export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = { | |
gen: 9, | |
inherit: 'gen9', | |
fieldEvent(eventid, targets) { | |
const callbackName = `on${eventid}`; | |
let getKey: undefined | 'duration'; | |
if (eventid === 'Residual') { | |
getKey = 'duration'; | |
} | |
let handlers = this.findFieldEventHandlers(this.field, `onField${eventid}`, getKey); | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.n < 2 || !side.allySide) { | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findSideEventHandlers(side, `onSide${eventid}`, getKey)); | |
} | |
for (const active of { | |
if (!active) continue; | |
if (eventid === 'SwitchIn') { | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findPokemonEventHandlers(active, `onAny${eventid}`)); | |
} | |
if (targets && !targets.includes(active)) continue; | |
// The ally of the pokemon | |
const ally = => mon && mon !== active && !mon.fainted); | |
if (eventid === 'SwitchIn' && ally?.m.innate && targets && !targets.includes(ally)) { | |
const volatileState = ally.volatiles[ally.m.innate]; | |
if (volatileState) { | |
const volatile = this.dex.conditions.getByID(ally.m.innate as ID); | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
let callback = volatile[callbackName]; | |
// @ts-expect-error dynamic lookup | |
if (this.gen >= 5 && !volatile.onSwitchIn && !volatile.onAnySwitchIn) { | |
callback = volatile.onStart; | |
} | |
if (callback !== undefined) { | |
const allyHandler = this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: volatile, callback, state: volatileState, end: ally.removeVolatile, effectHolder: ally, | |
}, callbackName); | |
// if only one Pokemon is switching in, activate its ally's new innate at the speed of the one switching in | |
allyHandler.speed = this.resolvePriority({ | |
effect: volatile, callback, state: volatileState, end: ally.removeVolatile, effectHolder: active, | |
}, callbackName).speed; | |
handlers.push(allyHandler); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findPokemonEventHandlers(active, callbackName, getKey)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findSideEventHandlers(side, callbackName, undefined, active)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findFieldEventHandlers(this.field, callbackName, undefined, active)); | |
handlers = handlers.concat(this.findBattleEventHandlers(callbackName, getKey, active)); | |
} | |
} | |
this.speedSort(handlers); | |
while (handlers.length) { | |
const handler = handlers[0]; | |
handlers.shift(); | |
const effect = handler.effect; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Pokemon).fainted || (handler.state?.pic as Pokemon)?.fainted) continue; | |
if (eventid === 'Residual' && handler.end && handler.state?.duration) { | |
handler.state.duration--; | |
if (!handler.state.duration) { | |
const endCallArgs = handler.endCallArgs || [handler.effectHolder,]; | | as [any, ...any[]]); | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
let handlerEventid = eventid; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Side).sideConditions) handlerEventid = `Side${eventid}`; | |
if ((handler.effectHolder as Field).pseudoWeather) handlerEventid = `Field${eventid}`; | |
if (handler.callback) { | |
this.singleEvent(handlerEventid, effect, handler.state, handler.effectHolder, null, null, undefined, handler.callback); | |
} | |
this.faintMessages(); | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
} | |
}, | |
endTurn() { | |
this.turn++; | |
this.lastSuccessfulMoveThisTurn = null; | |
// Partners in Crime moveSlot updating | |
// Must be highest priority so imprison doesn't lag behind. | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
pokemon.moveSlots = pokemon.moveSlots.filter(move => pokemon.m.curMoves.includes(; | |
pokemon.m.curMoves = this.dex.deepClone(pokemon.moves); | |
const ally = => mon && mon !== pokemon && !mon.fainted); | |
let allyMoves = ally ? this.dex.deepClone(ally.moveSlots) : []; | |
if (ally) { | |
// @ts-expect-error modded | |
allyMoves = allyMoves.filter(move => !pokemon.moves.includes( && ally.m.curMoves.includes(; | |
for (const aMove of allyMoves) { | |
aMove.pp = this.clampIntRange(aMove.maxpp - (pokemon.m.trackPP.get( || 0), 0); | |
} | |
} | |
pokemon.moveSlots = pokemon.moveSlots.concat(allyMoves); | |
} | |
} | |
const dynamaxEnding: Pokemon[] = []; | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['dynamax']?.turns === 3) { | |
dynamaxEnding.push(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
if (dynamaxEnding.length > 1) { | |
this.updateSpeed(); | |
