; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var tournaments_exports = {}; | |
__export(tournaments_exports, { | |
Tournament: () => Tournament, | |
TournamentPlayer: () => TournamentPlayer, | |
Tournaments: () => Tournaments | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(tournaments_exports); | |
var import_generator_elimination = require("./generator-elimination"); | |
var import_generator_round_robin = require("./generator-round-robin"); | |
var import_lib = require("../../lib"); | |
var import_prng = require("../../sim/prng"); | |
const MAX_AUTO_DISQUALIFY_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const AUTO_START_MINIMUM_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1e3; | |
const MAX_REASON_LENGTH = 300; | |
const MAX_CUSTOM_NAME_LENGTH = 100; | |
const TOURBAN_DURATION = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
Punishments.addRoomPunishmentType({ | |
type: "TOURBAN", | |
desc: "banned from tournaments" | |
}); | |
const TournamentGenerators = { | |
__proto__: null, | |
roundrobin: import_generator_round_robin.RoundRobin, | |
elimination: import_generator_elimination.Elimination | |
}; | |
function usersToNames(users) { | |
return =>; | |
} | |
class TournamentPlayer extends Rooms.RoomGamePlayer { | |
constructor(user, game, num) { | |
super(user, game, num); | |
this.availableMatches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
this.isBusy = false; | |
this.inProgressMatch = null; | |
this.pendingChallenge = null; | |
this.isDisqualified = false; | |
this.isEliminated = false; | |
this.autoDisqualifyWarned = false; | |
this.lastActionTime = 0; | |
this.wins = 0; | |
this.losses = 0; | | = 0; | |
this.score = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
class Tournament extends Rooms.RoomGame { | |
constructor(room, format, generator, playerCap, isRated, name) { | |
super(room); | |
this.gameid = "tournament"; | |
const formatId = toID(format); | |
this.title = + " tournament"; | |
this.isTournament = true; | |
this.completedMatches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
this.allowRenames = false; | |
this.playerCap = (playerCap ? parseInt(playerCap) : Config.tourdefaultplayercap) || 0; | |
this.baseFormat = formatId; | |
this.fullFormat = formatId; | | = name || formatId; | |
this.customRules = []; | |
this.generator = generator; | |
this.isRated = isRated; | |
this.allowScouting = true; | |
this.allowModjoin = false; | |
this.autoconfirmedOnly = false; | |
this.forceTimer = false; | |
this.autostartcap = false; | |
this.forcePublic = false; | |
if (Config.tourdefaultplayercap && this.playerCap > Config.tourdefaultplayercap) { | |
Monitor.log(`[TourMonitor] Room ${room.roomid} starting a tour over default cap (${this.playerCap})`); | |
} | |
this.isTournamentStarted = false; | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.lastBracketUpdate = 0; | |
this.bracketUpdateTimer = null; | |
this.bracketCache = null; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
this.availableMatchesCache = { challenges: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), challengeBys: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; | |
this.autoDisqualifyTimeout = Infinity; | |
this.autoDisqualifyTimer = null; | |
this.autoStartTimeout = Infinity; | |
this.autoStartTimer = null; | |
room.add(`|tournament|create|${this.baseFormat}|${}|${this.playerCap}${ === this.baseFormat ? `` : `|${}`}`); | |
const update = { | |
format:, | |
generator:, | |
playerCap: this.playerCap, | |
isStarted: false, | |
isJoined: false | |
}; | |
if ( !== this.baseFormat) | |
update.teambuilderFormat = this.baseFormat; | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify(update)}`); | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
destroy() { | |
this.forceEnd(); | |
} | |
remove() { | |
if (this.autoStartTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoStartTimer); | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoDisqualifyTimer); | |
for (const roomid of this.completedMatches) { | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (room) | |
room.tour = null; | |
} | |
this.setEnded(); | | = null; | |
} | |
getRemainingPlayers() { | |
return this.players.filter((player) => !player.isDisqualified && !player.isEliminated); | |
} | |
setGenerator(generator, output) { | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|BracketFrozen"); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.generator = generator; | |`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ generator: })}`); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
setCustomRules(rules) { | |
let format; | |
try { | |
const tryFormat = Dex.formats.validate(`${this.baseFormat}@@@${rules}`); | |
format = Dex.formats.get(tryFormat, true); | |
if ( { | |
const testTeamSeed = import_prng.PRNG.generateSeed(); | |
const testTeamGenerator = Teams.getGenerator(format, testTeamSeed); | |
testTeamGenerator.getTeam(); | |
} | |
this.fullFormat = tryFormat; | |
} catch (e) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Custom rule error: ${e.message}`); | |
} | |
const customRules = format.customRules; | |
if (!customRules) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid rules.`); | |
} | |
this.customRules = customRules; | |
if ( === this.baseFormat) { | | = this.getDefaultCustomName(); | |`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ format: })}`); | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
getCustomRules() { | |
const bans = []; | |
const unbans = []; | |
const restrictions = []; | |
const addedRules = []; | |
const removedRules = []; | |
for (const ban of this.customRules) { | |
const charAt0 = ban.charAt(0); | |
if (charAt0 === "+") { | |
unbans.push(ban.substr(1)); | |
} else if (charAt0 === "-") { | |
bans.push(ban.substr(1)); | |
} else if (charAt0 === "*") { | |
restrictions.push(ban.substr(1)); | |
} else if (charAt0 === "!") { | |
removedRules.push(ban.substr(1)); | |
} else { | |
addedRules.push(ban); | |
} | |
} | |
const html = []; | |
if (bans.length) | |
html.push(import_lib.Utils.html`<b>Added bans</b> - ${bans.join(", ")}`); | |
if (unbans.length) | |
html.push(import_lib.Utils.html`<b>Removed bans</b> - ${unbans.join(", ")}`); | |
if (restrictions.length) | |
html.push(import_lib.Utils.html`<b>Added restrictions</b> - ${restrictions.join(", ")}`); | |
if (addedRules.length) | |
html.push(import_lib.Utils.html`<b>Added rules</b> - ${addedRules.join(", ")}`); | |
if (removedRules.length) | |
html.push(import_lib.Utils.html`<b>Removed rules</b> - ${removedRules.join(", ")}`); | |
return html.join(`<br />`); | |
} | |
forceEnd() { | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoDisqualifyTimer); | |
for (const player of this.players) { | |
const match = player.inProgressMatch; | |
if (match) { | | = null; | |; | |`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>The tournament was forcefully ended.</b><br />You can finish playing, but this battle is no longer considered a tournament battle.</div>`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |"|tournament|forceend"); | |
this.remove(); | |
} | |
updateFor(targetUser, connection) { | |
if (!connection) | |
connection = targetUser; | |
if (this.ended) | |
return; | |
if (!this.bracketUpdateTimer && this.isBracketInvalidated || this.isTournamentStarted && this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated) { | | | |
`Error: update() called with a target user when data invalidated: ${!this.bracketUpdateTimer && this.isBracketInvalidated}, ${this.isTournamentStarted && this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated}; Please report this to an admin.` | |
); | |
return; | |
} | |
const possiblePlayer = this.playerTable[]; | |
let isJoined = false; | |
if (possiblePlayer) { | |
if ("Elimination")) { | |
isJoined = !possiblePlayer.isEliminated && !possiblePlayer.isDisqualified; | |
} else if ("Round Robin")) { | |
if (possiblePlayer.isDisqualified) { | |
isJoined = !possiblePlayer.isDisqualified; | |
} else if (this.generator?.matchesPerPlayer) { | |
isJoined = !== this.generator.matchesPerPlayer; | |
} else if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
isJoined = true; | |
} | |
} else { | |
isJoined = true; | |
} | |
} | |
const update = { | |
format:, | |
generator:, | |
isStarted: this.isTournamentStarted, | |
isJoined, | |
bracketData: this.bracketCache | |
}; | |
if ( !== this.baseFormat) | |
update.teambuilderFormat = this.baseFormat; | |
connection.sendTo(, `|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify(update)}`); | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted && isJoined) { | |
const update2 = { | |
challenges: usersToNames(this.availableMatchesCache.challenges.get(this.playerTable[])), | |
challengeBys: usersToNames(this.availableMatchesCache.challengeBys.get(this.playerTable[])) | |
}; | |
connection.sendTo(, `|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify(update2)}`); | |
const pendingChallenge = this.playerTable[].pendingChallenge; | |
if (pendingChallenge) { | |
if ( { | |
connection.sendTo(, `|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challenging: })}`); | |
} else if (pendingChallenge.from) { | |
connection.sendTo(, `|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challenged: })}`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
connection.sendTo(, "|tournament|updateEnd"); | |
} | |
update() { | |
if (this.ended) | |
return; | |
if (this.isBracketInvalidated) { | |
if ( < this.lastBracketUpdate + BRACKET_MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { | |
if (this.bracketUpdateTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.bracketUpdateTimer); | |
this.bracketUpdateTimer = setTimeout(() => { | |
this.bracketUpdateTimer = null; | |
this.update(); | |
} else { | |
this.lastBracketUpdate =; | |
this.bracketCache = this.getBracketData(); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = false; | |`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ bracketData: this.bracketCache })}`); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted && this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated) { | |
this.availableMatchesCache = this.getAvailableMatches(); | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = false; | |
for (const [player, opponents] of this.availableMatchesCache.challenges) { | |
player.sendRoom(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challenges: usersToNames(opponents) })}`); | |
} | |
for (const [player, opponents] of this.availableMatchesCache.challengeBys) { | |
player.sendRoom(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challengeBys: usersToNames(opponents) })}`); | |
} | |
} | |"|tournament|updateEnd"); | |
} | |
static checkBanned(room, user) { | |
return Punishments.hasRoomPunishType(room, toID(user), "TOURBAN"); | |
} | |
removeBannedUser(userid) { | |
userid = toID(userid); | |
if (!(userid in this.playerTable)) | |
return; | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
const player = this.playerTable[userid]; | |
if (!player.isDisqualified) { | |
this.disqualifyUser(userid); | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.removeUser(userid); | |
} | |; | |
} | |
addUser(user, output) { | |
if (!user.named) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserNotNamed"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( in this.playerTable) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserAlreadyAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (this.playerCap && this.playerCount >= this.playerCap) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|Full"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (Tournament.checkBanned(, user) || Punishments.isBattleBanned(user) || user.namelocked) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|Banned"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (( || this.autoconfirmedOnly) && !user.autoconfirmed && !user.trusted) { | |
user.popup("Signups for tournaments are only available for autoconfirmed users in this room."); | |
return; | |
} | |
const gameCount =; | |
if (gameCount > 4) { | |
output.errorReply("Due to high load, you are limited to 4 games at the same time."); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!Config.noipchecks) { | |
for (const otherPlayer of this.players) { | |
if (!otherPlayer) | |
continue; | |
const otherUser = Users.get(; | |
if (otherUser && otherUser.latestIp === user.latestIp) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|AltUserAlreadyAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply(`|tournament|error|BracketFrozen`); | |
return; | |
} | |
const player = this.addPlayer(user); | |
if (!player) | |
throw new Error("Failed to add player."); | |
this.playerTable[] = player; | |`|tournament|join|${}`); | |
user.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"isJoined":true}'); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
if (this.playerCount === this.playerCap) { | |
if (this.autostartcap === true) { | |
this.startTournament(output); | |
} else { | |"The tournament is now full."); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
makePlayer(user) { | |
const num = this.players.length ? this.players[this.players.length - 1].num : 1; | |
return new TournamentPlayer(user, this, num); | |
} | |
removeUser(userid, output) { | |
const player = this.playerTable[userid]; | |
if (!player) { | |
if (output) | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserNotAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.removePlayer(player); | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |`|tournament|leave|${user ? : userid}`); | |
if (user) | |
user.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"isJoined":false}'); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
replaceUser(user, replacementUser, output) { | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!( in this.playerTable)) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} isn't in the tournament.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!replacementUser.named) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} must be named to join the tournament.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( in this.playerTable) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} is already in the tournament.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (Tournament.checkBanned(, replacementUser) || Punishments.isBattleBanned(replacementUser) || replacementUser.namelocked) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} is banned from joining tournaments.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (( || this.autoconfirmedOnly) && !user.autoconfirmed) { | |
user.popup("Signups for tournaments are only available for autoconfirmed users in this room."); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!Config.noipchecks) { | |
for (const otherPlayer of this.players) { | |
if (!otherPlayer) | |
continue; | |
const otherUser = Users.get(; | |
if (otherUser && otherUser.latestIp === replacementUser.latestIp && replacementUser.latestIp !== user.latestIp) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} already has an alt in the tournament.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!( in { | |
output.errorReply(`${} is not in this room (${}).`); | |
return; | |
} | |
const player = this.playerTable[]; | |
if (player.pendingChallenge) { | |
this.cancelChallenge(user, output); | |
} | |
this.setPlayerUser(player, replacementUser); | |
let matchPlayer = null; | |
if (player.inProgressMatch) { | |
matchPlayer = player; | |
} else { | |
for (const p of this.players) { | |
if (p.inProgressMatch && === player) { | |
matchPlayer = p; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (matchPlayer?.inProgressMatch) { | | = false; | |
matchPlayer.isBusy = false; | | | |
import_lib.Utils.html`<div class="broadcast-red"><b>${} is no longer in the tournament.<br />` + `You can finish playing, but this battle is no longer considered a tournament battle.</div>` | |
).update(); | |; | |
this.completedMatches.add(; | |
matchPlayer.inProgressMatch = null; | |
} | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
this.updateFor(user); | |
this.updateFor(replacementUser); | |
const challengePlayer = player.pendingChallenge && (player.pendingChallenge.from ||; | |
if (challengePlayer) { | |
const challengeUser = Users.getExact(; | |
if (challengeUser) | |
this.updateFor(challengeUser); | |
} | |`|tournament|replace|${}|${}`); | |
return true; | |
} | |
getBracketData() { | |
let data; | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
data = this.generator.getPendingBracketData(this.players); | |
} else { | |
data = this.generator.getBracketData(); | |
} | |
if (data.type === "tree") { | |
if (!data.rootNode) { | |
data.users = usersToNames(this.players.sort()); | |
return data; | |
} | |
const queue = [data.rootNode]; | |
while (queue.length > 0) { | |
const node = queue.shift(); | |
if (node.state === "available") { | |
const pendingChallenge = node.children[0].team.pendingChallenge; | |
if (pendingChallenge && node.children[1].team === { | |
node.state = "challenging"; | |
} | |
const inProgressMatch = node.children[0].team.inProgressMatch; | |
if (inProgressMatch && node.children[1].team === { | |
node.state = "inprogress"; | | =; | |
} | |
} | |
if ( && typeof !== "string") { | | =; | |
} | |
if (node.children) { | |
for (const child of node.children) { | |
queue.push(child); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (data.type === "table") { | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
for (const [r, row] of data.tableContents.entries()) { | |
const pendingChallenge = data.tableHeaders.rows[r].pendingChallenge; | |
const inProgressMatch = data.tableHeaders.rows[r].inProgressMatch; | |
if (pendingChallenge || inProgressMatch) { | |
for (const [c, cell] of row.entries()) { | |
if (!cell) | |
continue; | |
if (pendingChallenge && data.tableHeaders.cols[c] === { | |
cell.state = "challenging"; | |
} | |
if (inProgressMatch && data.tableHeaders.cols[c] === { | |
cell.state = "inprogress"; | | =; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
data.tableHeaders.cols = usersToNames(data.tableHeaders.cols); | |
data.tableHeaders.rows = usersToNames(data.tableHeaders.rows); | |
} | |
return data; | |
} | |
startTournament(output, isAutostart) { | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|AlreadyStarted"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.players.length < 2) { | |
if (isAutostart) { | |"|tournament|error|NotEnoughUsers"); | |
this.forceEnd(); | |; | |
output.modlog("TOUR END"); | |
} else { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotEnoughUsers"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.generator.freezeBracket(this.players); | |
const now =; | |
for (const user of this.players) { | |
user.lastActionTime = now; | |
} | |
this.isTournamentStarted = true; | |
if (this.autoStartTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoStartTimer); | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) { | |
this.autoDisqualifyTimer = setTimeout(() => this.runAutoDisqualify(), this.autoDisqualifyTimeout); | |
} | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |`|tournament|start|${this.players.length}`); | |
output.modlog("TOUR START", null, `${this.players.length} players`); | |'|tournament|update|{"isStarted":true}'); | |
this.update(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
getAvailableMatches() { | |
const matches = this.generator.getAvailableMatches(); | |
if (typeof matches === "string") | |
throw new Error(`Error from getAvailableMatches(): ${matches}`); | |
const challenges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
const challengeBys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
const oldAvailableMatches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
for (const user of this.players) { | |
challenges.set(user, []); | |
challengeBys.set(user, []); | |
let oldAvailableMatch = false; | |
const availableMatches = user.availableMatches; | |
if (availableMatches.size) { | |
oldAvailableMatch = true; | |
availableMatches.clear(); | |
} | |
oldAvailableMatches.set(user, oldAvailableMatch); | |
} | |
for (const match of matches) { | |
challenges.get(match[0]).push(match[1]); | |
challengeBys.get(match[1]).push(match[0]); | |
match[0].availableMatches.add(match[1]); | |
} | |
const now =; | |
for (const player of this.players) { | |
if (oldAvailableMatches.get(player)) | |
continue; | |
if (player.availableMatches.size) | |
player.lastActionTime = now; | |
} | |
return { | |
challenges, | |
challengeBys | |
}; | |
} | |
disqualifyUser(userid, output = null, reason = null, isSelfDQ = false) { | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
let sendReply; | |
if (output) { | |
sendReply = (msg) => output.sendReply(msg); | |
} else if (user) { | |
sendReply = (msg) => user.sendTo(this.roomid, msg); | |
} else { | |
sendReply = () => { | |
}; | |
} | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (!(userid in this.playerTable)) { | |
sendReply(`|tournament|error|UserNotAdded|${userid}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
const player = this.playerTable[userid]; | |
if (player.isDisqualified) { | |
sendReply(`|tournament|error|AlreadyDisqualified|${userid}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
player.isDisqualified = true; | |
const error = this.generator.disqualifyUser(player); | |
if (error) { | |
sendReply(`|tournament|error|${error}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
player.isBusy = false; | |
const challenge = player.pendingChallenge; | |
if (challenge) { | |
player.pendingChallenge = null; | |
if ( { | | = false; | | = null; | |'|tournament|update|{"challenged":null}'); | |
} else if (challenge.from) { | |
challenge.from.isBusy = false; | |
