import { type MoveCounter, type TeamData } from '../gen8/teams'; | |
import RandomGen7Teams, { type BattleFactorySpecies, ZeroAttackHPIVs } from '../gen7/teams'; | |
import { type PRNG, type PRNGSeed } from '../../../sim/prng'; | |
import { toID } from '../../../sim/dex'; | |
// Moves that restore HP: | |
const RECOVERY_MOVES = [ | |
'healorder', 'milkdrink', 'moonlight', 'morningsun', 'recover', 'recycle', 'roost', 'slackoff', 'softboiled', 'synthesis', | |
]; | |
// Moves that boost Attack: | |
const PHYSICAL_SETUP = [ | |
'bellydrum', 'bulkup', 'coil', 'curse', 'dragondance', 'honeclaws', 'howl', 'meditate', 'poweruppunch', 'screech', 'swordsdance', | |
]; | |
// Moves which boost Special Attack: | |
const SPECIAL_SETUP = [ | |
'calmmind', 'chargebeam', 'geomancy', 'nastyplot', 'quiverdance', 'tailglow', | |
]; | |
// Some moves that only boost Speed: | |
const SPEED_SETUP = [ | |
'agility', 'autotomize', 'flamecharge', 'rockpolish', | |
]; | |
// Conglomerate for ease of access | |
const SETUP = [ | |
'acidarmor', 'agility', 'autotomize', 'bellydrum', 'bulkup', 'calmmind', 'coil', 'curse', 'dragondance', 'flamecharge', | |
'focusenergy', 'geomancy', 'growth', 'honeclaws', 'howl', 'irondefense', 'meditate', 'nastyplot', 'poweruppunch', | |
'quiverdance', 'raindance', 'rockpolish', 'shellsmash', 'shiftgear', 'swordsdance', 'tailglow', 'workup', | |
]; | |
// Moves that shouldn't be the only STAB moves: | |
const NO_STAB = [ | |
'aquajet', 'bulletpunch', 'clearsmog', 'dragontail', 'eruption', 'explosion', 'fakeout', 'flamecharge', | |
'futuresight', 'iceshard', 'icywind', 'incinerate', 'infestation', 'machpunch', 'nuzzle', 'pluck', 'poweruppunch', | |
'pursuit', 'quickattack', 'rapidspin', 'reversal', 'selfdestruct', 'shadowsneak', 'skyattack', 'skydrop', 'snarl', | |
'suckerpunch', 'uturn', 'watershuriken', 'vacuumwave', 'voltswitch', 'waterspout', | |
]; | |
// Hazard-setting moves | |
const HAZARDS = [ | |
'spikes', 'stealthrock', 'stickyweb', 'toxicspikes', | |
]; | |
// Protect and its variants | |
const PROTECT_MOVES = [ | |
'kingsshield', 'protect', 'spikyshield', | |
]; | |
// Moves that switch the user out | |
const PIVOT_MOVES = [ | |
'partingshot', 'uturn', 'voltswitch', | |
]; | |
// Moves that should be paired together when possible | |
const MOVE_PAIRS = [ | |
['lightscreen', 'reflect'], | |
['sleeptalk', 'rest'], | |
['protect', 'wish'], | |
['spikyshield', 'wish'], | |
['leechseed', 'substitute'], | |
['perishsong', 'protect'], | |
['solarbeam', 'sunnyday'], | |
]; | |
/** Pokemon who always want priority STAB, and are fine with it as its only STAB move of that type */ | |
const PRIORITY_POKEMON = [ | |
'aegislash', 'banette', 'breloom', 'cacturne', 'doublade', 'dusknoir', 'honchkrow', 'scizor', 'scizormega', 'shedinja', | |
]; | |
export class RandomGen6Teams extends RandomGen7Teams { | |
randomSets: { [species: string]: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSpeciesData } = require('./sets.json'); | |
constructor(format: Format | string, prng: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null) { | |
super(format, prng); | |
this.noStab = NO_STAB; | |
this.priorityPokemon = PRIORITY_POKEMON; | |
this.moveEnforcementCheckers = { | |
Bug: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => ( | |
['megahorn', 'pinmissile'].some(m => movePool.includes(m)) || | |
!counter.get('Bug') && abilities.includes('Tinted Lens') | |
), | |
Dark: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Dark'), | |
Dragon: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Dragon'), | |
Electric: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Electric'), | |
Fairy: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Fairy'), | |
Fighting: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Fighting'), | |
Fire: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Fire'), | |
Flying: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => ( | |
!counter.get('Flying') && !['aerodactyl', 'aerodactylmega', 'mantine', 'murkrow'].includes( && | |
!movePool.includes('hiddenpowerflying') | |
), | |
Ghost: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ghost'), | |
Grass: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => ( | |
!counter.get('Grass') && (species.baseStats.atk >= 100 || movePool.includes('leafstorm')) | |
), | |
Ground: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ground'), | |
Ice: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => ( | |
!counter.get('Ice') || (moves.has('icebeam') && movePool.includes('freezedry')) || | |
abilities.includes('Refrigerate') && (movePool.includes('return') || movePool.includes('hypervoice')) | |
), | |
Normal: movePool => movePool.includes('boomburst'), | |
Poison: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Poison'), | |
Psychic: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => ( | |
!counter.get('Psychic') && (types.has('Fighting') || movePool.includes('calmmind')) | |
), | |
Rock: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => (!counter.get('Rock') && species.baseStats.atk >= 80), | |
