; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var chat_monitor_exports = {}; | |
__export(chat_monitor_exports, { | |
Filters: () => Filters, | |
chatfilter: () => chatfilter, | |
commands: () => commands, | |
loginfilter: () => loginfilter, | |
namefilter: () => namefilter, | |
nicknamefilter: () => nicknamefilter, | |
pages: () => pages, | |
statusfilter: () => statusfilter | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(chat_monitor_exports); | |
var import_lib = require("../../lib"); | |
const LEGACY_MONITOR_FILE = "config/chat-plugins/chat-monitor.tsv"; | |
const MONITOR_FILE = "config/chat-plugins/chat-filter.json"; | |
const WRITE_THROTTLE_TIME = 5 * 60 * 1e3; | |
a: ["a", "4", "@", "\xE1", "\xE2", "\xE3", "\xE0", "\u15E9", "A", "\u24D0", "\u24B6", "\u03B1", "\u034F", "\u20B3", "\xE4", "\xC4", "\u13D7", "\u03BB", "\u0394", "\u1E00", "\u13AA", "\u01DF", "\u033E", "\uFF41", "\uFF21", "\u1D00", "\u0250", "\u{1F150}", "\u{1D41A}", "\u{1D400}", "\u{1D622}", "\u{1D608}", "\u{1D656}", "\u{1D63C}", "\u{1D4B6}", "\u{1D4EA}", "\u{1D4D0}", "\u{1D552}", "\u{1D538}", "\u{1D51E}", "\u{1D504}", "\u{1D586}", "\u{1D56C}", "\u{1F130}", "\u{1F170}", "\u{1D49C}", "\u{1D68A}", "\u{1D670}", "\uA34F", "\u0430", "\u{1D4EA}"], | |
b: ["b", "8", "\u15F7", "B", "\u24D1", "\u24B7", "\u0432", "\u0E3F", "\u1E05", "\u1E04", "\u13F0", "\u03D0", "\u0181", "\u1E03", "\u1E02", "\u026E", "\uFF42", "\uFF22", "\u0299", "\u{1F151}", "\u{1D41B}", "\u{1D401}", "\u{1D623}", "\u{1D609}", "\u{1D657}", "\u{1D63D}", "\u{1D4B7}", "\u{1D4EB}", "\u{1D4D1}", "\u{1D553}", "\u{1D539}", "\u{1D51F}", "\u{1D505}", "\u{1D587}", "\u{1D56D}", "\u{1F131}", "\u{1F171}", "\u{1D435}", "\u10A6", "\u{1D68B}", "\u{1D671}", "\u266D", "b"], | |
c: ["c", "\xE7", "\u1455", "C", "\u24D2", "\u24B8", "\xA2", "\u034F", "\u20B5", "\u010B", "\u010A", "\u1348", "\u03C2", "\u1E09", "\u1E08", "\u13DF", "\u0188", "\u033E", "\uFF43", "\uFF23", "\u1D04", "\u0254", "\u{1F152}", "\u{1D41C}", "\u{1D402}", "\u{1D624}", "\u{1D60A}", "\u{1D658}", "\u{1D63E}", "\u{1D4B8}", "\u{1D4EC}", "\u{1D4D2}", "\u{1D554}", "\u2102", "\u{1D520}", "\u212D", "\u{1D588}", "\u{1D56E}", "\u{1F132}", "\u{1F172}", "\u{1D49E}", "\u{1D68C}", "\u{1D672}", "\u263E", "\u0441"], | |
d: ["d", "\u15EA", "D", "\u24D3", "\u24B9", "\u2202", "\u0110", "\u010F", "\u010E", "\u13B4", "\u1E0A", "\u13A0", "\u0256", "\uFF44", "\uFF24", "\u1D05", "\u{1F153}", "\u{1D41D}", "\u{1D403}", "\u{1D625}", "\u{1D60B}", "\u{1D659}", "\u{1D63F}", "\u{1D4B9}", "\u{1D4ED}", "\u{1D4D3}", "\u{1D555}", "\u200B", "\u{1D521}", "\u{1D589}", "\u{1D56F}", "\u{1F133}", "\u{1F173}", "\u{1D49F}", "\u0503", "\u{1D68D}", "\u{1D673}", "\u25D7", "\u217E"], | |
e: ["e", "3", "\xE9", "\xEA", "E", "\u24D4", "\u24BA", "\u0454", "\u034F", "\u0246", "\u1EC7", "\u1EC6", "\u13CB", "\u03B5", "\u03A3", "\u1E15", "\u1E14", "\u13AC", "\u025B", "\u033E", "\uFF45", "\uFF25", "\u1D07", "\u01DD", "\u{1F154}", "\u{1D41E}", "\u{1D404}", "\u{1D626}", "\u{1D60C}", "\u{1D65A}", "\u{1D640}", "\u212F", "\u{1D4EE}", "\u{1D4D4}", "\u{1D556}", "\u{1D53B}", "\u{1D522}", "\u{1D507}", "\u{1D58A}", "\u{1D570}", "\u{1F134}", "\u{1F174}", "\u{1D452}", "\u{1D438}", "\u04BD", "\u{1D68E}", "\u{1D674}", "\u20AC", "\u0435", "\u0451", "\u{1D4EE}"], | |
f: ["f", "\u15B4", "F", "\u24D5", "\u24BB", "\u20A3", "\u1E1F", "\u1E1E", "\u13A6", "\u0493", "\u0284", "\uFF46", "\uFF26", "\u025F", "\u{1F155}", "\u{1D41F}", "\u{1D405}", "\u{1D627}", "\u{1D60D}", "\u{1D65B}", "\u{1D641}", "\u{1D4BB}", "\u{1D4EF}", "\u{1D4D5}", "\u{1D557}", "\u{1D53C}", "\u{1D523}", "\u{1D508}", "\u{1D58B}", "\u{1D571}", "\u{1F135}", "\u{1F175}", "\u{1D439}", "\u03DD", "\u{1D68F}", "\u{1D675}", "\u03DC", "f", "\u0191"], | |
g: ["g", "q", "6", "9", "G", "\u24D6", "\u24BC", "\u034F", "\u20B2", "\u0121", "\u0120", "\u13B6", "\u03D1", "\u1E20", "\u0262", "\u033E", "\uFF47", "\uFF27", "\u0183", "\u{1F156}", "\u{1D420}", "\u{1D406}", "\u{1D628}", "\u{1D60E}", "\u{1D65C}", "\u{1D642}", "\u210A", "\u{1D4F0}", "\u{1D4D6}", "\u{1D558}", "\u{1D53D}", "\u{1D524}", "\u{1D509}", "\u{1D58C}", "\u{1D572}", "\u{1F136}", "\u{1F176}", "\u{1D454}", "\u{1D4A2}", "\u0260", "\u{1D690}", "\u{1D676}", "\u2761", "\u0581", "\u{1D676}", "\u{1D4F0}", "\u050C"], | |
h: [ | |
"h", | |
"\u157C", | |
"H", | |
"\u24D7", | |
"\u24BD", | |
"\u043D", | |
"\u2C67", | |
"\u1E27", | |
"\u1E26", | |
"\u13C2", | |
"\u0266", | |
"\uFF48", | |
"\uFF28", | |
"\u029C", | |
"\u0265", | |
"\u{1F157}", | |
"\u{1D421}", | |
"\u{1D407}", | |
"\u{1D629}", | |
"\u{1D60F}", | |
"\u{1D65D}", | |
"\u{1D643}", | |
"\u{1D4BD}", | |
"\u{1D4F1}", | |
"\u{1D4D7}", | |
"\u{1D559}", | |
"\u{1D53E}", | |
"\u{1D525}", | |
"\u{1D50A}", | |
"\u{1D58D}", | |
"\u{1D573}", | |
"\u{1F137}", | |
"\u{1F177}", | |
"\u{1D43B}", | |
