Pokemon_server / dist /data /abilities.js
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"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var abilities_exports = {};
__export(abilities_exports, {
Abilities: () => Abilities
module.exports = __toCommonJS(abilities_exports);
const Abilities = {
noability: {
isNonstandard: "Past",
flags: {},
name: "No Ability",
rating: 0.1,
num: 0
adaptability: {
onModifySTAB(stab, source, target, move) {
if (move.forceSTAB || source.hasType(move.type)) {
if (stab === 2) {
return 2.25;
return 2;
flags: {},
name: "Adaptability",
rating: 4,
num: 91
aerilate: {
onModifyTypePriority: -1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
const noModifyType = [
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes(move.id) && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !(move.name === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) {
move.type = "Flying";
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect;
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect)
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Aerilate",
rating: 4,
num: 184
aftermath: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!target.hp && this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) {
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 4, source, target);
flags: {},
name: "Aftermath",
rating: 2,
num: 106
airlock: {
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Air Lock");
this.effect.onStart.call(this, pokemon);
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false;
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect);
onEnd(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = true;
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect);
suppressWeather: true,
flags: {},
name: "Air Lock",
rating: 1.5,
num: 76
analytic: {
onBasePowerPriority: 21,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon) {
let boosted = true;
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) {
if (target === pokemon)
if (this.queue.willMove(target)) {
boosted = false;
if (boosted) {
this.debug("Analytic boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Analytic",
rating: 2.5,
num: 148
angerpoint: {
onHit(target, source, move) {
if (!target.hp)
if (move?.effectType === "Move" && target.getMoveHitData(move).crit) {
this.boost({ atk: 12 }, target, target);
flags: {},
name: "Anger Point",
rating: 1,
num: 83
angershell: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.multihit && (!effect.negateSecondary && !(effect.hasSheerForce && source.hasAbility("sheerforce")))) {
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = false;
} else {
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = true;
onTryEatItem(item) {
const healingItems = [
if (healingItems.includes(item.id)) {
return this.effectState.checkedAngerShell;
return true;
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) {
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = true;
if (!source || source === target || !target.hp || !move.totalDamage)
const lastAttackedBy = target.getLastAttackedBy();
if (!lastAttackedBy)
const damage = move.multihit ? move.totalDamage : lastAttackedBy.damage;
if (target.hp <= target.maxhp / 2 && target.hp + damage > target.maxhp / 2) {
this.boost({ atk: 1, spa: 1, spe: 1, def: -1, spd: -1 }, target, target);
flags: {},
name: "Anger Shell",
rating: 3,
num: 271
anticipation: {
onStart(pokemon) {
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
for (const moveSlot of target.moveSlots) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.move);
if (move.category === "Status")
const moveType = move.id === "hiddenpower" ? target.hpType : move.type;
if (this.dex.getImmunity(moveType, pokemon) && this.dex.getEffectiveness(moveType, pokemon) > 0 || move.ohko) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Anticipation");
flags: {},
name: "Anticipation",
rating: 0.5,
num: 107
arenatrap: {
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.isAdjacent(this.effectState.target))
if (pokemon.isGrounded()) {
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) {
if (!source)
source = this.effectState.target;
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source))
if (pokemon.isGrounded(!pokemon.knownType)) {
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true;
flags: {},
name: "Arena Trap",
rating: 5,
num: 71
armortail: {
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) {
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"];
if (move.target === "foeSide" || move.target === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes(move.id)) {
const armorTailHolder = this.effectState.target;
if ((source.isAlly(armorTailHolder) || move.target === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) {
this.add("cant", armorTailHolder, "ability: Armor Tail", move, `[of] ${target}`);
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Armor Tail",
rating: 2.5,
num: 296
aromaveil: {
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target, source, effect) {
if (["attract", "disable", "encore", "healblock", "taunt", "torment"].includes(status.id)) {
if (effect.effectType === "Move") {
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Aroma Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Aroma Veil",
rating: 2,
num: 165
asoneglastrier: {
onSwitchInPriority: 1,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.unnerved)
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "As One");
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve");
this.effectState.unnerved = true;
onEnd() {
this.effectState.unnerved = false;
onFoeTryEatItem() {
return !this.effectState.unnerved;
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.boost({ atk: length }, source, source, this.dex.abilities.get("chillingneigh"));
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "As One (Glastrier)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 266
asonespectrier: {
onSwitchInPriority: 1,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.unnerved)
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "As One");
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve");
this.effectState.unnerved = true;
onEnd() {
this.effectState.unnerved = false;
onFoeTryEatItem() {
return !this.effectState.unnerved;
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.boost({ spa: length }, source, source, this.dex.abilities.get("grimneigh"));
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "As One (Spectrier)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 267
aurabreak: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Aura Break");
onAnyTryPrimaryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target === source || move.category === "Status")
move.hasAuraBreak = true;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Aura Break",
rating: 1,
num: 188
baddreams: {
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.hp)
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
if (target.status === "slp" || target.hasAbility("comatose")) {
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Bad Dreams",
rating: 1.5,
num: 123
ballfetch: {
flags: {},
name: "Ball Fetch",
rating: 0,
num: 237
battery: {
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22,
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (attacker !== this.effectState.target && move.category === "Special") {
this.debug("Battery boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Battery",
rating: 0,
num: 217
battlearmor: {
onCriticalHit: false,
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Battle Armor",
rating: 1,
num: 4
battlebond: {
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.effectType !== "Move")
if (source.abilityState.battleBondTriggered)
if (source.species.id === "greninjabond" && source.hp && !source.transformed && source.side.foePokemonLeft()) {
this.boost({ atk: 1, spa: 1, spe: 1 }, source, source, this.effect);
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: Battle Bond");
source.abilityState.battleBondTriggered = true;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Battle Bond",
rating: 3.5,
num: 210
beadsofruin: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Beads of Ruin");
onAnyModifySpD(spd, target, source, move) {
const abilityHolder = this.effectState.target;
if (target.hasAbility("Beads of Ruin"))
if (!move.ruinedSpD?.hasAbility("Beads of Ruin"))
move.ruinedSpD = abilityHolder;
if (move.ruinedSpD !== abilityHolder)
this.debug("Beads of Ruin SpD drop");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Beads of Ruin",
rating: 4.5,
num: 284
beastboost: {
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
const bestStat = source.getBestStat(true, true);
this.boost({ [bestStat]: length }, source);
flags: {},
name: "Beast Boost",
rating: 3.5,
num: 224
berserk: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.multihit && (!effect.negateSecondary && !(effect.hasSheerForce && source.hasAbility("sheerforce")))) {
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = false;
} else {
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = true;
onTryEatItem(item) {
const healingItems = [
if (healingItems.includes(item.id)) {
return this.effectState.checkedBerserk;
return true;
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) {
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = true;
if (!source || source === target || !target.hp || !move.totalDamage)
const lastAttackedBy = target.getLastAttackedBy();
if (!lastAttackedBy)
const damage = move.multihit && !move.smartTarget ? move.totalDamage : lastAttackedBy.damage;
if (target.hp <= target.maxhp / 2 && target.hp + damage > target.maxhp / 2) {
this.boost({ spa: 1 }, target, target);
flags: {},
name: "Berserk",
rating: 2,
num: 201
bigpecks: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
if (boost.def && boost.def < 0) {
delete boost.def;
if (!effect.secondaries && effect.id !== "octolock") {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Defense", "[from] ability: Big Pecks", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Big Pecks",
rating: 0.5,
num: 145
blaze: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Blaze boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Blaze boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Blaze",
rating: 2,
num: 66
bulletproof: {
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.flags["bullet"]) {
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Bulletproof");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Bulletproof",
rating: 3,
num: 171
cheekpouch: {
onEatItem(item, pokemon) {
this.heal(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 3);
flags: {},
name: "Cheek Pouch",
rating: 2,
num: 167
chillingneigh: {
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.boost({ atk: length }, source);
flags: {},
name: "Chilling Neigh",
rating: 3,
num: 264
chlorophyll: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Chlorophyll",
rating: 3,
num: 34
clearbody: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
let showMsg = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
delete boost[i];
showMsg = true;
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && effect.id !== "octolock") {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: Clear Body", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Clear Body",
rating: 2,
num: 29
cloudnine: {
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Cloud Nine");
this.effect.onStart.call(this, pokemon);
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false;
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect);
onEnd(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.ending = true;
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect);
suppressWeather: true,
flags: {},
name: "Cloud Nine",
rating: 1.5,
num: 13
colorchange: {
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) {
if (!target.hp)
const type = move.type;
if (target.isActive && move.effectType === "Move" && move.category !== "Status" && type !== "???" && !target.hasType(type)) {
if (!target.setType(type))
return false;
this.add("-start", target, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Color Change");
if (target.side.active.length === 2 && target.position === 1) {
const action = this.queue.willMove(target);
if (action && action.move.id === "curse") {
action.targetLoc = -1;
flags: {},
name: "Color Change",
rating: 0,
num: 16
comatose: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Comatose");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Comatose");
return false;
// Permanent sleep "status" implemented in the relevant sleep-checking effects
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Comatose",
rating: 4,
num: 213
commander: {
onAnySwitchInPriority: -2,
onAnySwitchIn() {
this.effect.onUpdate.call(this, this.effectState.target);
onStart(pokemon) {
this.effect.onUpdate.call(this, pokemon);
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (this.gameType !== "doubles")
if (this.queue.peek()?.choice === "runSwitch")
const ally = pokemon.allies()[0];
if (pokemon.switchFlag || ally?.switchFlag)
if (!ally || pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Tatsugiri" || ally.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Dondozo") {
if (pokemon.getVolatile("commanding"))
if (!pokemon.getVolatile("commanding")) {
if (ally.getVolatile("commanded"))
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Commander", `[of] ${ally}`);
ally.addVolatile("commanded", pokemon);
} else {
if (!ally.fainted)
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 },
name: "Commander",
rating: 0,
num: 279
competitive: {
onAfterEachBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (!source || target.isAlly(source)) {
let statsLowered = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
statsLowered = true;
if (statsLowered) {
this.boost({ spa: 2 }, target, target, null, false, true);
flags: {},
name: "Competitive",
rating: 2.5,
num: 172
compoundeyes: {
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
this.debug("compoundeyes - enhancing accuracy");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Compound Eyes",
rating: 3,
num: 14
contrary: {
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.id === "zpower")
let i;
for (i in boost) {
boost[i] *= -1;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Contrary",
rating: 4.5,
num: 126
corrosion: {
// Implemented in sim/pokemon.js:Pokemon#setStatus
flags: {},
name: "Corrosion",
rating: 2.5,
num: 212
costar: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
const ally = pokemon.allies()[0];
if (!ally)
let i;
for (i in ally.boosts) {
pokemon.boosts[i] = ally.boosts[i];
const volatilesToCopy = ["dragoncheer", "focusenergy", "gmaxchistrike", "laserfocus"];
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy)
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) {
if (ally.volatiles[volatile]) {
if (volatile === "gmaxchistrike")
pokemon.volatiles[volatile].layers = ally.volatiles[volatile].layers;
if (volatile === "dragoncheer")
pokemon.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType = ally.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType;
this.add("-copyboost", pokemon, ally, "[from] ability: Costar");
flags: {},
name: "Costar",
rating: 0,
num: 294
cottondown: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
let activated = false;
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) {
if (pokemon === target || pokemon.fainted)
