/** | |
* Computer-Generated Teams | |
* | |
* Generates teams based on heuristics, most of which carry over across generations. | |
* Teams generated will not always be competitively great, but they will have variety | |
* and be fun to play (i.e., tries to avoid awful sets). | |
* | |
* The [Gen 9] Computer-Generated Teams format is personally maintained by Annika, | |
* and is not part of any official Smogon or PS format selection. If you enjoy playing | |
* with teams you didn't make yourself, you may want to check out Random Battles, Battle Factory, | |
* and/or the sample teams for usage-based formats like OU. | |
* | |
* The core of the generator is the weightedRandomPick function, which chooses from an array | |
* of options based on a weight associated with each option. This way, better/stronger/more useful options | |
* are more likely to be chosen, but there's still an opportunity for weaker, more situational, | |
* or higher-risk/higher-reward options to be chosen. However, for moves, the 'worst' moves are excluded | |
* altogether, both to reduce the likelihood of a bad moveset and improve generator performance. | |
* | |
* Certain less-relevant aspects of the set are not randomized at all, such as: | |
* - IVs (all 31s, with 0 Attack IV if the Pokémon has no Physical moves in case of Confusion) | |
* - EVs (84 per stat, for +21 to each) | |
* - Nature (always Quirky, which has no effect) | |
* - Happiness (there are no Happiness-based moves in Gen IX) | |
* | |
* Currently, leveling is based on a Pokémon's position within Smogon's usage-based tiers, | |
* but an automatic leveling system is planned for the future. This would involve storing win and loss | |
* data by Pokémon species in a database, and increasing and decreasing the levels of Pokémon species | |
* each day based on their win/loss ratio. For example, if 60% of matches with a Pokémon species are wins, | |
* the species is probably overleveled! | |
* | |
* Other aspects of the team generator that may be worth implementing in the future include: | |
* - Explicit support for weather-oriented teams (boosting moves and typings that synergize with that weather) | |
* - Tracking type coverage to make it more likely that a moveset can hit every type | |
*/ | |
import { Dex, PRNG, SQL } from '../sim'; | |
import type { EventMethods } from '../sim/dex-conditions'; | |
import { | |
} from './cg-team-data'; | |
interface TeamStats { | |
hazardSetters: { [moveid: string]: number }; | |
typeWeaknesses: { [type: string]: number }; | |
hazardRemovers: number; | |
} | |
interface MovesStats { | |
attackTypes: { [type: string]: number }; | |
setup: { atk: number, def: number, spa: number, spd: number, spe: number }; | |
noSleepTalk: number; | |
hazards: number; | |
stallingMoves: number; | |
nonStatusMoves: number; | |
healing: number; | |
} | |
// We put a limit on the number of Pokémon on a team that can be weak to a given type. | |
const MAX_WEAK_TO_SAME_TYPE = 3; | |
/** An estimate of the highest raw speed in the metagame */ | |
const TOP_SPEED = 300; | |
const levelOverride: { [speciesID: string]: number } = {}; | |
export let levelUpdateInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; | |
// can't import the function cg-teams-leveling.ts uses to this context for some reason | |
const useBaseSpecies = [ | |
'Pikachu', | |
'Gastrodon', | |
'Magearna', | |
'Dudunsparce', | |
'Maushold', | |
'Keldeo', | |
'Zarude', | |
'Polteageist', | |
'Sinistcha', | |
'Sawsbuck', | |
'Vivillon', | |
'Florges', | |
'Minior', | |
'Toxtricity', | |
'Tatsugiri', | |
'Alcremie', | |
]; | |
async function updateLevels(database: SQL.DatabaseManager) { | |
const updateSpecies = await database.prepare( | |
'UPDATE gen9computergeneratedteams SET wins = 0, losses = 0, level = ? WHERE species_id = ?' | |
); | |
const updateHistory = await database.prepare( | |
`INSERT INTO gen9_historical_levels (level, species_id, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ${})` | |
); | |
const data = await database.all('SELECT species_id, wins, losses, level FROM gen9computergeneratedteams'); | |
for (let { species_id, wins, losses, level } of data) { | |
const total = wins + losses; | |
if (total > 10) { | |
if (wins / total >= 0.55) level--; | |
if (wins / total <= 0.45) level++; | |
level = Math.max(1, Math.min(100, level)); | |
await updateSpecies?.run([level, species_id]); | |
await updateHistory?.run([level, species_id]); | |
} | |
levelOverride[species_id] = level; | |
} | |
} | |
if (global.Config && Config.usesqlite && Config.usesqliteleveling) { | |
const database = SQL(module, { file: './databases/battlestats.db' }); | |
// update every 2 hours | |
void updateLevels(database); | |
levelUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => void updateLevels(database), 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2); | |
} | |
export default class TeamGenerator { | |
dex: ModdedDex; | |
format: Format; | |
teamSize: number; | |
forceLevel?: number; | |
prng: PRNG; | |
itemPool: Item[]; | |
specialItems: { [pokemon: string]: string }; | |
constructor(format: Format | string, seed: PRNG | PRNGSeed | null) { | |
this.dex = Dex.forFormat(format); | |
this.format = Dex.formats.get(format); | |
this.teamSize = this.format.ruleTable?.maxTeamSize || 6; | |
