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export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = {
inherit: 'gen7',
field: {
suppressingWeather() {
for (const pokemon of this.battle.getAllActive()) {
if (pokemon && !pokemon.fainted && !pokemon.ignoringAbility() &&
(pokemon.getAbility().suppressWeather ||
pokemon.m.innates?.some((k: string) => this.battle.dex.abilities.get(k).suppressWeather))) {
return true;
return false;
pokemon: {
ignoringAbility() {
// Check if any active pokemon have the ability Neutralizing Gas
let neutralizinggas = false;
for (const pokemon of this.battle.getAllActive()) {
// can't use hasAbility because it would lead to infinite recursion
if (
(pokemon.ability === ('neutralizinggas' as ID) || pokemon.m.innates?.some((k: string) => k === 'neutralizinggas')) &&
!pokemon.volatiles['gastroacid'] && !pokemon.abilityState.ending
) {
neutralizinggas = true;
return !!(
(this.battle.gen >= 5 && !this.isActive) ||
((this.volatiles['gastroacid'] ||
(neutralizinggas && (this.ability !== ('neutralizinggas' as ID) ||
this.m.innates?.some((k: string) => k === 'neutralizinggas'))
)) && !this.getAbility().flags['cantsuppress']
hasAbility(ability) {
if (this.ignoringAbility()) return false;
if (Array.isArray(ability)) return ability.some(abil => this.hasAbility(abil));
ability = this.battle.toID(ability);
return this.ability === ability || !!this.volatiles['ability:' + ability];
transformInto(pokemon, effect) {
const species = pokemon.species;
if (pokemon.fainted || this.illusion || pokemon.illusion || (pokemon.volatiles['substitute'] && this.battle.gen >= 5) ||
(pokemon.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 2) || (this.transformed && this.battle.gen >= 5) || === 'Eternatus-Eternamax') {
return false;
if (!this.setSpecies(species, effect, true)) return false;
this.transformed = true;
this.weighthg = pokemon.weighthg;
const types = pokemon.getTypes(true, true);
this.setType(pokemon.volatiles['roost'] ? pokemon.volatiles['roost'].typeWas : types, true);
this.addedType = pokemon.addedType;
this.knownType = this.isAlly(pokemon) && pokemon.knownType;
this.apparentType = pokemon.apparentType;
let statName: StatIDExceptHP;
for (statName in this.storedStats) {
this.storedStats[statName] = pokemon.storedStats[statName];
if (this.modifiedStats) this.modifiedStats[statName] = pokemon.modifiedStats![statName]; // Gen 1: Copy modified stats.
this.moveSlots = [];
this.set.ivs = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.set.ivs : pokemon.set.ivs);
this.hpType = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpType : pokemon.hpType);
this.hpPower = (this.battle.gen >= 5 ? this.hpPower : pokemon.hpPower);
this.timesAttacked = pokemon.timesAttacked;
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) {
let moveName = moveSlot.move;
if ( === 'hiddenpower') {
moveName = 'Hidden Power ' + this.hpType;
move: moveName,
pp: moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5,
maxpp: this.battle.gen >= 5 ? (moveSlot.maxpp === 1 ? 1 : 5) : moveSlot.maxpp,
disabled: false,
used: false,
virtual: true,
let boostName: BoostID;
for (boostName in pokemon.boosts) {
this.boosts[boostName] = pokemon.boosts[boostName];
if (this.battle.gen >= 6) {
// we need to be sure to remove all the overlapping crit volatiles before trying to add any of them
const volatilesToCopy = ['dragoncheer', 'focusenergy', 'gmaxchistrike', 'laserfocus'];
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) this.removeVolatile(volatile);
for (const volatile of volatilesToCopy) {
if (pokemon.volatiles[volatile]) {
if (volatile === 'gmaxchistrike') this.volatiles[volatile].layers = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].layers;
if (volatile === 'dragoncheer') this.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType = pokemon.volatiles[volatile].hasDragonType;
if (effect) {
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon, '[from] ' + effect.fullname);
} else {
this.battle.add('-transform', this, pokemon);
if (this.terastallized && this.terastallized !== this.apparentType) {
this.battle.add('-start', this, 'typechange', this.terastallized, '[silent]');
this.apparentType = this.terastallized;
if (this.battle.gen > 2) {
this.setAbility(pokemon.ability, this, true);
if (this.m.innates) {
for (const innate of this.m.innates) {
this.removeVolatile('ability:' + innate);
if (pokemon.m.innates) {
for (const innate of pokemon.m.innates) {
this.addVolatile('ability:' + innate, this);
// Change formes based on held items (for Transform)
// Only ever relevant in Generation 4 since Generation 3 didn't have item-based forme changes
if (this.battle.gen === 4) {
if (this.species.num === 487) {
// Giratina formes
if ( === 'Giratina' && this.item === 'griseousorb') {
} else if ( === 'Giratina-Origin' && this.item !== 'griseousorb') {
if (this.species.num === 493) {
// Arceus formes
const item = this.getItem();
const targetForme = (item?.onPlate ? 'Arceus-' + item.onPlate : 'Arceus');
if ( !== targetForme) {
return true;
* Changes this Pokemon's forme to match the given speciesId (or species).
* This function handles all changes to stats, ability, type, species, etc.
* as well as sending all relevant messages sent to the client.
formeChange(speciesId, source, isPermanent, message) {
if (!source) source = this.battle.effect;
const rawSpecies = this.battle.dex.species.get(speciesId);
const species = this.setSpecies(rawSpecies, source);
if (!species) return false;
if (this.battle.gen <= 2) return true;
// The species the opponent sees
const apparentSpecies =
this.illusion ? : species.baseSpecies;
if (isPermanent) {
this.baseSpecies = rawSpecies;
this.details = this.getUpdatedDetails();
this.battle.add('detailschange', this, (this.illusion || this).details);
if (source.effectType === 'Item') {
this.canTerastallize = null; // National Dex behavior
if (source.zMove) {
this.battle.add('-burst', this, apparentSpecies, species.requiredItem);
this.moveThisTurnResult = true; // Ultra Burst counts as an action for Truant
} else if (source.isPrimalOrb) {
if (this.illusion) {
this.ability = '';
this.battle.add('-primal', this.illusion);
} else {
this.battle.add('-primal', this);
} else {
this.battle.add('-mega', this, apparentSpecies, species.requiredItem);
this.moveThisTurnResult = true; // Mega Evolution counts as an action for Truant
} else if (source.effectType === 'Status') {
// Shaymin-Sky -> Shaymin
this.battle.add('-formechange', this,, message);
} else {
if (source.effectType === 'Ability') {
this.battle.add('-formechange', this,, message, `[from] ability: ${}`);
} else {
this.battle.add('-formechange', this, this.illusion ? :, message);
if (isPermanent && !['disguise', 'iceface', 'ability:disguise', 'ability:iceface'].includes( {
if (this.illusion) {
this.ability = ''; // Don't allow Illusion to wear off
this.setAbility(species.abilities['0'], null, true);
this.baseAbility = this.ability;
if (this.terastallized && this.terastallized !== this.apparentType) {
this.battle.add('-start', this, 'typechange', this.terastallized, '[silent]');
this.apparentType = this.terastallized;
return true;