; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var auction_exports = {}; | |
__export(auction_exports, { | |
Auction: () => Auction, | |
commands: () => commands, | |
roomSettings: () => roomSettings | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(auction_exports); | |
var import_lib = require("../../lib"); | |
class Team { | |
constructor(name, auction) { | | = toID(name); | | = name; | |
this.players = []; | |
this.credits = auction.startingCredits; | |
this.suspended = false; | | = auction; | |
} | |
getManagers() { | |
return [].filter((m) => === this).map((m) => Users.getExact( ||; | |
} | |
addPlayer(player, price = 0) { | |; | |
this.players.push(player); | |
this.credits -= price; | | = this; | |
player.price = price; | |
} | |
removePlayer(player) { | |
const pIndex = this.players.indexOf(player); | |
if (pIndex === -1) | |
return; | |
this.players.splice(pIndex, 1); | |
delete; | |
player.price = 0; | |
} | |
isSuspended() { | |
return this.suspended || ( === "snake" ? this.players.length >= : this.credits < || && this.players.length >=; | |
} | |
maxBid(credits = this.credits) { | |
return credits + * Math.min(0, this.players.length - + 1); | |
} | |
} | |
function parseCredits(amount) { | |
let credits = Number(amount.replace(",", ".")); | |
if (Math.abs(credits) < 500) | |
credits *= 1e3; | |
if (!credits || credits % 500 !== 0) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The amount of credits must be a multiple of 500.`); | |
} | |
return credits; | |
} | |
class Auction extends Rooms.SimpleRoomGame { | |
constructor(room, startingCredits = 1e5) { | |
super(room); | |
this.gameid = "auction"; | |
this.owners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
this.teams = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
this.managers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
this.auctionPlayers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
this.minBid = 3e3; | |
this.minPlayers = 10; | |
this.maxPlayers = 0; | |
this.type = "auction"; | |
this.lastQueue = null; | |
this.queue = []; | |
this.nomTimer = null; | |
this.nomTimeLimit = 0; | |
this.nomTimeRemaining = 0; | |
this.bidTimer = null; | |
this.bidTimeLimit = 10; | |
this.bidTimeRemaining = 10; | |
this.nominatingTeam = null; | |
this.nominatedPlayer = null; | |
this.highestBidder = null; | |
this.highestBid = 0; | |
/** Used for blind mode */ | |
this.bidsPlaced = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
this.state = "setup"; | |
this.title = "Auction"; | |
this.startingCredits = startingCredits; | |
} | |
sendMessage(message) { | |`|c|~|${message}`).update(); | |
} | |
sendHTMLBox(htmlContent) { | |`|html|<div class="infobox">${htmlContent}</div>`).update(); | |
} | |
checkOwner(user) { | |
if (!this.owners.has( && !Users.Auth.hasPermission(user, "declare", null, { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must be an auction owner to use this command.`); | |
} | |
} | |
addOwners(users) { | |
for (const name of users) { | |
const user = Users.getExact(name); | |
if (!user) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User "${name}" not found.`); | |
if (this.owners.has( | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} is already an auction owner.`); | |
this.owners.add(; | |
} | |
} | |
removeOwners(users) { | |
for (const name of users) { | |
const id = toID(name); | |
if (!this.owners.has(id)) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User "${name}" is not an auction owner.`); | |
this.owners.delete(id); | |
} | |
} | |
generateUsernameList(players, max = players.length, clickable = false) { | |
let buf = `<span style="font-size: 85%">`; | |
buf += players.slice(0, max).map((p) => { | |
if (typeof p === "object") { | |
return `<username ${clickable ? ' class="username"' : ""}>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(}</username>`; | |
} | |
return `<username${clickable ? ' class="username"' : ""}>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(p)}</username>`; | |
}).join(", "); | |
if (players.length > max) { | |
buf += ` <span title="${players.slice(max).map((p) => import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(typeof p === "object" ? : p)).join(", ")}">(+${players.length - max})</span>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</span>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
generatePriceList() { | |
const players = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(this.getDraftedPlayers(), (p) => -p.price); | |
let buf = ""; | |
let smogonExport = ""; | |
for (const team of this.teams.values()) { | |
let table2 = `<table>`; | |
for (const player of players.filter((p) => === team)) { | |
table2 += import_lib.Utils.html`<tr><td>${}</td><td>${player.price}</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
table2 += `</table>`; | |
buf += `<details><summary>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(}</summary>${table2}</details><br/>`; | |
if (this.ended) | |
smogonExport += `[SPOILER="${}"]${table2.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, "[$1]")}[/SPOILER]`; | |
} | |
let table = `<table>`; | |
for (const player of players) { | |
table += import_lib.Utils.html`<tr><td>${}</td><td>${player.price}</td><td>${}</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
table += `</table>`; | |
buf += `<details><summary>All</summary>${table}</details><br/>`; | |
if (this.ended) { | |
smogonExport += `[SPOILER="All"]${table.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, "[$1]")}[/SPOILER]`; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`<copytext value="${smogonExport}">Copy Smogon Export</copytext>`; | |
} | |