this.prng = PRNG.get(seed); | |
this.itemPool = this.dex.items.all().filter(i => i.exists && i.isNonstandard !== 'Past' && !i.isPokeball); | |
this.specialItems = {}; | |
for (const i of this.itemPool) { | |
if (i.itemUser && !i.isNonstandard) { | |
for (const user of i.itemUser) { | |
if (Dex.species.get(user).requiredItems?.[0] !== this.specialItems[user] =; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
const rules = Dex.formats.getRuleTable(this.format); | |
if (rules.adjustLevel) this.forceLevel = rules.adjustLevel; | |
} | |
getTeam(): PokemonSet[] { | |
let speciesPool = this.dex.species.all().filter(s => { | |
if (!s.exists) return false; | |
if (s.isNonstandard || s.isNonstandard === 'Unobtainable') return false; | |
if (s.nfe) return false; | |
if (s.battleOnly && (!s.requiredItems?.length ||'-Tera'))) return false; | |
return true; | |
}); | |
const teamStats: TeamStats = { | |
hazardSetters: {}, | |
typeWeaknesses: {}, | |
hazardRemovers: 0, | |
}; | |
const team: PokemonSet[] = []; | |
while (team.length < this.teamSize && speciesPool.length) { | |
const species = this.prng.sample(speciesPool); | |
const haveRoomToReject = speciesPool.length >= (this.teamSize - team.length); | |
const isGoodFit = this.speciesIsGoodFit(species, teamStats); | |
if (haveRoomToReject && !isGoodFit) continue; | |
speciesPool = speciesPool.filter(s => s.baseSpecies !== species.baseSpecies); | |
team.push(this.makeSet(species, teamStats)); | |
} | |
return team; | |
} | |
protected makeSet(species: Species, teamStats: TeamStats): PokemonSet { | |
const abilityPool: string[] = Object.values(species.abilities); | |
const abilityWeights = => this.getAbilityWeight(this.dex.abilities.get(a))); | |
const ability = this.weightedRandomPick(abilityPool, abilityWeights); | |
const level = this.forceLevel || TeamGenerator.getLevel(species); | |
const moves: Move[] = []; | |
let movesStats: MovesStats = { | |
setup: { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 }, | |
attackTypes: {}, | |
noSleepTalk: 0, | |
hazards: 0, | |
stallingMoves: 0, | |
healing: 0, | |
nonStatusMoves: 0, | |
}; | |
let movePool: IDEntry[] = [...this.dex.species.getMovePool(]; | |
if (!movePool.length) throw new Error(`No moves for ${}`); | |
// Consider either the top 15 moves or top 30% of moves, whichever is greater. | |
const numberOfMovesToConsider = Math.min(movePool.length, Math.max(15, Math.trunc(movePool.length * 0.3))); | |
let movePoolIsTrimmed = false; | |
// Many moves' weights, such as Swords Dance, are dependent on having other moves in the moveset already | |
// and end up very low when calculated with no moves chosen. This makes it difficult to add these moves without | |
// weighing every move 4 times, and trimming once after the initial weighing makes them impossible for most Pokemon. | |
// To get around this, after weighing against an empty moveset, trimming, and adding three moves, we weigh ALL | |
// moves again against the populated moveset, then put the chosen 3 moves back into the pool with their | |
// original empty-set weights, trim the pool again, and start over. This process results in about 15% fewer calls | |
// to getMoveWeight than considering every move every time does. | |
let isRound2 = false; | |
// this is just a second reference the array because movePool gets set to point to a new array before the old one | |
// gets mutated | |
const movePoolCopy = movePool; | |
let interimMovePool: { move: IDEntry, weight: number }[] = []; | |
while (moves.length < 4 && movePool.length) { | |
let weights; | |
if (!movePoolIsTrimmed) { | |
if (!isRound2) { | |
for (const moveID of movePool) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveID); | |
const weight = this.getMoveWeight(move, teamStats, species, moves, movesStats, ability, level); | |
interimMovePool.push({ move: moveID, weight }); | |
} | |
interimMovePool.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight); | |
} else { | |
const originalWeights: typeof interimMovePool = []; | |
for (const move of moves) { | |
originalWeights.push(interimMovePool.find(m => m.move ===!); | |
} | |
interimMovePool = originalWeights; | |
for (const moveID of movePoolCopy) { | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveID); | |
if (moves.includes(move)) continue; | |
const weight = this.getMoveWeight(move, teamStats, species, moves, movesStats, ability, level); | |
interimMovePool.push({ move: moveID, weight }); | |
} | |
interimMovePool.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight); | |
moves.splice(0); | |
movesStats = { | |
setup: { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 }, | |
attackTypes: {}, | |
noSleepTalk: 0, | |
hazards: 0, | |
stallingMoves: 0, | |
healing: 0, | |
nonStatusMoves: 0, | |
}; | |
} | |
movePool = []; | |
weights = []; | |
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfMovesToConsider; i++) { | |
movePool.push(interimMovePool[i].move); | |
weights.push(interimMovePool[i].weight); | |
} | |
movePoolIsTrimmed = true; | |
} else { | |
weights = | |
m => this.getMoveWeight(this.dex.moves.get(m), teamStats, species, moves, movesStats, ability, level) | |
); | |
} | |
const moveID = this.weightedRandomPick(movePool, weights, { remove: true }); | |
const move = this.dex.moves.get(moveID); | |
moves.push(move); | |
