; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var punishments_exports = {}; | |
__export(punishments_exports, { | |
Punishments: () => Punishments | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(punishments_exports); | |
var import_lib = require("../lib"); | |
/** | |
* Punishments | |
* Pokemon Showdown - | |
* | |
* Handles the punishing of users on PS. | |
* | |
* There are four types of global punishments on PS. Locks, bans, namelocks and rangelocks. | |
* This file contains the lists of users that have been punished (both IPs and usernames), | |
* as well as the functions that handle the execution of said punishments. | |
* | |
* @license MIT license | |
*/ | |
const PUNISHMENT_FILE = "config/punishments.tsv"; | |
const ROOM_PUNISHMENT_FILE = "config/room-punishments.tsv"; | |
const SHAREDIPS_FILE = "config/sharedips.tsv"; | |
const SHAREDIPS_BLACKLIST_FILE = "config/sharedips-blacklist.tsv"; | |
const WHITELISTED_NAMES_FILE = "config/name-whitelist.tsv"; | |
const RANGELOCK_DURATION = 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const LOCK_DURATION = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const GLOBALBAN_DURATION = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const BATTLEBAN_DURATION = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const GROUPCHATBAN_DURATION = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const MOBILE_PUNISHMENT_DURATIION = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const ROOMBAN_DURATION = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const BLACKLIST_DURATION = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const USERID_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9]+$/; | |
const PUNISH_TRUSTED = false; | |
const MAX_PUNISHMENT_TIMER_LENGTH = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
const GROUPCHAT_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1e3; | |
class PunishmentMap extends Map { | |
constructor(roomid) { | |
super(); | |
this.roomid = roomid; | |
} | |
removeExpiring(punishments) { | |
for (const [i, punishment] of punishments.entries()) { | |
if ( > punishment.expireTime) { | |
punishments.splice(i, 1); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
get(k) { | |
const punishments = super.get(k); | |
if (punishments) { | |
this.removeExpiring(punishments); | |
if (punishments.length) | |
return punishments; | |
this.delete(k); | |
} | |
return void 0; | |
} | |
has(k) { | |
return !!this.get(k); | |
} | |
getByType(k, type) { | |
return this.get(k)?.filter((p) => p.type === type)?.[0]; | |
} | |
each(callback) { | |
for (const [k, punishments] of super.entries()) { | |
this.removeExpiring(punishments); | |
if (punishments.length) { | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
callback(punishment, k, this); | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.delete(k); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
deleteOne(k, punishment) { | |
const list = this.get(k); | |
if (!list) | |
return; | |
for (let i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const cur = list[i]; | |
if (punishment.type === cur.type && === { | |
list.splice(i, 1); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!list.length) { | |
this.delete(k); | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
add(k, punishment) { | |
let list = this.get(k); | |
if (!list) { | |
list = []; | |
this.set(k, list); | |
} | |
for (let i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const curPunishment = list[i]; | |
if (punishment.type === curPunishment.type) { | |
if (curPunishment.expireTime >= punishment.expireTime) { | |
curPunishment.reason = punishment.reason; | |
return this; | |
} | |
list.splice(i, 1); | |
} | |
} | |
list.push(punishment); | |
return this; | |
} | |
} | |
class NestedPunishmentMap extends Map { | |
nestedSet(k1, k2, value) { | |
if (!this.get(k1)) { | |
this.set(k1, new PunishmentMap(k1)); | |
} | |
this.get(k1).add(k2, value); | |
} | |
nestedGet(k1, k2) { | |
const subMap = this.get(k1); | |
if (!subMap) | |
return subMap; | |
const punishments = subMap.get(k2); | |
if (punishments?.length) { | |
return punishments; | |
} | |
return void 0; | |
} | |
nestedGetByType(k1, k2, type) { | |
return this.nestedGet(k1, k2)?.find((p) => p.type === type); | |
} | |
nestedHas(k1, k2) { | |
return !!this.nestedGet(k1, k2); | |
} | |
nestedDelete(k1, k2) { | |
const subMap = this.get(k1); | |
if (!subMap) | |
return; | |
subMap.delete(k2); | |
if (!subMap.size) | |
this.delete(k1); | |
} | |
nestedEach(callback) { | |
for (const [k1, subMap] of this.entries()) { | |
for (const [k2, punishments] of subMap.entries()) { | |
subMap.removeExpiring(punishments); | |
if (punishments.length) { | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
callback(punishment, k1, k2); | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.nestedDelete(k1, k2); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
const Punishments = new class { | |
constructor() { | |
/** | |
* ips is an ip:punishment Map | |
*/ | |
this.ips = new PunishmentMap(); | |
/** | |
* userids is a userid:punishment Map | |
*/ | |
this.userids = new PunishmentMap(); | |
/** | |
* roomUserids is a roomid:userid:punishment nested Map | |
*/ | |
this.roomUserids = new NestedPunishmentMap(); | |
/** | |
* roomIps is a roomid:ip:punishment Map | |
*/ | |
this.roomIps = new NestedPunishmentMap(); | |
/** | |
* sharedIps is an ip:note Map | |
*/ | |
this.sharedIps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
/** | |
* AddressRange:note map. In a separate map so we iterate a massive map a lot less. | |
* (AddressRange is a bit of a premature optimization, but it saves us a conversion call on some trafficked spots) | |
*/ | |
this.sharedRanges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
/** | |
* sharedIpBlacklist is an ip:note Map | |
*/ | |
this.sharedIpBlacklist = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
/** | |
* namefilterwhitelist is a whitelistedname:whitelister Map | |
*/ | |
this.namefilterwhitelist = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
/** | |
* Connection flood table. Separate table from IP bans. | |
*/ | |
this.cfloods = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
/** | |
* Participants in groupchats whose creators were banned from using groupchats. | |
* Object keys are roomids of groupchats; values are Sets of user IDs. | |
*/ | |
this.bannedGroupchatParticipants = {}; | |
/** roomid:timestamp map */ | |
this.lastGroupchatMonitorTime = {}; | |
/** | |
* Map<userid that has been warned, reason they were warned for> | |
*/ | |
this.offlineWarns = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
/** | |
* punishType is an allcaps string, for global punishments they can be | |
* anything in the punishmentTypes map. | |
* | |
* This map can be extended with custom punishments by chat plugins. | |
* | |
* Keys in the map correspond to PunishInfo */ | |
this.punishmentTypes = new Map([ | | || [], | |
["LOCK", { desc: "locked" }], | |
["BAN", { desc: "globally banned" }], | |
["NAMELOCK", { desc: "namelocked" }], | |
["GROUPCHATBAN", { desc: "banned from using groupchats" }], | |
["BATTLEBAN", { desc: "banned from battling" }] | |
]); | |
/** | |
* For room punishments, they can be anything in the roomPunishmentTypes map. | |
* | |
* This map can be extended with custom punishments by chat plugins. | |
* | |
* Keys in the map correspond to punishTypes, values signify the way they | |
* should be displayed in /alt. | |
* By default, this includes: | |
* - 'ROOMBAN' | |
* - 'BLACKLIST' | |
* - 'MUTE' (used by getRoomPunishments) | |
* | |
*/ | |
this.roomPunishmentTypes = new Map([ | |
// references to global.Punishments? are here because if you hotpatch punishments without hotpatching chat, | |
// old punishment types won't be loaded into here, which might cause issues. This guards against that. | | || [], | |
["ROOMBAN", { desc: "banned", activatePunishMonitor: true }], | |
["BLACKLIST", { desc: "blacklisted", activatePunishMonitor: true }], | |
["MUTE", { desc: "muted", activatePunishMonitor: true }] | |
]); | |
this.sortedTypes = ["TICKETBAN", "LOCK", "NAMELOCK", "BAN"]; | |
this.sortedRoomTypes = [ || [], "ROOMBAN", "BLACKLIST"]; | |
this.interactions = { | |
NAMELOCK: { overrides: ["LOCK"] } | |
}; | |
this.roomInteractions = { | |
BLACKLIST: { overrides: ["ROOMBAN"] } | |
}; | |
this.PunishmentMap = PunishmentMap; | |
this.NestedPunishmentMap = NestedPunishmentMap; | |
