; | |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; | |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; | |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; | |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; | |
var __export = (target, all) => { | |
for (var name in all) | |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); | |
}; | |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { | |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { | |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) | |
if (!, key) && key !== except) | |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); | |
} | |
return to; | |
}; | |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); | |
var abilities_exports = {}; | |
__export(abilities_exports, { | |
Abilities: () => Abilities | |
}); | |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(abilities_exports); | |
const Abilities = { | |
noability: { | |
isNonstandard: "Past", | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "No Ability", | |
rating: 0.1, | |
num: 0 | |
}, | |
adaptability: { | |
onModifySTAB(stab, source, target, move) { | |
if (move.forceSTAB || source.hasType(move.type)) { | |
if (stab === 2) { | |
return 2.25; | |
} | |
return 2; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Adaptability", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 91 | |
}, | |
aerilate: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: -1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
const noModifyType = [ | |
"judgment", | |
"multiattack", | |
"naturalgift", | |
"revelationdance", | |
"technoblast", | |
"terrainpulse", | |
"weatherball" | |
]; | |
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes( && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !( === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) { | |
move.type = "Flying"; | |
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect) | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Aerilate", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 184 | |
}, | |
aftermath: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (!target.hp && this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) { | |
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 4, source, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Aftermath", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 106 | |
}, | |
airlock: { | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Air Lock"); | |, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false; | |
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = true; | |
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect); | |
}, | |
suppressWeather: true, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Air Lock", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 76 | |
}, | |
analytic: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 21, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon) { | |
let boosted = true; | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target === pokemon) | |
continue; | |
if (this.queue.willMove(target)) { | |
boosted = false; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (boosted) { | |
this.debug("Analytic boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Analytic", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 148 | |
}, | |
angerpoint: { | |
onHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (!target.hp) | |
return; | |
if (move?.effectType === "Move" && target.getMoveHitData(move).crit) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 12 }, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Anger Point", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 83 | |
}, | |
angershell: { | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.multihit && (!effect.negateSecondary && !(effect.hasSheerForce && source.hasAbility("sheerforce")))) { | |
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = false; | |
} else { | |
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryEatItem(item) { | |
const healingItems = [ | |
"aguavberry", | |
"enigmaberry", | |
"figyberry", | |
"iapapaberry", | |
"magoberry", | |
"sitrusberry", | |
"wikiberry", | |
"oranberry", | |
"berryjuice" | |
]; | |
if (healingItems.includes( { | |
return this.effectState.checkedAngerShell; | |
} | |
return true; | |
}, | |
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) { | |
this.effectState.checkedAngerShell = true; | |
if (!source || source === target || !target.hp || !move.totalDamage) | |
return; | |
const lastAttackedBy = target.getLastAttackedBy(); | |
if (!lastAttackedBy) | |
return; | |
const damage = move.multihit ? move.totalDamage : lastAttackedBy.damage; | |
if (target.hp <= target.maxhp / 2 && target.hp + damage > target.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1, spa: 1, spe: 1, def: -1, spd: -1 }, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Anger Shell", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 271 | |
}, | |
anticipation: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) { | |
for (const moveSlot of target.moveSlots) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.move); | |
if (move.category === "Status") | |
continue; | |
const moveType = === "hiddenpower" ? target.hpType : move.type; | |
if (this.dex.getImmunity(moveType, pokemon) && this.dex.getEffectiveness(moveType, pokemon) > 0 || move.ohko) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Anticipation"); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Anticipation", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 107 | |
}, | |
arenatrap: { | |
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.isAdjacent( | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.isGrounded()) { | |
pokemon.tryTrap(true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) { | |
if (!source) | |
source =; | |
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source)) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.isGrounded(!pokemon.knownType)) { | |
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Arena Trap", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 71 | |
}, | |
armortail: { | |
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) { | |
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"]; | |
if ( === "foeSide" || === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes( { | |
return; | |
} | |
const armorTailHolder =; | |
if ((source.isAlly(armorTailHolder) || === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) { | |
this.attrLastMove("[still]"); | |
this.add("cant", armorTailHolder, "ability: Armor Tail", move, `[of] ${target}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Armor Tail", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 296 | |
}, | |
aromaveil: { | |
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (["attract", "disable", "encore", "healblock", "taunt", "torment"].includes( { | |
if (effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Aroma Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Aroma Veil", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 165 | |
}, | |
asoneglastrier: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: 1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.unnerved) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "As One"); | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve"); | |
this.effectState.unnerved = true; | |
}, | |
onEnd() { | |
this.effectState.unnerved = false; | |
}, | |
onFoeTryEatItem() { | |
return !this.effectState.unnerved; | |
}, | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.boost({ atk: length }, source, source, this.dex.abilities.get("chillingneigh")); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "As One (Glastrier)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 266 | |
}, | |
asonespectrier: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: 1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.unnerved) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "As One"); | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve"); | |
this.effectState.unnerved = true; | |
}, | |
onEnd() { | |
this.effectState.unnerved = false; | |
}, | |
onFoeTryEatItem() { | |
return !this.effectState.unnerved; | |
}, | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.boost({ spa: length }, source, source, this.dex.abilities.get("grimneigh")); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "As One (Spectrier)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 267 | |
}, | |
aurabreak: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Aura Break"); | |
}, | |
onAnyTryPrimaryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target === source || move.category === "Status") | |
return; | |
move.hasAuraBreak = true; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Aura Break", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 188 | |
}, | |
baddreams: { | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) { | |
if (target.status === "slp" || target.hasAbility("comatose")) { | |
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Bad Dreams", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 123 | |
}, | |
ballfetch: { | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Ball Fetch", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 237 | |
}, | |
battery: { | |
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22, | |
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker !== && move.category === "Special") { | |
this.debug("Battery boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Battery", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 217 | |
}, | |
battlearmor: { | |
onCriticalHit: false, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Battle Armor", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 4 | |
}, | |
battlebond: { | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.effectType !== "Move") | |
return; | |
if (source.abilityState.battleBondTriggered) | |
return; | |
if ( === "greninjabond" && source.hp && !source.transformed && source.side.foePokemonLeft()) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1, spa: 1, spe: 1 }, source, source, this.effect); | |
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: Battle Bond"); | |
source.abilityState.battleBondTriggered = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Battle Bond", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 210 | |
}, | |
beadsofruin: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Beads of Ruin"); | |
}, | |
onAnyModifySpD(spd, target, source, move) { | |
const abilityHolder =; | |
if (target.hasAbility("Beads of Ruin")) | |
return; | |
if (!move.ruinedSpD?.hasAbility("Beads of Ruin")) | |
move.ruinedSpD = abilityHolder; | |
if (move.ruinedSpD !== abilityHolder) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Beads of Ruin SpD drop"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Beads of Ruin", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 284 | |
}, | |
beastboost: { | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
const bestStat = source.getBestStat(true, true); | |
this.boost({ [bestStat]: length }, source); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Beast Boost", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 224 | |
}, | |
berserk: { | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.multihit && (!effect.negateSecondary && !(effect.hasSheerForce && source.hasAbility("sheerforce")))) { | |
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = false; | |
} else { | |
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryEatItem(item) { | |
const healingItems = [ | |
"aguavberry", | |
"enigmaberry", | |
"figyberry", | |
"iapapaberry", | |
"magoberry", | |
"sitrusberry", | |
"wikiberry", | |
"oranberry", | |
"berryjuice" | |
]; | |
if (healingItems.includes( { | |
return this.effectState.checkedBerserk; | |
} | |
return true; | |
}, | |
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) { | |
this.effectState.checkedBerserk = true; | |
if (!source || source === target || !target.hp || !move.totalDamage) | |
return; | |
const lastAttackedBy = target.getLastAttackedBy(); | |
if (!lastAttackedBy) | |
return; | |
const damage = move.multihit && !move.smartTarget ? move.totalDamage : lastAttackedBy.damage; | |
if (target.hp <= target.maxhp / 2 && target.hp + damage > target.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.boost({ spa: 1 }, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Berserk", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 201 | |
}, | |
bigpecks: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
if (boost.def && boost.def < 0) { | |
delete boost.def; | |
if (!effect.secondaries && !== "octolock") { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Defense", "[from] ability: Big Pecks", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Big Pecks", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 145 | |
}, | |
blaze: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Blaze boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Blaze boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Blaze", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 66 | |
}, | |
bulletproof: { | |
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.flags["bullet"]) { | |
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Bulletproof"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Bulletproof", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 171 | |
}, | |
cheekpouch: { | |
onEatItem(item, pokemon) { | |
this.heal(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 3); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cheek Pouch", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 167 | |
}, | |
chillingneigh: { | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.boost({ atk: length }, source); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Chilling Neigh", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 264 | |
}, | |
chlorophyll: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Chlorophyll", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 34 | |
}, | |
clearbody: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
let showMsg = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
delete boost[i]; | |
showMsg = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && !== "octolock") { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: Clear Body", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Clear Body", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 29 | |
}, | |
cloudnine: { | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Cloud Nine"); | |, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false; | |
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = true; | |
this.eachEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect); | |
}, | |
suppressWeather: true, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cloud Nine", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 13 | |
}, | |
colorchange: { | |
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) { | |
if (!target.hp) | |
return; | |
const type = move.type; | |
if (target.isActive && move.effectType === "Move" && move.category !== "Status" && type !== "???" && !target.hasType(type)) { | |
if (!target.setType(type)) | |
return false; | |
this.add("-start", target, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Color Change"); | |
if ( === 2 && target.position === 1) { | |
const action = this.queue.willMove(target); | |
if (action && === "curse") { | |
action.targetLoc = -1; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Color Change", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 16 | |
}, | |
comatose: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Comatose"); | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Comatose"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
// Permanent sleep "status" implemented in the relevant sleep-checking effects | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Comatose", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 213 | |
}, | |
commander: { | |
onAnySwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onAnySwitchIn() { | |,; | |
}, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (this.gameType !== "doubles") | |
return; | |
if (this.queue.peek()?.choice === "runSwitch") | |
return; | |
const ally = pokemon.allies()[0]; | |
if (pokemon.switchFlag || ally?.switchFlag) | |
return; | |
if (!ally || pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Tatsugiri" || ally.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Dondozo") { | |
if (pokemon.getVolatile("commanding")) | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("commanding"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!pokemon.getVolatile("commanding")) { | |
if (ally.getVolatile("commanded")) | |
return; | |
this.queue.cancelAction(pokemon); | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Commander", `[of] ${ally}`); | |
pokemon.addVolatile("commanding"); | |
ally.addVolatile("commanded", pokemon); | |
} else { | |
if (!ally.fainted) | |
return; | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("commanding"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 }, | |
name: "Commander", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 279 | |
}, | |
competitive: { | |
onAfterEachBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!source || target.isAlly(source)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
let statsLowered = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
statsLowered = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (statsLowered) { | |
this.boost({ spa: 2 }, target, target, null, false, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Competitive", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 172 | |
}, | |
compoundeyes: { | |
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy) { | |
if (typeof accuracy !== "number") | |
return; | |
this.debug("compoundeyes - enhancing accuracy"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Compound Eyes", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 14 | |
}, | |
contrary: { | |
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && === "zpower") | |
return; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
boost[i] *= -1; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Contrary", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 126 | |
}, | |
corrosion: { | |
// Implemented in sim/pokemon.js:Pokemon#setStatus | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Corrosion", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 212 | |
}, | |
costar: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
const ally = pokemon.allies()[0]; | |
if (!ally) | |
return; | |
let i; | |
for (i in ally.boosts) { | |
pokemon.boosts[i] = ally.boosts[i]; | |
} | |
const volatilesToCopy = ["dragoncheer", "focusenergy", "gmaxchistrike", "laserfocus"]; | |
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) | |
pokemon.removeVolatile(volatile); | |
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) { | |
if (ally.volatiles[volatile]) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile(volatile); | |
