/** | |
* A lot of Gen 1 moves have to be updated due to different mechanics. | |
* Some moves have had major changes, such as Bite's typing. | |
*/ | |
export const Moves: import('../../../sim/dex-moves').ModdedMoveDataTable = { | |
acid: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
def: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
amnesia: { | |
inherit: true, | |
boosts: { | |
spa: 2, | |
spd: 2, | |
}, | |
}, | |
aurorabeam: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
atk: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
bide: { | |
inherit: true, | |
priority: 0, | |
accuracy: true, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.effectState.damage = 0; | |
this.effectState.time = this.random(2, 4); | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'Bide'); | |
}, | |
onBeforeMove(pokemon, t, move) { | |
const currentMove = this.dex.getActiveMove('bide'); | |
this.effectState.damage += this.lastDamage; | |
this.effectState.time--; | |
if (!this.effectState.time) { | |
this.add('-end', pokemon, currentMove); | |
if (!this.effectState.damage) { | |
this.debug("Bide failed because no damage was stored"); | |
this.add('-fail', pokemon); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('bide'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
const target = this.getRandomTarget(pokemon, 'Pound'); | |
this.actions.moveHit(target, pokemon, currentMove, { damage: this.effectState.damage * 2 } as ActiveMove); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('bide'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.add('-activate', pokemon, 'Bide'); | |
return false; | |
}, | |
onDisableMove(pokemon) { | |
if (!pokemon.hasMove('bide')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
if ( !== 'bide') { | |
pokemon.disableMove(; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
type: "???", // Will look as Normal but it's STAB-less | |
}, | |
bind: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
volatileStatus: 'partiallytrapped', | |
self: { | |
volatileStatus: 'partialtrappinglock', | |
}, | |
onTryMove(source, target) { | |
if (target.volatiles['mustrecharge']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('mustrecharge'); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, partial trapping moves negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam, even if they miss.", true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
/** | |
* The duration of the partially trapped must be always renewed to 2 | |
* so target doesn't move on trapper switch out as happens in gen 1. | |
* However, this won't happen if there's no switch and the trapper is | |
* about to end its partial trapping. | |
**/ | |
if (target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
if (source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'] && source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].duration! > 1) { | |
target.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].duration = 2; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
bite: { | |
inherit: true, | |
category: "Physical", | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 10, | |
volatileStatus: 'flinch', | |
}, | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
blizzard: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 90, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
bubble: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
spe: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
bubblebeam: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
spe: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
clamp: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 75, | |
pp: 10, | |
volatileStatus: 'partiallytrapped', | |
self: { | |
volatileStatus: 'partialtrappinglock', | |
}, | |
onTryMove(source, target) { | |
if (target.volatiles['mustrecharge']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('mustrecharge'); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, partial trapping moves negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam, even if they miss.", true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
/** | |
* The duration of the partially trapped must be always renewed to 2 | |
* so target doesn't move on trapper switch out as happens in gen 1. | |
* However, this won't happen if there's no switch and the trapper is | |
* about to end its partial trapping. | |
**/ | |
if (target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
if (source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'] && source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].duration! > 1) { | |
target.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].duration = 2; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