challenge.from.pendingChallenge = null; | |
challenge.from.sendRoom('|tournament|update|{"challenging":null}'); | |
} | |
} | |
const matchFrom = player.inProgressMatch; | |
if (matchFrom) { | | = false; | |
player.inProgressMatch = null; | |; | |
this.completedMatches.add(; | |; | |
} | |
let matchTo = null; | |
for (const playerFrom of this.players) { | |
const match = playerFrom.inProgressMatch; | |
if (match && === player) | |
matchTo = playerFrom; | |
} | |
if (matchTo) { | |
matchTo.isBusy = false; | |
const matchRoom =; | |
matchRoom.setParent(null); | |
this.completedMatches.add(matchRoom.roomid); | |
if ( | |; | |
matchTo.inProgressMatch = null; | |
} | |
if (isSelfDQ) { | |`|tournament|leave|${}`); | |
} else { | |`|tournament|disqualify|${}`); | |
} | |
if (user) { | |
user.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"isJoined":false}'); | |
user.popup(`|modal|You have been disqualified from the tournament in ${}${reason ? `: | |
${reason}` : `.`}`); | |
} | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
if (this.generator.isTournamentEnded()) { | |
this.onTournamentEnd(); | |
} else { | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
setAutoStartTimeout(timeout, output) { | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|AlreadyStarted"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (timeout < AUTO_START_MINIMUM_TIMEOUT || isNaN(timeout)) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|InvalidAutoStartTimeout"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.autoStartTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoStartTimer); | |
if (timeout === Infinity) { | |"|tournament|autostart|off"); | |
} else { | |
this.autoStartTimer = setTimeout(() => this.startTournament(output, true), timeout); | |`|tournament|autostart|on|${timeout}`); | |
} | |
this.autoStartTimeout = timeout; | |
return true; | |
} | |
setAutoDisqualifyTimeout(timeout, output) { | |
if (isNaN(timeout) || timeout < AUTO_DISQUALIFY_WARNING_TIMEOUT || timeout > MAX_AUTO_DISQUALIFY_TIMEOUT && timeout !== Infinity) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|InvalidAutoDisqualifyTimeout"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.autoDisqualifyTimeout = timeout; | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimeout === Infinity) { | |"|tournament|autodq|off"); | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoDisqualifyTimer); | |
for (const player of this.players) | |
player.autoDisqualifyWarned = false; | |
} else { | |`|tournament|autodq|on|${this.autoDisqualifyTimeout}`); | |
if (this.isTournamentStarted) | |
this.runAutoDisqualify(); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
runAutoDisqualify(output) { | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
if (output) | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimer) | |
clearTimeout(this.autoDisqualifyTimer); | |
const now =; | |
for (const player of this.players) { | |
const time = player.lastActionTime; | |
let availableMatches = false; | |
if (player.availableMatches.size) | |
availableMatches = true; | |
const pendingChallenge = player.pendingChallenge; | |
if (!availableMatches && !pendingChallenge) { | |
player.autoDisqualifyWarned = false; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (pendingChallenge?.to) | |
continue; | |
if (now > time + this.autoDisqualifyTimeout && player.autoDisqualifyWarned) { | |
let reason; | |
if (pendingChallenge?.from) { | |
reason = "You failed to accept your opponent's challenge in time."; | |
} else { | |
reason = "You failed to challenge your opponent in time."; | |
} | |
this.disqualifyUser(, output, reason); | |; | |
} else if (now > time + this.autoDisqualifyTimeout - AUTO_DISQUALIFY_WARNING_TIMEOUT) { | |
if (player.autoDisqualifyWarned) | |
continue; | |
let remainingTime = this.autoDisqualifyTimeout - now + time; | |
if (remainingTime <= 0) { | |
player.lastActionTime = now - this.autoDisqualifyTimeout + AUTO_DISQUALIFY_WARNING_TIMEOUT; | |
} | |
player.autoDisqualifyWarned = true; | |
player.sendRoom(`|tournament|autodq|target|${remainingTime}`); | |
} else { | |
player.autoDisqualifyWarned = false; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!this.ended) | |
this.autoDisqualifyTimer = setTimeout(() => this.runAutoDisqualify(), this.autoDisqualifyTimeout); | |
if (output) | |
output.sendReply("All available matches were checked for automatic disqualification."); | |
} | |
setScouting(allowed) { | |
this.allowScouting = allowed; | |
this.allowModjoin = !allowed; | |`|tournament|scouting|${this.allowScouting ? "allow" : "disallow"}`); | |
} | |
setModjoin(allowed) { | |
this.allowModjoin = allowed; | |`Modjoining is now ${allowed ? "allowed" : "banned"} (Players can${allowed ? "" : "not"} modjoin their tournament battles).`); | |
} | |
setAutoconfirmedOnly(acOnly) { | |
this.autoconfirmedOnly = acOnly; | |`This tournament is now ${acOnly ? "dis" : ""}allowing non-autoconfirmed users' joining.`); | |
} | |
setForceTimer(force) { | |
this.forceTimer = force; | |`Forcetimer is now ${force ? "on" : "off"} for the tournament.`); | |
} | |
setForcePublic(force) { | |
this.forcePublic = force; | |`Tournament battles forced public: ${force ? "ON" : "OFF"}`); | |
} | |
setAutostartAtCap(autostart) { | |
this.autostartcap = true; | |`The tournament will start once ${this.playerCap} players have joined.`); | |
} | |
async challenge(user, targetUserid, output) { | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!( in this.playerTable)) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserNotAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!(targetUserid in this.playerTable)) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|InvalidMatch"); | |
return; | |
} | |
const from = this.playerTable[]; | |
const to = this.playerTable[targetUserid]; | |
const availableMatches = from.availableMatches; | |
if (!availableMatches?.has(to)) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|InvalidMatch"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (from.isBusy || to.isBusy) { | |"Tournament backend breaks specifications. Please report this to an admin."); | |
return; | |
} | |
from.isBusy = true; | |
to.isBusy = true; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
const ready = await Ladders(this.fullFormat).prepBattle(output.connection, "tour"); | |
if (!ready) { | |
from.isBusy = false; | |
to.isBusy = false; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
return; | |
} | |
to.lastActionTime =; | |
from.pendingChallenge = { | |
to, | |
team:, | |
hidden: ready.settings.hidden, | |
inviteOnly: ready.settings.inviteOnly | |
}; | |
to.pendingChallenge = { | |
from, | |
team:, | |
hidden: ready.settings.hidden, | |
inviteOnly: ready.settings.inviteOnly | |
}; | |
from.sendRoom(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challenging: })}`); | |
to.sendRoom(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ challenged: })}`); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
cancelChallenge(user, output) { | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
if (output) | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!( in this.playerTable)) { | |
if (output) | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserNotAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
const player = this.playerTable[]; | |
const challenge = player.pendingChallenge; | |
if (!challenge?.to) | |
return; | |
player.isBusy = false; | | = false; | |
player.pendingChallenge = null; | | = null; | |
user.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"challenging":null}'); | |'|tournament|update|{"challenged":null}'); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
async acceptChallenge(user, output) { | |
if (!this.isTournamentStarted) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|NotStarted"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!( in this.playerTable)) { | |
output.sendReply("|tournament|error|UserNotAdded"); | |
return; | |
} | |
const player = this.playerTable[]; | |
const challenge = player.pendingChallenge; | |
if (!challenge?.from) | |
return; | |
const ready = await Ladders(this.fullFormat).prepBattle(output.connection, "tour"); | |
if (!ready) | |
return; | |
const from = Users.get(; | |
if (!from?.connected || !user.connected) | |
return; | |
if (!challenge.from.pendingChallenge) | |
return; | |
if (!player.pendingChallenge) | |
return; | |
const room = Rooms.createBattle({ | |
format: this.fullFormat, | |
isPrivate:, | |
players: [{ | |
user: from, | |
team:, | |
hidden: challenge.hidden, | |
inviteOnly: challenge.inviteOnly | |
}, { | |
user, | |
team:, | |
hidden: ready.settings.hidden, | |
inviteOnly: ready.settings.inviteOnly | |
}], | |
rated: !Ladders.disabled && this.isRated, | |
challengeType: ready.challengeType, | |
tour: this, | |
parentid: this.roomid | |
}); | |
challenge.from.pendingChallenge = null; | |
player.pendingChallenge = null; | |
from.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"challenging":null}'); | |
user.sendTo(, '|tournament|update|{"challenged":null}'); | |
if (!room) | |
return; | |
challenge.from.inProgressMatch = { to: player, room }; | |`|tournament|battlestart|${}|${}|${room.roomid}`).update(); | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) | |
this.runAutoDisqualify(); | |
if (this.forceTimer) | |; | |
this.update(); | |
} | |
getDefaultCustomName() { | |
return Dex.formats.get(this.fullFormat).name + " (with custom rules)"; | |
} | |
forfeit(user) { | |
return this.disqualifyUser(, null, "You left the tournament", true); | |
} | |
onConnect(user, connection) { | |
this.updateFor(user, connection); | |
} | |
onUpdateConnection(user, connection) { | |
this.updateFor(user, connection); | |
} | |
onRename(user, oldUserid) { | |
if (oldUserid in this.playerTable) { | |
this.renamePlayer(user, oldUserid); | |
} | |
this.updateFor(user); | |
} | |
onBattleJoin(room, user) { | |
if (!room.p1 || !room.p2) | |
return; | |
if (this.allowScouting || this.ended || user.latestIp === room.p1.latestIp || user.latestIp === room.p2.latestIp) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (user.can("makeroom")) | |
return; | |
for (const otherPlayer of this.getRemainingPlayers()) { | |
const otherUser = Users.get(; | |
if (otherUser && otherUser.latestIp === user.latestIp) { | |
return "Scouting is banned: tournament players can't watch other tournament battles."; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
onBattleWin(room, winnerid) { | |
if (this.completedMatches.has(room.roomid)) | |
return; | |
this.completedMatches.add(room.roomid); | |
room.setParent(null); | |
if (! | |
throw new Error("onBattleWin called without a battle"); | |
if (!room.p1 || !room.p2) | |
throw new Error("onBattleWin called with missing players"); | |
const p1 = this.playerTable[]; | |
const p2 = this.playerTable[]; | |
const winner = this.playerTable[winnerid]; | |
const score = || [0, 0]; | |
let result = "draw"; | |
