; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var items_exports = {}; | |
__export(items_exports, { | |
Items: () => Items | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(items_exports); | |
const Items = { | |
// Archas | |
lilligantiumz: { | |
name: "Lilligantium Z", | |
spritenum: 633, | |
onTakeItem: false, | |
zMove: "Aura Rain", | |
zMoveFrom: "Quiver Dance", | |
itemUser: ["Lilligant"], | |
desc: "If held by a Lilligant with Quiver Dance, it can use Aura Rain." | |
}, | |
// Arya | |
flygonite: { | |
name: "Flygonite", | |
spritenum: 111, | |
itemUser: ["Flygon"], | |
megaEvolves: "Flygon", | |
megaStone: "Trapinch", | |
onTakeItem(item, source) { | |
if (item.megaEvolves === source.baseSpecies.baseSpecies) | |
return false; | |
return true; | |
}, | |
desc: "If held by a Flygon, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle." | |
}, | |
// Irpachuza | |
irpatuziniumz: { | |
name: "Irpatuzinium Z", | |
spritenum: 648, | |
onTakeItem: false, | |
zMove: "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Rands", | |
zMoveFrom: "Fleur Cannon", | |
itemUser: ["Mr. Mime"], | |
desc: "If held by a Mr. Mime with Fleur Cannon, it can use Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Rands." | |
}, | |
// Loethalion | |
gardevoirite: { | |
inherit: true, | |
itemUser: ["Ralts"], | |
megaEvolves: "Ralts", | |
desc: "If held by a Ralts, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle." | |
}, | |
// Peary | |
pearyumz: { | |
name: "Pearyum Z", | |
spritenum: 647, | |
onTakeItem: false, | |
zMove: "1000 Gears", | |
zMoveFrom: "Gear Grind", | |
itemUser: ["Klinklang"], | |
desc: "If held by a Klinklang with Gear Grind, it can use 1000 Gears." | |
}, | |
// Rainshaft | |
rainiumz: { | |
name: "Rainium Z", | |
spritenum: 652, | |
onTakeItem: false, | |
zMove: "Hatsune Miku's Lucky Orb", | |
zMoveFrom: "Sparkling Aria", | |
itemUser: ["Xerneas"], | |
desc: "If held by a Xerneas with Sparkling Aria, it can use Hatsune Miku's Lucky Orb." | |
}, | |
// Modified for other effects | |
eviolite: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.nfe || === "pichuspikyeared") { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.nfe || === "pichuspikyeared") { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
// modified for nya's ability | |
focusband: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
const chance = target.hasAbility("adorablegrace") ? 2 : 1; | |
if (this.randomChance(chance, 10) && damage >= target.hp && effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "item: Focus Band"); | |
return target.hp - 1; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
quickclaw: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onFractionalPriority(priority, pokemon) { | |
const chance = pokemon.hasAbility("adorablegrace") ? 2 : 1; | |
if (priority <= 0 && this.randomChance(chance, 5)) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "item: Quick Claw"); | |
return 0.1; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
// modified for SexyMalasada's ability | |
lifeorb: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onAfterMoveSecondarySelf(source, target, move) { | |
if (source && source !== target && move && move.category !== "Status" && !source.forceSwitchFlag) { | |
if (source.hasAbility("Ancestry Ritual")) { | |
this.heal(source.baseMaxhp / 10, source, source, this.dex.items.get("lifeorb")); | |
} else { | |
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 10, source, source, this.dex.items.get("lifeorb")); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
safetygoggles: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "sandstorm" || type === "deserteddunes" || type === "hail" || type === "powder") | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
utilityumbrella: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.ignoringItem()) | |
return; | |
if (["sunnyday", "raindance", "desolateland", "primordialsea", "stormsurge"].includes(this.field.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.runEvent("WeatherChange", pokemon, pokemon, this.effect); | |
} | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (!this.effectState.inactive) | |
return; | |
this.effectState.inactive = false; | |
if (["sunnyday", "raindance", "desolateland", "primordialsea", "stormsurge"].includes(this.field.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.runEvent("WeatherChange", pokemon, pokemon, this.effect); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (["sunnyday", "raindance", "desolateland", "primordialsea", "stormsurge"].includes(this.field.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.runEvent("WeatherChange", pokemon, pokemon, this.effect); | |
} | |
this.effectState.inactive = true; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
//# | |