Steel: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => (!counter.get('Steel') && species.baseStats.atk >= 100), | |
Water: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Water'), | |
}; | |
this.cachedStatusMoves = this.dex.moves.all() | |
.filter(move => move.category === 'Status') | |
.map(move =>; | |
} | |
cullMovePool( | |
types: string[], | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
abilities: string[], | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
movePool: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): void { | |
// Pokemon cannot have multiple Hidden Powers in any circumstance | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
while (movePoolHasHiddenPower) { | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
if (moveid.startsWith('hiddenpower')) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(moveid)); | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
// If we have two unfilled moves and only one unpaired move, cull the unpaired move. | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 2) { | |
const unpairedMoves = [...movePool]; | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
if (unpairedMoves.length === 1) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(unpairedMoves[0])); | |
} | |
} | |
// These moves are paired, and shouldn't appear if there is not room for them both. | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 1) { | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Team-based move culls | |
if (teamDetails.screens && movePool.length >= this.maxMoveCount + 2) { | |
if (movePool.includes('reflect')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('reflect')); | |
if (movePool.includes('lightscreen')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('lightscreen')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.stickyWeb) { | |
if (movePool.includes('stickyweb')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('stickyweb')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.stealthRock) { | |
if (movePool.includes('stealthrock')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('stealthrock')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.defog || teamDetails.rapidSpin) { | |
if (movePool.includes('defog')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('defog')); | |
if (movePool.includes('rapidspin')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('rapidspin')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.toxicSpikes) { | |
if (movePool.includes('toxicspikes')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('toxicspikes')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.spikes && teamDetails.spikes >= 2) { | |
if (movePool.includes('spikes')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('spikes')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.statusCure) { | |
if (movePool.includes('aromatherapy')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('aromatherapy')); | |
if (movePool.includes('healbell')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('healbell')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
// Develop additional move lists | |
const badWithSetup = ['defog', 'dragontail', 'haze', 'healbell', 'nuzzle', 'pursuit', 'rapidspin', 'toxic']; | |
const statusMoves = this.cachedStatusMoves; | |
// General incompatibilities | |
const incompatiblePairs = [ | |
// These moves don't mesh well with other aspects of the set | |
[statusMoves, ['healingwish', 'memento', 'switcheroo', 'trick']], | |
[SETUP, badWithSetup], | |
[SPEED_SETUP, 'quickattack'], | |
['defog', HAZARDS], | |
[['fakeout', 'uturn'], ['switcheroo', 'trick']], | |
['substitute', PIVOT_MOVES], | |
['leechseed', 'dragontail'], | |
['rest', 'substitute'], | |
[PHYSICAL_SETUP, 'dracometeor'], | |
[SPECIAL_SETUP, 'knockoff'], | |
// These attacks are redundant with each other | |
['psychic', 'psyshock'], | |
['scald', ['hydropump', 'originpulse', 'waterpulse']], | |
['return', ['bodyslam', 'doubleedge']], | |
[['fierydance', 'lavaplume'], ['fireblast', 'magmastorm']], | |
[['flamethrower', 'flareblitz'], ['fireblast', 'overheat']], | |
['hornleech', 'woodhammer'], | |
[['gigadrain', 'leafstorm'], ['leafstorm', 'petaldance', 'powerwhip']], | |
['wildcharge', 'thunderbolt'], | |
['gunkshot', 'poisonjab'], | |
[['drainpunch', 'focusblast'], ['closecombat', 'highjumpkick', 'superpower']], | |
['stoneedge', 'headsmash'], | |
['dracometeor', 'dragonpulse'], | |
['dragonclaw', 'outrage'], | |
['knockoff', ['darkpulse', 'foulplay']], | |
// Status move incompatibilities | |
['toxic', 'toxicspikes'], | |
['taunt', 'disable'], | |
['defog', ['leechseed', 'substitute']], | |
// Assorted hardcodes go here: | |
// Lunatone | |
['moonlight', 'rockpolish'], | |
// Smeargle | |
['nuzzle', 'whirlwind'], | |
// Liepard | |
['copycat', 'uturn'], | |
// Seviper | |
['switcheroo', 'suckerpunch'], | |
// Jirachi | |
['bodyslam', 'healingwish'], | |
]; | |
for (const pair of incompatiblePairs) this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, pair[0], pair[1]); | |
