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Jofthomas HF staff
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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var daily_spotlight_exports = {};
__export(daily_spotlight_exports, {
commands: () => commands,
destroy: () => destroy,
handlers: () => handlers,
pages: () => pages,
renderSpotlight: () => renderSpotlight,
spotlights: () => spotlights
module.exports = __toCommonJS(daily_spotlight_exports);
var import_lib = require("../../lib");
const DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
const SPOTLIGHT_FILE = "config/chat-plugins/spotlights.json";
const NUMBER_REGEX = /^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/;
let spotlights = {};
try {
spotlights = JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(SPOTLIGHT_FILE).readIfExistsSync() || "{}");
for (const roomid in spotlights) {
for (const k in spotlights[roomid]) {
for (const spotlight of spotlights[roomid][k]) {
if (!spotlight.time) {
spotlight.time =;
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND" && e.code !== "ENOENT")
throw e;
if (!spotlights || typeof spotlights !== "object")
spotlights = {};
function saveSpotlights() {
(0, import_lib.FS)(SPOTLIGHT_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(spotlights));
function nextDaily() {
for (const roomid in spotlights) {
for (const key in spotlights[roomid]) {
if (spotlights[roomid][key].length > 1) {
timeout = setTimeout(nextDaily, DAY);
const midnight = new Date();
midnight.setHours(24, 0, 0, 0);
let timeout = setTimeout(nextDaily, midnight.getTime() -;
async function renderSpotlight(roomid, key, index) {
let imgHTML = "";
const { image, description } = spotlights[roomid][key][index];
if (image) {
if (Array.isArray(image)) {
imgHTML = `<td><img src="${image[0]}" width="${image[1]}" height="${image[2]}" style="vertical-align:middle;"></td>`;
} else {
try {
const [width, height] = await Chat.fitImage(image, 150, 300);
imgHTML = `<td><img src="${image}" width="${width}" height="${height}" style="vertical-align:middle;"></td>`;
spotlights[roomid][key][index].image = [image, width, height];
} catch {
return `<table style="text-align:center;margin:auto"><tr><td style="padding-right:10px;">${Chat.formatText(description, true)}</td>${imgHTML}</tr></table>`;
const destroy = () => clearTimeout(timeout);
const pages = {
async spotlights(query, user, connection) {
this.title = "Daily Spotlights";
const room = this.requireRoom();
const sortType = toID(query.shift());
if (sortType && !["time", "alphabet"].includes(sortType)) {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid sorting type '${sortType}' - must be either 'time', 'alphabet', or not provided.`);
let buf = `<div class="pad ladder">`;
buf += `<div class="pad">`;
buf += `<button style="float:right;" class="button" name="send" value="/join view-spotlights-${room.roomid}${sortType ? "-" + sortType : ""}">`;
buf += `<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Refresh</button>`;
buf += `<h2>Daily Spotlights</h2>`;
if (sortType) {
let title = "";
switch (sortType) {
case "time":
title = "latest time updated";
title = "alphabetical";
buf += `(sorted by ${title})<br />`;
if (!spotlights[room.roomid]) {
buf += `<p>This room has no daily spotlights.</p></div>`;
} else {
const sortedKeys = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(Object.keys(spotlights[room.roomid]), (key) => {
switch (sortType) {
case "time": {
const sortedSpotlights = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(spotlights[room.roomid][key].slice(), (k) => -k.time);
return -sortedSpotlights[0].time;
return key;
for (const key of sortedKeys) {
buf += `<table style="margin-bottom:30px;"><th colspan="2"><h3>${key}:</h3></th>`;
const keys = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(spotlights[room.roomid][key].slice(), (spotlight) => {
switch (sortType) {
case "time":
return -spotlight.time;
return spotlight.description;
for (const [i] of keys.entries()) {
const html = await renderSpotlight(room.roomid, key, i);
buf += `<tr><td>${i ? i : "Current"}</td><td>${html}</td></tr>`;
if (!user.can("announce", null, room))
