig.test(uri)) { | |
fulluri = 'mailto:' + uri; | |
} else { | |
fulluri = uri.replace(/^([a-z]*[^a-z:])/g, 'http://$1'); | |
if (uri.substr(0, 24) === '' || uri.substr(0, 16) === '') { | |
if (uri.startsWith('https')) uri = uri.slice(8); | |
if (uri.substr(-12) === '?usp=sharing' || uri.substr(-12) === '&usp=sharing') uri = uri.slice(0, -12); | |
if (uri.substr(-6) === '#gid=0') uri = uri.slice(0, -6); | |
let slashIndex = uri.lastIndexOf('/'); | |
if (uri.length - slashIndex > 18) slashIndex = uri.length; | |
if (slashIndex - 4 > 19 + 3) { | |
uri = `${uri.slice(0, 19)}<small class="message-overflow">${uri.slice(19, slashIndex - 4)}</small>` + | |
`${uri.slice(slashIndex - 4)}`; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return `<a href="${fulluri}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">${uri}</a>`; | |
}); | |
// (links don't have any specific syntax, they're just a pattern, so we detect them in a separate pass) | |
this.str = str; | |
this.buffers = []; | |
this.stack = []; | |
this.isTrusted = isTrusted; | |
this.replaceLinebreaks = this.isTrusted || replaceLinebreaks; | |
this.showSyntax = showSyntax; | |
this.offset = 0; | |
} | |
// debugAt(i=0, j=i+1) { console.log(`${this.slice(0, i)}[${this.slice(i, j)}]${this.slice(j, this.str.length)}`); } | |
slice(start: number, end: number) { | |
return this.str.slice(start, end); | |
} | |
at(start: number) { | |
return this.str.charAt(start); | |
} | |
/** | |
* We've encountered a possible start for a span. It's pushed onto our span | |
* stack. | |
* | |
* The span stack saves the start position so it can be replaced with HTML | |
* if we find an end for the span, but we don't actually replace it until | |
* `closeSpan` is called, so nothing happens (it stays plaintext) if no end | |
* is found. | |
*/ | |
pushSpan(spanType: SpanType, start: number, end: number) { | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
this.stack.push([spanType, this.buffers.length]); | |
this.buffers.push(this.slice(start, end)); | |
this.offset = end; | |
} | |
pushSlice(end: number) { | |
if (end !== this.offset) { | |
this.buffers.push(this.slice(this.offset, end)); | |
this.offset = end; | |
} | |
} | |
closeParenSpan(start: number) { | |
let stackPosition = -1; | |
for (let i = this.stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const span = this.stack[i]; | |
if (span[0] === '(') { | |
stackPosition = i; | |
break; | |
} | |
if (span[0] !== 'spoiler') break; | |
} | |
if (stackPosition === -1) return false; | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
while (this.stack.length > stackPosition) this.popSpan(start); | |
this.offset = start; | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* We've encountered a possible end for a span. If it's in the span stack, | |
* we transform it into HTML. | |
*/ | |
closeSpan(spanType: SpanType, start: number, end: number) { | |
// loop backwards | |
let stackPosition = -1; | |
for (let i = this.stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const span = this.stack[i]; | |
if (span[0] === spanType) { | |
stackPosition = i; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (stackPosition === -1) return false; | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
while (this.stack.length > stackPosition + 1) this.popSpan(start); | |
const span = this.stack.pop()!; | |
const startIndex = span[1]; | |
let tagName = ''; | |
let attrs = ''; | |
switch (spanType) { | |
case '_': tagName = 'i'; break; | |
case '*': tagName = 'b'; break; | |
case '~': tagName = 's'; break; | |
case '^': tagName = 'sup'; break; | |
case '\\': tagName = 'sub'; break; | |
case '|': tagName = 'span'; attrs = (this.showSyntax ? ' class="spoiler-shown"' : ' class="spoiler"'); break; | |