if (!activated) {
this.add("-ability", target, "Cotton Down");
activated = true;
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, pokemon, target, null, true);
flags: {},
name: "Cotton Down",
rating: 2,
num: 238
cudchew: {
onEatItem(item, pokemon) {
if (item.isBerry && pokemon.addVolatile("cudchew")) {
pokemon.volatiles["cudchew"].berry = item;
onEnd(pokemon) {
delete pokemon.volatiles["cudchew"];
condition: {
noCopy: true,
duration: 2,
onRestart() {
this.effectState.duration = 2;
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hp) {
const item = this.effectState.berry;
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Cud Chew");
this.add("-enditem", pokemon, item.name, "[eat]");
if (this.singleEvent("Eat", item, null, pokemon, null, null)) {
this.runEvent("EatItem", pokemon, null, null, item);
if (item.onEat)
pokemon.ateBerry = true;
flags: {},
name: "Cud Chew",
rating: 2,
num: 291
curiousmedicine: {
onStart(pokemon) {
for (const ally of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) {
this.add("-clearboost", ally, "[from] ability: Curious Medicine", `[of] ${pokemon}`);
flags: {},
name: "Curious Medicine",
rating: 0,
num: 261
cursedbody: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (source.volatiles["disable"])
if (!move.isMax && !move.flags["futuremove"] && move.id !== "struggle") {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.addVolatile("disable", this.effectState.target);
flags: {},
name: "Cursed Body",
rating: 2,
num: 130
cutecharm: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.addVolatile("attract", this.effectState.target);
flags: {},
name: "Cute Charm",
rating: 0.5,
num: 56
damp: {
onAnyTryMove(target, source, effect) {
if (["explosion", "mindblown", "mistyexplosion", "selfdestruct"].includes(effect.id)) {
this.add("cant", this.effectState.target, "ability: Damp", effect, `[of] ${target}`);
return false;
onAnyDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.name === "Aftermath") {
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Damp",
rating: 0.5,
num: 6
dancer: {
flags: {},
name: "Dancer",
// implemented in runMove in scripts.js
rating: 1.5,
num: 216
darkaura: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Dark Aura");
onAnyBasePowerPriority: 20,
onAnyBasePower(basePower, source, target, move) {
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type !== "Dark")
if (!move.auraBooster?.hasAbility("Dark Aura"))
move.auraBooster = this.effectState.target;
if (move.auraBooster !== this.effectState.target)
return this.chainModify([move.hasAuraBreak ? 3072 : 5448, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Dark Aura",
rating: 3,
num: 186
dauntlessshield: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.shieldBoost)
pokemon.shieldBoost = true;
this.boost({ def: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Dauntless Shield",
rating: 3.5,
num: 235
dazzling: {
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) {
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"];
if (move.target === "foeSide" || move.target === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes(move.id)) {
const dazzlingHolder = this.effectState.target;
if ((source.isAlly(dazzlingHolder) || move.target === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) {
this.add("cant", dazzlingHolder, "ability: Dazzling", move, `[of] ${target}`);
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Dazzling",
rating: 2.5,
num: 219
defeatist: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2) {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2) {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: {},
name: "Defeatist",
rating: -1,
num: 129
defiant: {
onAfterEachBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (!source || target.isAlly(source)) {
let statsLowered = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
statsLowered = true;
if (statsLowered) {
this.boost({ atk: 2 }, target, target, null, false, true);
flags: {},
name: "Defiant",
rating: 3,
num: 128
deltastream: {
onStart(source) {
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) {
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"];
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "deltastream" && !strongWeathers.includes(weather.id))
return false;
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon)
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) {
if (target === pokemon)
if (target.hasAbility("deltastream")) {
this.field.weatherState.source = target;
flags: {},
name: "Delta Stream",
rating: 4,
num: 191
desolateland: {
onStart(source) {
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) {
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"];
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "desolateland" && !strongWeathers.includes(weather.id))
return false;
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon)
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) {
if (target === pokemon)
if (target.hasAbility("desolateland")) {
this.field.weatherState.source = target;
flags: {},
name: "Desolate Land",
rating: 4.5,
num: 190
disguise: {
onDamagePriority: 1,
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.effectType === "Move" && ["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes(target.species.id)) {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Disguise");
this.effectState.busted = true;
return 0;
onCriticalHit(target, source, move) {
if (!target)
if (!["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes(target.species.id)) {
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6);
if (hitSub)
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type))
return false;
onEffectiveness(typeMod, target, type, move) {
if (!target || move.category === "Status")
if (!["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes(target.species.id)) {
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6);
if (hitSub)
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type))
return 0;
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes(pokemon.species.id) && this.effectState.busted) {
const speciesid = pokemon.species.id === "mimikyutotem" ? "Mimikyu-Busted-Totem" : "Mimikyu-Busted";
pokemon.formeChange(speciesid, this.effect, true);
this.damage(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 8, pokemon, pokemon, this.dex.species.get(speciesid));
flags: {
failroleplay: 1,
noreceiver: 1,
noentrain: 1,
notrace: 1,
failskillswap: 1,
cantsuppress: 1,
breakable: 1,
notransform: 1
name: "Disguise",
rating: 3.5,
num: 209
download: {
onStart(pokemon) {
let totaldef = 0;
let totalspd = 0;
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
totaldef += target.getStat("def", false, true);
totalspd += target.getStat("spd", false, true);
if (totaldef && totaldef >= totalspd) {
this.boost({ spa: 1 });
} else if (totalspd) {
this.boost({ atk: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Download",
rating: 3.5,
num: 88
dragonsmaw: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Dragon") {
this.debug("Dragon's Maw boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Dragon") {
this.debug("Dragon's Maw boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Dragon's Maw",
rating: 3.5,
num: 263
drizzle: {
onStart(source) {
if (source.species.id === "kyogre" && source.item === "blueorb")
flags: {},
name: "Drizzle",
rating: 4,
num: 2
drought: {
onStart(source) {
if (source.species.id === "groudon" && source.item === "redorb")
flags: {},
name: "Drought",
rating: 4,
num: 70
dryskin: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") {
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Dry Skin");
return null;
onSourceBasePowerPriority: 17,
onSourceBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
return this.chainModify(1.25);
onWeather(target, source, effect) {
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella"))
if (effect.id === "raindance" || effect.id === "primordialsea") {
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 8);
} else if (effect.id === "sunnyday" || effect.id === "desolateland") {
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, target);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Dry Skin",
rating: 3,
num: 87
earlybird: {
flags: {},
name: "Early Bird",
// Implemented in statuses.js
rating: 1.5,
num: 48
eartheater: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Ground") {
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Earth Eater");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Earth Eater",
rating: 3.5,
num: 297
effectspore: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target) && !source.status && source.runStatusImmunity("powder")) {
const r = this.random(100);
if (r < 11) {
source.setStatus("slp", target);
} else if (r < 21) {
source.setStatus("par", target);
} else if (r < 30) {
source.setStatus("psn", target);
flags: {},
name: "Effect Spore",
rating: 2,
num: 27
electricsurge: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Electric Surge",
rating: 4,
num: 226
electromorphosis: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
flags: {},
name: "Electromorphosis",
rating: 3,
num: 280
embodyaspectcornerstone: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) {
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.boost({ def: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Embody Aspect (Cornerstone)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 304
embodyaspecthearthflame: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) {
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Embody Aspect (Hearthflame)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 303
embodyaspectteal: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Ogerpon-Teal-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) {
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.boost({ spe: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Embody Aspect (Teal)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 301
embodyaspectwellspring: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name === "Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) {
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.boost({ spd: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Embody Aspect (Wellspring)",
rating: 3.5,
num: 302
emergencyexit: {
onEmergencyExit(target) {
if (!this.canSwitch(target.side) || target.forceSwitchFlag || target.switchFlag)
for (const side of this.sides) {
for (const active of side.active) {
active.switchFlag = false;
target.switchFlag = true;
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Emergency Exit");
flags: {},
name: "Emergency Exit",
rating: 1,
num: 194
fairyaura: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Fairy Aura");
onAnyBasePowerPriority: 20,
onAnyBasePower(basePower, source, target, move) {
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type !== "Fairy")
if (!move.auraBooster?.hasAbility("Fairy Aura"))
move.auraBooster = this.effectState.target;
if (move.auraBooster !== this.effectState.target)
return this.chainModify([move.hasAuraBreak ? 3072 : 5448, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Fairy Aura",
rating: 3,
num: 187
filter: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) {
this.debug("Filter neutralize");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Filter",
rating: 3,
num: 111
flamebody: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("brn", target);
flags: {},
name: "Flame Body",
rating: 2,
num: 49
flareboost: {
onBasePowerPriority: 19,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (attacker.status === "brn" && move.category === "Special") {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Flare Boost",
rating: 2,
num: 138
flashfire: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Fire") {
move.accuracy = true;
if (!target.addVolatile("flashfire")) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Flash Fire");
return null;
onEnd(pokemon) {
condition: {
noCopy: true,
// doesn't get copied by Baton Pass
onStart(target) {
this.add("-start", target, "ability: Flash Fire");
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hasAbility("flashfire")) {
this.debug("Flash Fire boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hasAbility("flashfire")) {
this.debug("Flash Fire boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onEnd(target) {
this.add("-end", target, "ability: Flash Fire", "[silent]");
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Flash Fire",
rating: 3.5,
num: 18
flowergift: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onWeatherChange(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.isActive || pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Cherrim" || pokemon.transformed)
if (!pokemon.hp)
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
if (pokemon.species.id !== "cherrimsunshine") {
pokemon.formeChange("Cherrim-Sunshine", this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]");
} else {
if (pokemon.species.id === "cherrimsunshine") {
pokemon.formeChange("Cherrim", this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]");
onAllyModifyAtkPriority: 3,
onAllyModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.target.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Cherrim")
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onAllyModifySpDPriority: 4,
onAllyModifySpD(spd, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.target.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Cherrim")
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, breakable: 1 },
name: "Flower Gift",
rating: 1,
num: 122
flowerveil: {
onAllyTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source || !target.hasType("Grass"))
let showMsg = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
delete boost[i];
showMsg = true;
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries) {
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (target.hasType("Grass") && source && target !== source && effect && effect.id !== "yawn") {
this.debug("interrupting setStatus with Flower Veil");
if (effect.name === "Synchronize" || effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.secondaries) {
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return null;
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (target.hasType("Grass") && status.id === "yawn") {
this.debug("Flower Veil blocking yawn");
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Flower Veil",
rating: 0,
num: 166
fluffy: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
let mod = 1;
if (move.type === "Fire")
mod *= 2;
if (move.flags["contact"])
mod /= 2;
return this.chainModify(mod);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Fluffy",
rating: 3.5,
num: 218
forecast: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onWeatherChange(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Castform" || pokemon.transformed)
let forme = null;
switch (pokemon.effectiveWeather()) {
case "sunnyday":
case "desolateland":
if (pokemon.species.id !== "castformsunny")
forme = "Castform-Sunny";
case "raindance":
case "primordialsea":
if (pokemon.species.id !== "castformrainy")
forme = "Castform-Rainy";
case "hail":
case "snowscape":
if (pokemon.species.id !== "castformsnowy")
forme = "Castform-Snowy";
if (pokemon.species.id !== "castform")
forme = "Castform";
if (pokemon.isActive && forme) {
pokemon.formeChange(forme, this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 },
name: "Forecast",
rating: 2,
