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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var abilities_exports = {};
__export(abilities_exports, {
Abilities: () => Abilities
module.exports = __toCommonJS(abilities_exports);
const Abilities = {
airlock: {
inherit: true,
onSwitchIn() {
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false;
angerpoint: {
inherit: true,
onAfterSubDamage(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!target.hp)
if (move && move.effectType === "Move" && target.getMoveHitData(move).crit) {
target.setBoost({ atk: 6 });
this.add("-setboost", target, "atk", 12, "[from] ability: Anger Point");
rating: 1.5
baddreams: {
inherit: true,
onResidualOrder: 10,
onResidualSubOrder: 10
blaze: {
onBasePowerPriority: 2,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Blaze boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
name: "Blaze",
rating: 2,
num: 66
cloudnine: {
inherit: true,
onSwitchIn() {
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false;
colorchange: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!damage || !target.hp)
const type = move.type;
if (target.isActive && move.category !== "Status" && type !== "???" && !target.hasType(type)) {
if (!target.setType(type))
return false;
this.add("-start", target, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Color Change");
onAfterMoveSecondary() {
compoundeyes: {
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: 9,
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
this.debug("compoundeyes - enhancing accuracy");
return accuracy * 1.3;
inherit: true
cutecharm: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"]) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
download: {
inherit: true,
onStart(pokemon) {
let totaldef = 0;
let totalspd = 0;
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
if (target.volatiles.substitute)
totaldef += target.getStat("def", false, true);
totalspd += target.getStat("spd", false, true);
if (totaldef && totaldef >= totalspd) {
this.boost({ spa: 1 });
} else if (totalspd) {
this.boost({ atk: 1 });
effectspore: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"] && !source.status) {
const r = this.random(100);
if (r < 10) {
source.setStatus("slp", target);
} else if (r < 20) {
source.setStatus("par", target);
} else if (r < 30) {
source.setStatus("psn", target);
flamebody: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"]) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("brn", target);
flashfire: {
inherit: true,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Fire") {
if (target.status === "frz") {
if (!target.addVolatile("flashfire")) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Flash Fire");
return null;
condition: {
noCopy: true,
// doesn't get copied by Baton Pass
onStart(target) {
this.add("-start", target, "ability: Flash Fire");
onModifyDamagePhase1(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
this.debug("Flash Fire boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onEnd(target) {
this.add("-end", target, "ability: Flash Fire", "[silent]");
flowergift: {
inherit: true,
onAllyModifyAtk(atk) {
if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onAllyModifySpD(spd) {
if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 }
forecast: {
inherit: true,
flags: { notrace: 1 }
forewarn: {
inherit: true,
onStart(pokemon) {
let warnMoves = [];
let warnBp = 1;
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
for (const moveSlot of target.moveSlots) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.move);
let bp = move.basePower;
if (move.ohko)
bp = 160;
if ( === "counter" || === "metalburst" || === "mirrorcoat")
bp = 120;
if (!bp && move.category !== "Status")
bp = 80;
if (bp > warnBp) {
warnMoves = [move];
warnBp = bp;
} else if (bp === warnBp) {
if (!warnMoves.length)
const warnMove = this.sample(warnMoves);
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Forewarn", warnMove);
frisk: {
inherit: true,
onStart(pokemon) {
const target = pokemon.side.randomFoe();
if (target?.item && !target.itemState.knockedOff) {
this.add("-item", "", target.getItem().name, "[from] ability: Frisk", `[of] ${pokemon}`);
hustle: {
inherit: true,
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: 7,
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) {
if (move.category === "Physical" && typeof accuracy === "number") {
return accuracy * 0.8;
hydration: {
onWeather(target, source, effect) {
if ( === "raindance" && target.status) {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Hydration");
name: "Hydration",
rating: 1.5,
num: 93
insomnia: {
inherit: true,
rating: 2.5
intimidate: {
inherit: true,
onStart(pokemon) {
const activated = pokemon.adjacentFoes().some((target) => !(target.volatiles["substitute"] || target.volatiles["substitutebroken"]?.move === "uturn"));
if (!activated) {
this.hint("In Gen 4, Intimidate does not activate if every target has a Substitute (or the Substitute was just broken by U-turn).", false, pokemon.side);
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Intimidate", "boost");
for (const target of pokemon.adjacentFoes()) {
if (target.volatiles["substitute"]) {
this.add("-immune", target);
} else if (target.volatiles["substitutebroken"]?.move === "uturn") {
this.hint("In Gen 4, if U-turn breaks Substitute the incoming Intimidate does nothing.");
} else {
this.boost({ atk: -1 }, target, pokemon, null, true);
leafguard: {
inherit: true,
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && === "rest") {
} else if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
return false;
lightningrod: {
inherit: true,
onTryHit() {
rating: 0
liquidooze: {
inherit: true,
onSourceTryHeal(damage, target, source, effect) {
