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import { RandomTeams, type MoveCounter } from "../gen9/teams";
/** Pokemon who should never be in the lead slot */
'Zacian', 'Zamazenta',
export class RandomCAPTeams extends RandomTeams {
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
abilities: string[],
counter: MoveCounter,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
): string {
// Hard-code abilities here
if ( === 'fidgit') return moves.has('tailwind') ? 'Persistent' : 'Frisk';
if ( === 'tomohawk') return moves.has('haze') ? 'Prankster' : 'Intimidate';
// Default to regular ability selection
return this.getAbility(types, moves, abilities, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, false, teraType, role);
ability: string,
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
counter: MoveCounter,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
) {
if (ability === 'Mountaineer') return 'Life Orb';
species: Species,
isDoubles: boolean,
): number {
if (this.adjustLevel) return this.adjustLevel;
return (species.num > 0 ? this.randomSets[]["level"] : this.randomCAPSets[]["level"]) || 80;
s: string | Species,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {},
isLead = false,
isDoubles = false
): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet {
const species = this.dex.species.get(s);
// Generate Non-CAP Pokemon using the regular randomSet() method
if (species.num > 0) return this.randomSet(s, teamDetails, isLead, isDoubles);
const forme = this.getForme(species);
const sets = this.randomCAPSets[]["sets"];
const possibleSets = [];
const ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format);
for (const set of sets) {
// Prevent Fast Bulky Setup on lead Paradox Pokemon, since it generates Booster Energy.
const abilities = new Set(Object.values(species.abilities));
if (isLead && (abilities.has('Protosynthesis') || abilities.has('Quark Drive')) && set.role === 'Fast Bulky Setup') {
// Prevent Tera Blast user if the team already has one, or if Terastallizion is prevented.
if ((teamDetails.teraBlast || ruleTable.has('terastalclause')) && set.role === 'Tera Blast user') {
const set = this.sampleIfArray(possibleSets);
const role = set.role;
const movePool: string[] = [];
for (const movename of set.movepool) {
const teraTypes = set.teraTypes;
let teraType = this.sampleIfArray(teraTypes);
let ability = '';
let item = undefined;
const evs = { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 85, spd: 85, spe: 85 };
const ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 };
const types = species.types;
const abilities = set.abilities!;
// Get moves
const moves = this.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, movePool, teraType!, role);
const counter = this.queryMoves(moves, species, teraType!, abilities);
// Get ability
ability = this.getCAPAbility(types, moves, abilities, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, teraType!, role);
// Get items
// First, the priority items
item = this.getCAPPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, teraType!, role);
if (item === undefined) {
item = this.getPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, teraType!, role);
if (item === undefined) {
item = this.getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, teraType!, role);
// Get level
const level = this.getLevel(species, isDoubles);
// Prepare optimal HP
const srImmunity = ability === 'Magic Guard' || item === 'Heavy-Duty Boots';
let srWeakness = srImmunity ? 0 : this.dex.getEffectiveness('Rock', species);
// Crash damage move users want an odd HP to survive two misses
if (['axekick', 'highjumpkick', 'jumpkick'].some(m => moves.has(m))) srWeakness = 2;
while (evs.hp > 1) {
const hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
if ((moves.has('substitute') && ['Sitrus Berry', 'Salac Berry'].includes(item))) {
// Two Substitutes should activate Sitrus Berry
if (hp % 4 === 0) break;
} else if ((moves.has('bellydrum') || moves.has('filletaway')) && (item === 'Sitrus Berry' || ability === 'Gluttony')) {
// Belly Drum should activate Sitrus Berry
if (hp % 2 === 0) break;
} else if (moves.has('substitute') && moves.has('endeavor')) {