if (!types.includes('Dark') && preferredType !== 'Dark') { | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, 'knockoff', ['pursuit', 'suckerpunch']); | |
} | |
const statusInflictingMoves = ['thunderwave', 'toxic', 'willowisp', 'yawn']; | |
if (!abilities.includes('Prankster') && role !== 'Staller') { | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, statusInflictingMoves, statusInflictingMoves); | |
} | |
if (abilities.includes('Guts')) this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, 'protect', 'swordsdance'); | |
// Force Protect and U-turn on Beedrill-Mega | |
if ( === 'beedrillmega') { | |
this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, 'drillrun', 'knockoff'); | |
} | |
// Cull filler moves for otherwise fixed set Stealth Rock users | |
if (!teamDetails.stealthRock) { | |
if ( === 'registeel' && role === 'Staller') { | |
if (movePool.includes('thunderwave')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('thunderwave')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (species.baseSpecies === 'Wormadam' && role === 'Staller') { | |
if (movePool.includes('infestation')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('infestation')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Generate random moveset for a given species, role, preferred type. | |
randomMoveset( | |
types: string[], | |
abilities: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
movePool: string[], | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): Set<string> { | |
const moves = new Set<string>(); | |
let counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
this.cullMovePool(types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
preferredType, role); | |
// If there are only four moves, add all moves and return early | |
if (movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) { | |
// Still need to ensure that multiple Hidden Powers are not added (if maxMoveCount is increased) | |
while (movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
const runEnforcementChecker = (checkerName: string) => { | |
if (!this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]) return false; | |
return this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]( | |
movePool, moves, abilities, new Set(types), counter, species, teamDetails | |
); | |
}; | |
// Add required move (e.g. Relic Song for Meloetta-P) | |
if (species.requiredMove) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(species.requiredMove).id; | |
counter = this.addMove(move, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Add other moves you really want to have, e.g. STAB, recovery, setup. | |
// Enforce Facade if Guts is a possible ability | |
if (movePool.includes('facade') && abilities.includes('Guts')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('facade', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Enforce Blizzard, Seismic Toss, Spore, and Sticky Web | |
for (const moveid of ['blizzard', 'seismictoss', 'spore', 'stickyweb']) { | |
if (movePool.includes(moveid)) { | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce Thunder Wave on Prankster users | |
if (movePool.includes('thunderwave') && abilities.includes('Prankster')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('thunderwave', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Enforce Shadow Sneak on Kecleon | |
if (movePool.includes('shadowsneak') && === 'kecleon') { | |
counter = this.addMove('shadowsneak', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Enforce hazard removal on Bulky Support if the team doesn't already have it | |
if (role === 'Bulky Support' && !teamDetails.defog && !teamDetails.rapidSpin) { | |
if (movePool.includes('rapidspin')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('rapidspin', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
if (movePool.includes('defog')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('defog', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce STAB priority | |
if (['Bulky Attacker', 'Bulky Setup', 'Wallbreaker'].includes(role) || this.priorityPokemon.includes( { | |
const priorityMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (types.includes(moveType) && move.priority > 0 && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) { | |
priorityMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (priorityMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(priorityMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce STAB | |
for (const type of types) { | |
// Check if a STAB move of that type should be required | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && type === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
while (runEnforcementChecker(type)) { | |
if (!stabMoves.length) break; | |
const moveid = this.sampleNoReplace(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce Preferred Type | |
if (!counter.get('preferred')) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && preferredType === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// If no STAB move was added, add a STAB move | |