if (p1 === winner) { | |
p1.score += 1; | |
p1.wins += 1; | |
p2.losses += 1; | |
result = "win"; | |
} else if (p2 === winner) { | |
p2.score += 1; | |
p2.wins += 1; | |
p1.losses += 1; | |
result = "loss"; | |
} | |
p1.isBusy = false; | |
p2.isBusy = false; | |
p1.inProgressMatch = null; | |
this.isBracketInvalidated = true; | |
this.isAvailableMatchesInvalidated = true; | |
if (result === "draw" && !this.generator.isDrawingSupported) { | |`|tournament|battleend|${}|${}|${result}|${score.join(",")}|fail|${room.roomid}`); | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) | |
this.runAutoDisqualify(); | |
this.update(); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (result === "draw") { | |
p1.score += 0.5; | |
p2.score += 0.5; | |
} | | += 1; | | += 1; | |
if (!(p1.isDisqualified || p2.isDisqualified)) { | |
const error = this.generator.setMatchResult([p1, p2], result, score); | |
if (error) { | |
return`Unexpected ${error} from setMatchResult([${}, ${}], ${result}, ${score}) in onBattleWin(${room.roomid}, ${winnerid}). Please report this to an admin.`).update(); | |
} | |
} | |`|tournament|battleend|${}|${}|${result}|${score.join(",")}|success|${room.roomid}`); | |
if (this.generator.isTournamentEnded()) { | |
if (! &&"Elimination") && !Config.autosavereplays) { | |
const uploader = Users.get(winnerid); | |
if (uploader?.connections[0]) { | |
void Chat.parse("/savereplay", room, uploader, uploader.connections[0]); | |
} | |
} | |
this.onTournamentEnd(); | |
} else { | |
if (this.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) | |
this.runAutoDisqualify(); | |
this.update(); | |
} | |; | |
} | |
onTournamentEnd() { | |
const update = { | |
results: this.generator.getResults().map(usersToNames), | |
format:, | |
generator:, | |
bracketData: this.getBracketData() | |
}; | |`|tournament|end|${JSON.stringify(update)}`); | |
const settings =; | |
if (settings?.recentToursLength) { | |
if (!settings.recentTours) | |
settings.recentTours = []; | |
const name = Dex.formats.get( ? Dex.formats.get( : `${} (${Dex.formats.get(this.baseFormat).name})`; | |
settings.recentTours.unshift({ name, baseFormat: this.baseFormat, time: }); | |
while (settings.recentTours.length > settings.recentToursLength) { | |
settings.recentTours.pop(); | |
} | |; | |
} | |
this.remove(); | |
} | |
} | |
function getGenerator(generator) { | |
generator = toID(generator); | |
switch (generator) { | |
case "elim": | |
generator = "elimination"; | |
break; | |
case "rr": | |
generator = "roundrobin"; | |
break; | |
} | |
return TournamentGenerators[generator]; | |
} | |
function createTournamentGenerator(generatorName, modifier, output) { | |
const TourGenerator = getGenerator(generatorName); | |
if (!TourGenerator) { | |
output.errorReply(`${generatorName} is not a valid type.`); | |
const generatorNames = Object.keys(TournamentGenerators).join(", "); | |
output.errorReply(`Valid types: ${generatorNames}`); | |
return; | |
} | |
return new TourGenerator(modifier || ""); | |
} | |
function createTournament(room, formatId, generator, playerCap, isRated, generatorMod, name, output) { | |
if (room.type !== "chat") { | |
output.errorReply("Tournaments can only be created in chat rooms."); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( { | |
output.errorReply(`You cannot have a tournament until the current room activity is over: ${}`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( { | |
output.errorReply("The server is restarting soon, so a tournament cannot be created."); | |
return; | |
} | |
const format = Dex.formats.get(formatId); | |
if (format.effectType !== "Format" || !format.tournamentShow) { | |
output.errorReply(`${} is not a valid tournament format.`); | |
void output.parse(`/tour formats`); | |
return; | |
} | |
const settings = room.settings.tournaments; | |
if (settings?.blockRecents && settings.recentTours && settings.recentToursLength) { | |
const recentTours = => x.baseFormat); | |
if (recentTours.includes( { | |
output.errorReply(`A ${} tournament was made too recently.`); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!getGenerator(generator)) { | |
output.errorReply(`${generator} is not a valid type.`); | |
const generators = Object.keys(TournamentGenerators).join(", "); | |
output.errorReply(`Valid types: ${generators}`); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (playerCap && parseInt(playerCap) < 2) { | |
output.errorReply("You cannot have a player cap that is less than 2."); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (name?.trim().length) { | |
if (output.checkChat(name) !== name) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot use filtered words in tour names.`); | |
} | |
if (name.length > MAX_CUSTOM_NAME_LENGTH) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The tournament's name cannot exceed ${MAX_CUSTOM_NAME_LENGTH} characters.`); | |
} | |
if (name.includes("|")) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("The tournament's name cannot include the | symbol."); | |
} | |
const tour = = new Tournament( | |
room, | |
format, | |
createTournamentGenerator(generator, generatorMod, output), | |
playerCap, | |
isRated, | |
name | |
); | |
if (settings) { | |
if (typeof settings.autostart === "number") | |
tour.setAutoStartTimeout(settings.autostart, output); | |
if (settings.playerCap) { | |
tour.playerCap = settings.playerCap; | |
if (settings.autostart === true) | |
tour.setAutostartAtCap(true); | |
} | |
if (settings.autodq) | |
tour.setAutoDisqualifyTimeout(settings.autodq, output); | |
if (settings.forcePublic) | |
tour.setForcePublic(true); | |
if (settings.forceTimer) | |
tour.setForceTimer(true); | |
if (settings.allowModjoin === false) | |
tour.setModjoin(false); | |
if (settings.allowScouting === false) | |
tour.setScouting(false); | |
} | |
return tour; | |
} | |
const commands = { | |
pasttours: "recenttours", | |
recenttours(target, room, user) { | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments?.recentToursLength) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Recent tournaments aren't documented in this room.`); | |
} | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments?.recentTours?.length) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There haven't been any documented tournaments in this room recently.`); | |
} | |
const array = room.settings.tournaments.recentTours; | |
const { name, time } = array[0]; | |
let buf = `The last tournament ended ${Chat.toDurationString( - time)} ago - ${name}`; | |
if (array.length > 1) { | |
buf += `<hr /><strong>Previous tournaments:</strong> `; | |
buf += array.filter((x, i) => i !== 0).map((x) =>", "); | |
} | |
this.sendReplyBox(buf); | |
}, | |
recenttourshelp: [`/recenttours - Displays the n most recent tour(s), where n represents the number defined by staff (i.e. the 6 most recent tours).`], | |
tour: "tournament", | |
tours: "tournament", | |
tournaments: "tournament", | |
tournament: { | |
""(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
const update = []; | |
for (const tourRoom of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
const tournament = tourRoom.getGame(Tournament); | |
if (!tournament) | |
continue; | |
if (tourRoom.settings.isPrivate || tourRoom.settings.isPersonal || tourRoom.settings.staffRoom) | |
continue; | |
update.push({ | |
room: tourRoom.roomid, | |
title: room.title, | |
format:, | |
generator:, | |
isStarted: tournament.isTournamentStarted | |
}); | |
} | |
this.sendReply(`|tournaments|info|${JSON.stringify(update)}`); | |
}, | |
help() { | |
return this.parse("/help tournament"); | |
}, | |
enable: "toggle", | |
disable: "toggle", | |
toggle(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${this.cmdToken}${this.fullCmd} has been deprecated. Instead, use "${this.cmdToken}permissions set tournaments, [rank symbol]".`); | |
}, | |
announcements: "announce", | |
announce(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("gamemanagement", null, room); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments?.announcements) { | |
return this.sendReply("Tournament announcements are enabled."); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply("Tournament announcements are disabled."); | |
} | |
} | |
const option = target.toLowerCase(); | |
if (this.meansYes(option)) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments?.announcements) | |
return this.errorReply("Tournament announcements are already enabled."); | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments) | |
room.settings.tournaments = {}; | |
room.settings.tournaments.announcements = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Tournament announcements were enabled by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS", null, "ON"); | |
} else if (this.meansNo(option)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments?.announcements) | |
return this.errorReply("Tournament announcements are already disabled."); | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments) | |
room.settings.tournaments = {}; | |
room.settings.tournaments.announcements = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Tournament announcements were disabled by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS", null, "OFF"); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <on|off>`); | |
} | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
}, | |
new: "create", | |
create(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const [format, generator, cap, mod, name] = target.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); | |
if (!target || !format || !generator) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <format>, <type> [, <comma-separated arguments>]`); | |
} | |
const tour = createTournament(room, format, generator, cap, Config.ratedtours, mod, name, this); | |
if (tour) { | |
this.privateModAction(`${} created a tournament in ${tour.baseFormat} format.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR CREATE", null, tour.baseFormat); | |
if (room.settings.tournaments?.announcements) { | |
const tourRoom = || "tournaments"); | |
if (tourRoom && tourRoom !== room) { | |
tourRoom.addRaw( | |
import_lib.Utils.html`<div class="infobox"><a href="/${room.roomid}" class="ilink">` + import_lib.Utils.html`<strong>${Dex.formats.get(}</strong> tournament created in` + ` <strong>${room.title}</strong>.</a></div>` | |
).update(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
formats(target, room, user) { | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
let buf = ``; | |
let section = void 0; | |
for (const format of Dex.formats.all()) { | |
if (!format.tournamentShow) | |
continue; | |
const name =`[Gen ${Dex.gen}] `) ? :; | |
if (format.section !== section) { | |
section = format.section; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`<br /><strong>${section}:</strong><br />• ${name}`; | |
} else { | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`<br />• ${name}`; | |