num: 59
forewarn: {
onStart(pokemon) {
let warnMoves = [];
let warnBp = 1;
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
for (const moveSlot of target.moveSlots) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.move);
let bp = move.basePower;
if (move.ohko)
bp = 150;
if (move.id === "counter" || move.id === "metalburst" || move.id === "mirrorcoat")
bp = 120;
if (bp === 1)
bp = 80;
if (!bp && move.category !== "Status")
bp = 80;
if (bp > warnBp) {
warnMoves = [[move, target]];
warnBp = bp;
} else if (bp === warnBp) {
warnMoves.push([move, target]);
if (!warnMoves.length)
const [warnMoveName, warnTarget] = this.sample(warnMoves);
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Forewarn", warnMoveName, `[of] ${warnTarget}`);
flags: {},
name: "Forewarn",
rating: 0.5,
num: 108
friendguard: {
onAnyModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target !== this.effectState.target && target.isAlly(this.effectState.target)) {
this.debug("Friend Guard weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Friend Guard",
rating: 0,
num: 132
frisk: {
onStart(pokemon) {
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) {
if (target.item) {
this.add("-item", target, target.getItem().name, "[from] ability: Frisk", `[of] ${pokemon}`);
flags: {},
name: "Frisk",
rating: 1.5,
num: 119
fullmetalbody: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
let showMsg = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
delete boost[i];
showMsg = true;
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && effect.id !== "octolock") {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: Full Metal Body", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: {},
name: "Full Metal Body",
rating: 2,
num: 230
furcoat: {
onModifyDefPriority: 6,
onModifyDef(def) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Fur Coat",
rating: 4,
num: 169
galewings: {
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move?.type === "Flying" && pokemon.hp === pokemon.maxhp)
return priority + 1;
flags: {},
name: "Gale Wings",
rating: 1.5,
num: 177
galvanize: {
onModifyTypePriority: -1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
const noModifyType = [
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes(move.id) && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !(move.name === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) {
move.type = "Electric";
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect;
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect)
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Galvanize",
rating: 4,
num: 206
gluttony: {
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = true;
onDamage(item, pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = true;
flags: {},
name: "Gluttony",
rating: 1.5,
num: 82
goodasgold: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (move.category === "Status" && target !== source) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Good as Gold");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Good as Gold",
rating: 5,
num: 283
gooey: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) {
this.add("-ability", target, "Gooey");
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, source, target, null, true);
flags: {},
name: "Gooey",
rating: 2,
num: 183
gorillatactics: {
onStart(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock = "";
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.isZOrMaxPowered || move.id === "struggle")
if (pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock && pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock !== move.id) {
this.addMove("move", pokemon, move.name);
this.debug("Disabled by Gorilla Tactics");
this.add("-fail", pokemon);
return false;
onModifyMove(move, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock || move.isZOrMaxPowered || move.id === "struggle")
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock = move.id;
onModifyAtkPriority: 1,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"])
this.debug("Gorilla Tactics Atk Boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onDisableMove(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock)
if (pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"])
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) {
if (moveSlot.id !== pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock) {
pokemon.disableMove(moveSlot.id, false, this.effectState.sourceEffect);
onEnd(pokemon) {
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock = "";
flags: {},
name: "Gorilla Tactics",
rating: 4.5,
num: 255
grasspelt: {
onModifyDefPriority: 6,
onModifyDef(pokemon) {
if (this.field.isTerrain("grassyterrain"))
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Grass Pelt",
rating: 0.5,
num: 179
grassysurge: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Grassy Surge",
rating: 4,
num: 229
grimneigh: {
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.boost({ spa: length }, source);
flags: {},
name: "Grim Neigh",
rating: 3,
num: 265
guarddog: {
onDragOutPriority: 1,
onDragOut(pokemon) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Guard Dog");
return null;
onTryBoostPriority: 2,
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
delete boost.atk;
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, target, target, null, false, true);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Guard Dog",
rating: 2,
num: 275
gulpmissile: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!source.hp || !source.isActive || target.isSemiInvulnerable())
if (["cramorantgulping", "cramorantgorging"].includes(target.species.id)) {
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 4, source, target);
if (target.species.id === "cramorantgulping") {
this.boost({ def: -1 }, source, target, null, true);
} else {
source.trySetStatus("par", target, move);
target.formeChange("cramorant", move);
// The Dive part of this mechanic is implemented in Dive's `onTryMove` in moves.ts
onSourceTryPrimaryHit(target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.id === "surf" && source.hasAbility("gulpmissile") && source.species.name === "Cramorant") {
const forme = source.hp <= source.maxhp / 2 ? "cramorantgorging" : "cramorantgulping";
source.formeChange(forme, effect);
flags: { cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Gulp Missile",
rating: 2.5,
num: 241
guts: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Guts",
rating: 3.5,
num: 62
hadronengine: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (!this.field.setTerrain("electricterrain") && this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Hadron Engine");
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) {
this.debug("Hadron Engine boost");
return this.chainModify([5461, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Hadron Engine",
rating: 4.5,
num: 289
harvest: {
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (this.field.isWeather(["sunnyday", "desolateland"]) || this.randomChance(1, 2)) {
if (pokemon.hp && !pokemon.item && this.dex.items.get(pokemon.lastItem).isBerry) {
pokemon.lastItem = "";
this.add("-item", pokemon, pokemon.getItem(), "[from] ability: Harvest");
flags: {},
name: "Harvest",
rating: 2.5,
num: 139
healer: {
onResidualOrder: 5,
onResidualSubOrder: 3,
onResidual(pokemon) {
for (const allyActive of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) {
if (allyActive.status && this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Healer");
flags: {},
name: "Healer",
rating: 0,
num: 131
heatproof: {
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6,
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
this.debug("Heatproof Atk weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5,
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
this.debug("Heatproof SpA weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.id === "brn") {
return damage / 2;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Heatproof",
rating: 2,
num: 85
heavymetal: {
onModifyWeightPriority: 1,
onModifyWeight(weighthg) {
return weighthg * 2;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Heavy Metal",
rating: 0,
num: 134
honeygather: {
flags: {},
name: "Honey Gather",
rating: 0,
num: 118
hospitality: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
for (const ally of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) {
this.heal(ally.baseMaxhp / 4, ally, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Hospitality",
rating: 0,
num: 299
hugepower: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Huge Power",
rating: 5,
num: 37
hungerswitch: {
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies !== "Morpeko" || pokemon.terastallized)
const targetForme = pokemon.species.name === "Morpeko" ? "Morpeko-Hangry" : "Morpeko";
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Hunger Switch",
rating: 1,
num: 258
hustle: {
// This should be applied directly to the stat as opposed to chaining with the others
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk) {
return this.modify(atk, 1.5);
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) {
if (move.category === "Physical" && typeof accuracy === "number") {
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Hustle",
rating: 3.5,
num: 55
hydration: {
onResidualOrder: 5,
onResidualSubOrder: 3,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status && ["raindance", "primordialsea"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Hydration");
flags: {},
name: "Hydration",
rating: 1.5,
num: 93
hypercutter: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
if (boost.atk && boost.atk < 0) {
delete boost.atk;
if (!effect.secondaries) {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Hyper Cutter", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Hyper Cutter",
rating: 1.5,
num: 52
icebody: {
onWeather(target, source, effect) {
if (effect.id === "hail" || effect.id === "snowscape") {
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 16);
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "hail")
return false;
flags: {},
name: "Ice Body",
rating: 1,
num: 115
iceface: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"]) && pokemon.species.id === "eiscuenoice") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ice Face");
this.effectState.busted = false;
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue", this.effect, true);
onDamagePriority: 1,
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.effectType === "Move" && effect.category === "Physical" && target.species.id === "eiscue") {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Ice Face");
this.effectState.busted = true;
return 0;
onCriticalHit(target, type, move) {
if (!target)
if (move.category !== "Physical" || target.species.id !== "eiscue")
if (target.volatiles["substitute"] && !(move.flags["bypasssub"] || move.infiltrates))
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type))
return false;
onEffectiveness(typeMod, target, type, move) {
if (!target)
if (move.category !== "Physical" || target.species.id !== "eiscue")
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6);
if (hitSub)
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type))
return 0;
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.species.id === "eiscue" && this.effectState.busted) {
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue-Noice", this.effect, true);
onWeatherChange(pokemon, source, sourceEffect) {
if (sourceEffect?.suppressWeather)
if (!pokemon.hp)
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"]) && pokemon.species.id === "eiscuenoice") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ice Face");
this.effectState.busted = false;
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue", this.effect, true);
flags: {
failroleplay: 1,
noreceiver: 1,
noentrain: 1,
notrace: 1,
failskillswap: 1,
cantsuppress: 1,
breakable: 1,
notransform: 1
name: "Ice Face",
rating: 3,
num: 248
icescales: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (move.category === "Special") {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Ice Scales",
rating: 4,
num: 246
illuminate: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) {
delete boost.accuracy;
if (!effect.secondaries) {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Illuminate", `[of] ${target}`);
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreEvasion = true;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Illuminate",
rating: 0.5,
num: 35
illusion: {
onBeforeSwitchIn(pokemon) {
pokemon.illusion = null;
for (let i = pokemon.side.pokemon.length - 1; i > pokemon.position; i--) {
const possibleTarget = pokemon.side.pokemon[i];
if (!possibleTarget.fainted) {
if (!pokemon.terastallized || possibleTarget.species.baseSpecies !== "Ogerpon") {
pokemon.illusion = possibleTarget;
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (target.illusion) {
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), target.abilityState, target, source, move);
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.illusion) {
this.debug("illusion cleared");
pokemon.illusion = null;
const details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails();
this.add("replace", pokemon, details);
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Illusion");
if (this.ruleTable.has("illusionlevelmod")) {
this.hint("Illusion Level Mod is active, so this Pok\xE9mon's true level was hidden.", true);
onFaint(pokemon) {
pokemon.illusion = null;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 },
name: "Illusion",
rating: 4.5,
num: 149
immunity: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "psn" || pokemon.status === "tox") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Immunity");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "psn" && status.id !== "tox")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Immunity");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Immunity",
rating: 2,
num: 17
imposter: {
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
const target = pokemon.side.foe.active[pokemon.side.foe.active.length - 1 - pokemon.position];
if (target) {
pokemon.transformInto(target, this.dex.abilities.get("imposter"));
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 },
name: "Imposter",
rating: 5,
num: 150
infiltrator: {
onModifyMove(move) {
move.infiltrates = true;
flags: {},
name: "Infiltrator",
rating: 2.5,
num: 151
innardsout: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!target.hp) {
this.damage(target.getUndynamaxedHP(damage), source, target);
flags: {},
name: "Innards Out",
rating: 4,
num: 215
innerfocus: {
onTryAddVolatile(status, pokemon) {
if (status.id === "flinch")
return null;
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
delete boost.atk;
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Inner Focus", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Inner Focus",
rating: 1,
num: 39
insomnia: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "slp") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Insomnia");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "slp")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Insomnia");
return false;
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (status.id === "yawn") {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Insomnia");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Insomnia",
rating: 1.5,
num: 15
intimidate: {
onStart(pokemon) {
