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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var pokedex_exports = {};
__export(pokedex_exports, {
Pokedex: () => Pokedex
module.exports = __toCommonJS(pokedex_exports);
const Pokedex = {
// Example
id: {
inherit: true, // Always use this, makes the pokemon inherit its default values from the parent mod (gen7)
baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100}, // the base stats for the pokemon
// aegii
scizor: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Unburden" }
// Aelita
melmetal: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Fortified Metal" }
// Aethernum
giratinaorigin: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Eminence in the Shadow" }
// Akir
slowbro: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Take it Slow" }
// Alex
sprigatito: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 90, atk: 61, def: 84, spa: 45, spd: 85, spe: 65 },
abilities: { 0: "Pawprints" }
// Alexander489
charizard: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Confirmed Town" }
// Apple
applin: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 106, atk: 80, def: 110, spa: 120, spd: 80, spe: 44 },
abilities: { 0: "Orchard's Gift" }
// Appletun a la Mode
appletun: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Served Cold" }
// aQrator
totodile: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 85, atk: 105, def: 100, spa: 79, spd: 83, spe: 78 },
abilities: { 0: "Neverending fHunt" }
// A Quag To The Past
quagsire: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 100, def: 75, spa: 20, spd: 60, spe: 45 },
abilities: { 0: "Quag of Ruin" }
clodsire: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 130, atk: 60, def: 75, spa: 40, spd: 100, spe: 20 },
abilities: { 0: "Clod of Ruin" }
// Archas
lilligant: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Saintly Bullet" }
// Arcueid
deoxysattack: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Marble Phantasm" }
deoxysdefense: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Marble Phantasm" }
// Arsenal
rabsca: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 50, def: 100, spa: 115, spd: 100, spe: 45 },
abilities: { 0: "Absorb Phys" }
// Artemis
genesect: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Supervised Learning" }
// Arya
trapinch: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Ground", "Dragon"],
baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 120, spd: 100, spe: 130 },
abilities: { 0: "Punk Rock" }
flygon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Tinted Lens" }
// Audiino
audino: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Mitosis" }
// ausma
hatterene: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Cascade" }
// AuzBat
swoobat: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Magic Guard" }
// avarice
sinistchamasterpiece: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Serene Grace" }
// Beowulf
beedrill: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Intrepid Sword" }
// berry
regirock: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sturdy" }
// Bert122
sableye: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Prankster" }
sableyemega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Pestering Assault" }
// Billo
cosmog: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Wonder Guard" }
solgaleo: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Magic Guard" }
// blazeofvictory
sylveon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Prismatic Lens" }
// Blitz
chiyu: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Water", "Dark"],
abilities: { 0: "Blitz of Ruin" }
// Breadey
dachsbun: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Painful Exit" }
// Cake
dunsparce: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Scrappy" }
// chaos
ironjugulis: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Transistor" }
// Chloe
tsareena: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Acetosa" }
// Chris
ragingbolt: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Astrothunder" }
// ciran
rapidash: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Defiant" }
// Clefable
clefable: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "That's Hacked" }
// Clementine
avalugg: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Melting Point" }
avalugghisui: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Ice"],
baseStats: { hp: 95, atk: 46, def: 44, spa: 184, spd: 117, spe: 95 },
abilities: { 0: "Melting Point" }
// clerica
mimikyu: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Masquerade" }
mimikyubusted: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Masquerade" }
// Clouds
corvisquire: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 98, atk: 87, def: 105, spa: 53, spd: 85, spe: 67 },
abilities: { 0: "Jet Stream" }
// Coolcodename
victini: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Firewall" }
// Corthius
thwackey: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Grassy Emperor" }
// Dawn of Artemis
necrozma: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Form Change" }
necrozmaultra: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Form Change" }
// DaWoblefet
wobbuffet: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Shadow Artifice" }
// deftinwolf
yveltal: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sharpness" }
// dhelmise
slowkinggalar: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Coalescence" }
// DianaNicole
abomasnow: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Snow Warning" }
abomasnowmega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Flash Fire" }
// EasyOnTheHills
snorlax: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Immunity" }
// Elliot
sinistea: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 69, atk: 65, def: 114, spa: 134, spd: 65, spe: 70 },
abilities: { 0: "Natural Cure" }
// Elly
thundurus: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Storm Surge" }
// Emboar02
emboar: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hogwash" }
// Fame
jumpluff: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Social Jumpluff Warrior" }
// Felucia
vespiquen: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Mountaineer" }
// Froggeh
toxicroak: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Super Luck" }
// Frostyicelad
qwilfishhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Almost Frosty" }
// Frozoid
gible: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 110, def: 55, spa: 50, spd: 55, spe: 108 },
abilities: { 0: "Snowballer" }
// Ganjafin
wiglett: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 60, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 100 },
abilities: { 0: "Gambling Addiction" }
// Haste Inky
falinks: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Simple" }
// havi
gastly: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 60, atk: 65, def: 60, spa: 130, spd: 75, spe: 110 },
