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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var scripts_exports = {};
__export(scripts_exports, {
Scripts: () => Scripts
module.exports = __toCommonJS(scripts_exports);
const Scripts = {
inherit: "gen2",
gen: 2,
pokemon: {
inherit: true,
getStat(statName, unboosted, unmodified, fastReturn) {
if (statName === "hp")
throw new Error("Please read `maxhp` directly");
let stat = this.storedStats[statName];
if (!unboosted) {
let boost = this.boosts[statName];
if (boost > 6)
boost = 6;
if (boost < -6)
boost = -6;
if (boost >= 0) {
const boostTable = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4];
stat = Math.floor(stat * boostTable[boost]);
} else {
const numerators = [100, 66, 50, 40, 33, 28, 25];
stat = Math.floor(stat * numerators[-boost] / 100);
if (this.status === "par" && statName === "spe") {
stat = Math.floor(stat / 4);
if (!unmodified) {
if (this.status === "brn" && statName === "atk") {
stat = Math.floor(stat / 2);
stat = this.battle.clampIntRange(stat, 1, 999);
if (fastReturn)
return stat;
if (!unboosted) {
if (statName === "def" && this.side.sideConditions["reflect"] || statName === "spd" && this.side.sideConditions["lightscreen"]) {
if ( === 1) {
stat *= 2;
} else {
stat *= 1.5;
if (["Cubone", "Marowak"].includes( && this.item === "thickclub" && statName === "atk" || === "Pikachu" && this.item === "lightball" && statName === "spa") {
stat *= 2;
} else if ( === "Ditto" && this.item === "metalpowder" && ["def", "spd"].includes(statName)) {
stat = Math.floor(stat * 1.5);
return stat;
actions: {
inherit: true,
getDamage(source, target, move, suppressMessages) {
if (typeof move === "string") {
move = this.dex.getActiveMove(move);
} else if (typeof move === "number") {
move = {
basePower: move,
type: "???",
category: "Physical",
willCrit: false,
flags: {}
if (!move.ignoreImmunity || move.ignoreImmunity !== true && !move.ignoreImmunity[move.type]) {
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type, true)) {
return false;
if (move.ohko) {
return target.maxhp;
if (move.damageCallback) {
return, source, target);
if (move.damage === "level") {
return source.level;
if (move.damage) {
return move.damage;
move.category = this.battle.getCategory(move);
if (!move.type)
move.type = "???";
const type = move.type;
let basePower = move.basePower;
if (move.basePowerCallback) {
basePower =, source, target, move);
if (!basePower) {
if (basePower === 0)
return basePower;
basePower = this.battle.clampIntRange(basePower, 1);
let critRatio = this.battle.runEvent("ModifyCritRatio", source, target, move, move.critRatio || 0);
critRatio = this.battle.clampIntRange(critRatio, 0, 5);
const critMult = [0, 17, 32, 64, 85, 128];
let isCrit = move.willCrit || false;
if (typeof move.willCrit === "undefined") {
if (critRatio) {
isCrit = this.battle.random(256) < critMult[critRatio];
if (isCrit && this.battle.runEvent("CriticalHit", target, null, move)) {
target.getMoveHitData(move).crit = true;
if (basePower) {
if (move.isConfusionSelfHit) {
move.type = move.baseMoveType;
basePower = this.battle.runEvent("BasePower", source, target, move, basePower, true);
move.type = "???";
} else {
basePower = this.battle.runEvent("BasePower", source, target, move, basePower, true);
if (basePower && move.basePowerModifier) {
basePower *= move.basePowerModifier;
if (!basePower)
return 0;
basePower = this.battle.clampIntRange(basePower, 1);
let level = source.level;
if (move.allies) {
this.battle.add("-activate", source, "move: Beat Up", "[of] " + move.allies[0].name);
level = move.allies[0].level;
const attacker = move.overrideOffensivePokemon === "target" ? target : source;
const defender = move.overrideDefensivePokemon === "source" ? source : target;