setImmediate(() => { | |
void Punishments.loadPunishments(); | |
void Punishments.loadRoomPunishments(); | |
void Punishments.loadBanlist(); | |
void Punishments.loadSharedIps(); | |
void Punishments.loadSharedIpBlacklist(); | |
void Punishments.loadWhitelistedNames(); | |
}); | |
} | |
// punishments.tsv is in the format: | |
// punishType, userid, ips/usernames, expiration time, reason | |
// room-punishments.tsv is in the format: | |
// punishType, roomid:userid, ips/usernames, expiration time, reason | |
async loadPunishments() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)(PUNISHMENT_FILE).readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
for (const row of data.split("\n")) { | |
if (!row || row === "\r") | |
continue; | |
const [type, id, altKeys, expireTimeStr, ...reason] = row.trim().split(" "); | |
const expireTime = Number(expireTimeStr); | |
if (type === "Punishment") | |
continue; | |
const keys = altKeys.split(",").concat(id); | |
const punishment = { type, id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
if ( >= expireTime) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
for (const key of keys) { | |
if (!key.trim()) | |
continue; | |
if (!USERID_REGEX.test(key)) { | |
Punishments.ips.add(key, punishment); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.userids.add(key, punishment); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
async loadRoomPunishments() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)(ROOM_PUNISHMENT_FILE).readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
for (const row of data.split("\n")) { | |
if (!row || row === "\r") | |
continue; | |
const [type, id, altKeys, expireTimeStr, ...reason] = row.trim().split(" "); | |
const expireTime = Number(expireTimeStr); | |
if (type === "Punishment") | |
continue; | |
const [roomid, userid] = id.split(":"); | |
if (!userid) | |
continue; | |
const keys = altKeys.split(",").concat(userid); | |
const punishment = { type, id: userid, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
if ( >= expireTime) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
for (const key of keys) { | |
if (!USERID_REGEX.test(key)) { | |
Punishments.roomIps.nestedSet(roomid, key, punishment); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedSet(roomid, key, punishment); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
savePunishments() { | |
(0, import_lib.FS)(PUNISHMENT_FILE).writeUpdate(() => { | |
const saveTable = Punishments.getPunishments(); | |
let buf = "Punishment User ID IPs and alts Expires Reason\r\n"; | |
for (const [id, entry] of saveTable) { | |
buf += Punishments.renderEntry(entry, id); | |
} | |
return buf; | |
}, { throttle: 5e3 }); | |
} | |
saveRoomPunishments() { | |
(0, import_lib.FS)(ROOM_PUNISHMENT_FILE).writeUpdate(() => { | |
const saveTable = []; | |
for (const roomid of Punishments.roomIps.keys()) { | |
for (const [userid, punishment] of Punishments.getPunishments(roomid, true)) { | |
saveTable.push([`${roomid}:${userid}`, punishment]); | |
} | |
} | |
let buf = "Punishment Room ID:User ID IPs and alts Expires Reason\r\n"; | |
for (const [id, entry] of saveTable) { | |
buf += Punishments.renderEntry(entry, id); | |
} | |
return buf; | |
}, { throttle: 5e3 }); | |
} | |
getEntry(entryId) { | |
let entry = null; | |
Punishments.ips.each((punishment, ip) => { | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
if (id !== entryId) | |
return; | |
if (entry) { | |
entry.ips.push(ip); | |
return; | |
} | |
entry = { | |
userids: [], | |
ips: [ip], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}; | |
}); | |
Punishments.userids.each((punishment, userid) => { | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
if (id !== entryId) | |
return; | |
if (!entry) { | |
entry = { | |
userids: [], | |
ips: [], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}; | |
} | |
if (userid !== id) | |
entry.userids.push(toID(userid)); | |
}); | |
return entry; | |
} | |
appendPunishment(entry, id, filename, allowNonUserIDs) { | |
if (!allowNonUserIDs && id.startsWith("#")) | |
return; | |
const buf = Punishments.renderEntry(entry, id); | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(filename).append(buf); | |
} | |
renderEntry(entry, id) { | |
const keys = entry.ips.concat(entry.userids).join(","); | |
const row = [entry.punishType, id, keys, entry.expireTime, entry.reason,]; | |
return row.join(" ") + "\r\n"; | |
} | |
async loadBanlist() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)("config/ipbans.txt").readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
const rangebans = []; | |
for (const row of data.split("\n")) { | |
const ip = row.split("#")[0].trim(); | |
if (!ip) | |
continue; | |
if (ip.includes("/")) { | |
rangebans.push(ip); | |
} else if (!Punishments.ips.has(ip)) { | |
Punishments.ips.add(ip, { type: "LOCK", id: "#ipban", expireTime: Infinity, reason: "" }); | |
} | |
} | |
Punishments.checkRangeBanned = IPTools.checker(rangebans); | |
} | |
/** | |
* sharedips.tsv is in the format: | |
* IP, type (in this case always SHARED), note | |
*/ | |
async loadSharedIps() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_FILE).readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
let needsSave = false; | |
for (const row of data.replace("\r", "").split("\n")) { | |
if (!row) | |
continue; | |
const [ip, type, note] = row.trim().split(" "); | |
if (ip === "IP") { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (IPTools.ipRegex.test(note)) { | |
Punishments.sharedIps.set(note, ip); | |
needsSave = true; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!IPTools.ipRegex.test(ip)) { | |
const pattern = IPTools.stringToRange(ip); | |
if (pattern) { | |
Punishments.sharedRanges.set(pattern, note); | |
} else { | |
Monitor.adminlog(`Invalid range data in '${SHAREDIPS_FILE}': "${row}".`); | |
} | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (type !== "SHARED") | |
continue; | |
Punishments.sharedIps.set(ip, note); | |
} | |
if (needsSave) { | |
void Punishments.saveSharedIps(); | |
} | |
} | |
appendSharedIp(ip, note) { | |
const pattern = IPTools.stringToRange(ip); | |
let ipString = ip; | |
if (pattern && pattern.minIP !== pattern.maxIP) { | |
ipString = IPTools.rangeToString(pattern); | |
} | |
const buf = `${ipString} SHARED ${note}\r | |
`; | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_FILE).append(buf); | |
} | |
saveSharedIps() { | |
let buf = "IP Type Note\r\n"; | |
for (const [ip, note] of Punishments.sharedIps) { | |
buf += `${ip} SHARED ${note}\r | |
`; | |
} | |
for (const [range, note] of Punishments.sharedRanges) { | |
buf += `${IPTools.rangeToString(range)} SHARED ${note}\r | |
`; | |
} | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_FILE).write(buf); | |
} | |
/** | |
* sharedips.tsv is in the format: | |
* IP, type (in this case always SHARED), note | |
*/ | |
async loadSharedIpBlacklist() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_BLACKLIST_FILE).readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
for (const row of data.replace("\r", "").split("\n")) { | |
if (!row) | |
continue; | |
const [ip, reason] = row.trim().split(" "); | |
if (!IPTools.ipRangeRegex.test(ip)) | |
continue; | |
if (!reason) | |
continue; | |
Punishments.sharedIpBlacklist.set(ip, reason); | |
} | |
} | |
appendSharedIpBlacklist(ip, reason) { | |
const buf = `${ip} ${reason}\r | |
`; | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_BLACKLIST_FILE).append(buf); | |
} | |
saveSharedIpBlacklist() { | |
let buf = `IP Reason\r | |
`; | |
Punishments.sharedIpBlacklist.forEach((reason, ip) => { | |
buf += `${ip} ${reason}\r | |
`; | |
}); | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(SHAREDIPS_BLACKLIST_FILE).write(buf); | |
} | |
async loadWhitelistedNames() { | |
const data = await (0, import_lib.FS)(WHITELISTED_NAMES_FILE).readIfExists(); | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
const lines = data.split("\n"); | |
lines.shift(); | |
for (const line of lines) { | |
const [userid, whitelister] = line.split(" "); | |
this.namefilterwhitelist.set(toID(userid), toID(whitelister)); | |
} | |
} | |
appendWhitelistedName(name, whitelister) { | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(WHITELISTED_NAMES_FILE).append(`${toID(name)} ${toID(whitelister)}\r | |
`); | |
} | |
saveNameWhitelist() { | |
let buf = `Userid Whitelister \r | |
`; | |
Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.forEach((userid, whitelister) => { | |