if (TeamGenerator.moveIsHazard(moves[moves.length - 1])) { | |
teamStats.hazardSetters[moveID] = (teamStats.hazardSetters[moveID] || 0) + 1; | |
movesStats.hazards++; | |
} | |
if (['defog', 'courtchange', 'tidyup', 'rapidspin', 'mortalspin'].includes(moveID)) teamStats.hazardRemovers++; | |
const boosts = move.boosts || move.self?.boosts || move.selfBoost?.boosts || | |
ability !== 'Sheer Force' && move.secondary?.self?.boosts; | |
if (move.category === 'Status') { | |
if (boosts) { | |
for (const stat in boosts) { | |
const chance = Math.min(100, move.secondary?.chance || 100 * (ability === 'Serene Grace' ? 2 : 1)); | |
const boost = (boosts[stat as StatIDExceptHP] || 0) * chance / 100; | |
if (boost) { | |
if (movesStats.setup[stat as StatIDExceptHP] < 0 && boost > 0) { | |
movesStats.setup[stat as StatIDExceptHP] = boost; | |
} else { | |
movesStats.setup[stat as StatIDExceptHP] += boost; | |
} | |
if (boost > 1) movesStats.noSleepTalk++; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
movesStats.noSleepTalk++; | |
} | |
if (move.heal) movesStats.healing++; | |
if (move.stallingMove) movesStats.stallingMoves++; | |
} else { | |
movesStats.nonStatusMoves++; | |
const bp = +move.basePower; | |
const moveType = TeamGenerator.moveType(move, species); | |
if (movesStats.attackTypes[moveType] < bp) movesStats.attackTypes[moveType] = bp; | |
} | |
if (!isRound2 && moves.length === 3) { | |
isRound2 = true; | |
movePoolIsTrimmed = false; | |
continue; | |
} | |
// add paired moves, like RestTalk | |
const pairedMove = MOVE_PAIRINGS[moveID]; | |
const alreadyHavePairedMove = moves.some(m => === pairedMove); | |
if ( | |
moves.length < 4 && | |
pairedMove && | |
!(pairedMove === 'sleeptalk' && movesStats.noSleepTalk) && | |
!alreadyHavePairedMove && | |
// We don't check movePool because sometimes paired moves are bad. | |
this.dex.species.getLearnsetData([pairedMove] | |
) { | |
moves.push(this.dex.moves.get(pairedMove)); | |
const pairedMoveIndex = movePool.indexOf(pairedMove); | |
if (pairedMoveIndex > -1) movePool.splice(pairedMoveIndex, 1); | |
} | |
} | |
let item = ''; | |
const nonStatusMoves = moves.filter(m => this.dex.moves.get(m).category !== 'Status'); | |
if (species.requiredItem) { | |
item = species.requiredItem; | |
} else if (species.requiredItems) { | |
item = this.prng.sample(species.requiredItems.filter(i => !this.dex.items.get(i).isNonstandard)); | |
} else if (this.specialItems[] && nonStatusMoves.length) { | |
// If the species has a special item, we should use it. | |
item = this.specialItems[]; | |
} else if (moves.every(m => !== 'acrobatics')) { // Don't assign an item if the set includes Acrobatics... | |
const weights = []; | |
const items = []; | |
for (const i of this.itemPool) { | |
const weight = this.getItemWeight(i, teamStats, species, moves, ability, level); | |
if (weight !== 0) { | |
weights.push(weight); | |
items.push(; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!item) item = this.weightedRandomPick(items, weights); | |
} else if (['Quark Drive', 'Protosynthesis'].includes(ability)) { | |
// ...unless the Pokemon can use Booster Energy | |
item = 'Booster Energy'; | |
} | |
const ivs: PokemonSet['ivs'] = { | |
hp: 31, | |
atk: moves.some(move => this.dex.moves.get(move).category === 'Physical') ? 31 : 0, | |
def: 31, | |
spa: 31, | |
spd: 31, | |
spe: 31, | |
}; | |
// For Tera Type, we just pick a random type if it's got Tera Blast, Revelation Dance, or no attacking moves, | |
// and the type of one of its attacking moves otherwise (so it can take advantage of the boosts). | |
// Pokemon with 3 or more attack types and Pokemon with both Tera Blast and Contrary can also get Stellar type | |
// but Pokemon with Adaptability never get Stellar because Tera Stellar makes Adaptability have no effect | |
// Ogerpon's formes are forced to the Tera type that matches their forme | |
// Terapagos is forced to Stellar type | |
// Pokemon with Black Sludge don't generally want to tera to a type other than Poison | |
const hasTeraBlast = moves.some(m => === 'terablast'); | |
const hasRevelationDance = moves.some(m => === 'revelationdance'); | |
let teraType; | |
if (species.forceTeraType) { | |
teraType = species.forceTeraType; | |
} else if (item === 'blacksludge' && this.prng.randomChance(2, 3)) { | |
teraType = 'Poison'; | |
} else if (hasTeraBlast && ability === 'Contrary' && this.prng.randomChance(2, 3)) { | |
teraType = 'Stellar'; | |
} else { | |
let types = => TeamGenerator.moveType(this.dex.moves.get(m), species)); | |
const noStellar = ability === 'Adaptability' || new Set(types).size < 3; | |
if (hasTeraBlast || hasRevelationDance || !nonStatusMoves.length) { | |
types = [...this.dex.types.names()]; | |
if (noStellar) types.splice(types.indexOf('Stellar')); | |
} else { | |
if (!noStellar) types.push('Stellar'); | |
} | |
teraType = this.prng.sample(types); | |
} | |
return { | |
name:, | |
species:, | |
item, | |
ability, | |
moves: =>, | |
nature: 'Quirky', | |
gender: species.gender, | |
evs: { hp: 84, atk: 84, def: 84, spa: 84, spd: 84, spe: 84 }, | |
ivs, | |
level, | |
teraType, | |
shiny: this.prng.randomChance(1, 1024), | |
happiness: 255, | |
}; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns true if the Pokémon is a good fit for the team so far, and no otherwise | |
*/ | |
