export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = { | |
gen: 9, | |
actions: { | |
hitStepMoveHitLoop(targets, pokemon, move) { // Temporary name | |
let damage: (number | boolean | undefined)[] = []; | |
for (const i of targets.keys()) { | |
damage[i] = 0; | |
} | |
move.totalDamage = 0; | |
pokemon.lastDamage = 0; | |
let targetHits = move.multihit || 1; | |
if (Array.isArray(targetHits)) { | |
// yes, it's hardcoded... meh | |
if (targetHits[0] === 2 && targetHits[1] === 5) { | |
if (this.battle.gen >= 5) { | |
// 35-35-15-15 out of 100 for 2-3-4-5 hits | |
targetHits = this.battle.sample([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5]); | |
if (targetHits < 4 && pokemon.hasItem('loadeddice')) { | |
targetHits = 5 - this.battle.random(2); | |
} | |
} else { | |
targetHits = this.battle.sample([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5]); | |
} | |
} else { | |
targetHits = this.battle.random(targetHits[0], targetHits[1] + 1); | |
} | |
} | |
if (targetHits === 10 && pokemon.hasItem('loadeddice')) targetHits -= this.battle.random(7); | |
targetHits = Math.floor(targetHits); | |
let nullDamage = true; | |
let moveDamage: (number | boolean | undefined)[] = []; | |
// There is no need to recursively check the ´sleepUsable´ flag as Sleep Talk can only be used while asleep. | |
const isSleepUsable = move.sleepUsable || this.dex.moves.get(move.sourceEffect).sleepUsable; | |
let targetsCopy: (Pokemon | false | null)[] = targets.slice(0); | |
let hit: number; | |
for (hit = 1; hit <= targetHits; hit++) { | |
if (damage.includes(false)) break; | |
if (hit > 1 && pokemon.status === 'slp' && (!isSleepUsable || this.battle.gen === 4)) break; | |
if (targets.every(target => !target?.hp)) break; | |
move.hit = hit; | |
if (move.smartTarget && targets.length > 1) { | |
targetsCopy = [targets[hit - 1]]; | |
damage = [damage[hit - 1]]; | |
} else { | |
targetsCopy = targets.slice(0); | |
} | |
const target = targetsCopy[0]; // some relevant-to-single-target-moves-only things are hardcoded | |
if (target && typeof move.smartTarget === 'boolean') { | |
if (hit > 1) { | |
this.battle.addMove('-anim', pokemon,, target); | |
} else { | |
this.battle.retargetLastMove(target); | |
} | |
} | |
// like this (Triple Kick) | |
if (target && move.multiaccuracy && hit > 1) { | |
let accuracy = move.accuracy; | |
const boostTable = [1, 4 / 3, 5 / 3, 2, 7 / 3, 8 / 3, 3]; | |
if (accuracy !== true) { | |
if (!move.ignoreAccuracy) { | |
const boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', pokemon, null, null, { ...pokemon.boosts }); | |
const boost = this.battle.clampIntRange(boosts['accuracy'], -6, 6); | |
if (boost > 0) { | |
accuracy *= boostTable[boost]; | |
} else { | |
accuracy /= boostTable[-boost]; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!move.ignoreEvasion) { | |
const boosts = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyBoost', target, null, null, { }); | |
const boost = this.battle.clampIntRange(boosts['evasion'], -6, 6); | |
if (boost > 0) { | |
accuracy /= boostTable[boost]; | |
} else if (boost < 0) { | |
accuracy *= boostTable[-boost]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyAccuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
if (!move.alwaysHit) { | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('Accuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
if (accuracy !== true && !this.battle.randomChance(accuracy, 100)) break; | |
} | |
} | |
const moveData = move; | |
if (!moveData.flags) moveData.flags = {}; | |
let moveDamageThisHit; | |
// Modifies targetsCopy (which is why it's a copy) | |
[moveDamageThisHit, targetsCopy] = this.spreadMoveHit(targetsCopy, pokemon, move, moveData); | |
// When Dragon Darts targets two different pokemon, targetsCopy is a length 1 array each hit | |
// so spreadMoveHit returns a length 1 damage array | |
if (move.smartTarget) { | |
moveDamage.push(...moveDamageThisHit); | |
} else { | |
moveDamage = moveDamageThisHit; | |
} | |
if (!moveDamage.some(val => val !== false)) break; | |
nullDamage = false; | |
for (const [i, md] of moveDamage.entries()) { | |
if (move.smartTarget && i !== hit - 1) continue; | |
// Damage from each hit is individually counted for the | |
// purposes of Counter, Metal Burst, and Mirror Coat. | |
damage[i] = md === true || !md ? 0 : md; | |
// Total damage dealt is accumulated for the purposes of recoil (Parental Bond). | |
