Pokemon_server / dist /server /chat-plugins /helptickets-auto.js
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"use strict";
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var helptickets_auto_exports = {};
__export(helptickets_auto_exports, {
actionHandlers: () => actionHandlers,
addModAction: () => addModAction,
checkers: () => checkers,
classifier: () => classifier,
commands: () => commands,
determinePunishment: () => determinePunishment,
getMessageAverages: () => getMessageAverages,
getModlog: () => getModlog,
globalModlog: () => globalModlog,
pages: () => pages,
punishmentsFor: () => punishmentsFor,
runPunishments: () => runPunishments,
settings: () => settings
module.exports = __toCommonJS(helptickets_auto_exports);
var import_lib = require("../../lib");
var import_helptickets = require("./helptickets");
var Artemis = __toESM(require("../artemis"));
const PMLOG_IGNORE_TIME = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
const WHITELIST = ["mia"];
const defaults = {
punishments: [{
ticketType: "inapname",
punishment: "forcerename",
severity: { type: ["sexual_explicit", "severe_toxicity", "identity_attack"], certainty: 0.4 }
}, {
ticketType: "pmharassment",
punishment: "warn",
severity: { type: ["sexual_explicit", "severe_toxicity", "identity_attack"], certainty: 0.15 }
applyPunishments: false
const settings = (() => {
try {
return { ...defaults, ...JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/ht-auto.json").readSync()) };
} catch {
return defaults;
function saveSettings() {
return (0, import_lib.FS)("config/chat-plugins/ht-auto.json").writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(settings));
function visualizePunishment(punishment) {
const buf = [`punishment: ${punishment.punishment?.toUpperCase()}`];
buf.push(`ticket type: ${punishment.ticketType}`);
if (punishment.severity) {
buf.push(`severity: ${punishment.severity.certainty} (for ${punishment.severity.type.join(", ")})`);
if (punishment.modlogCount) {
buf.push(`required modlog: ${punishment.modlogCount}`);
if (punishment.isSingleMessage) {
buf.push(`for single messages only`);
return buf.join(", ");
function checkAccess(context) {
if (!WHITELIST.includes(context.user.id))
function punishmentsFor(type) {
return settings.punishments.filter((t) => t.ticketType === type);
function supersedes(p1, p2) {
function determinePunishment(ticketType, results, modlog, isSingleMessage = false) {
const punishments = punishmentsFor(ticketType);
let action = null;
const types = [];
import_lib.Utils.sortBy(punishments, (p) => -ORDERED_PUNISHMENTS.indexOf(p.punishment));
for (const punishment of punishments) {
if (isSingleMessage && !punishment.isSingleMessage)
if (punishment.modlogCount && modlog.length < punishment.modlogCount)
if (punishment.severity) {
let hit = false;
for (const type of punishment.severity.type) {
if (results[type] < punishment.severity.certainty)
hit = true;
if (!hit)
if (!action || supersedes(punishment.punishment, action)) {
action = punishment.punishment;
return { action, types };
function globalModlog(action, user, note, roomid) {
user = Users.get(user) || user;
void Rooms.Modlog.write(roomid || "global", {
ip: user && typeof user === "object" ? user.latestIp : void 0,
userid: toID(user) || void 0,
loggedBy: "artemis",
function addModAction(message) {
Rooms.get("staff")?.add(`|c|~|/log ${message}`).update();
async function getModlog(params) {
const search = {
note: [],
user: [],
ip: [],
action: [],
actionTaker: []
if (params.user)
search.user = [{ search: params.user, isExact: true }];
if (params.ip)
search.ip = [{ search: params.ip }];
if (params.actions)
search.action = params.actions.map((s) => ({ search: s }));
const res = await Rooms.Modlog.search("global", search);
return res?.results || [];
function closeTicket(ticket, msg) {
if (!ticket.open)
ticket.open = false;
ticket.active = false;
ticket.resolved = {
time: Date.now(),
by: "the Artemis AI",
// we want it to be clear to end users that it was not a human
seen: false,
staffReason: "",
result: msg || "",