buf += `${userid} ${whitelister}\r | |
`; | |
}); | |
return (0, import_lib.FS)(WHITELISTED_NAMES_FILE).write(buf); | |
} | |
/********************************************************* | |
* Adding and removing | |
*********************************************************/ | |
async punish(user, punishment, ignoreAlts, bypassPunishmentfilter = false) { | |
user = Users.get(user) || user; | |
if (typeof user === "string") { | |
return Punishments.punishName(user, punishment); | |
} | |
Punishments.checkInteractions(user.getLastId(), punishment); | |
if (! | | = user.getLastId(); | |
const userids = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
const mobileIps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
const affected = ignoreAlts ? [user] : user.getAltUsers(PUNISH_TRUSTED, true); | |
for (const alt of affected) { | |
await this.punishInner(alt, punishment, userids, ips, mobileIps); | |
} | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
userids.delete(id); | |
void Punishments.appendPunishment({ | |
userids: [...userids], | |
ips: [...ips], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}, id, PUNISHMENT_FILE); | |
if (mobileIps.size) { | |
const mobileExpireTime = + MOBILE_PUNISHMENT_DURATIION; | |
const mobilePunishment = { type, id, expireTime: mobileExpireTime, reason, rest }; | |
for (const mobileIp of mobileIps) { | |
Punishments.ips.add(mobileIp, mobilePunishment); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!bypassPunishmentfilter) | |
Chat.punishmentfilter(user, punishment); | |
return affected; | |
} | |
async punishInner(user, punishment, userids, ips, mobileIps) { | |
const existingPunishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(user.locked || toID(, punishment.type); | |
if (existingPunishment) { | |
if (existingPunishment.expireTime > punishment.expireTime) { | |
punishment.expireTime = existingPunishment.expireTime; | |
} | |
const types = ["LOCK", "NAMELOCK", "BAN"]; | |
if (types.indexOf(existingPunishment.type) > types.indexOf(punishment.type)) { | |
punishment.type = existingPunishment.type; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const ip of user.ips) { | |
const { hostType } = await IPTools.lookup(ip); | |
if (hostType !== "mobile") { | |
Punishments.ips.add(ip, punishment); | |
ips.add(ip); | |
} else { | |
mobileIps.add(ip); | |
} | |
} | |
const lastUserId = user.getLastId(); | |
if (!lastUserId.startsWith("guest")) { | |
Punishments.userids.add(lastUserId, punishment); | |
} | |
if (user.locked && !user.locked.startsWith("#")) { | |
Punishments.userids.add(user.locked, punishment); | |
userids.add(user.locked); | |
} | |
if (user.autoconfirmed) { | |
Punishments.userids.add(user.autoconfirmed, punishment); | |
userids.add(user.autoconfirmed); | |
} | |
if (user.trusted) { | |
Punishments.userids.add(user.trusted, punishment); | |
userids.add(user.trusted); | |
} | |
} | |
punishName(userid, punishment) { | |
if (! | | = userid; | |
const foundKeys =[key]) => key); | |
const userids = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([userid]); | |
const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
Punishments.checkInteractions(userid, punishment); | |
for (const key of foundKeys) { | |
if (key.includes(".")) { | |
ips.add(key); | |
} else { | |
userids.add(key); | |
} | |
} | |
for (const id2 of userids) { | |
Punishments.userids.add(id2, punishment); | |
} | |
for (const ip of ips) { | |
Punishments.ips.add(ip, punishment); | |
} | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
const affected = Users.findUsers([...userids], [...ips], { includeTrusted: PUNISH_TRUSTED, forPunishment: true }); | |
userids.delete(id); | |
void Punishments.appendPunishment({ | |
userids: [...userids], | |
ips: [...ips], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}, id, PUNISHMENT_FILE); | |
Chat.punishmentfilter(userid, punishment); | |
return affected; | |
} | |
unpunish(id, punishType) { | |
id = toID(id); | |
const punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(id, punishType); | |
if (punishment) { | |
id =; | |
} | |
let success = false; | |
Punishments.ips.each((cur, key) => { | |
const { type: curPunishmentType, id: curId } = cur; | |
if (curId === id && curPunishmentType === punishType) { | |
Punishments.ips.deleteOne(key, cur); | |
success = id; | |
} | |
}); | |
Punishments.userids.each((cur, key) => { | |
const { type: curPunishmentType, id: curId } = cur; | |
if (curId === id && curPunishmentType === punishType) { | |
Punishments.userids.deleteOne(key, cur); | |
success = id; | |
} | |
}); | |
if (success) { | |
Punishments.savePunishments(); | |
} | |
return success; | |
} | |
roomPunish(room, user, punishment) { | |
if (typeof user === "string") { | |
return Punishments.roomPunishName(room, user, punishment); | |
} | |
if (! | | = user.getLastId(); | |
Punishments.checkInteractions(, punishment, toID(room)); | |
const roomid = typeof room !== "string" ? room.roomid : room; | |
const userids = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
const affected = user.getAltUsers(PUNISH_TRUSTED, true); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |
this.roomPunishInner(roomid, curUser, punishment, userids, ips); | |
} | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
userids.delete(id); | |
void Punishments.appendPunishment({ | |
userids: [...userids], | |
ips: [...ips], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}, roomid + ":" + id, ROOM_PUNISHMENT_FILE); | |
if (typeof room !== "string") { | |
room = room; | |
if (!(room.settings.isPrivate === true || room.settings.isPersonal)) { | |
void Punishments.monitorRoomPunishments(user); | |
} | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
roomPunishInner(roomid, user, punishment, userids, ips) { | |
for (const ip of user.ips) { | |
Punishments.roomIps.nestedSet(roomid, ip, punishment); | |
ips.add(ip); | |
} | |
if (!"guest")) { | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedSet(roomid,, punishment); | |
} | |
if (user.autoconfirmed) { | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedSet(roomid, user.autoconfirmed, punishment); | |
userids.add(user.autoconfirmed); | |
} | |
if (user.trusted) { | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedSet(roomid, user.trusted, punishment); | |
userids.add(user.trusted); | |
} | |
} | |
checkInteractions(userid, punishment, room) { | |
const punishments =; | |
const results = []; | |
const info = Punishments[room ? "roomInteractions" : "interactions"][punishment.type]; | |
if (!info) | |
return; | |
for (const [k, curRoom, curPunishment] of punishments) { | |
if (k !== userid || room && curRoom !== room) | |
continue; | |
if (info.overrides.includes(curPunishment.type)) { | |
results.push(curPunishment); | |
if (room) { | |
Punishments.roomUnpunish(room, userid, curPunishment.type); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.unpunish(userid, curPunishment.type); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return results; | |
} | |
roomPunishName(room, userid, punishment) { | |
if (! | | = userid; | |
const roomid = typeof room !== "string" ? room.roomid : room; | |
const foundKeys =[key]) => key); | |
Punishments.checkInteractions(userid, punishment, roomid); | |
const userids = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([userid]); | |
const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
for (const key of foundKeys) { | |
if (key.includes(".")) { | |
ips.add(key); | |
} else { | |
userids.add(key); | |
} | |
} | |
for (const id2 of userids) { | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedSet(roomid, id2, punishment); | |
} | |
for (const ip of ips) { | |
Punishments.roomIps.nestedSet(roomid, ip, punishment); | |
} | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
const affected = Users.findUsers([...userids], [...ips], { includeTrusted: PUNISH_TRUSTED, forPunishment: true }); | |
userids.delete(id); | |
void Punishments.appendPunishment({ | |
userids: [...userids], | |
ips: [...ips], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}, roomid + ":" + id, ROOM_PUNISHMENT_FILE); | |
if (typeof room !== "string") { | |
room = room; | |
if (!(room.settings.isPrivate === true || room.settings.isPersonal)) { | |
void Punishments.monitorRoomPunishments(userid); | |
} | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param ignoreWrite skip persistent storage | |
*/ | |