protected speciesIsGoodFit(species: Species, stats: TeamStats): boolean { | |
// type check | |
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) { | |
const effectiveness = this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species.types); | |
if (effectiveness === 1) { // WEAKNESS! | |
if (stats.typeWeaknesses[typeName] === undefined) { | |
stats.typeWeaknesses[typeName] = 0; | |
} | |
if (stats.typeWeaknesses[typeName] >= MAX_WEAK_TO_SAME_TYPE) { | |
// too many weaknesses to this type | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// species passes; increment counters | |
for (const typeName of this.dex.types.names()) { | |
const effectiveness = this.dex.getEffectiveness(typeName, species.types); | |
if (effectiveness === 1) { | |
stats.typeWeaknesses[typeName]++; | |
} | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A weighting for the Pokémon's ability. | |
*/ | |
protected getAbilityWeight(ability: Ability): number { | |
return ability.rating + 1; // Some ability ratings are -1 | |
} | |
protected static moveIsHazard(move: Move): boolean { | |
return !!(move.sideCondition && === 'foeSide') || ['stoneaxe', 'ceaselessedge'].includes(; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A weight for a given move on a given Pokémon. | |
*/ | |
protected getMoveWeight( | |
move: Move, | |
teamStats: TeamStats, | |
species: Species, | |
movesSoFar: Move[], | |
movesStats: MovesStats, | |
ability: string, | |
level: number, | |
): number { | |
if (!move.exists) return 0; | |
// this is NOT doubles, so there will be no adjacent ally | |
if ( === 'adjacentAlly') return 0; | |
// There's an argument to be made for using Terapagos-Stellar's stats instead | |
// but the important thing is to not use Terapagos-Base's stats since it never battles in that forme | |
if (ability === 'Tera Shift') species = this.dex.species.get('Terapagos-Terastal'); | |
// Attack and Special Attack are scaled by level^2 because in addition to stats themselves being scaled by level, | |
// damage dealt by attacks is also scaled by the user's level | |
const adjustedStats: StatsTable = { | |
hp: species.baseStats.hp * level / 100 + level, | |
atk: species.baseStats.atk * level * level / 10000, | |
def: species.baseStats.def * level / 100, | |
spa: * level * level / 10000, | |
spd: species.baseStats.spd * level / 100, | |
spe: species.baseStats.spe * level / 100, | |
}; | |
if (move.category === 'Status') { | |
// The initial value of this weight determines how valuable status moves are vs. attacking moves. | |
// You can raise it to make random status moves more valuable or lower it and increase multipliers | |
// to make only CERTAIN status moves valuable. | |
let weight = 2400; | |
// inflicts status | |
if (move.status) weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight(move.status) * 2; | |
// hazard setters: very important, but we don't need 2 pokemon to set the same hazard on a team | |
if (TeamGenerator.moveIsHazard(move) && (teamStats.hazardSetters[] || 0) < 1) { | |
weight *= === 'spikes' ? 12 : 16; | |
// if we are ALREADY setting hazards, setting MORE is really good | |
if (movesStats.hazards) weight *= 2; | |
} | |
// hazard removers: even more important than hazard setters, since they remove everything at once | |
// we still don't need too many on one team, though | |
if (['defog', 'courtchange', 'tidyup'].includes( && !teamStats.hazardRemovers) { | |
weight *= 32; | |
// these moves can also lessen the effectiveness of the user's team's own hazards | |
weight *= 0.8 ** Object.values(teamStats.hazardSetters).reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0); | |
} | |
// boosts | |
weight *= this.boostWeight(move, movesSoFar, species, ability, level); | |
weight *= this.opponentDebuffWeight(move); | |
// nonstandard boosting moves | |
if ( === 'focusenergy' && ability !== 'Super Luck') { | |
const highCritMoves = movesSoFar.filter(m => m.critRatio && m.critRatio > 1); | |
weight *= 1 + highCritMoves.length * (ability === 'Sniper' ? 2 : 1); | |
} else if ( === 'tailwind' && ability === 'Wind Rider' && movesSoFar.some(m => m.category === 'Physical')) { | |
weight *= 2.5; // grants +1 attack, but isn't spammable | |
} | |
// protection moves - useful for bulky/stally pokemon | |
if (!movesStats.stallingMoves) { | |
if (adjustedStats.def >= 80 || adjustedStats.spd >= 80 || adjustedStats.hp >= 80) { | |
switch (move.volatileStatus) { | |
case 'endure': | |
weight *= 2; | |
break; | |
case 'protect': | |
weight *= 3; | |
break; | |
case 'kingsshield': case 'silktrap': | |
weight *= 4; | |
break; | |
case 'banefulbunker': case 'burningbulwark': case 'spikyshield': | |
weight *= 5; | |
break; | |
default: | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Hardcoded boosts | |
// Rest and Sleep Talk are pretty bad on Pokemon that can't fall asleep | |
const sleepImmunities = [ | |
'Comatose', | |
'Purifying Salt', | |
'Shields Down', | |
'Insomnia', | |
'Vital Spirit', | |
'Sweet Veil', | |
'Misty Surge', | |
'Electric Surge', | |
'Hadron Engine', | |
]; | |
if (['sleeptalk', 'rest'].includes( && sleepImmunities.includes(ability)) return 0; | |
// Sleep Talk is bad with moves that can't be used repeatedly, a.k.a. most status moves | |
// the exceptions allowed here are moves which boost a stat by exactly 1 and moves that wake the user up | |