// Luvdisc should be able to Substitute down to very low HP
if (hp % 4 > 0) break;
} else {
// Maximize number of Stealth Rock switch-ins
if (srWeakness <= 0 || ability === 'Regenerator' || ['Leftovers', 'Life Orb'].includes(item)) break;
if (item !== 'Sitrus Berry' && hp % (4 / srWeakness) > 0) break;
// Minimise number of Stealth Rock switch-ins to activate Sitrus Berry
if (item === 'Sitrus Berry' && hp % (4 / srWeakness) === 0) break;
evs.hp -= 4;
// Minimize confusion damage
const noAttackStatMoves = [...moves].every(m => {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(m);
if (move.damageCallback || move.damage) return true;
if ( === 'shellsidearm') return false;
// Magearna and doubles Dragonite, though these can work well as a general rule
if ( === 'terablast' && ( === 'porygon2' || moves.has('shiftgear') || species.baseStats.atk >
) return false;
return move.category !== 'Physical' || === 'bodypress' || === 'foulplay';
if (noAttackStatMoves && !moves.has('transform') && this.format.mod !== 'partnersincrime') {
evs.atk = 0;
ivs.atk = 0;
if (moves.has('gyroball') || moves.has('trickroom')) {
evs.spe = 0;
ivs.spe = 0;
// Enforce Tera Type after all set generation is done to prevent infinite generation
if (this.forceTeraType) teraType = this.forceTeraType;
// shuffle moves to add more randomness to camomons
const shuffledMoves = Array.from(moves);
return {
name: species.baseSpecies,
species: forme,
gender: species.baseSpecies === 'Greninja' ? 'M' : species.gender,
shiny: this.randomChance(1, 1024),
moves: shuffledMoves,
randomCAPSets: { [species: string]: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSpeciesData } = require('./sets.json');
randomTeam() {
const seed = this.prng.getSeed();
const ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format);
const pokemon: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet[] = [];
// For Monotype
const isMonotype = !!this.forceMonotype || ruleTable.has('sametypeclause');
const isDoubles = false;
const typePool = this.dex.types.names().filter(name => name !== "Stellar");
const type = this.forceMonotype || this.sample(typePool);
const baseFormes: { [k: string]: number } = {};
const typeCount: { [k: string]: number } = {};
const typeComboCount: { [k: string]: number } = {};
const typeWeaknesses: { [k: string]: number } = {};
const typeDoubleWeaknesses: { [k: string]: number } = {};
const teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {};
let numMaxLevelPokemon = 0;
const pokemonList = Object.keys(this.randomSets);
const capPokemonList = Object.keys(this.randomCAPSets);
const [pokemonPool, baseSpeciesPool] = this.getPokemonPool(type, pokemon, isMonotype, pokemonList);
const [capPokemonPool, capBaseSpeciesPool] = this.getPokemonPool(type, pokemon, isMonotype, capPokemonList);
let leadsRemaining = 1;
while (baseSpeciesPool.length && pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) {
let baseSpecies, species;
// Always generate a CAP Pokemon in slot 2; other slots can randomly generate CAP Pokemon.
if ((pokemon.length === 1 || this.randomChance(1, 5)) && capBaseSpeciesPool.length) {
baseSpecies = this.sampleNoReplace(capBaseSpeciesPool);
species = this.dex.species.get(this.sample(capPokemonPool[baseSpecies]));
} else {
baseSpecies = this.sampleNoReplace(baseSpeciesPool);
species = this.dex.species.get(this.sample(pokemonPool[baseSpecies]));
if (!species.exists) continue;
// Limit to one of each species (Species Clause)
if (baseFormes[species.baseSpecies]) continue;
// Treat Ogerpon formes and Terapagos like the Tera Blast user role; reject if team has one already
if ((species.baseSpecies === 'Ogerpon' || species.baseSpecies === 'Terapagos') && teamDetails.teraBlast) continue;
// Illusion shouldn't be on the last slot
if (species.baseSpecies === 'Zoroark' && pokemon.length >= (this.maxTeamSize - 1)) continue;
const types = species.types;
const typeCombo = types.slice().sort().join();
const weakToFreezeDry = (
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Ice', species) > 0 ||
(this.dex.getEffectiveness('Ice', species) > -2 && types.includes('Water'))
// Dynamically scale limits for different team sizes. The default and minimum value is 1.