if (!counter.get('stab')) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && types.includes(moveType)) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} else { | |
// If they have no regular STAB move, enforce U-turn on Bug types. | |
if (movePool.includes('uturn') && types.includes('Bug')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('uturn', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce recovery | |
if (['Bulky Support', 'Bulky Attacker', 'Bulky Setup', 'Staller'].includes(role)) { | |
const recoveryMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => RECOVERY_MOVES.includes(moveid)); | |
if (recoveryMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(recoveryMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce Staller moves | |
if (role === 'Staller') { | |
const enforcedMoves = [...PROTECT_MOVES, 'toxic']; | |
for (const move of enforcedMoves) { | |
if (movePool.includes(move)) { | |
counter = this.addMove(move, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce setup | |
if (role.includes('Setup')) { | |
const setupMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => SETUP.includes(moveid)); | |
if (setupMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(setupMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce a move not on the noSTAB list | |
if (!counter.damagingMoves.size && !(moves.has('uturn') && types.includes('Bug'))) { | |
// Choose an attacking move | |
const attackingMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.category !== 'Status')) attackingMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
if (attackingMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(attackingMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce coverage move | |
if (['Fast Attacker', 'Setup Sweeper', 'Bulky Attacker', 'Wallbreaker'].includes(role)) { | |
if (counter.damagingMoves.size === 1) { | |
// Find the type of the current attacking move | |
const currentAttackType = counter.damagingMoves.values().next().value!.type; | |
// Choose an attacking move that is of different type to the current single attack | |
const coverageMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) { | |
if (currentAttackType !== moveType) coverageMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (coverageMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(coverageMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Choose remaining moves randomly from movepool and add them to moves list: | |
while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (moveid === pair[0] && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
counter = this.addMove(pair[1], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
if (moveid === pair[1] && movePool.includes(pair[0])) { | |
counter = this.addMove(pair[0], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
shouldCullAbility( | |
ability: string, | |
types: Set<string>, | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
abilities: string[], | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
movePool: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role | |
): boolean { | |
switch (ability) { | |
case 'Chlorophyll': case 'Solar Power': | |
return !teamDetails.sun; | |
case 'Hydration': case 'Swift Swim': | |
return !teamDetails.rain; | |
case 'Iron Fist': case 'Sheer Force': case 'Technician': | |
return !counter.get(toID(ability)); | |
case 'Overgrow': | |
return !counter.get('Grass'); | |
case 'Prankster': | |
return !counter.get('Status'); | |
case 'Rock Head': | |
return !counter.get('recoil'); | |
case 'Sand Force': case 'Sand Rush': | |
return !teamDetails.sand; | |
case 'Swarm': | |
return !counter.get('Bug'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
getAbility( | |
types: Set<string>, | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
abilities: string[], | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
movePool: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): string { | |
if (abilities.length <= 1) return abilities[0]; | |
// Hard-code abilities here | |
if ( === 'pangoro' && counter.get('ironfist')) return 'Iron Fist'; | |
if ( === 'tornadus' && counter.get('Status')) return 'Prankster'; | |
if ( === 'marowak' && counter.get('recoil')) return 'Rock Head'; | |
if ( === 'kingler' && counter.get('sheerforce')) return 'Sheer Force'; | |
if ( === 'golduck' && teamDetails.rain) return 'Swift Swim'; | |
if ( === 'roserade' && counter.get('technician')) return 'Technician'; | |
const abilityAllowed: string[] = []; | |
// Obtain a list of abilities that are allowed (not culled) | |
for (const ability of abilities) { | |
if (!this.shouldCullAbility( | |
ability, types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, preferredType, role | |
)) { | |
abilityAllowed.push(ability); | |
} | |
} | |
// Pick a random allowed ability | |
if (abilityAllowed.length >= 1) return this.sample(abilityAllowed); | |
// If all abilities are rejected, prioritize weather abilities over non-weather abilities | |
if (!abilityAllowed.length) { | |
const weatherAbilities = abilities.filter( | |
a => ['Chlorophyll', 'Hydration', 'Sand Force', 'Sand Rush', 'Solar Power', 'Swift Swim'].includes(a) | |
