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import type { PRNG, PRNGSeed } from "../../../sim/prng";
import { RandomTeams, type MoveCounter } from "../gen9/teams";
import { Utils } from '../../../lib';
// First, some lists of moves that can be used for rules throughout set generation. Taken from regular gen9.
// Moves that drop stats:
'armorcannon', 'closecombat', 'leafstorm', 'makeitrain', 'overheat', 'spinout', 'superpower', 'vcreate',
// Hazard-setting moves
const HAZARDS = [
'spikes', 'stealthrock', 'stickyweb', 'toxicspikes',
// Moves that switch the user out
const PIVOT_MOVES = [
'chillyreception', 'flipturn', 'partingshot', 'shedtail', 'teleport', 'uturn', 'voltswitch',
// Moves that boost Attack:
'bellydrum', 'bulkup', 'coil', 'curse', 'dragondance', 'honeclaws', 'howl', 'meditate', 'poweruppunch', 'swordsdance', 'tidyup', 'victorydance',
// Moves that restore HP:
'healorder', 'milkdrink', 'moonlight', 'morningsun', 'recover', 'roost', 'shoreup', 'slackoff', 'softboiled', 'strengthsap', 'synthesis',
// Setup (stat-boosting) moves
const SETUP = [
'acidarmor', 'agility', 'autotomize', 'bellydrum', 'bulkup', 'calmmind', 'clangoroussoul', 'coil', 'cosmicpower', 'curse',
'dragondance', 'flamecharge', 'growth', 'honeclaws', 'howl', 'irondefense', 'meditate', 'nastyplot', 'noretreat', 'poweruppunch',
'quiverdance', 'raindance', 'rockpolish', 'shellsmash', 'shiftgear', 'snowscape', 'sunnyday', 'swordsdance', 'tailglow', 'tidyup',
'trailblaze', 'workup', 'victorydance',
// Some moves that only boost Speed:
const SPEED_SETUP = [
'agility', 'autotomize', 'flamecharge', 'rockpolish', 'trailblaze',
// Moves that would want to generate together
const MOVE_PAIRS = [
['lightscreen', 'reflect'],
['sleeptalk', 'rest'],
['protect', 'wish'],
export class RandomBabyTeams extends RandomTeams {
constructor(format: Format | string, prng: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null) {
super(format, prng);
// Overwrite enforcementcheckers where needed here
this.moveEnforcementCheckers['Bug'] = (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => (
this.moveEnforcementCheckers['Grass'] = (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => (
!counter.get('Grass') && !== 'rowlet'
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
abilities: string[],
counter: MoveCounter,
movePool: string[],
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
isDoubles: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
): void {
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
// If we have two unfilled moves and only one unpaired move, cull the unpaired move.
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 2) {
const unpairedMoves = [...movePool];
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) {
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) {
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[0]));
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[1]));
if (unpairedMoves.length === 1) {
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(unpairedMoves[0]));
// These moves are paired, and shouldn't appear if there isn't room for both.
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 1) {
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) {
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) {
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[0]));
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[1]));
// Create list of all status moves to be used later
const statusMoves = this.cachedStatusMoves;
// Team-based move culls
if (teamDetails.screens && movePool.length >= this.maxMoveCount + 2) {
if (movePool.includes('reflect')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('reflect'));
if (movePool.includes('lightscreen')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('lightscreen'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
if (teamDetails.stickyWeb) {
if (movePool.includes('stickyweb')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('stickyweb'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
if (teamDetails.stealthRock) {
if (movePool.includes('stealthrock')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('stealthrock'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
if (teamDetails.defog || teamDetails.rapidSpin) {
if (movePool.includes('defog')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('defog'));
if (movePool.includes('rapidspin')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('rapidspin'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
if (teamDetails.toxicSpikes) {
if (movePool.includes('toxicspikes')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('toxicspikes'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
if (teamDetails.spikes && teamDetails.spikes >= 2) {
if (movePool.includes('spikes')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('spikes'));
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return;
// General incompatibilities
const incompatiblePairs = [
// These moves don't mesh well with other aspects of the set
[SETUP, 'defog'],
[statusMoves, ['destinybond', 'healingwish', 'switcheroo', 'trick']],
['curse', 'rapidspin'],
// These moves are redundant with each other
['alluringvoice', 'dazzlinggleam', 'drainingkiss', 'moonblast'],
['alluringvoice', 'dazzlinggleam', 'drainingkiss', 'moonblast'],
[['bulletseed', 'gigadrain', 'leafstorm', 'seedbomb'], ['bulletseed', 'gigadrain', 'leafstorm', 'seedbomb']],
[['hypnosis', 'thunderwave', 'toxic', 'willowisp', 'yawn'], ['hypnosis', 'thunderwave', 'toxic', 'willowisp', 'yawn']],
['roar', 'yawn'],
['dragonclaw', 'outrage'],
['dracometeor', 'dragonpulse'],
['toxic', 'toxicspikes'],
['rockblast', 'stoneedge'],
['bodyslam', 'doubleedge'],
['gunkshot', 'poisonjab'],
[['hydropump', 'liquidation'], 'surf'],
for (const pair of incompatiblePairs) this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, pair[0], pair[1]);
// Generate random moveset for a given species, role, tera type.
