/** | |
* Stadium 2 mechanics inherit from gen 2 mechanics, but fixes some bugs. | |
*/ | |
export const Scripts: ModdedBattleScriptsData = { | |
inherit: 'gen2', | |
gen: 2, | |
pokemon: { | |
inherit: true, | |
getStat(statName, unboosted, unmodified, fastReturn) { | |
// @ts-expect-error type checking prevents 'hp' from being passed, but we're paranoid | |
if (statName === 'hp') throw new Error("Please read `maxhp` directly"); | |
// base stat | |
let stat = this.storedStats[statName]; | |
// Stat boosts. | |
if (!unboosted) { | |
let boost = this.boosts[statName]; | |
if (boost > 6) boost = 6; | |
if (boost < -6) boost = -6; | |
if (boost >= 0) { | |
const boostTable = [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4]; | |
stat = Math.floor(stat * boostTable[boost]); | |
} else { | |
const numerators = [100, 66, 50, 40, 33, 28, 25]; | |
stat = Math.floor(stat * numerators[-boost] / 100); | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.status === 'par' && statName === 'spe' && this.volatiles['parspeeddrop']) { | |
stat = Math.floor(stat / 4); | |
} | |
if (!unmodified) { | |
if (this.status === 'brn' && statName === 'atk' && this.volatiles['brnattackdrop']) { | |
stat = Math.floor(stat / 2); | |
} | |
} | |
// Gen 2 caps stats at 999 and min is 1. | |
stat = this.battle.clampIntRange(stat, 1, 999); | |
if (fastReturn) return stat; | |
// Screens | |
if (!unboosted) { | |
if ( | |
(statName === 'def' && this.side.sideConditions['reflect']) || | |
(statName === 'spd' && this.side.sideConditions['lightscreen']) | |
) { | |
stat *= 2; | |
} | |
} | |
// Handle boosting items | |
if ( | |
(['Cubone', 'Marowak'].includes( && this.item === 'thickclub' && statName === 'atk') || | |
( === 'Pikachu' && this.item === 'lightball' && statName === 'spa') | |
) { | |
stat *= 2; | |
} else if ( === 'Ditto' && this.item === 'metalpowder' && ['def', 'spd'].includes(statName)) { | |
stat = Math.floor(stat * 1.5); | |
} | |
return stat; | |
}, | |
}, | |
// Stadium 2 shares gen 2 code but it fixes some problems with it. | |
actions: { | |
inherit: true, | |
tryMoveHit(target, pokemon, move) { | |
const positiveBoostTable = [1, 1.33, 1.66, 2, 2.33, 2.66, 3]; | |
const negativeBoostTable = [1, 0.75, 0.6, 0.5, 0.43, 0.36, 0.33]; | |
const doSelfDestruct = true; | |
let damage: number | false | undefined = 0; | |
if (move.selfdestruct && doSelfDestruct) { | |
this.battle.faint(pokemon, pokemon, move); | |
/** | |
* Keeping track of the last move used for self-ko clause, | |
* making sure to clear the opponents last move so that self-destruct and explosion | |
* does not persist between Pokemon, preventing problems caused by situations, | |
* such as a player from blowing up both they and their opponents second last Pokemon | |
* and their opponent blowing up their last Pokemon. If we did not clear here, there would be a problem. | |
*/ | |
target.side.lastMove = null; | |
pokemon.side.lastMove = move; | |
} | |
let hitResult = this.battle.singleEvent('PrepareHit', move, {}, target, pokemon, move); | |
if (!hitResult) { | |
if (hitResult === false) this.battle.add('-fail', target); | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.battle.runEvent('PrepareHit', pokemon, target, move); | |
if (!this.battle.singleEvent('Try', move, null, pokemon, target, move)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if ( === 'all' || === 'foeSide' || === 'allySide' || === 'allyTeam') { | |
if ( === 'all') { | |
hitResult = this.battle.runEvent('TryHitField', target, pokemon, move); | |
} else { | |
hitResult = this.battle.runEvent('TryHitSide', target, pokemon, move); | |
} | |
if (!hitResult) { | |
if (hitResult === false) { | |
this.battle.add('-fail', pokemon); | |
this.battle.attrLastMove('[still]'); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
return this.moveHit(target, pokemon, move); | |
} | |
hitResult = this.battle.runEvent('Invulnerability', target, pokemon, move); | |
if (hitResult === false) { | |
this.battle.attrLastMove('[miss]'); | |
this.battle.add('-miss', pokemon); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (move.ignoreImmunity === undefined) { | |