this.speedSort(dynamaxEnding); | |
} | |
for (const pokemon of dynamaxEnding) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('dynamax'); | |
} | |
// Gen 1 partial trapping ends when either Pokemon or a switch in faints to residual damage | |
if (this.gen === 1) { | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']) { | |
const target = pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].locked; | |
if (target.hp <= 0 || !target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']; | |
} | |
} | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
const source = pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].source; | |
if (source.hp <= 0 || !source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock']) { | |
delete pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped']; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
const trappedBySide: boolean[] = []; | |
const stalenessBySide: ('internal' | 'external' | undefined)[] = []; | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
let sideTrapped = true; | |
let sideStaleness: 'internal' | 'external' | undefined; | |
for (const pokemon of { | |
if (!pokemon) continue; | |
pokemon.moveThisTurn = ''; | |
pokemon.newlySwitched = false; | |
pokemon.moveLastTurnResult = pokemon.moveThisTurnResult; | |
pokemon.moveThisTurnResult = undefined; | |
if (this.turn !== 1) { | |
pokemon.usedItemThisTurn = false; | |
pokemon.statsRaisedThisTurn = false; | |
pokemon.statsLoweredThisTurn = false; | |
// It shouldn't be possible in a normal battle for a Pokemon to be damaged before turn 1's move selection | |
// However, this could be potentially relevant in certain OMs | |
pokemon.hurtThisTurn = null; | |
} | |
pokemon.maybeDisabled = false; | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
moveSlot.disabled = false; | |
moveSlot.disabledSource = ''; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['encore']) { | |
// Encore check happens earlier than PiC move swapping, so end encore here. | |
const encoredMove = pokemon.volatiles['encore'].move; | |
if (!pokemon.moves.includes(encoredMove)) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('encore'); | |
} | |
} | |
this.runEvent('DisableMove', pokemon); | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
const activeMove = this.dex.getActiveMove(; | |
this.singleEvent('DisableMove', activeMove, null, pokemon); | |
if (activeMove.flags['cantusetwice'] && pokemon.lastMove?.id === { | |
pokemon.disableMove(; | |
} | |
} | |
// If it was an illusion, it's not any more | |
if (pokemon.getLastAttackedBy() && this.gen >= 7) pokemon.knownType = true; | |
for (let i = pokemon.attackedBy.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
const attack = pokemon.attackedBy[i]; | |
if (attack.source.isActive) { | |
attack.thisTurn = false; | |
} else { | |
pokemon.attackedBy.splice(pokemon.attackedBy.indexOf(attack), 1); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen >= 7) { | |
// In Gen 7, the real type of every Pokemon is visible to all players via the bottom screen while making choices | |
const seenPokemon = pokemon.illusion || pokemon; | |
const realTypeString = seenPokemon.getTypes(true).join('/'); | |
if (realTypeString !== seenPokemon.apparentType) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typechange', realTypeString, '[silent]'); | |
seenPokemon.apparentType = realTypeString; | |
if (pokemon.addedType) { | |
// The typechange message removes the added type, so put it back | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typeadd', pokemon.addedType, '[silent]'); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
pokemon.trapped = pokemon.maybeTrapped = false; | |
this.runEvent('TrapPokemon', pokemon); | |
if (!pokemon.knownType || this.dex.getImmunity('trapped', pokemon)) { | |
this.runEvent('MaybeTrapPokemon', pokemon); | |
} | |
// canceling switches would leak information | |
// if a foe might have a trapping ability | |
if (this.gen > 2) { | |
for (const source of pokemon.foes()) { | |
const species = (source.illusion || source).species; | |
if (!species.abilities) continue; | |
for (const abilitySlot in species.abilities) { | |
const abilityName = species.abilities[abilitySlot as keyof Species['abilities']]; | |
if (abilityName === source.ability) { | |
// pokemon event was already run above so we don't need | |
// to run it again. | |
continue; | |
} | |
const ruleTable = this.ruleTable; | |
if ((ruleTable.has('+hackmons') || !ruleTable.has('obtainableabilities')) && ! { | |
// hackmons format | |