} | |
} | |
this.sendReplyBox(`<div class="chat"><details class="readmore"><summary>Valid Formats: </summary>${buf}</details></div>`); | |
}, | |
banuser(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const [userid, ...reasonsArray] = target.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour banuser <user>, <reason>`); | |
} | |
const reason = reasonsArray.join(","); | |
const targetUser = Users.get(userid); | |
this.checkCan("gamemoderation", targetUser, room); | |
const targetUserid = targetUser ? : toID(userid); | |
if (!targetUser) | |
return false; | |
if (reason?.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); | |
} | |
if (Tournament.checkBanned(room, targetUser)) | |
return this.errorReply("This user is already banned from tournaments."); | |
const punishment = { | |
type: "TOURBAN", | |
id: targetUserid, | |
expireTime: + TOURBAN_DURATION, | |
reason | |
}; | |
if (targetUser) { | |
Punishments.roomPunish(room, targetUser, punishment); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.roomPunishName(room, targetUserid, punishment); | |
} | |
room.getGame(Tournament)?.removeBannedUser(targetUserid); | |
this.modlog("TOURBAN", targetUser, reason); | |
this.privateModAction( | |
`${targetUser ? : targetUserid} was banned from joining tournaments by ${}. (${reason})` | |
); | |
}, | |
unbanuser(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour unbanuser <user>`); | |
} | |
const targetUser = Users.get(toID(target)); | |
this.checkCan("gamemoderation", targetUser, room); | |
const targetUserid = toID(targetUser || toID(target)); | |
if (!Tournament.checkBanned(room, targetUserid)) | |
return this.errorReply("This user isn't banned from tournaments."); | |
if (targetUser) { | |
Punishments.roomUnpunish(room, targetUserid, "TOURBAN", false); | |
} | |
this.privateModAction(`${targetUser ? : targetUserid} was unbanned from joining tournaments by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR UNBAN", targetUser, null, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 }); | |
}, | |
j: "join", | |
in: "join", | |
join(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
tournament.addUser(user, this); | |
}, | |
l: "leave", | |
out: "leave", | |
leave(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (tournament.isTournamentStarted) { | |
if (tournament.getRemainingPlayers().some((player) => === { | |
tournament.disqualifyUser(, this, null, true); | |
} else { | |
this.errorReply("You have already been eliminated from this tournament."); | |
} | |
} else { | |
tournament.removeUser(, this); | |
} | |
}, | |
getusers(target, room) { | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
const users = usersToNames(tournament.getRemainingPlayers().sort()); | |
this.sendReplyBox( | |
`<strong>${users.length}/${tournament.players.length}` + import_lib.Utils.html` users remain in this tournament:</strong><br />${users.join(", ")}` | |
); | |
}, | |
getupdate(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
tournament.updateFor(user); | |
this.sendReply("Your tournament bracket has been updated."); | |
}, | |
challenge(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <user>`); | |
} | |
void tournament.challenge(user, toID(target), this); | |
}, | |
cancelchallenge(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
tournament.cancelChallenge(user, this); | |
}, | |
acceptchallenge(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
void tournament.acceptChallenge(user, this); | |
}, | |
async vtm(target, room, user, connection) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (Monitor.countPrepBattle(connection.ip, connection)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const result = await TeamValidatorAsync.get(tournament.fullFormat).validateTeam(; | |
if (result.startsWith("1")) { | |
connection.popup("Your team is valid for this tournament."); | |
} else { | |
const formatName = Dex.formats.get(tournament.baseFormat).name; | |
const reasons = result.slice(1).split(formatName).join("this tournament"); | |
connection.popup(`Your team was rejected for the following reasons: | |
- ${reasons.replace(/\n/g, "\n- ")}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
viewruleset: "viewcustomrules", | |
viewbanlist: "viewcustomrules", | |
viewrules: "viewcustomrules", | |
viewcustomrules(target, room) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
if (tournament.customRules.length < 1) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament does not have any custom rules."); | |
} | |
this.sendReply(`|html|<div class='infobox infobox-limited'>This tournament includes:<br />${tournament.getCustomRules()}</div>`); | |
}, | |
settype(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <type> [, <comma-separated arguments>]`); | |
} | |
const [generatorType, cap, modifier] = target.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); | |
const playerCap = parseInt(cap); | |
const generator = createTournamentGenerator(generatorType, modifier, this); | |
if (generator && tournament.setGenerator(generator, this)) { | |
if (playerCap && playerCap >= 2) { | |
tournament.playerCap = playerCap; | |
if (Config.tourdefaultplayercap && tournament.playerCap > Config.tourdefaultplayercap) { | |
Monitor.log(`[TourMonitor] Room ${} starting a tour over default cap (${tournament.playerCap})`); | |
} | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|{"playerCap": "${playerCap}"}`); | |
} else if (tournament.playerCap && !playerCap) { | |
tournament.playerCap = 0; | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|{"playerCap": "${playerCap}"}`); | |
} | |
const capNote = tournament.playerCap ? ` with a player cap of ${tournament.playerCap}` : ""; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set tournament type to ${}${capNote}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTYPE", null, `${}${capNote}`); | |
this.sendReply(`Tournament set to ${}${capNote}.`); | |
} | |
}, | |
cap: "setplayercap", | |
playercap: "setplayercap", | |
setcap: "setplayercap", | |
setplayercap(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (tournament.playerCap) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <cap>; The current player cap is ${tournament.playerCap}`); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <cap>`); | |
} | |
} | |
if (tournament.isTournamentStarted) { | |
return this.errorReply("The player cap cannot be changed once the tournament has started."); | |
} | |
const option = target.toLowerCase(); | |
if (["0", "infinity", "off", "false", "stop", "remove"].includes(option)) { | |
if (!tournament.playerCap) | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament does not have a player cap."); | |
target = "0"; | |
} | |
const playerCap = parseInt(target); | |
if (playerCap === 0) { | |
tournament.playerCap = 0; | |
this.privateModAction(`${} removed the tournament's player cap.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR PLAYERCAP", null, "removed"); | |
this.sendReply("Tournament cap removed."); | |
} else { | |
if (isNaN(playerCap) || playerCap < 2) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament cannot have a player cap less than 2."); | |
} | |
if (playerCap === tournament.playerCap) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The tournament's player cap is already ${playerCap}.`); | |
} | |
tournament.playerCap = playerCap; | |
if (Config.tourdefaultplayercap && tournament.playerCap > Config.tourdefaultplayercap) { | |
Monitor.log(`[TourMonitor] Room ${} starting a tour over default cap (${tournament.playerCap})`); | |
} | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set the tournament's player cap to ${tournament.playerCap}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR PLAYERCAP", null, tournament.playerCap.toString()); | |
this.sendReply(`Tournament cap set to ${tournament.playerCap}.`); | |
} | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|{"playerCap": "${tournament.playerCap}"}`); | |
}, | |
end: "delete", | |
stop: "delete", | |
delete(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
tournament.forceEnd(); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} forcibly ended a tournament.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR END"); | |
}, | |
ruleset: "customrules", | |
banlist: "customrules", | |
rules: "customrules", | |
customrules(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (cmd === "banlist") { | |
return this.errorReply("The new syntax is: /tour rules -bannedthing, +un[banned|restricted]thing, *restrictedthing, !removedrule, addedrule"); | |
} | |
if (!target) { | |
this.sendReply("Usage: /tour rules <list of rules>"); | |
this.sendReply("Rules can be: -bannedthing, +un[banned|restricted]thing, *restrictedthing, !removedrule, addedrule"); | |
this.parse("/tour viewrules"); | |
if (tournament.customRules.length) { | |
return this.sendReplyBox(`<details><summary>Source</summary><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: table; tab-size: 3">/tour rules ${tournament.customRules}</code></details>`); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
if (tournament.isTournamentStarted) { | |
return this.errorReply("The custom rules cannot be changed once the tournament has started."); | |
} | |
if (tournament.setCustomRules(target)) { | |
room.addRaw( | |
`<div class="infobox infobox-limited">This tournament includes:<br />${tournament.getCustomRules()}</div>` | |
); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} updated the tournament's custom rules.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR RULES", null, tournament.customRules.join(", ")); | |
this.sendReplyBox(`<details><summary>Source</summary><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: table; tab-size: 3">/tour rules ${tournament.customRules}</code></details>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
clearruleset: "clearcustomrules", | |
clearbanlist: "clearcustomrules", | |
clearrules: "clearcustomrules", | |
clearcustomrules(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (tournament.isTournamentStarted) { | |
return this.errorReply("The custom rules cannot be changed once the tournament has started."); | |
} | |
if (tournament.customRules.length < 1) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament does not have any custom rules."); | |
} | |
tournament.customRules = []; | |
tournament.fullFormat = tournament.baseFormat; | |
if ( === tournament.getDefaultCustomName()) { | | = tournament.baseFormat; | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ format: })}`); | |
tournament.update(); | |
} | |
room.addRaw(`<b>The tournament's custom rules were cleared.</b>`); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} cleared the tournament's custom rules.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR CLEARRULES"); | |
}, | |
name: "setname", | |
customname: "setname", | |
setname(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