buf += "</table>";
return buf;
const commands = {
removedaily(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.persist)
return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
let [key, rest] = target.split(",");
key = toID(key);
if (!key)
return this.parse("/help daily");
if (!spotlights[room.roomid][key])
return this.errorReply(`Cannot find a daily spotlight with name '${key}'`);
this.checkCan("announce", null, room);
if (rest) {
const queueNumber = parseInt(rest);
if (isNaN(queueNumber) || queueNumber < 1)
return this.errorReply("Invalid queue number");
if (queueNumber >= spotlights[room.roomid][key].length) {
return this.errorReply(`Queue number needs to be between 1 and ${spotlights[room.roomid][key].length - 1}`);
spotlights[room.roomid][key].splice(queueNumber, 1);
this.modlog(`DAILY REMOVE`, `${key}[${queueNumber}]`);
`${} removed the ${queueNumber}th entry from the queue of the daily spotlight named '${key}'.`
} else {
if (!spotlights[room.roomid][key].length) {
delete spotlights[room.roomid][key];
this.modlog(`DAILY REMOVE`, key);
this.privateModAction(`${} successfully removed the daily spotlight named '${key}'.`);
Chat.refreshPageFor(`spotlights-${room.roomid}`, room);
swapdailies: "swapdaily",
swapdaily(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.persist)
return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
if (!spotlights[room.roomid])
return this.errorReply("There are no dailies for this room.");
this.checkCan("announce", null, room);
const [key, indexStringA, indexStringB] = target.split(",").map((index) => toID(index));
if (!indexStringB)
return this.parse("/help daily");
if (!spotlights[room.roomid][key])
return this.errorReply(`Cannot find a daily spotlight with name '${key}'`);
if (!(NUMBER_REGEX.test(indexStringA) && NUMBER_REGEX.test(indexStringB))) {
return this.errorReply("Queue numbers must be numbers.");
const indexA = parseInt(indexStringA);
const indexB = parseInt(indexStringB);
const queueLength = spotlights[room.roomid][key].length;
if (indexA < 1 || indexB < 1 || indexA >= queueLength || indexB >= queueLength) {
return this.errorReply(`Queue numbers must between 1 and the length of the queue (${queueLength}).`);
const dailyA = spotlights[room.roomid][key][indexA];
const dailyB = spotlights[room.roomid][key][indexB];
spotlights[room.roomid][key][indexA] = dailyB;
spotlights[room.roomid][key][indexB] = dailyA;
this.modlog(`DAILY QUEUE SWAP`, key, `${indexA} with ${indexB}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} swapped the queued dailies for '${key}' at queue numbers ${indexA} and ${indexB}.`);
Chat.refreshPageFor(`spotlights-${room.roomid}`, room);
queuedaily: "setdaily",
queuedailyat: "setdaily",
replacedaily: "setdaily",
async setdaily(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.persist)
return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
let key, indexString, rest;
if (cmd.endsWith("at") || cmd === "replacedaily") {
[key, indexString,] = target.split(",");
} else {
[key,] = target.split(",");
key = toID(key);
if (!key)
return this.parse("/help daily");
if (key.length > 20)
return this.errorReply("Spotlight names can be a maximum of 20 characters long.");
if (key === "constructor")
return false;
if (!spotlights[room.roomid])
spotlights[room.roomid] = {};
const queueLength = spotlights[room.roomid][key]?.length || 0;
if (indexString && !NUMBER_REGEX.test(indexString))
return this.errorReply("The queue number must be a number.");
const index = indexString ? parseInt(indexString) : queueLength;
if (indexString && (index < 1 || index > queueLength)) {
return this.errorReply(`Queue numbers must be between 1 and the length of the queue (${queueLength}).`);
this.checkCan("announce", null, room);
if (!rest.length)
return this.parse("/help daily");
let img, height, width;
if (rest[0].trim().startsWith("http://") || rest[0].trim().startsWith("https://")) {
[img,] = rest;
img = img.trim();
try {
[width, height] = await Chat.fitImage(img);
} catch {
return this.errorReply(`Invalid image url: ${img}`);
const desc = rest.join(",");
if (Chat.stripFormatting(desc).length > 500) {