note: `Want to learn more about the AI? <a href="https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3570628/#post-9056769">Visit the information thread</a>.`
(0, import_helptickets.writeTickets)();
(0, import_helptickets.notifyStaff)();
const tarUser = Users.get(ticket.userid);
if (tarUser) {
import_helptickets.HelpTicket.notifyResolved(tarUser, ticket, ticket.userid);
(0, import_helptickets.writeStats)(`${ticket.type} ${Date.now() - ticket.created} 0 0 resolved valid artemis`);
async function lock(user, result, ticket, isWeek, isName) {
const id = toID(user);
let desc, type;
const expireTime = isWeek ? Date.now() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3 : null;
if (isName) {
if (typeof user === "object")
desc = "locked your username and prevented you from changing names";
type = `locked from talking${isWeek ? ` for a week` : ""}`;
await Punishments.namelock(id, expireTime, null, false, result.reason || "Automatically locked due to a user report");
} else {
type = isWeek ? "weeknamelocked" : "namelocked";
desc = "locked you from talking in chats, battles, and PMing regular users";
await Punishments.lock(id, expireTime, null, false, result.reason || "Automatically locked due to a user report");
if (typeof user !== "string") {
let message = `|popup||html|${user.name} has ${desc} for ${isWeek ? "7" : "2"} days.`;
if (result.reason)
message += `
Reason: ${result.reason}`;
let appeal = "";
if (Chat.pages.help) {
appeal += `<a href="view-help-request--appeal"><button class="button"><strong>Appeal your punishment</strong></button></a>`;
} else if (Config.appealurl) {
appeal += `appeal: <a href="${Config.appealurl}">${Config.appealurl}</a>`;
if (appeal)
message += `
If you feel that your lock was unjustified, you can ${appeal}.`;
message += `
Your lock will expire in a few days.`;
addModAction(`${id} was ${type} by Artemis. (${result.reason || `report from ${ticket.creator}`})`);
`${isWeek ? "WEEK" : ""}${isName ? "NAME" : ""}LOCK`,
(result.reason || `report from ${ticket.creator}`) + (result.proof ? ` PROOF: ${result.proof}` : "")
const actionHandlers = {
forcerename(user, result, ticket) {
if (typeof user === "string")
const id = toID(user);
user.trackRename = id;
Monitor.forceRenames.set(id, true);
`|nametaken|Your name was detected to be breaking our name rules. ${result.reason ? `Reason: ${result.reason}. ` : ""}Please change it, or submit a help ticket by typing /ht in chat to appeal this action.`
`|html|<span class="username">${id}</span> was automatically forced to choose a new name by Artemis (report from ${ticket.userid}).`
`username determined to be inappropriate due to a report by ${ticket.creator}`,
return `${id} was automatically forcerenamed. Thank you for reporting.`;
async namelock(user, result, ticket) {
await lock(user, result, ticket, false, true);
return `${toID(user)} was automatically namelocked. Thank you for reporting.`;
async weeknamelock(user, result, ticket) {
await lock(user, result, ticket, true, true);
return `${toID(user)} was automatically weeknamelocked. Thank you for reporting.`;
async lock(user, result, ticket) {
await lock(user, result, ticket);
return `${toID(user)} was automatically locked. Thank you for reporting.`;
async weeklock(user, result, ticket) {
await lock(user, result, ticket, true);
return `${toID(user)} was automatically weeklocked. Thank you for reporting.`;
warn(user, result, ticket) {
user = toID(user);
user = Users.get(user) || user;
if (typeof user === "object") {
user.send(`|c|~|/warn ${result.reason || ""}`);
} else {
Punishments.offlineWarns.set(user, result.reason);
`${user} was warned by Artemis. ${typeof user === "string" ? "while offline " : ""}(${result.reason || `report from ${ticket.creator}`})`
result.reason || `report from ${ticket.creator}`
return `${user} was automatically warned. Thank you for reporting.`;
function shouldNotProcess(message) {
return message.startsWith("/") && !message.startsWith("//") || // broadcasted chat command
async function getMessageAverages(messages) {
const counts = {};
const classified = [];
for (const message of messages) {
if (shouldNotProcess(message))