constrict: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
spe: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
conversion: { | |
inherit: true, | |
target: "normal", | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
source.setType(target.getTypes(true)); | |
this.add('-start', source, 'typechange', source.types.join('/'), '[from] move: Conversion', `[of] ${target}`); | |
}, | |
}, | |
counter: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
willCrit: false, | |
basePower: 1, | |
damageCallback(pokemon, target) { | |
// Counter mechanics in gen 1: | |
// - a move is Counterable if it is Normal or Fighting type, has nonzero Base Power, and is not Counter | |
// - if Counter is used by the player, it will succeed if the opponent's last used move is Counterable | |
// - if Counter is used by the opponent, it will succeed if the player's last selected move is Counterable | |
// - (Counter will thus desync if the target's last used move is not as counterable as the target's last selected move) | |
// - if Counter succeeds it will deal twice the last move damage dealt in battle (even if it's from a different pokemon because of a switch) | |
const lastMove = target.side.lastMove && this.dex.moves.get(; | |
const lastMoveIsCounterable = lastMove && lastMove.basePower > 0 && | |
['Normal', 'Fighting'].includes(lastMove.type) && !== 'counter'; | |
const lastSelectedMove = target.side.lastSelectedMove && this.dex.moves.get(target.side.lastSelectedMove); | |
const lastSelectedMoveIsCounterable = lastSelectedMove && lastSelectedMove.basePower > 0 && | |
['Normal', 'Fighting'].includes(lastSelectedMove.type) && !== 'counter'; | |
if (!lastMoveIsCounterable && !lastSelectedMoveIsCounterable) { | |
this.debug("Gen 1 Counter: last move was not Counterable"); | |
this.add('-fail', pokemon); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (this.lastDamage <= 0) { | |
this.debug("Gen 1 Counter: no previous damage exists"); | |
this.add('-fail', pokemon); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (!lastMoveIsCounterable || !lastSelectedMoveIsCounterable) { | |
this.hint("Desync Clause Mod activated!"); | |
this.add('-fail', pokemon); | |
return false; | |
} | |
return 2 * this.lastDamage; | |
}, | |
flags: { contact: 1, protect: 1, metronome: 1 }, | |
}, | |
crabhammer: { | |
inherit: true, | |
critRatio: 2, | |
}, | |
dig: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 100, | |
condition: {}, | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
attacker.addVolatile('invulnerability', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
disable: { | |
num: 50, | |
accuracy: 55, | |
basePower: 0, | |
category: "Status", | |
name: "Disable", | |
pp: 20, | |
priority: 0, | |
flags: { protect: 1, mirror: 1, bypasssub: 1, metronome: 1 }, | |
volatileStatus: 'disable', | |
onTryHit(target) { | |
// This function should not return if the checks are met. Adding && undefined ensures this happens. | |
return target.moveSlots.some(ms => ms.pp > 0) && | |
!('disable' in target.volatiles) && | |
undefined; | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
// disable can only select moves that have pp > 0, hence the onTryHit modification | |
const moveSlot = this.sample(pokemon.moveSlots.filter(ms => ms.pp > 0)); | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'Disable', moveSlot.move); | |
this.effectState.move =; | |
// 1-8 turns (which will in effect translate to 0-7 missed turns for the target) | |
this.effectState.time = this.random(1, 9); | |
}, | |
onEnd(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-end', pokemon, 'Disable'); | |
}, | |
onBeforeMovePriority: 6, | |
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) { | |
pokemon.volatiles['disable'].time--; | |
if (!pokemon.volatiles['disable'].time) { | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('disable'); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['bide']) move = this.dex.getActiveMove('bide'); | |
if ( === this.effectState.move) { | |
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'Disable', move); | |
pokemon.removeVolatile('twoturnmove'); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
onDisableMove(pokemon) { | |
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) { | |
if ( === this.effectState.move) { | |
pokemon.disableMove(; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
secondary: null, | |
target: "normal", | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
dizzypunch: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: null, | |
}, | |
doubleedge: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 100, | |
}, | |
