{ | |
"version": 3, | |
"sources": ["../../../data/text/default.ts"], | |
"sourcesContent": ["export const DefaultText: { [id: IDEntry]: DefaultText } = {\n\tdefault: {\n\t\tstartBattle: \"Battle started between [TRAINER] and [TRAINER]!\",\n\t\twinBattle: \"**[TRAINER]** won the battle!\",\n\t\ttieBattle: \"Tie between [TRAINER] and [TRAINER]!\",\n\n\t\tpokemon: \"[NICKNAME]\",\n\t\topposingPokemon: \"the opposing [NICKNAME]\",\n\t\tteam: \"your team\",\n\t\topposingTeam: \"the opposing team\",\n\t\tparty: \"your ally Pok\\u00E9mon\",\n\t\topposingParty: \"the opposing Pok\\u00E9mon\",\n\n\t\tturn: \"== Turn [NUMBER] ==\",\n\t\tswitchIn: \"[TRAINER] sent out [FULLNAME]!\",\n\t\tswitchInOwn: \"Go! [FULLNAME]!\",\n\t\tswitchOut: \"[TRAINER] withdrew [NICKNAME]!\",\n\t\tswitchOutOwn: \"[NICKNAME], come back!\",\n\t\tdrag: \"[FULLNAME] was dragged out!\",\n\t\tfaint: \"[POKEMON] fainted!\",\n\t\tswap: \"[POKEMON] and [TARGET] switched places!\",\n\t\tswapCenter: \"[POKEMON] moved to the center!\",\n\n\t\t// Multi Battles only\n\t\tcanDynamax: \" [TRAINER] can dynamax now!\",\n\t\tcanDynamaxOwn: \" Dynamax Energy gathered around [TRAINER]!\",\n\n\t\tzEffect: \" [POKEMON] unleashes its full-force Z-Move!\",\n\t\tmove: \"[POKEMON] used **[MOVE]**!\",\n\t\tabilityActivation: \"[[POKEMON]'s [ABILITY]]\",\n\n\t\tmega: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] is reacting to the Key Stone!\",\n\t\tmegaNoItem: \" [POKEMON] is reacting to [TRAINER]'s Key Stone!\",\n\t\tmegaGen6: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] is reacting to [TRAINER]'s Mega Bracelet!\",\n\t\ttransformMega: \"[POKEMON] has Mega Evolved into Mega [SPECIES]!\",\n\t\tprimal: \"[POKEMON]'s Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state!\",\n\t\tzPower: \" [POKEMON] surrounded itself with its Z-Power!\",\n\t\tzBroken: \" [POKEMON] couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt!\",\n\t\tterastallize: \" [POKEMON] has Terastallized into the [TYPE]-type!\", // filler\n\n\t\t// in case the different default messages didn't make it obvious, the difference\n\t\t// is that the `cant` message REPLACES \"Pokemon used Move!\", while the `fail`\n\t\t// message happens AFTER \"Pokemon used Move!\"\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] can't use [MOVE]!\",\n\t\tcantNoMove: \"[POKEMON] can't move!\",\n\t\tfail: \" But it failed!\",\n\n\t\t// n.b. this is the default message for in-battle forme changes\n\t\t// for the move Transform and ability Imposter, see the entry for the move Transform\n\t\ttransform: \"[POKEMON] transformed!\",\n\t\ttypeChange: \" [POKEMON]'s type changed to [TYPE]!\",\n\t\ttypeChangeFromEffect: \" [POKEMON]'s [EFFECT] made it the [TYPE] type!\",\n\t\ttypeAdd: \" [TYPE] type was added to [POKEMON]!\",\n\n\t\tstart: \" ([EFFECT] started on [POKEMON]!)\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] was freed from [EFFECT]!\",\n\t\tactivate: \" ([EFFECT] activated!)\",\n\t\tstartTeamEffect: \" ([EFFECT] started on [TEAM]!)\",\n\t\tendTeamEffect: \" ([EFFECT] ended on [TEAM]!)\",\n\t\tstartFieldEffect: \" ([EFFECT] started!)\",\n\t\tendFieldEffect: \" ([EFFECT] ended!)\",\n\n\t\tchangeAbility: \" [POKEMON] acquired [ABILITY]!\",\n\t\taddItem: \" [POKEMON] obtained one [ITEM].\", // Trick, Switcheroo\n\t\ttakeItem: \" [POKEMON] stole [SOURCE]'s [ITEM]!\", // Thief, Covet, Magician, Pickpocket\n\t\teatItem: \" ([POKEMON] ate its [ITEM]!)\",\n\t\tuseGem: \" The [ITEM] strengthened [POKEMON]'s power!\",\n\t\teatItemWeaken: \" The [ITEM] weakened damage to [POKEMON]!\",\n\t\tremoveItem: \" [POKEMON] lost its [ITEM]!\",\n\t\tactivateItem: \" ([POKEMON] used its [ITEM]!)\",\n\t\tactivateWeaken: \" The [ITEM] weakened the damage to [POKEMON]!\",\n\n\t\tdamage: \" ([POKEMON] was hurt!)\",\n\t\tdamagePercentage: \" ([POKEMON] lost [PERCENTAGE] of its health!)\",\n\t\tdamageFromPokemon: \" [POKEMON] was hurt by [SOURCE]'s [ITEM]!\", // Jaboca/Rowap Berry\n\t\tdamageFromItem: \" [POKEMON] was hurt by its [ITEM]!\", // Sticky Barb\n\t\tdamageFromPartialTrapping: \" [POKEMON] is hurt by [MOVE]!\",\n\t\theal: \" [POKEMON] had its HP restored.\",\n\t\thealFromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] restored its HP using its Z-Power!