; | |
var __create = Object.create; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( | |
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM | |
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- | |
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set | |
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. | |
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, | |
mod | |
)); | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var teams_exports = {}; | |
__export(teams_exports, { | |
RandomGen5Teams: () => RandomGen5Teams, | |
default: () => teams_default | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(teams_exports); | |
var import_teams = __toESM(require("../gen6/teams")); | |
var import_dex = require("../../../sim/dex"); | |
const RECOVERY_MOVES = [ | |
"healorder", | |
"milkdrink", | |
"moonlight", | |
"morningsun", | |
"recover", | |
"roost", | |
"slackoff", | |
"softboiled", | |
"synthesis" | |
]; | |
const PHYSICAL_SETUP = [ | |
"bellydrum", | |
"bulkup", | |
"coil", | |
"curse", | |
"dragondance", | |
"honeclaws", | |
"howl", | |
"meditate", | |
"screech", | |
"swordsdance" | |
]; | |
const SPEED_SETUP = [ | |
"agility", | |
"autotomize", | |
"flamecharge", | |
"rockpolish" | |
]; | |
const SETUP = [ | |
"acidarmor", | |
"agility", | |
"autotomize", | |
"bellydrum", | |
"bulkup", | |
"calmmind", | |
"coil", | |
"curse", | |
"dragondance", | |
"flamecharge", | |
"growth", | |
"honeclaws", | |
"howl", | |
"irondefense", | |
"meditate", | |
"nastyplot", | |
"quiverdance", | |
"raindance", | |
"rockpolish", | |
"shellsmash", | |
"shiftgear", | |
"sunnyday", | |
"swordsdance", | |
"tailglow", | |
"workup" | |
]; | |
const NO_STAB = [ | |
"aquajet", | |
"bulletpunch", | |
"chatter", | |
"clearsmog", | |
"dragontail", | |
"eruption", | |
"explosion", | |
"fakeout", | |
"flamecharge", | |
"futuresight", | |
"iceshard", | |
"icywind", | |
"incinerate", | |
"knockoff", | |
"machpunch", | |
"pluck", | |
"pursuit", | |
"quickattack", | |
"rapidspin", | |
"reversal", | |
"selfdestruct", | |
"shadowsneak", | |
"skyattack", | |
"skydrop", | |
"snarl", | |
"suckerpunch", | |
"uturn", | |
"vacuumwave", | |
"voltswitch", | |
"waterspout" | |
]; | |
const HAZARDS = [ | |
"spikes", | |
"stealthrock", | |
"toxicspikes" | |
]; | |
const PIVOT_MOVES = [ | |
"uturn", | |
"voltswitch" | |
]; | |
const MOVE_PAIRS = [ | |
["lightscreen", "reflect"], | |
["sleeptalk", "rest"], | |
["protect", "wish"], | |
["leechseed", "substitute"] | |
]; | |
const PRIORITY_POKEMON = [ | |
"bisharp", | |
"breloom", | |
"cacturne", | |
"dusknoir", | |
"honchkrow", | |
"scizor", | |
"shedinja", | |
"shiftry" | |
]; | |
class RandomGen5Teams extends import_teams.default { | |
constructor(format, prng) { | |
super(format, prng); | |
this.randomSets = require("./sets.json"); | |
this.noStab = NO_STAB; | |
this.priorityPokemon = PRIORITY_POKEMON; | |
this.moveEnforcementCheckers = { | |
Bug: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Bug") && (movePool.includes("megahorn") || abilities.includes("Tinted Lens")), | |
Dark: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Dark"), | |
Dragon: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Dragon"), | |
Electric: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Electric"), | |
Fighting: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Fighting"), | |
Fire: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Fire"), | |
Flying: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get("Flying") && !["aerodactyl", "mantine", "murkrow"].includes( && !movePool.includes("hiddenpowerflying"), | |
Ghost: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Ghost"), | |
Grass: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get("Grass") && (species.baseStats.atk >= 100 || movePool.includes("leafstorm")), | |
Ground: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Ground"), | |
Ice: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Ice"), | |
Poison: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Poison") && (types.has("Grass") || types.has("Ground")), | |
Psychic: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Psychic") && (types.has("Fighting") || movePool.includes("calmmind")), | |
Rock: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get("Rock") && species.baseStats.atk >= 80, | |