return buf; | |
} | |
generateAuctionTable() { | |
const queue = this.queue.filter((team) => !team.isSuspended()); | |
let buf = `<div class="ladder pad"><table style="width: 100%"><tr>${!this.ended ? `<th colspan=2>Order</th>` : ""}<th>Team</th>${this.type !== "snake" ? `<th>Credits</th>` : ""}<th style="width: 100%">Players</th></tr>`; | |
for (const team of this.teams.values()) { | |
buf += `<tr>`; | |
if (!this.ended) { | |
let i1 = queue.indexOf(team) + 1; | |
let i2 = queue.lastIndexOf(team) + 1; | |
if (i1 > queue.length / 2) { | |
[i1, i2] = [i2, i1]; | |
} | |
buf += `<td align="center" style="width: 15px">${i1 || "-"}</td><td align="center" style="width: 15px">${i2 || "-"}</td>`; | |
} | |
buf += `<td style="white-space: nowrap"><strong>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(}</strong><br/>${this.generateUsernameList(team.getManagers(), 2, true)}</td>`; | |
if (this.type !== "snake") { | |
buf += `<td style="white-space: nowrap">${team.credits.toLocaleString()}${team.maxBid() >= this.minBid ? `<br/><span style="font-size: 90%">Max bid: ${team.maxBid().toLocaleString()}</span>` : ""}</td>`; | |
} | |
buf += `<td title="${ => import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(", ")}"><div style="min-height: 32px${!this.ended ? `; height: 32px; overflow: hidden; resize: vertical` : ""}"><span style="float: right">${team.players.length}</span>${this.generateUsernameList(team.players)}</div></td>`; | |
buf += `</tr>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</table></div>`; | |
const players = import_lib.Utils.sortBy(this.getUndraftedPlayers(), (p) =>; | |
const tierArrays = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
for (const player of players) { | |
for (const tier of player.tiersPlayed) { | |
if (!tierArrays.has(tier)) | |
tierArrays.set(tier, []); | |
tierArrays.get(tier).push(player); | |
} | |
} | |
const sortedTiers = [...tierArrays.keys()].sort(); | |
if (sortedTiers.length) { | |
buf += `<details><summary>Remaining Players (${players.length})</summary>`; | |
buf += `<details><summary>All</summary>${this.generateUsernameList(players)}</details>`; | |
buf += `<details><summary>Tiers</summary><ul style="list-style-type: none">`; | |
for (const tier of sortedTiers) { | |
const tierPlayers = tierArrays.get(tier); | |
buf += `<li><details><summary>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(tier)} (${tierPlayers.length})</summary>${this.generateUsernameList(tierPlayers)}</details></li>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</ul></details></details>`; | |
} else { | |
buf += `<details><summary>Remaining Players (${players.length})</summary>${this.generateUsernameList(players)}</details>`; | |
} | |
buf += `<details><summary>Auction Settings</summary>`; | |
buf += `- Minimum bid: <b>${this.minBid.toLocaleString()}</b><br/>`; | |
buf += `- Minimum players per team: <b>${this.minPlayers}</b><br/>`; | |
if (this.type !== "snake") | |
buf += `- Maximum players per team: <b>${this.maxPlayers || "N/A"}</b><br/>`; | |
buf += `- Nom timer: <b>${this.nomTimeLimit ? `${this.nomTimeLimit}s` : "Off"}</b><br/>`; | |
if (this.type !== "snake") | |
buf += `- Bid timer: <b>${this.bidTimeLimit}s</b><br/>`; | |
buf += `- Auction type: <b>${this.type}</b><br/>`; | |
buf += `</details>`; | |
return buf; | |
} | |
sendBidInfo() { | |
if (this.type === "blind") | |
return; | |
let buf = `<div class="infobox">`; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`Player: <username>${}</username> `; | |
buf += `Top bid: <b>${this.highestBid}</b> `; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`Top bidder: <b>${}</b><br/>`; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`Tiers Played: <b>${this.nominatedPlayer.tiersPlayed.length ? `${this.nominatedPlayer.tiersPlayed.join(", ")}` : "N/A"}</b><br/>`; | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`Tiers Not Played: <b>${this.nominatedPlayer.tiersNotPlayed.length ? `${this.nominatedPlayer.tiersNotPlayed.join(", ")}` : "N/A"}</b>`; | |
buf += `</div>`; | |`|uhtml|bid-${}|${buf}`).update(); | |
} | |
sendTimer(change = false, nom = false) { | |
let buf = `<div class="infobox message-error">`; | |
buf += `<i class="fa fa-hourglass-start"></i> ${Chat.toDurationString((nom ? this.nomTimeRemaining : this.bidTimeRemaining) * 1e3, { hhmmss: true }).slice(1)}`; | |
buf += `</div>`; | |`|uhtml${change ? "change" : ""}|timer|${buf}`).update(); | |
} | |
setMinBid(amount) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The minimum bid cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
if (amount > 5e5) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The minimum bid must not exceed 500,000.`); | |
this.minBid = amount; | |
} | |
setMinPlayers(amount) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The minimum number of players cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
if (!amount || amount > 30) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The minimum number of players must be between 1 and 30.`); | |
} | |
this.minPlayers = amount; | |
} | |
setMaxPlayers(amount) { | |
if (this.type === "snake") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You only need to set minplayers for snake drafts.`); | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The maximum number of players cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
this.maxPlayers = amount; | |
} | |
setNomTimeLimit(seconds) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The nomination time limit cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
if (isNaN(seconds) || seconds && (seconds < 7 || seconds > 300)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The nomination time limit must be between 7 and 300 seconds.`); | |
