Pokemon_server / data /mods /gen1 /conditions.ts
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* Status worked very differently in Gen 1.
* - Sleep lasted longer, had no reset on switch and took a whole turn to wake up.
* - Frozen only thaws when hit by fire or Haze.
* Stat boosts (-speed, -atk) also worked differently, so they are
* separated as volatile statuses that are applied on switch in, removed
* under certain conditions and re-applied under other conditions.
export const Conditions: import('../../../sim/dex-conditions').ModdedConditionDataTable = {
brn: {
name: 'brn',
effectType: 'Status',
onStart(target) {
this.add('-status', target, 'brn');
onAfterMoveSelfPriority: 2,
onAfterMoveSelf(pokemon) {
const toxicCounter = pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg'] ? pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg'].counter : 1;
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(pokemon.maxhp / 16), 1) * toxicCounter, pokemon);
if (pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg']) {
this.hint("In Gen 1, Toxic's counter is retained after Rest and applies to PSN/BRN.", true);
onAfterSwitchInSelf(pokemon) {
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(pokemon.maxhp / 16), 1));
par: {
name: 'par',
effectType: 'Status',
onStart(target) {
this.add('-status', target, 'par');
onBeforeMovePriority: 2,
onBeforeMove(pokemon) {
if (this.randomChance(63, 256)) {
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'par');
if (pokemon.removeVolatile('twoturnmove')) {
if (pokemon.volatiles['invulnerability']) {
this.hint(`In Gen 1, when a Dig/Fly user is fully paralyzed while semi-invulnerable, ` +
`it will remain semi-invulnerable until it switches out or fully executes Dig/Fly`, true);
return false;
slp: {
name: 'slp',
effectType: 'Status',
onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) {
if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.effectType === 'Move') {
this.add('-status', target, 'slp', `[from] move: ${sourceEffect.name}`);
} else {
this.add('-status', target, 'slp');
// 1-7 turns
this.effectState.startTime = this.random(1, 8);
this.effectState.time = this.effectState.startTime;
if (target.removeVolatile('nightmare')) {
this.add('-end', target, 'Nightmare', '[silent]');
onBeforeMovePriority: 10,
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) {
if (pokemon.statusState.time > 0) {
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'slp');
pokemon.lastMove = null;
return false;
onAfterMoveSelfPriority: 3,
onAfterMoveSelf(pokemon) {
if (pokemon.statusState.time <= 0) pokemon.cureStatus();
frz: {
name: 'frz',
effectType: 'Status',
onStart(target) {
this.add('-status', target, 'frz');
onBeforeMovePriority: 12,
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target, move) {
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'frz');
pokemon.lastMove = null;
return false;
onAfterMoveSecondary(target, source, move) {
if (move.secondary && move.secondary.status === 'brn') {
psn: {
name: 'psn',
effectType: 'Status',
onStart(target) {
this.add('-status', target, 'psn');
onAfterMoveSelfPriority: 2,
onAfterMoveSelf(pokemon) {
const toxicCounter = pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg'] ? pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg'].counter : 1;
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(pokemon.maxhp / 16), 1) * toxicCounter, pokemon);
if (pokemon.volatiles['residualdmg']) {
this.hint("In Gen 1, Toxic's counter is retained after Rest and applies to PSN/BRN.", true);
onAfterSwitchInSelf(pokemon) {
this.damage(this.clampIntRange(Math.floor(pokemon.maxhp / 16), 1));
tox: {
inherit: true,
onAfterMoveSelfPriority: 2,
confusion: {
name: 'confusion',
// this is a volatile status
onStart(target, source, sourceEffect) {
if (sourceEffect && sourceEffect.id === 'lockedmove') {
this.add('-start', target, 'confusion', '[silent]');
} else {
this.add('-start', target, 'confusion');
this.effectState.time = this.random(2, 6);
onEnd(target) {
this.add('-end', target, 'confusion');
onBeforeMovePriority: 3,
onBeforeMove(pokemon, target) {
if (!pokemon.volatiles['confusion'].time) {
this.add('-activate', pokemon, 'confusion');
if (!this.randomChance(128, 256)) {
const damage = Math.floor(Math.floor((
(Math.floor(2 * pokemon.level / 5) + 2) * pokemon.getStat('atk') * 40
) / pokemon.getStat('def', false)) / 50) + 2;
this.directDamage(damage, pokemon, target);
return false;
flinch: {
name: 'flinch',
duration: 1,
onStart(target) {
onBeforeMovePriority: 8,
onBeforeMove(pokemon) {
if (!this.runEvent('Flinch', pokemon)) {
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'flinch');
return false;
trapped: {
name: 'trapped',
noCopy: true,
onTrapPokemon(pokemon) {
if (!this.effectState.source?.isActive) {
delete pokemon.volatiles['trapped'];
pokemon.trapped = true;
partiallytrapped: {
name: 'partiallytrapped',
duration: 2,
onBeforeMovePriority: 9,
onBeforeMove(pokemon) {
this.add('cant', pokemon, 'partiallytrapped');
return false;
partialtrappinglock: {
name: 'partialtrappinglock',
durationCallback() {
const duration = this.sample([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5]);
return duration;
onStart(target, source, effect) {
this.effectState.move = effect.id;
onDisableMove(pokemon) {
if (!pokemon.hasMove(this.effectState.move)) {
for (const moveSlot of pokemon.moveSlots) {
if (moveSlot.id !== this.effectState.move) {
mustrecharge: {
inherit: true,
duration: 0,
onBeforeMovePriority: 7,
onStart() {},
lockedmove: {
// Thrash and Petal Dance.
name: 'lockedmove',
onStart(target, source, effect) {
this.effectState.move = effect.id;
this.effectState.time = this.random(2, 4);
this.effectState.accuracy = 255;
onLockMove() {
return this.effectState.move;
onBeforeTurn(pokemon) {
const move = this.dex.moves.get(this.effectState.move);
if (move.id) {
this.debug('Forcing into ' + move.id);
this.queue.changeAction(pokemon, { choice: 'move', moveid: move.id });
twoturnmove: {
// Skull Bash, Solar Beam, ...
name: 'twoturnmove',
onStart(attacker, defender, effect) {
// ("attacker" is the Pokemon using the two turn move and the Pokemon this condition is being applied to)
this.effectState.move = effect.id;
this.effectState.sourceEffect = effect.sourceEffect;
onLockMove() {
return this.effectState.move;
invulnerability: {
// Dig/Fly
name: 'invulnerability',
onInvulnerability(target, source, move) {
if (target === source) return true;
if (move.id === 'swift' || move.id === 'transform') return true;
this.add('-message', 'The foe ' + target.name + ' can\'t be hit while invulnerable!');
return false;