); | |
if (weatherAbilities.length) return this.sample(weatherAbilities); | |
} | |
// Pick a random ability | |
return this.sample(abilities); | |
} | |
getPriorityItem( | |
ability: string, | |
types: string[], | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): string | undefined { | |
if (species.requiredItems) return this.sample(species.requiredItems); | |
if (role === 'AV Pivot') return 'Assault Vest'; | |
if ( === 'Farfetch\u2019d') return 'Stick'; | |
if ( === 'Latias' || === 'Latios') return 'Soul Dew'; | |
if ( === 'Marowak') return 'Thick Club'; | |
if ( === 'Pikachu') return 'Light Ball'; | |
if ( === 'Shedinja' || === 'Smeargle') return 'Focus Sash'; | |
if ( === 'Talonflame') return 'Sharp Beak'; | |
if ( === 'Unfezant' || moves.has('focusenergy')) return 'Scope Lens'; | |
if ( === 'Unown') return 'Choice Specs'; | |
if ( === 'Wobbuffet') return 'Custap Berry'; | |
if ( === 'Shuckle') return 'Mental Herb'; | |
if (ability === 'Harvest' || ability === 'Cheek Pouch') return 'Sitrus Berry'; | |
if ( === 'Ditto') return 'Choice Scarf'; | |
if (ability === 'Poison Heal') return 'Toxic Orb'; | |
if (ability === 'Speed Boost') return 'Life Orb'; | |
if (species.nfe) return ( === 'Scyther' && role === 'Fast Attacker') ? 'Choice Band' : 'Eviolite'; | |
if (['healingwish', 'memento', 'switcheroo', 'trick'].some(m => moves.has(m))) { | |
if (species.baseStats.spe >= 60 && species.baseStats.spe <= 108 && role !== 'Wallbreaker') { | |
return 'Choice Scarf'; | |
} else { | |
return (counter.get('Physical') > counter.get('Special')) ? 'Choice Band' : 'Choice Specs'; | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.has('bellydrum')) return 'Sitrus Berry'; | |
if (moves.has('waterspout')) return 'Choice Scarf'; | |
if (moves.has('geomancy') || moves.has('skyattack')) return 'Power Herb'; | |
if (moves.has('shellsmash')) { | |
return (ability === 'Solid Rock' && !!counter.get('priority')) ? 'Weakness Policy' : 'White Herb'; | |
} | |
if (moves.has('psychoshift')) return 'Flame Orb'; | |
if ((ability === 'Guts' || moves.has('facade')) && !moves.has('sleeptalk') && !== 'stoutland') { | |
return === 'Conkeldurr' ? 'Flame Orb' : 'Toxic Orb'; | |
} | |
if (ability === 'Magic Guard') return moves.has('counter') ? 'Focus Sash' : 'Life Orb'; | |
if ( === 'rampardos' && role === 'Fast Attacker') return 'Choice Scarf'; | |
if (ability === 'Sheer Force' && counter.get('sheerforce')) return 'Life Orb'; | |
if (ability === 'Unburden') return ( === 'hitmonlee') ? 'White Herb' : 'Sitrus Berry'; | |
if (moves.has('acrobatics')) return ''; | |
if (moves.has('lightscreen') && moves.has('reflect')) return 'Light Clay'; | |
if (moves.has('rest') && !moves.has('sleeptalk') && !['Hydration', 'Natural Cure', 'Shed Skin'].includes(ability)) { | |
return 'Chesto Berry'; | |
} | |
if (role === 'Staller') return 'Leftovers'; | |
} | |
getItem( | |
ability: string, | |
types: string[], | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): string { | |
const defensiveStatTotal = species.baseStats.hp + species.baseStats.def + species.baseStats.spd; | |
const scarfReqs = ( | |
role !== 'Wallbreaker' && | |
species.baseStats.spe >= 60 && species.baseStats.spe <= 108 && | |
!counter.get('priority') && !moves.has('pursuit') | |
); | |
if ( | |
moves.has('pursuit') && moves.has('suckerpunch') && counter.get('Dark') && !this.priorityPokemon.includes( | |
) return 'Black Glasses'; | |
if (counter.get('Special') === 4) { | |
return ( | |
scarfReqs && >= 90 && this.randomChance(1, 2) | |
) ? 'Choice Scarf' : 'Choice Specs'; | |
} | |
if (counter.get('Special') === 3 && moves.has('uturn')) return 'Choice Specs'; | |
if (counter.get('Physical') === 4 && !== 'jirachi' && | |
['dragontail', 'fakeout', 'flamecharge', 'nuzzle', 'rapidspin'].every(m => !moves.has(m)) | |
) { | |
return ( | |
scarfReqs && (species.baseStats.atk >= 100 || ability === 'Pure Power' || ability === 'Huge Power') && | |
this.randomChance(1, 2) | |
) ? 'Choice Scarf' : 'Choice Band'; | |
} | |
if (ability === 'Sturdy' && moves.has('explosion') && !counter.get('speedsetup')) return 'Custap Berry'; | |
if (types.includes('Normal') && moves.has('fakeout') && !!counter.get('Normal')) return 'Silk Scarf'; | |
if (role === 'Bulky Setup' && !!counter.get('speedsetup') && !moves.has('swordsdance')) { | |
return 'Weakness Policy'; | |
} | |
if ( === 'palkia') return 'Lustrous Orb'; | |
if ( === 'archeops') return 'Expert Belt'; | |
if (!counter.get('Status') && ( | |
['Fast Support', 'Bulky Support', 'Bulky Attacker'].some(m => role === m) || moves.has('rapidspin') | |
)) { | |
return 'Assault Vest'; | |
} | |
if (moves.has('outrage') && counter.get('setup')) return 'Lum Berry'; | |
if ( | |
(ability === 'Rough Skin') || ( | | !== 'hooh' && | |
ability === 'Regenerator' && species.baseStats.hp + species.baseStats.def >= 180 && this.randomChance(1, 2) | |
) || ( | |
ability !== 'Regenerator' && !counter.get('setup') && counter.get('recovery') && | |
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Fighting', species) < 1 && | |
(species.baseStats.hp + species.baseStats.def) > 200 && this.randomChance(1, 2) | |