dragonrage: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
}, | |
explosion: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 170, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
fireblast: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 30, | |
status: 'brn', | |
}, | |
}, | |
firespin: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 70, | |
basePower: 15, | |
volatileStatus: 'partiallytrapped', | |
self: { | |
volatileStatus: 'partialtrappinglock', | |
}, | |
onTryMove(source, target) { | |
if (target.volatiles['mustrecharge']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('mustrecharge'); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, partial trapping moves negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam, even if they miss.", true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
/** | |
* The duration of the partially trapped must be always renewed to 2 | |
* so target doesn't move on trapper switch out as happens in gen 1. | |
* However, this won't happen if there's no switch and the trapper is | |
* about to end its partial trapping. | |
**/ | |
if (target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
if (source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'] && source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].duration! > 1) { | |
target.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].duration = 2; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
fly: { | |
inherit: true, | |
condition: {}, | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
attacker.addVolatile('invulnerability', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
focusenergy: { | |
inherit: true, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'move: Focus Energy'); | |
}, | |
// This does nothing as it's dealt with on critical hit calculation. | |
onModifyMove() {}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
glare: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
}, | |
growth: { | |
inherit: true, | |
boosts: { | |
spa: 1, | |
spd: 1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
gust: { | |
inherit: true, | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
haze: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
this.add('-activate', target, 'move: Haze'); | |
this.add('-clearallboost', '[silent]'); | |
for (const pokemon of this.getAllActive()) { | |
pokemon.clearBoosts(); | |
if (pokemon !== source) { | |
pokemon.cureStatus(true); | |
} | |
if (pokemon.status === 'tox') { | |
pokemon.setStatus('psn', null, null, true); | |
} | |
pokemon.updateSpeed(); | |
// should only clear a specific set of volatiles | |
// while technically the toxic counter shouldn't be cleared, the preserved toxic counter is never used again | |
// in-game, so it is equivalent to just clear it. | |
const silentHack = '|[silent]'; | |
const silentHackVolatiles = ['disable', 'confusion']; | |
const hazeVolatiles: { [key: string]: string } = { | |
'disable': '', | |
'confusion': '', | |
'mist': 'Mist', | |
'focusenergy': 'move: Focus Energy', | |
'leechseed': 'move: Leech Seed', | |
'lightscreen': 'Light Screen', | |
'reflect': 'Reflect', | |
'residualdmg': 'Toxic counter', | |
}; | |
for (const v in hazeVolatiles) { | |
if (!pokemon.removeVolatile(v)) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
if (silentHackVolatiles.includes(v)) { | |
// these volatiles have their own onEnd method that prints, so to avoid | |
// double printing and ensure they are still silent, we need to tack on a | |
// silent attribute at the end | |
this.log[this.log.length - 1] += silentHack; | |
} else { | |
this.add('-end', pokemon, hazeVolatiles[v], '[silent]'); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
target: "self", | |
}, | |
highjumpkick: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onMoveFail(target, source, move) { | |
this.directDamage(1, source, target); | |
}, | |
}, | |
jumpkick: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onMoveFail(target, source, move) { | |
this.directDamage(1, source, target); | |
}, | |
}, | |
karatechop: { | |
inherit: true, | |
critRatio: 2, | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
leechseed: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onHit() {}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(target) { | |
this.add('-start', target, 'move: Leech Seed'); | |
}, | |
onAfterMoveSelfPriority: 1, | |
onAfterMoveSelf(pokemon) { | |
const leecher = this.getAtSlot(pokemon.volatiles['leechseed'].sourceSlot); | |
if (!leecher || leecher.fainted || leecher.hp <= 0) { | |
this.debug('Nothing to leech into'); | |
return; | |
} | |
// We check if leeched Pokémon has Toxic to increase leeched damage. | |
let toxicCounter = 1; | |