} | |
this.nomTimeLimit = this.nomTimeRemaining = seconds; | |
} | |
setBidTimeLimit(seconds) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The bid time limit cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
if (!seconds || seconds < 7 || seconds > 120) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The bid time limit must be between 7 and 120 seconds.`); | |
} | |
this.bidTimeLimit = this.bidTimeRemaining = seconds; | |
} | |
setType(auctionType) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The auction type cannot be changed after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
if (!["auction", "blind", "snake"].includes(toID(auctionType))) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid auction type "${auctionType}". Valid types are "auction", "blind", and "snake".`); | |
} | |
this.type = toID(auctionType); | |
this.nomTimeLimit = this.nomTimeRemaining = this.type === "snake" ? 60 : 0; | |
this.bidTimeLimit = this.bidTimeRemaining = this.type === "blind" ? 30 : 10; | |
} | |
getUndraftedPlayers() { | |
return [...this.auctionPlayers.values()].filter((p) => !; | |
} | |
getDraftedPlayers() { | |
return [...this.auctionPlayers.values()].filter((p) =>; | |
} | |
importPlayers(data) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player lists cannot be imported after the auction has started.`); | |
} | |
const rows = data.replace("\r", "").split("\n"); | |
const tierNames = rows.shift().split(" ").slice(1); | |
if (tierNames.some((tier) => tier.length > 30)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Tier names must be 30 characters or less.`); | |
} | |
const playerList = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); | |
for (const row of rows) { | |
const tiersPlayed = []; | |
const tiersNotPlayed = []; | |
const [name, ...tierData] = row.split(" "); | |
for (let i = 0; i < tierData.length; i++) { | |
switch (tierData[i].trim().toLowerCase()) { | |
case "y": | |
if (!tierNames[i]) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid tier data found in the pastebin.`); | |
tiersPlayed.push(tierNames[i]); | |
break; | |
case "n": | |
if (!tierNames[i]) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid tier data found in the pastebin.`); | |
tiersNotPlayed.push(tierNames[i]); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (name.length > 25) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player names must be 25 characters or less.`); | |
const player = { | |
id: toID(name), | |
name: name.trim(), | |
price: 0, | |
tiersPlayed, | |
tiersNotPlayed | |
}; | |
playerList.set(, player); | |
} | |
this.auctionPlayers = playerList; | |
} | |
addAuctionPlayer(name, tiersPlayed, tiersNotPlayed) { | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Players cannot be added during a nomination.`); | |
if (name.length > 25) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player names must be 25 characters or less.`); | |
if (tiersPlayed.some((tier) => tier.length > 30) || tiersNotPlayed.some((tier) => tier.length > 30)) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Tier names must be 30 characters or less.`); | |
} | |
const player = { | |
id: toID(name), | |
name, | |
price: 0, | |
tiersPlayed, | |
tiersNotPlayed | |
}; | |
this.auctionPlayers.set(, player); | |
return player; | |
} | |
removeAuctionPlayer(name) { | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Players cannot be removed during a nomination.`); | |
const player = this.auctionPlayers.get(toID(name)); | |
if (!player) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player "${name}" not found.`); | |; | |
this.auctionPlayers.delete(; | |
if (this.state !== "setup" && !this.getUndraftedPlayers().length) { | |
this.end("The auction has ended because there are no players remaining in the draft pool."); | |
} | |
return player; | |
} | |
assignPlayer(name, teamName) { | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Players cannot be assigned during a nomination.`); | |
const player = this.auctionPlayers.get(toID(name)); | |
if (!player) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Player "${name}" not found.`); | |
if (teamName) { | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(teamName)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${teamName}" not found.`); | |
team.addPlayer(player); | |
if (!this.getUndraftedPlayers().length) { | |
return this.end("The auction has ended because there are no players remaining in the draft pool."); | |
} | |
} else { | |; | |
} | |
} | |
addTeam(name) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Teams cannot be added after the auction has started.`); | |
if (name.length > 40) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team names must be 40 characters or less.`); | |
const team = new Team(name, this); | |
this.teams.set(, team); | |
const teams = [...this.teams.values()]; | |
this.queue = teams.concat(teams.slice().reverse()); | |
return team; | |
} | |
removeTeam(name) { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Teams cannot be removed after the auction has started.`); | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(name)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${name}" not found.`); | |
this.queue = this.queue.filter((t) => t !== team); | |
this.teams.delete(; | |
return team; | |
} | |
suspendTeam(name) { | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Teams cannot be suspended during a nomination.`); | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(name)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${name}" not found.`); | |