roomUnpunish(room, id, punishType, ignoreWrite = false) { | |
const roomid = typeof room !== "string" ? room.roomid : room; | |
id = toID(id); | |
const punishment = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGetByType(roomid, id, punishType); | |
if (punishment) { | |
id =; | |
} | |
let success; | |
const ipSubMap = Punishments.roomIps.get(roomid); | |
if (ipSubMap) { | |
for (const [key, punishmentList] of ipSubMap) { | |
for (const [i, cur] of punishmentList.entries()) { | |
if ( === id && cur.type === punishType) { | |
punishmentList.splice(i, 1); | |
success = id; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!punishmentList.length) { | |
ipSubMap.delete(key); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
const useridSubMap = Punishments.roomUserids.get(roomid); | |
if (useridSubMap) { | |
for (const [key, punishmentList] of useridSubMap) { | |
for (const [i, cur] of punishmentList.entries()) { | |
if ( === id && cur.type === punishType) { | |
punishmentList.splice(i, 1); | |
success = id; | |
} | |
if (!punishmentList.length) { | |
useridSubMap.delete(key); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (success && !ignoreWrite) { | |
Punishments.saveRoomPunishments(); | |
} | |
return success; | |
} | |
addRoomPunishmentType(opts, desc, callback) { | |
if (typeof opts === "string") { | |
if (!desc) | |
throw new Error("Desc argument must be provided if type is string"); | |
opts = { onActivate: callback, desc, type: opts }; | |
} | |
this.roomPunishmentTypes.set(opts.type, opts); | |
if (!this.sortedRoomTypes.includes(opts.type)) | |
this.sortedRoomTypes.unshift(opts.type); | |
} | |
addPunishmentType(opts, desc, callback) { | |
if (typeof opts === "string") { | |
if (!desc) | |
throw new Error("Desc argument must be provided if type is string"); | |
opts = { onActivate: callback, desc, type: opts }; | |
} | |
this.punishmentTypes.set(opts.type, opts); | |
if (!this.sortedTypes.includes(opts.type)) | |
this.sortedTypes.unshift(opts.type); | |
} | |
/********************************************************* | |
* Specific punishments | |
*********************************************************/ | |
async ban(user, expireTime, id, ignoreAlts, ...reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + GLOBALBAN_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "BAN", id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
const affected = await Punishments.punish(user, punishment, ignoreAlts); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |
curUser.locked =; | |
curUser.disconnectAll(); | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
unban(name) { | |
return Punishments.unpunish(name, "BAN"); | |
} | |
async lock(user, expireTime, id, ignoreAlts, reason, bypassPunishmentfilter = false, rest) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + LOCK_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "LOCK", id, expireTime, reason, rest }; | |
const userObject = Users.get(user); | |
if (userObject) | |
userObject.locked =; | |
const affected = await Punishments.punish(user, punishment, ignoreAlts, bypassPunishmentfilter); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |
Punishments.checkPunishmentTime(curUser, punishment); | |
curUser.locked =; | |
curUser.updateIdentity(); | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
async autolock(user, room, source, reason, message, week = false, namelock) { | |
if (!message) | |
message = reason; | |
let punishment = `LOCK`; | |
let expires = null; | |
if (week) { | |
expires = + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; | |
punishment = `WEEKLOCK`; | |
} | |
const userid = toID(user); | |
if (Users.get(user)?.locked) | |
return false; | |
const name = typeof user === "string" ? user :; | |
if (namelock) { | |
punishment = `NAME${punishment}`; | |
await Punishments.namelock(user, expires, toID(namelock), false, `Autonamelock: ${name}: ${reason}`); | |
} else { | |
await Punishments.lock(user, expires, userid, false, `Autolock: ${name}: ${reason}`); | |
} | |
Monitor.log(`[${source}] ${punishment}ED: ${message}`); | |
const logEntry = { | |
action: `AUTO${punishment}`, | |
visualRoomID: typeof room !== "string" ? room.roomid : room, | |
ip: typeof user !== "string" ? user.latestIp : null, | |
userid, | |
note: reason, | |
isGlobal: true | |
}; | |
if (typeof user !== "string") | |
logEntry.ip = user.latestIp; | |
const roomObject = Rooms.get(room); | |
const userObject = Users.get(user); | |
if (roomObject) { | |
roomObject.modlog(logEntry); | |
} else { | |; | |
} | |
if (roomObject?.battle && userObject?.connections[0]) { | |
Chat.parse("/savereplay forpunishment", roomObject, userObject, userObject.connections[0]); | |
} | |
const roomauth =; | |
if (roomauth.length) { | |
Monitor.log(`[CrisisMonitor] Autolocked user ${name} has public roomauth (${roomauth.join(", ")}), and should probably be demoted.`); | |
} | |
} | |
unlock(name) { | |
const user = Users.get(name); | |
let id = toID(name); | |
const success = []; | |
if (user?.locked && !user.namelocked) { | |
id = user.locked; | |
user.locked = null; | |
user.namelocked = null; | |
user.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
success.push(user.getLastName()); | |
} | |
if (!id.startsWith("#")) { | |
for (const curUser of Users.users.values()) { | |
if (curUser.locked === id) { | |
curUser.locked = null; | |
curUser.namelocked = null; | |
curUser.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
curUser.updateIdentity(); | |
success.push(curUser.getLastName()); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (["LOCK", "YEARLOCK"].some((type) => Punishments.unpunish(name, type))) { | |
if (!success.length) | |
success.push(name); | |
} | |
if (!success.length) | |
return void 0; | |
if (!success.some((v) => toID(v) === id)) { | |
success.push(id); | |
} | |
return success; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Sets the punishment timer for a user, | |
* to either MAX_PUNISHMENT_TIMER_LENGTH or the amount of time left on the punishment. | |
* It also expires a punishment if the time is up. | |
*/ | |
checkPunishmentTime(user, punishment) { | |
if (user.punishmentTimer) { | |
clearTimeout(user.punishmentTimer); | |
user.punishmentTimer = null; | |
} | |
if (user.locked && user.locked.startsWith("#")) | |
return; | |
const { id, expireTime } = punishment; | |
const timeLeft = expireTime -; | |
if (timeLeft <= 1) { | |
if (user.locked === id) | |
Punishments.unlock(; | |
return; | |
} | |
const waitTime = Math.min(timeLeft, MAX_PUNISHMENT_TIMER_LENGTH); | |
user.punishmentTimer = setTimeout(() => { | |
global.Punishments.checkPunishmentTime(user, punishment); | |
}, waitTime); | |
} | |
async namelock(user, expireTime, id, ignoreAlts, ...reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + LOCK_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "NAMELOCK", id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
const affected = await Punishments.punish(user, punishment, ignoreAlts); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |
Punishments.checkPunishmentTime(curUser, punishment); | |
curUser.locked =; | |
curUser.namelocked =; | |
curUser.resetName(true); | |
curUser.updateIdentity(); | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
unnamelock(name) { | |
const user = Users.get(name); | |
let id = toID(name); | |
const success = []; | |
if (user?.namelocked) | |
name = user.namelocked; | |
const unpunished = Punishments.unpunish(name, "NAMELOCK"); | |
if (user?.locked) { | |
id = user.locked; | |
user.locked = null; | |
user.namelocked = null; | |
user.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
user.resetName(); | |
success.push(user.getLastName()); | |
} | |
if (!id.startsWith("#")) { | |
for (const curUser of Users.users.values()) { | |
if (curUser.locked === id) { | |
curUser.locked = null; | |
curUser.namelocked = null; | |
curUser.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
curUser.resetName(); | |
success.push(curUser.getLastName()); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (unpunished && !success.length) | |
success.push(name); | |
if (!success.length) | |
return false; | |
if (!success.some((v) => toID(v) === id)) { | |
success.push(id); | |
} | |
return success; | |
} | |
battleban(user, expireTime, id, ...reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + BATTLEBAN_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "BATTLEBAN", id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