if ( === 'sleeptalk') { | |
if (movesStats.noSleepTalk) weight *= 0.1; | |
} else if (movesSoFar.some(m => === 'sleeptalk')) { | |
let sleepTalkSpammable = ['takeheart', 'junglehealing', 'healbell'].includes(; | |
if (move.boosts) { | |
for (const stat in move.boosts) { | |
if (move.boosts[stat as StatIDExceptHP] === 1) { | |
sleepTalkSpammable = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (!sleepTalkSpammable) weight *= 0.1; | |
} | |
// Pokémon with high Attack and Special Attack stats shouldn't have too many status moves, | |
// but on bulkier Pokémon it's more likely to be worth it. | |
const goodAttacker = adjustedStats.atk > 65 || > 65; | |
if (goodAttacker && movesStats.nonStatusMoves < 2) { | |
weight *= 0.3; | |
} | |
if (movesSoFar.length === 3 && movesStats.nonStatusMoves === 0) { | |
// uh oh | |
weight *= 0.6; | |
for (const stat in movesStats.setup) { | |
if (movesStats.setup[stat as StatIDExceptHP] > 0) { | |
// having no attacks is bad; having setup but no attacks is REALLY bad | |
weight *= 0.6; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// don't need 2 healing moves | |
if (move.heal && movesStats.healing) weight *= 0.5; | |
return weight; | |
} | |
let basePower = move.basePower; | |
// For Grass Knot and friends, let's just assume they average out to around 60 base power. | |
// Same with Crush Grip and Hard Press | |
if (WEIGHT_BASED_MOVES.includes( || TARGET_HP_BASED_MOVES.includes( basePower = 60; | |
/** A value from 0 to 1, where 0 is the fastest and 1 is the slowest */ | |
const slownessRating = Math.max(0, TOP_SPEED - adjustedStats.spe) / TOP_SPEED; | |
// not how this calc works but it should be close enough | |
if ( === 'gyroball') basePower = 150 * slownessRating * slownessRating; | |
if ( === 'electroball') basePower = 150 * (1 - slownessRating) * (1 - slownessRating); | |
let baseStat = move.category === 'Physical' ? adjustedStats.atk :; | |
if ( === 'foulplay') baseStat = adjustedStats.spe * level / 100; | |
if ( === 'bodypress') baseStat = adjustedStats.def * level / 100; | |
// 10% bonus for never-miss moves | |
let accuracy = move.accuracy === true || ability === 'No Guard' ? 110 : move.accuracy; | |
if (accuracy < 100) { | |
if (ability === 'Compound Eyes') accuracy = Math.min(100, Math.round(accuracy * 1.3)); | |
if (ability === 'Victory Star') accuracy = Math.min(100, Math.round(accuracy * 1.1)); | |
} | |
accuracy /= 100; | |
const moveType = TeamGenerator.moveType(move, species); | |
let powerEstimate = basePower * baseStat * accuracy; | |
// STAB | |
if (species.types.includes(moveType)) powerEstimate *= ability === 'Adaptability' ? 2 : 1.5; | |
if (ability === 'Technician' && move.basePower <= 60) powerEstimate *= 1.5; | |
if (ability === 'Sheer Force' && (move.secondary || move.secondaries)) powerEstimate *= 1.3; | |
const numberOfHits = Array.isArray(move.multihit) ? | |
(ability === 'Skill Link' ? move.multihit[1] : (move.multihit[0] + move.multihit[1]) / 2) : | |
move.multihit || 1; | |
powerEstimate *= numberOfHits; | |
if (species.requiredItems) { | |
const item: Item & EventMethods = this.dex.items.get(this.specialItems[]); | |
if (item.onBasePower && (species.types.includes(moveType) ||'Mask'))) powerEstimate *= 1.2; | |
} else if (this.specialItems[]) { | |
const item: Item & EventMethods = this.dex.items.get(this.specialItems[]); | |
if (item.onBasePower && species.types.includes(moveType)) powerEstimate *= 1.2; | |
if ( === 'lightball') powerEstimate *= 2; | |
} | |
// If it uses the attacking stat that we don't boost, it's less useful! | |
const specialSetup =; | |
const physicalSetup = movesStats.setup.atk; | |
if (move.category === 'Physical' && !['bodypress', 'foulplay'].includes( { | |
powerEstimate *= Math.max(0.5, 1 + physicalSetup) / Math.max(0.5, 1 + specialSetup); | |
} | |
if (move.category === 'Special') powerEstimate *= Math.max(0.5, 1 + specialSetup) / Math.max(0.5, 1 + physicalSetup); | |
const abilityBonus = ( | |
(ABILITY_MOVE_BONUSES[this.dex.toID(ability)]?.[] || 1) * | |
(ABILITY_MOVE_TYPE_BONUSES[this.dex.toID(ability)]?.[moveType] || 1) | |
); | |
let weight = powerEstimate * abilityBonus; | |
// semi-hardcoded move weights that depend on having control over the item | |
if (!this.specialItems[] && !species.requiredItem) { | |
if ( === 'acrobatics') weight *= 1.75; | |
if ( === 'facade') { | |
if (!['Comatose', 'Purifying Salt', 'Shields Down', 'Natural Cure', 'Misty Surge'].includes(ability)) weight *= 1.5; | |
} | |
} | |
// priority is more useful when you're slower | |
// except Upper Hand, which is anti-priority and thus better on faster Pokemon | |
// TODO: make weight scale with priority | |
if (move.priority > 0 && !== 'upperhand') weight *= (Math.max(105 - adjustedStats.spe, 0) / 105) * 0.5 + 1; | |
if (move.priority < 0 || === 'upperhand') weight *= Math.min((1 / adjustedStats.spe) * 25, 1); | |
// flags | |
if (move.flags.charge || (move.flags.recharge && ability !== 'Truant')) weight *= 0.5; | |
if ( { | |
if (ability === 'Tough Claws') weight *= 1.3; | |
if (ability === 'Unseen Fist') weight *= 1.1; | |
if (ability === 'Poison Touch') weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight('psn', 1 - (0.7 ** numberOfHits)); | |
} | |
if (move.flags.bite && ability === 'Strong Jaw') weight *= 1.5; | |
