Pokemon_server / lib /repl.ts
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* Documented in logs/repl/README.md
* https://github.com/smogon/pokemon-showdown/blob/master/logs/repl/README.md
* @author kota
* @license MIT
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as net from 'net';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as repl from 'repl';
import { crashlogger } from './crashlogger';
import { FS } from './fs';
declare const Config: any;
export const Repl = new class {
* Contains the pathnames of all active REPL sockets.
socketPathnames = new Set<string>();
listenersSetup = false;
setupListeners(filename: string) {
if (Repl.listenersSetup) return;
Repl.listenersSetup = true;
// Clean up REPL sockets and child processes on forced exit.
process.once('exit', code => {
for (const s of Repl.socketPathnames) {
try {
} catch {}
if (code === 129 || code === 130) {
process.exitCode = 0;
if (!process.listeners('SIGHUP').length) {
process.once('SIGHUP', () => process.exit(128 + 1));
if (!process.listeners('SIGINT').length) {
process.once('SIGINT', () => process.exit(128 + 2));
(global as any).heapdump = (targetPath?: string) => {
if (!targetPath) targetPath = `${filename}-${new Date().toISOString()}`;
let handler;
try {
handler = require('node-oom-heapdump')();
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') throw e;
throw new Error(`node-oom-heapdump is not installed. Run \`npm install --no-save node-oom-heapdump\` and try again.`);
return handler.createHeapSnapshot(targetPath);
* Delete old sockets in the REPL directory (presumably from a crashed
* previous launch of PS).
* Does everything synchronously, so that the directory is guaranteed
* clean and ready for new REPL sockets by the time this function returns.
cleanup() {
const config = typeof Config !== 'undefined' ? Config : {};
if (!config.repl) return;
// Clean up old REPL sockets.
const directory = path.dirname(
path.resolve(FS.ROOT_PATH, config.replsocketprefix || 'logs/repl', 'app')
let files;
try {
files = fs.readdirSync(directory);
} catch {}
if (files) {
for (const file of files) {
const pathname = path.resolve(directory, file);
const stat = fs.statSync(pathname);
if (!stat.isSocket()) continue;
const socket = net.connect(pathname, () => {
}).on('error', () => {
* Starts a REPL server, using a UNIX socket for IPC. The eval function
* parametre is passed in because there is no other way to access a file's
* non-global context.
start(filename: string, evalFunction: (input: string) => any) {
const config = typeof Config !== 'undefined' ? Config : {};
if (!config.repl) return;
// TODO: Windows does support the REPL when using named pipes. For now,
// this only supports UNIX sockets.
const server = net.createServer(socket => {
input: socket,
output: socket,
eval(cmd, context, unusedFilename, callback) {
try {
return callback(null, evalFunction(cmd));
} catch (e: any) {
return callback(e, undefined);
}).on('exit', () => socket.end());
socket.on('error', () => socket.destroy());
const pathname = path.resolve(FS.ROOT_PATH, Config.replsocketprefix || 'logs/repl', filename);
try {
server.listen(pathname, () => {
fs.chmodSync(pathname, Config.replsocketmode || 0o600);
server.once('error', (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => {
if (err.code === "EADDRINUSE") {
fs.unlink(pathname, _err => {
if (_err && _err.code !== "ENOENT") {
crashlogger(_err, `REPL: ${filename}`);
} else if (err.code === "EACCES") {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
console.error(`Could not start REPL server "${filename}": Your filesystem doesn't support Unix sockets (everything else will still work)`);
} else {
crashlogger(err, `REPL: ${filename}`);
server.once('close', () => {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Could not start REPL server "${filename}": ${err}`);