for (const games of { | |
const game = Rooms.get(games).getGame(Tournaments.Tournament); | |
if (!game) | |
continue; | |
if (game.isTournamentStarted) { | |
game.disqualifyUser(, null, null); | |
} else if (!game.isTournamentStarted) { | |
game.removeUser(; | |
} | |
} | |
return Punishments.punish(user, punishment, false); | |
} | |
unbattleban(userid) { | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
if (user) { | |
const punishment = Punishments.isBattleBanned(user); | |
if (punishment) | |
userid =; | |
} | |
return Punishments.unpunish(userid, "BATTLEBAN"); | |
} | |
isBattleBanned(user) { | |
if (!user) | |
throw new Error(`Trying to check if a non-existent user is battlebanned.`); | |
let punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(, "BATTLEBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
if (user.autoconfirmed) { | |
punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(user.autoconfirmed, "BATTLEBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
for (const ip of user.ips) { | |
punishment = Punishments.ips.getByType(ip, "BATTLEBAN"); | |
if (punishment) { | |
if (Punishments.isSharedIp(ip) && user.autoconfirmed) | |
return; | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* Bans a user from using groupchats. Returns an array of roomids of the groupchat they created, if any. | |
* We don't necessarily want to delete these, since we still need to warn the participants, | |
* and make a modnote of the participant names, which doesn't seem appropriate for a Punishments method. | |
*/ | |
async groupchatBan(user, expireTime, id, reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
const punishment = { type: "GROUPCHATBAN", id, expireTime, reason }; | |
const groupchatsCreated = []; | |
const targetUser = Users.get(user); | |
if (targetUser) { | |
for (const roomid of targetUser.inRooms || []) { | |
const targetRoom = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (!targetRoom?.roomid.startsWith("groupchat-")) | |
continue; | |; | |
targetUser.leaveRoom(targetRoom.roomid); | |
if (targetRoom.auth.get(targetUser) === Users.HOST_SYMBOL) { | |
groupchatsCreated.push(targetRoom.roomid); | |
Punishments.bannedGroupchatParticipants[targetRoom.roomid] = new Set( | |
// Room#users is a UserTable where the keys are IDs, | |
// but typed as strings so that they can be used as object keys. | |
Object.keys(targetRoom.users).filter((u) => !targetRoom.users[u].can("lock")) | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
await Punishments.punish(user, punishment, false); | |
return groupchatsCreated; | |
} | |
groupchatUnban(user) { | |
let userid = typeof user === "object" ? : user; | |
const punishment = Punishments.isGroupchatBanned(user); | |
if (punishment) | |
userid =; | |
return Punishments.unpunish(userid, "GROUPCHATBAN"); | |
} | |
isGroupchatBanned(user) { | |
const userid = toID(user); | |
const targetUser = Users.get(user); | |
let punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(userid, "GROUPCHATBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
if (targetUser?.autoconfirmed) { | |
punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(targetUser.autoconfirmed, "GROUPCHATBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
if (targetUser && !targetUser.trusted) { | |
for (const ip of targetUser.ips) { | |
punishment = Punishments.ips.getByType(ip, "GROUPCHATBAN"); | |
if (punishment) { | |
if (Punishments.isSharedIp(ip) && targetUser.autoconfirmed) | |
return; | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
isTicketBanned(user) { | |
const ips = []; | |
if (typeof user === "object") { | |
ips.push(...user.ips); | |
ips.unshift(user.latestIp); | |
user =; | |
} | |
const punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(user, "TICKETBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
if (ips.some((ip) => Punishments.isSharedIp(ip))) | |
return false; | |
for (const ip of ips) { | |
const curPunishment = Punishments.ips.getByType(ip, "TICKETBAN"); | |
if (curPunishment) | |
return curPunishment; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Monitors a groupchat, watching in case too many users who had participated in | |
* a groupchat that was deleted because its owner was groupchatbanned join. | |
*/ | |
monitorGroupchatJoin(room, newUser) { | |
if (Punishments.lastGroupchatMonitorTime[room.roomid] > - GROUPCHAT_MONITOR_INTERVAL) | |
return; | |
const newUserID = toID(newUser); | |
for (const [roomid, participants] of Object.entries(Punishments.bannedGroupchatParticipants)) { | |
if (!participants.has(newUserID)) | |
continue; | |
let overlap = 0; | |
for (const participant of participants) { | |
if (participant in room.users || room.auth.has(participant)) | |
overlap++; | |
} | |
let html = `|html|[GroupchatMonitor] The groupchat \xAB<a href="/${room.roomid}">${room.roomid}</a>\xBB `; | |
if (Config.modloglink) | |
html += `(<a href="${Config.modloglink(new Date(), room.roomid)}">logs</a>) `; | |
html += `includes ${overlap} participants from forcibly deleted groupchat \xAB<a href="/${roomid}">${roomid}</a>\xBB`; | |
if (Config.modloglink) | |
html += ` (<a href="${Config.modloglink(new Date(), roomid)}">logs</a>)`; | |
html += `.`; | |["staff"], html); | |
Punishments.lastGroupchatMonitorTime[room.roomid] =; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
punishRange(range, reason, expireTime, punishType) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + RANGELOCK_DURATION; | |
if (!punishType) | |
punishType = "LOCK"; | |
const punishment = { type: punishType, id: "#rangelock", expireTime, reason }; | |
Punishments.ips.add(range, punishment); | |
const ips = []; | |
const parsedRange = IPTools.stringToRange(range); | |
if (!parsedRange) | |
throw new Error(`Invalid IP range: ${range}`); | |
const { minIP, maxIP } = parsedRange; | |
for (let ipNumber = minIP; ipNumber <= maxIP; ipNumber++) { | |
ips.push(IPTools.numberToIP(ipNumber)); | |
} | |
void Punishments.appendPunishment({ | |
userids: [], | |
ips, | |
punishType, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: [] | |
}, "#rangelock", PUNISHMENT_FILE, true); | |
} | |
banRange(range, reason, expireTime) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + RANGELOCK_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "BAN", id: "#rangelock", expireTime, reason }; | |
Punishments.ips.add(range, punishment); | |
} | |
roomBan(room, user, expireTime, id, ...reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + ROOMBAN_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "ROOMBAN", id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
const affected = Punishments.roomPunish(room, user, punishment); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |; | |
curUser.leaveRoom(room.roomid); | |
} | |
if (room.subRooms) { | |
for (const subRoom of room.subRooms.values()) { | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |; | |
curUser.leaveRoom(subRoom.roomid); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
roomBlacklist(room, user, expireTime, id, ...reason) { | |
if (!expireTime) | |
expireTime = + BLACKLIST_DURATION; | |
const punishment = { type: "BLACKLIST", id, expireTime, reason: reason.join(" ") }; | |
const affected = Punishments.roomPunish(room, user, punishment); | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |
Punishments.roomUnban(room, || curUser); | |; | |
curUser.leaveRoom(room.roomid); | |
} | |
if (room.subRooms) { | |
for (const subRoom of room.subRooms.values()) { | |
for (const curUser of affected) { | |; | |
curUser.leaveRoom(subRoom.roomid); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return affected; | |
} | |
roomUnban(room, userid) { | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
if (user) { | |
const punishment = Punishments.isRoomBanned(user, room.roomid); | |
if (punishment) | |
userid =; | |
} | |
return Punishments.roomUnpunish(room, userid, "ROOMBAN"); | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param ignoreWrite Flag to skip persistent storage. | |
*/ | |
roomUnblacklist(room, userid, ignoreWrite) { | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
if (user) { | |
const punishment = Punishments.isRoomBanned(user, room.roomid); | |
if (punishment) | |
userid =; | |
} | |
return Punishments.roomUnpunish(room, userid, "BLACKLIST", ignoreWrite); | |
} | |
roomUnblacklistAll(room) { | |
const roombans = Punishments.roomUserids.get(room.roomid); | |
if (!roombans) | |
return false; | |