abilities: { 0: "Mensis Cage" }
// Hecate
mewtwo: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hacking" }
mewtwomegax: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hacking" }
// HiZo
zoroarkhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Justified" }
// HoeenHero
ludicolo: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Misspelled" }
// hsy
ursaluna: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hustle" }
// Hydrostatics
pichuspikyeared: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 35, atk: 55, def: 40, spa: 50, spd: 50, spe: 90 },
abilities: { 0: "Hydrostatic Positivity" },
types: ["Electric", "Water"]
// Imperial
kyurem: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Frozen Fortuity" }
kyuremblack: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Frozen Fortuity" }
kyuremwhite: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Frozen Fortuity" }
// in the hills
gligar: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Illiterit" }
// ironwater
jirachi: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Good as Gold" }
// Irpachuza
mrmime: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Mime knows best" }
// Isaiah
medicham: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Psychic Surge" }
// J0rdy004
vulpixalola: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 73, atk: 67, def: 75, spa: 81, spd: 100, spe: 109 },
abilities: { 0: "Fortifying Frost" }
// Kalalokki
flamigo: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Scrappy" }
// Karthik
staraptor: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Tough Claws" }
// ken
jigglypuff: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 115, atk: 65, def: 99, spa: 65, spd: 115, spe: 111 },
abilities: { 0: "Aroma Veil" }
// kenn
larvitar: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 84, def: 70, spa: 65, spd: 70, spe: 61 },
abilities: { 0: "Deserted Dunes" }
// Kennedy
cinderace: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Anfield" },
otherFormes: ["Cinderace-Gmax"]
cinderacegmax: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Fire", "Ice"],
baseStats: { hp: 84, atk: 119, def: 78, spa: 77, spd: 81, spe: 105 },
abilities: { 0: "You'll Never Walk Alone" },
weightkg: 103
// keys
rayquaza: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Defeatist" }
rayquazamega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Defeatist" },
requiredMove: "Protector of the Skies"
// kingbaruk
wigglytuff: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Peer Pressure" }
// Kiwi
minccino: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sure Hit Sorcery" }
// Klmondo
cloyster: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Super Skilled" }
// kolohe
pikachu: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 45, atk: 80, def: 50, spa: 75, spd: 60, spe: 120 },
abilities: { 0: "Soul Surfer" }
// Kry
mawile: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Flash Freeze" }
// Lasen
zekrom: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Idealized World" }
// Lets go shuckles
shuckle: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Persistent" }
// Lily
togedemaru: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Unaware" }
// Loethalion
ralts: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Psychic Surge" }
// Lumari
ponytagalar: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 105 },
abilities: { 0: "Pyrotechnic" }
// Lunell
vaporeon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Low Tide, High Tide" }
// Lyna
dragonair: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 82, atk: 80, def: 80, spa: 80, spd: 80, spe: 80 },
abilities: { 0: "Magic Aura" }
// Maia
litwick: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Power Abuse" }
// marillvibes
marill: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 50, def: 80, spa: 60, spd: 80, spe: 50 },
abilities: { 0: "Huge Power" }
// Mathy
furret: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 105, atk: 96, def: 84, spa: 45, spd: 75, spe: 110 },
abilities: { 0: "Dynamic Typing" }
// Merritty
torchic: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 60, def: 60, spa: 80, spd: 70, spe: 85 },
abilities: { 0: "End Round" }
// Meteordash
tatsugiri: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "TatsuGlare" }
// Mex
dialga: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Time Dilation" }
// Miojo
spheal: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 110, atk: 95, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 65 },
abilities: { 0: "The Rolling Spheal" }
// Monkey
infernape: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Harambe Hit" }
// MyPearl
latios: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Eon Call" }
latias: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Eon Call" }
// Neko
chienpao: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Weatherproof" }
// Ney
banette: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Insomnia" }
banettemega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Prankster Plus" }
// Notater517
incineroar: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Vent Crosser" }
// nya
delcatty: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Fairy"],
baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 65, def: 80, spa: 70, spd: 80, spe: 90 },
abilities: { 0: "Adorable Grace" }
// pants
annihilape: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Drifting" }
// PartMan
chandelure: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "C- Tier Shitposter" }
// Pastor Gigas
regigigas: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "God's Mercy" }
// Peary
klinklang: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Levitate" }
// phoopes
jynx: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 65, atk: 50, def: 35, spa: 115, spd: 115, spe: 95 },
abilities: { 0: "I Did It Again" }
// Pissog
volcarona: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Drought" }
frosmoth: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Snow Warning" }
// pokemonvortex
pokestarsmeargle: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 100 },
abilities: { 0: "Prankster" }
// Princess Autumn
altaria: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Last Hymn" }
altariamega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Last Hymn" }
// ptoad
politoed: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Drizzle" }
// Pulse_kS
hydreigon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Pulse Luck" }
kingambit: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hardcore Hustle" }
// Quite Quiet
ribombee: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Fancy Scarf" }
// quziel
chromera: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "High Performance Computing" }
// R8
chansey: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Anti-Pelau" }
// Rainshaft
xerneas: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Rainy's Aura" }
