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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var pokedex_exports = {};
__export(pokedex_exports, {
Pokedex: () => Pokedex
module.exports = __toCommonJS(pokedex_exports);
const Pokedex = {
growlithehisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Justified" }
arcaninehisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Intimidate", 1: "Flash Fire", H: "Justified" }
typhlosionhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Blaze", H: "Flash Fire" }
sneaselhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Inner Focus", 1: "Keen Eye", H: "Poison Touch" }
shiftry: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Chlorophyll", 1: "Early Bird", H: "Pickpocket" }
piplup: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Defiant" }
prinplup: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Defiant" }
empoleon: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Defiant" }
gallade: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Steadfast", H: "Justified" }
giratinaorigin: {
inherit: true,
requiredItem: "Griseous Orb"
cresselia: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 120, atk: 70, def: 120, spa: 75, spd: 130, spe: 85 }
samurotthisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Torrent", H: "Shell Armor" }
braviaryhisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Keen Eye", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Defiant" }
spewpa: {
inherit: true,
evos: ["Vivillon"]
vivillonfancy: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes" },
prevo: void 0,
evoLevel: void 0
vivillonpokeball: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Shield Dust", 1: "Compound Eyes" }
sliggoohisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Gooey" }
goodrahisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Overcoat", H: "Gooey" }
decidueyehisui: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Overgrow", H: "Long Reach" }
zacian: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 130, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 138 }
zaciancrowned: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 170, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 148 }
zamazenta: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 130, def: 115, spa: 80, spd: 115, spe: 138 }
zamazentacrowned: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 92, atk: 130, def: 145, spa: 80, spd: 145, spe: 128 }
kleavor: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Swarm", 1: "Sheer Force", H: "Steadfast" }
basculegion: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Rattled", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }
basculegionf: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Rattled", 1: "Adaptability", H: "Mold Breaker" }
sneasler: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Pressure", H: "Poison Touch" },
evoType: "useItem",
evoItem: "Razor Claw",
evoCondition: "during the day"
enamorus: {
inherit: true,
abilities: { 0: "Healer", H: "Contrary" }
kitsunoh: {
inherit: true,
baseStats: { hp: 80, atk: 103, def: 85, spa: 55, spd: 80, spe: 110 },
abilities: { 0: "Frisk", 1: "Limber", H: "Iron Fist" }