const isPhysical = move.category === "Physical";
const atkType = move.overrideOffensiveStat || (isPhysical ? "atk" : "spa");
const defType = move.overrideDefensiveStat || (isPhysical ? "def" : "spd");
let unboosted = false;
let noburndrop = false;
if (isCrit) {
if (!suppressMessages)
this.battle.add("-crit", target);
if (attacker.boosts[atkType] <= defender.boosts[defType]) {
unboosted = true;
noburndrop = true;
let attack = attacker.getStat(atkType, unboosted, noburndrop);
let defense = defender.getStat(defType, unboosted);
if (move.allies) {
attack = move.allies[0].species.baseStats.atk;
defense = defender.species.baseStats.def;
if (move.ignoreOffensive) {
this.battle.debug("Negating (sp)atk boost/penalty.");
attack = attacker.getStat(atkType, true, true);
if (move.ignoreDefensive) {
this.battle.debug("Negating (sp)def boost/penalty.");
defense = target.getStat(defType, true, true);
if ( === "present") {
const typeIndexes = {
Normal: 0,
Fighting: 1,
Flying: 2,
Poison: 3,
Ground: 4,
Rock: 5,
Bug: 7,
Ghost: 8,
Steel: 9,
Fire: 20,
Water: 21,
Grass: 22,
Electric: 23,
Psychic: 24,
Ice: 25,
Dragon: 26,
Dark: 27
attack = 10;
const attackerLastType = attacker.getTypes().slice(-1)[0];
const defenderLastType = defender.getTypes().slice(-1)[0];
defense = typeIndexes[attackerLastType] || 1;
level = typeIndexes[defenderLastType] || 1;
this.battle.hint("Gen 2 Present has a glitched damage calculation using the secondary types of the Pokemon for the Attacker's Level and Defender's Defense.", true);
if (attack >= 256 || defense >= 256) {
if (attack >= 1024 || defense >= 1024) {
this.battle.hint("In Gen 2, a stat will roll over to a small number if it is larger than 1024.");
attack = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(attack / 4) % 256, 1);
defense = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(defense / 4) % 256, 1);
if (move.selfdestruct && defType === "def") {
defense = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(defense / 2), 1);
let damage = level * 2;
damage = Math.floor(damage / 5);
damage += 2;
damage *= basePower;
damage *= attack;
damage = Math.floor(damage / defense);
damage = Math.floor(damage / 50);
if (isCrit)
damage *= 2;
damage = Math.floor(this.battle.runEvent("ModifyDamage", attacker, defender, move, damage));
damage = this.battle.clampIntRange(damage, 1, 997);
damage += 2;
if (type === "Water" && this.battle.field.isWeather("raindance") || type === "Fire" && this.battle.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
damage = Math.floor(damage * 1.5);
} else if ((type === "Fire" || === "solarbeam") && this.battle.field.isWeather("raindance") || type === "Water" && this.battle.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2);
if (type !== "???" && source.hasType(type)) {
damage += Math.floor(damage / 2);
const totalTypeMod = target.runEffectiveness(move);
if (totalTypeMod > 0) {
if (!suppressMessages)
this.battle.add("-supereffective", target);
damage *= 2;
if (totalTypeMod >= 2) {
damage *= 2;
if (totalTypeMod < 0) {
if (!suppressMessages)
this.battle.add("-resisted", target);
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2);
if (totalTypeMod <= -2) {
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2);
const { targets } = source.getMoveTargets(move, target);
if (targets.length > 1)
move.spreadHit = true;
if (move.spreadHit && === "allAdjacentFoes") {
const spreadModifier = move.spreadModifier || 0.5;
this.battle.debug(`Spread modifier: ${spreadModifier}`);
damage = this.battle.modify(damage, spreadModifier);
if (!move.noDamageVariance && damage > 1) {
damage *= this.battle.random(217, 256);
damage = Math.floor(damage / 255);
if (basePower && !Math.floor(damage)) {
return 1;
return damage;