move.ignoreImmunity = (move.category === 'Status'); | |
} | |
if ( | |
(!move.ignoreImmunity || (move.ignoreImmunity !== true && !move.ignoreImmunity[move.type])) && | |
!target.runImmunity(move.type, true) | |
) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
hitResult = this.battle.singleEvent('TryImmunity', move, {}, target, pokemon, move); | |
if (hitResult === false) { | |
this.battle.add('-immune', target); | |
return false; | |
} | |
hitResult = this.battle.runEvent('TryHit', target, pokemon, move); | |
if (!hitResult) { | |
if (hitResult === false) this.battle.add('-fail', target); | |
return false; | |
} | |
let accuracy = move.accuracy; | |
if (move.alwaysHit) { | |
accuracy = true; | |
} else { | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('Accuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
} | |
// Now, let's calculate the accuracy. | |
if (accuracy !== true) { | |
accuracy = Math.floor(accuracy * 255 / 100); | |
if (move.ohko) { | |
if (pokemon.level >= target.level) { | |
accuracy += (pokemon.level - target.level) * 2; | |
accuracy = Math.min(accuracy, 255); | |
} else { | |
this.battle.add('-immune', target, '[ohko]'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!move.ignoreAccuracy) { | |
if (pokemon.boosts.accuracy > 0) { | |
accuracy *= positiveBoostTable[pokemon.boosts.accuracy]; | |
} else { | |
accuracy *= negativeBoostTable[-pokemon.boosts.accuracy]; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!move.ignoreEvasion) { | |
if (target.boosts.evasion > 0 && !move.ignorePositiveEvasion) { | |
accuracy *= negativeBoostTable[target.boosts.evasion]; | |
} else if (target.boosts.evasion < 0) { | |
accuracy *= positiveBoostTable[-target.boosts.evasion]; | |
} | |
} | |
accuracy = Math.min(Math.floor(accuracy), 255); | |
accuracy = Math.max(accuracy, 1); | |
} else { | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('Accuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
} | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyAccuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
if (accuracy !== true) accuracy = Math.max(accuracy, 0); | |
if (move.alwaysHit) { | |
accuracy = true; | |
} else { | |
accuracy = this.battle.runEvent('Accuracy', target, pokemon, move, accuracy); | |
} | |
if (accuracy !== true && accuracy !== 255 && !this.battle.randomChance(accuracy, 256)) { | |
this.battle.attrLastMove('[miss]'); | |
this.battle.add('-miss', pokemon); | |
damage = false; | |
return damage; | |
} | |
move.totalDamage = 0; | |
pokemon.lastDamage = 0; | |
if (move.multihit) { | |
let hits = move.multihit; | |
if (Array.isArray(hits)) { | |
if (hits[0] === 2 && hits[1] === 5) { | |
hits = this.battle.sample([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5]); | |
} else { | |
hits = this.battle.random(hits[0], hits[1] + 1); | |
} | |
} | |
hits = Math.floor(hits); | |
let nullDamage = true; | |
let moveDamage: number | undefined | false; | |
const isSleepUsable = move.sleepUsable || this.dex.moves.get(move.sourceEffect).sleepUsable; | |
let i: number; | |
for (i = 0; i < hits && target.hp && pokemon.hp; i++) { | |
if (pokemon.status === 'slp' && !isSleepUsable) break; | |
move.hit = i + 1; | |
if (move.hit === hits) move.lastHit = true; | |
moveDamage = this.moveHit(target, pokemon, move); | |
if (moveDamage === false) break; | |
if (nullDamage && (moveDamage || moveDamage === 0 || moveDamage === undefined)) nullDamage = false; | |
damage = (moveDamage || 0); | |
move.totalDamage += damage; | |
this.battle.eachEvent('Update'); | |
} | |
if (i === 0) return 1; | |
if (nullDamage) damage = false; | |
this.battle.add('-hitcount', target, i); | |
} else { | |
damage = this.moveHit(target, pokemon, move); | |
move.totalDamage = damage; | |
} | |
if (move.category !== 'Status') { | |
target.gotAttacked(move, damage, pokemon); | |
} | |
if (move.ohko) this.battle.add('-ohko'); | |
if (!move.negateSecondary) { | |
this.battle.singleEvent('AfterMoveSecondary', move, null, target, pokemon, move); | |
this.battle.runEvent('AfterMoveSecondary', target, pokemon, move); | |
} | |
// Implementing Recoil mechanics from Stadium 2. | |