) | |
) return 'Rocky Helmet'; | |
if (['kingsshield', 'protect', 'spikyshield', 'substitute'].some(m => moves.has(m))) return 'Leftovers'; | |
if ( | |
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Ground', species) >= 2 && | |
ability !== 'Levitate' | |
) { | |
return 'Air Balloon'; | |
} | |
if ( | |
(role === 'Fast Support' || moves.has('stickyweb')) && isLead && defensiveStatTotal < 255 && | |
!counter.get('recovery') && (counter.get('hazards') || counter.get('setup')) && | |
(!counter.get('recoil') || ability === 'Rock Head') | |
) return 'Focus Sash'; | |
// Default Items | |
if (role === 'Fast Support') { | |
return ( | |
counter.get('Physical') + counter.get('Special') >= 3 && | |
['nuzzle', 'rapidspin', 'uturn', 'voltswitch'].every(m => !moves.has(m)) && | |
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Rock', species) < 2 | |
) ? 'Life Orb' : 'Leftovers'; | |
} | |
if (!counter.get('Status')) { | |
return ( | |
(moves.has('uturn') || moves.has('voltswitch')) && !counter.get('Dragon') && !counter.get('Normal') | |
) ? 'Expert Belt' : 'Life Orb'; | |
} | |
if ( | |
['Fast Attacker', 'Setup Sweeper', 'Wallbreaker'].some(m => role === m) && | |
this.dex.getEffectiveness('Rock', species) < 2 && ability !== 'Sturdy' | |
) return 'Life Orb'; | |
return 'Leftovers'; | |
} | |
randomSet( | |
species: string | Species, | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {}, | |
isLead = false | |
): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet { | |
species = this.dex.species.get(species); | |
const forme = this.getForme(species); | |
const sets = this.randomSets[]["sets"]; | |
const possibleSets = []; | |
for (const set of sets) possibleSets.push(set); | |
const set = this.sampleIfArray(possibleSets); | |
const role = set.role; | |
const movePool: string[] = Array.from(set.movepool); | |
const preferredTypes = set.preferredTypes; | |
const preferredType = this.sampleIfArray(preferredTypes) || ''; | |
let ability = ''; | |
let item = undefined; | |
const evs = { hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 85, spd: 85, spe: 85 }; | |
const ivs = { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 }; | |
const types = species.types; | |
const baseAbilities = set.abilities!; | |
// Use the mega's ability for moveset generation | |
const abilities = (species.battleOnly && !species.requiredAbility) ? Object.values(species.abilities) : baseAbilities; | |
// Get moves | |
const moves = this.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, movePool, | |
preferredType, role); | |
const counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
// Get ability | |
ability = this.getAbility(new Set(types), moves, baseAbilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, | |
preferredType, role); | |
// Get items | |
item = this.getPriorityItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role); | |
if (item === undefined) { | |
item = this.getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// For Trick / Switcheroo | |
if (item === 'Leftovers' && types.includes('Poison')) { | |
item = 'Black Sludge'; | |
} | |
const level = this.getLevel(species); | |
// Minimize confusion damage, including if Foul Play is its only physical attack | |
if ( | |
(!counter.get('Physical') || (counter.get('Physical') <= 1 && (moves.has('foulplay') || moves.has('rapidspin')))) && | |
!moves.has('copycat') && !moves.has('transform') | |
) { | |
evs.atk = 0; | |
ivs.atk = 0; | |
} | |
// We use a special variable to track Hidden Power | |
// so that we can check for all Hidden Powers at once | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let hpType; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hpType = move.substr(11); | |
} | |
if (!hpType) throw new Error(`hasHiddenPower is true, but no Hidden Power move was found.`); | |
const HPivs = ivs.atk === 0 ? ZeroAttackHPIVs[hpType] : this.dex.types.get(hpType).HPivs; | |
let iv: StatID; | |
for (iv in HPivs) { | |
ivs[iv] = HPivs[iv]!; | |
} | |
} | |
// Prepare optimal HP | |
const srImmunity = ability === 'Magic Guard'; | |
const srWeakness = srImmunity ? 0 : this.dex.getEffectiveness('Rock', species); | |
while (evs.hp > 1) { | |
const hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10); | |
if (moves.has('substitute') && !['Black Sludge', 'Leftovers'].includes(item)) { | |
if (item === 'Sitrus Berry') { | |
// Two Substitutes should activate Sitrus Berry | |
if (hp % 4 === 0) break; | |
} else { | |
// Should be able to use Substitute four times from full HP without fainting | |
if (hp % 4 > 0) break; | |
} | |
} else if (moves.has('bellydrum') && item === 'Sitrus Berry') { | |
// Belly Drum should activate Sitrus Berry | |
if (hp % 2 === 0) break; | |
} else if (['highjumpkick', 'jumpkick'].some(m => moves.has(m))) { | |
// Crash damage move users want an odd HP to survive two misses | |
if (hp % 2 > 0) break; | |
} else { | |
// Maximize number of Stealth Rock switch-ins | |
if (srWeakness <= 0 || ability === 'Regenerator') break; | |
if (srWeakness === 1 && ['Black Sludge', 'Leftovers', 'Life Orb'].includes(item)) break; | |