"\u050B", | |
"\u{1D691}", | |
"\u{1D677}", | |
"\u2644", | |
"h" | |
], | |
i: ["i", "!", "l", "1", "\xED", "I", "\u24D8", "\u24BE", "\u03B9", "\u034F", "\u0142", "\xEF", "\xCF", "\u13A5", "\u1E2D", "\u1E2C", "\u0268", "\u033E", "\uFF49", "\uFF29", "\u026A", "\u0131", "\u{1F158}", "\u{1D422}", "\u{1D408}", "\u{1D62A}", "\u{1D610}", "\u{1D65E}", "\u{1D644}", "\u{1D4BE}", "\u{1D4F2}", "\u{1D4D8}", "\u{1D55A}", "\u210D", "\u{1D526}", "\u210C", "\u{1D58E}", "\u{1D574}", "\u{1F138}", "\u{1F178}", "\u{1D43C}", "\u{1D692}", "\u{1D678}", "\u2657", "\u0456", "\xA1", "|", "\u{1D4F2}"], | |
j: ["j", "\u148D", "J", "\u24D9", "\u24BF", "\u05E0", "\u13E0", "\u03F3", "\u029D", "\uFF4A", "\uFF2A", "\u1D0A", "\u027E", "\u{1F159}", "\u{1D423}", "\u{1D409}", "\u{1D62B}", "\u{1D611}", "\u{1D65F}", "\u{1D645}", "\u{1D4BF}", "\u{1D4F3}", "\u{1D4D9}", "\u{1D55B}", "\u200B", "\u{1D527}", "\u{1D58F}", "\u{1D575}", "\u{1F139}", "\u{1F179}", "\u{1D4A5}", "\u{1D693}", "\u{1D679}", "\u266A", "\u0458"], | |
k: ["k", "K", "\u24DA", "\u24C0", "\u043A", "\u034F", "\u20AD", "\u1E33", "\u1E32", "\u13E6", "\u03BA", "\u0198", "\u04C4", "\u033E", "\uFF4B", "\uFF2B", "\u1D0B", "\u029E", "\u{1F15A}", "\u{1D424}", "\u{1D40A}", "\u{1D62C}", "\u{1D612}", "\u{1D660}", "\u{1D646}", "\u{1D4C0}", "\u{1D4F4}", "\u{1D4DA}", "\u{1D55C}", "\u{1D540}", "\u{1D528}", "\u2111", "\u{1D590}", "\u{1D576}", "\u{1F13A}", "\u{1F17A}", "\u{1D4A6}", "\u0199", "\u{1D694}", "\u{1D67A}", "\u03F0", "k", "\u{1D4F4}"], | |
l: ["l", "i", "1", "/", "|", "\u14AA", "L", "\u24DB", "\u24C1", "\u2113", "\u2C60", "\u0140", "\u013F", "\u13DD", "\u1E36", "\u13DE", "\u029F", "\uFF4C", "\uFF2C", "\u{1F15B}", "\u{1D425}", "\u{1D40B}", "\u{1D62D}", "\u{1D613}", "\u{1D661}", "\u{1D647}", "\u{1D4C1}", "\u{1D4F5}", "\u{1D4DB}", "\u{1D55D}", "\u{1D541}", "\u{1D529}", "\u200B", "\u{1D591}", "\u{1D577}", "\u{1F13B}", "\u{1F17B}", "\u{1D43F}", "\u0285", "\u{1D695}", "\u{1D67B}", "\u21B3", "\u217C"], | |
m: [ | |
"m", | |
"\u15F0", | |
"M", | |
"\u24DC", | |
"\u24C2", | |
"\u043C", | |
"\u034F", | |
"\u20A5", | |
"\u1E43", | |
"\u1E42", | |
"\u13B7", | |
"\u03FB", | |
"\u039C", | |
"\u1E41", | |
"\u1E40", | |
"\u028D", | |
"\u033E", | |
"\uFF4D", | |
"\uFF2D", | |
"\u1D0D", | |
"\u026F", | |
"\u{1F15C}", | |
"\u{1D426}", | |
"\u{1D40C}", | |
"\u{1D62E}", | |
"\u{1D614}", | |
"\u{1D662}", | |
"\u{1D648}", | |
"\u{1D4C2}", | |
"\u{1D4F6}", | |
"\u{1D4DC}", | |
"\u{1D55E}", | |
"\u{1D542}", | |
"\u{1D52A}", | |
"\u{1D50D}", | |
"\u{1D592}", | |
"\u{1D578}", | |
"\u{1F13C}", | |
"\u{1F17C}", | |
"\u{1D440}", | |
"\u0271", | |
"\u{1D696}", | |
"\u{1D67C}", | |
"\u2654", | |
"\u217F" | |
], | |
n: ["n", "\xF1", "\u144E", "N", "\u24DD", "\u24C3", "\u0438", "\u20A6", "\u0144", "\u0143", "\u13C1", "\u03C0", "\u220F", "\u1E46", "\u057C", "\uFF4E", "\uFF2E", "\u0274", "\u{1F15D}", "\u{1D427}", "\u{1D40D}", "\u{1D62F}", "\u{1D615}", "\u{1D663}", "\u{1D649}", "\u{1D4C3}", "\u{1D4F7}", "\u{1D4DD}", "\u{1D55F}", "\u{1D543}", "\u{1D52B}", "\u{1D50E}", "\u{1D593}", "\u{1D579}", "\u{1F13D}", "\u{1F17D}", "\u{1D4A9}", "\u0273", "\u{1D697}", "\u{1D67D}", "\u266B", "\u0578", "\u03B7", "\u{1D67D}", "\u019E", "\u{1D4F7}", "\u039D"], | |
o: ["o", "0", "\xF3", "\xF4", "\xF5", "\xFA", "O", "\u24DE", "\u24C4", "\u03C3", "\u034F", "\xD8", "\xF6", "\xD6", "\u13A7", "\u0398", "\u1E4F", "\u1E4E", "\u13BE", "\u0585", "\u033E", "\uFF4F", "\uFF2F", "\u1D0F", "\u{1F15E}", "\u{1D428}", "\u{1D40E}", "\u{1D630}", "\u{1D616}", "\u{1D664}", "\u{1D64A}", "\u2134", "\u{1D4F8}", "\u{1D4DE}", "\u{1D560}", "\u{1D544}", "\u{1D52C}", "\u{1D50F}", "\u{1D594}", "\u{1D57A}", "\u{1F13E}", "\u{1F17E}", "\u{1D45C}", "\u{1D4AA}", "\u{1D698}", "\u{1D67E}", "\u2299", "\u03BF"], | |
p: ["p", "\u146D", "P", "\u24DF", "\u24C5", "\u03C1", "\u20B1", "\u1E57", "\u1E56", "\u13AE", "\u01A4", "\u13E2", "\u0584", "\uFF50", "\uFF30", "\u1D18", "\u{1F15F}", "\u{1D429}", "\u{1D40F}", "\u{1D631}", "\u{1D617}", "\u{1D665}", "\u{1D64B}", "\u{1D4C5}", "\u{1D4F9}", "\u{1D4DF}", "\u{1D561}", "\u2115", "\u{1D52D}", "\u{1D510}", "\u{1D595}", "\u{1D57B}", "\u{1F13F}", "\u{1F17F}", "\u{1D4AB}", "\u{1D699}", "\u{1D67F}", "\u0440"], | |
q: [ | |
"q", | |
"\u146B", | |
"Q", | |
"\u24E0", | |
"\u24C6", | |
"\u034F", | |
"\u13A4", | |
"\u03C6", | |
"\u10B3", | |
"\u0566", | |
"\u033E", | |
"\uFF51", | |
"\uFF31", | |
"\u03D9", | |
"\u01EB", | |
"\u{1F160}", | |
"\u{1D42A}", | |
"\u{1D410}", | |
"\u{1D632}", | |
"\u{1D618}", | |
"\u{1D666}", | |
"\u{1D64C}", | |
"\u{1D4C6}", | |
"\u{1D4FA}", | |
"\u{1D4E0}", | |
"\u{1D562}", | |
"\u200B", | |
"\u{1D52E}", | |
"\u{1D511}", | |
"\u{1D596}", | |
"\u{1D57C}", | |
"\u{1F140}", | |
"\u{1F180}", | |
"\u{1D4AC}", | |
"\u{1D69A}", | |
"\u{1D680}", | |
"\u262D", | |
"\u051B" | |
], | |
