Jofthomas's picture
Jofthomas HF staff
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5c2ed06 verified
"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var winrates_exports = {};
__export(winrates_exports, {
commands: () => commands,
getSpeciesName: () => getSpeciesName,
handlers: () => handlers,
pages: () => pages,
saveStats: () => saveStats,
stats: () => stats
module.exports = __toCommonJS(winrates_exports);
var import_lib = require("../../../lib");
const STATS_PATH = Monitor.logPath("randbats/{{MONTH}}-winrates.json").path;
const stats = getDefaultStats();
try {
const path = STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", getMonth());
if (!Monitor.logPath("randbats/").existsSync()) {
const savedStats = JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(path).readSync());
stats.elo = savedStats.elo;
stats.month = savedStats.month;
for (const k in stats.formats) {
stats.formats[k] = savedStats.formats[k] || stats.formats[k];
} catch {
function getDefaultStats() {
return {
elo: 1500,
month: getMonth(),
formats: {
// all of these requested by rands staff. they don't anticipate it being changed much
// so i'm not spending the time to add commands to toggle this
gen9randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen9randomdoublesbattle: { mons: {} },
gen9babyrandombattle: { mons: {} },
gen9superstaffbrosultimate: { mons: {} },
gen8randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen7randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen6randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen5randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen4randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen3randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen2randombattle: { mons: {} },
gen1randombattle: { mons: {} }
function saveStats(month = getMonth()) {
const curStats = { ...stats };
(0, import_lib.FS)(STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", month)).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(curStats));
function getMonth() {
return Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0].slice(0, -3);
function getSpeciesName(set, format) {
const species = set.species;
const item = Dex.items.get(set.item);
const moves = set.moves;
const megaRayquazaPossible = ["gen6", "gen7"].includes(format.mod) && !format.ruleset.includes("Mega Rayquaza Clause");
if (species.startsWith("Pikachu-")) {
return "Pikachu";
} else if (species.startsWith("Unown-")) {
return "Unown";
} else if (species === "Gastrodon-East") {
return "Gastrodon";
} else if (species === "Magearna-Original") {
return "Magearna";
} else if (species === "Genesect-Douse") {
return "Genesect";
} else if (species === "Dudunsparce-Three-Segment") {
return "Dudunsparce";
} else if (species === "Maushold-Four") {
return "Maushold";
} else if (species === "Greninja-Bond") {
return "Greninja";
} else if (species === "Keldeo-Resolute") {
return "Keldeo";
} else if (species === "Zarude-Dada") {
return "Zarude";
} else if (species === "Polteageist-Antique") {
return "Polteageist";
} else if (species === "Sinistcha-Masterpiece") {
return "Sinistcha";
} else if (species === "Squawkabilly-Blue") {
return "Squawkabilly";
} else if (species === "Squawkabilly-White") {
return "Squawkabilly-Yellow";
} else if (species.startsWith("Basculin-")) {
return "Basculin";
} else if (species.startsWith("Sawsbuck-")) {
return "Sawsbuck";
} else if (species.startsWith("Vivillon-")) {
return "Vivillon";
} else if (species.startsWith("Florges-")) {
return "Florges";
} else if (species.startsWith("Furfrou-")) {
return "Furfrou";
} else if (species.startsWith("Minior-")) {
return "Minior";
} else if (species.startsWith("Toxtricity-")) {
return "Toxtricity";
} else if (species.startsWith("Tatsugiri-")) {
return "Tatsugiri";
} else if (species.startsWith("Alcremie-")) {
return "Alcremie";
} else if (species === "Zacian" && === "Rusted Sword") {
return "Zacian-Crowned";
} else if (species === "Zamazenta" && === "Rusted Shield") {
return "Zamazenta-Crowned";
} else if (species === "Kyogre" && === "Blue Orb") {
return "Kyogre-Primal";
} else if (species === "Groudon" && === "Red Orb") {
return "Groudon-Primal";
} else if (item.megaStone) {
return item.megaStone;
} else if (species === "Rayquaza" && moves.includes("Dragon Ascent") && !item.zMove && megaRayquazaPossible) {
return "Rayquaza-Mega";
} else if (species === "Poltchageist-Artisan") {
return "Poltchageist";
} else if (species === "Shellos-East") {
return "Shellos";
} else if (species === "Sinistea-Antique") {
return "Sinistea";
} else if (species.startsWith("Deerling-")) {
return "Deerling";
} else if (species.startsWith("Flabe\u0301be\u0301-")) {
return "Flabe\u0301be\u0301";
} else {
return species;
function checkRollover() {
if (stats.month !== getMonth()) {
Object.assign(stats, getDefaultStats());
const getZScore = (data) => 2 * Math.sqrt(data.timesGenerated) * (data.numWins / data.timesGenerated - 0.5);
const handlers = {
onBattleEnd(battle, winner, players) {
void collectStats(battle, winner, players);
async function collectStats(battle, winner, players) {
const formatData = stats.formats[battle.format];
let eloFloor = stats.elo;
const format = Dex.formats.get(battle.format);
if (format.mod === "gen2" || === "randomBaby") {
eloFloor = 1150;
} else if (format.mod !== `gen${Dex.gen}`) {
eloFloor = 1300;
} else if (format.gameType === "doubles") {
eloFloor = 1400;
if (!formatData || format.mod !== "gen9ssb" && battle.rated < eloFloor || !winner)
for (const p of battle.players) {
const team = await battle.getPlayerTeam(p);
if (!team)
const mons = => getSpeciesName(f, format));
for (const mon of mons) {
if (!formatData.mons[mon])
formatData.mons[mon] = { timesGenerated: 0, numWins: 0 };
if (toID(winner) === toID( {
const commands = {
rwr: "randswinrates",
randswinrates(target, room, user) {
target = toID(target);
if (/^(gen|)[0-9]+$/.test(target)) {
if (target.startsWith("gen"))
target = target.slice(3);
target = `gen${target}randombattle`;
return this.parse(`/j view-winrates-${target ? Dex.formats.get(target).id : `gen${Dex.gen}randombattle`}`);
randswinrateshelp: [
"/randswinrates OR /rwr [format] - Get a list of the win rates for all Pokemon in the given Random Battles format."