if (item !== 'Sitrus Berry' && hp % (4 / srWeakness) > 0) break; | |
// Minimise number of Stealth Rock switch-ins to activate Sitrus Berry | |
if (item === 'Sitrus Berry' && hp % (4 / srWeakness) === 0) break; | |
} | |
evs.hp -= 4; | |
} | |
if (['gyroball', 'metalburst', 'trickroom'].some(m => moves.has(m))) { | |
evs.spe = 0; | |
ivs.spe = (hasHiddenPower && level < 100) ? ivs.spe - 30 : 0; | |
} | |
// shuffle moves to add more randomness to camomons | |
const shuffledMoves = Array.from(moves); | |
this.prng.shuffle(shuffledMoves); | |
return { | |
name: species.baseSpecies, | |
species: forme, | |
gender: species.gender, | |
shiny: this.randomChance(1, 1024), | |
level, | |
moves: shuffledMoves, | |
ability, | |
evs, | |
ivs, | |
item, | |
role, | |
}; | |
} | |
randomFactorySets: { [format: string]: { [species: string]: BattleFactorySpecies } } = require('./factory-sets.json'); | |
randomFactorySet( | |
species: Species, | |
teamData: RandomTeamsTypes.FactoryTeamDetails, | |
tier: string | |
): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomFactorySet | null { | |
const id = toID(; | |
// const flags = this.randomFactorySets[tier][id].flags; | |
const setList = this.randomFactorySets[tier][id].sets; | |
const itemsMax: { [k: string]: number } = { choicespecs: 1, choiceband: 1, choicescarf: 1 }; | |
const movesMax: { [k: string]: number } = { | |
rapidspin: 1, batonpass: 1, stealthrock: 1, defog: 1, spikes: 1, toxicspikes: 1, | |
}; | |
const requiredMoves: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
stealthrock: 'hazardSet', rapidspin: 'hazardClear', defog: 'hazardClear', | |
}; | |
const weatherAbilitiesRequire: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
hydration: 'raindance', swiftswim: 'raindance', | |
leafguard: 'sunnyday', solarpower: 'sunnyday', chlorophyll: 'sunnyday', | |
sandforce: 'sandstorm', sandrush: 'sandstorm', sandveil: 'sandstorm', | |
snowcloak: 'hail', | |
}; | |
const weatherAbilities = ['drizzle', 'drought', 'snowwarning', 'sandstream']; | |
// Build a pool of eligible sets, given the team partners | |
// Also keep track of sets with moves the team requires | |
let effectivePool: { set: AnyObject, moveVariants?: number[], itemVariants?: number, abilityVariants?: number }[] = []; | |
const priorityPool = []; | |
for (const curSet of setList) { | |
if (this.forceMonotype && !species.types.includes(this.forceMonotype)) continue; | |
const itemData = this.dex.items.get(curSet.item); | |
if (teamData.megaCount && teamData.megaCount > 0 && itemData.megaStone) continue; // reject 2+ mega stones | |
if (itemsMax[] && teamData.has[] >= itemsMax[]) continue; | |
const abilityState = this.dex.abilities.get(curSet.ability); | |
if (weatherAbilitiesRequire[] && !== weatherAbilitiesRequire[]) continue; | |
if ( && weatherAbilities.includes( continue; // reject 2+ weather setters | |
let reject = false; | |
let hasRequiredMove = false; | |
const curSetVariants = []; | |
for (const move of curSet.moves) { | |
const variantIndex = this.random(move.length); | |
const moveId = toID(move[variantIndex]); | |
if (movesMax[moveId] && teamData.has[moveId] >= movesMax[moveId]) { | |
reject = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
if (requiredMoves[moveId] && !teamData.has[requiredMoves[moveId]]) { | |
hasRequiredMove = true; | |
} | |
curSetVariants.push(variantIndex); | |
} | |
if (reject) continue; | |
effectivePool.push({ set: curSet, moveVariants: curSetVariants }); | |
if (hasRequiredMove) priorityPool.push({ set: curSet, moveVariants: curSetVariants }); | |
} | |
if (priorityPool.length) effectivePool = priorityPool; | |
if (!effectivePool.length) { | |
if (!teamData.forceResult) return null; | |
for (const curSet of setList) { | |
effectivePool.push({ set: curSet }); | |
} | |
} | |
const setData = this.sample(effectivePool); | |
const moves = []; | |
for (const [i, moveSlot] of setData.set.moves.entries()) { | |
moves.push(setData.moveVariants ? moveSlot[setData.moveVariants[i]] : this.sample(moveSlot)); | |
} | |
return { | |
name: || species.baseSpecies, | |
species: setData.set.species, | |
gender: setData.set.gender || species.gender || (this.randomChance(1, 2) ? 'M' : 'F'), | |
item: setData.set.item || '', | |
ability: setData.set.ability || species.abilities['0'], | |
shiny: typeof setData.set.shiny === 'undefined' ? this.randomChance(1, 1024) : setData.set.shiny, | |
level: this.adjustLevel || 100, | |
happiness: typeof setData.set.happiness === 'undefined' ? 255 : setData.set.happiness, | |
evs: setData.set.evs || { hp: 84, atk: 84, def: 84, spa: 84, spd: 84, spe: 84 }, | |
ivs: setData.set.ivs || { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 }, | |
nature: setData.set.nature || 'Serious', | |
moves, | |
}; | |
} | |
randomFactoryTeam(side: PlayerOptions, depth = 0): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomFactorySet[] { | |
this.enforceNoDirectCustomBanlistChanges(); | |
const forceResult = (depth >= 12); | |
// The teams generated depend on the tier choice in such a way that | |