r: ["r", "\u1587", "R", "\u24E1", "\u24C7", "\u044F", "\u2C64", "\u0155", "\u0154", "\u13D2", "\u0433", "\u0393", "\u1E59", "\u1E58", "\u0280", "\uFF52", "\uFF32", "\u0279", "\u{1F161}", "\u{1D42B}", "\u{1D411}", "\u{1D633}", "\u{1D619}", "\u{1D667}", "\u{1D64D}", "\u{1D4C7}", "\u{1D4FB}", "\u{1D4E1}", "\u{1D563}", "\u{1D546}", "\u{1D52F}", "\u{1D512}", "\u{1D597}", "\u{1D57D}", "\u{1F141}", "\u{1F181}", "\u{1D445}", "\u027E", "\u{1D69B}", "\u{1D681}", "\u2608", "r", "\u{1D681}", "\u{1D4FB}"], | |
s: ["s", "5", "\u1515", "S", "\u24E2", "\u24C8", "\u0455", "\u034F", "\u20B4", "\u1E69", "\u1E68", "\u13D5", "\u0405", "\u1E60", "\u0586", "\u033E", "\uFF53", "\uFF33", "\uA731", "\u{1F162}", "\u{1D42C}", "\u{1D412}", "\u{1D634}", "\u{1D61A}", "\u{1D668}", "\u{1D64E}", "\u{1D4C8}", "\u{1D4FC}", "\u{1D4E2}", "\u{1D564}", "\u2119", "\u{1D530}", "\u{1D513}", "\u{1D598}", "\u{1D57E}", "\u{1F142}", "\u{1F182}", "\u{1D4AE}", "\u0282", "\u{1D69C}", "\u{1D682}", "\u0455", "\u{1D4FC}"], | |
t: ["t", "+", "T", "\u24E3", "\u24C9", "\u0442", "\u20AE", "\u1E97", "\u1E6E", "\u13D6", "\u03C4", "\u01AC", "\u13C6", "\u0236", "\uFF54", "\uFF34", "\u1D1B", "\u0287", "\u{1F163}", "\u{1D42D}", "\u{1D413}", "\u{1D635}", "\u{1D61B}", "\u{1D669}", "\u{1D64F}", "\u{1D4C9}", "\u{1D4FD}", "\u{1D4E3}", "\u{1D565}", "\u200B", "\u{1D531}", "\u{1D514}", "\u{1D599}", "\u{1D57F}", "\u{1F143}", "\u{1F183}", "\u{1D4AF}", "\u019A", "\u{1D69D}", "\u{1D683}", "\u2602", "t", "\u{1D4FD}"], | |
u: ["u", "\xFA", "\xFC", "\u144C", "U", "\u24E4", "\u24CA", "\u03C5", "\u034F", "\u0244", "\xDC", "\u13EC", "\u01B1", "\u1E73", "\u1E72", "\u028A", "\u033E", "\uFF55", "\uFF35", "\u1D1C", "\u{1F164}", "\u{1D42E}", "\u{1D414}", "\u{1D636}", "\u{1D61C}", "\u{1D66A}", "\u{1D650}", "\u{1D4CA}", "\u{1D4FE}", "\u{1D4E4}", "\u{1D566}", "\u211A", "\u{1D532}", "\u211C", "\u{1D59A}", "\u{1D580}", "\u{1F144}", "\u{1F184}", "\u{1D4B0}", "\u{1D69E}", "\u{1D684}", "\u260B", "\u057D"], | |
v: ["v", "\u142F", "V", "\u24E5", "\u24CB", "\u03BD", "\u1E7F", "\u1E7E", "\u13C9", "\u01B2", "\u1E7C", "\u028B", "\uFF56", "\uFF36", "\u1D20", "\u028C", "\u{1F165}", "\u{1D42F}", "\u{1D415}", "\u{1D637}", "\u{1D61D}", "\u{1D66B}", "\u{1D651}", "\u{1D4CB}", "\u{1D4FF}", "\u{1D4E5}", "\u{1D567}", "\u200B", "\u{1D533}", "\u{1D59B}", "\u{1D581}", "\u{1F145}", "\u{1F185}", "\u{1D4B1}", "\u{1D69F}", "\u{1D685}", "\u2713", "\u2174"], | |
w: ["w", "\u15EF", "W", "\u24E6", "\u24CC", "\u03C9", "\u034F", "\u20A9", "\u1E85", "\u1E84", "\u13C7", "\u0448", "\u0428", "\u1E87", "\u1E86", "\u13B3", "\u0561", "\u033E", "\uFF57", "\uFF37", "\u1D21", "\u028D", "\u{1F166}", "\u{1D430}", "\u{1D416}", "\u{1D638}", "\u{1D61E}", "\u{1D66C}", "\u{1D652}", "\u{1D4CC}", "\u{1D500}", "\u{1D4E6}", "\u{1D568}", "\u211D", "\u{1D534}", "\u{1D516}", "\u{1D59C}", "\u{1D582}", "\u{1F146}", "\u{1F186}", "\u{1D4B2}", "\u026F", "\u{1D6A0}", "\u{1D686}", "\u051D"], | |
x: ["x", "\u166D", "X", "\u24E7", "\u24CD", "\u03C7", "\u04FE", "\u1E8D", "\u1E8C", "\u1300", "\u03F0", "\u0416", "\u0445", "\u04FC", "\uFF58", "\uFF38", "\u{1F167}", "\u{1D431}", "\u{1D417}", "\u{1D639}", "\u{1D61F}", "\u{1D66D}", "\u{1D653}", "\u{1D4CD}", "\u{1D501}", "\u{1D4E7}", "\u{1D569}", "\u200B", "\u{1D535}", "\u{1D517}", "\u{1D59D}", "\u{1D583}", "\u{1F147}", "\u{1F187}", "\u{1D4B3}", "\u{1D6A1}", "\u{1D687}", "\u2318", "\u0445"], | |
y: [ | |
"y", | |
"Y", | |
"\u24E8", | |
"\u24CE", | |
"\u0443", | |
"\u034F", | |
"\u024E", | |
"\xFF", | |
"\u0178", | |
"\u13A9", | |
"\u03C8", | |
"\u03A8", | |
"\u1E8F", | |
"\u1E8E", | |
"\u13BD", | |
"\u0447", | |
"\u028F", | |
"\u033E", | |
"\uFF59", | |
"\uFF39", | |
"\u028E", | |
"\u{1F168}", | |
"\u{1D432}", | |
"\u{1D418}", | |
"\u{1D63A}", | |
"\u{1D620}", | |
"\u{1D66E}", | |
"\u{1D654}", | |
"\u{1D4CE}", | |
"\u{1D502}", | |
"\u{1D4E8}", | |
"\u{1D56A}", | |
"\u{1D54A}", | |
"\u{1D536}", | |
"\u{1D518}", | |
"\u{1D59E}", | |
"\u{1D584}", | |
"\u{1F148}", | |
"\u{1F188}", | |
"\u{1D4B4}", | |
"\u10E7", | |
"\u{1D6A2}", | |
"\u{1D688}", | |
"\u263F", | |
"\u0443" | |
], | |
z: ["z", "\u1614", "Z", "\u24E9", "\u24CF", "\u2C6B", "\u1E93", "\u1E92", "\u135A", "\u13C3", "\u0290", "\uFF5A", "\uFF3A", "\u1D22", "\u{1F169}", "\u{1D433}", "\u{1D419}", "\u{1D63B}", "\u{1D621}", "\u{1D66F}", "\u{1D655}", "\u{1D4CF}", "\u{1D503}", "\u{1D4E9}", "\u{1D56B}", "\u{1D54B}", "\u{1D537}", "\u{1D519}", "\u{1D59F}", "\u{1D585}", "\u{1F149}", "\u{1F189}", "\u{1D4B5}", "\u0225", "\u{1D6A3}", "\u{1D689}", "\u2621", "z", "\u{1D503}"] | |
}; | |
const filterWords = Chat.filterWords; | |
const Filters = new class { | |
constructor() { | |
for (const letter in EVASION_DETECTION_SUBSTITUTIONS) { | |
} | |
this.load(); | |
} | |
constructEvasionRegex(str) { | |