types: string[],
abilities: string[],
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
isDoubles: boolean,
movePool: string[],
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
): Set<string> {
const moves = new Set<string>();
let counter = this.queryMoves(moves, species, teraType, abilities);
this.cullMovePool(types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, teraType, role);
// If there are only four moves, add all moves and return early
if (movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) {
for (const moveid of movePool) {
return moves;
// Helper function for (STAB-)move enforcement later on
const runEnforcementChecker = (checkerName: string) => {
if (!this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]) return false;
return this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName](
movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species, teamDetails, isLead, isDoubles, teraType, role
if (role === 'Tera Blast user') {
counter = this.addMove('terablast', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Add required move (e.g. Relic Song for Meloetta-P)
if (species.requiredMove) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(species.requiredMove).id;
counter = this.addMove(move, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Add other moves you really want to have, e.g. STAB, recovery, setup.
// Enforce Facade if Guts is a possible ability
if (movePool.includes('facade') && abilities.includes('Guts')) {
counter = this.addMove('facade', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce Sticky Web
if (movePool.includes('stickyweb')) {
counter = this.addMove('stickyweb', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce Knock Off on most roles
if (movePool.includes('knockoff') && role !== 'Bulky Support') {
counter = this.addMove('knockoff', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce hazard removal on Bulky Support if the team doesn't already have it
if (role === 'Bulky Support' && !teamDetails.defog && !teamDetails.rapidSpin) {
if (movePool.includes('rapidspin')) {
counter = this.addMove('rapidspin', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
if (movePool.includes('defog')) {
counter = this.addMove('defog', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce Knock Off on pure Normal- and Fighting-types
if (types.length === 1 && (types.includes('Normal') || types.includes('Fighting'))) {
if (movePool.includes('knockoff')) {
counter = this.addMove('knockoff', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce STAB priority
if (role === 'Wallbreaker') {
const priorityMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, teraType);
if (
types.includes(moveType) && (move.priority > 0 || (moveid === 'grassyglide' && abilities.includes('Grassy Surge'))) &&
(move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)
) {
if (priorityMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(priorityMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce STAB
for (const type of types) {
// Check if a STAB move of that type should be required
const stabMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, teraType);
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && type === moveType) {
while (runEnforcementChecker(type)) {
if (!stabMoves.length) break;
const moveid = this.sampleNoReplace(stabMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce Tera STAB
if (!counter.get('stabtera') && role !== 'Bulky Support') {
const stabMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, teraType);
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && teraType === moveType) {
if (stabMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// If no STAB move was added, add a STAB move
if (!counter.get('stab')) {
const stabMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, teraType);
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && types.includes(moveType)) {
if (stabMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce contrary moves
if (abilities.includes('Contrary')) {
const contraryMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => CONTRARY_MOVES.includes(moveid));
for (const moveid of contraryMoves) {
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce recovery
if (['Bulky Support', 'Bulky Attacker', 'Bulky Setup'].includes(role)) {
const recoveryMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => RECOVERY_MOVES.includes(moveid));
if (recoveryMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(recoveryMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce setup
if (role.includes('Setup') || role === 'Tera Blast user') {
// First, try to add a non-Speed setup move
const nonSpeedSetupMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => SETUP.includes(moveid) && !SPEED_SETUP.includes(moveid));
if (nonSpeedSetupMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(nonSpeedSetupMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
} else {
// No non-Speed setup moves, so add any (Speed) setup move
const setupMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => SETUP.includes(moveid));
if (setupMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(setupMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce a move not on the noSTAB list
if (!counter.damagingMoves.size) {
// Choose an attacking move
const attackingMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.category !== 'Status')) attackingMoves.push(moveid);
if (attackingMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(attackingMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Enforce coverage move
if (!['Fast Support', 'Bulky Support'].includes(role) || === 'magnemite') {
if (counter.damagingMoves.size === 1) {
// Find the type of the current attacking move
const currentAttackType = counter.damagingMoves.values().next().value!.type;
// Choose an attacking move that is of different type to the current single attack
const coverageMoves = [];
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid);
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, teraType);
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) {
if (currentAttackType !== moveType) coverageMoves.push(moveid);
if (coverageMoves.length) {
const moveid = this.sample(coverageMoves);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
// Add (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount) as a condition if moves is getting larger than 4 moves.