async removewinrates(target, room, user) {
if (!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(target) || target === getMonth()) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid month: ${target}`);
const path = STATS_PATH.replace("{{MON}}", target);
if (!await (0, import_lib.FS)(path).exists()) {
return this.errorReply(`No stats for the month ${target}.`);
await (0, import_lib.FS)(path).unlinkIfExists();
this.globalModlog("REMOVEWINRATES", null, target);
this.privateGlobalModAction(`${} removed Random Battle winrates for the month of ${target}`);
const pages = {
async winrates(query, user) {
if (!user.named)
query = query.join("-").split("--");
const format = toID(query.shift());
if (!format)
return this.errorReply(`Specify a format to view winrates for.`);
if (!stats.formats[format]) {
return this.errorReply(`That format does not have winrates tracked.`);
const sorter = toID(query.shift() || "zscore");
if (!["zscore", "raw"].includes(sorter)) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid sorting method. Must be either 'zscore' or 'raw'.`);
const month = query.shift() || getMonth();
if (!/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/.test(month)) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid month: ${month}`);
const isOldMonth = month !== getMonth();
if (isOldMonth && !await (0, import_lib.FS)(STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", month)).exists()) {
return this.errorReply(`There are no winrates for that month.`);
const formatTitle = Dex.formats.get(format).name;
let buf = `<div class="pad"><h2>Winrates for ${formatTitle} (${month})</h2>`;
const prevMonth = new Date(new Date(`${month}-15`).getTime() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3).toISOString().slice(0, 7);
let hasButton = false;
if (await (0, import_lib.FS)(STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", prevMonth)).exists()) {
buf += `<a class="button" href="/view-winrates-${format}--${sorter}--${prevMonth}">Previous month</a>`;
hasButton = true;
const nextMonth = new Date(new Date(`${month}-15`).getTime() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3).toISOString().slice(0, 7);
if (await (0, import_lib.FS)(STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", nextMonth)).exists()) {
if (hasButton)
buf += ` | `;
buf += `<a class="button" href="/view-winrates-${format}--${sorter}--${nextMonth}">Next month</a>`;
hasButton = true;
buf += hasButton ? ` | ` : "";
const otherSort = sorter === "zscore" ? "Raw" : "Z-Score";
buf += `<a class="button" target="replace" href="/view-winrates-${format}--${toID(otherSort)}--${month}">`;
buf += `Sort by ${otherSort} descending</a>`;
buf += `<hr />`;
const statData = month === stats.month ? stats : JSON.parse(await (0, import_lib.FS)(STATS_PATH.replace("{{MONTH}}", month)).read());
const formatData = statData.formats[format];
if (!formatData) {
buf += `<div class="message-error">No stats for that format found on that month.</div>`;
return buf;
this.title = `[Winrates] [${format}] ${month}`;
let sortFn;
if (sorter === "zscore") {
sortFn = ([_, data]) => [-getZScore(data), -data.timesGenerated];
} else {
sortFn = ([_, data]) => [
-(data.numWins / data.timesGenerated),
const mons = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.entries(formatData.mons), sortFn);
buf += `<div class="ladder pad"><table><tr><th>Pokemon</th><th>Win %</th><th>Z-Score</th>`;
buf += `<th>Raw wins</th><th>Times generated</th></tr>`;
for (const [mon, data] of mons) {
buf += `<tr><td>${Dex.species.get(mon).name}</td>`;
const { timesGenerated, numWins } = data;
buf += `<td>${(numWins / timesGenerated * 100).toFixed(2)}%</td>`;
buf += `<td>${getZScore(data).toFixed(3)}</td>`;
buf += `<td>${numWins}</td><td>${timesGenerated}</td>`;
buf += `</tr>`;
buf += `</table></div></div>`;
return buf;