const buf = "\\b" + [...str].map((letter) => (this.EVASION_DETECTION_SUB_STRINGS[letter] || letter) + "+").join("\\.?") + "\\b"; | |
return new RegExp(buf, "iu"); | |
} | |
generateRegex(word, isEvasion = false, isShortener = false, isReplacement = false) { | |
try { | |
if (isEvasion) { | |
return this.constructEvasionRegex(word); | |
} else { | |
return new RegExp(isShortener ? `\\b${word}` : word, isReplacement ? "igu" : "iu"); | |
} | |
} catch (e) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage( | |
e.message.startsWith("Invalid regular expression: ") ? e.message : `Invalid regular expression: /${word}/: ${e.message}` | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
stripWordBoundaries(regex) { | |
return new RegExp(regex.toString().replace("/\\b", "").replace("\\b/iu", ""), "iu"); | |
} | |
save(force = false) { | |
(0, import_lib.FS)(MONITOR_FILE).writeUpdate(() => { | |
const buf = {}; | |
for (const key in Chat.monitors) { | |
buf[key] = []; | |
for (const filterWord of filterWords[key]) { | |
const word = { ...filterWord }; | |
delete word.regex; | |
buf[key].push(word); | |
} | |
} | |
return JSON.stringify(buf); | |
}, { throttle: force ? 0 : WRITE_THROTTLE_TIME }); | |
} | |
add(filterWord) { | |
if (!filterWord.hits) | |
filterWord.hits = 0; | |
const punishment = Chat.monitors[filterWord.list].punishment; | |
if (!filterWord.regex) { | |
filterWord.regex = this.generateRegex( | |
filterWord.word, | |
punishment === "EVASION", | |
punishment === "SHORTENER", | |
!!filterWord.replacement | |
); | |
} | |
if (filterWords[filterWord.list].some((val) => String(val.regex) === String(filterWord.regex))) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${filterWord.word} is already added to the ${filterWord.list} list.`); | |
} | |
filterWords[filterWord.list].push(filterWord); | |; | |
} | |
load() { | |
const legacy = (0, import_lib.FS)(LEGACY_MONITOR_FILE); | |
if (legacy.existsSync()) { | |
return process.nextTick(() => { | |
this.loadLegacy(); | |
legacy.renameSync(LEGACY_MONITOR_FILE + ".backup"); | |
Monitor.notice(`Legacy chatfilter data loaded and renamed to a .backup file.`); | |
}); | |
} | |
const data = JSON.parse((0, import_lib.FS)(MONITOR_FILE).readIfExistsSync() || "{}"); | |
for (const k in data) { | |
filterWords[k] = []; | |
for (const entry of data[k]) { | |
if (k === "evasion") { | |
entry.regex = this.constructEvasionRegex(entry.word); | |
} else { | |
entry.regex = new RegExp( | |
k === "shorteners" ? `\\b${entry.word}` : entry.word, | |
entry.replacement ? "igu" : "iu" | |
); | |
} | |
filterWords[k].push(entry); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
loadLegacy() { | |
let data; | |
try { | |
data = (0, import_lib.FS)(LEGACY_MONITOR_FILE).readSync(); | |
} catch (e) { | |
if (e.code !== "ENOENT") | |
throw e; | |
} | |
if (!data) | |
return; | |
const lines = data.split("\n"); | |
loop: | |
for (const line of lines) { | |
if (!line || line === "\r") | |
continue; | |
const [location, word, punishment, reason, times,] = line.split(" ").map((param) => param.trim()); | |
if (location === "Location") | |
continue; | |
if (!(location && word && punishment)) | |
continue; | |
for (const key in Chat.monitors) { | |
if (Chat.monitors[key].location === location && Chat.monitors[key].punishment === punishment) { | |
const replacement = rest[0]; | |
const publicReason = rest[1]; | |
let regex; | |
if (punishment === "EVASION") { | |
regex = Filters.constructEvasionRegex(word); | |
} else { | |
regex = new RegExp(punishment === "SHORTENER" ? `\\b${word}` : word, replacement ? "igu" : "iu"); | |
} | |
const filterWord = { regex, word, hits: parseInt(times) || 0 }; | |
if (reason && reason !== "undefined") | |
filterWord.reason = reason; | |
if (publicReason) | |
filterWord.publicReason = publicReason; | |
if (replacement) | |
filterWord.replacement = replacement; | |
filterWords[key].push(filterWord); | |
continue loop; | |
} | |
} | |
Monitor.crashlog(new Error("Couldn't find [location, punishment] pair for a filter word"), "The main process", { | |
location, | |
word, | |
punishment, | |
reason, | |
times, | |
rest | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
}(); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("autolock", { | |
location: "EVERYWHERE", | |
punishment: "AUTOLOCK", | |
label: "Autolock", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, reason, publicReason } = line; | |
const match = regex.exec(lcMessage); | |
if (match) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be locked: ${word}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}]__`; | |
message = message.replace(/(https?):\/\//g, "$1__:__//"); | |
message = message.replace(/\./g, "__.__"); | |
if (room) { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