if (volatile === "gmaxchistrike") | |
pokemon.volatiles[volatile].layers = ally.volatiles[volatile].layers; | |
if (volatile === "dragoncheer") | |
pokemon.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType = ally.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType; | |
} | |
} | |
this.add("-copyboost", pokemon, ally, "[from] ability: Costar"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Costar", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 294 | |
}, | |
cottondown: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
let activated = false; | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon === target || pokemon.fainted) | |
continue; | |
if (!activated) { | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Cotton Down"); | |
activated = true; | |
} | |
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, pokemon, target, null, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cotton Down", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 238 | |
}, | |
cudchew: { | |
onEatItem(item, pokemon) { | |
if (item.isBerry && pokemon.addVolatile("cudchew")) { | |
pokemon.volatiles["cudchew"].berry = item; | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles["cudchew"]; | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
noCopy: true, | |
duration: 2, | |
onRestart() { | |
this.effectState.duration = 2; | |
}, | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.hp) { | |
const item = this.effectState.berry; | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Cud Chew"); | |
this.add("-enditem", pokemon,, "[eat]"); | |
if (this.singleEvent("Eat", item, null, pokemon, null, null)) { | |
this.runEvent("EatItem", pokemon, null, null, item); | |
} | |
if (item.onEat) | |
pokemon.ateBerry = true; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cud Chew", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 291 | |
}, | |
curiousmedicine: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
for (const ally of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) { | |
ally.clearBoosts(); | |
this.add("-clearboost", ally, "[from] ability: Curious Medicine", `[of] ${pokemon}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Curious Medicine", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 261 | |
}, | |
cursedbody: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (source.volatiles["disable"]) | |
return; | |
if (!move.isMax && !move.flags["futuremove"] && !== "struggle") { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
source.addVolatile("disable",; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cursed Body", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 130 | |
}, | |
cutecharm: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
source.addVolatile("attract",; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Cute Charm", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 56 | |
}, | |
damp: { | |
onAnyTryMove(target, source, effect) { | |
if (["explosion", "mindblown", "mistyexplosion", "selfdestruct"].includes( { | |
this.attrLastMove("[still]"); | |
this.add("cant",, "ability: Damp", effect, `[of] ${target}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAnyDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && === "Aftermath") { | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Damp", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 6 | |
}, | |
dancer: { | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Dancer", | |
// implemented in runMove in scripts.js | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 216 | |
}, | |
darkaura: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Dark Aura"); | |
}, | |
onAnyBasePowerPriority: 20, | |
onAnyBasePower(basePower, source, target, move) { | |
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type !== "Dark") | |
return; | |
if (!move.auraBooster?.hasAbility("Dark Aura")) | |
move.auraBooster =; | |
if (move.auraBooster !== | |
return; | |
return this.chainModify([move.hasAuraBreak ? 3072 : 5448, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Dark Aura", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 186 | |
}, | |
dauntlessshield: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.shieldBoost) | |
return; | |
pokemon.shieldBoost = true; | |
this.boost({ def: 1 }, pokemon); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Dauntless Shield", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 235 | |
}, | |
dazzling: { | |
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) { | |
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"]; | |
if ( === "foeSide" || === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes( { | |
return; | |
} | |
const dazzlingHolder =; | |
if ((source.isAlly(dazzlingHolder) || === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) { | |
this.attrLastMove("[still]"); | |
this.add("cant", dazzlingHolder, "ability: Dazzling", move, `[of] ${target}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Dazzling", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 219 | |
}, | |
defeatist: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Defeatist", | |
rating: -1, | |
num: 129 | |
}, | |
defiant: { | |
onAfterEachBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!source || target.isAlly(source)) { | |
return; | |
} | |
let statsLowered = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
statsLowered = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (statsLowered) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 2 }, target, target, null, false, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Defiant", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 128 | |
}, | |
deltastream: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setWeather("deltastream"); | |
}, | |
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) { | |
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"]; | |
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "deltastream" && !strongWeathers.includes( | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon) | |
return; | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target === pokemon) | |
continue; | |
if (target.hasAbility("deltastream")) { | |
this.field.weatherState.source = target; | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
this.field.clearWeather(); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Delta Stream", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 191 | |
}, | |
desolateland: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setWeather("desolateland"); | |
}, | |
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) { | |
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"]; | |
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "desolateland" && !strongWeathers.includes( | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon) | |
return; | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target === pokemon) | |
continue; | |
if (target.hasAbility("desolateland")) { | |
this.field.weatherState.source = target; | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
this.field.clearWeather(); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Desolate Land", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 190 | |
}, | |
disguise: { | |
onDamagePriority: 1, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.effectType === "Move" && ["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes( { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Disguise"); | |
this.effectState.busted = true; | |
return 0; | |
} | |
}, | |
onCriticalHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (!target) | |
return; | |
if (!["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes( { | |
return; | |
} | |
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6); | |
if (hitSub) | |
return; | |
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type)) | |
return; | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onEffectiveness(typeMod, target, type, move) { | |
if (!target || move.category === "Status") | |
return; | |
if (!["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes( { | |
return; | |
} | |
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6); | |
if (hitSub) | |
return; | |
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type)) | |
return; | |
return 0; | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (["mimikyu", "mimikyutotem"].includes( && this.effectState.busted) { | |
const speciesid = === "mimikyutotem" ? "Mimikyu-Busted-Totem" : "Mimikyu-Busted"; | |
pokemon.formeChange(speciesid, this.effect, true); | |
this.damage(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 8, pokemon, pokemon, this.dex.species.get(speciesid)); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { | |
failroleplay: 1, | |
noreceiver: 1, | |
noentrain: 1, | |
notrace: 1, | |
failskillswap: 1, | |
cantsuppress: 1, | |
breakable: 1, | |
notransform: 1 | |
}, | |
name: "Disguise", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 209 | |
}, | |
download: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
let totaldef = 0; | |
let totalspd = 0; | |
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) { | |
totaldef += target.getStat("def", false, true); | |
totalspd += target.getStat("spd", false, true); | |
} | |
if (totaldef && totaldef >= totalspd) { | |
this.boost({ spa: 1 }); | |
} else if (totalspd) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Download", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 88 | |
}, | |
dragonsmaw: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Dragon") { | |
this.debug("Dragon's Maw boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Dragon") { | |
this.debug("Dragon's Maw boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Dragon's Maw", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 263 | |
}, | |
drizzle: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
if ( === "kyogre" && source.item === "blueorb") | |
return; | |
this.field.setWeather("raindance"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Drizzle", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 2 | |
}, | |
drought: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
if ( === "groudon" && source.item === "redorb") | |
return; | |
this.field.setWeather("sunnyday"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Drought", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 70 | |
}, | |
dryskin: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") { | |
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Dry Skin"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceBasePowerPriority: 17, | |
onSourceBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
return this.chainModify(1.25); | |
} | |
}, | |
onWeather(target, source, effect) { | |
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) | |
return; | |
if ( === "raindance" || === "primordialsea") { | |
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 8); | |
} else if ( === "sunnyday" || === "desolateland") { | |
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Dry Skin", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 87 | |
}, | |
earlybird: { | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Early Bird", | |
// Implemented in statuses.js | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 48 | |
}, | |
eartheater: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Ground") { | |
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Earth Eater"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Earth Eater", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 297 | |
}, | |
effectspore: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target) && !source.status && source.runStatusImmunity("powder")) { | |
const r = this.random(100); | |
if (r < 11) { | |
source.setStatus("slp", target); | |
} else if (r < 21) { | |
source.setStatus("par", target); | |
} else if (r < 30) { | |
source.setStatus("psn", target); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Effect Spore", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 27 | |
}, | |
electricsurge: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setTerrain("electricterrain"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Electric Surge", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 226 | |
}, | |
electromorphosis: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
target.addVolatile("charge"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Electromorphosis", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 280 | |
}, | |
embodyaspectcornerstone: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if ( === "Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) { | |
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.boost({ def: 1 }, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Embody Aspect (Cornerstone)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 304 | |
}, | |
embodyaspecthearthflame: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if ( === "Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) { | |
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Embody Aspect (Hearthflame)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 303 | |
}, | |
embodyaspectteal: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if ( === "Ogerpon-Teal-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) { | |
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.boost({ spe: 1 }, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Embody Aspect (Teal)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 301 | |
}, | |
embodyaspectwellspring: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if ( === "Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera" && this.effectState.embodied !== pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn) { | |
this.effectState.embodied = pokemon.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.boost({ spd: 1 }, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Embody Aspect (Wellspring)", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 302 | |
}, | |
emergencyexit: { | |
onEmergencyExit(target) { | |
if (!this.canSwitch(target.side) || target.forceSwitchFlag || target.switchFlag) | |
return; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const active of { | |
active.switchFlag = false; | |
} | |
} | |
target.switchFlag = true; | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Emergency Exit"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Emergency Exit", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 194 | |
}, | |
fairyaura: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Fairy Aura"); | |
}, | |
onAnyBasePowerPriority: 20, | |
onAnyBasePower(basePower, source, target, move) { | |
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type !== "Fairy") | |
return; | |
if (!move.auraBooster?.hasAbility("Fairy Aura")) | |
move.auraBooster =; | |
if (move.auraBooster !== | |
return; | |
return this.chainModify([move.hasAuraBreak ? 3072 : 5448, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Fairy Aura", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 187 | |
}, | |
filter: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) { | |
this.debug("Filter neutralize"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Filter", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 111 | |
}, | |
flamebody: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
source.trySetStatus("brn", target); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Flame Body", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 49 | |
}, | |
flareboost: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 19, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.status === "brn" && move.category === "Special") { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Flare Boost", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 138 | |
}, | |
flashfire: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Fire") { | |
move.accuracy = true; | |
if (!target.addVolatile("flashfire")) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Flash Fire"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("flashfire"); | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
noCopy: true, | |
// doesn't get copied by Baton Pass | |
onStart(target) { | |
this.add("-start", target, "ability: Flash Fire"); | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hasAbility("flashfire")) { | |
this.debug("Flash Fire boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire" && attacker.hasAbility("flashfire")) { | |
this.debug("Flash Fire boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(target) { | |
this.add("-end", target, "ability: Flash Fire", "[silent]"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Flash Fire", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 18 | |
}, | |
flowergift: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onWeatherChange(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.isActive || pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Cherrim" || pokemon.transformed) | |
return; | |
if (!pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
if ( !== "cherrimsunshine") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Cherrim-Sunshine", this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if ( === "cherrimsunshine") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Cherrim", this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]"); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyModifyAtkPriority: 3, | |
onAllyModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if ( !== "Cherrim") | |
return; | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyModifySpDPriority: 4, | |
onAllyModifySpD(spd, pokemon) { | |
if ( !== "Cherrim") | |
return; | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Flower Gift", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 122 | |
}, | |
flowerveil: { | |
onAllyTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source || !target.hasType("Grass")) | |
return; | |
let showMsg = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
delete boost[i]; | |
showMsg = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries) { | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (target.hasType("Grass") && source && target !== source && effect && !== "yawn") { | |
this.debug("interrupting setStatus with Flower Veil"); | |
if ( === "Synchronize" || effect.effectType === "Move" && !effect.secondaries) { | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if (target.hasType("Grass") && === "yawn") { | |
this.debug("Flower Veil blocking yawn"); | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Flower Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Flower Veil", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 166 | |
}, | |
fluffy: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
let mod = 1; | |
if (move.type === "Fire") | |
mod *= 2; | |
if (move.flags["contact"]) | |
mod /= 2; | |
return this.chainModify(mod); | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Fluffy", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 218 | |
}, | |
forecast: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onWeatherChange(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Castform" || pokemon.transformed) | |