// Ransei
audinomega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Healer", 1: "Ultra Mystik" }
// ReturnToMonkey
oranguru: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Monke See Monke Do" }
// Rio Vidal
archaludon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Built Different" }
// Rissoux
arcaninehisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Hard Headed" }
// RSB
growlithe: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 86, def: 60, spa: 86, spd: 66, spe: 76 },
abilities: { 0: "Hot Pursuit" }
// Rumia
duskull: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Ghost", "Dark"],
baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 55, def: 90, spa: 90, spd: 55, spe: 55 },
abilities: { 0: "Youkai of the Dusk" }
// Scotteh
suicune: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Water Absorb" }
// SexyMalasada
typhlosion: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Ancestry Ritual" }
typhlosionhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Ancestry Ritual" }
// sharp_claw
sneasel: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 105, def: 95, spa: 35, spd: 95, spe: 135 },
abilities: { 0: "Regenerator" }
sneaselhisui: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 55, atk: 135, def: 75, spa: 35, spd: 85, spe: 135 },
abilities: { 0: "Regenerator" }
// Siegfried
ampharos: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Static" }
ampharosmega: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Magical Mystery Charge" }
// Sificon
hoppip: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 75, atk: 55, def: 70, spa: 55, spd: 95, spe: 110 },
abilities: { 0: "Perfectly Imperfect" }
// skies
chespin: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 88, atk: 107, def: 122, spa: 74, spd: 75, spe: 64 },
abilities: { 0: "Spikes of Wrath" }
// snake
fidgit: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Persistent" }
// Soft Flex
magnezone: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Adaptive Engineering" }
// Solaros & Lunaris
scovillain: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Ride the Sun!" }
// Spiderz
ironthorns: {
inherit: true,
types: ["Dark", "Ground"],
abilities: { 0: "Poison Heal" }
// spoo
hemogoblin: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One" }
// Steorra
kitsunoh: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Ghostly Hallow" }
// Struchni
aggron: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Overasked Clause" }
// Sulo
reuniclus: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Protection of the Gelatin" }
// Swiffix
piplup: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 64, atk: 66, def: 68, spa: 81, spd: 76, spe: 50 },
abilities: { 0: "Stinky" }
// Syrinix
ceruledge: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sword of Ruin" }
// Teclis
gallade: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sharpness" }
// Tenshi
sandshrew: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 50, atk: 115, def: 130, spa: 50, spd: 65, spe: 98 },
abilities: { 0: "Sand Sleuth" }
// TheJesuchristoOsAma
arceus: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusbug: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusdark: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusdragon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceuselectric: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusfairy: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusfighting: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusfire: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusflying: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusghost: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusgrass: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusground: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusice: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceuspoison: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceuspsychic: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceusrock: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceussteel: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
arceuswater: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "The Grace of Jesus Christ" }
// Tico
floetteeternal: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Eternal Generator" }
// trace
delphox: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Eyes of Eternity" }
// Tuthur
screamtail: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Poison Heal" }
// Two of Roses
luxray: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "As We See" }
// UT
talonflame: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Gale Guard" }
// Valerian
lucario: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Full Bloom" }
// Venous
mantine: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Concrete Over Water" }
// Violet
ogerpon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerpontealtera: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponcornerstone: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponcornerstonetera: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponhearthflame: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponhearthflametera: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponwellspring: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
ogerponwellspringtera: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil" }
// Vistar
zeraora: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Prankster" }
// vmnunes
shayminsky: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Wild Growth" }
// WarriorGallade
tropius: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Primeval Harvest" }
// Waves
wailord: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Primordial Sea" }
// WigglyTree
sudowoodo: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Tree Stance" },
baseStats: { hp: 70, atk: 100, def: 115, spa: 30, spd: 65, spe: 50 }
// xy01
blissey: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Panic" }
// yeet dab xd
kecleon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Treasure Bag" }
// Yellow Paint
rotomfrost: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Yellow Magic" }
ninetalesalola: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Party Up" }
// YveltalNL
farigiraf: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Height Advantage" }
// za
greedent: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Troll" }
// Zalm
weedle: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 100, atk: 90, def: 100, spa: 35, spd: 90, spe: 100 },
abilities: { 0: "Water Bubble" }
// Zarel
meloetta: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Tempo Change" }
meloettapirouette: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Tempo Change" }
// zee
lilliganthisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll" }
// zoro
umbreon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Nine Lives" }