; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var rulesets_exports = {}; | |
__export(rulesets_exports, { | |
Rulesets: () => Rulesets | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(rulesets_exports); | |
const Rulesets = { | |
standard: { | |
effectType: "ValidatorRule", | |
name: "Standard", | |
ruleset: ["Obtainable", "Desync Clause Mod", "Sleep Clause Mod", "Freeze Clause Mod", "Species Clause", "Nickname Clause", "OHKO Clause", "Evasion Moves Clause", "Endless Battle Clause", "HP Percentage Mod", "Cancel Mod"], | |
banlist: ["Dig", "Fly"] | |
}, | |
nc1997movelegality: { | |
effectType: "ValidatorRule", | |
name: "NC 1997 Move Legality", | |
desc: "Bans move combinations on Pok\xE9mon that would only be obtainable in Pok\xE9mon Yellow.", | |
banlist: [ | |
// | |
// | |
// Due to Yellow learnset modifications not applying, there are a few more incompatibilities than usual. | |
"Nidoking + Fury Attack + Thrash", | |
"Nidoking + Double Kick + Thrash", | |
"Butterfree + Tackle + Harden", | |
"Butterfree + String Shot + Harden", | |
"Exeggutor + Poison Powder + Stomp", | |
"Exeggutor + Sleep Powder + Stomp", | |
"Exeggutor + Stun Spore + Stomp", | |
"Eevee + Tackle + Growl", | |
"Vaporeon + Tackle + Growl", | |
"Jolteon + Tackle + Growl", | |
"Jolteon + Focus Energy + Thunder Shock", | |
"Flareon + Tackle + Growl", | |
"Flareon + Focus Energy + Ember" | |
], | |
onValidateSet(set) { | |
const rgb97Legality = { | |
charizard: { fly: "illegal" }, | |
butterfree: { | |
confusion: 12, | |
poisonpowder: 15, | |
stunspore: 16, | |
sleeppowder: 17, | |
supersonic: 21, | |
psybeam: 34, | |
flash: "illegal", | |
gust: "illegal" | |
}, | |
fearow: { payday: "illegal" }, | |
pikachu: { quickattack: 16, tailwhip: "illegal", slam: "illegal", lightscreen: "illegal" }, | |
raichu: { quickattack: 16, tailwhip: "illegal", slam: "illegal", lightscreen: "illegal" }, | |
nidoranf: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
nidorina: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
nidoqueen: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
nidoranm: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
nidorino: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
nidoking: { doublekick: 43 }, | |
venonat: { poisonpowder: 24, supersonic: "illegal", confusion: "illegal" }, | |
venomoth: { poisonpowder: 24, supersonic: "illegal" }, | |
diglett: { cut: "illegal" }, | |
dugtrio: { cut: "illegal" }, | |
psyduck: { amnesia: "illegal" }, | |
golduck: { amnesia: "illegal" }, | |
mankey: { lowkick: "illegal", screech: "illegal" }, | |
primeape: { lowkick: "illegal", screech: "illegal" }, | |
kadabra: { kinesis: "illegal" }, | |
alakazam: { kinesis: "illegal" }, | |
rapidash: { payday: "illegal" }, | |
cubone: { tailwhip: "illegal", headbutt: "illegal" }, | |
marowak: { tailwhip: "illegal", headbutt: "illegal" }, | |
chansey: { tailwhip: "illegal" }, | |
tangela: { absorb: 29, growth: 49, vinewhip: "illegal" }, | |
scyther: { wingattack: "illegal" }, | |
pinsir: { bind: "illegal" }, | |
magikarp: { dragonrage: "illegal" }, | |
eevee: { quickattack: 27, tailwhip: 31, bite: 37, growl: "illegal", focusenergy: "illegal" }, | |
vaporeon: { | |
quickattack: 27, | |
tailwhip: 31, | |
watergun: 31, | |
bite: 37, | |
acidarmor: 42, | |
haze: 44, | |
mist: 48, | |
hydropump: 54, | |
growl: "illegal", | |
focusenergy: "illegal", | |
aurorabeam: "illegal" | |
}, | |
jolteon: { | |
quickattack: 27, | |
tailwhip: 31, | |
thundershock: 31, | |
bite: 37, | |
doublekick: 42, | |
agility: 44, | |
pinmissile: 48, | |
growl: "illegal", | |
focusenergy: "illegal" | |
}, | |
flareon: { | |
quickattack: 27, | |
tailwhip: 31, | |
ember: 31, | |
bite: 37, | |
leer: 42, | |
firespin: 44, | |
flamethrower: 54, | |
growl: "illegal", | |
focusenergy: "illegal", | |
smog: "illegal" | |
} | |
}; | |
const species = this.dex.species.get(set.species ||; | |
const legalityList = rgb97Legality[]; | |
if (!legalityList) | |
return; | |
const problems = []; | |
if (set.moves) { | |
for (const moveid of { | |
const legality = legalityList[moveid]; | |
if (legality) { | |
if (legality === "illegal") { | |
problems.push(`${set.species} can't learn ${this.dex.moves.get(moveid).name} in 1997.`); | |
} else if (set.level < legality) { | |
problems.push(`${set.species} can't learn ${this.dex.moves.get(moveid).name} before level ${legalityList[moveid]} in 1997.`); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return problems; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
//# | |