const res = await classifier.classify(message);
if (!res)
for (const k in res) {
if (!counts[k])
counts[k] = { count: 0, raw: 0 };
counts[k].raw += res[k];
const averages = {};
for (const k in counts) {
averages[k] = counts[k].raw / counts[k].count;
return { averages, classified };
const checkers = {
async inapname(ticket) {
const id = toID(ticket.text[0]);
const user = Users.getExact(id);
if (user && !user.trusted) {
const result = await classifier.classify(user.name);
if (!result)
const keys = ["identity_attack", "sexual_explicit", "severe_toxicity"];
const matched = keys.some((k) => result[k] >= 0.4);
if (matched) {
const modlog = await getModlog({
ip: user.latestIp,
let { action } = determinePunishment("inapname", result, modlog);
if (!action)
action = "forcerename";
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[user.id, {
reason: "Username detected to be breaking username rules"
async inappokemon(ticket) {
const actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const links = [...(0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(ticket.text[0]), ...(0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(ticket.text[1])];
for (const link of links) {
const log = await (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLog)(link);
if (!log)
for (const [user, pokemon] of Object.entries(log.pokemon)) {
const userid = toID(user);
let result = null;
for (const set of pokemon) {
if (!set.name)
const results = await classifier.classify(set.name);
if (!results)
const curAction = determinePunishment("inappokemon", results, []).action;
if (curAction && (!result || supersedes(curAction, result.action))) {
result = { action: curAction, name: set.name, result: results, replay: link };
if (result) {
actions.set(user, {
action: result.action,
user: userid,
result: result.result,
reason: `Pokemon name detected to be breaking rules - '${result.name}'`,
roomid: link
if (actions.size)
return actions;
async battleharassment(ticket) {
const urls = (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLinks)(ticket.text[0]);
const actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const url of urls) {
const log = await (0, import_helptickets.getBattleLog)(url);
if (!log)
const messages = {};
for (const message of log.log) {
const [username, text] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(message.slice(3), "|").map((f) => f.trim());
const id = toID(username);
if (!id)
if (!messages[id])
messages[id] = [];
for (const [id, messageList] of Object.entries(messages)) {
const { averages, classified } = await getMessageAverages(messageList);
const { action } = determinePunishment("battleharassment", averages, []);
if (action) {
const existingPunishment = actions.get(id);
if (!existingPunishment || supersedes(action, existingPunishment.action)) {
actions.set(id, {
user: toID(id),
result: averages,
reason: `Not following rules in battles (https://${Config.routes.client}/${url})`,
proof: urls.join(", ")
for (const result of classified) {
const curPunishment = determinePunishment("battleharassment", result, [], true).action;
if (!curPunishment)
const exists = actions.get(id);
if (!exists || supersedes(curPunishment, exists.action)) {
actions.set(id, {
action: curPunishment,
user: toID(id),
result: averages,
reason: `Not following rules in battles (https://${Config.routes.client}/${url})`,
proof: urls.join(", ")
const creatorWasPunished = actions.get(ticket.userid);
if (creatorWasPunished) {
let displayReason = "You were punished for your behavior.";
if (actions.size !== 1) {
displayReason += ` ${actions.size - 1} other(s) were also punished.`;
creatorWasPunished.displayReason = displayReason;
if (actions.size)
return actions;
async pmharassment(ticket) {
const actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const targetId = toID(ticket.text[0]);
const creator = ticket.userid;
if (!Config.getpmlog)
const pmLog = await Config.getpmlog(targetId, creator);
const messages = {};
const ids = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
for (const { from, message, timestamp } of pmLog) {
