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export const Moves: import('../../../sim/dex-moves').ModdedMoveDataTable = {
allyswitch: {
inherit: true,
priority: 1,
assist: {
inherit: true,
flags: { noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, nosleeptalk: 1 },
copycat: {
inherit: true,
flags: { noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, nosleeptalk: 1 },
darkvoid: {
inherit: true,
accuracy: 80,
onTry() {},
destinybond: {
inherit: true,
onPrepareHit(pokemon) {
diamondstorm: {
inherit: true,
self: null,
secondary: {
chance: 50,
self: {
boosts: {
def: 1,
encore: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
duration: 3,
onStart(target) {
const moveIndex = target.lastMove ? target.moves.indexOf( : -1;
if (
!target.lastMove || target.lastMove.flags['failencore'] ||
!target.moveSlots[moveIndex] || target.moveSlots[moveIndex].pp <= 0
) {
// it failed
return false;
this.effectState.move =;
this.add('-start', target, 'Encore');
if (!this.queue.willMove(target)) {
onOverrideAction(pokemon, target, move) {
if ( !== this.effectState.move) return this.effectState.move;
onResidualOrder: 16,
onResidual(target) {
const lockedMoveIndex = target.moves.indexOf(this.effectState.move);
if (lockedMoveIndex >= 0 && target.moveSlots[lockedMoveIndex].pp <= 0) {
// Encore ends early if you run out of PP
onEnd(target) {
this.add('-end', target, 'Encore');
onDisableMove(pokemon) {
if (!this.effectState.move || !pokemon.hasMove(this.effectState.move)) {
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) {
if ( !== this.effectState.move) {
fellstinger: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 30,
onAfterMoveSecondarySelf(pokemon, target, move) {
if (!target || target.fainted || target.hp <= 0) this.boost({ atk: 2 }, pokemon, pokemon, move);
flyingpress: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 80,
leechlife: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 20,
pp: 15,
mefirst: {
inherit: true,
flags: { protect: 1, bypasssub: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, failmefirst: 1, nosleeptalk: 1 },
minimize: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
noCopy: true,
onSourceModifyDamage(damage, source, target, move) {
const boostedMoves = [
'stomp', 'steamroller', 'bodyslam', 'flyingpress', 'dragonrush', 'phantomforce', 'heatcrash', 'shadowforce',
if (boostedMoves.includes( {
return this.chainModify(2);
onAccuracy(accuracy, target, source, move) {
const boostedMoves = [
'stomp', 'steamroller', 'bodyslam', 'flyingpress', 'dragonrush', 'phantomforce', 'heatcrash', 'shadowforce',
if (boostedMoves.includes( {
return true;
return accuracy;
metronome: {
inherit: true,
flags: { noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1, nosleeptalk: 1 },
mistyterrain: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
duration: 5,
durationCallback(source, effect) {
if (source?.hasItem('terrainextender')) {
return 8;
return 5;
onSetStatus(status, target, source, effect) {
if (!target.isGrounded() || target.isSemiInvulnerable()) return;
if (effect && ((effect as Move).status || === 'yawn')) {
this.add('-activate', target, 'move: Misty Terrain');
return false;
onBasePower(basePower, attacker, defender, move) {
if (move.type === 'Dragon' && defender.isGrounded() && !defender.isSemiInvulnerable()) {
this.debug('misty terrain weaken');
return this.chainModify(0.5);
onFieldStart(field, source, effect) {
if (effect?.effectType === 'Ability') {
this.add('-fieldstart', 'move: Misty Terrain', `[from] ability: ${effect}`, `[of] ${source}`);
} else {
this.add('-fieldstart', 'move: Misty Terrain');
onFieldResidualOrder: 27,
onFieldResidualSubOrder: 7,
onFieldEnd() {
this.add('-fieldend', 'Misty Terrain');
mysticalfire: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 65,
naturepower: {
inherit: true,
flags: { nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1 },
paraboliccharge: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 50,
partingshot: {
inherit: true,
onHit(target, source) {
this.boost({ atk: -1, spa: -1 }, target, source);
powder: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
duration: 1,
onStart(target) {
this.add('-singleturn', target, 'Powder');
onTryMovePriority: 1,
onTryMove(pokemon, target, move) {
if (move.type === 'Fire') {
this.add('-activate', pokemon, 'move: Powder');
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.round(pokemon.maxhp / 4), 1));
return false;
rockblast: {
inherit: true,
flags: { protect: 1, mirror: 1, metronome: 1 },
sheercold: {
inherit: true,
ohko: true,
sleeptalk: {
inherit: true,
flags: { nosleeptalk: 1, noassist: 1, failcopycat: 1 },
stockpile: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
noCopy: true,
onStart(target) {
this.effectState.layers = 1;
this.add('-start', target, 'stockpile' + this.effectState.layers);
this.boost({ def: 1, spd: 1 }, target, target);
onRestart(target) {
if (this.effectState.layers >= 3) return false;
this.add('-start', target, 'stockpile' + this.effectState.layers);
this.boost({ def: 1, spd: 1 }, target, target);
onEnd(target) {
const layers = this.effectState.layers * -1;
this.effectState.layers = 0;
this.boost({ def: layers, spd: layers }, target, target);
this.add('-end', target, 'Stockpile');
suckerpunch: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 80,
swagger: {
inherit: true,
accuracy: 90,
tackle: {
inherit: true,
basePower: 50,
thousandarrows: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Unobtainable",
thousandwaves: {
inherit: true,
isNonstandard: "Unobtainable",
thunderwave: {
inherit: true,
accuracy: 100,
watershuriken: {
inherit: true,
category: "Physical",
wideguard: {
inherit: true,
condition: {
duration: 1,
onSideStart(target, source) {
this.add('-singleturn', source, 'Wide Guard');
onTryHitPriority: 4,
onTryHit(target, source, effect) {
// Wide Guard blocks damaging spread moves
if (
effect &&
(effect.category === 'Status' || ( !== 'allAdjacent' && !== 'allAdjacentFoes'))
) {
this.add('-activate', target, 'move: Wide Guard');
const lockedmove = source.getVolatile('lockedmove');
if (lockedmove) {
// Outrage counter is reset
if (source.volatiles['lockedmove'].duration === 2) {
delete source.volatiles['lockedmove'];
return null;