// no exploitable information is leaked from rolling the tier in getTeam(p1). | |
if (!this.factoryTier) this.factoryTier = this.sample(['Uber', 'OU', 'UU', 'RU', 'NU', 'PU']); | |
const chosenTier = this.factoryTier; | |
const pokemon = []; | |
const pokemonPool = Object.keys(this.randomFactorySets[chosenTier]); | |
const teamData: TeamData = { | |
typeCount: {}, typeComboCount: {}, baseFormes: {}, megaCount: 0, has: {}, forceResult, | |
weaknesses: {}, resistances: {}, | |
}; | |
const requiredMoveFamilies = ['hazardSet', 'hazardClear']; | |
const requiredMoves: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
stealthrock: 'hazardSet', rapidspin: 'hazardClear', defog: 'hazardClear', | |
}; | |
const weatherAbilitiesSet: { [k: string]: string } = { | |
drizzle: 'raindance', drought: 'sunnyday', snowwarning: 'hail', sandstream: 'sandstorm', | |
}; | |
const resistanceAbilities: { [k: string]: string[] } = { | |
dryskin: ['Water'], waterabsorb: ['Water'], stormdrain: ['Water'], | |
flashfire: ['Fire'], heatproof: ['Fire'], | |
lightningrod: ['Electric'], motordrive: ['Electric'], voltabsorb: ['Electric'], | |
sapsipper: ['Grass'], | |
thickfat: ['Ice', 'Fire'], | |
levitate: ['Ground'], | |
}; | |
while (pokemonPool.length && pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) { | |
const species = this.dex.species.get(this.sampleNoReplace(pokemonPool)); | |
if (!species.exists) continue; | |
const speciesFlags = this.randomFactorySets[chosenTier][].flags; | |
// Limit to one of each species (Species Clause) | |
if (teamData.baseFormes[species.baseSpecies]) continue; | |
// Limit the number of Megas to one | |
if (!teamData.megaCount) teamData.megaCount = 0; | |
if (teamData.megaCount >= 1 && speciesFlags.megaOnly) continue; | |
// Dynamically scale limits for different team sizes. The default and minimum value is 1. | |
const limitFactor = Math.round(this.maxTeamSize / 6) || 1; | |
// Limit 2 of any type | |
const types = species.types; | |
let skip = false; | |
for (const type of types) { | |
if (teamData.typeCount[type] >= 2 * limitFactor && this.randomChance(4, 5)) { | |
skip = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (skip) continue; | |
const set = this.randomFactorySet(species, teamData, chosenTier); | |
if (!set) continue; | |
// Limit 1 of any type combination | |
let typeCombo = types.slice().sort().join(); | |
if (set.ability === 'Drought' || set.ability === 'Drizzle') { | |
// Drought and Drizzle don't count towards the type combo limit | |
typeCombo = set.ability; | |
} | |
if (teamData.typeComboCount[typeCombo] >= limitFactor) continue; | |
// Okay, the set passes, add it to our team | |
pokemon.push(set); | |
// Now that our Pokemon has passed all checks, we can update team data: | |
for (const type of types) { | |
if (type in teamData.typeCount) { | |
teamData.typeCount[type]++; | |
} else { | |
teamData.typeCount[type] = 1; | |
} | |
} | |
teamData.typeComboCount[typeCombo] = (teamData.typeComboCount[typeCombo] + 1) || 1; | |
teamData.baseFormes[species.baseSpecies] = 1; | |
const itemData = this.dex.items.get(set.item); | |
if (itemData.megaStone) teamData.megaCount++; | |
if ( in teamData.has) { | |
teamData.has[]++; | |
} else { | |
teamData.has[] = 1; | |
} | |
const abilityState = this.dex.abilities.get(set.ability); | |
if ( in weatherAbilitiesSet) { | | = weatherAbilitiesSet[]; | |
} | |
for (const move of set.moves) { | |
const moveId = toID(move); | |
if (moveId in teamData.has) { | |
teamData.has[moveId]++; | |
} else { | |
teamData.has[moveId] = 1; | |
} | |
if (moveId in requiredMoves) { | |
teamData.has[requiredMoves[moveId]] = 1; | |
} | |
} | |
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) { | |
// Cover any major weakness (3+) with at least one resistance | |
if (teamData.resistances[typeName] >= 1) continue; | |
if (resistanceAbilities[]?.includes(typeName) || !this.dex.getImmunity(typeName, types)) { | |
// Heuristic: assume that Pokemon with these abilities don't have (too) negative typing. | |
teamData.resistances[typeName] = (teamData.resistances[typeName] || 0) + 1; | |
if (teamData.resistances[typeName] >= 1) teamData.weaknesses[typeName] = 0; | |
continue; | |
} | |
const typeMod = this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, types); | |
if (typeMod < 0) { | |
teamData.resistances[typeName] = (teamData.resistances[typeName] || 0) + 1; | |
if (teamData.resistances[typeName] >= 1) teamData.weaknesses[typeName] = 0; | |
} else if (typeMod > 0) { | |
teamData.weaknesses[typeName] = (teamData.weaknesses[typeName] || 0) + 1; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (pokemon.length < this.maxTeamSize) return this.randomFactoryTeam(side, ++depth); | |
// Quality control | |
if (!teamData.forceResult) { | |
for (const requiredFamily of requiredMoveFamilies) { | |
if (!teamData.has[requiredFamily]) return this.randomFactoryTeam(side, ++depth); | |
} | |
for (const type in teamData.weaknesses) { | |
if (teamData.weaknesses[type] >= 3) return this.randomFactoryTeam(side, ++depth); | |
} | |
} | |
return pokemon; | |
} | |
} | |
export default RandomGen6Teams; | |