if (team.suspended) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team ${name} is already suspended.`); | |
if (this.nominatingTeam === team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The nominating team cannot be suspended.`); | |
team.suspended = true; | |
return team; | |
} | |
unsuspendTeam(name) { | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Teams cannot be unsuspended during a nomination.`); | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(name)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${name}" not found.`); | |
if (!team.suspended) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team ${name} is not suspended.`); | |
team.suspended = false; | |
return team; | |
} | |
addManagers(teamName, users) { | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(teamName)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${teamName}" not found.`); | |
const problemUsers = users.filter((user) => !toID(user) || toID(user).length > 18); | |
if (problemUsers.length) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid usernames: ${problemUsers.join(", ")}`); | |
} | |
for (const id of { | |
const manager = this.managers.get(id); | |
if (!manager) { | |
this.managers.set(id, { id, team }); | |
} else { | | = team; | |
} | |
} | |
return team; | |
} | |
removeManagers(users) { | |
const problemUsers = users.filter((user) => !this.managers.has(toID(user))); | |
if (problemUsers.length) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid managers: ${problemUsers.join(", ")}`); | |
} | |
for (const id of { | |
this.managers.delete(id); | |
} | |
} | |
addCreditsToTeam(teamName, amount) { | |
if (this.type === "snake") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Snake draft does not support credits.`); | |
if (this.state === "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Credits cannot be changed during a nomination.`); | |
const team = this.teams.get(toID(teamName)); | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Team "${teamName}" not found.`); | |
const newCredits = team.credits + amount; | |
if (newCredits <= 0 || newCredits > 1e7) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`A team must have between 0 and 10,000,000 credits.`); | |
} | |
if (team.maxBid(newCredits) < this.minBid) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`A team must have enough credits to draft the minimum amount of players.`); | |
} | |
team.credits = newCredits; | |
return team; | |
} | |
start() { | |
if (this.state !== "setup") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The auction has already started.`); | |
if (this.teams.size < 2) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The auction needs at least 2 teams to start.`); | |
const problemTeams = [...this.teams.values()].filter((t) => t.maxBid() < this.minBid).map((t) =>; | |
if (problemTeams.length) { | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The following teams do not have enough credits to draft the minimum amount of players: ${problemTeams.join(", ")}`); | |
} | |; | |
} | |
reset() { | |
const teams = [...this.teams.values()]; | |
for (const team of teams) { | |
team.credits = this.startingCredits; | |
team.suspended = false; | |
for (const player of team.players) { | |
delete; | |
player.price = 0; | |
} | |
team.players = []; | |
} | |
this.lastQueue = null; | |
this.queue = teams.concat(teams.slice().reverse()); | |
this.clearNomTimer(); | |
this.clearBidTimer(); | |
this.state = "setup"; | |
this.sendHTMLBox(this.generateAuctionTable()); | |
} | |
next() { | |
this.state = "nom"; | |
if (!this.queue.filter((team) => !team.isSuspended()).length) { | |
return this.end("The auction has ended because there are no teams remaining that can draft players."); | |
} | |
if (!this.getUndraftedPlayers().length) { | |
return this.end("The auction has ended because there are no players remaining in the draft pool."); | |
} | |
do { | |
this.nominatingTeam = this.queue.shift(); | |
this.queue.push(this.nominatingTeam); | |
} while (this.nominatingTeam.isSuspended()); | |
this.sendHTMLBox(this.generateAuctionTable()); | |
this.sendMessage(`/html It is now <b>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(}</b>'s turn to nominate a player. Managers: ${this.nominatingTeam.getManagers().map((m) => `<username class="username">${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(m)}</username>`).join(" ")}`); | |
this.startNomTimer(); | |
} | |
nominate(user, target) { | |
if (this.state !== "nom") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You cannot nominate players right now.`); | |
const manager = this.managers.get(; | |
if (!manager || !== this.nominatingTeam) | |
this.checkOwner(user); | |
this.lastQueue = this.queue.slice(); | |
this.lastQueue.unshift(this.lastQueue.pop()); | |
const player = this.auctionPlayers.get(toID(target)); | |
if (!player) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${target} is not a valid player.`); | |
if ( | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`${} has already been drafted.`); | |
this.clearNomTimer(); | |
this.nominatedPlayer = player; | |
if (this.type === "snake") { | |
this.sendMessage(import_lib.Utils.html`/html <b>${}</b> drafted <username>${}</username>!`); | |
this.nominatingTeam.addPlayer(this.nominatedPlayer); | |; | |
} else { | |
this.state = "bid"; | |
this.highestBid = this.minBid; | |
this.highestBidder = this.nominatingTeam; | |
this.sendMessage(import_lib.Utils.html`/html <username class="username">${}</username> from team <b>${}</b> has nominated <username>${}</username> for auction!`); | |
const notifyMsg = import_lib.Utils.html`|notify|${} Auction|${} has been nominated!`; | |