move.totalDamage += damage[i]; | |
} | |
if (move.mindBlownRecoil) { | |
const hpBeforeRecoil = pokemon.hp; | |
const calc = calculate(this.battle, pokemon, pokemon,; | |
this.battle.damage(Math.round(calc * pokemon.maxhp / 2), pokemon, pokemon, this.dex.conditions.get(, true); | |
move.mindBlownRecoil = false; | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && hpBeforeRecoil > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.battle.runEvent('EmergencyExit', pokemon, pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
this.battle.eachEvent('Update'); | |
if (!pokemon.hp && targets.length === 1) { | |
hit++; // report the correct number of hits for multihit moves | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
// hit is 1 higher than the actual hit count | |
if (hit === 1) return damage.fill(false); | |
if (nullDamage) damage.fill(false); | |
this.battle.faintMessages(false, false, !pokemon.hp); | |
if (move.multihit && typeof move.smartTarget !== 'boolean') { | |
this.battle.add('-hitcount', targets[0], hit - 1); | |
} | |
if ((move.recoil || === 'chloroblast') && move.totalDamage) { | |
const hpBeforeRecoil = pokemon.hp; | |
const recoilDamage = this.calcRecoilDamage(move.totalDamage, move, pokemon); | |
if (recoilDamage !== 1.1) this.battle.damage(recoilDamage, pokemon, pokemon, 'recoil'); | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && hpBeforeRecoil > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.battle.runEvent('EmergencyExit', pokemon, pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
if (move.struggleRecoil) { | |
const hpBeforeRecoil = pokemon.hp; | |
let recoilDamage; | |
if (this.dex.gen >= 5) { | |
recoilDamage = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.round(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 4), 1); | |
} else { | |
recoilDamage = this.battle.clampIntRange(this.battle.trunc(pokemon.maxhp / 4), 1); | |
} | |
this.battle.directDamage(recoilDamage, pokemon, pokemon, { id: 'strugglerecoil' } as Condition); | |
if (pokemon.hp <= pokemon.maxhp / 2 && hpBeforeRecoil > pokemon.maxhp / 2) { | |
this.battle.runEvent('EmergencyExit', pokemon, pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
// smartTarget messes up targetsCopy, but smartTarget should in theory ensure that targets will never fail, anyway | |
if (move.smartTarget) { | |
targetsCopy = targets.slice(0); | |
} | |
for (const [i, target] of targetsCopy.entries()) { | |
if (target && pokemon !== target) { | |
target.gotAttacked(move, moveDamage[i] as number | false | undefined, pokemon); | |
if (typeof moveDamage[i] === 'number') { | |
target.timesAttacked += move.smartTarget ? 1 : hit - 1; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (move.ohko && !targets[0].hp) this.battle.add('-ohko'); | |
if (!damage.some(val => !!val || val === 0)) return damage; | |
this.battle.eachEvent('Update'); | |
this.afterMoveSecondaryEvent(targetsCopy.filter(val => !!val), pokemon, move); | |
if (!move.negateSecondary && !(move.hasSheerForce && pokemon.hasAbility('sheerforce'))) { | |
for (const [i, d] of damage.entries()) { | |
// There are no multihit spread moves, so it's safe to use move.totalDamage for multihit moves | |
// The previous check was for `move.multihit`, but that fails for Dragon Darts | |
const curDamage = targets.length === 1 ? move.totalDamage : d; | |
if (typeof curDamage === 'number' && targets[i].hp) { | |
const targetHPBeforeDamage = (targets[i].hurtThisTurn || 0) + curDamage; | |
if (targets[i].hp <= targets[i].maxhp / 2 && targetHPBeforeDamage > targets[i].maxhp / 2) { | |
this.battle.runEvent('EmergencyExit', targets[i], pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return damage; | |
}, | |
calcRecoilDamage(damageDealt, move, pokemon): number { | |
const calc = calculate(this.battle, pokemon, pokemon,; | |
if (calc === 0) return 1.1; | |
if ( === 'chloroblast') return Math.round(calc * pokemon.maxhp / 2); | |
const recoil = Math.round(damageDealt * calc * move.recoil![0] / move.recoil![1]); | |
return this.battle.clampIntRange(recoil, 1); | |
}, | |
}, | |
}; | |
function calculate(battle: Battle, source: Pokemon, pokemon: Pokemon, moveid = 'tackle') { | |
const move = battle.dex.getActiveMove(moveid); | |
move.type = source.getTypes()[0]; | |
const typeMod = 2 ** battle.clampIntRange(pokemon.runEffectiveness(move), -6, 6); | |
if (!pokemon.runImmunity(move.type)) return 0; | |
return typeMod; | |
} | |