// 5% boost for ability to break subs | |
if (move.flags.bypasssub) weight *= 1.05; | |
if (move.flags.pulse && ability === 'Mega Launcher') weight *= 1.5; | |
if (move.flags.punch && ability === 'Iron Fist') weight *= 1.2; | |
if (!move.flags.protect) weight *= 1.05; | |
if (move.flags.slicing && ability === 'Sharpness') weight *= 1.5; | |
if (move.flags.sound && ability === 'Punk Rock') weight *= 1.3; | |
// boosts/secondaries | |
// TODO: consider more possible secondaries | |
weight *= this.boostWeight(move, movesSoFar, species, ability, level); | |
const secondaryChance = Math.min((move.secondary?.chance || 100) * (ability === 'Serene Grace' ? 2 : 1) / 100, 100); | |
if (move.secondary || move.secondaries) { | |
if (ability === 'Sheer Force') { | |
weight *= 1.3; | |
} else { | |
const secondaries = move.secondaries || [move.secondary!]; | |
for (const secondary of secondaries) { | |
if (secondary.status) { | |
weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight(secondary.status, secondaryChance, slownessRating); | |
if (ability === 'Poison Puppeteer' && ['psn', 'tox'].includes(secondary.status)) { | |
weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight('confusion', secondaryChance); | |
} | |
} | |
if (secondary.volatileStatus) { | |
weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight(secondary.volatileStatus, secondaryChance, slownessRating); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (ability === 'Toxic Chain') weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight('tox', 1 - (0.7 ** numberOfHits)); | |
// Special effect if something special happened earlier in the turn | |
// More useful on slower Pokemon | |
if ( === 'lashout') weight *= 1 + 0.2 * slownessRating; | |
if ( === 'burningjealousy') weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight('brn', 0.2 * slownessRating); | |
if ( === 'alluringvoice') weight *= TeamGenerator.statusWeight('confusion', 0.2 * slownessRating); | |
// self-inflicted confusion or locking yourself in | |
if (move.self?.volatileStatus) weight *= 0.8; | |
// downweight moves if we already have an attacking move of the same type | |
if ((movesStats.attackTypes[moveType] || 0) > 60) weight *= 0.3; | |
if (move.selfdestruct) weight *= 0.3; | |
if (move.recoil && ability !== 'Rock Head' && ability !== 'Magic Guard') { | |
weight *= 1 - (move.recoil[0] / move.recoil[1]); | |
if (ability === 'Reckless') weight *= 1.2; | |
} | |
if (move.hasCrashDamage && ability !== 'Magic Guard') { | |
weight *= 1 - 0.75 * (1.2 - accuracy); | |
if (ability === 'Reckless') weight *= 1.2; | |
} | |
if (move.mindBlownRecoil) weight *= 0.25; | |
if (move.flags['futuremove']) weight *= 0.3; | |
let critRate = move.willCrit ? 4 : move.critRatio || 1; | |
if (ability === 'Super Luck') critRate++; | |
if (movesSoFar.some(m => === 'focusenergy')) { | |
critRate += 2; | |
weight *= 0.9; // a penalty the extra turn of setup | |
} | |
if (critRate > 4) critRate = 4; | |
weight *= 1 + [0, 1 / 24, 1 / 8, 1 / 2, 1][critRate] * (ability === 'Sniper' ? 1 : 0.5); | |
// these two hazard removers don't clear hazards on the opponent's field, but can be blocked by type immunities | |
if (['rapidspin', 'mortalspin'].includes( { | |
weight *= 1 + 20 * (0.25 ** teamStats.hazardRemovers); | |
} | |
// these moves have a hard-coded 16x bonus | |
if ( === 'stoneaxe' && teamStats.hazardSetters.stealthrock) weight /= 4; | |
if ( === 'ceaselessedge' && teamStats.hazardSetters.spikes) weight /= 2; | |
if (move.drain) { | |
const drainedFraction = move.drain[0] / move.drain[1]; | |
weight *= 1 + (drainedFraction * 0.5); | |
} | |
// Oricorio should rarely get Tera Blast, as Revelation Dance is strictly better | |
// Tera Blast is also bad on species with forced Tera types, a.k.a. Ogerpon and Terapagos | |
if ( === 'terablast' && (species.baseSpecies === 'Oricorio' || species.forceTeraType)) weight *= 0.5; | |
return weight; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns The effective type of moves with variable types such as Judgment | |
*/ | |
protected static moveType(move: Move, species: Species) { | |
switch ( { | |
case 'ivycudgel': | |
case 'ragingbull': | |
if (species.types.length > 1) return species.types[1]; | |
// falls through for Ogerpon and Tauros's respective base formes | |
case 'judgment': | |
case 'revelationdance': | |
return species.types[0]; | |
} | |
return move.type; | |
} | |
protected static moveIsPhysical(move: Move, species: Species) { | |
if (move.category === 'Physical') { | |
return !(move.damageCallback || move.damage); | |
} else if (['terablast', 'terastarstorm', 'photongeyser', 'shellsidearm'].includes( { | |
return species.baseStats.atk >; | |
} else { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
protected static moveIsSpecial(move: Move, species: Species) { | |
if (move.category === 'Special') { | |
return !(move.damageCallback || move.damage); | |
} else if (['terablast', 'terastarstorm', 'photongeyser', 'shellsidearm'].includes( { | |
return species.baseStats.atk <=; | |
} else { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A multiplier to a move weighting based on the status it inflicts. | |
*/ | |
protected static statusWeight(status: string, chance = 1, slownessRating?: number): number { | |