} | |
const syntax = (this.showSyntax ? `<tt>${spanType}${spanType}</tt>` : ''); | |
if (tagName) { | |
this.buffers[startIndex] = `${syntax}<${tagName}${attrs}>`; | |
this.buffers.push(`</${tagName}>${syntax}`); | |
this.offset = end; | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Ends a span without an ending symbol. For most spans, this means | |
* they don't take effect, but certain spans like spoiler tags don't | |
* require ending symbols. | |
*/ | |
popSpan(end: number) { | |
const span = this.stack.pop(); | |
if (!span) return false; | |
this.pushSlice(end); | |
switch (span[0]) { | |
case 'spoiler': | |
this.buffers.push(`</span>`); | |
this.buffers[span[1]] = (this.showSyntax ? `<span class="spoiler-shown">` : `<span class="spoiler">`); | |
break; | |
case '>': | |
this.buffers.push(`</span>`); | |
this.buffers[span[1]] = `<span class="greentext">`; | |
break; | |
default: | |
// do nothing | |
break; | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
popAllSpans(end: number) { | |
while (this.stack.length) this.popSpan(end); | |
this.pushSlice(end); | |
} | |
toUriComponent(html: string) { | |
const component = html.replace(/</g, '<') | |
.replace(/>/g, '>') | |
.replace(/"/g, '"') | |
.replace(/'/g, '\'') | |
.replace(/&/g, '&'); | |
return encodeURIComponent(component); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Handles special cases. | |
*/ | |
runLookahead(spanType: SpanType, start: number) { | |
switch (spanType) { | |
case '`': | |
// code span. Not only are the contents not formatted, but | |
// the start and end delimiters must match in length. | |
// ``Neither `this` nor ```this``` end this code span.`` | |
{ | |
let delimLength = 0; | |
let i = start; | |
while ( === '`') { | |
delimLength++; | |
i++; | |
} | |
let curDelimLength = 0; | |
while (i < this.str.length) { | |
const char =; | |
if (char === '\n') break; | |
if (char === '`') { | |
curDelimLength++; | |
} else { | |
if (curDelimLength === delimLength) break; | |
curDelimLength = 0; | |
} | |
i++; | |
} | |
if (curDelimLength !== delimLength) return false; | |
const end = i; | |
// matching delims found | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
let innerStart = start + delimLength; | |
let innerEnd = i - delimLength; | |
if (innerStart + 1 >= innerEnd) { | |
// no special whitespace handling | |
} else if ( === ' ' && - 1) === ' ') { | |
innerStart++; // strip starting and ending space | |
innerEnd--; | |
} else if ( === ' ' && + 1) === '`') { | |
innerStart++; // strip starting space | |
} else if ( - 1) === ' ' && - 2) === '`') { | |
innerEnd--; // strip ending space | |
} | |
if (this.showSyntax) this.buffers.push(`<tt>${this.slice(start, innerStart)}</tt>`); | |
this.buffers.push(`<code>`); | |
this.buffers.push(this.slice(innerStart, innerEnd)); | |
this.buffers.push(`</code>`); | |
if (this.showSyntax) this.buffers.push(`<tt>${this.slice(innerEnd, end)}</tt>`); | |
this.offset = end; | |
} | |
return true; | |
case '[': | |
// Link span. Several possiblilities: | |
// [[text <uri>]] - a link with custom text | |
// [[search term]] - Google search | |
// [[wiki: search term]] - Wikipedia search | |
// [[pokemon: species name]] - icon (also item:, type:, category:) | |
{ | |
if (this.slice(start, start + 2) !== '[[') return false; | |
let i = start + 2; | |
let colonPos = -1; // `:` | |
let anglePos = -1; // `<` | |
while (i < this.str.length) { | |
const char =; | |
if (char === ']' || char === '\n') break; | |
if (char === ':' && colonPos < 0) colonPos = i; | |
if (char === '&' && this.slice(i, i + 4) === '<') anglePos = i; | |
i++; | |
} | |
if (this.slice(i, i + 2) !== ']]') return false; | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
this.offset = i + 2; | |