return this.errorReply("Descriptions can be at most 500 characters long.");
if (img)
img = [img, width, height];
const obj = { image: img, description: desc, time: };
if (!spotlights[room.roomid][key])
spotlights[room.roomid][key] = [];
if (cmd === "setdaily") {
this.modlog("SETDAILY", key, `${img ? `${img}, ` : ""}${desc}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} set the daily ${key}.`);
} else if (cmd === "queuedailyat") {
spotlights[room.roomid][key].splice(index, 0, obj);
this.modlog("QUEUEDAILY", key, `queue number ${index}: ${img ? `${img}, ` : ""}${desc}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} queued a daily ${key} at queue number ${index}.`);
} else {
spotlights[room.roomid][key][index] = obj;
if (indexString) {
this.modlog("REPLACEDAILY", key, `queue number ${index}: ${img ? `${img}, ` : ""}${desc}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} replaced the daily ${key} at queue number ${index}.`);
} else {
this.modlog("QUEUEDAILY", key, `${img ? `${img}, ` : ""}${desc}`);
this.privateModAction(`${} queued a daily ${key}.`);
Chat.refreshPageFor(`spotlights-${room.roomid}`, room);
async daily(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.persist)
return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
const key = toID(target);
if (!key)
return this.parse("/help daily");
if (!spotlights[room.roomid]?.[key]) {
return this.errorReply(`Cannot find a daily spotlight with name '${key}'`);
if (!this.runBroadcast())
const { image, description } = spotlights[room.roomid][key][0];
const html = await renderSpotlight(room.roomid, key, 0);
if (!this.broadcasting && user.can("ban", null, room, "setdaily")) {
const code = import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(description).replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
this.sendReplyBox(`<details><summary>Source</summary><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: table; tab-size: 3">/setdaily ${key},${image ? `${image},` : ""}${code}</code></details>`);
vsl: "viewspotlights",
dailies: "viewspotlights",
viewspotlights(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.persist)
return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
target = toID(target);
return this.parse(`/join view-spotlights-${room.roomid}${target ? `-${target}` : ""}`);
dailyhelp() {
`|html|<details class="readmore"><summary><code>/daily [name]</code>: shows the daily spotlight.<br /><code>!daily [name]</code>: shows the daily spotlight to everyone. Requires: + % @ # ~<br /><code>/setdaily [name], [image], [description]</code>: sets the daily spotlight. Image can be left out. Requires: % @ # ~</summary><code>/queuedaily [name], [image], [description]</code>: queues a daily spotlight. At midnight, the spotlight with this name will automatically switch to the next queued spotlight. Image can be left out. Requires: % @ # ~<br /><code>/queuedailyat [name], [queue number], [image], [description]</code>: inserts a daily spotlight into the queue at the specified number (starting from 1). Requires: % @ # ~<br /><code>/replacedaily [name], [queue number], [image], [description]</code>: replaces the daily spotlight queued at the specified number. Requires: % @ # ~<br /><code>/removedaily [name][, queue number]</code>: if no queue number is provided, deletes all queued and current spotlights with the given name. If a number is provided, removes a specific future spotlight from the queue. Requires: % @ # ~<br /><code>/swapdaily [name], [queue number], [queue number]</code>: swaps the two queued spotlights at the given queue numbers. Requires: % @ # ~<br /><code>/viewspotlights [sorter]</code>: shows all current spotlights in the room. For staff, also shows queued spotlights.[sorter] can either be unset, 'time', or 'alphabet'. These sort by either the time added, or alphabetical order.</details>`
const handlers = {
onRenameRoom(oldID, newID) {
if (spotlights[oldID]) {
if (!spotlights[newID])
spotlights[newID] = {};
Object.assign(spotlights[newID], spotlights[oldID]);
delete spotlights[oldID];
process.nextTick(() => {
Chat.multiLinePattern.register("/(queue|set|replace)daily(at | )");