const unblacklisted = []; | |
roombans.each(({ type }, userid) => { | |
if (type === "BLACKLIST") { | |
Punishments.roomUnblacklist(room, userid, true); | |
unblacklisted.push(userid); | |
} | |
}); | |
if (unblacklisted.length === 0) | |
return false; | |
Punishments.saveRoomPunishments(); | |
return unblacklisted; | |
} | |
addSharedIp(ip, note) { | |
const pattern = IPTools.stringToRange(ip); | |
const isRange = pattern && pattern.minIP !== pattern.maxIP; | |
if (isRange) { | |
Punishments.sharedRanges.set(pattern, note); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.sharedIps.set(ip, note); | |
} | |
void Punishments.appendSharedIp(ip, note); | |
for (const user of Users.users.values()) { | |
const sharedIp = user.ips.some( | |
(curIP) => isRange ? IPTools.checkPattern([pattern], IPTools.ipToNumber(curIP)) : curIP === ip | |
); | |
if (user.locked && user.locked !== && sharedIp) { | |
if (!user.autoconfirmed) { | |
user.semilocked = `#sharedip ${user.locked}`; | |
} | |
user.locked = null; | |
user.namelocked = null; | |
user.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
isSharedIp(ip) { | |
if (this.sharedIps.has(ip)) | |
return true; | |
const num = IPTools.ipToNumber(ip); | |
for (const range of this.sharedRanges.keys()) { | |
if (IPTools.checkPattern([range], num)) { | |
return true; | |
} | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
removeSharedIp(ip) { | |
const pattern = IPTools.stringToRange(ip); | |
if (pattern && pattern.minIP !== pattern.maxIP) { | |
const isMatch = (range) => range.minIP === pattern.minIP && range.maxIP === pattern.maxIP; | |
Punishments.sharedRanges = new Map([...Punishments.sharedRanges].filter(([range]) => !isMatch(range))); | |
} else { | |
Punishments.sharedIps.delete(ip); | |
} | |
void Punishments.saveSharedIps(); | |
} | |
addBlacklistedSharedIp(ip, reason) { | |
void Punishments.appendSharedIpBlacklist(ip, reason); | |
Punishments.sharedIpBlacklist.set(ip, reason); | |
} | |
removeBlacklistedSharedIp(ip) { | |
Punishments.sharedIpBlacklist.delete(ip); | |
void Punishments.saveSharedIpBlacklist(); | |
} | |
whitelistName(name, whitelister) { | |
if (this.namefilterwhitelist.has(name)) | |
return false; | |
name = toID(name); | |
whitelister = toID(whitelister); | |
this.namefilterwhitelist.set(name, whitelister); | |
void this.appendWhitelistedName(name, whitelister); | |
return true; | |
} | |
unwhitelistName(name) { | |
name = toID(name); | |
if (!this.namefilterwhitelist.has(name)) | |
return false; | |
this.namefilterwhitelist.delete(name); | |
void this.saveNameWhitelist(); | |
return true; | |
} | |
/********************************************************* | |
* Checking | |
*********************************************************/ | |
/** | |
* Returns an array of [key, roomid, punishment] pairs. | |
* | |
* @param searchId userid or IP | |
*/ | |
search(searchId) { | |
const results = []; | |
Punishments.ips.each((punishment, ip) => { | |
const { id } = punishment; | |
if (searchId === id || searchId === ip) { | |
results.push([ip, "", punishment]); | |
} | |
}); | |
Punishments.userids.each((punishment, userid) => { | |
const { id } = punishment; | |
if (searchId === id || searchId === userid) { | |
results.push([userid, "", punishment]); | |
} | |
}); | |
Punishments.roomIps.nestedEach((punishment, roomid, ip) => { | |
const { id: punishUserid } = punishment; | |
if (searchId === punishUserid || searchId === ip) { | |
results.push([ip, roomid, punishment]); | |
} | |
}); | |
Punishments.roomUserids.nestedEach((punishment, roomid, userid) => { | |
const { id: punishUserid } = punishment; | |
if (searchId === punishUserid || searchId === userid) { | |
results.push([userid, roomid, punishment]); | |
} | |
}); | |
return results; | |
} | |
getPunishType(name) { | |
let punishment = Punishments.userids.get(toID(name)); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment[0].type; | |
const user = Users.get(name); | |
if (!user) | |
return; | |
punishment = Punishments.ipSearch(user.latestIp); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment[0].type; | |
return ""; | |
} | |
hasPunishType(name, types, ip) { | |
if (typeof types === "string") | |
types = [types]; | |
const byName = Punishments.userids.get(name)?.some((p) => types.includes(p.type)); | |
if (!ip) | |
return byName; | |
return byName || Punishments.ipSearch(ip)?.some((p) => types.includes(p.type)); | |
} | |
hasRoomPunishType(room, name, types) { | |
if (typeof types === "string") | |
types = [types]; | |
if (typeof room.roomid === "string") | |
room = room.roomid; | |
return Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(room, name)?.some((p) => types.includes(p.type)); | |
} | |
byWeight(punishments, room = false) { | |
if (!punishments) | |
return []; | |
return import_lib.Utils.sortBy( | |
punishments, | |
(p) => -(room ? this.sortedRoomTypes : this.sortedTypes).indexOf(p.type) | |
); | |
} | |
ipSearch(ip, type) { | |
const allPunishments = []; | |
let punishment = Punishments.ips.get(ip); | |
if (punishment) { | |
if (type) | |
return punishment.find((p) => p.type === type); | |
allPunishments.push(...punishment); | |
} | |
let dotIndex = ip.lastIndexOf("."); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 4 && dotIndex > 0; i++) { | |
ip = ip.substr(0, dotIndex); | |
punishment = Punishments.ips.get(ip + ".*"); | |
if (punishment) { | |
if (type) | |
return punishment.find((p) => p.type === type); | |
allPunishments.push(...punishment); | |
} | |
dotIndex = ip.lastIndexOf("."); | |
} | |
return allPunishments.length ? allPunishments : void 0; | |
} | |
/** Defined in Punishments.loadBanlist */ | |
checkRangeBanned(ip) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
checkName(user, userid, registered) { | |
if (userid.startsWith("guest")) | |
return; | |
for (const roomid of user.inRooms) { | |
Punishments.checkNewNameInRoom(user, userid, roomid); | |
} | |
let punishments = []; | |
const idPunishments = Punishments.userids.get(userid); | |
if (idPunishments) { | |
punishments = idPunishments; | |
} | |
const battleban = Punishments.isBattleBanned(user); | |
if (battleban) | |
punishments.push(battleban); | |
if (user.namelocked) { | |
let punishment = Punishments.userids.get(user.namelocked)?.[0]; | |
if (!punishment) | |
punishment = { type: "NAMELOCK", id: user.namelocked, expireTime: 0, reason: "" }; | |
punishments.push(punishment); | |
} | |
if (user.locked) { | |
let punishment = Punishments.userids.get(user.locked)?.[0]; | |
if (!punishment) | |
punishment = { type: "LOCK", id: user.locked, expireTime: 0, reason: "" }; | |
punishments.push(punishment); | |
} | |
const ticket = Chat.pages?.help ? `<a href="view-help-request--appeal"><button class="button"><strong>Appeal your punishment</strong></button></a>` : ""; | |
if (!punishments.length) | |
return; | |
Punishments.byWeight(punishments); | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
const id = punishment.type; | |
const punishmentInfo = this.punishmentTypes.get(id); | |
const punishUserid =; | |
const reason = punishment.reason ? import_lib.Utils.html`\n\nReason: ${punishment.reason}` : ""; | |
let appeal = ``; | |
if (user.permalocked && Config.appealurl) { | |
appeal += ` | |
Permanent punishments can be appealed: <a href="${Config.appealurl}">${Config.appealurl}</a>`; | |
} else if (ticket) { | |
appeal += ` | |
If you feel you were unfairly punished or wish to otherwise appeal, you can ${ticket}.`; | |
} else if (Config.appealurl) { | |
appeal += ` | |
If you wish to appeal your punishment, please use: <a href="${Config.appealurl}">${Config.appealurl}</a>`; | |
} | |
const bannedUnder = punishUserid !== userid ? ` because you have the same IP as banned user: ${punishUserid}` : ""; | |
if (id === "BATTLEBAN") { | |
if (punishUserid !== && Punishments.isSharedIp(user.latestIp) && user.autoconfirmed) { | |
Punishments.unpunish(userid, "BATTLEBAN"); | |
} else { | |
void Punishments.punish(user, punishment, false); | |
user.cancelReady(); | |
if (!Punishments.userids.getByType(userid, "BATTLEBAN")) { | |
const appealLink = ticket || (Config.appealurl ? `appeal at: ${Config.appealurl}` : ``); | |
user.send( | |
`|popup||html|You are banned from battling${ !== userid ? ` because you have the same IP as banned user: ${punishUserid}` : ""}. Your battle ban will expire in a few days.${punishment.reason ? import_lib.Utils.html`\n\nReason: ${punishment.reason}` : ``}${appealLink ? ` | |