Steel: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get("Steel") && ["aggron", "metagross"].includes(, | |
Water: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get("Water") | |
}; | |
this.cachedStatusMoves = this.dex.moves.all().filter((move) => move.category === "Status" && !== "naturepower").map((move) =>; | |
} | |
cullMovePool(types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role) { | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith("hiddenpower")) | |
hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
while (movePoolHasHiddenPower) { | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
if (moveid.startsWith("hiddenpower")) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(moveid)); | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 2) { | |
const unpairedMoves = [...movePool]; | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
if (unpairedMoves.length === 1) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(unpairedMoves[0])); | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 1) { | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.screens && movePool.length >= this.maxMoveCount + 2) { | |
if (movePool.includes("reflect")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("reflect")); | |
if (movePool.includes("lightscreen")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("lightscreen")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.stealthRock) { | |
if (movePool.includes("stealthrock")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("stealthrock")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.rapidSpin) { | |
if (movePool.includes("rapidspin")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("rapidspin")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.toxicSpikes) { | |
if (movePool.includes("toxicspikes")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("toxicspikes")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.spikes && teamDetails.spikes >= 2) { | |
if (movePool.includes("spikes")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("spikes")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.statusCure) { | |
if (movePool.includes("aromatherapy")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("aromatherapy")); | |
if (movePool.includes("healbell")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("healbell")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
const badWithSetup = ["healbell", "pursuit", "toxic"]; | |
const statusMoves = this.cachedStatusMoves; | |
const incompatiblePairs = [ | |
// These moves don't mesh well with other aspects of the set | |
[statusMoves, ["healingwish", "switcheroo", "trick"]], | |
[SETUP, badWithSetup], | |
[["fakeout", "uturn"], ["switcheroo", "trick"]], | |
["substitute", PIVOT_MOVES], | |
["rest", "substitute"], | |
// These attacks are redundant with each other | |
["psychic", "psyshock"], | |
[["scald", "surf"], "hydropump"], | |
[["bodyslam", "return"], ["bodyslam", "doubleedge"]], | |
[["gigadrain", "leafstorm"], ["leafstorm", "petaldance", "powerwhip"]], | |
[["drainpunch", "focusblast"], ["closecombat", "highjumpkick", "superpower"]], | |
["payback", "pursuit"], | |
// Assorted hardcodes go here: | |
// Zebstrika | |
["wildcharge", "thunderbolt"], | |
// Manectric | |
["flamethrower", "overheat"], | |
// Meganium | |
["leechseed", "dragontail"], | |
// Volcarona and Heatran | |
[["fierydance", "lavaplume"], "fireblast"], | |
// Walrein | |
["encore", "roar"], | |
// Lunatone | |
["moonlight", "rockpolish"], | |
// Smeargle | |
["memento", "whirlwind"], | |
// Seviper | |
["switcheroo", "suckerpunch"], | |
// Jirachi | |
["bodyslam", "healingwish"] | |
]; | |
for (const pair of incompatiblePairs) | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, pair[0], pair[1]); | |
if ( === "dugtrio") | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, statusMoves, "memento"); | |
const statusInflictingMoves = ["stunspore", "thunderwave", "toxic", "willowisp", "yawn"]; | |
if (!abilities.includes("Prankster") && role !== "Staller") { | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, statusInflictingMoves, statusInflictingMoves); | |
} | |
if (abilities.includes("Guts")) | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, "protect", "swordsdance"); | |