\",\n\t\thealFromEffect: \" [POKEMON] restored HP using its [EFFECT]!\",\n\n\t\tboost: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose!\",\n\t\tboost2: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose sharply!\",\n\t\tboost3: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose drastically!\",\n\t\tboost0: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] won't go any higher!\",\n\t\tboostFromItem: \" The [ITEM] raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\t\tboost2FromItem: \" The [ITEM] sharply raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\t\tboost3FromItem: \" The [ITEM] drastically raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\t\tboostFromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] using its Z-Power!\",\n\t\tboost2FromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] sharply using its Z-Power!\",\n\t\tboost3FromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] drastically using its Z-Power!\",\n\t\tboostMultipleFromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] boosted its stats using its Z-Power!\",\n\n\t\tunboost: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell!\",\n\t\tunboost2: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell harshly!\",\n\t\tunboost3: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell severely!\",\n\t\tunboost0: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] won't go any lower!\",\n\t\tunboostFromItem: \" The [ITEM] lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\t\tunboost2FromItem: \" The [ITEM] harshly lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\t\tunboost3FromItem: \" The [ITEM] drastically lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!\",\n\n\t\tswapBoost: \" [POKEMON] switched stat changes with its target!\",\n\t\tswapOffensiveBoost: \" [POKEMON] switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target!\",\n\t\tswapDefensiveBoost: \" [POKEMON] switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target!\",\n\t\tcopyBoost: \" [POKEMON] copied [TARGET]'s stat changes!\",\n\t\tclearBoost: \" [POKEMON]'s stat changes were removed!\",\n\t\tclearBoostFromZEffect: \" [POKEMON] returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power!\",\n\t\tinvertBoost: \" [POKEMON]'s stat changes were inverted!\",\n\t\tclearAllBoost: \" All stat changes were eliminated!\",\n\n\t\tsuperEffective: \" It's super effective!\",\n\t\tsuperEffectiveSpread: \" It's super effective on [POKEMON]!\",\n\t\tresisted: \" It's not very effective...\",\n\t\tresistedSpread: \" It's not very effective on [POKEMON].\",\n\t\tcrit: \" A critical hit!\",\n\t\tcritSpread: \" A critical hit on [POKEMON]!\",\n\t\timmune: \" It doesn't affect [POKEMON]...\",\n\t\timmuneNoPokemon: \" It had no effect!\", // old gens\n\t\timmuneOHKO: \" [POKEMON] is unaffected!\",\n\t\tmiss: \" [POKEMON] avoided the attack!\",\n\t\tmissNoPokemon: \" [SOURCE]'s attack missed!\", // old gens\n\n\t\tcenter: \" Automatic center!\",\n\t\tnoTarget: \" But there was no target...\", // gen 5 and earlier\n\t\tohko: \" It's a one-hit KO!\",\n\t\tcombine: \" The two moves have become one! It's a combined move!\",\n\t\thitCount: \" The Pok\\u00E9mon was hit [NUMBER] times!\",\n\t\thitCountSingular: \" The Pok\\u00E9mon was hit 1 time!\",\n\t},\n\n\t// stats\n\thp: {\n\t\tstatName: \"HP\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"HP\",\n\t},\n\tatk: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Attack\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"Atk\",\n\t},\n\tdef: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Defense\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"Def\",\n\t},\n\tspa: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Sp. Atk\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"SpA\",\n\t},\n\tspd: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Sp. Def\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"SpD\",\n\t},\n\tspe: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Speed\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"Spe\",\n\t},\n\taccuracy: {\n\t\tstatName: \"accuracy\",\n\t},\n\tevasion: {\n\t\tstatName: \"evasiveness\",\n\t},\n\tspc: {\n\t\tstatName: \"Special\",\n\t\tstatShortName: \"Spc\",\n\t},\n\tstats: {\n\t\tstatName: \"stats\",\n\t},\n\n\t// statuses\n\tbrn: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] was burned!