return; | |
let forme = null; | |
switch (pokemon.effectiveWeather()) { | |
case "sunnyday": | |
case "desolateland": | |
if ( !== "castformsunny") | |
forme = "Castform-Sunny"; | |
break; | |
case "raindance": | |
case "primordialsea": | |
if ( !== "castformrainy") | |
forme = "Castform-Rainy"; | |
break; | |
case "hail": | |
case "snowscape": | |
if ( !== "castformsnowy") | |
forme = "Castform-Snowy"; | |
break; | |
default: | |
if ( !== "castform") | |
forme = "Castform"; | |
break; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.isActive && forme) { | |
pokemon.formeChange(forme, this.effect, false, "0", "[msg]"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 }, | |
name: "Forecast", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 59 | |
}, | |
forewarn: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
let warnMoves = []; | |
let warnBp = 1; | |
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) { | |
for (const moveSlot of target.moveSlots) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveSlot.move); | |
let bp = move.basePower; | |
if (move.ohko) | |
bp = 150; | |
if ( === "counter" || === "metalburst" || === "mirrorcoat") | |
bp = 120; | |
if (bp === 1) | |
bp = 80; | |
if (!bp && move.category !== "Status") | |
bp = 80; | |
if (bp > warnBp) { | |
warnMoves = [[move, target]]; | |
warnBp = bp; | |
} else if (bp === warnBp) { | |
warnMoves.push([move, target]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!warnMoves.length) | |
return; | |
const [warnMoveName, warnTarget] = this.sample(warnMoves); | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Forewarn", warnMoveName, `[of] ${warnTarget}`); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Forewarn", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 108 | |
}, | |
friendguard: { | |
onAnyModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target !== && target.isAlly( { | |
this.debug("Friend Guard weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Friend Guard", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 132 | |
}, | |
frisk: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
for (const target of pokemon.foes()) { | |
if (target.item) { | |
this.add("-item", target, target.getItem().name, "[from] ability: Frisk", `[of] ${pokemon}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Frisk", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 119 | |
}, | |
fullmetalbody: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
let showMsg = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
delete boost[i]; | |
showMsg = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && !== "octolock") { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: Full Metal Body", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Full Metal Body", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 230 | |
}, | |
furcoat: { | |
onModifyDefPriority: 6, | |
onModifyDef(def) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Fur Coat", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 169 | |
}, | |
galewings: { | |
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move?.type === "Flying" && pokemon.hp === pokemon.maxhp) | |
return priority + 1; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Gale Wings", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 177 | |
}, | |
galvanize: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: -1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
const noModifyType = [ | |
"judgment", | |
"multiattack", | |
"naturalgift", | |
"revelationdance", | |
"technoblast", | |
"terrainpulse", | |
"weatherball" | |
]; | |
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes( && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !( === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) { | |
move.type = "Electric"; | |
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect) | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Galvanize", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 206 | |
}, | |
gluttony: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = true; | |
}, | |
onDamage(item, pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = true; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Gluttony", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 82 | |
}, | |
goodasgold: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Status" && target !== source) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Good as Gold"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Good as Gold", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 283 | |
}, | |
gooey: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) { | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Gooey"); | |
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, source, target, null, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Gooey", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 183 | |
}, | |
gorillatactics: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock = ""; | |
}, | |
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.isZOrMaxPowered || === "struggle") | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock && pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock !== { | |
this.addMove("move", pokemon,; | |
this.attrLastMove("[still]"); | |
this.debug("Disabled by Gorilla Tactics"); | |
this.add("-fail", pokemon); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock || move.isZOrMaxPowered || === "struggle") | |
return; | |
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock =; | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 1, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Gorilla Tactics Atk Boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
}, | |
onDisableMove(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) | |
return; | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
if ( !== pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock) { | |
pokemon.disableMove(, false, this.effectState.sourceEffect); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.abilityState.choiceLock = ""; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Gorilla Tactics", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 255 | |
}, | |
grasspelt: { | |
onModifyDefPriority: 6, | |
onModifyDef(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isTerrain("grassyterrain")) | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Grass Pelt", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 179 | |
}, | |
grassysurge: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setTerrain("grassyterrain"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Grassy Surge", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 229 | |
}, | |
grimneigh: { | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.boost({ spa: length }, source); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Grim Neigh", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 265 | |
}, | |
guarddog: { | |
onDragOutPriority: 1, | |
onDragOut(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Guard Dog"); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
onTryBoostPriority: 2, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, target, target, null, false, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Guard Dog", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 275 | |
}, | |
gulpmissile: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (!source.hp || !source.isActive || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) | |
return; | |
if (["cramorantgulping", "cramorantgorging"].includes( { | |
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 4, source, target); | |
if ( === "cramorantgulping") { | |
this.boost({ def: -1 }, source, target, null, true); | |
} else { | |
source.trySetStatus("par", target, move); | |
} | |
target.formeChange("cramorant", move); | |
} | |
}, | |
// The Dive part of this mechanic is implemented in Dive's `onTryMove` in moves.ts | |
onSourceTryPrimaryHit(target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.id === "surf" && source.hasAbility("gulpmissile") && === "Cramorant") { | |
const forme = source.hp <= source.maxhp / 2 ? "cramorantgorging" : "cramorantgulping"; | |
source.formeChange(forme, effect); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Gulp Missile", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 241 | |
}, | |
guts: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Guts", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 62 | |
}, | |
hadronengine: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (!this.field.setTerrain("electricterrain") && this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Hadron Engine"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) { | |
this.debug("Hadron Engine boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5461, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Hadron Engine", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 289 | |
}, | |
harvest: { | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather(["sunnyday", "desolateland"]) || this.randomChance(1, 2)) { | |
if (pokemon.hp && !pokemon.item && this.dex.items.get(pokemon.lastItem).isBerry) { | |
pokemon.setItem(pokemon.lastItem); | |
pokemon.lastItem = ""; | |
this.add("-item", pokemon, pokemon.getItem(), "[from] ability: Harvest"); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Harvest", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 139 | |
}, | |
healer: { | |
onResidualOrder: 5, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 3, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
for (const allyActive of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) { | |
if (allyActive.status && this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Healer"); | |
allyActive.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Healer", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 131 | |
}, | |
heatproof: { | |
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6, | |
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
this.debug("Heatproof Atk weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
this.debug("Heatproof SpA weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && === "brn") { | |
return damage / 2; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Heatproof", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 85 | |
}, | |
heavymetal: { | |
onModifyWeightPriority: 1, | |
onModifyWeight(weighthg) { | |
return weighthg * 2; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Heavy Metal", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 134 | |
}, | |
honeygather: { | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Honey Gather", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 118 | |
}, | |
hospitality: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
for (const ally of pokemon.adjacentAllies()) { | |
this.heal(ally.baseMaxhp / 4, ally, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Hospitality", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 299 | |
}, | |
hugepower: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Huge Power", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 37 | |
}, | |
hungerswitch: { | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies !== "Morpeko" || pokemon.terastallized) | |
return; | |
const targetForme = === "Morpeko" ? "Morpeko-Hangry" : "Morpeko"; | |
pokemon.formeChange(targetForme); | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Hunger Switch", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 258 | |
}, | |
hustle: { | |
// This should be applied directly to the stat as opposed to chaining with the others | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk) { | |
return this.modify(atk, 1.5); | |
}, | |
onSourceModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onSourceModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Physical" && typeof accuracy === "number") { | |
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Hustle", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 55 | |
}, | |
hydration: { | |
onResidualOrder: 5, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 3, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status && ["raindance", "primordialsea"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.debug("hydration"); | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Hydration"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Hydration", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 93 | |
}, | |
hypercutter: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
if (boost.atk && boost.atk < 0) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
if (!effect.secondaries) { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Hyper Cutter", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Hyper Cutter", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 52 | |
}, | |
icebody: { | |
onWeather(target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "hail" || === "snowscape") { | |
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 16); | |
} | |
}, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "hail") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Ice Body", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 115 | |
}, | |
iceface: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"]) && === "eiscuenoice") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ice Face"); | |
this.effectState.busted = false; | |
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue", this.effect, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onDamagePriority: 1, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.effectType === "Move" && effect.category === "Physical" && === "eiscue") { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Ice Face"); | |
this.effectState.busted = true; | |
return 0; | |
} | |
}, | |
onCriticalHit(target, type, move) { | |
if (!target) | |
return; | |
if (move.category !== "Physical" || !== "eiscue") | |
return; | |
if (target.volatiles["substitute"] && !(move.flags["bypasssub"] || move.infiltrates)) | |
return; | |
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type)) | |
return; | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onEffectiveness(typeMod, target, type, move) { | |
if (!target) | |
return; | |
if (move.category !== "Physical" || !== "eiscue") | |
return; | |
const hitSub = target.volatiles["substitute"] && !move.flags["bypasssub"] && !(move.infiltrates && this.gen >= 6); | |
if (hitSub) | |
return; | |
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type)) | |
return; | |
return 0; | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if ( === "eiscue" && this.effectState.busted) { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue-Noice", this.effect, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onWeatherChange(pokemon, source, sourceEffect) { | |
if (sourceEffect?.suppressWeather) | |
return; | |
if (!pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"]) && === "eiscuenoice") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ice Face"); | |
this.effectState.busted = false; | |
pokemon.formeChange("Eiscue", this.effect, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { | |
failroleplay: 1, | |
noreceiver: 1, | |
noentrain: 1, | |
notrace: 1, | |
failskillswap: 1, | |
cantsuppress: 1, | |
breakable: 1, | |
notransform: 1 | |
}, | |
name: "Ice Face", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 248 | |
}, | |
icescales: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Special") { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Ice Scales", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 246 | |
}, | |
illuminate: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) { | |
delete boost.accuracy; | |
if (!effect.secondaries) { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Illuminate", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreEvasion = true; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Illuminate", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 35 | |
}, | |
illusion: { | |
onBeforeSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.illusion = null; | |
for (let i = pokemon.side.pokemon.length - 1; i > pokemon.position; i--) { | |
const possibleTarget = pokemon.side.pokemon[i]; | |
if (!possibleTarget.fainted) { | |
if (!pokemon.terastallized || possibleTarget.species.baseSpecies !== "Ogerpon") { | |
pokemon.illusion = possibleTarget; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (target.illusion) { | |
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), target.abilityState, target, source, move); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.illusion) { | |
this.debug("illusion cleared"); | |
pokemon.illusion = null; | |
const details = pokemon.getUpdatedDetails(); | |
this.add("replace", pokemon, details); | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Illusion"); | |
if (this.ruleTable.has("illusionlevelmod")) { | |
this.hint("Illusion Level Mod is active, so this Pok\xE9mon's true level was hidden.", true); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onFaint(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.illusion = null; | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 }, | |
name: "Illusion", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 149 | |
}, | |
immunity: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "psn" || pokemon.status === "tox") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Immunity"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "psn" && !== "tox") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Immunity"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Immunity", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 17 | |
}, | |
imposter: { | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
const target =[ - 1 - pokemon.position]; | |
if (target) { | |
pokemon.transformInto(target, this.dex.abilities.get("imposter")); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 }, | |
name: "Imposter", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 150 | |
}, | |
infiltrator: { | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.infiltrates = true; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Infiltrator", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 151 | |
}, | |
innardsout: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (!target.hp) { | |
this.damage(target.getUndynamaxedHP(damage), source, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Innards Out", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 215 | |
}, | |
innerfocus: { | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, pokemon) { | |
if ( === "flinch") | |
return null; | |
}, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Inner Focus", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Inner Focus", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 39 | |
}, | |
insomnia: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "slp") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Insomnia"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "slp") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Insomnia"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( === "yawn") { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Insomnia"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Insomnia", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 15 | |