for (const currManager of this.managers.values()) { | |
if ( === this.nominatingTeam) | |
continue; | |
const curUser = Users.getExact(; | |
curUser?.sendTo(, notifyMsg); | |
curUser?.sendTo( | |, | |
`|raw|Send a message with the amount you want to bid (e.g. <code>.5</code> or <code>5</code> will place a bid of <b>5000</b>)!` | |
); | |
} | |
this.sendBidInfo(); | |
this.startBidTimer(); | |
} | |
} | |
bid(user, bid) { | |
if (this.state !== "bid") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`There are no players up for auction right now.`); | |
const team = this.managers.get(; | |
if (!team) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Only managers can bid on players.`); | |
if (team.isSuspended()) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your team is suspended and cannot place bids.`); | |
if (bid > team.maxBid()) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your team cannot afford to bid that much.`); | |
if (this.type === "blind") { | |
if (this.bidsPlaced.has(team)) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your team has already placed a bid.`); | |
if (bid <= this.minBid) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your bid must be higher than the minimum bid.`); | |
const msg = `|c:|${Math.floor( / 1e3)}|&|/html Your team placed a bid of <b>${bid}</b> on <username>${import_lib.Utils.escapeHTML(}</username>.`; | |
for (const manager of this.managers.values()) { | |
if ( !== team) | |
continue; | |
Users.getExact(, msg); | |
} | |
if (bid > this.highestBid) { | |
this.highestBid = bid; | |
this.highestBidder = team; | |
} | |
this.bidsPlaced.set(team, bid); | |
if (this.bidsPlaced.size === this.teams.size) { | |
this.finishCurrentNom(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (bid <= this.highestBid) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Your bid must be higher than the current bid.`); | |
this.highestBid = bid; | |
this.highestBidder = team; | |
this.sendBidInfo(); | |
this.startBidTimer(); | |
} | |
} | |
onChatMessage(message, user) { | |
if (this.state !== "bid" || this.type !== "blind") | |
return; | |
if (message.startsWith(".")) | |
message = message.slice(1); | |
if (Number(message.replace(",", "."))) { | |, parseCredits(message)); | |
return ""; | |
} | |
} | |
onLogMessage(message, user) { | |
if (this.state !== "bid" || this.type === "blind") | |
return; | |
if (message.startsWith(".")) | |
message = message.slice(1); | |
if (Number(message.replace(",", "."))) { | |; | |
try { | |, parseCredits(message)); | |
} catch (e) { | |
if (e instanceof Chat.ErrorMessage) { | |
user.sendTo(, import_lib.Utils.html`|raw|<span class="message-error">${e.message}</span>`); | |
} else { | |
user.sendTo(, `|raw|<span class="message-error">An unexpected error occurred while placing your bid.</span>`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
skipNom() { | |
if (this.state !== "nom") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Nominations cannot be skipped right now.`); | |
this.nominatedPlayer = null; | |
this.sendMessage(`**${}**'s nomination turn has been skipped!`); | |
this.clearNomTimer(); | |; | |
} | |
finishCurrentNom() { | |
if (this.type === "blind") { | |
let buf = `<div class="ladder pad"><table><tr><th>Team</th><th>Bid</th></tr>`; | |
if (!this.bidsPlaced.has(this.nominatingTeam)) { | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`<tr><td>${}</td><td>${this.minBid}</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
for (const [team, bid] of this.bidsPlaced) { | |
buf += import_lib.Utils.html`<tr><td>${}</td><td>${bid}</td></tr>`; | |
} | |
buf += `</table></div>`; | |
this.sendHTMLBox(buf); | |
this.bidsPlaced.clear(); | |
} | |
this.sendMessage(import_lib.Utils.html`/html <b>${}</b> bought <username>${}</username> for <b>${this.highestBid}</b> credits!`); | |
this.highestBidder.addPlayer(this.nominatedPlayer, this.highestBid); | |
this.clearBidTimer(); | |; | |
} | |
undoLastNom() { | |
if (this.state !== "nom") | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Nominations cannot be undone right now.`); | |
if (!this.lastQueue) | |
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Only one nomination can be undone at a time.`); | |
this.queue = this.lastQueue; | |
this.lastQueue = null; | |
if (this.nominatedPlayer) { | |
this.highestBidder.removePlayer(this.nominatedPlayer); | |
this.highestBidder.credits += this.highestBid; | |
} | |; | |
} | |
clearNomTimer() { | |
clearInterval(this.nomTimer); | |
this.nomTimeRemaining = this.nomTimeLimit; | |"|uhtmlchange|timer|"); | |
} | |
startNomTimer() { | |
if (!this.nomTimeLimit) | |
return; | |
this.clearNomTimer(); | |
this.sendTimer(false, true); | |
this.nomTimer = setInterval(() => this.pokeNomTimer(), 1e3); | |
} | |
clearBidTimer() { | |
clearInterval(this.bidTimer); | |
this.bidTimeRemaining = this.bidTimeLimit; | |"|uhtmlchange|timer|"); | |
} | |
startBidTimer() { | |
if (!this.bidTimeLimit) | |
return; | |
this.clearBidTimer(); | |
this.sendTimer(); | |
this.bidTimer = setInterval(() => this.pokeBidTimer(), 1e3); | |
} | |
pokeNomTimer() { | |
this.nomTimeRemaining--; | |
if (!this.nomTimeRemaining) { | |
this.skipNom(); | |
} else { | |
this.sendTimer(true, true); | |
if (this.nomTimeRemaining % 30 === 0 || [20, 10, 5].includes(this.nomTimeRemaining)) { | |
this.sendMessage(`/html <span class="message-error">${this.nomTimeRemaining} seconds left!</span>`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
pokeBidTimer() { | |
this.bidTimeRemaining--; | |
if (!this.bidTimeRemaining) { | |
this.finishCurrentNom(); | |
} else { | |
this.sendTimer(true); | |