this.debug(`Heal is occurring: ${target} <- ${source} :: ${}`);
const canOoze = ["drain", "leechseed"];
if (canOoze.includes( && this.activeMove?.id !== "dreameater") {
this.damage(damage, null, null, null, true);
return 0;
magicguard: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.effectType !== "Move") {
return false;
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && === "toxicspikes") {
return false;
name: "Magic Guard",
rating: 4.5,
num: 98
minus: {
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
for (const ally of pokemon.allies()) {
if (ally.ability === "plus") {
return spa * 1.5;
name: "Minus",
rating: 0,
num: 58
naturalcure: {
inherit: true,
onCheckShow(pokemon) {
onSwitchOut(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.status || pokemon.status === "fnt")
this.add("-curestatus", pokemon, pokemon.status, "[from] ability: Natural Cure");
normalize: {
inherit: true,
onModifyMove(move) {
if ( !== "struggle") {
move.type = "Normal";
overgrow: {
onBasePowerPriority: 2,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Grass" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Overgrow boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
name: "Overgrow",
rating: 2,
num: 65
pickup: {
name: "Pickup",
rating: 0,
num: 53
plus: {
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
for (const ally of pokemon.allies()) {
if (ally.ability === "minus") {
return spa * 1.5;
name: "Plus",
rating: 0,
num: 57
poisonpoint: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"]) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("psn", target);
pressure: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Pressure");
onDeductPP(target, source) {
if (target === source)
return 1;
name: "Pressure",
rating: 1.5,
num: 46
roughskin: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"]) {
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 8, source, target);
sandveil: {
inherit: true,
onModifyAccuracyPriority: 8,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) {
this.debug("Sand Veil - decreasing accuracy");
return accuracy * 0.8;
serenegrace: {
inherit: true,
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.secondaries) {
this.debug("doubling secondary chance");
for (const secondary of move.secondaries) {
if (secondary.chance)
secondary.chance *= 2;
shedskin: {
inherit: true,
onResidualOrder: 10,
onResidualSubOrder: 3
simple: {
onModifyBoost(boosts) {
let key;
for (key in boosts) {
boosts[key] *= 2;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Simple",
rating: 4,
num: 86
snowcloak: {
inherit: true,
onModifyAccuracyPriority: 8,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (this.field.isWeather("hail")) {
this.debug("Snow Cloak - decreasing accuracy");
return accuracy * 0.8;
speedboost: {
inherit: true,
onResidualOrder: 10,
onResidualSubOrder: 3
static: {
inherit: true,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (damage && move.flags["contact"]) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("par", target);
stench: {
name: "Stench",
rating: 0,
num: 1
stickyhold: {
inherit: true,
onTakeItem(item, pokemon, source) {
if (source && source !== pokemon || this.activeMove && === "knockoff") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Sticky Hold");
return false;
stormdrain: {
inherit: true,
onTryHit() {
rating: 0
sturdy: {
inherit: true,
onDamage() {
rating: 0
swarm: {
onBasePowerPriority: 2,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Bug" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Swarm boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
name: "Swarm",
rating: 2,
num: 68
synchronize: {
inherit: true,
onAfterSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (!source || source === target)
if (effect && === "toxicspikes")
let id =;
if (id === "slp" || id === "frz")
if (id === "tox")
id = "psn";
source.trySetStatus(id, target);
tangledfeet: {
inherit: true,
onModifyAccuracyPriority: 6,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (target?.volatiles["confusion"]) {
this.debug("Tangled Feet - decreasing accuracy");
return accuracy * 0.5;
thickfat: {
onSourceBasePowerPriority: 1,
onSourceBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Ice" || move.type === "Fire") {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Thick Fat",
rating: 3.5,
num: 47
torrent: {
onBasePowerPriority: 2,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Water" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Torrent boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
name: "Torrent",
rating: 2,
num: 67
trace: {
inherit: true,
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (!
const target = pokemon.side.randomFoe();
if (!target || target.fainted)
const ability = target.getAbility();
const bannedAbilities = ["forecast", "multitype", "trace"];
if (bannedAbilities.includes(target.ability)) {
if (pokemon.setAbility(ability)) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, ability, "[from] ability: Trace", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { notrace: 1 }
unburden: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if ((!pokemon.item || pokemon.itemState.knockedOff) && !pokemon.ignoringAbility()) {
return this.chainModify(2);
vitalspirit: {
inherit: true,
rating: 2.5
wonderguard: {
inherit: true,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if ( === "firefang") {
this.hint("In Gen 4, Fire Fang is always able to hit through Wonder Guard.", true, target.side);
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type === "???" || === "struggle")
this.debug("Wonder Guard immunity: " +;
if (target.runEffectiveness(move) <= 0) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Wonder Guard");
return null;