if (Date.now() - new Date(timestamp).getTime() > PMLOG_IGNORE_TIME)
const id = toID(from);
if (!messages[id])
messages[id] = [];
for (const id of ids) {
let punishment;
const { averages, classified } = await getMessageAverages(messages[id]);
const curPunishment = determinePunishment("pmharassment", averages, []).action;
if (curPunishment) {
if (!punishment || supersedes(curPunishment, punishment)) {
punishment = curPunishment;
if (punishment) {
actions.set(id, {
action: punishment,
user: id,
result: {},
reason: `PM harassment (against ${ticket.userid === id ? targetId : ticket.userid})`
for (const result of classified) {
const { action } = determinePunishment("pmharassment", result, [], true);
if (!action)
const exists = actions.get(id);
if (!exists || supersedes(action, exists.action)) {
actions.set(id, {
user: id,
result: {},
reason: `PM harassment (against ${ticket.userid === id ? targetId : ticket.userid})`
const creatorWasPunished = actions.get(ticket.userid);
if (creatorWasPunished) {
let displayReason = `You were punished for your behavior. `;
if (actions.has(targetId) && targetId !== ticket.userid) {
displayReason += ` The person you reported was also punished.`;
creatorWasPunished.displayReason = displayReason;
if (actions.size)
return actions;
const classifier = new Artemis.LocalClassifier();
async function runPunishments(ticket, typeId) {
let result = null;
if (checkers[typeId]) {
result = await checkers[typeId](ticket) || null;
if (result) {
if (settings.applyPunishments) {
const responses = [];
for (const res of result.values()) {
const curResult = await actionHandlers[res.action.toLowerCase()](res.user, res, ticket);
if (curResult)
responses.push([res.action, res.displayReason || curResult]);
if (toID(res.user) === ticket.creator) {
closeTicket(ticket, res.displayReason);
if (responses.length) {
import_lib.Utils.sortBy(responses, (r) => -ORDERED_PUNISHMENTS.indexOf(r[0]));
closeTicket(ticket, responses[0][1]);
} else {
} else {
ticket.recommended = [];
for (const res of result.values()) {
`|c|~|/log [${ticket.type} Monitor] Recommended: ${res.action}: for ${res.user} (${res.reason})`
ticket.recommended.push(`${res.action}: for ${res.user} (${res.reason})`);
const commands = {
aht: "autohelpticket",
autohelpticket: {
""() {
return this.parse(`/help autohelpticket`);
async test(target) {
target = target.trim();
const response = await classifier.classify(target) || {};
let buf = import_lib.Utils.html`<strong>Results for "${target}":</strong><br />`;
buf += `<strong>Score breakdown:</strong><br />`;
for (const k in response) {
buf += `&bull; ${k}: ${response[k]}<br />`;
ap: "addpunishment",
add: "addpunishment",
addpunishment(target, room, user) {
if (!toID(target))
return this.parse(`/help autohelpticket`);
const args = Chat.parseArguments(target);
const punishment = {};
for (const [k, list] of Object.entries(args)) {
if (k !== "type" && list.length > 1)
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`More than one ${k} param provided.`);
const val = list[0];
switch (k) {
case "type":
case "t":
const types = list.map((f) => f.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_"));
for (const type2 of types) {
if (!Artemis.LocalClassifier.ATTRIBUTES[type2]) {
return this.errorReply(
`Invalid classifier type '${type2}'. Valid types are ` + Object.keys(Artemis.LocalClassifier.ATTRIBUTES).join(", ")
if (!punishment.severity) {
punishment.severity = { certainty: 0, type: [] };
case "certainty":
case "c":
const num = parseFloat(val);
if (isNaN(num) || num < 0 || num > 1) {
return this.errorReply(`Certainty must be a number below 1 and above 0.`);
if (!punishment.severity) {
punishment.severity = { certainty: 0, type: [] };
punishment.severity.certainty = num;
case "modlog":
case "m":
const count = parseInt(val);
if (isNaN(count) || count < 0) {
return this.errorReply(`Modlog count must be a number above 0.`);
punishment.modlogCount = count;
case "ticket":
case "tt":
case "tickettype":
const type = toID(val);
if (!(type in checkers)) {
return this.errorReply(
`The ticket type '${type}' does not exist or is not supported. Supported types are ${Object.keys(checkers).join(", ")}.`