}, | |
intimidate: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
let activated = false; | |
for (const target of pokemon.adjacentFoes()) { | |
if (!activated) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Intimidate", "boost"); | |
activated = true; | |
} | |
if (target.volatiles["substitute"]) { | |
this.add("-immune", target); | |
} else { | |
this.boost({ atk: -1 }, target, pokemon, null, true); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Intimidate", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 22 | |
}, | |
intrepidsword: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.swordBoost) | |
return; | |
pokemon.swordBoost = true; | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Intrepid Sword", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 234 | |
}, | |
ironbarbs: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) { | |
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 8, source, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Iron Barbs", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 160 | |
}, | |
ironfist: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["punch"]) { | |
this.debug("Iron Fist boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Iron Fist", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 89 | |
}, | |
justified: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Dark") { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Justified", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 154 | |
}, | |
keeneye: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) { | |
delete boost.accuracy; | |
if (!effect.secondaries) { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Keen Eye", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreEvasion = true; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Keen Eye", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 51 | |
}, | |
klutz: { | |
// Klutz isn't technically active immediately in-game, but it activates early enough to beat all items | |
// we should keep an eye out in future gens for items that activate on switch-in before Unnerve | |
onSwitchInPriority: 1, | |
// Item suppression implemented in Pokemon.ignoringItem() within sim/pokemon.js | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("End", pokemon.getItem(), pokemon.itemState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Klutz", | |
rating: -1, | |
num: 103 | |
}, | |
leafguard: { | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(target.effectiveWeather())) { | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Leaf Guard"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( === "yawn" && ["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(target.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Leaf Guard"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Leaf Guard", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 102 | |
}, | |
levitate: { | |
// airborneness implemented in sim/pokemon.js:Pokemon#isGrounded | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Levitate", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 26 | |
}, | |
libero: { | |
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) { | |
if (this.effectState.libero === source.previouslySwitchedIn) | |
return; | |
if (move.hasBounced || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.sourceEffect === "snatch" || move.callsMove) | |
return; | |
const type = move.type; | |
if (type && type !== "???" && source.getTypes().join() !== type) { | |
if (!source.setType(type)) | |
return; | |
this.effectState.libero = source.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.add("-start", source, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Libero"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Libero", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 236 | |
}, | |
lightmetal: { | |
onModifyWeight(weighthg) { | |
return this.trunc(weighthg / 2); | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Light Metal", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 135 | |
}, | |
lightningrod: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") { | |
if (!this.boost({ spa: 1 })) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Lightning Rod"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAnyRedirectTarget(target, source, source2, move) { | |
if (move.type !== "Electric" || move.flags["pledgecombo"]) | |
return; | |
const redirectTarget = ["randomNormal", "adjacentFoe"].includes( ? "normal" :; | |
if (this.validTarget(, source, redirectTarget)) { | |
if (move.smartTarget) | |
move.smartTarget = false; | |
if ( !== target) { | |
this.add("-activate",, "ability: Lightning Rod"); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Lightning Rod", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 31 | |
}, | |
limber: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "par") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Limber"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "par") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Limber"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Limber", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 7 | |
}, | |
lingeringaroma: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
const sourceAbility = source.getAbility(); | |
if (sourceAbility.flags["cantsuppress"] || === "lingeringaroma") { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, !source.isAlly(target))) { | |
const oldAbility = source.setAbility("lingeringaroma", target); | |
if (oldAbility) { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Lingering Aroma", this.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility).name, `[of] ${source}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Lingering Aroma", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 268 | |
}, | |
liquidooze: { | |
onSourceTryHeal(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
this.debug(`Heal is occurring: ${target} <- ${source} :: ${}`); | |
const canOoze = ["drain", "leechseed", "strengthsap"]; | |
if (canOoze.includes( { | |
this.damage(damage); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Liquid Ooze", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 64 | |
}, | |
liquidvoice: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: -1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
if (move.flags["sound"] && !pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"]) { | |
move.type = "Water"; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Liquid Voice", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 204 | |
}, | |
longreach: { | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
delete move.flags["contact"]; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Long Reach", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 203 | |
}, | |
magicbounce: { | |
onTryHitPriority: 1, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target === source || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"] || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
newMove.hasBounced = true; | |
newMove.pranksterBoosted = false; | |
this.actions.useMove(newMove, target, { target: source }); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) { | |
if (target.isAlly(source) || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"] || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
newMove.hasBounced = true; | |
newMove.pranksterBoosted = false; | |
this.actions.useMove(newMove,, { target: source }); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
duration: 1 | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Magic Bounce", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 156 | |
}, | |
magicguard: { | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect.effectType !== "Move") { | |
if (effect.effectType === "Ability") | |
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: " +; | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Magic Guard", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 98 | |
}, | |
magician: { | |
onAfterMoveSecondarySelf(source, target, move) { | |
if (!move || !target || source.switchFlag === true) | |
return; | |
if (target !== source && move.category !== "Status") { | |
if (source.item || source.volatiles["gem"] || === "fling") | |
return; | |
const yourItem = target.takeItem(source); | |
if (!yourItem) | |
return; | |
if (!source.setItem(yourItem)) { | |
target.item =; | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add("-item", source, yourItem, "[from] ability: Magician", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Magician", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 170 | |
}, | |
magmaarmor: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "frz") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Magma Armor"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "frz") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Magma Armor", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 40 | |
}, | |
magnetpull: { | |
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.hasType("Steel") && pokemon.isAdjacent( { | |
pokemon.tryTrap(true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) { | |
if (!source) | |
source =; | |
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source)) | |
return; | |
if (!pokemon.knownType || pokemon.hasType("Steel")) { | |
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Magnet Pull", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 42 | |
}, | |
marvelscale: { | |
onModifyDefPriority: 6, | |
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Marvel Scale", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 63 | |
}, | |
megalauncher: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 19, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["pulse"]) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Mega Launcher", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 178 | |
}, | |
merciless: { | |
onModifyCritRatio(critRatio, source, target) { | |
if (target && ["psn", "tox"].includes(target.status)) | |
return 5; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Merciless", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 196 | |
}, | |
mimicry: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("TerrainChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onTerrainChange(pokemon) { | |
let types; | |
switch (this.field.terrain) { | |
case "electricterrain": | |
types = ["Electric"]; | |
break; | |
case "grassyterrain": | |
types = ["Grass"]; | |
break; | |
case "mistyterrain": | |
types = ["Fairy"]; | |
break; | |
case "psychicterrain": | |
types = ["Psychic"]; | |
break; | |
default: | |
types = pokemon.baseSpecies.types; | |
} | |
const oldTypes = pokemon.getTypes(); | |
if (oldTypes.join() === types.join() || !pokemon.setType(types)) | |
return; | |
if (this.field.terrain || pokemon.transformed) { | |
this.add("-start", pokemon, "typechange", types.join("/"), "[from] ability: Mimicry"); | |
if (!this.field.terrain) | |
this.hint("Transform Mimicry changes you to your original un-transformed types."); | |
} else { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Mimicry"); | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "typechange", "[silent]"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Mimicry", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 250 | |
}, | |
mindseye: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
if (boost.accuracy && boost.accuracy < 0) { | |
delete boost.accuracy; | |
if (!effect.secondaries) { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "accuracy", "[from] ability: Mind's Eye", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyMovePriority: -5, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreEvasion = true; | |
if (!move.ignoreImmunity) | |
move.ignoreImmunity = {}; | |
if (move.ignoreImmunity !== true) { | |
move.ignoreImmunity["Fighting"] = true; | |
move.ignoreImmunity["Normal"] = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Mind's Eye", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 300 | |
}, | |
minus: { | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) { | |
for (const allyActive of pokemon.allies()) { | |
if (allyActive.hasAbility(["minus", "plus"])) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Minus", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 58 | |
}, | |
mirrorarmor: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!source || target === source || !boost || === "Mirror Armor") | |
return; | |
let b; | |
for (b in boost) { | |
if (boost[b] < 0) { | |
if (target.boosts[b] === -6) | |
continue; | |
const negativeBoost = {}; | |
negativeBoost[b] = boost[b]; | |
delete boost[b]; | |
if (source.hp) { | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Mirror Armor"); | |
this.boost(negativeBoost, source, target, null, true); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Mirror Armor", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 240 | |
}, | |
mistysurge: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setTerrain("mistyterrain"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Misty Surge", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 228 | |
}, | |
moldbreaker: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Mold Breaker"); | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreAbility = true; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Mold Breaker", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 104 | |
}, | |
moody: { | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
let stats = []; | |
const boost = {}; | |
let statPlus; | |
for (statPlus in pokemon.boosts) { | |
if (statPlus === "accuracy" || statPlus === "evasion") | |
continue; | |
if (pokemon.boosts[statPlus] < 6) { | |
stats.push(statPlus); | |
} | |
} | |
let randomStat = stats.length ? this.sample(stats) : void 0; | |
if (randomStat) | |
boost[randomStat] = 2; | |
stats = []; | |
let statMinus; | |
for (statMinus in pokemon.boosts) { | |
if (statMinus === "accuracy" || statMinus === "evasion") | |
continue; | |
if (pokemon.boosts[statMinus] > -6 && statMinus !== randomStat) { | |
stats.push(statMinus); | |
} | |
} | |
randomStat = stats.length ? this.sample(stats) : void 0; | |
if (randomStat) | |
boost[randomStat] = -1; | |
this.boost(boost, pokemon, pokemon); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Moody", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 141 | |
}, | |
motordrive: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") { | |
if (!this.boost({ spe: 1 })) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Motor Drive"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Motor Drive", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 78 | |
}, | |
moxie: { | |
onSourceAfterFaint(length, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.boost({ atk: length }, source); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Moxie", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 153 | |
}, | |
multiscale: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.hp >= target.maxhp) { | |
this.debug("Multiscale weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Multiscale", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 136 | |
}, | |
multitype: { | |
// Multitype's type-changing itself is implemented in statuses.js | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Multitype", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 121 | |
}, | |
mummy: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
const sourceAbility = source.getAbility(); | |
if (sourceAbility.flags["cantsuppress"] || === "mummy") { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, !source.isAlly(target))) { | |
const oldAbility = source.setAbility("mummy", target); | |
if (oldAbility) { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Mummy", this.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility).name, `[of] ${source}`); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Mummy", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 152 | |
}, | |
myceliummight: { | |
onFractionalPriorityPriority: -1, | |
onFractionalPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Status") { | |
return -0.1; | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (move.category === "Status") { | |
move.ignoreAbility = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Mycelium Might", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 298 | |
}, | |
naturalcure: { | |
onCheckShow(pokemon) { | |
if ( === 1) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.showCure === true || pokemon.showCure === false) | |
return; | |
const cureList = []; | |
let noCureCount = 0; | |
for (const curPoke of { | |
if (!curPoke?.status) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (curPoke.showCure) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
const species = curPoke.species; | |
if (!Object.values(species.abilities).includes("Natural Cure")) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (!species.abilities["1"] && !species.abilities["H"]) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (curPoke !== pokemon && !this.queue.willSwitch(curPoke)) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (curPoke.hasAbility("naturalcure")) { | |
cureList.push(curPoke); | |
} else { | |
noCureCount++; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!cureList.length || !noCureCount) { | |
for (const pkmn of cureList) { | |
pkmn.showCure = true; | |
} | |
} else { | |
this.add("-message", `(${cureList.length} of ${}'s pokemon ${cureList.length === 1 ? "was" : "were"} cured by Natural Cure.)`); | |
for (const pkmn of cureList) { | |
pkmn.showCure = false; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onSwitchOut(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.status) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.showCure === void 0) | |
pokemon.showCure = true; | |
if (pokemon.showCure) | |
this.add("-curestatus", pokemon, pokemon.status, "[from] ability: Natural Cure"); | |
pokemon.clearStatus(); | |
if (!pokemon.showCure) | |
pokemon.showCure = void 0; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Natural Cure", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 30 | |
}, | |
neuroforce: { | |
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (move && target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) { | |
return this.chainModify([5120, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Neuroforce", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 233 | |
}, | |
neutralizinggas: { | |
// Ability suppression implemented in sim/pokemon.ts:Pokemon#ignoringAbility | |
onSwitchInPriority: 2, | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Neutralizing Gas"); | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false; | |
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"]; | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target.hasItem("Ability Shield")) { | |