if (!teamDetails.stealthRock) { | |
if ( === "registeel" && role === "Staller") { | |
if (movePool.includes("thunderwave")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("thunderwave")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (species.baseSpecies === "Wormadam" && role === "Staller") { | |
if (movePool.includes("suckerpunch")) | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf("suckerpunch")); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Generate random moveset for a given species, role, preferred type. | |
randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, movePool, preferredType, role) { | |
const moves = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); | |
let counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
this.cullMovePool( | |
types, | |
moves, | |
abilities, | |
counter, | |
movePool, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
if (movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) { | |
while (movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
const runEnforcementChecker = (checkerName) => { | |
if (!this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]) | |
return false; | |
return this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]( | |
movePool, | |
moves, | |
abilities, | |
new Set(types), | |
counter, | |
species, | |
teamDetails | |
); | |
}; | |
if (species.requiredMove) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(species.requiredMove).id; | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
move, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
if (movePool.includes("facade") && abilities.includes("Guts")) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
"facade", | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
for (const moveid of ["seismictoss", "spore"]) { | |
if (movePool.includes(moveid)) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (movePool.includes("thunderwave") && abilities.includes("Prankster")) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
"thunderwave", | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
if (["Bulky Support", "Spinner"].includes(role) && !teamDetails.rapidSpin) { | |
if (movePool.includes("rapidspin")) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
"rapidspin", | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (["Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup"].includes(role) || this.priorityPokemon.includes( { | |
const priorityMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (types.includes(moveType) && move.priority > 0 && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) { | |
priorityMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (priorityMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(priorityMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
for (const type of types) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && type === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
while (runEnforcementChecker(type)) { | |
if (!stabMoves.length) | |
break; | |
const moveid = this.sampleNoReplace(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!counter.get("preferred")) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && preferredType === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!counter.get("stab")) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && types.includes(moveType)) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} else { | |
if (movePool.includes("uturn") && types.includes("Bug")) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
"uturn", | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (["Bulky Support", "Bulky Attacker", "Bulky Setup", "Spinner", "Staller"].includes(role)) { | |
const recoveryMoves = movePool.filter((moveid) => RECOVERY_MOVES.includes(moveid)); | |
if (recoveryMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(recoveryMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (role === "Staller") { | |
const enforcedMoves = ["protect", "toxic"]; | |
for (const move of enforcedMoves) { | |
if (movePool.includes(move)) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
move, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (role.includes("Setup")) { | |
const nonSpeedSetupMoves = movePool.filter((moveid) => SETUP.includes(moveid) && !SPEED_SETUP.includes(moveid)); | |