let activated = false;
for (const target of pokemon.adjacentFoes()) {
if (!activated) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Intimidate", "boost");
activated = true;
if (target.volatiles["substitute"]) {
this.add("-immune", target);
} else {
this.boost({ atk: -1 }, target, pokemon, null, true);
flags: {},
name: "Intimidate",
rating: 3.5,
num: 22
intrepidsword: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.swordBoost)
pokemon.swordBoost = true;
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Intrepid Sword",
rating: 4,
num: 234
ironbarbs: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) {
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 8, source, target);
flags: {},
name: "Iron Barbs",
rating: 2.5,
num: 160
ironfist: {
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["punch"]) {
this.debug("Iron Fist boost");
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Iron Fist",
rating: 3,
num: 89
justified: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (move.type === "Dark") {
this.boost({ atk: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Justified",
rating: 2.5,
num: 154
keeneye: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) {
delete boost.accuracy;
if (!effect.secondaries) {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Keen Eye", `[of] ${target}`);
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreEvasion = true;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Keen Eye",
rating: 0.5,
num: 51
klutz: {
// Klutz isn't technically active immediately in-game, but it activates early enough to beat all items
// we should keep an eye out in future gens for items that activate on switch-in before Unnerve
onSwitchInPriority: 1,
// Item suppression implemented in Pokemon.ignoringItem() within sim/pokemon.js
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("End", pokemon.getItem(), pokemon.itemState, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Klutz",
rating: -1,
num: 103
leafguard: {
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(target.effectiveWeather())) {
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Leaf Guard");
return false;
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (status.id === "yawn" && ["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(target.effectiveWeather())) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Leaf Guard");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Leaf Guard",
rating: 0.5,
num: 102
levitate: {
// airborneness implemented in sim/pokemon.js:Pokemon#isGrounded
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Levitate",
rating: 3.5,
num: 26
libero: {
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) {
if (this.effectState.libero === source.previouslySwitchedIn)
if (move.hasBounced || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.sourceEffect === "snatch" || move.callsMove)
const type = move.type;
if (type && type !== "???" && source.getTypes().join() !== type) {
if (!source.setType(type))
this.effectState.libero = source.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.add("-start", source, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Libero");
flags: {},
name: "Libero",
rating: 4,
num: 236
lightmetal: {
onModifyWeight(weighthg) {
return this.trunc(weighthg / 2);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Light Metal",
rating: 1,
num: 135
lightningrod: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") {
if (!this.boost({ spa: 1 })) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Lightning Rod");
return null;
onAnyRedirectTarget(target, source, source2, move) {
if (move.type !== "Electric" || move.flags["pledgecombo"])
const redirectTarget = ["randomNormal", "adjacentFoe"].includes(move.target) ? "normal" : move.target;
if (this.validTarget(this.effectState.target, source, redirectTarget)) {
if (move.smartTarget)
move.smartTarget = false;
if (this.effectState.target !== target) {
this.add("-activate", this.effectState.target, "ability: Lightning Rod");
return this.effectState.target;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Lightning Rod",
rating: 3,
num: 31
limber: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "par") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Limber");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "par")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Limber");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Limber",
rating: 2,
num: 7
lingeringaroma: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
const sourceAbility = source.getAbility();
if (sourceAbility.flags["cantsuppress"] || sourceAbility.id === "lingeringaroma") {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, !source.isAlly(target))) {
const oldAbility = source.setAbility("lingeringaroma", target);
if (oldAbility) {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Lingering Aroma", this.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility).name, `[of] ${source}`);
flags: {},
name: "Lingering Aroma",
rating: 2,
num: 268
liquidooze: {
onSourceTryHeal(damage, target, source, effect) {
this.debug(`Heal is occurring: ${target} <- ${source} :: ${effect.id}`);
const canOoze = ["drain", "leechseed", "strengthsap"];
if (canOoze.includes(effect.id)) {
return 0;
flags: {},
name: "Liquid Ooze",
rating: 2.5,
num: 64
liquidvoice: {
onModifyTypePriority: -1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
if (move.flags["sound"] && !pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) {
move.type = "Water";
flags: {},
name: "Liquid Voice",
rating: 1.5,
num: 204
longreach: {
onModifyMove(move) {
delete move.flags["contact"];
flags: {},
name: "Long Reach",
rating: 1,
num: 203
magicbounce: {
onTryHitPriority: 1,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target === source || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"] || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) {
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(move.id);
newMove.hasBounced = true;
newMove.pranksterBoosted = false;
this.actions.useMove(newMove, target, { target: source });
return null;
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) {
if (target.isAlly(source) || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"] || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) {
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(move.id);
newMove.hasBounced = true;
newMove.pranksterBoosted = false;
this.actions.useMove(newMove, this.effectState.target, { target: source });
return null;
condition: {
duration: 1
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Magic Bounce",
rating: 4,
num: 156
magicguard: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.effectType !== "Move") {
if (effect.effectType === "Ability")
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: " + effect.name);
return false;
flags: {},
name: "Magic Guard",
rating: 4,
num: 98
magician: {
onAfterMoveSecondarySelf(source, target, move) {
if (!move || !target || source.switchFlag === true)
if (target !== source && move.category !== "Status") {
if (source.item || source.volatiles["gem"] || move.id === "fling")
const yourItem = target.takeItem(source);
if (!yourItem)
if (!source.setItem(yourItem)) {
target.item = yourItem.id;
this.add("-item", source, yourItem, "[from] ability: Magician", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: {},
name: "Magician",
rating: 1,
num: 170
magmaarmor: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "frz") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Magma Armor");
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "frz")
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Magma Armor",
rating: 0.5,
num: 40
magnetpull: {
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hasType("Steel") && pokemon.isAdjacent(this.effectState.target)) {
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) {
if (!source)
source = this.effectState.target;
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source))
if (!pokemon.knownType || pokemon.hasType("Steel")) {
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true;
flags: {},
name: "Magnet Pull",
rating: 4,
num: 42
marvelscale: {
onModifyDefPriority: 6,
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Marvel Scale",
rating: 2.5,
num: 63
megalauncher: {
onBasePowerPriority: 19,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["pulse"]) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Mega Launcher",
rating: 3,
num: 178
merciless: {
onModifyCritRatio(critRatio, source, target) {
if (target && ["psn", "tox"].includes(target.status))
return 5;
flags: {},
name: "Merciless",
rating: 1.5,
num: 196
mimicry: {
onSwitchInPriority: -1,
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("TerrainChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onTerrainChange(pokemon) {
let types;
switch (this.field.terrain) {
case "electricterrain":
types = ["Electric"];
case "grassyterrain":
types = ["Grass"];
case "mistyterrain":
types = ["Fairy"];
case "psychicterrain":
types = ["Psychic"];
types = pokemon.baseSpecies.types;
const oldTypes = pokemon.getTypes();
if (oldTypes.join() === types.join() || !pokemon.setType(types))
if (this.field.terrain || pokemon.transformed) {
this.add("-start", pokemon, "typechange", types.join("/"), "[from] ability: Mimicry");
if (!this.field.terrain)
this.hint("Transform Mimicry changes you to your original un-transformed types.");
} else {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Mimicry");
this.add("-end", pokemon, "typechange", "[silent]");
flags: {},
name: "Mimicry",
rating: 0,
num: 250
mindseye: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) {
delete boost.accuracy;
if (!effect.secondaries) {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Mind's Eye", `[of] ${target}`);
onModifyMovePriority: -5,
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreEvasion = true;
if (!move.ignoreImmunity)
move.ignoreImmunity = {};
if (move.ignoreImmunity !== true) {
move.ignoreImmunity["Fighting"] = true;
move.ignoreImmunity["Normal"] = true;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Mind's Eye",
rating: 0,
num: 300
minus: {
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
for (const allyActive of pokemon.allies()) {
if (allyActive.hasAbility(["minus", "plus"])) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Minus",
rating: 0,
num: 58
mirrorarmor: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (!source || target === source || !boost || effect.name === "Mirror Armor")
let b;
for (b in boost) {
if (boost[b] < 0) {
if (target.boosts[b] === -6)
const negativeBoost = {};
negativeBoost[b] = boost[b];
delete boost[b];
if (source.hp) {
this.add("-ability", target, "Mirror Armor");
this.boost(negativeBoost, source, target, null, true);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Mirror Armor",
rating: 2,
num: 240
mistysurge: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Misty Surge",
rating: 3.5,
num: 228
moldbreaker: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Mold Breaker");
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreAbility = true;
flags: {},
name: "Mold Breaker",
rating: 3,
num: 104
moody: {
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onResidual(pokemon) {
let stats = [];
const boost = {};
let statPlus;
for (statPlus in pokemon.boosts) {
if (statPlus === "accuracy" || statPlus === "evasion")
if (pokemon.boosts[statPlus] < 6) {
let randomStat = stats.length ? this.sample(stats) : void 0;
if (randomStat)
boost[randomStat] = 2;
stats = [];
let statMinus;
for (statMinus in pokemon.boosts) {
if (statMinus === "accuracy" || statMinus === "evasion")
if (pokemon.boosts[statMinus] > -6 && statMinus !== randomStat) {
randomStat = stats.length ? this.sample(stats) : void 0;
if (randomStat)
boost[randomStat] = -1;
this.boost(boost, pokemon, pokemon);
flags: {},
name: "Moody",
rating: 5,
num: 141
motordrive: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") {
if (!this.boost({ spe: 1 })) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Motor Drive");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Motor Drive",
rating: 3,
num: 78
moxie: {
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.boost({ atk: length }, source);
flags: {},
name: "Moxie",
rating: 3,
num: 153
multiscale: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.hp >= target.maxhp) {
this.debug("Multiscale weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Multiscale",
rating: 3.5,
num: 136
multitype: {
// Multitype's type-changing itself is implemented in statuses.js
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Multitype",
rating: 4,
num: 121
mummy: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
const sourceAbility = source.getAbility();
if (sourceAbility.flags["cantsuppress"] || sourceAbility.id === "mummy") {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, !source.isAlly(target))) {
const oldAbility = source.setAbility("mummy", target);
if (oldAbility) {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Mummy", this.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility).name, `[of] ${source}`);
flags: {},
name: "Mummy",
rating: 2,
num: 152
myceliummight: {
onFractionalPriorityPriority: -1,
onFractionalPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.category === "Status") {
return -0.1;
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.category === "Status") {
move.ignoreAbility = true;
flags: {},
name: "Mycelium Might",
rating: 2,
num: 298
naturalcure: {
onCheckShow(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.side.active.length === 1)
if (pokemon.showCure === true || pokemon.showCure === false)
const cureList = [];
let noCureCount = 0;
for (const curPoke of pokemon.side.active) {
if (!curPoke?.status) {
if (curPoke.showCure) {
const species = curPoke.species;
if (!Object.values(species.abilities).includes("Natural Cure")) {
if (!species.abilities["1"] && !species.abilities["H"]) {
if (curPoke !== pokemon && !this.queue.willSwitch(curPoke)) {
if (curPoke.hasAbility("naturalcure")) {
} else {
if (!cureList.length || !noCureCount) {
for (const pkmn of cureList) {
pkmn.showCure = true;
} else {
this.add("-message", `(${cureList.length} of ${pokemon.side.name}'s pokemon ${cureList.length === 1 ? "was" : "were"} cured by Natural Cure.)`);
for (const pkmn of cureList) {
pkmn.showCure = false;
onSwitchOut(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.status)
if (pokemon.showCure === void 0)
pokemon.showCure = true;
if (pokemon.showCure)
this.add("-curestatus", pokemon, pokemon.status, "[from] ability: Natural Cure");
if (!pokemon.showCure)
pokemon.showCure = void 0;
flags: {},
name: "Natural Cure",
rating: 2.5,
num: 30
neuroforce: {
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (move && target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) {
return this.chainModify([5120, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Neuroforce",
rating: 2.5,
num: 233
neutralizinggas: {
// Ability suppression implemented in sim/pokemon.ts:Pokemon#ignoringAbility
onSwitchInPriority: 2,
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Neutralizing Gas");
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false;
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"];
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) {
if (target.hasItem("Ability Shield")) {
this.add("-block", target, "item: Ability Shield");
if (target.volatiles["commanding"]) {
if (target.illusion) {