if (this.bidTimeRemaining % 30 === 0 || [20, 10, 5].includes(this.bidTimeRemaining)) { | |
this.sendMessage(`/html <span class="message-error">${this.bidTimeRemaining} seconds left!</span>`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
end(message) { | |
this.setEnded(); | |
this.sendHTMLBox(this.generateAuctionTable()); | |
this.sendHTMLBox(this.generatePriceList()); | |
if (message) | |
this.sendMessage(message); | |
this.destroy(); | |
} | |
destroy() { | |
this.clearNomTimer(); | |
this.clearBidTimer(); | |
super.destroy(); | |
} | |
} | |
const commands = { | |
auction: { | |
create(target, room, user) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("minigame", null, room); | |
if ( | |
return this.errorReply(`There is already a game of ${} in progress in this room.`); | |
if (room.settings.auctionDisabled) | |
return this.errorReply("Auctions are currently disabled in this room."); | |
let startingCredits; | |
if (target) { | |
startingCredits = parseCredits(target); | |
if (startingCredits < 1e4 || startingCredits > 1e7) { | |
return this.errorReply(`Starting credits must be between 10,000 and 10,000,000.`); | |
} | |
} | |
const auction = new Auction(room, startingCredits); | |
auction.addOwners([]); | | = auction; | |
this.addModAction(`An auction was created by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog(`AUCTION CREATE`); | |
}, | |
createhelp: [ | |
`/auction create [startingcredits] - Creates an auction. Requires: % @ # ~` | |
], | |
start(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
auction.start(); | |
this.addModAction(`The auction was started by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog(`AUCTION START`); | |
}, | |
reset(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
auction.reset(); | |
this.addModAction(`The auction was reset by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog(`AUCTION RESET`); | |
}, | |
delete: "end", | |
stop: "end", | |
end(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
auction.end(); | |
this.addModAction(`The auction was ended by ${}.`); | |
this.modlog("AUCTION END"); | |
}, | |
info: "display", | |
display(target, room, user) { | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
this.sendReplyBox(auction.generateAuctionTable()); | |
}, | |
pricelist(target, room, user) { | |
this.runBroadcast(); | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
this.sendReplyBox(auction.generatePriceList()); | |
}, | |
minbid(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction minbid"); | |
const amount = parseCredits(target); | |
auction.setMinBid(amount); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the minimum bid to ${amount}.`); | |
this.modlog("AUCTION MINBID", null, `${amount}`); | |
}, | |
minbidhelp: [ | |
`/auction minbid [amount] - Sets the minimum bid. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
minplayers(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction minplayers"); | |
const amount = parseInt(target); | |
auction.setMinPlayers(amount); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the minimum number of players to ${amount}.`); | |
}, | |
minplayershelp: [ | |
`/auction minplayers [amount] - Sets the minimum number of players. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
maxplayers(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction maxplayers"); | |
const amount = parseInt(target); | |
auction.setMaxPlayers(amount); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the maximum number of players to ${amount}.`); | |
}, | |
maxplayershelp: [ | |
`/auction maxplayers [amount] - Sets the maximum number of players. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
nomtimer(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction nomtimer"); | |
const seconds = this.meansNo(target) ? 0 : parseInt(target); | |
auction.setNomTimeLimit(seconds); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the nomination timer to ${seconds} seconds.`); | |
}, | |
nomtimerhelp: [ | |
`/auction nomtimer [seconds/off] - Sets the nomination timer to [seconds] seconds or disables it. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
bidtimer(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction settimer"); | |
const seconds = parseInt(target); | |
auction.setBidTimeLimit(seconds); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the bid timer to ${seconds} seconds.`); | |
}, | |
bidtimerhelp: [ | |
`/auction timer [seconds] - Sets the bid timer to [seconds] seconds. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
settype(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction settype"); | |
auction.setType(target); | |
this.addModAction(`${} set the auction type to ${toID(target)}.`); | |
}, | |
settypehelp: [ | |
`/auction settype [auction|blind|snake] - Sets the auction type. Requires: # ~ auction owner`, | |
`- auction: Standard auction with credits and bidding.`, | |
`- blind: Same as auction, but bids are hidden until the end of the nomination.`, | |
`- snake: Standard snake draft with no credits or bidding.` | |
], | |
addowner: "addowners", | |
addowners(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const owners = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!owners.length) | |
return this.parse("/help auction addowners"); | |
auction.addOwners(owners); | |
this.addModAction(`${} added ${Chat.toListString( => Users.getExact(o).name))} as auction owner${Chat.plural(owners.length)}.`); | |
}, | |
addownershelp: [ | |
`/auction addowners [user1], [user2], ... - Adds users as auction owners. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
removeowner: "removeowners", | |