if (nonSpeedSetupMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(nonSpeedSetupMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} else { | |
const setupMoves = movePool.filter((moveid) => SETUP.includes(moveid)); | |
if (setupMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(setupMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!counter.damagingMoves.size && !(moves.has("uturn") && types.includes("Bug"))) { | |
const attackingMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && move.category !== "Status") | |
attackingMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
if (attackingMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(attackingMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Bulky Attacker", "Wallbreaker"].includes(role)) { | |
if (counter.damagingMoves.size === 1) { | |
const currentAttackType = counter.damagingMoves.values().next().value.type; | |
const coverageMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) { | |
if (currentAttackType !== moveType) | |
coverageMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (coverageMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(coverageMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
moveid, | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (moveid === pair[0] && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
pair[1], | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
if (moveid === pair[1] && movePool.includes(pair[0])) { | |
counter = this.addMove( | |
pair[0], | |
moves, | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
shouldCullAbility(ability, types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, preferredType, role) { | |
switch (ability) { | |
case "Chlorophyll": | |
case "Solar Power": | |
return !teamDetails.sun; | |
case "Hydration": | |
case "Swift Swim": | |
return !teamDetails.rain; | |
case "Iron Fist": | |
case "Sheer Force": | |
return !counter.get((0, import_dex.toID)(ability)); | |
case "Overgrow": | |
return !counter.get("Grass"); | |
case "Rock Head": | |
return !counter.get("recoil"); | |
case "Sand Force": | |
case "Sand Rush": | |
return !teamDetails.sand; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
getAbility(types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, preferredType, role) { | |
if (abilities.length <= 1) | |
return abilities[0]; | |
if ( === "marowak" && counter.get("recoil")) | |
return "Rock Head"; | |
if ( === "kingler" && counter.get("sheerforce")) | |
return "Sheer Force"; | |
if ( === "golduck" && teamDetails.rain) | |
return "Swift Swim"; | |
const abilityAllowed = []; | |
for (const ability of abilities) { | |
if (!this.shouldCullAbility( | |
ability, | |
types, | |
moves, | |
abilities, | |
counter, | |
movePool, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
)) { | |
abilityAllowed.push(ability); | |
} | |
} | |
if (abilityAllowed.length >= 1) | |
return this.sample(abilityAllowed); | |
if (!abilityAllowed.length) { | |
const weatherAbilities = abilities.filter( | |
(a) => ["Chlorophyll", "Hydration", "Sand Force", "Sand Rush", "Solar Power", "Swift Swim"].includes(a) | |
); | |
if (weatherAbilities.length) | |
return this.sample(weatherAbilities); | |
} | |
return this.sample(abilities); | |
} | |
getPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role) { | |
if (species.requiredItems) | |
return this.sample(species.requiredItems); | |
if ( === "farfetchd") | |
return "Stick"; | |
if ( === "latias" || === "latios") | |
return "Soul Dew"; | |
if ( === "marowak") | |
return "Thick Club"; | |
if ( === "pikachu") | |
return "Light Ball"; | |
if ( === "shedinja" || === "smeargle") | |
return "Focus Sash"; | |
if ( === "unown") | |
return "Choice Specs"; | |
if ( === "wobbuffet") | |
return "Custap Berry"; | |
if (ability === "Harvest") | |
return "Sitrus Berry"; | |
if ( === "ditto") | |
return "Choice Scarf"; | |
if ( === "exploud" && role === "Bulky Attacker") | |
return "Choice Band"; | |
if (ability === "Poison Heal" || moves.has("facade")) | |
return "Toxic Orb"; | |
if (ability === "Speed Boost" && !== "ninjask") | |
return "Life Orb"; | |
if (species.nfe) | |
return "Eviolite"; | |
if (["healingwish", "memento", "switcheroo", "trick"].some((m) => moves.has(m))) { | |