Or you can ${appealLink}.` : ``}` | |
); | |
user.notified.punishment = true; | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if ((id === "LOCK" || id === "NAMELOCK") && punishUserid !== userid && Punishments.isSharedIp(user.latestIp)) { | |
if (!user.autoconfirmed) { | |
user.semilocked = `#sharedip ${user.locked}`; | |
} | |
user.locked = null; | |
user.namelocked = null; | |
user.destroyPunishmentTimer(); | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (id === "BAN") { | |
const appealUrl = Config.banappealurl || Config.appealurl; | |
user.popup( | |
`Your username (${}) is banned${bannedUnder}. Your ban will expire in a few days.${reason}${appealUrl ? `||||Or you can appeal at: ${appealUrl}` : ``}` | |
); | |
user.notified.punishment = true; | |
if (registered) | |
void Punishments.punish(user, punishment, false); | |
user.disconnectAll(); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (id === "NAMELOCK" || user.namelocked) { | |
user.send(`|popup||html|You are namelocked and can't have a username${bannedUnder}. Your namelock will expire in a few days.${reason}${appeal}`); | |
user.locked = punishUserid; | |
user.namelocked = punishUserid; | |
user.resetName(); | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
} else if (id === "LOCK") { | |
if (punishUserid === "#hostfilter" || punishUserid === "#ipban") { | |
user.send(`|popup||html|Your IP (${user.latestIp}) is currently locked due to being a proxy. We automatically lock these connections since they are used to spam, hack, or otherwise attack our server. Disable any proxies you are using to connect to PS. | |
<a href="view-help-request--appeal"><button class="button">Help me with a lock from a proxy</button></a>`); | |
} else if (user.latestHostType === "proxy" && user.locked !== { | |
user.send(`|popup||html|You are locked${bannedUnder} on the IP (${user.latestIp}), which is a proxy. We automatically lock these connections since they are used to spam, hack, or otherwise attack our server. Disable any proxies you are using to connect to PS. | |
<a href="view-help-request--appeal"><button class="button">Help me with a lock from a proxy</button></a>`); | |
} else if (!user.notified.lock) { | |
user.send(`|popup||html|You are locked${bannedUnder}. ${user.permalocked ? `This lock is permanent.` : `Your lock will expire in a few days.`}${reason}${appeal}`); | |
} | |
user.notified.lock = true; | |
user.locked = punishUserid; | |
user.updateIdentity(); | |
} else if (punishmentInfo?.onActivate) { | |, user, punishment, null, ===; | |
} | |
Punishments.checkPunishmentTime(user, punishment); | |
} | |
} | |
checkIp(user, connection) { | |
const ip = connection.ip; | |
let punishments = Punishments.ipSearch(ip); | |
if (!punishments && Punishments.checkRangeBanned(ip)) { | |
punishments = [{ type: "LOCK", id: "#ipban", expireTime: Infinity, reason: "" }]; | |
} | |
if (punishments) { | |
const isSharedIP = Punishments.isSharedIp(ip); | |
let sharedAndHasPunishment = false; | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
if (isSharedIP) { | |
if (!user.locked && !user.autoconfirmed) { | |
user.semilocked = `#sharedip ${}`; | |
} | |
sharedAndHasPunishment = true; | |
} else { | |
if (["BAN", "LOCK", "NAMELOCK"].includes(punishment.type)) { | |
user.locked =; | |
if (punishment.type === "NAMELOCK") { | |
user.namelocked =; | |
user.resetName(true); | |
} | |
} else { | |
const info = Punishments.punishmentTypes.get(punishment.type); | |
info?.onActivate?.call(this, user, punishment, null, ===; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!sharedAndHasPunishment) | |
Punishments.checkPunishmentTime(user, Punishments.byWeight(punishments)[0]); | |
} | |
return IPTools.lookup(ip).then(({ dnsbl, host, hostType }) => { | |
user = connection.user || user; | |
if (hostType === "proxy" && !user.trusted && !user.locked) { | |
user.locked = "#hostfilter"; | |
} else if (dnsbl && !user.autoconfirmed) { | |
user.semilocked = "#dnsbl"; | |
} | |
if (host) { | |
user.latestHost = host; | |
user.latestHostType = hostType; | |
} | |
Chat.hostfilter(host || "", user, connection, hostType); | |
}); | |
} | |
/** | |
* IP bans need to be checked separately since we don't even want to | |
* make a User object if an IP is banned. | |
*/ | |
checkIpBanned(connection) { | |
const ip = connection.ip; | |
if (Punishments.cfloods.has(ip) || Monitor.countConnection(ip) && Punishments.cfloods.add(ip)) { | |
connection.send(`|popup||modal|PS is under heavy load and cannot accommodate your connection right now.`); | |
return "#cflood"; | |
} | |
if (Punishments.isSharedIp(ip)) | |
return false; | |
let banned = false; | |
const punishment = Punishments.ipSearch(ip, "BAN"); | |
if (punishment) { | |
banned =; | |
} | |
if (!banned) | |
return false; | |
const appealUrl = Config.banappealurl || Config.appealurl; | |
connection.send( | |
`|popup||modal|You are banned because you have the same IP (${ip}) as banned user '${banned}'. Your ban will expire in a few days.${appealUrl ? `||||Or you can appeal at: ${appealUrl}` : ``}` | |
); | |
Monitor.notice(`CONNECT BLOCKED - IP BANNED: ${ip} (${banned})`); | |
return banned; | |
} | |
checkNameInRoom(user, roomid) { | |
let punishment = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid,; | |
if (!punishment && user.autoconfirmed) { | |
punishment = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid, user.autoconfirmed); | |
} | |
if (punishment?.some((p) => p.type === "ROOMBAN" || p.type === "BLACKLIST")) { | |
return true; | |
} | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (room.parent) { | |
return Punishments.checkNameInRoom(user, room.parent.roomid); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param userid The name into which the user is renamed. | |
*/ | |
checkNewNameInRoom(user, userid, roomid) { | |
let punishments = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid, userid) || null; | |
if (!punishments) { | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (room.parent) { | |
punishments = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(room.parent.roomid, userid) || null; | |
} | |
} | |
if (punishments) { | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
const info = this.roomPunishmentTypes.get(punishment.type); | |
if (info?.onActivate) { | |, user, punishment, Rooms.get(roomid), ===; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (punishment.type !== "ROOMBAN" && punishment.type !== "BLACKLIST") | |
return null; | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |; | |
user.leaveRoom(room.roomid); | |
} | |
return punishments; | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @return Descriptive text for the remaining time until the punishment expires, if any. | |
*/ | |
checkLockExpiration(userid) { | |
if (!userid) | |
return ``; | |
const punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(userid, "LOCK"); | |
const user = Users.get(userid); | |
if (user?.permalocked) | |
return ` (never expires; you are permalocked)`; | |
return Punishments.checkPunishmentExpiration(punishment); | |
} | |
checkPunishmentExpiration(punishment) { | |
if (!punishment) | |
return ``; | |
const expiresIn = new Date(punishment.expireTime).getTime() -; | |
const expiresDays = Math.round(expiresIn / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24); | |
let expiresText = ""; | |
if (expiresDays >= 1) { | |
expiresText = `in around ${Chat.count(expiresDays, "days")}`; | |
} else { | |
expiresText = `soon`; | |
} | |
if (expiresIn > 1) | |
return ` (expires ${expiresText})`; | |
} | |
isRoomBanned(user, roomid) { | |
if (!user) | |
throw new Error(`Trying to check if a non-existent user is room banned.`); | |
let punishments = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid,; | |
for (const p of punishments || []) { | |
if (p.type === "ROOMBAN" || p.type === "BLACKLIST") | |
return p; | |
} | |
if (user.autoconfirmed) { | |
punishments = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid, user.autoconfirmed); | |
for (const p of punishments || []) { | |
if (p.type === "ROOMBAN" || p.type === "BLACKLIST") | |
return p; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!user.trusted) { | |
for (const ip of user.ips) { | |
punishments = Punishments.roomIps.nestedGet(roomid, ip); | |
if (punishments) { | |
for (const punishment of punishments) { | |
if (punishment.type === "ROOMBAN") { | |
return punishment; | |
} else if (punishment.type === "BLACKLIST") { | |