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), target.abilityState, target, pokemon, "neutralizinggas");
if (target.volatiles["slowstart"]) {
delete target.volatiles["slowstart"];
this.add("-end", target, "Slow Start", "[silent]");
if (strongWeathers.includes(target.getAbility().id)) {
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get(target.getAbility().id), target.abilityState, target, pokemon, "neutralizinggas");
onEnd(source) {
if (source.transformed)
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) {
if (pokemon !== source && pokemon.hasAbility("Neutralizing Gas")) {
this.add("-end", source, "ability: Neutralizing Gas");
if (source.abilityState.ending)
source.abilityState.ending = true;
const sortedActive = this.getAllActive();
for (const pokemon of sortedActive) {
if (pokemon !== source) {
if (pokemon.getAbility().flags["cantsuppress"])
if (pokemon.hasItem("abilityshield"))
this.singleEvent("Start", pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon);
if (pokemon.ability === "gluttony") {
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = false;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Neutralizing Gas",
rating: 3.5,
num: 256
noguard: {
onAnyInvulnerabilityPriority: 1,
onAnyInvulnerability(target, source, move) {
if (move && (source === this.effectState.target || target === this.effectState.target))
return 0;
onAnyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) {
if (move && (source === this.effectState.target || target === this.effectState.target)) {
return true;
return accuracy;
flags: {},
name: "No Guard",
rating: 4,
num: 99
normalize: {
onModifyTypePriority: 1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
const noModifyType = [
if (!(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !noModifyType.includes(move.id) && // TODO: Figure out actual interaction
!(move.name === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) {
move.type = "Normal";
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect;
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect)
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Normalize",
rating: 0,
num: 96
oblivious: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.volatiles["attract"]) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Oblivious");
this.add("-end", pokemon, "move: Attract", "[from] ability: Oblivious");
if (pokemon.volatiles["taunt"]) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Oblivious");
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "attract")
return false;
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.id === "attract" || move.id === "captivate" || move.id === "taunt") {
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Oblivious");
return null;
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
delete boost.atk;
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Oblivious", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Oblivious",
rating: 1.5,
num: 12
opportunist: {
onFoeAfterBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.name === "Opportunist" || effect?.name === "Mirror Herb")
if (!this.effectState.boosts)
this.effectState.boosts = {};
const boostPlus = this.effectState.boosts;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] > 0) {
boostPlus[i] = (boostPlus[i] || 0) + boost[i];
onAnySwitchInPriority: -3,
onAnySwitchIn() {
if (!this.effectState.boosts)
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts, this.effectState.target);
delete this.effectState.boosts;
onAnyAfterMove() {
if (!this.effectState.boosts)
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts, this.effectState.target);
delete this.effectState.boosts;
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (!this.effectState.boosts)
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts, this.effectState.target);
delete this.effectState.boosts;
onEnd() {
delete this.effectState.boosts;
flags: {},
name: "Opportunist",
rating: 3,
num: 290
orichalcumpulse: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.field.setWeather("sunnyday")) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "Orichalcum Pulse", "[source]");
} else if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Orichalcum Pulse");
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
this.debug("Orichalcum boost");
return this.chainModify([5461, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Orichalcum Pulse",
rating: 4.5,
num: 288
overcoat: {
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "sandstorm" || type === "hail" || type === "powder")
return false;
onTryHitPriority: 1,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (move.flags["powder"] && target !== source && this.dex.getImmunity("powder", target)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Overcoat");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Overcoat",
rating: 2,
num: 142
overgrow: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Grass" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Overgrow boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Grass" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Overgrow boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Overgrow",
rating: 2,
num: 65
owntempo: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.volatiles["confusion"]) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Own Tempo");
onTryAddVolatile(status, pokemon) {
if (status.id === "confusion")
return null;
onHit(target, source, move) {
if (move?.volatileStatus === "confusion") {
this.add("-immune", target, "confusion", "[from] ability: Own Tempo");
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
delete boost.atk;
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Own Tempo", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Own Tempo",
rating: 1.5,
num: 20
parentalbond: {
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) {
if (move.category === "Status" || move.multihit || move.flags["noparentalbond"] || move.flags["charge"] || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.spreadHit || move.isZ || move.isMax)
move.multihit = 2;
move.multihitType = "parentalbond";
// Damage modifier implemented in BattleActions#modifyDamage()
onSourceModifySecondaries(secondaries, target, source, move) {
if (move.multihitType === "parentalbond" && move.id === "secretpower" && move.hit < 2) {
return secondaries.filter((effect) => effect.volatileStatus === "flinch");
flags: {},
name: "Parental Bond",
rating: 4.5,
num: 185
pastelveil: {
onStart(pokemon) {
for (const ally of pokemon.alliesAndSelf()) {
if (["psn", "tox"].includes(ally.status)) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Pastel Veil");
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (["psn", "tox"].includes(pokemon.status)) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Pastel Veil");
onAnySwitchIn() {
this.effect.onStart.call(this, this.effectState.target);
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (!["psn", "tox"].includes(status.id))
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Pastel Veil");
return false;
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (!["psn", "tox"].includes(status.id))
if (effect?.status) {
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Pastel Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Pastel Veil",
rating: 2,
num: 257
perishbody: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (!this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target) || source.volatiles["perishsong"])
this.add("-ability", target, "Perish Body");
flags: {},
name: "Perish Body",
rating: 1,
num: 253
pickpocket: {
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) {
if (source && source !== target && move?.flags["contact"]) {
if (target.item || target.switchFlag || target.forceSwitchFlag || source.switchFlag === true) {
const yourItem = source.takeItem(target);
if (!yourItem) {
if (!target.setItem(yourItem)) {
source.item = yourItem.id;
this.add("-enditem", source, yourItem, "[silent]", "[from] ability: Pickpocket", `[of] ${source}`);
this.add("-item", target, yourItem, "[from] ability: Pickpocket", `[of] ${source}`);
flags: {},
name: "Pickpocket",
rating: 1,
num: 124
pickup: {
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.item)
const pickupTargets = this.getAllActive().filter((target) => target.lastItem && target.usedItemThisTurn && pokemon.isAdjacent(target));
if (!pickupTargets.length)
const randomTarget = this.sample(pickupTargets);
const item = randomTarget.lastItem;
randomTarget.lastItem = "";
this.add("-item", pokemon, this.dex.items.get(item), "[from] ability: Pickup");
flags: {},
name: "Pickup",
rating: 0.5,
num: 53
pixilate: {
onModifyTypePriority: -1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
const noModifyType = [
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes(move.id) && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !(move.name === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) {
move.type = "Fairy";
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect;
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect)
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Pixilate",
rating: 4,
num: 182
plus: {
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
for (const allyActive of pokemon.allies()) {
if (allyActive.hasAbility(["minus", "plus"])) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Plus",
rating: 0,
num: 57
poisonheal: {
onDamagePriority: 1,
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.id === "psn" || effect.id === "tox") {
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 8);
return false;
flags: {},
name: "Poison Heal",
rating: 4,
num: 90
poisonpoint: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("psn", target);
flags: {},
name: "Poison Point",
rating: 1.5,
num: 38
poisonpuppeteer: {
onAnyAfterSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (source.baseSpecies.name !== "Pecharunt")
if (source !== this.effectState.target || target === source || effect.effectType !== "Move")
if (status.id === "psn" || status.id === "tox") {
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 },
name: "Poison Puppeteer",
rating: 3,
num: 310
poisontouch: {
onSourceDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (target.hasAbility("shielddust") || target.hasItem("covertcloak"))
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, target, source)) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
target.trySetStatus("psn", source);
flags: {},
name: "Poison Touch",
rating: 2,
num: 143
powerconstruct: {
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Zygarde" || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp)
if (pokemon.species.id === "zygardecomplete" || pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2)
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Power Construct");
pokemon.formeChange("Zygarde-Complete", this.effect, true);
pokemon.baseMaxhp = Math.floor(Math.floor(
2 * pokemon.species.baseStats["hp"] + pokemon.set.ivs["hp"] + Math.floor(pokemon.set.evs["hp"] / 4) + 100
) * pokemon.level / 100 + 10);
const newMaxHP = pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"] ? 2 * pokemon.baseMaxhp : pokemon.baseMaxhp;
pokemon.hp = newMaxHP - (pokemon.maxhp - pokemon.hp);
pokemon.maxhp = newMaxHP;
this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Power Construct",
rating: 5,
num: 211
powerofalchemy: {
onAllyFaint(target) {
if (!this.effectState.target.hp)
const ability = target.getAbility();
if (ability.flags["noreceiver"] || ability.id === "noability")
if (this.effectState.target.setAbility(ability)) {
this.add("-ability", this.effectState.target, ability, "[from] ability: Power of Alchemy", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 },
name: "Power of Alchemy",
rating: 0,
num: 223
powerspot: {
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22,
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (attacker !== this.effectState.target) {
this.debug("Power Spot boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Power Spot",
rating: 0,
num: 249
prankster: {
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move?.category === "Status") {
move.pranksterBoosted = true;
return priority + 1;
flags: {},
name: "Prankster",
rating: 4,
num: 158
pressure: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Pressure");
onDeductPP(target, source) {
if (target.isAlly(source))
return 1;
flags: {},
name: "Pressure",
rating: 2.5,
num: 46
primordialsea: {
onStart(source) {
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) {
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"];
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "primordialsea" && !strongWeathers.includes(weather.id))
return false;
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon)
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) {
if (target === pokemon)
if (target.hasAbility("primordialsea")) {
this.field.weatherState.source = target;
flags: {},
name: "Primordial Sea",
rating: 4.5,
num: 189
prismarmor: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) {
this.debug("Prism Armor neutralize");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Prism Armor",
rating: 3,
num: 232
propellertail: {
onModifyMovePriority: 1,
onModifyMove(move) {
move.tracksTarget = move.target !== "scripted";
flags: {},
name: "Propeller Tail",
rating: 0,
num: 239
protean: {
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) {
if (this.effectState.protean === source.previouslySwitchedIn)
if (move.hasBounced || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.sourceEffect === "snatch" || move.callsMove)
const type = move.type;
if (type && type !== "???" && source.getTypes().join() !== type) {
if (!source.setType(type))
this.effectState.protean = source.previouslySwitchedIn;
this.add("-start", source, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Protean");
flags: {},
name: "Protean",
rating: 4,
num: 168
protosynthesis: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onWeatherChange(pokemon) {
if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
} else if (!pokemon.volatiles["protosynthesis"]?.fromBooster && !this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) {
onEnd(pokemon) {
delete pokemon.volatiles["protosynthesis"];
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Protosynthesis", "[silent]");
condition: {
noCopy: true,
onStart(pokemon, source, effect) {
if (effect?.name === "Booster Energy") {
this.effectState.fromBooster = true;
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Protosynthesis", "[fromitem]");
} else {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Protosynthesis");
this.effectState.bestStat = pokemon.getBestStat(false, true);
this.add("-start", pokemon, "protosynthesis" + this.effectState.bestStat);
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "atk" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Protosynthesis atk boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifyDefPriority: 6,
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "def" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Protosynthesis def boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spa" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Protosynthesis spa boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpDPriority: 6,
onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spd" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Protosynthesis spd boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spe" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Protosynthesis spe boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onEnd(pokemon) {
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Protosynthesis");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Protosynthesis",
rating: 3,
num: 281
psychicsurge: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Psychic Surge",
rating: 4,
num: 227
punkrock: {
onBasePowerPriority: 7,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["sound"]) {
this.debug("Punk Rock boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (move.flags["sound"]) {
this.debug("Punk Rock weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Punk Rock",
rating: 3.5,
num: 244
purepower: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Pure Power",
rating: 5,
num: 74
purifyingsalt: {
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Purifying Salt");
return false;
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (status.id === "yawn") {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Purifying Salt");
return null;
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6,
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Ghost") {
this.debug("Purifying Salt weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5,
onSourceModifySpA(spa, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Ghost") {
this.debug("Purifying Salt weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Purifying Salt",
rating: 4,
num: 272
quarkdrive: {
onSwitchInPriority: -2,
onStart(pokemon) {
this.singleEvent("TerrainChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onTerrainChange(pokemon) {
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) {
} else if (!pokemon.volatiles["quarkdrive"]?.fromBooster) {
onEnd(pokemon) {
delete pokemon.volatiles["quarkdrive"];
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Quark Drive", "[silent]");
condition: {
noCopy: true,
onStart(pokemon, source, effect) {
if (effect?.name === "Booster Energy") {
this.effectState.fromBooster = true;
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quark Drive", "[fromitem]");
} else {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quark Drive");
this.effectState.bestStat = pokemon.getBestStat(false, true);
this.add("-start", pokemon, "quarkdrive" + this.effectState.bestStat);
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "atk" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Quark Drive atk boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifyDefPriority: 6,
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "def" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Quark Drive def boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spa" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Quark Drive spa boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpDPriority: 6,
onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spd" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Quark Drive spd boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spe" || pokemon.ignoringAbility())
this.debug("Quark Drive spe boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onEnd(pokemon) {
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Quark Drive");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Quark Drive",
rating: 3,
num: 282
queenlymajesty: {
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) {
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"];
if (move.target === "foeSide" || move.target === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes(move.id)) {
const dazzlingHolder = this.effectState.target;
if ((source.isAlly(dazzlingHolder) || move.target === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) {
this.add("cant", dazzlingHolder, "ability: Queenly Majesty", move, `[of] ${target}`);
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Queenly Majesty",
rating: 2.5,
num: 214
quickdraw: {
onFractionalPriorityPriority: -1,
onFractionalPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.category !== "Status" && this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quick Draw");
return 0.1;
flags: {},
name: "Quick Draw",
rating: 2.5,
num: 259
quickfeet: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Quick Feet",
rating: 2.5,
num: 95
raindish: {
onWeather(target, source, effect) {
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella"))
if (effect.id === "raindance" || effect.id === "primordialsea") {
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 16);
flags: {},
name: "Rain Dish",
rating: 1.5,
num: 44
rattled: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (["Dark", "Bug", "Ghost"].includes(move.type)) {
this.boost({ spe: 1 });
onAfterBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect?.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
this.boost({ spe: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Rattled",
rating: 1,
num: 155
receiver: {
onAllyFaint(target) {
if (!this.effectState.target.hp)
const ability = target.getAbility();
if (ability.flags["noreceiver"] || ability.id === "noability")
if (this.effectState.target.setAbility(ability)) {
this.add("-ability", this.effectState.target, ability, "[from] ability: Receiver", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 },
name: "Receiver",
rating: 0,
num: 222
reckless: {
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.recoil || move.hasCrashDamage) {
this.debug("Reckless boost");
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Reckless",
rating: 3,
num: 120
refrigerate: {
onModifyTypePriority: -1,
onModifyType(move, pokemon) {
const noModifyType = [
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes(move.id) && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !(move.name === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) {
move.type = "Ice";
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect;
onBasePowerPriority: 23,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect)
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Refrigerate",
rating: 4,
num: 174
regenerator: {
onSwitchOut(pokemon) {
pokemon.heal(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 3);
flags: {},
name: "Regenerator",
rating: 4.5,
num: 144
ripen: {
onTryHeal(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (!effect)
if (effect.name === "Berry Juice" || effect.name === "Leftovers") {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Ripen");
if (effect.isBerry)
return this.chainModify(2);
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.isBerry) {
let b;
for (b in boost) {
boost[b] *= 2;
onSourceModifyDamagePriority: -1,
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.abilityState.berryWeaken) {
target.abilityState.berryWeaken = false;
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onTryEatItemPriority: -1,
onTryEatItem(item, pokemon) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ripen");
onEatItem(item, pokemon) {
const weakenBerries = [
"Babiri Berry",
"Charti Berry",
"Chilan Berry",
"Chople Berry",
"Coba Berry",
"Colbur Berry",
"Haban Berry",
"Kasib Berry",
"Kebia Berry",
"Occa Berry",
"Passho Berry",
"Payapa Berry",
"Rindo Berry",
"Roseli Berry",
"Shuca Berry",
"Tanga Berry",
"Wacan Berry",
"Yache Berry"
pokemon.abilityState.berryWeaken = weakenBerries.includes(item.name);
flags: {},
name: "Ripen",
rating: 2,
num: 247
rivalry: {
onBasePowerPriority: 24,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (attacker.gender && defender.gender) {
if (attacker.gender === defender.gender) {
this.debug("Rivalry boost");
return this.chainModify(1.25);
} else {
this.debug("Rivalry weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Rivalry",
rating: 0,
num: 79
rkssystem: {
// RKS System's type-changing itself is implemented in statuses.js
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "RKS System",
rating: 4,
num: 225
rockhead: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.id === "recoil") {
if (!this.activeMove)
throw new Error("Battle.activeMove is null");
if (this.activeMove.id !== "struggle")
return null;
flags: {},
name: "Rock Head",
rating: 3,
num: 69
rockypayload: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Rock") {
this.debug("Rocky Payload boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Rock") {
this.debug("Rocky Payload boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Rocky Payload",
rating: 3.5,
num: 276
roughskin: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) {
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 8, source, target);
flags: {},
name: "Rough Skin",
rating: 2.5,
num: 24
runaway: {
flags: {},
name: "Run Away",
rating: 0,
num: 50
sandforce: {
onBasePowerPriority: 21,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) {
if (move.type === "Rock" || move.type === "Ground" || move.type === "Steel") {
this.debug("Sand Force boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "sandstorm")
return false;
flags: {},
name: "Sand Force",
rating: 2,
num: 159
sandrush: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) {
return this.chainModify(2);
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "sandstorm")
return false;
flags: {},
name: "Sand Rush",
rating: 3,
num: 146
sandspit: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
flags: {},
name: "Sand Spit",
rating: 1,
num: 245
sandstream: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Sand Stream",
rating: 4,
num: 45
sandveil: {
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "sandstorm")
return false;
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) {
this.debug("Sand Veil - decreasing accuracy");
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Sand Veil",
rating: 1.5,
num: 8
sapsipper: {
onTryHitPriority: 1,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Grass") {
if (!this.boost({ atk: 1 })) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Sap Sipper");
return null;
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) {
if (source === this.effectState.target || !target.isAlly(source))
if (move.type === "Grass") {
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, this.effectState.target);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Sap Sipper",
rating: 3,
num: 157
schooling: {
onSwitchInPriority: -1,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Wishiwashi" || pokemon.level < 20 || pokemon.transformed)
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 4) {
if (pokemon.species.id === "wishiwashi") {
} else {
if (pokemon.species.id === "wishiwashischool") {
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Wishiwashi" || pokemon.level < 20 || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp)
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 4) {
if (pokemon.species.id === "wishiwashi") {
} else {
if (pokemon.species.id === "wishiwashischool") {
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Schooling",
rating: 3,
num: 208
scrappy: {
onModifyMovePriority: -5,
onModifyMove(move) {
if (!move.ignoreImmunity)
move.ignoreImmunity = {};
if (move.ignoreImmunity !== true) {
move.ignoreImmunity["Fighting"] = true;
move.ignoreImmunity["Normal"] = true;
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) {
delete boost.atk;
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Scrappy", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: {},
name: "Scrappy",
rating: 3,
num: 113
screencleaner: {
onStart(pokemon) {
let activated = false;
for (const sideCondition of ["reflect", "lightscreen", "auroraveil"]) {
for (const side of [pokemon.side, ...pokemon.side.foeSidesWithConditions()]) {
if (side.getSideCondition(sideCondition)) {
if (!activated) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Screen Cleaner");
activated = true;
flags: {},
name: "Screen Cleaner",
rating: 2,
num: 251
seedsower: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
flags: {},
name: "Seed Sower",
rating: 2.5,
num: 269
serenegrace: {
onModifyMovePriority: -2,
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.secondaries) {
this.debug("doubling secondary chance");
for (const secondary of move.secondaries) {
if (secondary.chance)
secondary.chance *= 2;
if (move.self?.chance)
move.self.chance *= 2;
flags: {},
name: "Serene Grace",
rating: 3.5,
num: 32
shadowshield: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.hp >= target.maxhp) {
this.debug("Shadow Shield weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: {},
name: "Shadow Shield",
rating: 3.5,
num: 231
shadowtag: {
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.hasAbility("shadowtag") && pokemon.isAdjacent(this.effectState.target)) {
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) {
if (!source)
source = this.effectState.target;
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source))
if (!pokemon.hasAbility("shadowtag")) {
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true;
flags: {},
name: "Shadow Tag",
rating: 5,
num: 23
sharpness: {
onBasePowerPriority: 19,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["slicing"]) {
this.debug("Sharpness boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Sharpness",
rating: 3.5,
num: 292
shedskin: {
onResidualOrder: 5,
onResidualSubOrder: 3,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.status && this.randomChance(33, 100)) {
this.debug("shed skin");
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Shed Skin");
flags: {},
name: "Shed Skin",
rating: 3,
num: 61
sheerforce: {
onModifyMove(move, pokemon) {
if (move.secondaries) {
delete move.secondaries;
delete move.self;
if (move.id === "clangoroussoulblaze")
delete move.selfBoost;
move.hasSheerForce = true;
onBasePowerPriority: 21,
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.hasSheerForce)
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Sheer Force",
rating: 3.5,
num: 125
shellarmor: {
onCriticalHit: false,
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Shell Armor",
rating: 1,
num: 75
shielddust: {
onModifySecondaries(secondaries) {
this.debug("Shield Dust prevent secondary");
return secondaries.filter((effect) => !!(effect.self || effect.dustproof));
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Shield Dust",
rating: 2,
num: 19
shieldsdown: {
onSwitchInPriority: -1,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Minior" || pokemon.transformed)
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2) {
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Meteor") {
} else {
if (pokemon.species.forme === "Meteor") {
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Minior" || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp)
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2) {
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Meteor") {
} else {
if (pokemon.species.forme === "Meteor") {
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (target.species.id !== "miniormeteor" || target.transformed)
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Shields Down");
return false;
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (target.species.id !== "miniormeteor" || target.transformed)
if (status.id !== "yawn")
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Shields Down");
return null;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Shields Down",
rating: 3,
num: 197
simple: {
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.id === "zpower")
let i;
for (i in boost) {
boost[i] *= 2;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Simple",