if (species.baseStats.spe >= 60 && species.baseStats.spe <= 108 && role !== "Wallbreaker" && !counter.get("priority")) { | |
return "Choice Scarf"; | |
} else { | |
return counter.get("Physical") > counter.get("Special") ? "Choice Band" : "Choice Specs"; | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.has("bellydrum")) | |
return "Sitrus Berry"; | |
if (moves.has("waterspout")) | |
return "Choice Scarf"; | |
if (moves.has("shellsmash")) | |
return "White Herb"; | |
if (moves.has("psychoshift")) | |
return "Flame Orb"; | |
if (ability === "Magic Guard") | |
return moves.has("counter") ? "Focus Sash" : "Life Orb"; | |
if ( === "rampardos" && role === "Fast Attacker") | |
return "Choice Scarf"; | |
if (ability === "Sheer Force" && counter.get("sheerforce")) | |
return "Life Orb"; | |
if (moves.has("acrobatics")) | |
return "Flying Gem"; | |
if ( === "hitmonlee" && ability === "Unburden") | |
return moves.has("fakeout") ? "Normal Gem" : "Fighting Gem"; | |
if (moves.has("lightscreen") && moves.has("reflect")) | |
return "Light Clay"; | |
if (moves.has("rest") && !moves.has("sleeptalk") && !["Natural Cure", "Shed Skin"].includes(ability)) { | |
return moves.has("raindance") && ability === "Hydration" ? "Damp Rock" : "Chesto Berry"; | |
} | |
if (role === "Staller") | |
return "Leftovers"; | |
} | |
getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role) { | |
const defensiveStatTotal = species.baseStats.hp + species.baseStats.def + species.baseStats.spd; | |
const scarfReqs = role !== "Wallbreaker" && species.baseStats.spe >= 60 && species.baseStats.spe <= 108 && !counter.get("priority") && !moves.has("pursuit"); | |
if (moves.has("pursuit") && moves.has("suckerpunch") && counter.get("Dark") && (!this.priorityPokemon.includes( || counter.get("Dark") >= 2)) | |
return "Black Glasses"; | |
if (counter.get("Special") === 4) { | |
return scarfReqs && >= 90 && this.randomChance(1, 2) ? "Choice Scarf" : "Choice Specs"; | |
} | |
if (counter.get("Special") === 3 && moves.has("uturn")) | |
return "Choice Specs"; | |
if (counter.get("Physical") === 4 && !== "jirachi" && !== "spinda" && ["dragontail", "fakeout", "rapidspin"].every((m) => !moves.has(m))) { | |
return scarfReqs && (species.baseStats.atk >= 100 || ability === "Pure Power" || ability === "Huge Power") && this.randomChance(1, 2) ? "Choice Scarf" : "Choice Band"; | |
} | |
if (ability === "Sturdy" && moves.has("explosion")) | |
return "Custap Berry"; | |
if (types.includes("Normal") && moves.has("fakeout") && !!counter.get("Normal")) | |
return "Silk Scarf"; | |
if ( === "palkia") | |
return "Lustrous Orb"; | |
if (moves.has("outrage") && counter.get("setup")) | |
return "Lum Berry"; | |
if (ability === "Rough Skin" || !== "hooh" && role !== "Wallbreaker" && ability === "Regenerator" && species.baseStats.hp + species.baseStats.def >= 180 && this.randomChance(1, 2)) | |
return "Rocky Helmet"; | |
if (["protect", "substitute"].some((m) => moves.has(m))) | |
return "Leftovers"; | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness("Ground", species) >= 2 && ability !== "Levitate") { | |
return "Air Balloon"; | |
} | |
if (role === "Fast Support" && isLead && defensiveStatTotal < 255 && !counter.get("recovery") && (counter.get("hazards") || counter.get("setup")) && (!counter.get("recoil") || ability === "Rock Head")) | |
return "Focus Sash"; | |
if (role === "Fast Support") { | |
return counter.get("Physical") + counter.get("Special") >= 3 && ["rapidspin", "uturn", "voltswitch"].every((m) => !moves.has(m)) && this.dex.getEffectiveness("Rock", species) < 2 ? "Life Orb" : "Leftovers"; | |
} | |
const noExpertBeltMoves = this.noStab.filter((moveid) => ["Dragon", "Normal", "Poison"].includes(this.dex.moves.get(moveid).type)); | |
const expertBeltReqs = !counter.get("Dragon") && !counter.get("Normal") && !counter.get("Poison") && noExpertBeltMoves.every((m) => !moves.has(m)); | |
if (!counter.get("Status") && expertBeltReqs && (moves.has("uturn") || moves.has("voltswitch") || role === "Fast Attacker")) | |
return "Expert Belt"; | |
if (["Fast Attacker", "Setup Sweeper", "Wallbreaker"].some((m) => role === m) && this.dex.getEffectiveness("Rock", species) < 2 && ability !== "Sturdy") | |
return "Life Orb"; | |
return "Leftovers"; | |
} | |
randomSet(species, teamDetails = {}, isLead = false) { | |