room, | |
"ChatMonitor", | |
`Filtered phrase: ${word}`, | |
`<<${room.roomid}>> ${}: ||\`\`${message}\`\`${reason ? ` __(${reason})__` : ""}||`, | |
true | |
); | |
} else { | |
this.errorReply(`Please do not say '${match[0]}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.`); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("publicwarn", { | |
location: "PUBLIC", | |
punishment: "WARN", | |
label: "Filtered in public", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, reason, publicReason } = line; | |
const match = regex.exec(lcMessage); | |
if (match) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be filtered in public: ${word}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}]__`; | |
this.errorReply(`Please do not say '${match[0]}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("warn", { | |
location: "EVERYWHERE", | |
punishment: "WARN", | |
label: "Filtered", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, reason, publicReason } = line; | |
const match = regex.exec(lcMessage); | |
if (match) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be filtered: ${word}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}]__`; | |
this.errorReply(`Please do not say '${match[0]}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("evasion", { | |
location: "EVERYWHERE", | |
punishment: "EVASION", | |
label: "Filter Evasion Detection", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, reason, publicReason } = line; | |
let normalizedMessage = lcMessage.normalize("NFKC"); | |
normalizedMessage = normalizedMessage.replace(/[\s-_,.]+/g, "."); | |
const match = regex.exec(normalizedMessage); | |
if (match) { | |
if (match[0] === word && regex.test(message)) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be filtered: ${word}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}]__`; | |
this.errorReply(`Do not say '${word}'.`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be locked for filter evading: ${match[0]} (${word})]__`; | |
message = message.replace(/(https?):\/\//g, "$1__:__//"); | |
if (room) { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
room, | |
"FilterEvasionMonitor", | |
`Evading filter: ${message} (${match[0]} => ${word})`, | |
`<<${room.roomid}>> ${}: ||\`\`${message}\`\` __(${match[0]} => ${word})__||`, | |
true | |
); | |
} else { | |
this.errorReply(`Please do not say '${word}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.`); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("wordfilter", { | |
location: "EVERYWHERE", | |
punishment: "FILTERTO", | |
label: "Filtered to a different phrase", | |
condition: "notStaff", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, replacement } = line; | |
let match = regex.exec(message); | |
while (match) { | |
let filtered = replacement || ""; | |
if (match[0] === match[0].toUpperCase()) | |
filtered = filtered.toUpperCase(); | |
if (match[0].startsWith(match[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase())) { | |
filtered = `${filtered ? filtered.charAt(0).toUpperCase() : ""}${filtered.slice(1)}`; | |
} | |
message = message.replace(match[0], filtered); | |
match = regex.exec(message); | |
} | |
return message; | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("namefilter", { | |
location: "NAMES", | |
punishment: "WARN", | |
label: "Filtered in names" | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("battlefilter", { | |
location: "BATTLES", | |
punishment: "MUTE", | |
label: "Filtered in battles", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, reason, publicReason } = line; | |
const match = regex.exec(lcMessage); | |
if (match) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[would be filtered: ${word}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ""}]__`; | |
message = message.replace(/(https?):\/\//g, "$1__:__//"); | |
message = message.replace(/\./g, "__.__"); | |
if (room) { | |
room.mute(user); | |
this.errorReply( | |
`You have been muted for using a banned phrase. Please do not say '${match[0]}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.` | |
); | |
const text = `[BattleMonitor] <<${room.roomid}>> MUTED: ${}: ${message}${reason ? ` __(${reason})__` : ""}`; | |
const adminlog = Rooms.get("adminlog"); | |
if (adminlog) { | |
adminlog.add(`|c|~|${text}`).update(); | |
} else { | |
Monitor.log(text); | |
} | |
void room.uploadReplay(user, this.connection, "forpunishment"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
Chat.registerMonitor("shorteners", { | |
location: "EVERYWHERE", | |
punishment: "SHORTENER", | |
label: "URL Shorteners", | |
condition: "notTrusted", | |
monitor(line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff) { | |
const { regex, word, publicReason } = line; | |