rating: 4,
num: 86
skilllink: {
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.multihit && Array.isArray(move.multihit) && move.multihit.length) {
move.multihit = move.multihit[1];
if (move.multiaccuracy) {
delete move.multiaccuracy;
flags: {},
name: "Skill Link",
rating: 3,
num: 92
slowstart: {
onStart(pokemon) {
onEnd(pokemon) {
delete pokemon.volatiles["slowstart"];
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Slow Start", "[silent]");
condition: {
duration: 5,
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onStart(target) {
this.add("-start", target, "ability: Slow Start");
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.activeTurns) {
this.effectState.duration += 1;
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onEnd(target) {
this.add("-end", target, "Slow Start");
flags: {},
name: "Slow Start",
rating: -1,
num: 112
slushrush: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"])) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Slush Rush",
rating: 3,
num: 202
sniper: {
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).crit) {
this.debug("Sniper boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Sniper",
rating: 2,
num: 97
snowcloak: {
onImmunity(type, pokemon) {
if (type === "hail")
return false;
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"])) {
this.debug("Snow Cloak - decreasing accuracy");
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Snow Cloak",
rating: 1.5,
num: 81
snowwarning: {
onStart(source) {
flags: {},
name: "Snow Warning",
rating: 4,
num: 117
solarpower: {
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) {
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onWeather(target, source, effect) {
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella"))
if (effect.id === "sunnyday" || effect.id === "desolateland") {
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, target);
flags: {},
name: "Solar Power",
rating: 2,
num: 94
solidrock: {
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) {
this.debug("Solid Rock neutralize");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Solid Rock",
rating: 3,
num: 116
soulheart: {
onAnyFaintPriority: 1,
onAnyFaint() {
this.boost({ spa: 1 }, this.effectState.target);
flags: {},
name: "Soul-Heart",
rating: 3.5,
num: 220
soundproof: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.flags["sound"]) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Soundproof");
return null;
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) {
if (move.flags["sound"]) {
this.add("-immune", this.effectState.target, "[from] ability: Soundproof");
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Soundproof",
rating: 2,
num: 43
speedboost: {
onResidualOrder: 28,
onResidualSubOrder: 2,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.activeTurns) {
this.boost({ spe: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Speed Boost",
rating: 4.5,
num: 3
stakeout: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender) {
if (!defender.activeTurns) {
this.debug("Stakeout boost");
return this.chainModify(2);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender) {
if (!defender.activeTurns) {
this.debug("Stakeout boost");
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Stakeout",
rating: 4.5,
num: 198
stall: {
onFractionalPriority: -0.1,
flags: {},
name: "Stall",
rating: -1,
num: 100
stalwart: {
onModifyMovePriority: 1,
onModifyMove(move) {
move.tracksTarget = move.target !== "scripted";
flags: {},
name: "Stalwart",
rating: 0,
num: 242
stamina: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, effect) {
this.boost({ def: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Stamina",
rating: 4,
num: 192
stancechange: {
onModifyMovePriority: 1,
onModifyMove(move, attacker, defender) {
if (attacker.species.baseSpecies !== "Aegislash" || attacker.transformed)
if (move.category === "Status" && move.id !== "kingsshield")
const targetForme = move.id === "kingsshield" ? "Aegislash" : "Aegislash-Blade";
if (attacker.species.name !== targetForme)
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Stance Change",
rating: 4,
num: 176
static: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) {
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
source.trySetStatus("par", target);
flags: {},
name: "Static",
rating: 2,
num: 9
steadfast: {
onFlinch(pokemon) {
this.boost({ spe: 1 });
flags: {},
name: "Steadfast",
rating: 1,
num: 80
steamengine: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (["Water", "Fire"].includes(move.type)) {
this.boost({ spe: 6 });
flags: {},
name: "Steam Engine",
rating: 2,
num: 243
steelworker: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Steel") {
this.debug("Steelworker boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Steel") {
this.debug("Steelworker boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Steelworker",
rating: 3.5,
num: 200
steelyspirit: {
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22,
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Steel") {
this.debug("Steely Spirit boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Steely Spirit",
rating: 3.5,
num: 252
stench: {
onModifyMovePriority: -1,
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.category !== "Status") {
this.debug("Adding Stench flinch");
if (!move.secondaries)
move.secondaries = [];
for (const secondary of move.secondaries) {
if (secondary.volatileStatus === "flinch")
chance: 10,
volatileStatus: "flinch"
flags: {},
name: "Stench",
rating: 0.5,
num: 1
stickyhold: {
onTakeItem(item, pokemon, source) {
if (!this.activeMove)
throw new Error("Battle.activeMove is null");
if (!pokemon.hp || pokemon.item === "stickybarb")
if (source && source !== pokemon || this.activeMove.id === "knockoff") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Sticky Hold");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Sticky Hold",
rating: 1.5,
num: 60
stormdrain: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") {
if (!this.boost({ spa: 1 })) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Storm Drain");
return null;
onAnyRedirectTarget(target, source, source2, move) {
if (move.type !== "Water" || move.flags["pledgecombo"])
const redirectTarget = ["randomNormal", "adjacentFoe"].includes(move.target) ? "normal" : move.target;
if (this.validTarget(this.effectState.target, source, redirectTarget)) {
if (move.smartTarget)
move.smartTarget = false;
if (this.effectState.target !== target) {
this.add("-activate", this.effectState.target, "ability: Storm Drain");
return this.effectState.target;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Storm Drain",
rating: 3,
num: 114
strongjaw: {
onBasePowerPriority: 19,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["bite"]) {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Strong Jaw",
rating: 3.5,
num: 173
sturdy: {
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.ohko) {
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Sturdy");
return null;
onDamagePriority: -30,
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (target.hp === target.maxhp && damage >= target.hp && effect && effect.effectType === "Move") {
this.add("-ability", target, "Sturdy");
return target.hp - 1;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Sturdy",
rating: 3,
num: 5
suctioncups: {
onDragOutPriority: 1,
onDragOut(pokemon) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Suction Cups");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Suction Cups",
rating: 1,
num: 21
superluck: {
onModifyCritRatio(critRatio) {
return critRatio + 1;
flags: {},
name: "Super Luck",
rating: 1.5,
num: 105
supersweetsyrup: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.syrupTriggered)
pokemon.syrupTriggered = true;
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Supersweet Syrup");
for (const target of pokemon.adjacentFoes()) {
if (target.volatiles["substitute"]) {
this.add("-immune", target);
} else {
this.boost({ evasion: -1 }, target, pokemon, null, true);
flags: {},
name: "Supersweet Syrup",
rating: 1.5,
num: 306
supremeoverlord: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.side.totalFainted) {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Supreme Overlord");
const fallen = Math.min(pokemon.side.totalFainted, 5);
this.add("-start", pokemon, `fallen${fallen}`, "[silent]");
this.effectState.fallen = fallen;
onEnd(pokemon) {
this.add("-end", pokemon, `fallen${this.effectState.fallen}`, "[silent]");
onBasePowerPriority: 21,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (this.effectState.fallen) {
const powMod = [4096, 4506, 4915, 5325, 5734, 6144];
this.debug(`Supreme Overlord boost: ${powMod[this.effectState.fallen]}/4096`);
return this.chainModify([powMod[this.effectState.fallen], 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Supreme Overlord",
rating: 4,
num: 293
surgesurfer: {
onModifySpe(spe) {
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Surge Surfer",
rating: 3,
num: 207
swarm: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Bug" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Swarm boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Bug" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Swarm boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Swarm",
rating: 2,
num: 68
sweetveil: {
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id === "slp") {
this.debug("Sweet Veil interrupts sleep");
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Sweet Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return null;
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (status.id === "yawn") {
this.debug("Sweet Veil blocking yawn");
const effectHolder = this.effectState.target;
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Sweet Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`);
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Sweet Veil",
rating: 2,
num: 175
swiftswim: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (["raindance", "primordialsea"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Swift Swim",
rating: 3,
num: 33
symbiosis: {
onAllyAfterUseItem(item, pokemon) {
if (pokemon.switchFlag)
const source = this.effectState.target;
const myItem = source.takeItem();
if (!myItem)
if (!this.singleEvent("TakeItem", myItem, source.itemState, pokemon, source, this.effect, myItem) || !pokemon.setItem(myItem)) {
source.item = myItem.id;
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: Symbiosis", myItem, `[of] ${pokemon}`);
flags: {},
name: "Symbiosis",
rating: 0,
num: 180
synchronize: {
onAfterSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (!source || source === target)
if (effect && effect.id === "toxicspikes")
if (status.id === "slp" || status.id === "frz")
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Synchronize");
source.trySetStatus(status, target, { status: status.id, id: "synchronize" });
flags: {},
name: "Synchronize",
rating: 2,
num: 28
swordofruin: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Sword of Ruin");
onAnyModifyDef(def, target, source, move) {
const abilityHolder = this.effectState.target;
if (target.hasAbility("Sword of Ruin"))
if (!move.ruinedDef?.hasAbility("Sword of Ruin"))
move.ruinedDef = abilityHolder;
if (move.ruinedDef !== abilityHolder)
this.debug("Sword of Ruin Def drop");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Sword of Ruin",
rating: 4.5,
num: 285
tabletsofruin: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Tablets of Ruin");
onAnyModifyAtk(atk, source, target, move) {
const abilityHolder = this.effectState.target;
if (source.hasAbility("Tablets of Ruin"))
if (!move.ruinedAtk)
move.ruinedAtk = abilityHolder;
if (move.ruinedAtk !== abilityHolder)
this.debug("Tablets of Ruin Atk drop");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Tablets of Ruin",
rating: 4.5,
num: 284
tangledfeet: {
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target) {
if (typeof accuracy !== "number")
if (target?.volatiles["confusion"]) {
this.debug("Tangled Feet - decreasing accuracy");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Tangled Feet",
rating: 1,
num: 77
tanglinghair: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) {
this.add("-ability", target, "Tangling Hair");
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, source, target, null, true);
flags: {},
name: "Tangling Hair",
rating: 2,
num: 221
technician: {
onBasePowerPriority: 30,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
const basePowerAfterMultiplier = this.modify(basePower, this.event.modifier);
this.debug(`Base Power: ${basePowerAfterMultiplier}`);
if (basePowerAfterMultiplier <= 60) {
this.debug("Technician boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Technician",
rating: 3.5,
num: 101
telepathy: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && target.isAlly(source) && move.category !== "Status") {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Telepathy");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Telepathy",
rating: 0,
num: 140
teraformzero: {
onAfterTerastallization(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.name !== "Terapagos-Stellar")
if (this.field.weather || this.field.terrain) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Teraform Zero");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 },
name: "Teraform Zero",
rating: 3,
num: 309
terashell: {
// effectiveness implemented in sim/pokemon.ts:Pokemon#runEffectiveness
// needs two checks to reset between regular moves and future attacks
onAnyBeforeMove() {
delete this.effectState.resisted;
onAnyAfterMove() {
delete this.effectState.resisted;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, breakable: 1 },
name: "Tera Shell",
rating: 3.5,
num: 308
terashift: {
onSwitchInPriority: 2,
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Terapagos")
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Terastal") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Tera Shift");
pokemon.formeChange("Terapagos-Terastal", this.effect, true);
pokemon.regressionForme = false;
pokemon.baseMaxhp = Math.floor(Math.floor(
2 * pokemon.species.baseStats["hp"] + pokemon.set.ivs["hp"] + Math.floor(pokemon.set.evs["hp"] / 4) + 100
) * pokemon.level / 100 + 10);
const newMaxHP = pokemon.baseMaxhp;
pokemon.hp = newMaxHP - (pokemon.maxhp - pokemon.hp);
pokemon.maxhp = newMaxHP;
this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]");
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Tera Shift",
rating: 3,
num: 307
teravolt: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Teravolt");
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreAbility = true;
flags: {},
name: "Teravolt",
rating: 3,
num: 164
thermalexchange: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
this.boost({ atk: 1 });
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "brn") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Thermal Exchange");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "brn")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Thermal Exchange");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Thermal Exchange",
rating: 2.5,
num: 270
thickfat: {
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6,
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Ice" || move.type === "Fire") {
this.debug("Thick Fat weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5,
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Ice" || move.type === "Fire") {