if (chance !== 1) return 1 + (TeamGenerator.statusWeight(status) - 1) * chance; | |
switch (status) { | |
case 'brn': return 2; | |
case 'frz': return 5; | |
// paralysis is especially valuable on slow pokemon that can become faster than an opponent by paralyzing it | |
// but some pokemon are so slow that most paralyzed pokemon would still outspeed them anyway | |
case 'par': return slownessRating && slownessRating > 0.25 ? 2 + slownessRating : 2; | |
case 'psn': return 1.75; | |
case 'tox': return 4; | |
case 'slp': return 4; | |
case 'confusion': return 1.5; | |
case 'healblock': return 1.75; | |
case 'flinch': return slownessRating ? slownessRating * 3 : 1; | |
case 'saltcure': return 2; | |
case 'sparklingaria': return 0.95; | |
case 'syrupbomb': return 1.5; | |
} | |
return 1; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A multiplier to a move weighting based on the boosts it produces for the user. | |
*/ | |
protected boostWeight(move: Move, movesSoFar: Move[], species: Species, ability: string, level: number): number { | |
const physicalIsRelevant = ( | |
TeamGenerator.moveIsPhysical(move, species) || | |
movesSoFar.some( | |
m => TeamGenerator.moveIsPhysical(m, species) && !m.overrideOffensiveStat && !m.overrideOffensivePokemon | |
) | |
); | |
const specialIsRelevant = ( | |
TeamGenerator.moveIsSpecial(move, species) || | |
movesSoFar.some(m => TeamGenerator.moveIsSpecial(m, species)) | |
); | |
const adjustedStats: StatsTable = { | |
hp: species.baseStats.hp * level / 100 + level, | |
atk: species.baseStats.atk * level * level / 10000, | |
def: species.baseStats.def * level / 100, | |
spa: * level * level / 10000, | |
spd: species.baseStats.spd * level / 100, | |
spe: species.baseStats.spe * level / 100, | |
}; | |
let weight = 0; | |
const accuracy = move.accuracy === true ? 100 : move.accuracy / 100; | |
const secondaryChance = move.secondary && ability !== 'Sheer Force' ? | |
Math.min(((move.secondary.chance || 100) * (ability === 'Serene Grace' ? 2 : 1) / 100), 100) * accuracy : 0; | |
const abilityMod = ability === 'Simple' ? 2 : ability === 'Contrary' ? -1 : 1; | |
const bodyPressMod = movesSoFar.some(m => === 'bodyPress') ? 2 : 1; | |
const electroBallMod = movesSoFar.some(m => === 'electroball') ? 2 : 1; | |
for (const { chance, boosts } of [ | |
{ chance: 1, boosts: move.boosts }, | |
{ chance: 1, boosts: move.self?.boosts }, | |
{ chance: 1, boosts: move.selfBoost?.boosts }, | |
{ | |
chance: secondaryChance, | |
boosts: move.secondary?.self?.boosts, | |
}, | |
]) { | |
if (!boosts || chance === 0) continue; | |
const statusMod = move.category === 'Status' ? 1 : 0.5; | |
if (boosts.atk && physicalIsRelevant) weight += chance * boosts.atk * abilityMod * 2 * statusMod; | |
if ( && specialIsRelevant) weight += chance * * abilityMod * 2 * statusMod; | |
// TODO: should these scale by base stat magnitude instead of using ternaries? | |
// defense/special defense boost is less useful if we have some bulk to start with | |
if (boosts.def) { | |
weight += chance * boosts.def * abilityMod * bodyPressMod * (adjustedStats.def > 60 ? 0.5 : 1) * statusMod; | |
} | |
if (boosts.spd) weight += chance * boosts.spd * abilityMod * (adjustedStats.spd > 60 ? 0.5 : 1) * statusMod; | |
// speed boost is less useful for fast pokemon | |
if (boosts.spe) { | |
weight += chance * boosts.spe * abilityMod * electroBallMod * (adjustedStats.spe > 95 ? 0.5 : 1) * statusMod; | |
} | |
} | |
return weight >= 0 ? 1 + weight : 1 / (1 - weight); | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A weight for a move based on how much it will reduce the opponent's stats. | |
*/ | |
protected opponentDebuffWeight(move: Move): number { | |
if (!['allAdjacentFoes', 'allAdjacent', 'foeSide', 'normal'].includes( return 1; | |
let averageNumberOfDebuffs = 0; | |
for (const { chance, boosts } of [ | |
{ chance: 1, boosts: move.boosts }, | |
{ | |
chance: move.secondary ? ((move.secondary.chance || 100) / 100) : 0, | |
boosts: move.secondary?.boosts, | |
}, | |
]) { | |
if (!boosts || chance === 0) continue; | |
const numBoosts = Object.values(boosts).filter(x => x < 0).length; | |
averageNumberOfDebuffs += chance * numBoosts; | |
} | |
return 1 + (0.5 * averageNumberOfDebuffs); | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns A weight for an item. | |
*/ | |
protected getItemWeight( | |
item: Item, teamStats: TeamStats, species: Species, moves: Move[], ability: string, level: number | |
): number { | |
const adjustedStats: StatsTable = { | |
hp: species.baseStats.hp * level / 100 + level, | |
atk: species.baseStats.atk * level * level / 10000, | |
def: species.baseStats.def * level / 100, | |
spa: * level * level / 10000, | |
spd: species.baseStats.spd * level / 100, | |
spe: species.baseStats.spe * level / 100, | |
}; | |
const statusImmunities = ['Comatose', 'Purifying Salt', 'Shields Down', 'Natural Cure', 'Misty Surge']; | |
let weight; | |
switch ( { | |
// Choice Items | |
case 'choiceband': | |
return moves.every(x => TeamGenerator.moveIsPhysical(x, species)) ? 50 : 0; | |
case 'choicespecs': | |
return moves.every(x => TeamGenerator.moveIsSpecial(x, species)) ? 50 : 0; | |
case 'choicescarf': | |
if (moves.some(x => x.category === 'Status' || x.secondary?.self?.boosts?.spe)) return 0; | |