// If you want moves to be favored but not required, add something like && this.randomChance(1, 2) to your condition.
// Choose remaining moves randomly from movepool and add them to moves list:
while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length) {
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) {
for (const moveid of movePool) {
const moveid = this.sample(movePool);
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) {
if (moveid === pair[0] && movePool.includes(pair[1])) {
counter = this.addMove(pair[1], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
if (moveid === pair[1] && movePool.includes(pair[0])) {
counter = this.addMove(pair[0], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles,
movePool, teraType, role);
return moves;
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
abilities: string[],
counter: MoveCounter,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
isDoubles: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
): string {
if (abilities.length <= 1) return abilities[0];
// Hard-code abilities here
if ( === 'rowlet' && counter.get('Grass')) return 'Overgrow';
if ( === 'riolu') return moves.has('copycat') ? 'Prankster' : 'Inner Focus';
if ( === 'pikipek' && counter.get('skilllink')) return 'Skill Link';
if ( === 'psyduck' && teamDetails.rain) return 'Swift Swim';
const abilityAllowed: string[] = [];
// Obtain a list of abilities that are allowed (not culled)
for (const ability of abilities) {
if (!this.shouldCullAbility(
ability, types, moves, abilities, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, teraType, role
)) {
// Pick a random allowed ability
if (abilityAllowed.length >= 1) return this.sample(abilityAllowed);
// If all abilities are rejected, prioritize weather abilities over non-weather abilities
if (!abilityAllowed.length) {
const weatherAbilities = abilities.filter(
a => ['Chlorophyll', 'Hydration', 'Sand Force', 'Sand Rush', 'Slush Rush', 'Solar Power', 'Swift Swim'].includes(a)
if (weatherAbilities.length) return this.sample(weatherAbilities);
// Pick a random ability
return this.sample(abilities);
ability: string,
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
counter: MoveCounter,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
isDoubles: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
) {
if (species.requiredItems) {
return this.sample(species.requiredItems);
if (moves.has('focusenergy')) return 'Scope Lens';
if (moves.has('thief')) return '';
if (moves.has('trick') || moves.has('switcheroo')) return 'Choice Scarf';
if (moves.has('acrobatics')) return ability === 'Unburden' ? 'Oran Berry' : '';
if (moves.has('auroraveil') || moves.has('lightscreen') && moves.has('reflect')) return 'Light Clay';
if (ability === 'Guts' && moves.has('facade')) return 'Flame Orb';
if (ability === 'Quick Feet') return 'Toxic Orb';
if (['Harvest', 'Ripen', 'Unburden'].includes(ability) || moves.has('bellydrum')) return 'Oran Berry';
ability: string,
types: string[],
moves: Set<string>,
counter: MoveCounter,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails,
species: Species,
isLead: boolean,
teraType: string,
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role,
): string {
if (role === 'Fast Attacker' && (!counter.get('Status') || (counter.get('Status') === 1 && moves.has('destinybond')))) {
return 'Choice Scarf';
if (['Setup Sweeper', 'Wallbreaker'].includes(role)) {
return 'Life Orb';
return 'Eviolite';
species: Species,
): number {
if (this.adjustLevel) return this.adjustLevel;
// This should frankly always work, but 10 is the default level in case something bad happens
return this.randomSets[]?.level || 10;
getForme(species: Species): string {
if (typeof species.battleOnly === 'string') {
// Only change the forme. The species has custom moves, and may have different typing and requirements.