this.add("-block", target, "item: Ability Shield"); | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (target.volatiles["commanding"]) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (target.illusion) { | |
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get("Illusion"), target.abilityState, target, pokemon, "neutralizinggas"); | |
} | |
if (target.volatiles["slowstart"]) { | |
delete target.volatiles["slowstart"]; | |
this.add("-end", target, "Slow Start", "[silent]"); | |
} | |
if (strongWeathers.includes(target.getAbility().id)) { | |
this.singleEvent("End", this.dex.abilities.get(target.getAbility().id), target.abilityState, target, pokemon, "neutralizinggas"); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(source) { | |
if (source.transformed) | |
return; | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon !== source && pokemon.hasAbility("Neutralizing Gas")) { | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
this.add("-end", source, "ability: Neutralizing Gas"); | |
if (source.abilityState.ending) | |
return; | |
source.abilityState.ending = true; | |
const sortedActive = this.getAllActive(); | |
this.speedSort(sortedActive); | |
for (const pokemon of sortedActive) { | |
if (pokemon !== source) { | |
if (pokemon.getAbility().flags["cantsuppress"]) | |
continue; | |
if (pokemon.hasItem("abilityshield")) | |
continue; | |
this.singleEvent("Start", pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); | |
if (pokemon.ability === "gluttony") { | |
pokemon.abilityState.gluttony = false; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Neutralizing Gas", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 256 | |
}, | |
noguard: { | |
onAnyInvulnerabilityPriority: 1, | |
onAnyInvulnerability(target, source, move) { | |
if (move && (source === || target === | |
return 0; | |
}, | |
onAnyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) { | |
if (move && (source === || target === { | |
return true; | |
} | |
return accuracy; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "No Guard", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 99 | |
}, | |
normalize: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: 1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
const noModifyType = [ | |
"hiddenpower", | |
"judgment", | |
"multiattack", | |
"naturalgift", | |
"revelationdance", | |
"struggle", | |
"technoblast", | |
"terrainpulse", | |
"weatherball" | |
]; | |
if (!(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !noModifyType.includes( && // TODO: Figure out actual interaction | |
!( === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) { | |
move.type = "Normal"; | |
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect) | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Normalize", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 96 | |
}, | |
oblivious: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles["attract"]) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Oblivious"); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("attract"); | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "move: Attract", "[from] ability: Oblivious"); | |
} | |
if (pokemon.volatiles["taunt"]) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Oblivious"); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("taunt"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "attract") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) { | |
if ( === "attract" || === "captivate" || === "taunt") { | |
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Oblivious"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Oblivious", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Oblivious", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 12 | |
}, | |
opportunist: { | |
onFoeAfterBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.name === "Opportunist" || effect?.name === "Mirror Herb") | |
return; | |
if (!this.effectState.boosts) | |
this.effectState.boosts = {}; | |
const boostPlus = this.effectState.boosts; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] > 0) { | |
boostPlus[i] = (boostPlus[i] || 0) + boost[i]; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onAnySwitchInPriority: -3, | |
onAnySwitchIn() { | |
if (!this.effectState.boosts) | |
return; | |
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts,; | |
delete this.effectState.boosts; | |
}, | |
onAnyAfterMove() { | |
if (!this.effectState.boosts) | |
return; | |
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts,; | |
delete this.effectState.boosts; | |
}, | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (!this.effectState.boosts) | |
return; | |
this.boost(this.effectState.boosts,; | |
delete this.effectState.boosts; | |
}, | |
onEnd() { | |
delete this.effectState.boosts; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Opportunist", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 290 | |
}, | |
orichalcumpulse: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.setWeather("sunnyday")) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "Orichalcum Pulse", "[source]"); | |
} else if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Orichalcum Pulse"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
this.debug("Orichalcum boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5461, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Orichalcum Pulse", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 288 | |
}, | |
overcoat: { | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "sandstorm" || type === "hail" || type === "powder") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryHitPriority: 1, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (move.flags["powder"] && target !== source && this.dex.getImmunity("powder", target)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Overcoat"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Overcoat", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 142 | |
}, | |
overgrow: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Grass" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Overgrow boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Grass" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Overgrow boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Overgrow", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 65 | |
}, | |
owntempo: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles["confusion"]) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Own Tempo"); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("confusion"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, pokemon) { | |
if ( === "confusion") | |
return null; | |
}, | |
onHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (move?.volatileStatus === "confusion") { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "confusion", "[from] ability: Own Tempo"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Own Tempo", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Own Tempo", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 20 | |
}, | |
parentalbond: { | |
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Status" || move.multihit || move.flags["noparentalbond"] || move.flags["charge"] || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.spreadHit || move.isZ || move.isMax) | |
return; | |
move.multihit = 2; | |
move.multihitType = "parentalbond"; | |
}, | |
// Damage modifier implemented in BattleActions#modifyDamage() | |
onSourceModifySecondaries(secondaries, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.multihitType === "parentalbond" && === "secretpower" && move.hit < 2) { | |
return secondaries.filter((effect) => effect.volatileStatus === "flinch"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Parental Bond", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 185 | |
}, | |
pastelveil: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
for (const ally of pokemon.alliesAndSelf()) { | |
if (["psn", "tox"].includes(ally.status)) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Pastel Veil"); | |
ally.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (["psn", "tox"].includes(pokemon.status)) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Pastel Veil"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onAnySwitchIn() { | |,; | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!["psn", "tox"].includes( | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Pastel Veil"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!["psn", "tox"].includes( | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Pastel Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Pastel Veil", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 257 | |
}, | |
perishbody: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (!this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target) || source.volatiles["perishsong"]) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Perish Body"); | |
source.addVolatile("perishsong"); | |
target.addVolatile("perishsong"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Perish Body", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 253 | |
}, | |
pickpocket: { | |
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) { | |
if (source && source !== target && move?.flags["contact"]) { | |
if (target.item || target.switchFlag || target.forceSwitchFlag || source.switchFlag === true) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const yourItem = source.takeItem(target); | |
if (!yourItem) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!target.setItem(yourItem)) { | |
source.item =; | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add("-enditem", source, yourItem, "[silent]", "[from] ability: Pickpocket", `[of] ${source}`); | |
this.add("-item", target, yourItem, "[from] ability: Pickpocket", `[of] ${source}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Pickpocket", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 124 | |
}, | |
pickup: { | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.item) | |
return; | |
const pickupTargets = this.getAllActive().filter((target) => target.lastItem && target.usedItemThisTurn && pokemon.isAdjacent(target)); | |
if (!pickupTargets.length) | |
return; | |
const randomTarget = this.sample(pickupTargets); | |
const item = randomTarget.lastItem; | |
randomTarget.lastItem = ""; | |
this.add("-item", pokemon, this.dex.items.get(item), "[from] ability: Pickup"); | |
pokemon.setItem(item); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Pickup", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 53 | |
}, | |
pixilate: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: -1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
const noModifyType = [ | |
"judgment", | |
"multiattack", | |
"naturalgift", | |
"revelationdance", | |
"technoblast", | |
"terrainpulse", | |
"weatherball" | |
]; | |
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes( && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !( === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) { | |
move.type = "Fairy"; | |
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect) | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Pixilate", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 182 | |
}, | |
plus: { | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) { | |
for (const allyActive of pokemon.allies()) { | |
if (allyActive.hasAbility(["minus", "plus"])) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Plus", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 57 | |
}, | |
poisonheal: { | |
onDamagePriority: 1, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "psn" || === "tox") { | |
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 8); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Poison Heal", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 90 | |
}, | |
poisonpoint: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
source.trySetStatus("psn", target); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Poison Point", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 38 | |
}, | |
poisonpuppeteer: { | |
onAnyAfterSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "Pecharunt") | |
return; | |
if (source !== || target === source || effect.effectType !== "Move") | |
return; | |
if ( === "psn" || === "tox") { | |
target.addVolatile("confusion"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 }, | |
name: "Poison Puppeteer", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 310 | |
}, | |
poisontouch: { | |
onSourceDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (target.hasAbility("shielddust") || target.hasItem("covertcloak")) | |
return; | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, target, source)) { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
target.trySetStatus("psn", source); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Poison Touch", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 143 | |
}, | |
powerconstruct: { | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Zygarde" || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
if ( === "zygardecomplete" || pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2) | |
return; | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Power Construct"); | |
pokemon.formeChange("Zygarde-Complete", this.effect, true); | |
pokemon.baseMaxhp = Math.floor(Math.floor( | |
2 * pokemon.species.baseStats["hp"] + pokemon.set.ivs["hp"] + Math.floor(pokemon.set.evs["hp"] / 4) + 100 | |
) * pokemon.level / 100 + 10); | |
const newMaxHP = pokemon.volatiles["dynamax"] ? 2 * pokemon.baseMaxhp : pokemon.baseMaxhp; | |
pokemon.hp = newMaxHP - (pokemon.maxhp - pokemon.hp); | |
pokemon.maxhp = newMaxHP; | |
this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]"); | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Power Construct", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 211 | |
}, | |
powerofalchemy: { | |
onAllyFaint(target) { | |
if (! | |
return; | |
const ability = target.getAbility(); | |
if (ability.flags["noreceiver"] || === "noability") | |
return; | |
if ( { | |
this.add("-ability",, ability, "[from] ability: Power of Alchemy", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 }, | |
name: "Power of Alchemy", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 223 | |
}, | |
powerspot: { | |
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22, | |
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker !== { | |
this.debug("Power Spot boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Power Spot", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 249 | |
}, | |
prankster: { | |
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move?.category === "Status") { | |
move.pranksterBoosted = true; | |
return priority + 1; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Prankster", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 158 | |
}, | |
pressure: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Pressure"); | |
}, | |
onDeductPP(target, source) { | |
if (target.isAlly(source)) | |
return; | |
return 1; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Pressure", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 46 | |
}, | |
primordialsea: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setWeather("primordialsea"); | |
}, | |
onAnySetWeather(target, source, weather) { | |
const strongWeathers = ["desolateland", "primordialsea", "deltastream"]; | |
if (this.field.getWeather().id === "primordialsea" && !strongWeathers.includes( | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.weatherState.source !== pokemon) | |
return; | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target === pokemon) | |
continue; | |
if (target.hasAbility("primordialsea")) { | |
this.field.weatherState.source = target; | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
this.field.clearWeather(); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Primordial Sea", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 189 | |
}, | |
prismarmor: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) { | |
this.debug("Prism Armor neutralize"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Prism Armor", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 232 | |
}, | |
propellertail: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: 1, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.tracksTarget = !== "scripted"; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Propeller Tail", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 239 | |
}, | |
protean: { | |
onPrepareHit(source, target, move) { | |
if (this.effectState.protean === source.previouslySwitchedIn) | |
return; | |
if (move.hasBounced || move.flags["futuremove"] || move.sourceEffect === "snatch" || move.callsMove) | |
return; | |
const type = move.type; | |
if (type && type !== "???" && source.getTypes().join() !== type) { | |
if (!source.setType(type)) | |
return; | |
this.effectState.protean = source.previouslySwitchedIn; | |
this.add("-start", source, "typechange", type, "[from] ability: Protean"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Protean", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 168 | |
}, | |
protosynthesis: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("WeatherChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onWeatherChange(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("protosynthesis"); | |
} else if (!pokemon.volatiles["protosynthesis"]?.fromBooster && !this.field.isWeather("sunnyday")) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("protosynthesis"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles["protosynthesis"]; | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Protosynthesis", "[silent]"); | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
noCopy: true, | |
onStart(pokemon, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.name === "Booster Energy") { | |
this.effectState.fromBooster = true; | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Protosynthesis", "[fromitem]"); | |
} else { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Protosynthesis"); | |
} | |
this.effectState.bestStat = pokemon.getBestStat(false, true); | |
this.add("-start", pokemon, "protosynthesis" + this.effectState.bestStat); | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "atk" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Protosynthesis atk boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifyDefPriority: 6, | |
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "def" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Protosynthesis def boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spa" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Protosynthesis spa boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpDPriority: 6, | |
onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spd" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Protosynthesis spd boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spe" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Protosynthesis spe boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Protosynthesis"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Protosynthesis", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 281 | |