if (adjustedStats.spe > 50 && adjustedStats.spe < 120) return 50; | |
return 10; | |
// Generally Decent Items | |
case 'lifeorb': | |
return moves.filter(x => x.category !== 'Status' && !x.damage && !x.damageCallback).length * 8; | |
case 'focussash': | |
if (ability === 'Sturdy') return 0; | |
// frail | |
if (adjustedStats.hp < 65 && adjustedStats.def < 65 && adjustedStats.spd < 65) return 35; | |
return 10; | |
case 'heavydutyboots': | |
switch (this.dex.getEffectiveness('Rock', species)) { | |
case 1: return 30; // super effective | |
case 0: return 10; // neutral | |
} | |
return 5; // not very effective/other | |
case 'assaultvest': | |
if (moves.some(x => x.category === 'Status')) return 0; | |
return 30; | |
case 'scopelens': | |
const attacks = moves.filter(x => x.category !== 'Status' && !x.damage && !x.damageCallback && !x.willCrit); | |
if (moves.some(m => === 'focusenergy')) { | |
if (ability === 'Super Luck') return 0; // we're already lucky enough, thank you | |
return attacks.length * (ability === 'Sniper' ? 16 : 12); | |
} else if (attacks.filter(x => (x.critRatio || 1) > 1).length || ability === 'Super Luck') { | |
return attacks.reduce((total, x) => { | |
let ratio = ability === 'Super Luck' ? 2 : 1; | |
if ((x.critRatio || 1) > 1) ratio++; | |
return total + [0, 3, 6, 12][ratio] * (ability === 'Sniper' ? 4 / 3 : 1); | |
}, 0); | |
} | |
return 0; | |
case 'eviolite': | |
return species.nfe || === 'dipplin' ? 100 : 0; | |
// status | |
case 'flameorb': | |
if (species.types.includes('Fire')) return 0; | |
if (statusImmunities.includes(ability)) return 0; | |
if (['Thermal Exchange', 'Water Bubble', 'Water Veil'].includes(ability)) return 0; | |
weight = ['Guts', 'Flare Boost'].includes(ability) ? 30 : 0; | |
if (moves.some(m => === 'facade')) { | |
if (!weight && !moves.some(m => TeamGenerator.moveIsPhysical(m, species) && !== 'facade')) { | |
weight = 30; | |
} else { | |
weight *= 2; | |
} | |
} | |
return weight; | |
case 'toxicorb': | |
if (species.types.includes('Poison') || species.types.includes('Steel')) return 0; | |
if (statusImmunities.includes(ability)) return 0; | |
if (ability === 'Immunity') return 0; | |
// If facade is our only physical attack, Flame Orb is preferred | |
if (!moves.some(m => TeamGenerator.moveIsPhysical(m, species) && !== 'facade') && | |
!species.types.includes('Fire') && ['Thermal Exchange', 'Water Bubble', 'Water Veil'].includes(ability) | |
) return 0; | |
weight = 0; | |
if (['Poison Heal', 'Toxic Boost'].includes('ability')) weight += 25; | |
if (moves.some(m => === 'facade')) weight += 25; | |
return weight; | |
// Healing | |
case 'leftovers': | |
return moves.some(m => m.stallingMove) ? 40 : 20; | |
case 'blacksludge': | |
// Even poison types don't really like Black Sludge in Gen 9 because it discourages them from terastallizing | |
// to a type other than Poison, and thus reveals their Tera type when it activates | |
return species.types.includes('Poison') ? moves.some(m => m.stallingMove) ? 20 : 10 : 0; | |
// berries | |
case 'sitrusberry': case 'magoberry': | |
return 20; | |
case 'throatspray': | |
if (moves.some(m => m.flags.sound) && moves.some(m => m.category === 'Special')) return 30; | |
return 0; | |
default: | |
// probably not a very good item | |
return 0; | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* @returns The level a Pokémon should be. | |
*/ | |
protected static getLevel(species: Species): number { | |
if (['Zacian', 'Zamazenta'].includes( { | |
species = Dex.species.get(species.otherFormes![0]); | |
} else if (species.baseSpecies === 'Squawkabilly') { | |
if (['Yellow', 'White'].includes(species.forme)) { | |
species = Dex.species.get('Squawkabilly-Yellow'); | |
} else { | |
species = Dex.species.get('Squawkabilly'); | |
} | |
} else if (useBaseSpecies.includes(species.baseSpecies)) { | |
species = Dex.species.get(species.baseSpecies); | |
} | |
if (levelOverride[]) return levelOverride[]; | |
switch (species.tier) { | |
case 'AG': return 60; | |
case 'Uber': return 70; | |
case 'OU': case 'Unreleased': return 80; | |
case 'UU': return 90; | |
case 'LC': case 'NFE': return 100; | |
} | |
return 100; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Picks a choice from `choices` based on the weights in `weights`. | |
* `weights` must be the same length as `choices`. | |
*/ | |
weightedRandomPick<T>( | |
choices: T[], | |
weights: number[], | |
options?: { remove?: boolean } | |
) { | |
if (!choices.length) throw new Error(`Can't pick from an empty list`); | |
if (choices.length !== weights.length) throw new Error(`Choices and weights must be the same length`); | |
/* console.log(choices.reduce((acc, element, index) => { | |
return { | |
...acc, | |
[element as string]: weights[index], | |
}; | |
}, {})) */ | |
const totalWeight = weights.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); | |
let randomWeight = this.prng.random(0, totalWeight); | |
for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) { | |
randomWeight -= weights[i]; | |
if (randomWeight < 0) { | |
const choice = choices[i]; | |
if (options?.remove) choices.splice(i, 1); | |
return choice; | |
} | |
} | |
if (options?.remove && choices.length) return choices.pop()!; | |
return choices[choices.length - 1]; | |
} | |
setSeed(seed: PRNGSeed) { | |
this.prng.setSeed(seed); | |
} | |
} | |