\",\n\t\tstartFromItem: \" [POKEMON] was burned by the [ITEM]!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already burned!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON]'s burn was healed!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] healed its burn!\",\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] was hurt by its burn!\",\n\t},\n\tfrz: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] was frozen solid!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already frozen solid!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] thawed out!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] defrosted it!\",\n\t\tendFromMove: \" [POKEMON]'s [MOVE] melted the ice!\",\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] is frozen solid!\",\n\t},\n\tpar: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already paralyzed!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] was cured of paralysis!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] cured its paralysis!\",\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] is paralyzed! It can't move!\",\n\t},\n\tpsn: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] was poisoned!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already poisoned!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] was cured of its poisoning!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] cured its poison!\",\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] was hurt by poison!\",\n\t},\n\ttox: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] was badly poisoned!\",\n\t\tstartFromItem: \" [POKEMON] was badly poisoned by the [ITEM]!\",\n\t\tend: \"#psn\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \"#psn\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \"#psn\",\n\t\tdamage: \"#psn\",\n\t},\n\tslp: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] fell asleep!\",\n\t\tstartFromRest: \" [POKEMON] slept and became healthy!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already asleep!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] woke up!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] woke it up!\",\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] is fast asleep.\",\n\t},\n\n\t// misc effects\n\tconfusion: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] became confused!\",\n\t\tstartFromFatigue: \" [POKEMON] became confused due to fatigue!\",\n\t\tend: \" [POKEMON] snapped out of its confusion!\",\n\t\tendFromItem: \" [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] snapped it out of its confusion!\",\n\t\talreadyStarted: \" [POKEMON] is already confused!\",\n\t\tactivate: \" [POKEMON] is confused!\",\n\t\tdamage: \"It hurt itself in its confusion!\",\n\t},\n\tdrain: {\n\t\theal: \" [SOURCE] had its energy drained!\",\n\t},\n\tflinch: {\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] flinched and couldn't move!\",\n\t},\n\theal: {\n\t\tfail: \" [POKEMON]'s HP is full!\",\n\t},\n\thealreplacement: {\n\t\tactivate: \" [POKEMON] will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power!\",\n\t},\n\tnopp: {\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] used [MOVE]!\\n But there was no PP left for the move!\",\n\t},\n\trecharge: {\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] must recharge!\",\n\t},\n\trecoil: {\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] was damaged by the recoil!\",\n\t},\n\tunboost: {\n\t\tfail: \" [POKEMON]'s stats were not lowered!\",\n\t\tfailSingular: \" [POKEMON]'s [STAT] was not lowered!\",\n\t},\n\tstruggle: {\n\t\tactivate: \" [POKEMON] has no moves left!\",\n\t},\n\ttrapped: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] can no longer escape!\",\n\t},\n\tdynamax: {\n\t\tstart: \" ([POKEMON]'s Dynamax!)\",\n\t\tend: \" ([POKEMON] returned to normal!)\",\n\t\tblock: \" The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax!\",\n\t\tfail: \" [POKEMON] shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move...