removeowners(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const owners = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!owners.length) | |
return this.parse("/help auction removeowners"); | |
auction.removeOwners(owners); | |
this.addModAction(`${} removed ${Chat.toListString( => Users.getExact(o)?.name || o))} as auction owner${Chat.plural(owners.length)}.`); | |
}, | |
removeownershelp: [ | |
`/auction removeowners [user1], [user2], ... - Removes users as auction owners. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
async importplayers(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction importplayers"); | |
if (!/^https?:\/\/pastebin\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(target)) { | |
return this.errorReply("Invalid pastebin URL."); | |
} | |
let data = ""; | |
try { | |
data = await (0, import_lib.Net)(`${target.split("/").pop()}`).get(); | |
} catch { | |
} | |
if (!data) | |
return this.errorReply("Error fetching data from pastebin."); | |
auction.importPlayers(data); | |
this.addModAction(`${} imported the player list from ${target}.`); | |
}, | |
importplayershelp: [ | |
`/auction importplayers [pastebin url] - Imports a list of players from a pastebin. Requires: # ~ auction owner`, | |
`The pastebin should be a list of tab-separated values with the first row containing tier names and subsequent rows containing the player names and either a 'y' or an 'n' in the column corresponding to the tier they prefer or do not play respectively.`, | |
`See for an example.` | |
], | |
addplayer(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const [playedPart, notPlayedPart] = target.split(";"); | |
const tiersPlayed = playedPart.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()); | |
const tiersNotPlayed = notPlayedPart ? notPlayedPart.split(",").map((item) => item.trim()) : []; | |
const name = tiersPlayed.shift(); | |
if (!name) | |
return this.parse("/help auction addplayer"); | |
const player = auction.addAuctionPlayer(name, tiersPlayed, tiersNotPlayed); | |
this.addModAction(`${} added player ${} to the auction.`); | |
}, | |
addplayerhelp: [ | |
`/auction addplayer [name], [tierPlayed1], [tierPlayed2], ... ; [tierNotPlayed1], [tierNotPlayed2], ... - Adds a player to the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
removeplayer(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction removeplayer"); | |
const player = auction.removeAuctionPlayer(target); | |
this.addModAction(`${} removed player ${} from the auction.`); | |
}, | |
removeplayerhelp: [ | |
`/auction removeplayer [name] - Removes a player from the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
assignplayer(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const [player, team] = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!player) | |
return this.parse("/help auction assignplayer"); | |
if (team) { | |
auction.assignPlayer(player, team); | |
this.addModAction(`${} assigned player ${player} to team ${team}.`); | |
} else { | |
auction.assignPlayer(player); | |
this.sendReply(`${} returned player ${player} to the draft pool.`); | |
} | |
}, | |
assignplayerhelp: [ | |
`/auction assignplayer [player], [team] - Assigns a player to a team. If team is blank, returns player to draft pool. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
addteam(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const [name, ...managerNames] = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!name) | |
return this.parse("/help auction addteam"); | |
const team = auction.addTeam(name); | |
this.addModAction(`${} added team ${} to the auction.`); | |
auction.addManagers(, managerNames); | |
}, | |
addteamhelp: [ | |
`/auction addteam [name], [manager1], [manager2], ... - Adds a team to the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
removeteam(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction removeteam"); | |
const team = auction.removeTeam(target); | |
this.addModAction(`${} removed team ${} from the auction.`); | |
}, | |
removeteamhelp: [ | |
`/auction removeteam [team] - Removes a team from the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
suspendteam(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction suspendteam"); | |
const team = auction.suspendTeam(target); | |
this.addModAction(`${} suspended team ${}.`); | |
}, | |
suspendteamhelp: [ | |
`/auction suspendteam [team] - Suspends a team from the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner`, | |
`Suspended teams have their nomination turns skipped and are not allowed to place bids.` | |
], | |
unsuspendteam(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction unsuspendteam"); | |
const team = auction.unsuspendTeam(target); | |
this.addModAction(`${} unsuspended team ${}.`); | |
}, | |
unsuspendteamhelp: [ | |
`/auction unsuspendteam [team] - Unsuspends a team from the auction. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
addmanager: "addmanagers", | |
addmanagers(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const [teamName, ...managerNames] = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!teamName || !managerNames.length) | |
return this.parse("/help auction addmanagers"); | |
const team = auction.addManagers(teamName, managerNames); | |
const managers = => Users.getExact(m)?.name || toID(m)); | |
this.addModAction(`${} added ${Chat.toListString(managers)} as manager${Chat.plural(managers.length)} for team ${}.`); | |
}, | |
addmanagershelp: [ | |
`/auction addmanagers [team], [user1], [user2], ... - Adds users as managers to a team. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
removemanager: "removemanagers", | |