punishment.ticketType = type;
case "p":
case "punishment":
const name = toID(val).toUpperCase();
if (!ORDERED_PUNISHMENTS.includes(name)) {
return this.errorReply(
`Punishment '${name}' not supported. Supported punishments: ${ORDERED_PUNISHMENTS.join(", ")}`
punishment.punishment = name;
case "single":
case "s":
if (!this.meansYes(toID(val))) {
return this.errorReply(
`The 'single' value must always be 'on'. If you don't want it enabled, just do not use this argument type.`
punishment.isSingleMessage = true;
if (!punishment.ticketType) {
return this.errorReply(`Must specify a ticket type to handle.`);
if (!punishment.punishment) {
return this.errorReply(`Must specify a punishment to apply.`);
if (!(punishment.severity?.certainty && punishment.severity?.type.length)) {
return this.errorReply(`A severity to monitor for must be specified (certainty).`);
for (const curP of settings.punishments) {
let matches = 0;
for (const k in curP) {
if (punishment[k] === curP[k]) {
if (matches === Object.keys(punishment).length) {
return this.errorReply(`That punishment is already added.`);
`${user.name} added a ${punishment.punishment} punishment to the Artemis helpticket handler.`
this.globalModlog(`AUTOHELPTICKET ADDPUNISHMENT`, null, visualizePunishment(punishment));
dp: "deletepunishment",
delete: "deletepunishment",
deletepunishment(target, room, user) {
const num = parseInt(target) - 1;
if (isNaN(num))
return this.parse(`/h autohelpticket`);
const punishment = settings.punishments[num];
if (!punishment)
return this.errorReply(`There is no punishment at index ${num + 1}.`);
settings.punishments.splice(num, 1);
`${user.name} removed the Artemis helpticket ${punishment.punishment} punishment indexed at ${num + 1}`
this.globalModlog(`AUTOHELPTICKET REMOVE`, null, visualizePunishment(punishment));
vp: "viewpunishments",
view: "viewpunishments",
viewpunishments() {
let buf = `<strong>Artemis helpticket punishments</strong><hr />`;
if (!settings.punishments.length) {
buf += `None.`;
return this.sendReplyBox(buf);
buf += settings.punishments.map(
(curP, i) => `<strong>${i + 1}:</strong> ${visualizePunishment(curP)}`
).join("<br />");
return this.sendReplyBox(buf);
togglepunishments(target, room, user) {
let message;
if (this.meansYes(target)) {
if (settings.applyPunishments) {
return this.errorReply(`Automatic punishments are already enabled.`);
settings.applyPunishments = true;
message = `${user.name} enabled automatic punishments for the Artemis ticket handler`;
} else if (this.meansNo(target)) {
if (!settings.applyPunishments) {
return this.errorReply(`Automatic punishments are already disabled.`);
settings.applyPunishments = false;
message = `${user.name} disabled automatic punishments for the Artemis ticket handler`;
} else {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid setting. Must be 'on' or 'off'.`);
this.globalModlog(`AUTOHELPTICKET TOGGLE`, null, settings.applyPunishments ? "on" : "off");
stats(target) {
if (!target)
target = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0];
return this.parse(`/j view-autohelpticket-stats-${target}`);
logs(target) {
if (!target)
target = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0];
return this.parse(`/j view-autohelpticket-logs-${target}`);
resolve(target, room, user) {
const [ticketId, result] = import_lib.Utils.splitFirst(target, ",").map(toID);
const ticket = import_helptickets.tickets[ticketId];
if (!ticket?.open) {
return this.popupReply(`The user '${ticketId}' does not have a ticket open at present.`);
if (!["success", "failure"].includes(result)) {
return this.popupReply(`The result must be 'success' or 'failure'.`);
(ticket.state || (ticket.state = {})).recommendResult = result;
(0, import_helptickets.writeTickets)();
Chat.refreshPageFor(`help-text-${ticketId}`, "staff");
autohelptickethelp: [
`/aht addpunishment [args] - Adds a punishment with the given [args]. Requires: whitelist ~`,
`/aht deletepunishment [index] - Deletes the automatic helpticket punishment at [index]. Requires: whitelist ~`,