}, | |
psychicsurge: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setTerrain("psychicterrain"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Psychic Surge", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 227 | |
}, | |
punkrock: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 7, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["sound"]) { | |
this.debug("Punk Rock boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (move.flags["sound"]) { | |
this.debug("Punk Rock weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Punk Rock", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 244 | |
}, | |
purepower: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Pure Power", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 74 | |
}, | |
purifyingsalt: { | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Purifying Salt"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( === "yawn") { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Purifying Salt"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6, | |
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Ghost") { | |
this.debug("Purifying Salt weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onSourceModifySpA(spa, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Ghost") { | |
this.debug("Purifying Salt weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Purifying Salt", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 272 | |
}, | |
quarkdrive: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -2, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.singleEvent("TerrainChange", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
}, | |
onTerrainChange(pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("quarkdrive"); | |
} else if (!pokemon.volatiles["quarkdrive"]?.fromBooster) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("quarkdrive"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles["quarkdrive"]; | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Quark Drive", "[silent]"); | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
noCopy: true, | |
onStart(pokemon, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.name === "Booster Energy") { | |
this.effectState.fromBooster = true; | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quark Drive", "[fromitem]"); | |
} else { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quark Drive"); | |
} | |
this.effectState.bestStat = pokemon.getBestStat(false, true); | |
this.add("-start", pokemon, "quarkdrive" + this.effectState.bestStat); | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "atk" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Quark Drive atk boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifyDefPriority: 6, | |
onModifyDef(def, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "def" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Quark Drive def boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spa" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Quark Drive spa boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpDPriority: 6, | |
onModifySpD(spd, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spd" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Quark Drive spd boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.bestStat !== "spe" || pokemon.ignoringAbility()) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Quark Drive spe boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Quark Drive"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Quark Drive", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 282 | |
}, | |
queenlymajesty: { | |
onFoeTryMove(target, source, move) { | |
const targetAllExceptions = ["perishsong", "flowershield", "rototiller"]; | |
if ( === "foeSide" || === "all" && !targetAllExceptions.includes( { | |
return; | |
} | |
const dazzlingHolder =; | |
if ((source.isAlly(dazzlingHolder) || === "all") && move.priority > 0.1) { | |
this.attrLastMove("[still]"); | |
this.add("cant", dazzlingHolder, "ability: Queenly Majesty", move, `[of] ${target}`); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Queenly Majesty", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 214 | |
}, | |
quickdraw: { | |
onFractionalPriorityPriority: -1, | |
onFractionalPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.category !== "Status" && this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Quick Draw"); | |
return 0.1; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Quick Draw", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 259 | |
}, | |
quickfeet: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Quick Feet", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 95 | |
}, | |
raindish: { | |
onWeather(target, source, effect) { | |
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) | |
return; | |
if ( === "raindance" || === "primordialsea") { | |
this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 16); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rain Dish", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 44 | |
}, | |
rattled: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (["Dark", "Bug", "Ghost"].includes(move.type)) { | |
this.boost({ spe: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
onAfterBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect?.name === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
this.boost({ spe: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rattled", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 155 | |
}, | |
receiver: { | |
onAllyFaint(target) { | |
if (! | |
return; | |
const ability = target.getAbility(); | |
if (ability.flags["noreceiver"] || === "noability") | |
return; | |
if ( { | |
this.add("-ability",, ability, "[from] ability: Receiver", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 }, | |
name: "Receiver", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 222 | |
}, | |
reckless: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.recoil || move.hasCrashDamage) { | |
this.debug("Reckless boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Reckless", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 120 | |
}, | |
refrigerate: { | |
onModifyTypePriority: -1, | |
onModifyType(move, pokemon) { | |
const noModifyType = [ | |
"judgment", | |
"multiattack", | |
"naturalgift", | |
"revelationdance", | |
"technoblast", | |
"terrainpulse", | |
"weatherball" | |
]; | |
if (move.type === "Normal" && !noModifyType.includes( && !(move.isZ && move.category !== "Status") && !( === "Tera Blast" && pokemon.terastallized)) { | |
move.type = "Ice"; | |
move.typeChangerBoosted = this.effect; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 23, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.typeChangerBoosted === this.effect) | |
return this.chainModify([4915, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Refrigerate", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 174 | |
}, | |
regenerator: { | |
onSwitchOut(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.heal(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 3); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Regenerator", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 144 | |
}, | |
ripen: { | |
onTryHeal(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!effect) | |
return; | |
if ( === "Berry Juice" || === "Leftovers") { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Ripen"); | |
} | |
if (effect.isBerry) | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
}, | |
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && effect.isBerry) { | |
let b; | |
for (b in boost) { | |
boost[b] *= 2; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifyDamagePriority: -1, | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.abilityState.berryWeaken) { | |
target.abilityState.berryWeaken = false; | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryEatItemPriority: -1, | |
onTryEatItem(item, pokemon) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Ripen"); | |
}, | |
onEatItem(item, pokemon) { | |
const weakenBerries = [ | |
"Babiri Berry", | |
"Charti Berry", | |
"Chilan Berry", | |
"Chople Berry", | |
"Coba Berry", | |
"Colbur Berry", | |
"Haban Berry", | |
"Kasib Berry", | |
"Kebia Berry", | |
"Occa Berry", | |
"Passho Berry", | |
"Payapa Berry", | |
"Rindo Berry", | |
"Roseli Berry", | |
"Shuca Berry", | |
"Tanga Berry", | |
"Wacan Berry", | |
"Yache Berry" | |
]; | |
pokemon.abilityState.berryWeaken = weakenBerries.includes(; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Ripen", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 247 | |
}, | |
rivalry: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 24, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.gender && defender.gender) { | |
if (attacker.gender === defender.gender) { | |
this.debug("Rivalry boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.25); | |
} else { | |
this.debug("Rivalry weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rivalry", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 79 | |
}, | |
rkssystem: { | |
// RKS System's type-changing itself is implemented in statuses.js | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "RKS System", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 225 | |
}, | |
rockhead: { | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "recoil") { | |
if (!this.activeMove) | |
throw new Error("Battle.activeMove is null"); | |
if ( !== "struggle") | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rock Head", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 69 | |
}, | |
rockypayload: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Rock") { | |
this.debug("Rocky Payload boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Rock") { | |
this.debug("Rocky Payload boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rocky Payload", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 276 | |
}, | |
roughskin: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) { | |
this.damage(source.baseMaxhp / 8, source, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Rough Skin", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 24 | |
}, | |
runaway: { | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Run Away", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 50 | |
}, | |
sandforce: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 21, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) { | |
if (move.type === "Rock" || move.type === "Ground" || move.type === "Steel") { | |
this.debug("Sand Force boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "sandstorm") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sand Force", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 159 | |
}, | |
sandrush: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "sandstorm") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sand Rush", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 146 | |
}, | |
sandspit: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
this.field.setWeather("sandstorm"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sand Spit", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 245 | |
}, | |
sandstream: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setWeather("sandstorm"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sand Stream", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 45 | |
}, | |
sandveil: { | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "sandstorm") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) { | |
if (typeof accuracy !== "number") | |
return; | |
if (this.field.isWeather("sandstorm")) { | |
this.debug("Sand Veil - decreasing accuracy"); | |
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Sand Veil", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 8 | |
}, | |
sapsipper: { | |
onTryHitPriority: 1, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Grass") { | |
if (!this.boost({ atk: 1 })) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Sap Sipper"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) { | |
if (source === || !target.isAlly(source)) | |
return; | |
if (move.type === "Grass") { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 },; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Sap Sipper", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 157 | |
}, | |
schooling: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Wishiwashi" || pokemon.level < 20 || pokemon.transformed) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 4) { | |
if ( === "wishiwashi") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Wishiwashi-School"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if ( === "wishiwashischool") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Wishiwashi"); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Wishiwashi" || pokemon.level < 20 || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 4) { | |
if ( === "wishiwashi") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Wishiwashi-School"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if ( === "wishiwashischool") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Wishiwashi"); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Schooling", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 208 | |
}, | |
scrappy: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: -5, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (!move.ignoreImmunity) | |
move.ignoreImmunity = {}; | |
if (move.ignoreImmunity !== true) { | |
move.ignoreImmunity["Fighting"] = true; | |
move.ignoreImmunity["Normal"] = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "Intimidate" && boost.atk) { | |
delete boost.atk; | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "Attack", "[from] ability: Scrappy", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Scrappy", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 113 | |
}, | |
screencleaner: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
let activated = false; | |
for (const sideCondition of ["reflect", "lightscreen", "auroraveil"]) { | |
for (const side of [pokemon.side, ...pokemon.side.foeSidesWithConditions()]) { | |
if (side.getSideCondition(sideCondition)) { | |
if (!activated) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Screen Cleaner"); | |
activated = true; | |
} | |
side.removeSideCondition(sideCondition); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Screen Cleaner", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 251 | |
}, | |
seedsower: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
this.field.setTerrain("grassyterrain"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Seed Sower", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 269 | |
}, | |
serenegrace: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: -2, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (move.secondaries) { | |
this.debug("doubling secondary chance"); | |
for (const secondary of move.secondaries) { | |
if (secondary.chance) | |
secondary.chance *= 2; | |
} | |
} | |
if (move.self?.chance) | |
move.self.chance *= 2; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Serene Grace", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 32 | |
}, | |
shadowshield: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.hp >= target.maxhp) { | |
this.debug("Shadow Shield weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Shadow Shield", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 231 | |
}, | |
shadowtag: { | |
onFoeTrapPokemon(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.hasAbility("shadowtag") && pokemon.isAdjacent( { | |
pokemon.tryTrap(true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onFoeMaybeTrapPokemon(pokemon, source) { | |
if (!source) | |
source =; | |
if (!source || !pokemon.isAdjacent(source)) | |
return; | |
if (!pokemon.hasAbility("shadowtag")) { | |
pokemon.maybeTrapped = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Shadow Tag", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 23 | |
}, | |
sharpness: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 19, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["slicing"]) { | |
this.debug("Sharpness boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sharpness", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 292 | |
}, | |
shedskin: { | |
onResidualOrder: 5, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 3, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.status && this.randomChance(33, 100)) { | |
this.debug("shed skin"); | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Shed Skin"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Shed Skin", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 61 | |
}, | |
sheerforce: { | |
onModifyMove(move, pokemon) { | |
if (move.secondaries) { | |
delete move.secondaries; | |
delete move.self; | |
if ( === "clangoroussoulblaze") | |
delete move.selfBoost; | |
move.hasSheerForce = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 21, | |
onBasePower(basePower, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.hasSheerForce) | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sheer Force", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 125 | |
}, | |
shellarmor: { | |
onCriticalHit: false, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Shell Armor", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 75 | |
}, | |
shielddust: { | |
onModifySecondaries(secondaries) { | |
this.debug("Shield Dust prevent secondary"); | |
return secondaries.filter((effect) => !!(effect.self || effect.dustproof)); | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Shield Dust", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 19 | |
}, | |
shieldsdown: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: -1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Minior" || pokemon.transformed) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Meteor") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Minior-Meteor"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (pokemon.species.forme === "Meteor") { | |
pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.set.species); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Minior" || pokemon.transformed || !pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Meteor") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Minior-Meteor"); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (pokemon.species.forme === "Meteor") { | |
pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.set.species); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "miniormeteor" || target.transformed) | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Shields Down"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( !== "miniormeteor" || target.transformed) | |
return; | |
if ( !== "yawn") | |
return; | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Shields Down"); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Shields Down", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 197 | |
}, | |
simple: { | |
onChangeBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && === "zpower") | |
return; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