removemanagers(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction removemanagers"); | |
const managerNames = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
auction.removeManagers(managerNames); | |
const managers = => Users.getExact(m)?.name || toID(m)); | |
this.addModAction(`${} removed ${Chat.toListString(managers)} as manager${Chat.plural(managers.length)}.`); | |
}, | |
removemanagershelp: [ | |
`/auction removemanagers [user1], [user2], ... - Removes users as managers. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
addcredits(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
const [teamName, amount] = target.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()); | |
if (!teamName || !amount) | |
return this.parse("/help auction addcredits"); | |
const credits = parseCredits(amount); | |
const team = auction.addCreditsToTeam(teamName, credits); | |
this.addModAction(`${} ${credits < 0 ? "removed" : "added"} ${Math.abs(credits)} credits ${credits < 0 ? "from" : "to"} team ${}.`); | |
}, | |
addcreditshelp: [ | |
`/auction addcredits [team], [amount] - Adds credits to a team. Requires: # ~ auction owner` | |
], | |
nom: "nominate", | |
nominate(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
if (!target) | |
return this.parse("/help auction nominate"); | |
auction.nominate(user, target); | |
}, | |
nominatehelp: [ | |
`/auction nominate OR /nom [player] - Nominates a player for auction.` | |
], | |
skip: "skipnom", | |
skipnom(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
auction.skipNom(); | |
this.addModAction(`${} skipped the previous nomination.`); | |
}, | |
undo(target, room, user) { | |
const auction = this.requireGame(Auction); | |
auction.checkOwner(user); | |
auction.undoLastNom(); | |
this.addModAction(`${} undid the last nomination.`); | |
}, | |
disable(target, room) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("gamemanagement", null, room); | |
if (room.settings.auctionDisabled) { | |
return this.errorReply("Auctions are already disabled."); | |
} | |
room.settings.auctionDisabled = true; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.sendReply("Auctions have been disabled for this room."); | |
}, | |
enable(target, room) { | |
room = this.requireRoom(); | |
this.checkCan("gamemanagement", null, room); | |
if (!room.settings.auctionDisabled) { | |
return this.errorReply("Auctions are already enabled."); | |
} | |
delete room.settings.auctionDisabled; | |
room.saveSettings(); | |
this.sendReply("Auctions have been enabled for this room."); | |
}, | |
ongoing: "running", | |
running() { | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
const runningAuctions = [...Rooms.rooms.values()].filter((r) => r.getGame(Auction)).map((r) => r.title); | |
this.sendReply(`Running auctions: ${runningAuctions.join(", ") || "None"}`); | |
}, | |
"": "help", | |
help() { | |
this.parse("/help auction"); | |
} | |
}, | |
auctionhelp() { | |
if (!this.runBroadcast()) | |
return; | |
this.sendReplyBox( | |
`Auction commands<br/>- create [startingcredits]: Creates an auction.<br/>- start: Starts the auction.<br/>- reset: Resets the auction.<br/>- end: Ends the auction.<br/>- running: Shows a list of rooms with running auctions.<br/>- display: Displays the current state of the auction.<br/>- pricelist: Displays the current prices of players by team.<br/>- nom [player]: Nominates a player for auction.<br/>You may use /nom directly without the /auction prefix.<br/>During the bidding phase, all numbers that are sent in the chat will be treated as bids.<br/><br/><details class="readmore"><summary>Configuration Commands</summary>- minbid [amount]: Sets the minimum bid.<br/>- minplayers [amount]: Sets the minimum number of players.<br/>- nomtimer [seconds]: Sets the nomination timer to [seconds] seconds.<br/>- bidtimer [seconds]: Sets the bid timer to [seconds] seconds.<br/>- settype [auction|blind|snake]: Sets the auction type.<br/>- addowners [user1], [user2], ...: Adds users as auction owners.<br/>- removeowners [user1], [user2], ...: Removes users as auction owners.<br/>- importplayers [pastebin url]: Imports a list of players from a pastebin.<br/>- addplayer [name], [tier1], [tier2], ...: Adds a player to the auction.<br/>- removeplayer [name]: Removes a player from the auction.<br/>- assignplayer [player], [team]: Assigns a player to a team. If team is blank, returns player to draft pool.<br/>- addteam [name], [manager1], [manager2], ...: Adds a team to the auction.<br/>- removeteam [name]: Removes the given team from the auction.<br/>- suspendteam [name]: Suspends the given team from the auction.<br/>- unsuspendteam [name]: Unsuspends the given team from the auction.<br/>- addmanagers [team], [user1], [user2], ...: Adds users as managers to a team.<br/>- removemanagers [user1], [user2], ...: Removes users as managers..<br/>- addcredits [team], [amount]: Adds credits to a team.<br/>- skipnom: Skips the current nomination.<br/>- undo: Undoes the last nomination.<br/>- [enable/disable]: Enables or disables auctions from being started in a room.<br/></details>` | |
); | |
}, | |
nom(target) { | |
this.parse(`/auction nominate ${target}`); | |
}, | |
bid() { | |
this.errorReply(`/bid is no longer supported. Send the amount by itself in the chat to place your bid.`); | |
}, | |
overpay() { | |
this.requireGame(Auction); | |
this.checkChat(); | |
return "/announce OVERPAY!"; | |
} | |
}; | |
const roomSettings = (room) => ({ | |
label: "Auction", | |
permission: "editroom", | |
options: [ | |
[`disabled`, room.settings.auctionDisabled || "auction disable"], | |
[`enabled`, !room.settings.auctionDisabled || "auction enable"] | |
] | |
}); | |
//# | |