Pokemon_server / dist /lib /dashycode.js
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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var dashycode_exports = {};
__export(dashycode_exports, {
decode: () => decode,
encode: () => encode,
vizStream: () => vizStream
module.exports = __toCommonJS(dashycode_exports);
* Dashycode!
* Encodes a string in a restricted string containing only alphanumeric
* characters and dashes.
* (The name is a riff on Punycode, which is what I originally wanted
* to use for this purpose, but it turns out Punycode does not work on
* arbitrary strings.)
* @author Guangcong Luo <guangcongluo@gmail.com>
* @license MIT
const CODE_MAP = "23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
const UNSAFE_MAP = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~";
function streamWrite(stream, writeBufLength, writeBuf) {
stream.buf += writeBuf << stream.bufLength;
stream.bufLength += writeBufLength;
while (stream.bufLength >= 5) {
stream.codeBuf += CODE_MAP.charAt(stream.buf & 31);
stream.buf >>= 5;
stream.bufLength -= 5;
function streamGetCode(stream) {
const buf = stream.codeBuf + CODE_MAP.charAt(stream.buf);
let end2Len = 0;
while (buf.charAt(buf.length - 1 - end2Len) === "2")
return end2Len ? buf.slice(0, -end2Len) : buf;
function streamPeek(stream, readLength, readMask = 65535 >> 16 - readLength) {
while (stream.bufLength < readLength && stream.codeBuf.length) {
const next5Bits = CODE_MAP.indexOf(stream.codeBuf.charAt(0));
if (next5Bits < 0)
throw new Error("Invalid character in coded buffer");
stream.codeBuf = stream.codeBuf.slice(1);
stream.buf += next5Bits << stream.bufLength;
stream.bufLength += 5;
return stream.buf & readMask;
function streamRead(stream, readLength, readMask = 65535 >> 16 - readLength) {
const output = streamPeek(stream, readLength, readMask);
stream.buf >>= readLength;
stream.bufLength -= readLength;
return output;
function encode(str, allowCaps = false) {
if (!str)
return "0--0";
let safePart = "";
const unsafeStream = {
codeBuf: "",
buf: 0,
bufLength: 0
let isSafe = true;
let alphaIndex = 0;
let capBuffer = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length + 1; i++) {
let curCharCode = i !== str.length ? str.charCodeAt(i) : -1;
const isLowercase = 97 <= curCharCode && curCharCode <= 122;
const isUppercase = 65 <= curCharCode && curCharCode <= 90;
const isNumeric = 48 <= curCharCode && curCharCode <= 57;
if (capBuffer && (!(isLowercase || isUppercase || isNumeric) || alphaIndex >= 8 || i === str.length)) {
if (capBuffer === 13) {
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 3, 1);
} else {
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 11, capBuffer);
alphaIndex -= 8;
capBuffer = 0;
if (i === str.length)
if (isLowercase || isUppercase || isNumeric) {
if (alphaIndex < 0)
throw new Error("alphaIndex should be non-negative here");
if (!isSafe) {
if (capBuffer)
throw new Error("capBuffer shouldn't exist here");
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 2, 0);
isSafe = true;
if (isUppercase && !allowCaps) {
safePart += String.fromCharCode(curCharCode + 32);
while (alphaIndex >= 8) {
if (capBuffer)
throw new Error("capBuffer shouldn't exist here");
alphaIndex -= 8;
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 11, 5);
if (!capBuffer)
capBuffer = 5;
capBuffer += 1 << alphaIndex + 3;
} else {
safePart += str.charAt(i);
if (isUppercase || isLowercase)
if (capBuffer)
throw new Error("capBuffer shouldn't exist here");
alphaIndex = 0;
if (isSafe && curCharCode === 32) {
const nextCharCode = str.charCodeAt(i + 1);
if (97 <= nextCharCode && nextCharCode <= 122 || 65 <= nextCharCode && nextCharCode <= 90 || 48 <= nextCharCode && nextCharCode <= 57) {
safePart += "-";
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 2, 0);