const name = target.trim(); | |
if (!name) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <comma-separated arguments>`); | |
} | |
this.checkChat(name); | |
if (!name || typeof name !== "string") | |
return; | |
if (name.length > MAX_CUSTOM_NAME_LENGTH) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The tournament's name cannot exceed ${MAX_CUSTOM_NAME_LENGTH} characters.`); | |
} | |
if (name.includes("|")) | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament's name cannot include the | symbol."); | | = name; | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ format: })}`); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set the tournament's name to ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR NAME", null,; | |
tournament.update(); | |
}, | |
resetname: "clearname", | |
clearname(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if ( === tournament.baseFormat) | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament does not have a name."); | | = tournament.baseFormat; | |
room.send(`|tournament|update|${JSON.stringify({ format: })}`); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} cleared the tournament's name.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR CLEARNAME"); | |
tournament.update(); | |
}, | |
begin: "start", | |
start(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (tournament.startTournament(this)) { | |
room.sendMods(`(${} started the tournament.)`); | |
} | |
}, | |
dq: "disqualify", | |
disqualify(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <user>`); | |
} | |
const [userid, reason] = target.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); | |
const targetUser = Users.get(userid); | |
const targetUserid = toID(targetUser || userid); | |
if (reason?.length > MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The reason is too long. It cannot exceed ${MAX_REASON_LENGTH} characters.`); | |
} | |
if (tournament.disqualifyUser(targetUserid, this, reason)) { | |
this.privateModAction(`${targetUser ? : targetUserid} was disqualified from the tournament by ${}${reason ? " (" + reason + ")" : ""}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR DQ", targetUserid, reason); | |
} | |
}, | |
sub: "replace", | |
replace(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
const [oldUser, newUser] = target.split(",").map((item) => Users.get(item.trim())); | |
if (!oldUser) | |
return this.errorReply(`User ${oldUser} not found.`); | |
if (!newUser) | |
return this.errorReply(`User ${newUser} not found.`); | |
tournament.replaceUser(oldUser, newUser, this); | |
}, | |
autostart: "setautostart", | |
setautostart(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <on|minutes|off>`); | |
} | |
const option = target.toLowerCase(); | |
if (this.meansYes(option) && option !== "1" || option === "start") { | |
if (tournament.isTournamentStarted) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament has already started."); | |
} else if (!tournament.playerCap) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament does not have a player cap set."); | |
} else { | |
if (tournament.autostartcap) { | |
return this.errorReply("The tournament is already set to autostart when the player cap is reached."); | |
} | |
tournament.setAutostartAtCap(true); | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament was set to autostart when the player cap is reached by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR AUTOSTART", null, "when playercap is reached"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (option === "0" || option === "infinity" || this.meansNo(option) || option === "stop" || option === "remove") { | |
if (!tournament.autostartcap && tournament.autoStartTimeout === Infinity) { | |
return this.errorReply("The automatic tournament start timer is already off."); | |
} | |
target = "off"; | |
tournament.autostartcap = false; | |
} | |
const timeout = target.toLowerCase() === "off" ? Infinity : Number(target) * 60 * 1e3; | |
if (timeout <= 0 || timeout !== Infinity && timeout > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The automatic tournament start timer must be set to a positive number.`); | |
} | |
if (tournament.setAutoStartTimeout(timeout, this)) { | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament auto start timer was set to ${target} by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR AUTOSTART", null, timeout === Infinity ? "off" : target); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
autodq: "setautodq", | |
setautodq(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (tournament.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <minutes|off>; The current automatic disqualify timer is set to ${tournament.autoDisqualifyTimeout / 1e3 / 60} minute(s)`); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <minutes|off>`); | |
} | |
} | |
if (target.toLowerCase() === "infinity" || target === "0") | |
target = "off"; | |
const timeout = target.toLowerCase() === "off" ? Infinity : Number(target) * 60 * 1e3; | |
if (timeout <= 0 || timeout !== Infinity && timeout > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The automatic disqualification timer must be set to a positive number.`); | |
} | |
if (timeout === tournament.autoDisqualifyTimeout) { | |
return this.errorReply(`The automatic tournament disqualify timer is already set to ${target} minute(s).`); | |
} | |
if (tournament.setAutoDisqualifyTimeout(timeout, this)) { | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament auto disqualify timer was set to ${target} by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR AUTODQ", null, timeout === Infinity ? "off" : target); | |
} | |
}, | |
runautodq(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
if (tournament.autoDisqualifyTimeout === Infinity) { | |
return this.errorReply("The automatic tournament disqualify timer is not set."); | |
} | |
tournament.runAutoDisqualify(this); | |
this.roomlog(`${} used /tour runautodq`); | |
}, | |
scout: "setscouting", | |
scouting: "setscouting", | |
setscout: "setscouting", | |
setscouting(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (tournament.allowScouting) { | |
return this.sendReply("This tournament allows spectating other battles while in a tournament."); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply("This tournament disallows spectating other battles while in a tournament."); | |
} | |
} | |
const option = target.toLowerCase(); | |
if (this.meansYes(option) || option === "allow" || option === "allowed") { | |
if (tournament.allowScouting) | |
return this.errorReply("Scouting for this tournament is already set to allowed."); | |
tournament.setScouting(true); | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament was set to allow scouting by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SCOUT", null, "allow"); | |
} else if (this.meansNo(option) || option === "disallow" || option === "disallowed") { | |
if (!tournament.allowScouting) | |
return this.errorReply("Scouting for this tournament is already disabled."); | |
tournament.setScouting(false); | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament was set to disallow scouting by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SCOUT", null, "disallow"); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd}<allow|disallow>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
modjoin: "setmodjoin", | |
setmodjoin(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
if (tournament.allowModjoin) { | |
return this.sendReply("This tournament allows players to modjoin their battles."); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply("This tournament does not allow players to modjoin their battles."); | |
} | |
} | |
const option = target.toLowerCase(); | |
if (this.meansYes(option) || option === "allowed") { | |
if (tournament.allowModjoin) | |
return this.errorReply("Modjoining is already allowed for this tournament."); | |
tournament.setModjoin(true); | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament was set to allow modjoin by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR MODJOIN", null, option); | |
} else if (this.meansNo(option) || option === "disallowed") { | |
if (!tournament.allowModjoin) | |
return this.errorReply("Modjoining is already not allowed for this tournament."); | |
tournament.setModjoin(false); | |
this.privateModAction(`The tournament was set to disallow modjoin by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR MODJOIN", null, option); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <allow|disallow>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
aconly: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
onlyac: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
onlyautoconfirmed: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
autoconfirmedonly(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
if (!target) { | |
return this.sendReply( | |
`This tournament ${tournament.autoconfirmedOnly ? "does not allow" : "allows"} non-autoconfirmed users to join a tournament.` | |
); | |
} | |
const value = this.meansYes(target) ? true : this.meansNo(target) ? false : null; | |
target = value ? "ON" : "OFF"; | |
if (value === null || !toID(target)) { | |
return this.parse(`/help tour`); | |
} | |
if (tournament.autoconfirmedOnly === value) { | |
return this.errorReply(`This tournament is already set to ${value ? "disallow" : "allow"} non-autoconfirmed users.`); | |
} | |
tournament.setAutoconfirmedOnly(value); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set this tournament to ${value ? "disallow" : "allow"} non-autoconfirmed users.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR AUTOCONFIRMEDONLY", null, target); | |
}, | |
forcepublic(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
const option = target || "on"; | |
if (this.meansYes(option)) { | |
if (tournament.forcePublic) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Tournament battles are already being forced public.`); | |
} | |
tournament.setForcePublic(true); | |
this.privateModAction(`Tournament public battles were turned ON by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR FORCEPUBLIC", null, "ON"); | |
} else if (this.meansNo(option) || option === "stop") { | |
if (!tournament.forcePublic) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Tournament battles are not being forced public.`); | |
} | |
tournament.setForcePublic(false); | |
this.privateModAction(`Tournament public battles were turned OFF by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR FORCEPUBLIC", null, "OFF"); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <on|off>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
forcetimer(target, room, user, connection, cmd) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("tournaments", null, room); | |
const tournament = this.requireGame(Tournament); | |
target = target.trim(); | |
