import RandomGen3Teams from '../gen3/teams'; | |
import type { PRNG, PRNGSeed } from '../../../sim/prng'; | |
import type { MoveCounter } from '../gen8/teams'; | |
// Moves that restore HP: | |
const RECOVERY_MOVES = [ | |
'milkdrink', 'moonlight', 'morningsun', 'painsplit', 'recover', 'softboiled', 'synthesis', | |
]; | |
// Moves that boost Attack: | |
const PHYSICAL_SETUP = [ | |
'bellydrum', 'curse', 'meditate', 'swordsdance', | |
]; | |
// Conglomerate for ease of access | |
const SETUP = [ | |
'agility', 'bellydrum', 'curse', 'growth', 'meditate', 'raindance', 'sunnyday', 'swordsdance', | |
]; | |
// Moves that shouldn't be the only STAB moves: | |
const NO_STAB = [ | |
'explosion', 'icywind', 'machpunch', 'pursuit', 'quickattack', 'rapidspin', 'selfdestruct', 'skyattack', 'thief', | |
]; | |
// Moves that should be paired together when possible | |
const MOVE_PAIRS = [ | |
['sleeptalk', 'rest'], | |
['meanlook', 'perishsong'], | |
]; | |
export class RandomGen2Teams extends RandomGen3Teams { | |
randomSets: { [species: IDEntry]: RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSpeciesData } = require('./sets.json'); | |
constructor(format: string | Format, prng: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null) { | |
super(format, prng); | |
this.noStab = NO_STAB; | |
this.moveEnforcementCheckers = { | |
Electric: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Electric'), | |
Fire: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Fire'), | |
Flying: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => ( | |
!counter.get('Flying') && ['gligar', 'murkrow', 'xatu'].includes( | |
), | |
Ground: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ground'), | |
Ice: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Ice'), | |
Normal: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Normal'), | |
Poison: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Poison'), | |
Psychic: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get('Psychic') && !== 'starmie', | |
Rock: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter, species) => !counter.get('Rock') && !== 'magcargo', | |
Water: (movePool, moves, abilities, types, counter) => !counter.get('Water'), | |
}; | |
} | |
cullMovePool( | |
types: string[], | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
abilities = {}, | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
movePool: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): void { | |
// Pokemon cannot have multiple Hidden Powers in any circumstance | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
while (movePoolHasHiddenPower) { | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
if (moveid.startsWith('hiddenpower')) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(moveid)); | |
movePoolHasHiddenPower = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
// If we have two unfilled moves and only one unpaired move, cull the unpaired move. | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 2) { | |
const unpairedMoves = [...movePool]; | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(unpairedMoves, unpairedMoves.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
if (unpairedMoves.length === 1) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(unpairedMoves[0])); | |
} | |
} | |
// These moves are paired, and shouldn't appear if there is not room for them both. | |
if (moves.size === this.maxMoveCount - 1) { | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (movePool.includes(pair[0]) && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[0])); | |
this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf(pair[1])); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Team-based move culls | |
if (teamDetails.spikes) { | |
if (movePool.includes('spikes')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('spikes')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.rapidSpin) { | |
if (movePool.includes('rapidspin')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('rapidspin')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
if (teamDetails.statusCure) { | |
if (movePool.includes('healbell')) this.fastPop(movePool, movePool.indexOf('healbell')); | |
if (moves.size + movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) return; | |
} | |
// General incompatibilities | |
const incompatiblePairs = [ | |
// These moves don't mesh well with other aspects of the set | |
[SETUP, 'haze'], | |
['bodyslam', 'thunderwave'], | |
[['stunspore', 'thunderwave'], 'toxic'], | |
// These attacks are redundant with each other | |
['surf', 'hydropump'], | |
[['bodyslam', 'return'], ['bodyslam', 'doubleedge']], | |
['fireblast', 'flamethrower'], | |
['thunder', 'thunderbolt'], | |
]; | |
for (const pair of incompatiblePairs) this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, pair[0], pair[1]); | |
if (!role.includes('Bulky')) this.incompatibleMoves(moves, movePool, ['rest', 'sleeptalk'], 'roar'); | |
} | |
// Generate random moveset for a given species, role, preferred type. | |
randomMoveset( | |
types: string[], | |
abilities: string[], | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