continue; | |
} else if (abilitySlot === 'H' && species.unreleasedHidden) { | |
// unreleased hidden ability | |
continue; | |
} | |
const ability = this.dex.abilities.get(abilityName); | |
if (ruleTable.has('-ability:' + continue; | |
if (pokemon.knownType && !this.dex.getImmunity('trapped', pokemon)) continue; | |
this.singleEvent('FoeMaybeTrapPokemon', ability, {}, pokemon, source); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (pokemon.fainted) continue; | |
sideTrapped = sideTrapped && pokemon.trapped; | |
const staleness = pokemon.volatileStaleness || pokemon.staleness; | |
if (staleness) sideStaleness = sideStaleness === 'external' ? sideStaleness : staleness; | |
pokemon.activeTurns++; | |
} | |
trappedBySide.push(sideTrapped); | |
stalenessBySide.push(sideStaleness); | |
side.faintedLastTurn = side.faintedThisTurn; | |
side.faintedThisTurn = null; | |
} | |
if (this.maybeTriggerEndlessBattleClause(trappedBySide, stalenessBySide)) return; | |
if (this.gameType === 'triples' && this.sides.every(side => side.pokemonLeft === 1)) { | |
// If both sides have one Pokemon left in triples and they are not adjacent, they are both moved to the center. | |
const actives = this.getAllActive(); | |
if (actives.length > 1 && !actives[0].isAdjacent(actives[1])) { | |
this.swapPosition(actives[0], 1, '[silent]'); | |
this.swapPosition(actives[1], 1, '[silent]'); | |
this.add('-center'); | |
} | |
} | |
this.add('turn', this.turn); | |
if (this.gameType === 'multi') { | |
for (const side of this.sides) { | |
if (side.canDynamaxNow()) { | |
if (this.turn === 1) { | |
this.addSplit(, ['-candynamax',]); | |
} else { | |
this.add('-candynamax',; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen === 2) this.quickClawRoll = this.randomChance(60, 256); | |
if (this.gen === 3) this.quickClawRoll = this.randomChance(1, 5); | |
this.makeRequest('move'); | |
}, | |
pokemon: { | |
setAbility(ability, source, isFromFormeChange) { | |
if (!this.hp) return false; | |
const BAD_ABILITIES = ['trace', 'imposter', 'neutralizinggas', 'illusion', 'wanderingspirit']; | |
if (typeof ability === 'string') ability = this.battle.dex.abilities.get(ability); | |
const oldAbility = this.ability; | |
if (!isFromFormeChange) { | |
if (ability.flags['cantsuppress'] || this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']) return false; | |
} | |
if (!this.battle.runEvent('SetAbility', this, source, this.battle.effect, ability)) return false; | |
this.battle.singleEvent('End', this.battle.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility), this.abilityState, this, source); | |
const ally = => mon && mon !== this && !mon.fainted); | |
if (ally?.m.innate) { | |
ally.removeVolatile(ally.m.innate); | |
delete ally.m.innate; | |
} | |
if (this.battle.effect && this.battle.effect.effectType === 'Move' && !isFromFormeChange) { | |
this.battle.add('-endability', this, this.battle.dex.abilities.get(oldAbility), | |
`[from] move: ${this.battle.dex.moves.get(}`); | |
} | |
this.ability =; | |
this.abilityState = this.battle.initEffectState({ id:, target: this }); | |
if ( && this.battle.gen > 3) { | |
this.battle.singleEvent('Start', ability, this.abilityState, this, source); | |
if (ally && ally.ability !== this.ability) { | |
if (!this.m.innate) { | |
this.m.innate = 'ability:' + ally.getAbility().id; | |
this.addVolatile(this.m.innate); | |
} | |
if (!BAD_ABILITIES.includes( { | |
ally.m.innate = 'ability:' +; | |
ally.addVolatile(ally.m.innate); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Entrainment | |
if (this.m.innate?.endsWith( { | |
this.removeVolatile(this.m.innate); | |
delete this.m.innate; | |
} | |
return oldAbility; | |
}, | |
hasAbility(ability) { | |
if (this.ignoringAbility()) return false; | |
const ownAbility = this.ability; | |
const ally = => mon && mon !== this && !mon.fainted); | |
const allyAbility = ally ? ally.ability : ""; | |
if (!Array.isArray(ability)) { | |
if (ownAbility === this.battle.toID(ability) || allyAbility === this.battle.toID(ability)) return true; | |
} else { | |
if ( || { | |
return true; | |
} | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
transformInto(pokemon, effect) { | |
const species = pokemon.species; | |
if ( | |
pokemon.fainted || this.illusion || pokemon.illusion || (pokemon.volatiles['substitute'] && this.battle.gen >= 5) || | |
(pokemon.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 2) || (this.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 5) || | | === 'Eternatus-Eternamax' || (['Ogerpon', 'Terapagos'].includes(species.baseSpecies) && | |