const option = target ? target.toLowerCase() : "on"; | |
if (this.meansYes(option)) { | |
tournament.setForceTimer(true); | |
for (const player of tournament.players) { | |
player.inProgressMatch?; | |
} | |
this.privateModAction(`The timer was turned on for the tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR FORCETIMER", null, "ON"); | |
} else if (this.meansNo(option) || option === "stop") { | |
tournament.setForceTimer(false); | |
this.privateModAction(`The timer was turned off for the tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR FORCETIMER", null, "OFF"); | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: /tour ${cmd} <on|off>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
settings: { | |
modjoin(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
if (!target || !this.meansYes(target) && !this.meansNo(target)) { | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
} | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansYes(target)) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.allowModjoin) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Modjoin is already enabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.allowModjoin) | |
this.parse(`/tour modjoin allow`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.allowModjoin = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Modjoin was enabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "modjoin: ALLOW"); | |
} else { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.allowModjoin) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Modjoin is already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour?.allowModjoin) | |
this.parse(`/tour modjoin disallow`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.allowModjoin = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Modjoin was disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "modjoin: DISALLOW"); | |
} | |
}, | |
scouting(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
if (!target || !this.meansYes(target) && !this.meansNo(target)) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansYes(target)) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.allowScouting) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Scouting is already enabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.allowScouting) | |
this.parse(`/tour scouting allow`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.allowScouting = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Scouting was enabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "scouting: ALLOW"); | |
} else { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.allowScouting) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Scouting is already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour?.allowScouting) | |
this.parse(`/tour scouting disallow`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.allowScouting = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Scouting was disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "scouting: DISALLOW"); | |
} | |
}, | |
aconly: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
onlyac: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
onlyautoconfirmed: "autoconfirmedonly", | |
autoconfirmedonly(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
const value = this.meansYes(target) ? true : this.meansNo(target) ? false : null; | |
if (!target || value === null) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.autoconfirmedOnly === value) { | |
return this.errorReply(`All tournaments are already set to ${value ? "disallow" : "allow"} non-autoconfimed users.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.autoconfirmedOnly = value; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
target = value ? "ON" : "OFF"; | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `autoconfirmed only: ${target}`); | |
if (tour) | |
this.parse(`/tour autoconfirmedonly ${target}`); | |
this.privateModAction(`${} set all tournaments to ${value ? "disallow" : "allow"} non-autoconfirmed users.`); | |
}, | |
forcepublic(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
if (!target || !this.meansNo(target) && !this.meansYes(target)) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.forcePublic) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Forced public battles are already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour?.forcePublic) | |
this.parse(`/tour forcepublic off`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.forcePublic = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Forced public battles were disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "forcepublic: DISABLE"); | |
} else { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.forcePublic) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Forced public battles are already enabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.forcePublic) | |
this.parse(`/tour forcepublic on`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.forcePublic = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Forced public battles were enabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "forcepublic: ENABLE"); | |
} | |
}, | |
forcetimer(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
if (!target || !this.meansNo(target) && !this.meansYes(target)) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.forceTimer) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Forced timer is already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour?.forceTimer) | |
this.parse(`/tour forcetimer off`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.forceTimer = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Forced timer was disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "forcetimer: DISABLE"); | |
} else { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.forceTimer) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Forced timer is already enabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.forceTimer) | |
this.parse(`/tour forcetimer on`); | |
room.settings.tournaments.forceTimer = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Forced timer was enabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "forcetimer: ENABLE"); | |
} | |
}, | |
autostart(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
const num = Number(target); | |
if (!target || !this.meansYes(target) && !this.meansNo(target) && isNaN(num)) { | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
} | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.autostart) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Autostart is already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && tour.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) { | |
this.parse(`/tour setautojoin off`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.autostart = false; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Autostart was disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "autostart: DISABLE"); | |
} else if (this.meansYes(target) && target !== "1") { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.autostart === true) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Autostart for every tournament is already set to true.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.autostart = true; | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && tour.playerCap) | |
this.parse(`/tour setautostart on`); | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Autostart was set to true for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `autostart: ON`); | |
} else if (!isNaN(num)) { | |
const timeout = num * 60 * 1e3; | |
if (timeout < 0.5 * 60 * 1e3 || timeout > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The autostart must be set to at least 0.5.`); | |
} | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.autostart === timeout) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Autostart for every tournament is already set to ${num}.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.autostart = timeout; | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && tour.autoStartTimeout === Infinity) { | |
this.parse(`/tour setautostart ${num}`); | |
} | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Autostart was set to ${num} minute(s) for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `autostart: ${num} minute(s)`); | |
} | |
}, | |
autodq(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
const num = Number(target); | |
if (!target || !this.meansNo(target) && isNaN(num)) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.autodq) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Automatic disqualification is already disabled for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && tour.autoDisqualifyTimeout !== Infinity) { | |
this.parse(`/tour autodq off`); | |
} | |
delete room.settings.tournaments.autodq; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Automatic disqualification was disabled for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "autodq: DISABLE"); | |
} else if (!isNaN(num)) { | |
const timeout = num * 60 * 1e3; | |
if (timeout < 0.5 * 60 * 1e3 || timeout > Chat.MAX_TIMEOUT_DURATION) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The autodq must be set to a number greater than 1.`); | |
} | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.autodq === timeout) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Automatic disqualification for every tournament is already set to ${num}.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.autodq = timeout; | |
if (tour?.autoDisqualifyTimeout === Infinity) { | |
this.parse(`/tour autodq ${num}`); | |
} | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Automatic disqualification was set to ${num} minute(s) for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `autodq: ${num} minute(s)`); | |
} | |
}, | |
playercap(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
const num = parseInt(target); | |
if (!target || !this.meansNo(target) && isNaN(num)) | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
const tour = room.getGame(Tournament); | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.playerCap) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player Cap is already removed for every tournament.`); | |
} | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && tour.playerCap) { | |
this.parse(`/tour setplayercap off`); | |
} | |
delete room.settings.tournaments.playerCap; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Player Cap was removed for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, "playercap: REMOVE"); | |
} else if (!isNaN(num)) { | |
if (num < 2) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The Player Cap must be at least 2.`); | |
} | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.playerCap === num) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player Cap for every tournament is already set to ${num}.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.playerCap = num; | |