const limitFactor = Math.round(this.maxTeamSize / 6) || 1;
if (!isMonotype && !this.forceMonotype) {
let skip = false;
// Limit two of any type
for (const typeName of types) {
if (typeCount[typeName] >= 2 * limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
// Limit three weak to any type, and one double weak to any type
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) {
// it's weak to the type
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) {
if (!typeWeaknesses[typeName]) typeWeaknesses[typeName] = 0;
if (typeWeaknesses[typeName] >= 3 * limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) {
if (!typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName]) typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName] = 0;
if (typeDoubleWeaknesses[typeName] >= limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
// Count Dry Skin/Fluffy as Fire weaknesses
if (
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Fire', species) === 0 &&
Object.values(species.abilities).filter(a => ['Dry Skin', 'Fluffy'].includes(a)).length
) {
if (!typeWeaknesses['Fire']) typeWeaknesses['Fire'] = 0;
if (typeWeaknesses['Fire'] >= 3 * limitFactor) continue;
// Limit four weak to Freeze-Dry
if (weakToFreezeDry) {
if (!typeWeaknesses['Freeze-Dry']) typeWeaknesses['Freeze-Dry'] = 0;
if (typeWeaknesses['Freeze-Dry'] >= 4 * limitFactor) continue;
// Limit one level 100 Pokemon
if (!this.adjustLevel && (this.getLevel(species, isDoubles) === 100) && numMaxLevelPokemon >= limitFactor) {
// Limit three of any type combination in Monotype
if (!this.forceMonotype && isMonotype && (typeComboCount[typeCombo] >= 3 * limitFactor)) continue;
let set: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet;
if (leadsRemaining) {
if (NO_LEAD_POKEMON.includes(species.baseSpecies)) {
if (pokemon.length + leadsRemaining === this.maxTeamSize) continue;
set = this.randomCAPSet(species, teamDetails, false, isDoubles);
} else {
set = this.randomCAPSet(species, teamDetails, true, isDoubles);
} else {
set = this.randomCAPSet(species, teamDetails, false, isDoubles);
// Don't bother tracking details for the last Pokemon
if (pokemon.length === this.maxTeamSize) break;
// Now that our Pokemon has passed all checks, we can increment our counters
baseFormes[species.baseSpecies] = 1;
// Increment type counters
for (const typeName of types) {
if (typeName in typeCount) {
} else {
typeCount[typeName] = 1;
if (typeCombo in typeComboCount) {
} else {
typeComboCount[typeCombo] = 1;
// Increment weakness counter
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) {
// it's weak to the type
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) {
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) {
// Count Dry Skin/Fluffy as Fire weaknesses
if (['Dry Skin', 'Fluffy'].includes(set.ability) && this.dex.getEffectiveness('Fire', species) === 0) {
if (weakToFreezeDry) typeWeaknesses['Freeze-Dry']++;
// Increment level 100 counter
if (set.level === 100) numMaxLevelPokemon++;
// Track what the team has
if (set.ability === 'Drizzle' || set.moves.includes('raindance')) teamDetails.rain = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Drought' || set.ability === 'Orichalcum Pulse' || set.moves.includes('sunnyday')) {
teamDetails.sun = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Sand Stream') teamDetails.sand = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Snow Warning' || set.moves.includes('snowscape') || set.moves.includes('chillyreception')) {
teamDetails.snow = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('healbell')) teamDetails.statusCure = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('spikes') || set.moves.includes('ceaselessedge')) {
teamDetails.spikes = (teamDetails.spikes || 0) + 1;
if (set.moves.includes('toxicspikes') || set.ability === 'Toxic Debris') teamDetails.toxicSpikes = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('stealthrock') || set.moves.includes('stoneaxe')) teamDetails.stealthRock = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('stickyweb')) teamDetails.stickyWeb = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('defog')) teamDetails.defog = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('rapidspin') || set.moves.includes('mortalspin')) teamDetails.rapidSpin = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('auroraveil') || (set.moves.includes('reflect') && set.moves.includes('lightscreen'))) {
teamDetails.screens = 1;
if (set.role === 'Tera Blast user' || species.baseSpecies === "Ogerpon" || species.baseSpecies === "Terapagos") {
teamDetails.teraBlast = 1;
if (pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize && pokemon.length < 12) { // large teams sometimes cannot be built
throw new Error(`Could not build a random team for ${this.format} (seed=${seed})`);
return pokemon;
export default RandomCAPTeams;