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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var moves_exports = {};
__export(moves_exports, {
Moves: () => Moves
module.exports = __toCommonJS(moves_exports);
const Moves = {
allyswitch: {
inherit: true,
// Prevents setting the volatile used to check for Ally Switch failure
onPrepareHit() {
anchorshot: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
aromatherapy: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
assist: {
inherit: true,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
auroraveil: {
inherit: true,
onTry() {
return this.field.isWeather("hail");
autotomize: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
beakblast: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
belch: {
inherit: true,
flags: { protect: 1, failmefirst: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
blizzard: {
inherit: true,
onModifyMove(move) {
if (this.field.isWeather("hail"))
move.accuracy = true;
boltbeak: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
bonemerang: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
burnup: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
celebrate: {
inherit: true,
flags: { nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
charge: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
onStart(pokemon, source, effect) {
this.add("-start", pokemon, "Charge");
onRestart(pokemon, source, effect) {
this.add("-start", pokemon, "Charge");
onBasePowerPriority: 9,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Electric") {
this.debug("charge boost");
return this.chainModify(2);
onMoveAborted(pokemon, target, move) {
if ( !== "charge") {
onAfterMove(pokemon, target, move) {
if ( !== "charge") {
onEnd(pokemon) {
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Charge", "[silent]");
chatter: {
inherit: true,
flags: {
protect: 1,
mirror: 1,
sound: 1,
distance: 1,
bypasssub: 1,
noassist: 1,
failcopycat: 1,
failinstruct: 1,
failmefirst: 1,
nosleeptalk: 1,
failmimic: 1,
nosketch: 1
copycat: {
inherit: true,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
coreenforcer: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
corrosivegas: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
craftyshield: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
curse: {
inherit: true,
onModifyMove(move, source, target) {
if (!source.hasType("Ghost")) { = move.nonGhostTarget;
target: "randomNormal"
cut: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
darkvoid: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past",
flags: { protect: 1, reflectable: 1, mirror: 1, metronome: 1 }
doubleironbash: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
dragonhammer: {
inherit: true,
flags: { contact: 1, protect: 1, mirror: 1 }
dualchop: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
electrify: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
eternabeam: {
inherit: true,
flags: { recharge: 1, protect: 1, mirror: 1, failinstruct: 1 },
isNonstandard: null
fishiousrend: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
flowershield: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
fly: {
inherit: true,
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) {
if (attacker.removeVolatile( {
this.add("-prepare", attacker,;
if (!this.runEvent("ChargeMove", attacker, defender, move)) {
if (this.sides.length > 2) {
const animatedTarget = attacker.getMoveTargets(this.dex.getActiveMove("aerialace"), defender).targets[0];
if (animatedTarget) {
this.hint(`${}'s animation targeted ${}`);
attacker.addVolatile("twoturnmove", defender);
return null;
futuresight: {
inherit: true,
flags: { metronome: 1, futuremove: 1 }
geargrind: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
gearup: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
geomancy: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
glaciallance: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 130
grassyglide: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 70
grudge: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
hail: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
headcharge: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
heartswap: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
holdback: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
holdhands: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null,
flags: { bypasssub: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
hyperspacefury: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past",
flags: { mirror: 1, bypasssub: 1 }
hyperspacehole: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
icehammer: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
judgment: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
kinesis: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
kingsshield: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
landswrath: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
laserfocus: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
leaftornado: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
lovelykiss: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
lusterpurge: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 70
magiccoat: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
matblock: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxairstream: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxdarkness: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxflare: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxflutterby: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxgeyser: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxguard: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxhailstorm: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxknuckle: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxlightning: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxmindstorm: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxooze: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxovergrowth: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxphantasm: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxquake: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxrockfall: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxstarfall: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxsteelspike: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxstrike: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
maxwyrmwind: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
mefirst: {
inherit: true,
flags: {
protect: 1,
bypasssub: 1,
failencore: 1,
failmefirst: 1,
nosleeptalk: 1,
noassist: 1,
failcopycat: 1,
failinstruct: 1
meteorassault: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
metronome: {
inherit: true,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
milkdrink: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
mindblown: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
mindreader: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
mirrorcoat: {
inherit: true,
flags: { protect: 1, failmefirst: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1 }
mirrormove: {
inherit: true,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
mistball: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 70
multiattack: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
naturepower: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
naturesmadness: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
oblivionwing: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
obstruct: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
octazooka: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
octolock: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
plasmafists: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
poweruppunch: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
psychoboost: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
psychoshift: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
purify: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
recover: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
relicsong: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
rest: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
revelationdance: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
revenge: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
roost: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
searingshot: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
secretsword: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
seedflare: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
shadowbone: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
shelltrap: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
shoreup: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
sketch: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
skullbash: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
slackoff: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
sleeptalk: {
inherit: true,
flags: { failencore: 1, nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failinstruct: 1 }
snaptrap: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
softboiled: {
inherit: true,
pp: 10
spectralthief: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
stickyweb: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
onSideStart(side) {
this.add("-sidestart", side, "move: Sticky Web");
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.isGrounded() || pokemon.hasItem("heavydutyboots"))
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "move: Sticky Web");
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, pokemon, this.effectState.source, this.dex.getActiveMove("stickyweb"));
stormthrow: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
submission: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
tailglow: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
technoblast: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
thousandarrows: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
thousandwaves: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
toxicthread: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Past"
trickortreat: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
vcreate: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
venomdrench: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
vitalthrow: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: null
wickedblow: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 80