if (Punishments.isSharedIp(ip) && user.autoconfirmed) | |
continue; | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (const id of user.previousIDs) { | |
punishments = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(roomid, id); | |
for (const p of punishments || []) { | |
if (["ROOMBAN", "BLACKLIST"].includes(p.type)) | |
return p; | |
} | |
} | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (!room) | |
throw new Error(`Trying to ban a user from a nonexistent room: ${roomid}`); | |
if (room.parent) | |
return Punishments.isRoomBanned(user, room.parent.roomid); | |
} | |
isGlobalBanned(user) { | |
if (!user) | |
throw new Error(`Trying to check if a non-existent user is global banned.`); | |
const punishment = Punishments.userids.getByType(, "BAN") || Punishments.userids.getByType(, "FORCEBAN"); | |
if (punishment) | |
return punishment; | |
} | |
isBlacklistedSharedIp(ip) { | |
const pattern = IPTools.stringToRange(ip); | |
if (!pattern) { | |
throw new Error(`Invalid IP address: '${ip}'`); | |
} | |
for (const [blacklisted, reason] of this.sharedIpBlacklist) { | |
const range = IPTools.stringToRange(blacklisted); | |
if (!range) | |
throw new Error("Falsy range in sharedIpBlacklist"); | |
if (IPTools.rangeIntersects(range, pattern)) | |
return reason; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns an array of all room punishments associated with a user. | |
* | |
* options.publicOnly will make this only return public room punishments. | |
* options.checkIps will also check the IP of the user for IP-based punishments. | |
*/ | |
getRoomPunishments(user, options = {}) { | |
if (!user) | |
return []; | |
const userid = toID(user); | |
const punishments = []; | |
for (const curRoom of { | |
if (!curRoom || curRoom.settings.isPrivate === true || options.publicOnly && curRoom.settings.isPersonal) | |
continue; | |
let punishment = Punishments.roomUserids.nestedGet(curRoom.roomid, userid); | |
if (punishment) { | |
for (const p of punishment) { | |
punishments.push([curRoom, p]); | |
} | |
continue; | |
} else if (options?.checkIps) { | |
if (typeof user !== "string") { | |
let longestIPPunishment; | |
for (const ip of user.ips) { | |
punishment = Punishments.roomIps.nestedGet(curRoom.roomid, ip); | |
if (punishment && (!longestIPPunishment || punishment[2] > longestIPPunishment[2])) { | |
longestIPPunishment = punishment; | |
} | |
} | |
if (longestIPPunishment) { | |
for (const p of longestIPPunishment) { | |
punishments.push([curRoom, p]); | |
} | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (typeof user !== "string" && curRoom.muteQueue) { | |
for (const entry of curRoom.muteQueue) { | |
if (userid === entry.userid || user.guestNum === entry.guestNum || user.autoconfirmed && user.autoconfirmed === entry.autoconfirmed) { | |
punishments.push([curRoom, { type: "MUTE", id: entry.userid, expireTime: entry.time, reason: "" }]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return punishments; | |
} | |
getPunishments(roomid, ignoreMutes) { | |
const punishmentTable = []; | |
if (roomid && (!Punishments.roomIps.has(roomid) || !Punishments.roomUserids.has(roomid))) | |
return punishmentTable; | |
(roomid ? Punishments.roomIps.get(roomid) : Punishments.ips).each((punishment, ip) => { | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
if (id !== "#rangelock" && id.startsWith("#")) | |
return; | |
let entry = punishmentTable.find((e) => e[0] === id && e[1].punishType === type)?.[1]; | |
if (entry) { | |
entry.ips.push(ip); | |
return; | |
} | |
entry = { | |
userids: [], | |
ips: [ip], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}; | |
punishmentTable.push([id, entry]); | |
}); | |
(roomid ? Punishments.roomUserids.get(roomid) : Punishments.userids).each((punishment, userid) => { | |
const { type, id, expireTime, reason, rest } = punishment; | |
if (id.startsWith("#")) | |
return; | |
let entry = punishmentTable.find(([curId, cur]) => id === curId && cur.punishType === type)?.[1]; | |
if (!entry) { | |
entry = { | |
userids: [], | |
ips: [], | |
punishType: type, | |
expireTime, | |
reason, | |
rest: rest || [] | |
}; | |
punishmentTable.push([id, entry]); | |
} | |
if (userid !== id) | |
entry.userids.push(userid); | |
}); | |
if (roomid && ignoreMutes !== false) { | |
const room = Rooms.get(roomid); | |
if (room?.muteQueue) { | |
for (const mute of room.muteQueue) { | |
punishmentTable.push([mute.userid, { | |
userids: [], | |
ips: [], | |
punishType: "MUTE", | |
expireTime: mute.time, | |
reason: "", | |
rest: [] | |
}]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return punishmentTable; | |
} | |
visualizePunishments(punishments, user) { | |
let buf = ""; | |
buf += `<div class="ladder pad"><h2>List of active punishments:</h2>`; | |
buf += `<table">`; | |
buf += `<tr>`; | |
buf += `<th>Username</th>`; | |
buf += `<th>Punishment type</th>`; | |
buf += `<th>Expire time</th>`; | |
buf += `<th>Reason</th>`; | |
buf += `<th>Alts</th>`; | |
if (user.can("ip")) | |
buf += `<th>IPs</th>`; | |
buf += `</tr>`; | |
for (const [userid, punishment] of punishments) { | |
const expiresIn = new Date(punishment.expireTime).getTime() -; | |
if (expiresIn < 1e3) | |
continue; | |
const expireString = Chat.toDurationString(expiresIn, { precision: 1 }); | |
buf += `<tr>`; | |
buf += `<td>${userid}</td>`; | |
buf += `<td>${punishment.punishType}</td>`; | |
buf += `<td>${expireString}</td>`; | |
buf += `<td>${punishment.reason || " - "}</td>`; | |
buf += `<td>${punishment.userids.join(", ") || " - "}</td>`; | |
if (user.can("ip")) | |
buf += `<td>${punishment.ips.join(", ") || " - "}</td>`; | |
buf += `</tr>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</table>`; | |
buf += `</div>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Notifies staff if a user has three or more room punishments. | |
*/ | |
async monitorRoomPunishments(user) { | |
if (user.locked) | |
return; | |
const userid = toID(user); | |
const minPunishments = typeof Config.monitorminpunishments === "number" ? Config.monitorminpunishments : 3; | |
if (!minPunishments) | |
return; | |
let punishments = Punishments.getRoomPunishments(user, { checkIps: true, publicOnly: true }); | |
punishments = punishments.filter(([room, punishment]) => Punishments.roomPunishmentTypes.get(punishment.type)?.activatePunishMonitor); | |
if (punishments.length >= minPunishments) { | |
let points = 0; | |
const punishmentText =[room, punishment]) => { | |
const { type: punishType, id: punishUserid, reason } = punishment; | |
if (punishType in PUNISHMENT_POINT_VALUES) | |
points += PUNISHMENT_POINT_VALUES[punishType]; | |
let punishDesc = Punishments.roomPunishmentTypes.get(punishType)?.desc; | |
if (!punishDesc) | |
punishDesc = `punished`; | |
if (punishUserid !== userid) | |
punishDesc += ` as ${punishUserid}`; | |
const trimmedReason = reason?.trim(); | |
if (trimmedReason && !trimmedReason.startsWith("(PROOF:")) | |
punishDesc += `: ${trimmedReason}`; | |
return `<<${room}>> (${punishDesc})`; | |
}).join(", "); | |
if (Config.punishmentautolock && points >= AUTOLOCK_POINT_THRESHOLD) { | |
const rooms =[room]) => room).join(", "); | |
const reason = `Autolocked for having punishments in ${punishments.length} rooms: ${rooms}`; | |
const message = `${ || userid} was locked for having punishments in ${punishments.length} rooms: ${punishmentText}`; | |
const globalPunishments = await Rooms.Modlog.getGlobalPunishments(userid, AUTOWEEKLOCK_DAYS_TO_SEARCH); | |
const isWeek = globalPunishments !== null && globalPunishments >= AUTOWEEKLOCK_THRESHOLD; | |
void Punishments.autolock(user, "staff", "PunishmentMonitor", reason, message, isWeek); | |
if (typeof user !== "string") { | |
user.popup( | |
`|modal|You've been locked for breaking the rules in multiple chatrooms. | |
If you feel that your lock was unjustified, you can still PM staff members (%, @, ~) to discuss it${Config.appealurl ? ` or you can appeal: | |
${Config.appealurl}` : "."} | |
Your lock will expire in a few days.` | |
); | |
} | |
} else { | |
Monitor.log(`[PunishmentMonitor] ${ || userid} currently has punishments in ${punishments.length} rooms: ${punishmentText}`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
renameRoom(oldID, newID) { | |
for (const table of [Punishments.roomUserids, Punishments.roomIps]) { | |
const entry = table.get(oldID); | |
if (entry) { | |
table.set(newID, entry); | |
table.delete(oldID); | |
} | |
} | |
Punishments.saveRoomPunishments(); | |
} | |
}(); | |
//# | |