return species.battleOnly;
if (species.cosmeticFormes) return this.sample([].concat(species.cosmeticFormes));
// Consolidate mostly-cosmetic formes, at least for the purposes of Random Battles
if (['Poltchageist', 'Sinistea'].includes(species.baseSpecies)) {
return this.sample([].concat(species.otherFormes!));
s: string | Species,
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {},
isLead = false,
isDoubles = false
): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet {
const species = this.dex.species.get(s);
const forme = this.getForme(species);
const sets = this.randomSets[]["sets"];
const possibleSets = [];
const ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format);
for (const set of sets) {
// Prevent Tera Blast user if the team already has one, or if Terastallizion is prevented.
if ((teamDetails.teraBlast || ruleTable.has('terastalclause')) && set.role === 'Tera Blast user') {
const set = this.sampleIfArray(possibleSets);
const role = set.role;
const movePool: string[] = [];
for (const movename of set.movepool) {
const teraTypes = set.teraTypes;
let teraType = this.sampleIfArray(teraTypes);
let ability = '';
let item = undefined;
const evs = { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 85, spd: 85, spe: 85 };
const ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 };
const types = species.types;
const abilities = set.abilities!;
// Get moves
const moves = this.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, movePool, teraType!, role);
const counter = this.queryMoves(moves, species, teraType!, abilities);
// Get ability
ability = this.getAbility(types, moves, abilities, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, teraType!, role);
// Get items
// First, the priority items
item = this.getPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, isDoubles, teraType!, role);
if (item === undefined) {
item = this.getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, teraType!, role);
// Get level
const level = this.getLevel(species);
// Prepare optimal HP for Belly Drum and Life Orb
let hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
let targetHP = hp;
const minimumHP = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
if (item === "Life Orb") {
targetHP = Math.floor(hp / 10) * 10 - 1;
} else if (moves.has("bellydrum")) {
targetHP = Math.floor(hp / 2) * 2;
// If the difference is too extreme, don't adjust HP
if (hp > targetHP && hp - targetHP <= 3 && targetHP >= minimumHP) {
// If setting evs to 0 is sufficient, decrement evs, otherwise decrement ivs with evs set to 0
if (Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + 100) * level / 100 + 10) >= targetHP) {
evs.hp = 0;
hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
while (hp > targetHP) {
ivs.hp -= 1;
hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
} else {
while (hp > targetHP) {
evs.hp -= 4;
hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10);
// Minimize confusion damage
const noAttackStatMoves = [...moves].every(m => {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(m);
if (move.damageCallback || move.damage) return true;
if ( === 'shellsidearm') return false;
if ( === 'terablast' && ( === 'porygon' || species.baseStats.atk >
) return false;
return move.category !== 'Physical' || === 'bodypress' || === 'foulplay';
if (noAttackStatMoves) {
evs.atk = 0;
ivs.atk = 0;
if (moves.has('gyroball') || moves.has('trickroom')) {
evs.spe = 0;
ivs.spe = 0;
// Enforce Tera Type after all set generation is done to prevent infinite generation
if (this.forceTeraType) teraType = this.forceTeraType;
// shuffle moves to add more randomness to camomons
const shuffledMoves = Array.from(moves);
return {
name: species.baseSpecies,
species: forme,
gender: species.gender,
shiny: this.randomChance(1, 1024),
moves: shuffledMoves,
randomSets: { [species: string]: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSpeciesData } = require('./sets.json');
randomBabyTeam() {
const seed = this.prng.getSeed();
const ruleTable = this.dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format);
const pokemon: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet[] = [];
// For Monotype
const isMonotype = !!this.forceMonotype || ruleTable.has('sametypeclause');
const typePool = this.dex.types.names().filter(name => name !== "Stellar");
const type = this.forceMonotype || this.sample(typePool);
const baseFormes = new Set<string>();
const typeCount = new Utils.Multiset<string>();
const typeComboCount = new Utils.Multiset<string>();
const typeWeaknesses = new Utils.Multiset<string>();
const typeDoubleWeaknesses = new Utils.Multiset<string>();
const teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {};
const pokemonList = Object.keys(this.randomSets);
const [pokemonPool, baseSpeciesPool] = this.getPokemonPool(type, pokemon, isMonotype, pokemonList);
while (baseSpeciesPool.length && pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) {
const baseSpecies = this.sampleNoReplace(baseSpeciesPool);
const species = this.dex.species.get(this.sample(pokemonPool[baseSpecies]));
if (!species.exists) continue;
// Limit to one of each species (Species Clause)
if (baseFormes.has(species.baseSpecies)) continue;
// Illusion shouldn't be on the last slot
if (species.baseSpecies === 'Zorua' && pokemon.length >= (this.maxTeamSize - 1)) continue;
const types = species.types;
const typeCombo = types.slice().sort().join();
const weakToFreezeDry = (
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Ice', species) > 0 ||
(this.dex.getEffectiveness('Ice', species) > -2 && types.includes('Water'))
// Dynamically scale limits for different team sizes. The default and minimum value is 1.