if (regex.test(lcMessage)) { | |
if (isStaff) | |
return `${message} __[shortener: ${word}]__`; | |
this.errorReply(`Please do not use URL shorteners such as '${word}'${publicReason ? ` ${publicReason}` : ``}.`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
const chatfilter = function(message, user, room) { | |
let lcMessage = message.replace(/\u039d/g, "N").toLowerCase().replace(/[\u200b\u007F\u00AD\uDB40\uDC00\uDC21]/g, "").replace(/\u03bf/g, "o").replace(/\u043e/g, "o").replace(/\u0430/g, "a").replace(/\u0435/g, "e").replace(/\u039d/g, "e"); | |
lcMessage = lcMessage.replace(/__|\*\*|``|\[\[|\]\]/g, ""); | |
const isStaffRoom = room && (room.persist && room.roomid.endsWith("staff") || room.roomid.startsWith("help-")); | |
const isStaff = isStaffRoom || user.isStaff || !!(this.pmTarget && this.pmTarget.isStaff); | |
for (const list in Chat.monitors) { | |
const { location, condition, monitor } = Chat.monitors[list]; | |
if (!monitor) | |
continue; | |
if (location === "BATTLES" && !(room && room.battle && room.battle.challengeType !== "challenge")) | |
continue; | |
if (location === "PUBLIC" && room && room.settings.isPrivate === true) | |
continue; | |
switch (condition) { | |
case "notTrusted": | |
if (user.trusted && !isStaffRoom) | |
continue; | |
break; | |
case "notStaff": | |
if (isStaffRoom) | |
continue; | |
break; | |
} | |
for (const line of Chat.filterWords[list]) { | |
const ret =, line, room, user, message, lcMessage, isStaff); | |
if (ret !== void 0 && ret !== message) { | |
line.hits++; | |; | |
} | |
if (typeof ret === "string") { | |
message = ret; | |
} else if (ret === false) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return message; | |
}; | |
const namefilter = (name, user) => { | |
const id = toID(name); | |
if (Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.has(id)) | |
return name; | |
if (Monitor.forceRenames.has(id)) { | |
if (typeof Monitor.forceRenames.get(id) === "number") { | |
Monitor.forceRenames.set(id, false); | |
} | |
if (!Monitor.forceRenames.get(id)) { | |
user.trackRename = id; | |
Monitor.forceRenames.set(id, true); | |
} | |
return ""; | |
} | |
if (id === toID(user.trackRename)) | |
return ""; | |
let lcName = name.replace(/\u039d/g, "N").toLowerCase().replace(/[\u200b\u007F\u00AD]/g, "").replace(/\u03bf/g, "o").replace(/\u043e/g, "o").replace(/\u0430/g, "a").replace(/\u0435/g, "e").replace(/\u039d/g, "e"); | |
lcName = lcName.replace("herapist", "").replace("grape", "").replace("scrape", ""); | |
for (const list in filterWords) { | |
if (!Chat.monitors[list] || Chat.monitors[list].location === "BATTLES") | |
continue; | |
const punishment = Chat.monitors[list].punishment; | |
for (const line of filterWords[list]) { | |
const regex = punishment === "EVASION" ? Filters.stripWordBoundaries(line.regex) : line.regex; | |
if (regex.test(lcName)) { | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "AUTOLOCK") { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
"staff", | |
`NameMonitor`, | |
`inappropriate name: ${name}`, | |
`using an inappropriate name: ||${name} (from ${})||`, | |
false, | |
name | |
); | |
} | |
line.hits++; | |; | |
return ""; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return name; | |
}; | |
const loginfilter = (user) => { | |
if (user.namelocked) | |
return; | |
if (user.trackRename) { | |
const manualForceRename = Monitor.forceRenames.has(toID(user.trackRename)); | | | |
["staff"], | |
import_lib.Utils.html`|html|[NameMonitor] Username used: <span class="username">${}</span> ${user.getAccountStatusString()} (${!manualForceRename ? "automatically " : ""}forcerenamed from <span class="username">${user.trackRename}</span>)` | |
); | |
user.trackRename = ""; | |
} | |
const offlineWarn = Punishments.offlineWarns.get(; | |
if (typeof offlineWarn !== "undefined") { | |
user.send(`|c|~|/warn You were warned while offline${offlineWarn.length ? `: ${offlineWarn}` : "."}`); | |
Punishments.offlineWarns.delete(; | |
} | |
}; | |
const nicknamefilter = (name, user) => { | |
let lcName = name.replace(/\u039d/g, "N").toLowerCase().replace(/[\u200b\u007F\u00AD]/g, "").replace(/\u03bf/g, "o").replace(/\u043e/g, "o").replace(/\u0430/g, "a").replace(/\u0435/g, "e").replace(/\u039d/g, "e"); | |
lcName = lcName.replace("herapist", "").replace("grape", "").replace("scrape", ""); | |
for (const list in filterWords) { | |
if (!Chat.monitors[list]) | |
continue; | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].location === "BATTLES") | |
continue; | |
for (const line of filterWords[list]) { | |
let { regex, word } = line; | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "EVASION") { | |
regex = Filters.stripWordBoundaries(regex); | |
} | |