// If a pokemon caused the other to faint with a recoil move and only one pokemon remains on both sides, | |
// recoil damage will not be taken. | |
if (move.recoil && move.totalDamage && (pokemon.side.pokemonLeft > 1 || target.side.pokemonLeft > 1 || target.hp)) { | |
this.battle.damage(this.calcRecoilDamage(move.totalDamage, move, pokemon), pokemon, target, 'recoil'); | |
} | |
return damage; | |
}, | |
getDamage(source, target, move, suppressMessages) { | |
// First of all, we get the move. | |
if (typeof move === 'string') { | |
move = this.dex.getActiveMove(move); | |
} else if (typeof move === 'number') { | |
move = { | |
basePower: move, | |
type: '???', | |
category: 'Physical', | |
willCrit: false, | |
flags: {}, | |
} as unknown as ActiveMove; | |
} | |
// Let's test for immunities. | |
if (!move.ignoreImmunity || (move.ignoreImmunity !== true && !move.ignoreImmunity[move.type])) { | |
if (!target.runImmunity(move.type, true)) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
// Is it an OHKO move? | |
if (move.ohko) { | |
return target.maxhp; | |
} | |
// We edit the damage through move's damage callback | |
if (move.damageCallback) { | |
return, source, target); | |
} | |
// We take damage from damage=level moves | |
if (move.damage === 'level') { | |
return source.level; | |
} | |
// If there's a fix move damage, we run it | |
if (move.damage) { | |
return move.damage; | |
} | |
// We check the category and typing to calculate later on the damage | |
move.category = this.battle.getCategory(move); | |
// '???' is typeless damage: used for Struggle and Confusion etc | |
if (!move.type) move.type = '???'; | |
const type = move.type; | |
// We get the base power and apply basePowerCallback if necessary | |
let basePower: number | false | null | undefined = move.basePower; | |
if (move.basePowerCallback) { | |
basePower =, source, target, move); | |
} | |
// We check for Base Power | |
if (!basePower) { | |
if (basePower === 0) return; // Returning undefined means not dealing damage | |
return basePower; | |
} | |
basePower = this.battle.clampIntRange(basePower, 1); | |
// Checking for the move's Critical Hit ratio | |
let critRatio = this.battle.runEvent('ModifyCritRatio', source, target, move, move.critRatio || 0); | |
critRatio = this.battle.clampIntRange(critRatio, 0, 5); | |
const critMult = [0, 16, 8, 4, 3, 2]; | |
let isCrit = move.willCrit || false; | |
if (typeof move.willCrit === 'undefined') { | |
if (critRatio) { | |
isCrit = this.battle.randomChance(1, critMult[critRatio]); | |
} | |
} | |
if (isCrit && this.battle.runEvent('CriticalHit', target, null, move)) { | |
target.getMoveHitData(move).crit = true; | |
} | |
// Happens after crit calculation | |
if (basePower) { | |
// confusion damage | |
if (move.isConfusionSelfHit) { | |
move.type = move.baseMoveType!; | |
basePower = this.battle.runEvent('BasePower', source, target, move, basePower, true); | |
move.type = '???'; | |
} else { | |
basePower = this.battle.runEvent('BasePower', source, target, move, basePower, true); | |
} | |
if (basePower && move.basePowerModifier) { | |
basePower *= move.basePowerModifier; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!basePower) return 0; | |
basePower = this.battle.clampIntRange(basePower, 1); | |
// We now check for attacker and defender | |
let level = source.level; | |
// Using Beat Up | |
if (move.allies) { | |
this.battle.add('-activate', source, 'move: Beat Up', '[of] ' + move.allies[0].name); | |
level = move.allies[0].level; | |
} | |
const attacker = move.overrideOffensivePokemon === 'target' ? target : source; | |
const defender = move.overrideDefensivePokemon === 'source' ? source : target; | |
const isPhysical = move.category === 'Physical'; | |
const atkType: StatIDExceptHP = move.overrideOffensiveStat || (isPhysical ? 'atk' : 'spa'); | |
const defType: StatIDExceptHP = move.overrideDefensiveStat || (isPhysical ? 'def' : 'spd'); | |
let unboosted = false; | |
let noburndrop = false; | |
if (isCrit) { | |
if (!suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-crit', target); | |
// Stat level modifications are ignored if they are neutral to or favour the defender. | |