let termEnd = i; | |
let uri = ''; | |
if (anglePos >= 0 && this.slice(i - 4, i) === '>') { // `>` | |
uri = this.slice(anglePos + 4, i - 4); | |
termEnd = anglePos; | |
if ( - 1) === ' ') termEnd--; | |
uri = encodeURI(uri.replace(/^([a-z]*[^a-z:])/g, 'http://$1')); | |
} | |
let term = this.slice(start + 2, termEnd).replace(/<\/?[au](?: [^>]+)?>/g, ''); | |
if (this.showSyntax) { | |
term += `<small>${this.slice(termEnd, i)}</small>`; | |
} else if (uri && !this.isTrusted) { | |
const shortUri = uri.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').replace(/^www\./, '').replace(/\/$/, ''); | |
term += `<small> <${shortUri}></small>`; | |
uri += '" rel="noopener'; | |
} | |
if (colonPos > 0) { | |
const key = this.slice(start + 2, colonPos).toLowerCase(); | |
switch (key) { | |
case 'w': | |
case 'wiki': | |
if (this.showSyntax) break; | |
term = term.slice(term.charAt(key.length + 1) === ' ' ? key.length + 2 : key.length + 1); | |
uri = `//${this.toUriComponent(term)}`; | |
term = `wiki: ${term}`; | |
break; | |
case 'pokemon': | |
case 'item': | |
case 'type': | |
case 'category': | |
if (this.showSyntax) { | |
this.buffers.push(`<tt>${this.slice(start, this.offset)}</tt>`); | |
return true; | |
} | |
term = term.slice(term.charAt(key.length + 1) === ' ' ? key.length + 2 : key.length + 1); | |
let display = ''; | |
if (this.isTrusted) { | |
display = `<psicon ${key}="${term}" />`; | |
} else { | |
display = `[${term}]`; | |
} | |
let dir = key; | |
if (key === 'item') dir += 's'; | |
if (key === 'category') dir = 'categories' as 'category'; | |
uri = `//${dir}/${toID(term)}`; | |
term = display; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!uri) { | |
uri = `//${this.toUriComponent(term)}`; | |
} | |
if (this.showSyntax) { | |
this.buffers.push(`<tt>[[</tt><u>${term}</u><tt>]]</tt>`); | |
} else { | |
this.buffers.push(`<a href="${uri}" target="_blank">${term}</a>`); | |
} | |
} | |
return true; | |
case '<': | |
// Roomid-link span. Not to be confused with a URL span. | |
// `<<roomid>>` | |
{ | |
if (this.slice(start, start + 8) !== '<<') return false; // << | |
let i = start + 8; | |
while (/[a-z0-9-]/.test( i++; | |
if (this.slice(i, i + 8) !== '>>') return false; // >> | |
this.pushSlice(start); | |
const roomid = this.slice(start + 8, i); | |
if (this.showSyntax) { | |
this.buffers.push(`<small><<</small><u>${roomid}</u><small>>></small>`); | |
} else { | |
this.buffers.push(`«<a href="/${roomid}" target="_blank">${roomid}</a>»`); | |
} | |
this.offset = i + 8; | |
} | |
return true; | |
case 'a': case 'u': | |
// URL span. Skip to the end of the link - where `</a>` or `</u>` is. | |
// Nothing inside should be formatted further (obviously we don't want | |
// `` to turn `foo` italic). | |
{ | |
let i = start + 2; | |
// Find </a> or </u>. | |
// We need to check the location of `>` to disambiguate from </small>. | |
while ( !== '<' || + 1) !== '/' || + 3) !== '>') i++; | |
i += 4; | |
this.pushSlice(i); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
get() { | |
let beginningOfLine = this.offset; | |
// main loop! `i` tracks our position | |
// Note that we skip around a lot; `i` is mutated inside the loop | |
// pretty often. | |
for (let i = beginningOfLine; i < this.str.length; i++) { | |
const char =; | |
switch (char) { | |
case '_': | |
case '*': | |
case '~': | |
case '^': | |
case '\\': | |
case '|': | |
// Must be exactly two chars long. | |
if ( + 1) === char && + 2) !== char) { | |
// This is a completely normal two-char span. Close it if it's | |
// already open, open it if it's not. | |
// The inside of regular spans must not start or end with a space. | |
if (!( - 1) !== ' ' && this.closeSpan(char, i, i + 2))) { | |
if ( + 2) !== ' ') this.pushSpan(char, i, i + 2); | |
} | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
while ( + 1) === char) i++; | |
break; | |
case '(': | |
// `(` span - does nothing except end spans | |
this.stack.push(['(', -1]); | |
break; | |
case ')': | |
// end of `(` span | |
this.closeParenSpan(i); | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '`': | |
// ` ``code`` ` span. Uses lookahead because its contents are not | |
// formatted. | |
// Must be at least two `` ` `` in a row. | |
if ( + 1) === '`') this.runLookahead('`', i); | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
while ( + 1) === '`') i++; | |
break; | |
case '[': | |
// `[` (link) span. Uses lookahead because it might contain a | |
// URL which can't be formatted, or search terms that can't be | |
// formatted. | |
this.runLookahead('[', i); | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
while ( + 1) === '[') i++; | |
break; | |
case ':': | |
// Looks behind for `spoiler:` or `spoilers:`. Spoiler spans | |
// are also weird because they don't require an ending symbol, | |
// although that's not handled here. | |
if (i < 7) break; | |
if (this.slice(i - 7, i + 1).toLowerCase() === 'spoiler:' || | |
this.slice(i - 8, i + 1).toLowerCase() === 'spoilers:') { | |
if ( + 1) === ' ') i++; | |
this.pushSpan('spoiler', i + 1, i + 1); | |
} | |
break; | |
case '&': // escaped '<' or '>' | |
// greentext or roomid | |
if (i === beginningOfLine && this.slice(i, i + 4) === '>') { | |
// greentext span, normal except it lacks an ending span | |
// check for certain emoticons like `>_>` or `>w<` | |
if (!"._/=:;".includes( + 4)) && !['w<', 'w>'].includes(this.slice(i + 4, i + 9))) { | |
this.pushSpan('>', i, i); | |
} | |
} else { | |
// completely normal `<<roomid>>` span | |
// uses lookahead because roomids can't be formatted. | |
this.runLookahead('<', i); | |
} | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
while (this.slice(i + 1, i + 5) === 'lt;&') i += 4; | |
break; | |
case '<': // guaranteed to be <a ...> or <u> | |
// URL span | |
// The constructor has already converted `<` to `<` and URLs | |
// to links, so `<` must be the start of a converted link. | |
this.runLookahead('a', i); | |
if (i < this.offset) { | |
i = this.offset - 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
// should never happen | |
break; | |
case '\r': | |
case '\n': | |
// End of the line. No spans span multiple lines. | |
this.popAllSpans(i); | |
if (this.replaceLinebreaks) { | |
this.buffers.push(`<br />`); | |
this.offset++; | |
} | |
beginningOfLine = i + 1; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
this.popAllSpans(this.str.length); | |
return this.buffers.join(''); | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Takes a string and converts it to HTML by replacing standard chat formatting with the appropriate HTML tags. | |
*/ | |
export function formatText(str: string, isTrusted = false, replaceLinebreaks = false, showSyntax = false) { | |
return new TextFormatter(str, isTrusted, replaceLinebreaks, showSyntax).get(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Takes a string and strips all standard chat formatting except greentext from it, the text of a link is kept. | |
*/ | |
export function stripFormatting(str: string) { | |
// Doesn't match > meme arrows because the angle bracket appears in the chat still. | |
str = str.replace(/\*\*([^\s*]+)\*\*|__([^\s_]+)__|~~([^\s~]+)~~|``([^\s`]+)``|\^\^([^\s^]+)\^\^|\\([^\s\\]+)\\/g, | |
(match, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) => $1 || $2 || $3 || $4 || $5 || $6); | |
// Remove all of the link expect for the text in [[text<url>]] | |
return str.replace(/\[\[(?:([^<]*)\s*<[^>]+>|([^\]]+))\]\]/g, (match, $1, $2) => $1 || $2 || ''); | |
} | |