const residualdmg = pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg']; | |
if (residualdmg) { | |
residualdmg.counter++; | |
toxicCounter = residualdmg.counter; | |
} | |
const toLeech = this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(pokemon.baseMaxhp / 16), 1) * toxicCounter; | |
const damage = this.damage(toLeech, pokemon, leecher); | |
if (residualdmg) this.hint("In Gen 1, Leech Seed's damage is affected by Toxic's counter.", true); | |
if (!damage || toLeech > damage) { | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, Leech Seed recovery is not limited by the remaining HP of the seeded Pokemon.", true); | |
} | |
this.heal(toLeech, leecher, pokemon); | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
lightscreen: { | |
num: 113, | |
accuracy: true, | |
basePower: 0, | |
category: "Status", | |
name: "Light Screen", | |
pp: 30, | |
priority: 0, | |
flags: { metronome: 1 }, | |
volatileStatus: 'lightscreen', | |
onTryHit(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['lightscreen']) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'Light Screen'); | |
}, | |
}, | |
target: "self", | |
type: "Psychic", | |
}, | |
mimic: { | |
inherit: true, | |
flags: { protect: 1, bypasssub: 1, metronome: 1 }, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
const moveslot = source.moves.indexOf('mimic'); | |
if (moveslot < 0) return false; | |
const moves = target.moves; | |
const moveid = this.sample(moves); | |
if (!moveid) return false; | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveid); | |
source.moveSlots[moveslot] = { | |
move:, | |
id:, | |
pp: source.moveSlots[moveslot].pp, | |
maxpp: move.pp * 8 / 5, | |
target:, | |
disabled: false, | |
used: false, | |
virtual: true, | |
}; | |
this.add('-start', source, 'Mimic',; | |
}, | |
}, | |
mirrormove: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onHit(pokemon) { | |
const foe =[0]; | |
if (!foe?.lastMove || === 'mirrormove') { | |
return false; | |
} | |
pokemon.side.lastSelectedMove =; | |
this.actions.useMove(, pokemon); | |
}, | |
}, | |
mist: { | |
inherit: true, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'Mist'); | |
}, | |
onTryBoost(boost, target, source, effect) { | |
if (effect.effectType === 'Move' && effect.category !== 'Status') return; | |
if (source && target !== source) { | |
let showMsg = false; | |
let i: BoostID; | |
for (i in boost) { | |
if (boost[i]! < 0) { | |
delete boost[i]; | |
showMsg = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (showMsg && !(effect as ActiveMove).secondaries) { | |
this.add('-activate', target, 'move: Mist'); | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
nightshade: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
}, | |
petaldance: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onMoveFail() {}, | |
}, | |
poisonsting: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 20, | |
status: 'psn', | |
}, | |
}, | |
psychic: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 33, | |
boosts: { | |
spa: -1, | |
spd: -1, | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
psywave: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
damageCallback(pokemon) { | |
const psywaveDamage = (this.random(0, this.trunc(1.5 * pokemon.level))); | |
if (psywaveDamage <= 0) { | |
this.hint("Desync Clause Mod activated!"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
return psywaveDamage; | |
}, | |
}, | |
rage: { | |
inherit: true, | |
self: { | |
volatileStatus: 'rage', | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
// Rage lock | |
onStart(target, source, effect) { | |
this.effectState.move = 'rage'; | |
this.effectState.accuracy = 255; | |
}, | |
onLockMove: 'rage', | |
onHit(target, source, move) { | |
// Disable and exploding moves boost Rage even if they miss/fail, so they are dealt with separately. | |
if (target.boosts.atk < 6 && (move.category !== 'Status' && !move.selfdestruct)) { | |
this.boost({ atk: 1 }); | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
}, | |
razorleaf: { | |
inherit: true, | |
critRatio: 2, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
razorwind: { | |
inherit: true, | |
critRatio: 1, | |
target: "normal", | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
recover: { | |
inherit: true, | |
heal: null, | |
onHit(target) { | |
if (target.hp === target.maxhp) return false; | |
// Fail when health is 255 or 511 less than max, unless it is divisible by 256 | |
if ( | |
target.hp === target.maxhp || | |
((target.hp === (target.maxhp - 255) || target.hp === (target.maxhp - 511)) && target.hp % 256 !== 0) | |
) { | |
this.hint( | |
"In Gen 1, recovery moves fail if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256, " + | |