boost[i] *= 2; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Simple", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 86 | |
}, | |
skilllink: { | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (move.multihit && Array.isArray(move.multihit) && move.multihit.length) { | |
move.multihit = move.multihit[1]; | |
} | |
if (move.multiaccuracy) { | |
delete move.multiaccuracy; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Skill Link", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 92 | |
}, | |
slowstart: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("slowstart"); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles["slowstart"]; | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, "Slow Start", "[silent]"); | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
duration: 5, | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onStart(target) { | |
this.add("-start", target, "ability: Slow Start"); | |
}, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.activeTurns) { | |
this.effectState.duration += 1; | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, pokemon) { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
}, | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
}, | |
onEnd(target) { | |
this.add("-end", target, "Slow Start"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Slow Start", | |
rating: -1, | |
num: 112 | |
}, | |
slushrush: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"])) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Slush Rush", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 202 | |
}, | |
sniper: { | |
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).crit) { | |
this.debug("Sniper boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sniper", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 97 | |
}, | |
snowcloak: { | |
onImmunity(type, pokemon) { | |
if (type === "hail") | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy) { | |
if (typeof accuracy !== "number") | |
return; | |
if (this.field.isWeather(["hail", "snowscape"])) { | |
this.debug("Snow Cloak - decreasing accuracy"); | |
return this.chainModify([3277, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Snow Cloak", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 81 | |
}, | |
snowwarning: { | |
onStart(source) { | |
this.field.setWeather("snowscape"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Snow Warning", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 117 | |
}, | |
solarpower: { | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(spa, pokemon) { | |
if (["sunnyday", "desolateland"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onWeather(target, source, effect) { | |
if (target.hasItem("utilityumbrella")) | |
return; | |
if ( === "sunnyday" || === "desolateland") { | |
this.damage(target.baseMaxhp / 8, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Solar Power", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 94 | |
}, | |
solidrock: { | |
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod > 0) { | |
this.debug("Solid Rock neutralize"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Solid Rock", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 116 | |
}, | |
soulheart: { | |
onAnyFaintPriority: 1, | |
onAnyFaint() { | |
this.boost({ spa: 1 },; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Soul-Heart", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 220 | |
}, | |
soundproof: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.flags["sound"]) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Soundproof"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) { | |
if (move.flags["sound"]) { | |
this.add("-immune",, "[from] ability: Soundproof"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Soundproof", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 43 | |
}, | |
speedboost: { | |
onResidualOrder: 28, | |
onResidualSubOrder: 2, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.activeTurns) { | |
this.boost({ spe: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Speed Boost", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 3 | |
}, | |
stakeout: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender) { | |
if (!defender.activeTurns) { | |
this.debug("Stakeout boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender) { | |
if (!defender.activeTurns) { | |
this.debug("Stakeout boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Stakeout", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 198 | |
}, | |
stall: { | |
onFractionalPriority: -0.1, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Stall", | |
rating: -1, | |
num: 100 | |
}, | |
stalwart: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: 1, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.tracksTarget = !== "scripted"; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Stalwart", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 242 | |
}, | |
stamina: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
this.boost({ def: 1 }); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Stamina", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 192 | |
}, | |
stancechange: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: 1, | |
onModifyMove(move, attacker, defender) { | |
if (attacker.species.baseSpecies !== "Aegislash" || attacker.transformed) | |
return; | |
if (move.category === "Status" && !== "kingsshield") | |
return; | |
const targetForme = === "kingsshield" ? "Aegislash" : "Aegislash-Blade"; | |
if ( !== targetForme) | |
attacker.formeChange(targetForme); | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Stance Change", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 176 | |
}, | |
static: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) { | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
source.trySetStatus("par", target); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Static", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 9 | |
}, | |
steadfast: { | |
onFlinch(pokemon) { | |
this.boost({ spe: 1 }); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Steadfast", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 80 | |
}, | |
steamengine: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (["Water", "Fire"].includes(move.type)) { | |
this.boost({ spe: 6 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Steam Engine", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 243 | |
}, | |
steelworker: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Steel") { | |
this.debug("Steelworker boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Steel") { | |
this.debug("Steelworker boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Steelworker", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 200 | |
}, | |
steelyspirit: { | |
onAllyBasePowerPriority: 22, | |
onAllyBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Steel") { | |
this.debug("Steely Spirit boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Steely Spirit", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 252 | |
}, | |
stench: { | |
onModifyMovePriority: -1, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (move.category !== "Status") { | |
this.debug("Adding Stench flinch"); | |
if (!move.secondaries) | |
move.secondaries = []; | |
for (const secondary of move.secondaries) { | |
if (secondary.volatileStatus === "flinch") | |
return; | |
} | |
move.secondaries.push({ | |
chance: 10, | |
volatileStatus: "flinch" | |
}); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Stench", | |
rating: 0.5, | |
num: 1 | |
}, | |
stickyhold: { | |
onTakeItem(item, pokemon, source) { | |
if (!this.activeMove) | |
throw new Error("Battle.activeMove is null"); | |
if (!pokemon.hp || pokemon.item === "stickybarb") | |
return; | |
if (source && source !== pokemon || === "knockoff") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Sticky Hold"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Sticky Hold", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 60 | |
}, | |
stormdrain: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") { | |
if (!this.boost({ spa: 1 })) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Storm Drain"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAnyRedirectTarget(target, source, source2, move) { | |
if (move.type !== "Water" || move.flags["pledgecombo"]) | |
return; | |
const redirectTarget = ["randomNormal", "adjacentFoe"].includes( ? "normal" :; | |
if (this.validTarget(, source, redirectTarget)) { | |
if (move.smartTarget) | |
move.smartTarget = false; | |
if ( !== target) { | |
this.add("-activate",, "ability: Storm Drain"); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Storm Drain", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 114 | |
}, | |
strongjaw: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 19, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["bite"]) { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Strong Jaw", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 173 | |
}, | |
sturdy: { | |
onTryHit(pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move.ohko) { | |
this.add("-immune", pokemon, "[from] ability: Sturdy"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onDamagePriority: -30, | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (target.hp === target.maxhp && damage >= target.hp && effect && effect.effectType === "Move") { | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Sturdy"); | |
return target.hp - 1; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Sturdy", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 5 | |
}, | |
suctioncups: { | |
onDragOutPriority: 1, | |
onDragOut(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Suction Cups"); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Suction Cups", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 21 | |
}, | |
superluck: { | |
onModifyCritRatio(critRatio) { | |
return critRatio + 1; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Super Luck", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 105 | |
}, | |
supersweetsyrup: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.syrupTriggered) | |
return; | |
pokemon.syrupTriggered = true; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Supersweet Syrup"); | |
for (const target of pokemon.adjacentFoes()) { | |
if (target.volatiles["substitute"]) { | |
this.add("-immune", target); | |
} else { | |
this.boost({ evasion: -1 }, target, pokemon, null, true); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Supersweet Syrup", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 306 | |
}, | |
supremeoverlord: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.side.totalFainted) { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Supreme Overlord"); | |
const fallen = Math.min(pokemon.side.totalFainted, 5); | |
this.add("-start", pokemon, `fallen${fallen}`, "[silent]"); | |
this.effectState.fallen = fallen; | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-end", pokemon, `fallen${this.effectState.fallen}`, "[silent]"); | |
}, | |
onBasePowerPriority: 21, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (this.effectState.fallen) { | |
const powMod = [4096, 4506, 4915, 5325, 5734, 6144]; | |
this.debug(`Supreme Overlord boost: ${powMod[this.effectState.fallen]}/4096`); | |
return this.chainModify([powMod[this.effectState.fallen], 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Supreme Overlord", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 293 | |
}, | |
surgesurfer: { | |
onModifySpe(spe) { | |
if (this.field.isTerrain("electricterrain")) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Surge Surfer", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 207 | |
}, | |
swarm: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Bug" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Swarm boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Bug" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Swarm boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Swarm", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 68 | |
}, | |
sweetveil: { | |
onAllySetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( === "slp") { | |
this.debug("Sweet Veil interrupts sleep"); | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Sweet Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllyTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( === "yawn") { | |
this.debug("Sweet Veil blocking yawn"); | |
const effectHolder =; | |
this.add("-block", target, "ability: Sweet Veil", `[of] ${effectHolder}`); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Sweet Veil", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 175 | |
}, | |
swiftswim: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (["raindance", "primordialsea"].includes(pokemon.effectiveWeather())) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Swift Swim", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 33 | |
}, | |
symbiosis: { | |
onAllyAfterUseItem(item, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.switchFlag) | |
return; | |
const source =; | |
const myItem = source.takeItem(); | |
if (!myItem) | |
return; | |
if (!this.singleEvent("TakeItem", myItem, source.itemState, pokemon, source, this.effect, myItem) || !pokemon.setItem(myItem)) { | |
source.item =; | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add("-activate", source, "ability: Symbiosis", myItem, `[of] ${pokemon}`); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Symbiosis", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 180 | |
}, | |
synchronize: { | |
onAfterSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if (!source || source === target) | |
return; | |
if (effect && === "toxicspikes") | |
return; | |
if ( === "slp" || === "frz") | |
return; | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Synchronize"); | |
source.trySetStatus(status, target, { status:, id: "synchronize" }); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Synchronize", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 28 | |
}, | |
swordofruin: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Sword of Ruin"); | |
}, | |
onAnyModifyDef(def, target, source, move) { | |
const abilityHolder =; | |
if (target.hasAbility("Sword of Ruin")) | |
return; | |
if (!move.ruinedDef?.hasAbility("Sword of Ruin")) | |
move.ruinedDef = abilityHolder; | |
if (move.ruinedDef !== abilityHolder) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Sword of Ruin Def drop"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Sword of Ruin", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 285 | |
}, | |
tabletsofruin: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Tablets of Ruin"); | |
}, | |
onAnyModifyAtk(atk, source, target, move) { | |
const abilityHolder =; | |
if (source.hasAbility("Tablets of Ruin")) | |
return; | |
if (!move.ruinedAtk) | |
move.ruinedAtk = abilityHolder; | |
if (move.ruinedAtk !== abilityHolder) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Tablets of Ruin Atk drop"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Tablets of Ruin", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 284 | |
}, | |
tangledfeet: { | |
onModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target) { | |
if (typeof accuracy !== "number") | |
return; | |
if (target?.volatiles["confusion"]) { | |
this.debug("Tangled Feet - decreasing accuracy"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Tangled Feet", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 77 | |
}, | |
tanglinghair: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target, true)) { | |
this.add("-ability", target, "Tangling Hair"); | |
this.boost({ spe: -1 }, source, target, null, true); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Tangling Hair", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 221 | |
}, | |
technician: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 30, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
const basePowerAfterMultiplier = this.modify(basePower, this.event.modifier); | |
this.debug(`Base Power: ${basePowerAfterMultiplier}`); | |
if (basePowerAfterMultiplier <= 60) { | |
this.debug("Technician boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Technician", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 101 | |
}, | |
telepathy: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && target.isAlly(source) && move.category !== "Status") { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Telepathy"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Telepathy", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 140 | |
}, | |
teraformzero: { | |
onAfterTerastallization(pokemon) { | |
if ( !== "Terapagos-Stellar") | |
return; | |
if ( || this.field.terrain) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Teraform Zero"); | |
this.field.clearWeather(); | |
this.field.clearTerrain(); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1 }, | |
name: "Teraform Zero", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 309 | |
}, | |
terashell: { | |
// effectiveness implemented in sim/pokemon.ts:Pokemon#runEffectiveness | |
// needs two checks to reset between regular moves and future attacks | |
onAnyBeforeMove() { | |
delete this.effectState.resisted; | |
}, | |
onAnyAfterMove() { | |
delete this.effectState.resisted; | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Tera Shell", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 308 | |
}, | |
terashift: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: 2, | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Terapagos") | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Terastal") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Tera Shift"); | |
pokemon.formeChange("Terapagos-Terastal", this.effect, true); | |
pokemon.regressionForme = false; | |
pokemon.baseMaxhp = Math.floor(Math.floor( | |
2 * pokemon.species.baseStats["hp"] + pokemon.set.ivs["hp"] + Math.floor(pokemon.set.evs["hp"] / 4) + 100 | |
) * pokemon.level / 100 + 10); | |
const newMaxHP = pokemon.baseMaxhp; | |
pokemon.hp = newMaxHP - (pokemon.maxhp - pokemon.hp); | |
pokemon.maxhp = newMaxHP; | |
this.add("-heal", pokemon, pokemon.getHealth, "[silent]"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Tera Shift", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 307 | |
}, | |
teravolt: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Teravolt"); | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreAbility = true; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Teravolt", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 164 | |
}, | |
thermalexchange: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "brn") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Thermal Exchange"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "brn") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Thermal Exchange"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Thermal Exchange", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 270 | |
}, | |
thickfat: { | |
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 6, | |
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Ice" || move.type === "Fire") { | |