if (tour && !tour.isTournamentStarted && !tour.playerCap) { | |
this.parse(`/tour setplayercap ${num}`); | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.autostart === true) | |
this.parse(`/tour autostart on`); | |
} | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Player Cap was set to ${num} for every tournament by ${}`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `playercap: ${num}`); | |
if (Config.tourdefaultplayercap && room.settings.tournaments.playerCap > Config.tourdefaultplayercap) { | |
Monitor.log(`[TourMonitor] Room ${room.roomid} setting cap for every tour over default cap (${room.settings.tournaments.playerCap})`); | |
} | |
} else { | |
return this.sendReply(`Usage: ${this.cmdToken}${this.fullCmd} <number|off>`); | |
} | |
}, | |
recenttours(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
let num = parseInt(target); | |
const forcedelete = toID(target) === "forcedelete"; | |
if (this.meansNo(target) || forcedelete) | |
num = 0; | |
if (isNaN(num) || num > 15 || num < 0) { | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
} | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (num >= 1) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.recentToursLength === num) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Number of recent tournaments to record is already set to ${num}.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.recentToursLength = num; | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.recentTours) { | |
while (room.settings.tournaments.recentTours.length > num) { | |
room.settings.tournaments.recentTours.pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Number of recent tournaments to record was set to ${num} by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `recent tours: ${num} most recent`); | |
} else { | |
if (forcedelete && room.settings.tournaments.recentTours) { | |
delete room.settings.tournaments.recentTours; | |
this.privateModAction(`Recent tournaments list was deleted by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `recent tours: delete`); | |
} | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.recentToursLength) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Number of recent tournaments to record is already disabled.`); | |
} | |
delete room.settings.tournaments.recentToursLength; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Number of recent tournaments to record was turned off by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `recent tours: off`); | |
} | |
}, | |
blockrecents(target, room, user) { | |
var _a; | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("declare", null, room); | |
target = toID(target); | |
if (!target || !this.meansYes(target) && !this.meansNo(target)) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments?.blockRecents) { | |
this.sendReply(`Recent tournaments are currently ${room.settings.tournaments.blockRecents ? "" : "NOT "} blocked from being made.`); | |
} | |
return this.parse(`/help tour settings`); | |
} | |
(_a = room.settings).tournaments || (_a.tournaments = {}); | |
if (this.meansYes(target)) { | |
if (room.settings.tournaments.blockRecents) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Recent tournaments are already blocked from being made.`); | |
} | |
room.settings.tournaments.blockRecents = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Recent tournaments were blocked from being made by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `recent tour block: on`); | |
} else { | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments.blockRecents) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Recent tournaments are already allowed to be remade.`); | |
} | |
delete room.settings.tournaments.blockRecents; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.privateModAction(`Recent tournaments were allowed to be remade by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("TOUR SETTINGS", null, `recent tour block: off`); | |
} | |
}, | |
"": "help", | |
help() { | |
this.parse(`${this.cmdToken}help tour settings`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
tournamenthelp(target) { | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
if (target.endsWith("settings")) { | |
return this.sendReplyBox( | |
`<code>/tour settings autodq <minutes|off></code> - Sets the automatic disqualification timeout for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings autostart <on|minutes|off></code> - Sets the automatic start timeout for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings forcepublic <on|off></code> - Specifies whether users can hide their battles for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings forcetimer <on|off></code> - Specifies whether users can toggle the timer for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings modjoin <on|off></code> - Specifies whether users can modjoin their battles for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings autoconfirmedonly<on|off></code> - Set requirement for signups for this tournament. If this is on, only autoconfirmed users can join a tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings playercap <number></code> - Sets the playercap for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings scouting <on|off></code> - Specifies whether users can spectate other participants for every tournament.<br /><code>/tour settings recenttours <number|off|forcedelete></code> - Specifies the amount of recent tournaments to list in /recenttours.<br /><code>/tour settings blockrecents <on|off></code> - Toggles blocking tours in /recenttours from being made.<br />Requires: # ~` | |
); | |
} | |
this.sendReplyBox( | |
`Tournament Commands<br/>- create/new <format>, <type>, [ <comma-separated arguments>]: Creates a new tournament in the current room.<br />- rules <comma-separated arguments>: Sets the custom rules for the tournament before it has started. <a href="view-battlerules">Custom rules help/list</a><br />- end/stop/delete: Forcibly ends the tournament in the current room.<br />- begin/start: Starts the tournament in the current room.<br /><br /><details class="readmore"><summary>Configuration Commands</summary>- settype <type> [, <comma-separated arguments>]: Modifies the type of tournament after it's been created, but before it has started.<br />- cap/playercap <cap>: Sets the player cap of the tournament before it has started.<br />- viewrules/viewbanlist: Shows the custom rules for the tournament.<br />- clearrules/clearbanlist: Clears the custom rules for the tournament before it has started.<br />- name <name>: Sets a custom name for the tournament.<br />- clearname: Clears the custom name of the tournament.<br />- autostart/setautostart <on|minutes|off>: Sets the automatic start timeout.<br />- dq/disqualify <user>: Disqualifies a user.<br />- autodq/setautodq <minutes|off>: Sets the automatic disqualification timeout.<br />- runautodq: Manually run the automatic disqualifier.<br />- autoconfirmedonly/onlyautoconfirmed/aconly/onlyac <on|off>: Set requirement for signups for this tournament. If this is on, only autoconfirmed users can join a tournament.<br />- scouting <allow|disallow>: Specifies whether joining tournament matches while in a tournament is allowed.<br />- modjoin <allow|disallow>: Specifies whether players can modjoin their battles.<br />- forcetimer <on|off>: Turn on the timer for tournament battles.<br />- forcepublic <on|off>: Forces tournament battles and their replays to be public.<br />- getusers: Lists the users in the current tournament.<br />- announce/announcements <on|off>: Enables/disables tournament announcements for the current room.<br />- banuser/unbanuser <user>: Bans/unbans a user from joining tournaments in this room. Lasts 2 weeks.<br />- sub/replace <olduser>, <newuser>: Substitutes a new user for an old one<br />- settings: Do <code>/help tour settings</code> for more information<br /></details><br />You can also consult <a href="">more detailed help</a>.` | |
); | |
} | |
}; | |
const roomSettings = [ | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Forced Public Battles", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["on", room.settings.tournaments?.forcePublic || "tour settings forcepublic on"], | |
["off", !room.settings.tournaments?.forcePublic || "tour settings forcepublic off"] | |
] | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Forced Timer", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["on", room.settings.tournaments?.forceTimer || "tour settings forcetimer on"], | |
["off", !room.settings.tournaments?.forceTimer || "tour settings forcetimer off"] | |
] | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Modjoin", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["allow", room.settings.tournaments?.allowModjoin || "tour settings modjoin allow"], | |
["disallow", !room.settings.tournaments?.allowModjoin || "tour settings modjoin disallow"] | |
] | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Autoconfirmed Only", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["on", room.settings.tournaments?.autoconfirmedOnly || "tour settings aconly on"], | |
["off", !room.settings.tournaments?.autoconfirmedOnly || "tour settings aconly off"] | |
] | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Scouting", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["allow", room.settings.tournaments?.allowScouting || "tour settings scouting allow"], | |
["disallow", !room.settings.tournaments?.allowScouting || "tour settings scouting disallow"] | |
] | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Recent Tours", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: ["off", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].map( | |
(setting) => [ | |
`${setting}`, | |
setting === (room.settings.tournaments?.recentToursLength || "off") || `tour settings recenttours ${setting}` | |
] | |
) | |
}), | |
(room) => ({ | |
label: "Tournament Block Recent Tours", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
["on", room.settings.tournaments?.blockRecents || "tour settings blockrecents on"], | |
["off", !room.settings.tournaments?.blockRecents || "tour settings blockrecents off"] | |
] | |
}) | |
]; | |
const Tournaments = { | |
TournamentGenerators, | |
TournamentPlayer, | |
Tournament, | |
createTournament, | |
commands, | |
roomSettings | |
}; | |
for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) { | |
const announcements = room.settings.tourAnnouncements; | |
delete room.settings.tourAnnouncements; | |
if (!announcements) { | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!room.settings.tournaments) | |
room.settings.tournaments = {}; | |
room.settings.tournaments.announcements = announcements; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
} | |
//# | |