\",\n\t},\n\n\t// weather\n\tsandstorm: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Sandstorm\",\n\t\tstart: \" A sandstorm kicked up!\",\n\t\tend: \" The sandstorm subsided.\",\n\t\tupkeep: \" (The sandstorm is raging.)\",\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] is buffeted by the sandstorm!\",\n\t},\n\tsunnyday: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Sun\",\n\t\tstart: \" The sunlight turned harsh!\",\n\t\tend: \" The harsh sunlight faded.\",\n\t\tupkeep: \" (The sunlight is strong.)\",\n\t},\n\traindance: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Rain\",\n\t\tstart: \" It started to rain!\",\n\t\tend: \" The rain stopped.\",\n\t\tupkeep: \" (Rain continues to fall.)\",\n\t},\n\thail: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Hail\",\n\t\tstart: \" It started to hail!\",\n\t\tend: \" The hail stopped.\",\n\t\tupkeep: \" (The hail is crashing down.)\",\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] is buffeted by the hail!\",\n\t},\n\tsnowscape: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Snow\",\n\t\tstart: \" It started to snow!\",\n\t\tend: \" The snow stopped.\",\n\t\tupkeep: \" (The snow is falling down.)\",\n\t},\n\tdesolateland: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Intense Sun\",\n\t\tstart: \" The sunlight turned extremely harsh!\",\n\t\tend: \" The extremely harsh sunlight faded.\",\n\t\tblock: \" The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all!\",\n\t\tblockMove: \" The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight!\",\n\t},\n\tprimordialsea: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Heavy Rain\",\n\t\tstart: \" A heavy rain began to fall!\",\n\t\tend: \" The heavy rain has lifted!\",\n\t\tblock: \" There is no relief from this heavy rain!\",\n\t\tblockMove: \" The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain!\",\n\t},\n\tdeltastream: {\n\t\tweatherName: \"Strong Winds\",\n\t\tstart: \" Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pok\\u00E9mon!\",\n\t\tend: \" The mysterious strong winds have dissipated!\",\n\t\tactivate: \" The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack!\",\n\t\tblock: \" The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless!\",\n\t},\n\n\t// terrain\n\telectricterrain: {\n\t\tstart: \" An electric current ran across the battlefield!\",\n\t\tend: \" The electricity disappeared from the battlefield.\",\n\t\tblock: \" [POKEMON] is protected by the Electric Terrain!\",\n\t},\n\tgrassyterrain: {\n\t\tstart: \" Grass grew to cover the battlefield!\",\n\t\tend: \" The grass disappeared from the battlefield.\",\n\t\theal: \" [POKEMON]'s HP was restored.\",\n\t},\n\tmistyterrain: {\n\t\tstart: \" Mist swirled around the battlefield!\",\n\t\tend: \" The mist disappeared from the battlefield.\",\n\t\tblock: \" [POKEMON] surrounds itself with a protective mist!\",\n\t},\n\tpsychicterrain: {\n\t\tstart: \" The battlefield got weird!\",\n\t\tend: \" The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield!\",\n\t\tblock: \" [POKEMON] is protected by the Psychic Terrain!\",\n\t},\n\n\t// field effects\n\tgravity: {\n\t\tstart: \" Gravity intensified!\",\n\t\tend: \" Gravity returned to normal!\",\n\t\tcant: \"[POKEMON] can't use [MOVE] because of gravity!\",\n\t\tactivate: \"[POKEMON] fell from the sky due to the gravity!\",\n\t},\n\tmagicroom: {\n\t\tstart: \" It created a bizarre area in which Pok\\u00E9mon's held items lose their effects!\",\n\t\tend: \" Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal!\",\n\t},\n\tmudsport: {\n\t\tstart: \" Electricity's power was weakened!\",\n\t\tend: \" The effects of Mud Sport have faded.\",\n\t},\n\ttrickroom: {\n\t\tstart: \" [POKEMON] twisted the dimensions!\",\n\t\tend: \" The twisted dimensions returned to normal!\",\n\t},\n\twatersport: {\n\t\tstart: \" Fire's power was weakened!\",\n\t\tend: \" The effects of Water Sport have faded.\",\n\t},\n\twonderroom: {\n\t\tstart: \" It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped!\",\n\t\tend: \" Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal!\",\n\t},\n\n\t// misc\n\tcrash: {\n\t\tdamage: \" [POKEMON] kept going and crashed!\",\n\t},\n};\n"], | |
"names": [] | |
} | |