species = this.dex.species.get(species); | |
const forme = this.getForme(species); | |
const sets = this.randomSets[]["sets"]; | |
const possibleSets = []; | |
let canSpinner = false; | |
for (const set2 of sets) { | |
if (!teamDetails.rapidSpin && set2.role === "Spinner") | |
canSpinner = true; | |
} | |
for (const set2 of sets) { | |
if (teamDetails.rapidSpin && set2.role === "Spinner") | |
continue; | |
if (canSpinner && set2.role !== "Spinner") | |
continue; | |
possibleSets.push(set2); | |
} | |
const set = this.sampleIfArray(possibleSets); | |
const role = set.role; | |
const movePool = Array.from(set.movepool); | |
const preferredTypes = set.preferredTypes; | |
const preferredType = this.sampleIfArray(preferredTypes) || ""; | |
let ability = ""; | |
let item = void 0; | |
const evs = { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 85, spd: 85, spe: 85 }; | |
const ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 }; | |
const types = species.types; | |
const abilities = set.abilities; | |
const moves = this.randomMoveset( | |
types, | |
abilities, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
isLead, | |
movePool, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
const counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
ability = this.getAbility( | |
new Set(types), | |
moves, | |
abilities, | |
counter, | |
movePool, | |
teamDetails, | |
species, | |
preferredType, | |
role | |
); | |
item = this.getPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role); | |
if (item === void 0) { | |
item = this.getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
if (item === "Leftovers" && types.includes("Poison")) { | |
item = "Black Sludge"; | |
} | |
const level = this.getLevel(species); | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith("hiddenpower")) | |
hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let hpType; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith("hiddenpower")) | |
hpType = move.substr(11); | |
} | |
if (!hpType) | |
throw new Error(`hasHiddenPower is true, but no Hidden Power move was found.`); | |
const HPivs = this.dex.types.get(hpType).HPivs; | |
let iv; | |
for (iv in HPivs) { | |
ivs[iv] = HPivs[iv]; | |
} | |
} | |
const srImmunity = ability === "Magic Guard"; | |
const srWeakness = srImmunity ? 0 : this.dex.getEffectiveness("Rock", species); | |
while (evs.hp > 1) { | |
const hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10); | |
if (moves.has("substitute") && !["Black Sludge", "Leftovers"].includes(item)) { | |
if (item === "Sitrus Berry") { | |
if (hp % 4 === 0) | |
break; | |
} else { | |
if (hp % 4 > 0) | |
break; | |
} | |
} else if (moves.has("bellydrum") && item === "Sitrus Berry") { | |
if (hp % 2 === 0) | |
break; | |
} else if (["highjumpkick", "jumpkick"].some((m) => moves.has(m))) { | |
if (hp % 2 > 0) | |
break; | |
} else { | |
if (srWeakness <= 0 || ability === "Regenerator") | |
break; | |
if (srWeakness === 1 && ["Black Sludge", "Leftovers", "Life Orb"].includes(item)) | |
break; | |
if (item !== "Sitrus Berry" && hp % (4 / srWeakness) > 0) | |
break; | |
if (item === "Sitrus Berry" && hp % (4 / srWeakness) === 0) | |
break; | |
} | |
evs.hp -= 4; | |
} | |
if ((!counter.get("Physical") || counter.get("Physical") <= 1 && (moves.has("foulplay") || moves.has("rapidspin"))) && !moves.has("transform")) { | |
evs.atk = 0; | |
ivs.atk = hasHiddenPower ? (ivs.atk || 31) - 28 : 0; | |
} | |
if (["gyroball", "metalburst", "trickroom"].some((m) => moves.has(m))) { | |
evs.spe = 0; | |
ivs.spe = hasHiddenPower ? (ivs.spe || 31) - 28 : 0; | |
} | |
const shuffledMoves = Array.from(moves); | |
this.prng.shuffle(shuffledMoves); | |
return { | |
name: species.baseSpecies, | |
species: forme, | |
gender: species.gender, | |
shiny: this.randomChance(1, 1024), | |
level, | |
moves: shuffledMoves, | |
ability, | |
evs, | |
ivs, | |
item, | |
role | |
}; | |
} | |
randomTeam() { | |
this.enforceNoDirectCustomBanlistChanges(); | |
const seed = this.prng.getSeed(); | |
const ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format); | |
const pokemon = []; | |
const isMonotype = !!this.forceMonotype || ruleTable.has("sametypeclause"); | |
const typePool = this.dex.types.names(); | |
const type = this.forceMonotype || this.sample(typePool); | |
