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export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = {
field: {
suppressingWeather() {
for (const pokemon of this.battle.getAllActive()) {
const innates = Object.keys(pokemon.volatiles).filter(x => x.startsWith('ability:'));
if (pokemon && !pokemon.ignoringAbility() &&
(pokemon.getAbility().suppressWeather || innates.some(x => (
this.battle.dex.abilities.get(x.replace('ability:', '')).suppressWeather
)))) {
return true;
return false;
pokemon: {
hasAbility(ability) {
if (this.ignoringAbility()) return false;
if (Array.isArray(ability)) return ability.some(abil => this.hasAbility(abil));
const abilityid = this.battle.toID(ability);
return this.ability === abilityid || !!this.volatiles['ability:' + abilityid];
ignoringAbility() {
// Check if any active pokemon have the ability Neutralizing Gas
let neutralizinggas = false;
for (const pokemon of this.battle.getAllActive()) {
// can't use hasAbility because it would lead to infinite recursion
if (
(pokemon.ability === ('neutralizinggas' as ID) || pokemon.m.abils?.includes('ability:neutralizinggas')) &&
!pokemon.volatiles['gastroacid'] && !pokemon.abilityState.ending
) {
neutralizinggas = true;
return !!(
(this.battle.gen >= 5 && !this.isActive) ||
((this.volatiles['gastroacid'] ||
(neutralizinggas && (this.ability !== ('neutralizinggas' as ID) ||
)) && !this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']