"unless the current hp is also divisible by 256." | |
); | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.heal(Math.floor(target.maxhp / 2), target, target); | |
}, | |
}, | |
reflect: { | |
num: 115, | |
accuracy: true, | |
basePower: 0, | |
category: "Status", | |
name: "Reflect", | |
pp: 20, | |
priority: 0, | |
flags: { metronome: 1 }, | |
volatileStatus: 'reflect', | |
onTryHit(pokemon) { | |
if (pokemon.volatiles['reflect']) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(pokemon) { | |
this.add('-start', pokemon, 'Reflect'); | |
}, | |
}, | |
secondary: null, | |
target: "self", | |
type: "Psychic", | |
}, | |
rest: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onTry() {}, | |
onHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (target.hp === target.maxhp) return false; | |
// Fail when health is 255 or 511 less than max, unless it is divisible by 256 | |
if ( | |
target.hp === target.maxhp || | |
((target.hp === (target.maxhp - 255) || target.hp === (target.maxhp - 511)) && target.hp % 256 !== 0) | |
) { | |
this.hint( | |
"In Gen 1, recovery moves fail if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256, " + | |
"unless the current hp is also divisible by 256." | |
); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (!target.setStatus('slp', source, move)) return false; | |
target.statusState.time = 2; | |
target.statusState.startTime = 2; | |
this.heal(target.maxhp); // Aesthetic only as the healing happens after you fall asleep in-game | |
}, | |
}, | |
roar: { | |
inherit: true, | |
forceSwitch: false, | |
onTryHit() {}, | |
priority: 0, | |
}, | |
rockslide: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: null, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
rockthrow: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 65, | |
}, | |
sandattack: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
seismictoss: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
}, | |
selfdestruct: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 130, | |
target: "normal", | |
}, | |
skullbash: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
skyattack: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
slash: { | |
inherit: true, | |
critRatio: 2, | |
}, | |
sludge: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 40, | |
status: 'psn', | |
}, | |
}, | |
solarbeam: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onTryMove(attacker, defender, move) { | |
if (attacker.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) { | |
attacker.removeVolatile('invulnerability'); | |
return; | |
} | |
this.add('-prepare', attacker,; | |
attacker.addVolatile('twoturnmove', defender); | |
return null; | |
}, | |
}, | |
sonicboom: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
}, | |
softboiled: { | |
inherit: true, | |
heal: null, | |
onHit(target) { | |
if (target.hp === target.maxhp) return false; | |
// Fail when health is 255 or 511 less than max, unless it is divisible by 256 | |
if ( | |
target.hp === target.maxhp || | |
((target.hp === (target.maxhp - 255) || target.hp === (target.maxhp - 511)) && target.hp % 256 !== 0) | |
) { | |
this.hint( | |
"In Gen 1, recovery moves fail if (user's maximum HP - user's current HP + 1) is divisible by 256, " + | |
"unless the current hp is also divisible by 256." | |
); | |
return false; | |
} | |
this.heal(Math.floor(target.maxhp / 2), target, target); | |
}, | |
}, | |
struggle: { | |
inherit: true, | |
pp: 10, | |
recoil: [1, 2], | |
onModifyMove() {}, | |
}, | |
substitute: { | |
num: 164, | |
accuracy: true, | |
basePower: 0, | |
category: "Status", | |
name: "Substitute", | |
pp: 10, | |
priority: 0, | |
flags: { metronome: 1 }, | |
volatileStatus: 'substitute', | |
onTryHit(target) { | |
if (target.volatiles['substitute']) { | |
this.add('-fail', target, 'move: Substitute'); | |
return null; | |
} | |
// We only prevent when hp is less than one quarter. | |
// If you use substitute at exactly one quarter, you faint. | |
if (target.hp < target.maxhp / 4) { | |
this.add('-fail', target, 'move: Substitute', '[weak]'); | |
return null; | |
} | |
}, | |
onHit(target) { | |
// If max HP is 3 or less substitute makes no damage | |
if (target.maxhp > 3) { | |
this.directDamage(target.maxhp / 4, target, target); | |
} | |
}, | |
condition: { | |
onStart(target) { | |
this.add('-start', target, 'Substitute'); | |
this.effectState.hp = Math.floor(target.maxhp / 4) + 1; | |
delete target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']; | |
}, | |
onTryHitPriority: -1, | |
onTryHit(target, source, move) { | |
if (move.category === 'Status') { | |
// In gen 1 it only blocks: | |