// Reflect and Light Screen defensive boosts are only ignored if stat level modifications were also ignored as a result of that. | |
if (attacker.boosts[atkType] <= defender.boosts[defType]) { | |
unboosted = true; | |
noburndrop = true; | |
} | |
} | |
let attack = attacker.getStat(atkType, unboosted, noburndrop); | |
let defense = defender.getStat(defType, unboosted); | |
// Using Beat Up | |
if (move.allies) { | |
attack = move.allies[0].species.baseStats.atk; | |
move.allies.shift(); | |
defense = defender.species.baseStats.def; | |
} | |
// Moves that ignore offense and defense respectively. | |
if (move.ignoreOffensive) { | |
this.battle.debug('Negating (sp)atk boost/penalty.'); | |
// The attack drop from the burn is only applied when attacker's attack level is higher than defender's defense level. | |
attack = attacker.getStat(atkType, true, true); | |
} | |
if (move.ignoreDefensive) { | |
this.battle.debug('Negating (sp)def boost/penalty.'); | |
defense = target.getStat(defType, true, true); | |
} | |
if (attack >= 256 || defense >= 256) { | |
attack = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(this.battle.clampIntRange(attack, 1, 999) / 4), 1); | |
defense = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(this.battle.clampIntRange(defense, 1, 999) / 4), 1); | |
} | |
// Self destruct moves halve defense at this point. | |
if (move.selfdestruct && defType === 'def') { | |
defense = this.battle.clampIntRange(Math.floor(defense / 2), 1); | |
} | |
// Let's go with the calculation now that we have what we need. | |
// We do it step by step just like the game does. | |
let damage = level * 2; | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 5); | |
damage += 2; | |
damage *= basePower; | |
damage *= attack; | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / defense); | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 50); | |
if (isCrit) damage *= 2; | |
damage = Math.floor(this.battle.runEvent('ModifyDamage', attacker, defender, move, damage)); | |
damage = this.battle.clampIntRange(damage, 1, 997); | |
damage += 2; | |
// Weather modifiers | |
if ( | |
(type === 'Water' && this.battle.field.isWeather('raindance')) || | |
(type === 'Fire' && this.battle.field.isWeather('sunnyday')) | |
) { | |
damage = Math.floor(damage * 1.5); | |
} else if ( | |
((type === 'Fire' || === 'solarbeam') && this.battle.field.isWeather('raindance')) || | |
(type === 'Water' && this.battle.field.isWeather('sunnyday')) | |
) { | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2); | |
} | |
// STAB damage bonus, the "???" type never gets STAB | |
if (type !== '???' && source.hasType(type)) { | |
damage += Math.floor(damage / 2); | |
} | |
// Type effectiveness | |
const totalTypeMod = target.runEffectiveness(move); | |
// Super effective attack | |
if (totalTypeMod > 0) { | |
if (!suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-supereffective', target); | |
damage *= 2; | |
if (totalTypeMod >= 2) { | |
damage *= 2; | |
} | |
} | |
// Resisted attack | |
if (totalTypeMod < 0) { | |
if (!suppressMessages) this.battle.add('-resisted', target); | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2); | |
if (totalTypeMod <= -2) { | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 2); | |
} | |
} | |
// Apply random factor if damage is greater than 1, except for Flail and Reversal | |
if (!move.noDamageVariance && damage > 1) { | |
damage *= this.battle.random(217, 256); | |
damage = Math.floor(damage / 255); | |
} | |
// If damage is less than 1, we return 1 | |
if (basePower && !Math.floor(damage)) { | |
return 1; | |
} | |
// We are done, this is the final damage | |
return damage; | |
}, | |
}, | |
/** | |
* Stadium 2 ignores stat drops due to status ailments upon boosting the dropped stat. | |
* For example: if a burned Snorlax uses Curse then it will ignore the attack drop from | |
* burn when it is recalculating its attack stat. This is why volatiles are added to status | |
* conditions, so that we can keep track of whether or not to apply the stat drop from | |
* statuses. | |
*/ | |
boost(boost, target, source = null, effect = null) { | |
if (this.event) { | |