`/aht viewpunishments - View automatic helpticket punishments. Requires: whitelist ~`,
`/aht togglepunishments [on | off] - Turn [on | off] automatic helpticket punishments. Requires: whitelist ~`,
`/aht stats - View success rates of the Artemis ticket handler. Requires: whitelist ~`
const pages = {
autohelpticket: {
async stats(query, user) {
let month;
if (query.length) {
month = /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}/.exec(query.join("-"))?.[0];
} else {
month = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0].slice(0, -3);
if (!month) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid month. Must be in YYYY-MM format.`);
this.title = `[Artemis Ticket Stats] ${month}`;
this.setHTML(`<div class="pad"><h3>Artemis ticket stats</h3><hr />Searching...`);
const found = await import_helptickets.HelpTicket.getTextLogs(["recommendResult"], month);
const percent = (numerator, denom) => Math.floor(numerator / denom * 100);
let buf = `<div class="pad">`;
buf += `<button style="float:right;" class="button" name="send" value="/join ${this.pageid}">`;
buf += `<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Refresh</button>`;
buf += `<h3>Artemis ticket stats</h3><hr />`;
const dayStats = {};
const total = { successes: 0, failures: 0, total: 0 };
const failed = [];
for (const ticket of found) {
const day = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(ticket.created)).split(" ")[0];
if (!dayStats[day])
dayStats[day] = { successes: 0, failures: 0, total: 0 };
switch (ticket.state.recommendResult) {
case "success":
case "failure":
failed.push([ticket.userid, ticket.type]);
buf += `<strong>Total:</strong> ${total.total}<br />`;
buf += `<strong>Success rate:</strong> ${percent(total.successes, total.total)}% (${total.successes})<br />`;
buf += `<strong>Failure rate:</strong> ${percent(total.failures, total.total)}% (${total.failures})<br />`;
buf += `<strong>Day stats:</strong><br />`;
buf += `<div class="ladder pad"><table>`;
let header = "";
let data = "";
const sortedDays = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(dayStats), (d) => new Date(d).getTime());
for (const [i, day] of sortedDays.entries()) {
const cur = dayStats[day];
if (!cur.total)
header += `<th>${day.split("-")[2]} (${cur.total})</th>`;
data += `<td><small>${cur.successes} (${percent(cur.successes, cur.total)}%)`;
if (cur.failures) {
data += ` | ${cur.failures} (${percent(cur.failures, cur.total)}%)`;
} else {
data += " | 0 (0%)";
data += "</small></td>";
if ((i + 1) % 5 === 0 && sortedDays[i + 1]) {
buf += `<tr>${header}</tr><tr>${data}</tr>`;
buf += `</div></table>`;
buf += `<div class="ladder pad"><table>`;
header = "";
data = "";
buf += `<tr>${header}</tr><tr>${data}</tr>`;
buf += `</div></table>`;
buf += `<br />`;
if (failed.length) {
buf += `<details class="readmore"><summary>Marked as inaccurate</summary>`;
buf += failed.map(([userid, type]) => `<a href="/view-help-text-${userid}">${userid}</a> (${type})`).join("<br />");
buf += `</details>`;
return buf;
async logs(query, user) {
let month;
if (query.length) {
month = /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}/.exec(query.join("-"))?.[0];
} else {
month = Chat.toTimestamp(new Date()).split(" ")[0].slice(0, -3);
if (!month) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid month. Must be in YYYY-MM format.`);
this.title = `[Artemis Ticket Logs]`;
let buf = `<div class="pad"><h3>Artemis ticket logs</h3><hr />`;
const allHits = await import_helptickets.HelpTicket.getTextLogs(["recommended"], month);
import_lib.Utils.sortBy(allHits, (h) => -h.created);
if (allHits.length) {
buf += `<strong>All hits:</strong><hr />`;
for (const hit of allHits) {
if (!hit.recommended)
buf += `<a href="/view-help-text-${hit.userid}">${hit.userid}</a> (${hit.type}) `;
buf += `[${Chat.toTimestamp(new Date(hit.created))}]<br />`;
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`&bull; <code><small>${hit.recommended.join(", ")}</small></code><hr />`;
} else {
buf += `<div class="message-error">No hits found.</div>`;
return buf;
//# sourceMappingURL=helptickets-auto.js.map