movePool: string[], | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): Set<string> { | |
const preferredTypes = preferredType ? preferredType.split(',') : []; | |
const moves = new Set<string>(); | |
let counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
this.cullMovePool(types, moves, abilities, counter, movePool, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
preferredType, role); | |
// If there are only four moves, add all moves and return early | |
if (movePool.length <= this.maxMoveCount) { | |
// Still need to ensure that multiple Hidden Powers are not added (if maxMoveCount is increased) | |
while (movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
const runEnforcementChecker = (checkerName: string) => { | |
if (!this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]) return false; | |
return this.moveEnforcementCheckers[checkerName]( | |
movePool, moves, abilities, new Set(types), counter, species, teamDetails | |
); | |
}; | |
// Add required move (e.g. Relic Song for Meloetta-P) | |
if (species.requiredMove) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(species.requiredMove).id; | |
counter = this.addMove(move, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Add other moves you really want to have, e.g. STAB, recovery, setup. | |
// Enforce Destiny Bond, Explosion, Present, Spikes and Spore | |
for (const moveid of ['destinybond', 'explosion', 'present', 'spikes', 'spore']) { | |
if (movePool.includes(moveid)) { | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce Baton Pass on Smeargle | |
if (movePool.includes('batonpass') && === 'smeargle') { | |
counter = this.addMove('batonpass', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Enforce moves of all Preferred Types | |
for (const type of preferredTypes) { | |
if (!counter.get(type)) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && type === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce STAB | |
for (const type of types) { | |
// Check if a STAB move of that type should be required | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && type === moveType) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
while (runEnforcementChecker(type)) { | |
if (!stabMoves.length) break; | |
const moveid = this.sampleNoReplace(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// If no STAB move was added, add a STAB move | |
if (!counter.get('stab')) { | |
const stabMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback) && types.includes(moveType)) { | |
stabMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (stabMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(stabMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce recovery | |
if (['Bulky Support', 'Bulky Attacker', 'Bulky Setup'].includes(role)) { | |
const recoveryMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => RECOVERY_MOVES.includes(moveid)); | |
if (recoveryMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(recoveryMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
// Rest/Sleep Talk count as recovery in Gen 2 | |
if (movePool.includes('rest')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('rest', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
if (movePool.includes('sleeptalk')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('sleeptalk', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce setup | |
if (role.includes('Setup')) { | |
// First, try to add a non-Speed setup move | |
const nonSpeedSetupMoves = movePool.filter(moveid => SETUP.includes(moveid) && moveid !== 'agility'); | |
if (nonSpeedSetupMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(nonSpeedSetupMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} else { | |
if (movePool.includes('agility')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('agility', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce Thief | |
if (role === 'Thief user') { | |
if (movePool.includes('thief')) { | |
counter = this.addMove('thief', moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce a move not on the noSTAB list | |
if (!counter.damagingMoves.size && !moves.has('present')) { | |
// Choose an attacking move | |
const attackingMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.category !== 'Status')) attackingMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
if (attackingMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(attackingMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
// Enforce coverage move | |
if (['Fast Attacker', 'Setup Sweeper', 'Bulky Attacker'].includes(role)) { | |
if (counter.damagingMoves.size === 1) { | |
// Find the type of the current attacking move | |
const currentAttackType = counter.damagingMoves.values().next().value!.type; | |
// Choose an attacking move that is of different type to the current single attack | |
const coverageMoves = []; | |
for (const moveid of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
const moveType = this.getMoveType(move, species, abilities, preferredType); | |
if (!this.noStab.includes(moveid) && (move.basePower || move.basePowerCallback)) { | |
if (currentAttackType !== moveType) coverageMoves.push(moveid); | |
} | |
} | |