if (isSafe) {
safePart += "-";
isSafe = false;
let unsafeMapIndex = -1;
if (curCharCode === -1) {
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 2, 0);
} else if (curCharCode === 32) {
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 3, 3);
} else if ((unsafeMapIndex = UNSAFE_MAP.indexOf(str.charAt(i))) >= 0) {
curCharCode = (unsafeMapIndex << 2) + 2;
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 7, curCharCode);
} else {
curCharCode = (curCharCode << 3) + 7;
streamWrite(unsafeStream, 19, curCharCode);
let unsafePart = streamGetCode(unsafeStream);
if (safePart.startsWith("-")) {
safePart = safePart.slice(1);
unsafePart = `${unsafePart}2`;
if (safePart.endsWith("-")) {
safePart = safePart.slice(0, -1);
if (!safePart) {
safePart = "0";
unsafePart = `0${unsafePart}`;
if (unsafePart.endsWith("2"))
unsafePart = unsafePart.slice(0, -1);
if (!unsafePart)
return safePart;
return `${safePart}--${unsafePart}`;
function decode(codedStr) {
let str = "";
let lastDashIndex = codedStr.lastIndexOf("--");
if (lastDashIndex < 0) {
return codedStr.replace(/-/g, " ");
if (codedStr.charAt(lastDashIndex + 2) === "0") {
if (!codedStr.startsWith("0") || lastDashIndex !== 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid Dashycode");
lastDashIndex -= 1;
codedStr = "--" + codedStr.slice(4);
if (codedStr.endsWith("2")) {
codedStr = "-" + codedStr.slice(0, -1);
lastDashIndex += 1;
const unsafeStream = {
codeBuf: codedStr.slice(lastDashIndex + 2),
buf: 0,
bufLength: 0
let capBuffer = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < lastDashIndex + 1; i++) {
let curChar = codedStr.charAt(i);
if (curChar !== "-") {
const curCharCode = codedStr.charCodeAt(i);
const isLowercase = 97 <= curCharCode && curCharCode <= 122;
if (isLowercase) {
if (capBuffer === 1) {
capBuffer = 0;
if (streamPeek(unsafeStream, 2, 3) === 1) {
switch (streamRead(unsafeStream, 3, 7)) {
case 5:
capBuffer = streamRead(unsafeStream, 8, 255) + 256;
case 1:
capBuffer = 257;
const toCapitalize = capBuffer & 1;
capBuffer >>= 1;
if (toCapitalize) {
curChar = String.fromCharCode(curCharCode - 32);
str += curChar;
} else {
capBuffer = 1;
let isEmpty = true;
do {
switch (streamRead(unsafeStream, 2, 3)) {
case 0:
curChar = "";
case 1:
throw new Error("Invalid capitalization token");
case 2:
curChar = UNSAFE_MAP.charAt(streamRead(unsafeStream, 5, 31));
isEmpty = false;
case 3:
if (streamRead(unsafeStream, 1, 1)) {
curChar = String.fromCharCode(streamRead(unsafeStream, 16, 65535));
} else {
curChar = " ";
isEmpty = false;
str += curChar;
} while (curChar);
if (isEmpty && i !== lastDashIndex)
str += " ";
return str;
function vizStream(codeBuf, translate = true) {
let spacedStream = "";
if (codeBuf.startsWith("0")) {
codeBuf = codeBuf.slice(1);
spacedStream = " [no safe chars]" + spacedStream;
if (codeBuf.endsWith("2")) {
codeBuf = codeBuf.slice(0, -1);
spacedStream = " [start unsafe]" + spacedStream;
const stream = {
buf: 0,
bufLength: 0
function vizBlock(s, bufLen) {
const buf = streamRead(s, bufLen);
return buf.toString(2).padStart(bufLen, "0");
while (stream.bufLength > 0 || stream.codeBuf) {
switch (streamRead(stream, 2)) {
case 0:
spacedStream = (translate ? " |" : " 00") + spacedStream;
case 1:
if (streamRead(stream, 1)) {
spacedStream = " " + vizBlock(stream, 8) + (translate ? "-cap" : "_1_01") + spacedStream;
} else {
spacedStream = (translate ? " capfirst" : " 0_01") + spacedStream;
case 2:
spacedStream = " " + vizBlock(stream, 5) + (translate ? "-ascii" : "_10") + spacedStream;
case 3:
if (streamRead(stream, 1)) {
spacedStream = " " + vizBlock(stream, 16) + (translate ? "-utf" : "_1_11") + spacedStream;
} else {
spacedStream = (translate ? " space" : " 0_11") + spacedStream;
return spacedStream;
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