// poison, confusion, secondary effect confusion, stat reducing moves and Leech Seed. | |
const SubBlocked = ['lockon', 'meanlook', 'mindreader', 'nightmare']; | |
if ( | |
move.status === 'psn' || move.status === 'tox' || (move.boosts && target !== source) || | |
move.volatileStatus === 'confusion' || SubBlocked.includes( | |
) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
if (move.volatileStatus && target === source) return; | |
// NOTE: In future generations the damage is capped to the remaining HP of the | |
// Substitute, here we deliberately use the uncapped damage when tracking lastDamage etc. | |
// Also, multi-hit moves must always deal the same damage as the first hit for any subsequent hits | |
let uncappedDamage = move.hit > 1 ? this.lastDamage : this.actions.getDamage(source, target, move); | |
if ( === 'bide') uncappedDamage = source.volatiles['bide'].damage * 2; | |
if (!uncappedDamage && uncappedDamage !== 0) return null; | |
uncappedDamage = this.runEvent('SubDamage', target, source, move, uncappedDamage); | |
if (!uncappedDamage && uncappedDamage !== 0) return uncappedDamage; | |
this.lastDamage = uncappedDamage; | |
target.volatiles['substitute'].hp -= uncappedDamage > target.volatiles['substitute'].hp ? | |
target.volatiles['substitute'].hp : uncappedDamage; | |
if (target.volatiles['substitute'].hp <= 0) { | |
target.removeVolatile('substitute'); | |
target.subFainted = true; | |
} else { | |
this.add('-activate', target, 'Substitute', '[damage]'); | |
} | |
// Drain/recoil/secondary effect confusion do not happen if the substitute breaks | |
if (target.volatiles['substitute']) { | |
if (move.recoil) { | |
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(uncappedDamage * move.recoil[0] / move.recoil[1]), 1), | |
source, target, 'recoil'); | |
} | |
if (move.drain) { | |
const amount = this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(uncappedDamage * move.drain[0] / move.drain[1]), 1); | |
this.lastDamage = amount; | |
this.heal(amount, source, target, 'drain'); | |
} | |
if (move.secondary?.volatileStatus === 'confusion') { | |
const secondary = move.secondary; | |
if (secondary.chance === undefined || this.randomChance(Math.ceil(secondary.chance * 256 / 100) - 1, 256)) { | |
target.addVolatile(move.secondary.volatileStatus, source, move); | |
this.hint( | |
"In Gen 1, moves that inflict confusion as a secondary effect can confuse targets with a Substitute, " + | |
"as long as the move does not break the Substitute." | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this.runEvent('AfterSubDamage', target, source, move, uncappedDamage); | |
// Add here counter damage | |
const lastAttackedBy = target.getLastAttackedBy(); | |
if (!lastAttackedBy) { | |
target.attackedBy.push({ source, move:, damage: uncappedDamage, slot: source.getSlot(), thisTurn: true }); | |
} else { | |
lastAttackedBy.move =; | |
lastAttackedBy.damage = uncappedDamage; | |
} | |
return 0; | |
}, | |
onEnd(target) { | |
this.add('-end', target, 'Substitute'); | |
}, | |
}, | |
secondary: null, | |
target: "self", | |
type: "Normal", | |
}, | |
superfang: { | |
inherit: true, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
basePower: 1, | |
}, | |
thrash: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onMoveFail() {}, | |
}, | |
thunder: { | |
inherit: true, | |
secondary: { | |
chance: 10, | |
status: 'par', | |
}, | |
}, | |
triattack: { | |
inherit: true, | |
onHit() {}, | |
secondary: null, | |
}, | |
whirlwind: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 85, | |
forceSwitch: false, | |
onTryHit() {}, | |
priority: 0, | |
}, | |
wingattack: { | |
inherit: true, | |
basePower: 35, | |
}, | |
wrap: { | |
inherit: true, | |
accuracy: 85, | |
ignoreImmunity: true, | |
volatileStatus: 'partiallytrapped', | |
self: { | |
volatileStatus: 'partialtrappinglock', | |
}, | |
onTryMove(source, target) { | |
if (target.volatiles['mustrecharge']) { | |
target.removeVolatile('mustrecharge'); | |
this.hint("In Gen 1, partial trapping moves negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam, even if they miss.", true); | |
} | |
}, | |
onHit(target, source) { | |
/** | |
* The duration of the partially trapped must be always renewed to 2 | |
* so target doesn't move on trapper switch out as happens in gen 1. | |
* However, this won't happen if there's no switch and the trapper is | |
* about to end its partial trapping. | |
**/ | |
if (target.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) { | |
if (source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'] && source.volatiles['partialtrappinglock'].duration! > 1) { | |
target.volatiles['partiallytrapped'].duration = 2; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
}, | |
}; | |