if (!target) target =; | |
if (!source) source = this.event.source; | |
if (!effect) effect = this.effect; | |
} | |
if (typeof effect === 'string') effect = this.dex.conditions.get(effect); | |
if (!target?.hp) return 0; | |
let success = null; | |
boost = this.runEvent('TryBoost', target, source, effect, { ...boost }); | |
let i: BoostID; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
const currentBoost: SparseBoostsTable = {}; | |
currentBoost[i] = boost[i]; | |
let boostBy = target.boostBy(currentBoost); | |
let msg = '-boost'; | |
if (boost[i]! < 0) { | |
msg = '-unboost'; | |
boostBy = -boostBy; | |
} | |
if (boostBy) { | |
success = true; | |
// Check for boost increases deleting attack or speed drops | |
if (i === 'atk' && target.status === 'brn' && target.volatiles['brnattackdrop']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('brnattackdrop'); | |
} | |
if (i === 'spe' && target.status === 'par' && target.volatiles['parspeeddrop']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('parspeeddrop'); | |
} | |
if (!effect || effect.effectType === 'Move') { | |
this.add(msg, target, i, boostBy); | |
} else { | |
this.add(msg, target, i, boostBy, '[from] ' + effect.fullname); | |
} | |
this.runEvent('AfterEachBoost', target, source, effect, currentBoost); | |
} | |
} | |
this.runEvent('AfterBoost', target, source, effect, boost); | |
return success; | |
}, | |
/** | |
* Implementing Self-KO Clause by having it check what the last move used by the players were | |
* in the case both Pokemon faint. Since the only way this can happen in Stadium 2 is if a player | |
* uses self-destruct or explosion, I can use this to determine who should win. | |
*/ | |
faintMessages(lastFirst) { | |
if (this.ended) return; | |
const length = this.faintQueue.length; | |
if (!length) return false; | |
if (lastFirst) { | |
this.faintQueue.unshift(this.faintQueue[this.faintQueue.length - 1]); | |
this.faintQueue.pop(); | |
} | |
let faintData; | |
while (this.faintQueue.length) { | |
faintData = this.faintQueue.shift()!; | |
const pokemon: Pokemon =; | |
if (!pokemon.fainted && | |
this.runEvent('BeforeFaint', pokemon, faintData.source, faintData.effect)) { | |
this.add('faint', pokemon); | |
pokemon.side.pokemonLeft--; | |
if (pokemon.side.totalFainted < 100) pokemon.side.totalFainted++; | |
this.runEvent('Faint', pokemon, faintData.source, faintData.effect); | |
this.singleEvent('End', pokemon.getAbility(), pokemon.abilityState, pokemon); | |
pokemon.clearVolatile(false); | |
pokemon.fainted = true; | |
pokemon.isActive = false; | |
pokemon.isStarted = false; | |
pokemon.side.faintedThisTurn = pokemon; | |
} | |
} | |
if (this.gen <= 1) { | |
// in gen 1, fainting skips the rest of the turn | |
// residuals don't exist in gen 1 | |
this.queue.clear(); | |
// Fainting clears accumulated Bide damage | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['bide']?.damage) { | |
pokemon.volatiles['bide'].damage = 0; | |
this.hint("Desync Clause Mod activated!"); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, Bide's accumulated damage is reset to 0 when a Pokemon faints."); | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (this.gen <= 3 && this.gameType === 'singles') { | |
// in gen 3 or earlier, fainting in singles skips to residuals | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
if (this.gen <= 2) { | |
// in gen 2, fainting skips moves only | |
this.queue.cancelMove(pokemon); | |
} else { | |
// in gen 3, fainting skips all moves and switches | |
this.queue.cancelAction(pokemon); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!this.p1.pokemonLeft && !this.p2.pokemonLeft) { | |
if (this.p1.lastMove !== null && this.p2.lastMove === null) { | |; | |
return true; | |
} else if (this.p2.lastMove !== null && this.p1.lastMove === null) { | |; | |
return true; | |
} | | ? : null); | |
return true; | |
} | |
if (!this.p1.pokemonLeft) { | |; | |
return true; | |
} | |
if (!this.p2.pokemonLeft) { | |; | |
return true; | |
} | |
if (faintData) { | |
this.runEvent('AfterFaint',, faintData.source, faintData.effect, length); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}, | |
}; | |