if (coverageMoves.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(coverageMoves); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Choose remaining moves randomly from movepool and add them to moves list: | |
while (moves.size < this.maxMoveCount && movePool.length) { | |
const moveid = this.sample(movePool); | |
counter = this.addMove(moveid, moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
for (const pair of MOVE_PAIRS) { | |
if (moveid === pair[0] && movePool.includes(pair[1])) { | |
counter = this.addMove(pair[1], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
if (moveid === pair[1] && movePool.includes(pair[0])) { | |
counter = this.addMove(pair[0], moves, types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, | |
movePool, preferredType, role); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return moves; | |
} | |
getItem( | |
ability: string, | |
types: string[], | |
moves: Set<string>, | |
counter: MoveCounter, | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails, | |
species: Species, | |
isLead: boolean, | |
preferredType: string, | |
role: RandomTeamsTypes.Role, | |
): string { | |
// First, the high-priority items | |
if ( === 'ditto') return 'Metal Powder'; | |
if ( === 'marowak') return 'Thick Club'; | |
if ( === 'pikachu') return 'Light Ball'; | |
if (moves.has('thief')) return ''; | |
if (moves.has('flail')) return 'Pink Bow'; | |
if (moves.has('reversal')) return 'Black Belt'; | |
if (moves.has('rest') && !moves.has('sleeptalk') && !role.includes('Bulky')) return 'Mint Berry'; | |
if (moves.has('bellydrum') && !counter.get('recovery') && this.randomChance(1, 2)) return 'Miracle Berry'; | |
// Default to Leftovers | |
return 'Leftovers'; | |
} | |
randomSet( | |
species: string | Species, | |
teamDetails: RandomTeamsTypes.TeamDetails = {}, | |
isLead = false | |
): RandomTeamsTypes.RandomSet { | |
species = this.dex.species.get(species); | |
const forme = this.getForme(species); | |
const sets = this.randomSets[]["sets"]; | |
const set = this.sampleIfArray(sets); | |
const role = set.role; | |
const movePool: string[] = Array.from(set.movepool); | |
const preferredTypes = set.preferredTypes; | |
// In Gen 2, if a set has multiple preferred types, enforce all of them. | |
const preferredType = preferredTypes ? preferredTypes.join() : ''; | |
const ability = ''; | |
let item = undefined; | |
const evs = { hp: 255, atk: 255, def: 255, spa: 255, spd: 255, spe: 255 }; | |
const ivs = { hp: 30, atk: 30, def: 30, spa: 30, spd: 30, spe: 30 }; | |
const types = species.types; | |
const abilities: string[] = []; | |
// Get moves | |
const moves = this.randomMoveset(types, abilities, teamDetails, species, isLead, movePool, | |
preferredType, role); | |
const counter = this.newQueryMoves(moves, species, preferredType, abilities); | |
// Get items | |
item = this.getItem(ability, types, moves, counter, teamDetails, species, isLead, preferredType, role); | |
const level = this.getLevel(species); | |
// We use a special variable to track Hidden Power | |
// so that we can check for all Hidden Powers at once | |
let hasHiddenPower = false; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hasHiddenPower = true; | |
} | |
if (hasHiddenPower) { | |
let hpType; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
if (move.startsWith('hiddenpower')) hpType = move.substr(11); | |
} | |
if (!hpType) throw new Error(`hasHiddenPower is true, but no Hidden Power move was found.`); | |
const hpIVs: { [k: string]: Partial<typeof ivs> } = { | |
dragon: { def: 28 }, | |
ice: { def: 26 }, | |
psychic: { def: 24 }, | |
electric: { atk: 28 }, | |
grass: { atk: 28, def: 28 }, | |
water: { atk: 28, def: 26 }, | |
fire: { atk: 28, def: 24 }, | |
steel: { atk: 26 }, | |
ghost: { atk: 26, def: 28 }, | |
bug: { atk: 26, def: 26 }, | |
rock: { atk: 26, def: 24 }, | |
ground: { atk: 24 }, | |
poison: { atk: 24, def: 28 }, | |
flying: { atk: 24, def: 26 }, | |
fighting: { atk: 24, def: 24 }, | |
}; | |
let iv: StatID; | |
for (iv in hpIVs[hpType]) { | |
ivs[iv] = hpIVs[hpType][iv]!; | |
} | |
if (ivs.atk === 28 || ivs.atk === 24) ivs.hp = 14; | |
if (ivs.def === 28 || ivs.def === 24) ivs.hp -= 8; | |
} | |
// Prepare optimal HP | |
while (evs.hp > 1) { | |
const hp = Math.floor(Math.floor(2 * species.baseStats.hp + ivs.hp + Math.floor(evs.hp / 4) + 100) * level / 100 + 10); | |
if (moves.has('substitute') && item !== 'Leftovers') { | |
// Should be able to use four Substitutes | |
if (hp % 4 > 0) break; | |
} else if (moves.has('bellydrum') && item !== 'Leftovers') { | |
// Belly Drum users without Leftovers should reach exactly 50% HP | |
if (hp % 2 === 0) break; | |
} else { | |
break; | |
} | |
evs.hp -= 4; | |
} | |
// shuffle moves to add more randomness to camomons | |
const shuffledMoves = Array.from(moves); | |
this.prng.shuffle(shuffledMoves); | |
return { | |
name: species.baseSpecies, | |
species: forme, | |
level, | |
moves: shuffledMoves, | |
ability: 'No Ability', | |
evs, | |
ivs, | |
item, | |
role, | |
// No shiny chance because Gen 2 shinies have bad IVs | |
shiny: false, | |
gender: species.gender ? species.gender : 'M', | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
export default RandomGen2Teams; | |