this.debug("Thick Fat weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Ice" || move.type === "Fire") { | |
this.debug("Thick Fat weaken"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Thick Fat", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 47 | |
}, | |
tintedlens: { | |
onModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) { | |
if (target.getMoveHitData(move).typeMod < 0) { | |
this.debug("Tinted Lens boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Tinted Lens", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 110 | |
}, | |
torrent: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Water" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Torrent boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Water" && attacker.hp <= attacker.maxhp / 3) { | |
this.debug("Torrent boost"); | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Torrent", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 67 | |
}, | |
toughclaws: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 21, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.flags["contact"]) { | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Tough Claws", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 181 | |
}, | |
toxicboost: { | |
onBasePowerPriority: 19, | |
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if ((attacker.status === "psn" || attacker.status === "tox") && move.category === "Physical") { | |
return this.chainModify(1.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Toxic Boost", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 137 | |
}, | |
toxicchain: { | |
onSourceDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (target.hasAbility("shielddust") || target.hasItem("covertcloak")) | |
return; | |
if (this.randomChance(3, 10)) { | |
target.trySetStatus("tox", source); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Toxic Chain", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 305 | |
}, | |
toxicdebris: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
const side = source.isAlly(target) ? source.side.foe : source.side; | |
const toxicSpikes = side.sideConditions["toxicspikes"]; | |
if (move.category === "Physical" && (!toxicSpikes || toxicSpikes.layers < 2)) { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Toxic Debris"); | |
side.addSideCondition("toxicspikes", target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Toxic Debris", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 295 | |
}, | |
trace: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | | = true; | |
if (pokemon.adjacentFoes().some((foeActive) => foeActive.ability === "noability")) { | | = false; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.hasItem("Ability Shield")) { | |
this.add("-block", pokemon, "item: Ability Shield"); | | = false; | |
} | |
if ( { | |
this.singleEvent("Update", this.effect, this.effectState, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (! | |
return; | |
const possibleTargets = pokemon.adjacentFoes().filter( | |
(target2) => !target2.getAbility().flags["notrace"] && target2.ability !== "noability" | |
); | |
if (!possibleTargets.length) | |
return; | |
const target = this.sample(possibleTargets); | |
const ability = target.getAbility(); | |
if (pokemon.setAbility(ability)) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, ability, "[from] ability: Trace", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1 }, | |
name: "Trace", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 36 | |
}, | |
transistor: { | |
onModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Electric") { | |
this.debug("Transistor boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Electric") { | |
this.debug("Transistor boost"); | |
return this.chainModify([5325, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Transistor", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 262 | |
}, | |
triage: { | |
onModifyPriority(priority, pokemon, target, move) { | |
if (move?.flags["heal"]) | |
return priority + 3; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Triage", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 205 | |
}, | |
truant: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("truant"); | |
if (pokemon.activeTurns && (pokemon.moveThisTurnResult !== void 0 || !this.queue.willMove(pokemon))) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("truant"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onBeforeMovePriority: 9, | |
onBeforeMove(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.removeVolatile("truant")) { | |
this.add("cant", pokemon, "ability: Truant"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
pokemon.addVolatile("truant"); | |
}, | |
condition: {}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Truant", | |
rating: -1, | |
num: 54 | |
}, | |
turboblaze: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Turboblaze"); | |
}, | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
move.ignoreAbility = true; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Turboblaze", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: 163 | |
}, | |
unaware: { | |
onAnyModifyBoost(boosts, pokemon) { | |
const unawareUser =; | |
if (unawareUser === pokemon) | |
return; | |
if (unawareUser === this.activePokemon && pokemon === this.activeTarget) { | |
boosts["def"] = 0; | |
boosts["spd"] = 0; | |
boosts["evasion"] = 0; | |
} | |
if (pokemon === this.activePokemon && unawareUser === this.activeTarget) { | |
boosts["atk"] = 0; | |
boosts["def"] = 0; | |
boosts["spa"] = 0; | |
boosts["accuracy"] = 0; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Unaware", | |
rating: 4, | |
num: 109 | |
}, | |
unburden: { | |
onAfterUseItem(item, pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon !== | |
return; | |
pokemon.addVolatile("unburden"); | |
}, | |
onTakeItem(item, pokemon) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("unburden"); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("unburden"); | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onModifySpe(spe, pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.item && !pokemon.ignoringAbility()) { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Unburden", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 84 | |
}, | |
unnerve: { | |
onSwitchInPriority: 1, | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.effectState.unnerved) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Unnerve"); | |
this.effectState.unnerved = true; | |
}, | |
onEnd() { | |
this.effectState.unnerved = false; | |
}, | |
onFoeTryEatItem() { | |
return !this.effectState.unnerved; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Unnerve", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 127 | |
}, | |
unseenfist: { | |
onModifyMove(move) { | |
if (move.flags["contact"]) | |
delete move.flags["protect"]; | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Unseen Fist", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 260 | |
}, | |
vesselofruin: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (this.suppressingAbility(pokemon)) | |
return; | |
this.add("-ability", pokemon, "Vessel of Ruin"); | |
}, | |
onAnyModifySpA(spa, source, target, move) { | |
const abilityHolder =; | |
if (source.hasAbility("Vessel of Ruin")) | |
return; | |
if (!move.ruinedSpA) | |
move.ruinedSpA = abilityHolder; | |
if (move.ruinedSpA !== abilityHolder) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Vessel of Ruin SpA drop"); | |
return this.chainModify(0.75); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Vessel of Ruin", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 284 | |
}, | |
victorystar: { | |
onAnyModifyAccuracyPriority: -1, | |
onAnyModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source) { | |
if (source.isAlly( && typeof accuracy === "number") { | |
return this.chainModify([4506, 4096]); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Victory Star", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 162 | |
}, | |
vitalspirit: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "slp") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Vital Spirit"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "slp") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Vital Spirit"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onTryAddVolatile(status, target) { | |
if ( === "yawn") { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Vital Spirit"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Vital Spirit", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 72 | |
}, | |
voltabsorb: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Electric") { | |
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Volt Absorb"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Volt Absorb", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 10 | |
}, | |
wanderingspirit: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (source.getAbility().flags["failskillswap"] || target.volatiles["dynamax"]) | |
return; | |
if (this.checkMoveMakesContact(move, source, target)) { | |
const targetCanBeSet = this.runEvent("SetAbility", target, source, this.effect, source.ability); | |
if (!targetCanBeSet) | |
return targetCanBeSet; | |
const sourceAbility = source.setAbility("wanderingspirit", target); | |
if (!sourceAbility) | |
return; | |
if (target.isAlly(source)) { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "Skill Swap", "", "", `[of] ${source}`); | |
} else { | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Wandering Spirit", this.dex.abilities.get(sourceAbility).name, "Wandering Spirit", `[of] ${source}`); | |
} | |
target.setAbility(sourceAbility); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Wandering Spirit", | |
rating: 2.5, | |
num: 254 | |
}, | |
waterabsorb: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Water") { | |
if (!this.heal(target.baseMaxhp / 4)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Absorb"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Water Absorb", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 11 | |
}, | |
waterbubble: { | |
onSourceModifyAtkPriority: 5, | |
onSourceModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSourceModifySpAPriority: 5, | |
onSourceModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Fire") { | |
return this.chainModify(0.5); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifyAtk(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Water") { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
onModifySpA(atk, attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Water") { | |
return this.chainModify(2); | |
} | |
}, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "brn") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Water Bubble"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "brn") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Bubble"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Water Bubble", | |
rating: 4.5, | |
num: 199 | |
}, | |
watercompaction: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Water") { | |
this.boost({ def: 2 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Water Compaction", | |
rating: 1.5, | |
num: 195 | |
}, | |
waterveil: { | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.status === "brn") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Water Veil"); | |
pokemon.cureStatus(); | |
} | |
}, | |
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) { | |
if ( !== "brn") | |
return; | |
if (effect?.status) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Water Veil"); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Water Veil", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 41 | |
}, | |
weakarmor: { | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Physical") { | |
this.boost({ def: -1, spe: 2 }, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Weak Armor", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 133 | |
}, | |
wellbakedbody: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.type === "Fire") { | |
if (!this.boost({ def: 2 })) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Well-Baked Body"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Well-Baked Body", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
num: 273 | |
}, | |
whitesmoke: { | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (source && target === source) | |
return; | |
let showMsg = false; | |
let i; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i] < 0) { | |
delete boost[i]; | |
showMsg = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (showMsg && !effect.secondaries && !== "octolock") { | |
this.add("-fail", target, "unboost", "[from] ability: White Smoke", `[of] ${target}`); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "White Smoke", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 73 | |
}, | |
wimpout: { | |
onEmergencyExit(target) { | |
if (!this.canSwitch(target.side) || target.forceSwitchFlag || target.switchFlag) | |
return; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const active of { | |
active.switchFlag = false; | |
} | |
} | |
target.switchFlag = true; | |
this.add("-activate", target, "ability: Wimp Out"); | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Wimp Out", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 193 | |
}, | |
windpower: { | |
onDamagingHitOrder: 1, | |
onDamagingHit(damage, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.flags["wind"]) { | |
target.addVolatile("charge"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllySideConditionStart(target, source, sideCondition) { | |
const pokemon =; | |
if ( === "tailwind") { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("charge"); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Wind Power", | |
rating: 1, | |
num: 277 | |
}, | |
windrider: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.side.sideConditions["tailwind"]) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target !== source && move.flags["wind"]) { | |
if (!this.boost({ atk: 1 }, target, target)) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Wind Rider"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onAllySideConditionStart(target, source, sideCondition) { | |
const pokemon =; | |
if ( === "tailwind") { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }, pokemon, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Wind Rider", | |
rating: 3.5, | |
// We do not want Brambleghast to get Infiltrator in Randbats | |
num: 274 | |
}, | |
wonderguard: { | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target === source || move.category === "Status" || move.type === "???" || === "struggle") | |
return; | |
if ( === "skydrop" && !source.volatiles["skydrop"]) | |
return; | |
this.debug("Wonder Guard immunity: " +; | |
if (target.runEffectiveness(move) <= 0) { | |
if (move.smartTarget) { | |
move.smartTarget = false; | |
} else { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Wonder Guard"); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, failskillswap: 1, breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Wonder Guard", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 25 | |
}, | |
wonderskin: { | |
onModifyAccuracyPriority: 10, | |
onModifyAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) { | |
if (move.category === "Status" && typeof accuracy === "number") { | |
this.debug("Wonder Skin - setting accuracy to 50"); | |
return 50; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Wonder Skin", | |
rating: 2, | |
num: 147 | |
}, | |
zenmode: { | |
onResidualOrder: 29, | |
onResidual(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Darmanitan" || pokemon.transformed) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && !["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("zenmode"); | |
} else if (pokemon.hp > pokemon.maxhp / 2 && ["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) { | |
pokemon.addVolatile("zenmode"); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile("zenmode"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.volatiles["zenmode"] || !pokemon.hp) | |
return; | |
pokemon.transformed = false; | |
delete pokemon.volatiles["zenmode"]; | |
if (pokemon.species.baseSpecies === "Darmanitan" && pokemon.species.battleOnly) { | |
pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.species.battleOnly, this.effect, false, "0", "[silent]"); | |
} | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
if (!"Galar")) { | |
if ( !== "darmanitanzen") | |
pokemon.formeChange("Darmanitan-Zen"); | |
} else { | |
if ( !== "darmanitangalarzen") | |
pokemon.formeChange("Darmanitan-Galar-Zen"); | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
if (["Zen", "Galar-Zen"].includes(pokemon.species.forme)) { | |
pokemon.formeChange(pokemon.species.battleOnly); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1 }, | |
name: "Zen Mode", | |
rating: 0, | |
num: 161 | |
}, | |
zerotohero: { | |
onSwitchOut(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Palafin") | |
return; | |
if (pokemon.species.forme !== "Hero") { | |
pokemon.formeChange("Palafin-Hero", this.effect, true); | |
pokemon.regressionForme = false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.baseSpecies.baseSpecies !== "Palafin") | |
return; | |
if (!this.effectState.heroMessageDisplayed && pokemon.species.forme === "Hero") { | |
this.add("-activate", pokemon, "ability: Zero to Hero"); | |
this.effectState.heroMessageDisplayed = true; | |
} | |
}, | |
flags: { failroleplay: 1, noreceiver: 1, noentrain: 1, notrace: 1, failskillswap: 1, cantsuppress: 1, notransform: 1 }, | |
name: "Zero to Hero", | |
rating: 5, | |
num: 278 | |
}, | |
// CAP | |
mountaineer: { | |
onDamage(damage, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect && === "stealthrock") { | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (move.type === "Rock" && !target.activeTurns) { | |
this.add("-immune", target, "[from] ability: Mountaineer"); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
isNonstandard: "CAP", | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Mountaineer", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: -2 | |
}, | |
rebound: { | |
isNonstandard: "CAP", | |
onTryHitPriority: 1, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if ( | |
return; | |
if (target === source || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"]) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
newMove.hasBounced = true; | |
this.actions.useMove(newMove, target, { target: source }); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
onAllyTryHitSide(target, source, move) { | |
if ( | |
return; | |
if (target.isAlly(source) || move.hasBounced || !move.flags["reflectable"]) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const newMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
newMove.hasBounced = true; | |
this.actions.useMove(newMove,, { target: source }); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
duration: 1 | |
}, | |
flags: { breakable: 1 }, | |
name: "Rebound", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: -3 | |
}, | |
persistent: { | |
isNonstandard: "CAP", | |
// implemented in the corresponding move | |
flags: {}, | |
name: "Persistent", | |
rating: 3, | |
num: -4 | |
} | |
}; | |
//# | |