export const Abilities: import('../../../sim/dex-abilities').ModdedAbilityDataTable = { | |
neutralizinggas: { | |
inherit: true, | |
// Ability suppression implemented in sim/pokemon.ts:Pokemon#ignoringAbility | |
onSwitchIn(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-ability', pokemon, 'Neutralizing Gas'); | |
pokemon.abilityState.ending = false; | |
// Remove setter's innates before the ability starts | |
for (const target of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (target.hasItem('Ability Shield')) { | |
this.add('-block', target, 'item: Ability Shield'); | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (target.illusion) { | |
this.singleEvent('End', this.dex.abilities.get('Illusion'), target.abilityState, target, pokemon, 'neutralizinggas'); | |
} | |
if (target.volatiles['slowstart']) { | |
delete target.volatiles['slowstart']; | |
this.add('-end', target, 'Slow Start', '[silent]'); | |
} | |
if (target.m.innate) { | |
if (!this.dex.abilities.get(target.m.innate.slice(8)).flags['cantsuppress']) { | |
target.removeVolatile(target.m.innate); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
onEnd(source) { | |
this.add('-end', source, 'ability: Neutralizing Gas'); | |
// FIXME this happens before the pokemon switches out, should be the opposite order. | |
// Not an easy fix since we cant use a supported event. Would need some kind of special event that | |
// gathers events to run after the switch and then runs them when the ability is no longer accessible. | |
// (If you're tackling this, do note extreme weathers have the same issue) | |
// Mark this pokemon's ability as ending so Pokemon#ignoringAbility skips it | |
if (source.abilityState.ending) return; | |
source.abilityState.ending = true; | |
const sortedActive = this.getAllActive(); | |
this.speedSort(sortedActive); | |
for (const pokemon of sortedActive) { | |
if (pokemon.m.innate) { | |
if (!pokemon.volatiles[pokemon.m.innate]) pokemon.addVolatile(pokemon.m.innate, pokemon); | |
} | |
if (pokemon !== source) { | |
// Will be suppressed by Pokemon#ignoringAbility if needed | |
this.singleEvent('Start', pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
trace: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onUpdate(pokemon) { | |
if (! return; | |
const isAbility = pokemon.ability === 'trace'; | |
const possibleTargets = pokemon.adjacentFoes().filter( | |
target => !target.getAbility().flags['notrace'] && target.ability !== 'noability' | |
); | |
if (!possibleTargets.length) return; | |
const target = this.sample(possibleTargets); | |
const ability = target.getAbility(); | |
this.add('-ability', pokemon, ability, '[from] ability: Trace', `[of] ${target}`); | |
if (isAbility) { | |
pokemon.setAbility(ability); | |
} else { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('ability:trace'); | |
pokemon.addVolatile('ability:' +, pokemon); | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
}; | |