const match = regex.exec(lcName); | |
if (match) { | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "AUTOLOCK") { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
"staff", | |
`NameMonitor`, | |
`inappropriate Pok\xE9mon nickname: ${name}`, | |
`${} - using an inappropriate Pok\xE9mon nickname: ||${name}||`, | |
true | |
); | |
} else if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "EVASION" && match[0] !== lcName) { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
"staff", | |
"FilterEvasionMonitor", | |
`Evading filter in Pok\xE9mon nickname (${name} => ${word})`, | |
`${}: Pok\xE9mon nicknamed ||\`\`${name} => ${word}\`\`||`, | |
true | |
); | |
} | |
line.hits++; | |; | |
return ""; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return name; | |
}; | |
const statusfilter = (status, user) => { | |
let lcStatus = status.replace(/\u039d/g, "N").toLowerCase().replace(/[\u200b\u007F\u00AD]/g, "").replace(/\u03bf/g, "o").replace(/\u043e/g, "o").replace(/\u0430/g, "a").replace(/\u0435/g, "e").replace(/\u039d/g, "e"); | |
lcStatus = lcStatus.replace("herapist", "").replace("grape", "").replace("scrape", ""); | |
const impersonationRegex = /\b(?:global|room|upper|senior)?\s*(?:staff|admin|administrator|leader|owner|founder|mod|moderator|driver|voice|operator|sysop|creator)\b/gi; | |
if (!user.can("lock") && impersonationRegex.test(lcStatus)) | |
return ""; | |
for (const list in filterWords) { | |
if (!Chat.monitors[list]) | |
continue; | |
const punishment = Chat.monitors[list].punishment; | |
for (const line of filterWords[list]) { | |
const regex = punishment === "EVASION" ? Filters.stripWordBoundaries(line.regex) : line.regex; | |
if (regex.test(lcStatus)) { | |
if (punishment === "AUTOLOCK") { | |
void Punishments.autolock( | |
user, | |
"staff", | |
`NameMonitor`, | |
`inappropriate status message: ${status}`, | |
`${} - using an inappropriate status: ||${status}||`, | |
true | |
); | |
} | |
line.hits++; | |; | |
return ""; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return status; | |
}; | |
const pages = { | |
filters(query, user, connection) { | |
if (!user.named) | |
return Rooms.RETRY_AFTER_LOGIN; | |
this.title = "Filters"; | |
let buf = `<div class="pad ladder"><h2>Filters</h2>`; | |
if (!user.can("addhtml")) | |
this.checkCan("lock"); | |
let content = ``; | |
for (const key in Chat.monitors) { | |
content += `<tr><th colspan="2"><h3>${Chat.monitors[key].label} <span style="font-size:8pt;">[${key}]</span></h3></tr></th>`; | |
if (filterWords[key].length) { | |
content += filterWords[key].map(({ regex, word, reason, publicReason, replacement, hits }) => { | |
let entry = import_lib.Utils.html`<abbr title="${reason}"><code>${word}</code></abbr>`; | |
if (publicReason) | |
entry += import_lib.Utils.html` <small>(public reason: ${publicReason})</small>`; | |
if (replacement) | |
entry += import_lib.Utils.html` ⇒ ${replacement}`; | |
return `<tr><td>${entry}</td><td>${hits}</td></tr>`; | |
}).join(""); | |
} | |
} | |
if (Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.size) { | |
content += `<tr><th colspan="2"><h3>Whitelisted names</h3></tr></th>`; | |
for (const [val] of Punishments.namefilterwhitelist) { | |
content += `<tr><td>${val}</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!content) { | |
buf += `<p>There are no filtered words.</p>`; | |
} else { | |
buf += `<table>${content}</table>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</div>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
}; | |
const commands = { | |
filters: "filter", | |
filter: { | |
add(target, room, user) { | |
this.checkCan("rangeban"); | |
let separator = ","; | |
if (target.includes("\n")) { | |
separator = "\n"; | |
} else if (target.includes("/")) { | |
separator = "/"; | |
} | |
let [list,] = target.split(separator); | |
list = toID(list); | |
if (!list || !rest.length) { | |
return this.errorReply(`Syntax: /filter add list ${separator} word ${separator} reason [${separator} optional public reason]`); | |
} | |
if (!(list in filterWords)) { | |
return this.errorReply(`Invalid list: ${list}. Possible options: ${Object.keys(filterWords).join(", ")}`); | |
} | |
const filterWord = { list, word: "" }; | |
rest = => part.trim()); | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "FILTERTO") { | |
[filterWord.word, filterWord.replacement, filterWord.reason, filterWord.publicReason] = rest; | |
if (!filterWord.replacement) { | |
return this.errorReply( | |
`Syntax for word filters: /filter add ${list} ${separator} regex ${separator} reason [${separator} optional public reason]` | |
); | |
} | |
} else { | |
[filterWord.word, filterWord.reason, filterWord.publicReason] = rest; | |
} | |
filterWord.word = filterWord.word.trim(); | |
