Pokemon_server / dist /server /room-game.js
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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var room_game_exports = {};
__export(room_game_exports, {
RoomGame: () => RoomGame,
RoomGamePlayer: () => RoomGamePlayer,
SimpleRoomGame: () => SimpleRoomGame
module.exports = __toCommonJS(room_game_exports);
* Room games
* Pokemon Showdown - http://pokemonshowdown.com/
* Room games are an abstract representation of an activity that a room
* can be focused on, such as a battle, tournament, or chat game like
* Hangman. Rooms are limited to one roomgame at a time.
* Room games can keep track of designated players. If a user is a player,
* they will not be allowed to change name until their games are complete.
* The player system is optional: Some games, like Hangman, don't designate
* players and just allow any user in the room to play.
* @license MIT
class RoomGamePlayer {
constructor(user, game, num = 0) {
this.num = num;
if (!user)
user = num ? `Player ${num}` : `Player`;
this.game = game;
this.name = typeof user === "string" ? user : user.name;
if (typeof user === "string")
user = null;
this.id = user ? user.id : "";
if (user && !this.game.isSubGame) {
destroy() {
this.game = null;
toString() {
return this.id;
getUser() {
return this.id ? Users.getExact(this.id) : null;
send(data) {
sendRoom(data) {
this.getUser()?.sendTo(this.game.roomid, data);
class RoomGame {
constructor(room, isSubGame = false) {
this.title = "Game";
this.allowRenames = false;
* userid:player table.
* Does not contain userless players: use this.players for the full list.
* Do not iterate. You usually want to iterate `game.players` instead.
* Do not modify directly. You usually want `game.addPlayer` or
* `game.removePlayer` instead.
* Not a source of truth. Should be kept in sync with
* `Object.fromEntries(this.players.filter(p => p.id).map(p => [p.id, p]))`
this.playerTable = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
this.players = [];
this.playerCount = 0;
this.playerCap = 0;
/** should only be set by setEnded */
this.ended = false;
/** Does `/guess` or `/choose` require the user to be able to talk? */
this.checkChat = false;
this.roomid = room.roomid;
this.room = room;
this.isSubGame = isSubGame;
if (this.isSubGame) {
this.room.subGame = this;
} else {
this.room.game = this;
destroy() {
if (this.isSubGame) {
this.room.subGame = null;
} else {
this.room.game = null;
this.room = null;
for (const player of this.players) {
this.players = null;
this.playerTable = null;
addPlayer(user = null, ...rest) {
if (typeof user !== "string" && user) {
if (user.id in this.playerTable)
return null;
if (this.playerCap > 0 && this.playerCount >= this.playerCap)
return null;
const player = this.makePlayer(user, ...rest);
if (!player)
return null;
if (typeof user === "string")
user = null;
if (user) {
this.playerTable[user.id] = player;
return player;
updatePlayer(player, userOrName) {
if (!this.allowRenames)
this.setPlayerUser(player, userOrName);
setPlayerUser(player, userOrName) {
if (this.ended)
if (player.id === toID(userOrName))
if (player.id) {
delete this.playerTable[player.id];
const user = Users.getExact(player.id);
if (user) {
if (userOrName) {
const { name, id } = typeof userOrName === "string" ? { name: userOrName, id: toID(userOrName) } : userOrName;
player.id = id;
player.name = name;
this.playerTable[player.id] = player;
if (this.room.roomid.startsWith("battle-") || this.room.roomid.startsWith("game-")) {
this.room.auth.set(id, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL);
const user = typeof userOrName === "string" ? Users.getExact(id) : userOrName;
if (user) {
} else {
player.id = "";
removePlayer(player) {
this.setPlayerUser(player, null);
const playerIndex = this.players.indexOf(player);
if (playerIndex < 0)
return false;
this.players.splice(playerIndex, 1);
return true;
* Like `setPlayerUser`, but bypasses some unnecessary game list updates if
* the user renamed directly from the old userid.
* `this.playerTable[oldUserid]` must exist or this will crash.
renamePlayer(user, oldUserid) {
if (user.id === oldUserid) {
this.playerTable[user.id].name = user.name;
} else {
this.playerTable[user.id] = this.playerTable[oldUserid];
this.playerTable[user.id].id = user.id;
this.playerTable[user.id].name = user.name;
delete this.playerTable[oldUserid];
* This is purely for cleanup, suitable for calling from `destroy()`.
* You should make a different function, call it `end` or something,
* to end a game properly. See BestOfGame for an example of an `end`
* function.
setEnded() {
if (this.ended)
this.ended = true;
if (this.isSubGame)
for (const player of this.players) {
const user = player.getUser();
if (user) {
renameRoom(roomid) {
for (const player of this.players) {
const user = player.getUser();
this.roomid = roomid;
// Events:
// Note:
// A user can have multiple connections. For instance, if you have
// two tabs open and connected to PS, those tabs represent two
// connections, but a single PS user. Each tab can be in separate
// rooms.
* Called when a user joins a room. (i.e. when the user's first
* connection joins)
* While connection is passed, it should not usually be used:
* Any handling of connections should happen in onConnect.
onJoin(user, connection) {
* Called when a user is banned from the room this game is taking
* place in.
removeBannedUser(user) {
this.forfeit?.(user, " lost by being banned.");
* Called when a user in the game is renamed. `isJoining` is true
* if the user was previously a guest, but now has a username.
* Check `!user.named` for the case where a user previously had a
* username but is now a guest. By default, updates a player's
* name as long as allowRenames is set to true.
onRename(user, oldUserid, isJoining, isForceRenamed) {
if (!this.allowRenames || !user.named && !isForceRenamed) {
if (!(user.id in this.playerTable) && !this.isSubGame) {
if (!(oldUserid in this.playerTable))
if (!user.named) {
return this.onLeave(user, oldUserid);
this.renamePlayer(user, oldUserid);
* Called when a user leaves the room. (i.e. when the user's last
* connection leaves)
onLeave(user, oldUserid) {
* Called each time a connection joins a room (after onJoin if
* applicable). By default, this is also called when connection
* is updated in some way (such as by changing user or renaming).
* If you don't want this behavior, override onUpdateConnection
* and/or onRename.
* This means that by default, it's called twice: once when
* connected to the server (as guest1763 or whatever), and once
* when logged in.
onConnect(user, connection) {
* Called for each connection in a room that changes users by
* merging into a different user. By default, runs the onConnect
* handler.
* Player updates and an up-to-date report of what's going on in
* the game should be sent during `onConnect`. You should rarely
* need to handle the other events.
onUpdateConnection(user, connection) {
this.onConnect(user, connection);
* Called for every message a user sends while this game is active.
* Return an error message to prevent the message from being sent,
* an empty string to prevent it with no error message, or
* `undefined` to let it through.
onChatMessage(message, user) {
* Called for every message a user sends while this game is active.
* Unlike onChatMessage, this function runs after the message has been added to the room's log.
* Do not try to use this to block messages, use onChatMessage for that.
onLogMessage(message, user) {
* Called when a game's timer needs to be started. Used mainly for tours.
startTimer() {
class SimpleRoomGame extends RoomGame {
makePlayer(user, ...rest) {
const num = this.players.length ? this.players[this.players.length - 1].num : 1;
return new RoomGamePlayer(user, this, num);
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