const baseFormes = {}; | |
const typeCount = {}; | |
const typeWeaknesses = {}; | |
const typeDoubleWeaknesses = {}; | |
const teamDetails = {}; | |
let numMaxLevelPokemon = 0; | |
const pokemonList = Object.keys(this.randomSets); | |
const [pokemonPool, baseSpeciesPool] = this.getPokemonPool(type, pokemon, isMonotype, pokemonList); | |
while (baseSpeciesPool.length && pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) { | |
const baseSpecies = this.sampleNoReplace(baseSpeciesPool); | |
const species = this.dex.species.get(this.sample(pokemonPool[baseSpecies])); | |
if (!species.exists) | |
continue; | |
if (baseFormes[species.baseSpecies]) | |
continue; | |
if ( === "Zoroark" && pokemon.length >= this.maxTeamSize - 1) | |
continue; | |
if ( === "Shedinja" && (teamDetails.sand || teamDetails.hail)) | |
continue; | |
const limitFactor = Math.round(this.maxTeamSize / 6) || 1; | |
const types = species.types; | |
if (!isMonotype && !this.forceMonotype) { | |
let skip = false; | |
for (const typeName of types) { | |
if (typeCount[typeName] >= 2 * limitFactor) { | |
skip = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (skip) | |
continue; | |
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) { | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) { | |
if (!typeWeaknesses[typeName]) | |
typeWeaknesses[typeName] = 0; | |
if (typeWeaknesses[typeName] >= 3 * limitFactor) { | |
skip = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) { | |
if (!typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName]) | |
typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName] = 0; | |
if (typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName] >= limitFactor) { | |
skip = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (skip) | |
continue; | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness("Fire", species) === 0 && Object.values(species.abilities).includes("Dry Skin")) { | |
if (!typeWeaknesses["Fire"]) | |
typeWeaknesses["Fire"] = 0; | |
if (typeWeaknesses["Fire"] >= 3 * limitFactor) | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!this.adjustLevel && this.getLevel(species) === 100 && numMaxLevelPokemon >= limitFactor) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
const set = this.randomSet(species, teamDetails, pokemon.length === 0); | |
pokemon.push(set); | |
if (pokemon.length === this.maxTeamSize) | |
break; | |
baseFormes[species.baseSpecies] = 1; | |
for (const typeName of types) { | |
if (typeName in typeCount) { | |
typeCount[typeName]++; | |
} else { | |
typeCount[typeName] = 1; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) { | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) { | |
typeWeaknesses[typeName]++; | |
} | |
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) { | |
typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName]++; | |
} | |
} | |
if (set.ability === "Dry Skin" && this.dex.getEffectiveness("Fire", species) === 0) | |
typeWeaknesses["Fire"]++; | |
if (set.level === 100) | |
numMaxLevelPokemon++; | |
if (set.ability === "Snow Warning" || set.moves.includes("hail")) | |
teamDetails.hail = 1; | |
if (set.ability === "Drizzle" || set.moves.includes("raindance")) | |
teamDetails.rain = 1; | |
if (set.ability === "Sand Stream") | |
teamDetails.sand = 1; | |
if (set.ability === "Drought" || set.moves.includes("sunnyday")) | |
teamDetails.sun = 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("aromatherapy") || set.moves.includes("healbell")) | |
teamDetails.statusCure = 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("spikes")) | |
teamDetails.spikes = (teamDetails.spikes || 0) + 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("stealthrock")) | |
teamDetails.stealthRock = 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("toxicspikes")) | |
teamDetails.toxicSpikes = 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("rapidspin")) | |
teamDetails.rapidSpin = 1; | |
if (set.moves.includes("reflect") && set.moves.includes("lightscreen")) | |
teamDetails.screens = 1; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize && pokemon.length < 12) { | |
throw new Error(`Could not build a random team for ${this.format} (seed=${seed})`); | |
} | |
return pokemon; | |
} | |
} | |
var teams_default = RandomGen5Teams; | |
//# | |