(this.terastallized || pokemon.terastallized)) | |
) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.battle.dex.currentMod === 'gen1stadium' && ( | | === 'Ditto' || | |
( === 'Ditto' && pokemon.moves.includes('transform')) | |
)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (!this.setSpecies(species, effect, true)) return false; | |
this.transformed = true; | |
this.weighthg = pokemon.weighthg; | |
const types = pokemon.getTypes(true, true); | |
this.setType(pokemon.volatiles['roost'] ? pokemon.volatiles['roost'].typeWas : types, true); | |
this.addedType = pokemon.addedType; | |
this.knownType = this.isAlly(pokemon) && pokemon.knownType; | |
this.apparentType = pokemon.apparentType; | |
let statName: StatIDExceptHP; | |
for (statName in this.storedStats) { | |
this.storedStats[statName] = pokemon.storedStats[statName]; | |
if (this.modifiedStats) this.modifiedStats[statName] = pokemon.modifiedStats![statName]; // Gen 1: Copy modified stats. | |
} | |
this.moveSlots = []; | |
this.hpType = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpType : pokemon.hpType); | |
this.hpPower = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpPower : pokemon.hpPower); | |
this.timesAttacked = pokemon.timesAttacked; | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
let moveName = moveSlot.move; | |
if (!pokemon.m.curMoves.includes( continue; | |
if ( === 'hiddenpower') { | |
moveName = 'Hidden Power ' + this.hpType; | |
} | |
this.moveSlots.push({ | |
move: moveName, | |
id:, | |
pp: moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5, | |
maxpp: this.battle.gen >= 5 ? (moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5) : moveSlot.maxpp, | |
target:, | |
disabled: false, | |
used: false, | |
virtual: true, | |
}); | |
} | |
this.m.curMoves = pokemon.m.curMoves; | |
let boostName: BoostID; | |
for (boostName in pokemon.boosts) { | |
this.boosts[boostName] = pokemon.boosts[boostName]; | |
} | |
if (this.battle.gen >= 6) { | |
const volatilesToCopy = ['dragoncheer', 'focusenergy', 'gmaxchistrike', 'laserfocus']; | |
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) this.removeVolatile(volatile); | |
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles[volatile]) { | |
this.addVolatile(volatile); | |
if (volatile === 'gmaxchistrike') this.volatiles[volatile].layers = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].layers; | |
if (volatile === 'dragoncheer') this.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (effect) { | |
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon, '[from] ' + effect.fullname); | |
} else { | |
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon); | |
} | |
if (this.terastallized) { | |
this.knownType = true; | |
this.apparentType = this.terastallized; | |
} | |
if (this.battle.gen > 2) this.setAbility(pokemon.ability, this, true, true); | |
// Change formes based on held items (for Transform) | |
// Only ever relevant in Generation 4 since Generation 3 didn't have item-based forme changes | |
if (this.battle.gen === 4) { | |
if (this.species.num === 487) { | |
// Giratina formes | |
if ( === 'Giratina' && this.item === 'griseousorb') { | |
this.formeChange('Giratina-Origin'); | |
} else if ( === 'Giratina-Origin' && this.item !== 'griseousorb') { | |
this.formeChange('Giratina'); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.species.num === 493) { | |
// Arceus formes | |
const item = this.getItem(); | |
const targetForme = (item?.onPlate ? 'Arceus-' + item.onPlate : 'Arceus'); | |
if ( !== targetForme) { | |
this.formeChange(targetForme); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Pokemon transformed into Ogerpon cannot Terastallize | |
// restoring their ability to tera after they untransform is handled ELSEWHERE | |
if (this.species.baseSpecies === 'Ogerpon' && this.canTerastallize) this.canTerastallize = false; | |
if (this.species.baseSpecies === 'Terapagos' && this.canTerastallize) this.canTerastallize = false; | |
return true; | |
}, | |
deductPP(move, amount, target) { | |
const gen = this.battle.gen; | |
move = this.battle.dex.moves.get(move); | |
const ppData = this.getMoveData(move); | |
if (!ppData) return 0; | |
ppData.used = true; | |
if (!ppData.pp && gen > 1) return 0; | |
if (!amount) amount = 1; | |
ppData.pp -= amount; | |
if (ppData.pp < 0 && gen > 1) { | |
amount += ppData.pp; | |
ppData.pp = 0; | |
} | |
if (!this.m.curMoves.includes( { | |
this.m.trackPP.set(, (this.m.trackPP.get( || 0) + amount); | |
} | |
return amount; | |
}, | |
}, | |
}; | |