const limitFactor = Math.round(this.maxTeamSize / 6) || 1;
if (!isMonotype && !this.forceMonotype) {
let skip = false;
// Limit two of any type
for (const typeName of types) {
if (typeCount.get(typeName) >= 2 * limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
// Limit three weak to any type, and one double weak to any type
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) {
// it's weak to the type
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) {
if (typeWeaknesses.get(typeName) >= 3 * limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) {
if (typeDoubleWeaknesses.get(typeName) >= limitFactor) {
skip = true;
if (skip) continue;
// Count Dry Skin/Fluffy as Fire weaknesses
if (
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Fire', species) === 0 &&
Object.values(species.abilities).filter(a => ['Dry Skin', 'Fluffy'].includes(a)).length &&
typeWeaknesses.get('Fire') >= 3 * limitFactor
) continue;
// Limit four weak to Freeze-Dry
if (weakToFreezeDry) {
if (typeWeaknesses.get('Freeze-Dry') >= 4 * limitFactor) continue;
// Limit three of any type combination in Monotype
if (!this.forceMonotype && isMonotype && typeComboCount.get(typeCombo) >= 3 * limitFactor) continue;
const set: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet = this.randomSet(species, teamDetails, false, false);
// Don't bother tracking details for the last Pokemon
if (pokemon.length === this.maxTeamSize) break;
// Now that our Pokemon has passed all checks, we can increment our counters
// Increment type counters
for (const typeName of types) {
// Increment weakness counter
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) {
// it's weak to the type
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 0) {
if (this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species) > 1) {
// Count Dry Skin/Fluffy as Fire weaknesses
if (['Dry Skin', 'Fluffy'].includes(set.ability) && this.dex.getEffectiveness('Fire', species) === 0) {
if (weakToFreezeDry) typeWeaknesses.add('Freeze-Dry');
// Track what the team has
if (set.ability === 'Drizzle' || set.moves.includes('raindance')) teamDetails.rain = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Drought' || set.moves.includes('sunnyday')) teamDetails.sun = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Sand Stream') teamDetails.sand = 1;
if (set.ability === 'Snow Warning' || set.moves.includes('snowscape') || set.moves.includes('chillyreception')) {
teamDetails.snow = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('spikes')) {
teamDetails.spikes = (teamDetails.spikes || 0) + 1;
if (set.moves.includes('stealthrock')) teamDetails.stealthRock = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('stickyweb')) teamDetails.stickyWeb = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('toxicspikes') || set.ability === 'Toxic Debris') teamDetails.toxicSpikes = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('defog')) teamDetails.defog = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('rapidspin') || set.moves.includes('mortalspin')) teamDetails.rapidSpin = 1;
if (set.moves.includes('auroraveil') || (set.moves.includes('reflect') && set.moves.includes('lightscreen'))) {
teamDetails.screens = 1;
if (set.role === 'Tera Blast user') {
teamDetails.teraBlast = 1;
// large teams sometimes cannot be built, and monotype is also at user's own risk
if (pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize && pokemon.length < 12 && !isMonotype) {
throw new Error(`Could not build a random team for ${this.format} (seed=${seed})`);
return pokemon;
export default RandomBabyTeams;