if (!filterWord.word) { | |
return this.errorReply(`Invalid word: '${filterWord.word}'.`); | |
} | |
Filters.add(filterWord); | |
const reason = filterWord.reason ? ` (${filterWord.reason})` : ""; | |
if (Chat.monitors[list].punishment === "FILTERTO") { | |
this.globalModlog(`ADDFILTER`, null, `'${String(filterWord.regex)} => ${filterWord.replacement}' to ${list} list${reason}`); | |
} else { | |
this.globalModlog(`ADDFILTER`, null, `'${filterWord.word}' to ${list} list${reason}`); | |
} | |
const output = `'${filterWord.word}' was added to the ${list} list.`; | |
Rooms.get("upperstaff")?.add(output).update(); | |
if (room?.roomid !== "upperstaff") | |
this.sendReply(output); | |
}, | |
remove(target, room, user) { | |
this.checkCan("rangeban"); | |
let [list, ...words] = target.split(target.includes("\n") ? "\n" : ",").map((param) => param.trim()); | |
list = toID(list); | |
if (!list || !words.length) | |
return this.errorReply("Syntax: /filter remove list, words"); | |
if (!(list in filterWords)) { | |
return this.errorReply(`Invalid list: ${list}. Possible options: ${Object.keys(filterWords).join(", ")}`); | |
} | |
const notFound = words.filter((val) => !filterWords[list].filter((entry) => entry.word === val).length); | |
if (notFound.length) { | |
return this.errorReply(`${notFound.join(", ")} ${Chat.plural(notFound, "are", "is")} not on the ${list} list.`); | |
} | |
filterWords[list] = filterWords[list].filter((entry) => !words.includes(entry.word)); | |
this.globalModlog(`REMOVEFILTER`, null, `'${words.join(", ")}' from ${list} list`); | |; | |
const output = `'${words.join(", ")}' ${Chat.plural(words, "were", "was")} removed from the ${list} list.`; | |
Rooms.get("upperstaff")?.add(output).update(); | |
if (room?.roomid !== "upperstaff") | |
this.sendReply(output); | |
}, | |
"": "view", | |
list: "view", | |
view(target, room, user) { | |
this.parse(`/join view-filters`); | |
}, | |
help(target, room, user) { | |
this.parse(`/help filter`); | |
}, | |
test(target, room, user) { | |
this.checkCan("lock"); | |
if (room && ["staff", "upperstaff"].includes(room.roomid)) { | |
this.runBroadcast(true, `!filter test ${target}`); | |
} | |
const lcMessage = Chat.stripFormatting(target.replace(/\u039d/g, "N").toLowerCase().replace(/[\u200b\u007F\u00AD\uDB40\uDC00\uDC21]/g, "").replace(/\u03bf/g, "o").replace(/\u043e/g, "o").replace(/\u0430/g, "a").replace(/\u0435/g, "e").replace(/\u039d/g, "e")); | |
const buf = []; | |
for (const monitorName in Chat.monitors) { | |
const monitor = Chat.monitors[monitorName]; | |
for (const line of Chat.filterWords[monitorName]) { | |
let ret; | |
if (monitor.monitor) { | |
ret =, line, room, user, target, lcMessage, true); | |
} else { | |
ret = line.regex.exec(target)?.[0]; | |
} | |
if (typeof ret === "string") { | |
buf.push(`${monitorName}: ${ret}`); | |
break; | |
} else if (ret === false) { | |
buf.push(`${monitorName}: "${target}" would be blocked from being sent.`); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (buf.length) { | |
return this.sendReplyBox(Chat.formatText(buf.join("\n"), false, true)); | |
} else { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage( | |
`"${target}" doesn't trigger any filters. Check spelling?` | |
); | |
} | |
}, | |
testhelp: [ | |
`/filter test [test string] - Tests whether or not the provided test string would trigger any of the chat monitors.`, | |
`Requires: % @ ~` | |
] | |
}, | |
filterhelp: [ | |
`/filter add list, word, reason[, optional public reason] - Adds a word to the given filter list. Requires: ~`, | |
`/filter remove list, words - Removes words from the given filter list. Requires: ~`, | |
`/filter view - Opens the list of filtered words. Requires: % @ ~`, | |
`/filter test [test string] - Tests whether or not the provided test string would trigger any of the chat monitors. Requires: % @ ~`, | |
`You may use / instead of , in /filter add if you want to specify a reason that includes commas.` | |
], | |
allowname(target, room, user) { | |
this.checkCan("forcerename"); | |
target = toID(target); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.errorReply(`Syntax: /allowname username`); | |
if (Punishments.namefilterwhitelist.has(target)) { | |
return this.errorReply(`${target} is already allowed as a username.`); | |
} | |
const msg = `${target} was allowed as a username by ${}.`; | |
const toNotify = ["staff", "upperstaff"]; | |, `|c|${user.getIdentity()}|/log ${msg}`); | |
if (!room || !toNotify.includes(room.roomid)) { | |
this.sendReply(msg); | |
} | |
this.globalModlog(`ALLOWNAME`, target); | |
Monitor.forceRenames.delete(target); | |
} | |
}; | |
process.nextTick(() => { | |
Chat.multiLinePattern.register("/filter (add|remove) "); | |
}); | |
//# | |