this.debug("Thick Fat weaken");
return this.chainModify(0.5);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Thick Fat",
rating: 3.5,
num: 47
tintedlens: {
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod < 0) {
this.debug("Tinted Lens boost");
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Tinted Lens",
rating: 4,
num: 110
torrent: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Water" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Torrent boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Water" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) {
this.debug("Torrent boost");
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Torrent",
rating: 2,
num: 67
toughclaws: {
onBasePowerPriority: 21,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.flags["contact"]) {
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Tough Claws",
rating: 3.5,
num: 181
toxicboost: {
onBasePowerPriority: 19,
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if ((attacker.status === "psn" || attacker.status === "tox") && move.category === "Physical") {
return this.chainModify(1.5);
flags: {},
name: "Toxic Boost",
rating: 3,
num: 137
toxicchain: {
onSourceDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (target.hasAbility("shielddust") || target.hasItem("covertcloak"))
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) {
target.trySetStatus("tox", source);
flags: {},
name: "Toxic Chain",
rating: 4.5,
num: 305
toxicdebris: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
const side = source.isAlly(target) ? source.side.foe : source.side;
const toxicSpikes = side.sideConditions["toxicspikes"];
if (move.category === "Physical" && (!toxicSpikes || toxicSpikes.layers < 2)) {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Toxic Debris");
side.addSideCondition("toxicspikes", target);
flags: {},
name: "Toxic Debris",
rating: 3.5,
num: 295
trace: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.effectState.seek = true;
if (pokemon.adjacentFoes().some((foeActive) => foeActive.ability === "noability")) {
this.effectState.seek = false;
if (pokemon.hasItem("Ability Shield")) {
this.add("-block", pokemon, "item: Ability Shield");
this.effectState.seek = false;
if (this.effectState.seek) {
this.singleEvent("Update", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon);
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (!this.effectState.seek)
const possibleTargets = pokemon.adjacentFoes().filter(
(target2) => !target2.getAbility().flags["notrace"] && target2.ability !== "noability"
if (!possibleTargets.length)
const target = this.sample(possibleTargets);
const ability = target.getAbility();
if (pokemon.setAbility(ability)) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, ability, "[from] ability: Trace", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 },
name: "Trace",
rating: 2.5,
num: 36
transistor: {
onModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Electric") {
this.debug("Transistor boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
onModifySpAPriority: 5,
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Electric") {
this.debug("Transistor boost");
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Transistor",
rating: 3.5,
num: 262
triage: {
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) {
if (move?.flags["heal"])
return priority + 3;
flags: {},
name: "Triage",
rating: 3.5,
num: 205
truant: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.activeTurns && (pokemon.moveThisTurnResult !== void 0 || !this.queue.willMove(pokemon))) {
onBeforeMovePriority: 9,
onBeforeMove(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.removeVolatile("truant")) {
this.add("cant", pokemon, "ability: Truant");
return false;
condition: {},
flags: {},
name: "Truant",
rating: -1,
num: 54
turboblaze: {
onStart(pokemon) {
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Turboblaze");
onModifyMove(move) {
move.ignoreAbility = true;
flags: {},
name: "Turboblaze",
rating: 3,
num: 163
unaware: {
onAnyModifyBoost(boosts, pokemon) {
const unawareUser = this.effectState.target;
if (unawareUser === pokemon)
if (unawareUser === this.activePokemon && pokemon === this.activeTarget) {
boosts["def"] = 0;
boosts["spd"] = 0;
boosts["evasion"] = 0;
if (pokemon === this.activePokemon && unawareUser === this.activeTarget) {
boosts["atk"] = 0;
boosts["def"] = 0;
boosts["spa"] = 0;
boosts["accuracy"] = 0;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Unaware",
rating: 4,
num: 109
unburden: {
onAfterUseItem(item, pokemon) {
if (pokemon !== this.effectState.target)
onTakeItem(item, pokemon) {
onEnd(pokemon) {
condition: {
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.item && !pokemon.ignoringAbility()) {
return this.chainModify(2);
flags: {},
name: "Unburden",
rating: 3.5,
num: 84
unnerve: {
onSwitchInPriority: 1,
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.effectState.unnerved)
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve");
this.effectState.unnerved = true;
onEnd() {
this.effectState.unnerved = false;
onFoeTryEatItem() {
return !this.effectState.unnerved;
flags: {},
name: "Unnerve",
rating: 1,
num: 127
unseenfist: {
onModifyMove(move) {
if (move.flags["contact"])
delete move.flags["protect"];
flags: {},
name: "Unseen Fist",
rating: 2,
num: 260
vesselofruin: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon))
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Vessel of Ruin");
onAnyModifySpA(spa, source, target, move) {
const abilityHolder = this.effectState.target;
if (source.hasAbility("Vessel of Ruin"))
if (!move.ruinedSpA)
move.ruinedSpA = abilityHolder;
if (move.ruinedSpA !== abilityHolder)
this.debug("Vessel of Ruin SpA drop");
return this.chainModify(0.75);
flags: {},
name: "Vessel of Ruin",
rating: 4.5,
num: 284
victorystar: {
onAnyModifyAccuracyPriority: -1,
onAnyModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source) {
if (source.isAlly(this.effectState.target) && typeof accuracy === "number") {
return this.chainModify([4506, 4096]);
flags: {},
name: "Victory Star",
rating: 2,
num: 162
vitalspirit: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "slp") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Vital Spirit");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "slp")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Vital Spirit");
return false;
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) {
if (status.id === "yawn") {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Vital Spirit");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Vital Spirit",
rating: 1.5,
num: 72
voltabsorb: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") {
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Volt Absorb");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Volt Absorb",
rating: 3.5,
num: 10
wanderingspirit: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (source.getAbility().flags["failskillswap"] || target.volatiles["dynamax"])
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) {
const targetCanBeSet = this.runEvent("SetAbility", target, source, this.effect, source.ability);
if (!targetCanBeSet)
return targetCanBeSet;
const sourceAbility = source.setAbility("wanderingspirit", target);
if (!sourceAbility)
if (target.isAlly(source)) {
this.add("-activate", target, "Skill Swap", "", "", `[of] ${source}`);
} else {
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Wandering Spirit", this.dex.abilities.get(sourceAbility).name, "Wandering Spirit", `[of] ${source}`);
flags: {},
name: "Wandering Spirit",
rating: 2.5,
num: 254
waterabsorb: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") {
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Absorb");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Water Absorb",
rating: 3.5,
num: 11
waterbubble: {
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 5,
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5,
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Fire") {
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Water") {
return this.chainModify(2);
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === "Water") {
return this.chainModify(2);
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "brn") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Water Bubble");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "brn")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Bubble");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Water Bubble",
rating: 4.5,
num: 199
watercompaction: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (move.type === "Water") {
this.boost({ def: 2 });
flags: {},
name: "Water Compaction",
rating: 1.5,
num: 195
waterveil: {
onUpdate(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.status === "brn") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Water Veil");
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (status.id !== "brn")
if (effect?.status) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Veil");
return false;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Water Veil",
rating: 2,
num: 41
weakarmor: {
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (move.category === "Physical") {
this.boost({ def: -1, spe: 2 }, target, target);
flags: {},
name: "Weak Armor",
rating: 1,
num: 133
wellbakedbody: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.type === "Fire") {
if (!this.boost({ def: 2 })) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Well-Baked Body");
return null;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Well-Baked Body",
rating: 3.5,
num: 273
whitesmoke: {
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) {
if (source && target === source)
let showMsg = false;
let i;
for (i in boost) {
if (boost[i] < 0) {
delete boost[i];
showMsg = true;
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && effect.id !== "octolock") {
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: White Smoke", `[of] ${target}`);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "White Smoke",
rating: 2,
num: 73
wimpout: {
onEmergencyExit(target) {
if (!this.canSwitch(target.side) || target.forceSwitchFlag || target.switchFlag)
for (const side of this.sides) {
for (const active of side.active) {
active.switchFlag = false;
target.switchFlag = true;
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Wimp Out");
flags: {},
name: "Wimp Out",
rating: 1,
num: 193
windpower: {
onDamagingHitOrder: 1,
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) {
if (move.flags["wind"]) {
onAllySideConditionStart(target, source, sideCondition) {
const pokemon = this.effectState.target;
if (sideCondition.id === "tailwind") {
flags: {},
name: "Wind Power",
rating: 1,
num: 277
windrider: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.side.sideConditions["tailwind"]) {
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon, pokemon);
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target !== source && move.flags["wind"]) {
if (!this.boost({ atk: 1 }, target, target)) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Wind Rider");
return null;
onAllySideConditionStart(target, source, sideCondition) {
const pokemon = this.effectState.target;
if (sideCondition.id === "tailwind") {
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon, pokemon);
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Wind Rider",
rating: 3.5,
// We do not want Brambleghast to get Infiltrator in Randbats
num: 274
wonderguard: {
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type === "???" || move.id === "struggle")
if (move.id === "skydrop" && !source.volatiles["skydrop"])
this.debug("Wonder Guard immunity: " + move.id);
if (target.runEffectiveness(move) <= 0) {
if (move.smartTarget) {
move.smartTarget = false;
} else {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Wonder Guard");
return null;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, failskillswap: 1, breakable: 1 },
name: "Wonder Guard",
rating: 5,
num: 25
wonderskin: {
onModifyAccuracyPriority: 10,
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) {
if (move.category === "Status" && typeof accuracy === "number") {
this.debug("Wonder Skin - setting accuracy to 50");
return 50;
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Wonder Skin",
rating: 2,
num: 147
zenmode: {
onResidualOrder: 29,
onResidual(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Darmanitan" || pokemon.transformed) {
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && !["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) {
} else if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2 && ["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) {
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.volatiles["zenmode"] || !pokemon.hp)
pokemon.transformed = false;
delete pokemon.volatiles["zenmode"];
if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies === "Darmanitan" && pokemon.species.battleOnly) {
pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.species.battleOnly, this.effect, false, "0", "[silent]");
condition: {
onStart(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.species.name.includes("Galar")) {
if (pokemon.species.id !== "darmanitanzen")
} else {
if (pokemon.species.id !== "darmanitangalarzen")
onEnd(pokemon) {
if (["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) {
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 },
name: "Zen Mode",
rating: 0,
num: 161
zerotohero: {
onSwitchOut(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Palafin")
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Hero") {
pokemon.formeChange("Palafin-Hero", this.effect, true);
pokemon.regressionForme = false;
onSwitchIn(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Palafin")
if (!this.effectState.heroMessageDisplayed && pokemon.species.forme === "Hero") {
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Zero to Hero");
this.effectState.heroMessageDisplayed = true;
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 },
name: "Zero to Hero",
rating: 5,
num: 278
// CAP
mountaineer: {
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) {
if (effect && effect.id === "stealthrock") {
return false;
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (move.type === "Rock" && !target.activeTurns) {
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Mountaineer");
return null;
isNonstandard: "CAP",
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Mountaineer",
rating: 3,
num: -2
rebound: {
isNonstandard: "CAP",
onTryHitPriority: 1,
onTryHit(target, source, move) {
if (this.effectState.target.activeTurns)
if (target === source || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"]) {
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(move.id);
newMove.hasBounced = true;
this.actions.useMove(newMove, target, { target: source });
return null;
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) {
if (this.effectState.target.activeTurns)
if (target.isAlly(source) || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"]) {
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(move.id);
newMove.hasBounced = true;
this.actions.useMove(newMove, this.effectState.target, { target: source });
return null;
condition: {
duration: 1
flags: { breakable: 1 },
name: "Rebound",
rating: 3,
num: -3
persistent: {
isNonstandard: "CAP",
// implemented in the corresponding move
flags: {},
name: "Persistent",
rating: 3,
num: -4
//# sourceMappingURL=abilities.js.map