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* Core commands
* Pokemon Showdown -
* These are core commands - basic commands required for Pokemon Showdown
* to run. A lot of these are sent by the client.
* System commands should not be modified, added, or removed. If you'd
* like to modify or add commands, add or edit files in chat-plugins/
* For the API, see chat-plugins/
* @license MIT
/* eslint no-else-return: "error" */
import { Utils } from '../../lib';
import type { UserSettings } from '../users';
import type { GlobalPermission, RoomPermission } from '../user-groups';
export const crqHandlers: { [k: string]: Chat.CRQHandler } = {
userdetails(target, user, trustable) {
if (target.length > 18) {
return null;
const targetUser = Users.get(target);
if (!trustable || !targetUser) {
return {
id: target,
userid: toID(target),
name: target,
rooms: false,
interface RoomData { p1?: string; p2?: string; isPrivate?: boolean | 'hidden' | 'voice' }
let roomList: { [roomid: string]: RoomData } | false = {};
for (const roomid of targetUser.inRooms) {
const targetRoom = Rooms.get(roomid);
if (!targetRoom) continue; // shouldn't happen
const roomData: RoomData = {};
if (targetRoom.settings.isPrivate) {
if (!user.inRooms.has(roomid) && ! continue;
roomData.isPrivate = true;
if (targetRoom.battle) {
if (targetUser.settings.hideBattlesFromTrainerCard && !== && !user.can('lock')) continue;
const battle = targetRoom.battle;
roomData.p1 = battle.p1 ? ' ' + : '';
roomData.p2 = battle.p2 ? ' ' + : '';
let roomidWithAuth: string = roomid;
if (targetRoom.auth.has( {
roomidWithAuth = targetRoom.auth.getDirect( + roomid;
roomList[roomidWithAuth] = roomData;
if (!targetUser.connected) roomList = false;
let group = targetUser.tempGroup;
if (targetUser.locked) group = Config.punishgroups?.locked?.symbol ?? '\u203d';
if (targetUser.namelocked) group = Config.punishgroups?.namelocked?.symbol ?? '✖';
const sectionleader = Users.globalAuth.sectionLeaders.has(;
return {
id: target,
avatar: targetUser.avatar,
customgroup: sectionleader ? "Section Leader" : undefined,
autoconfirmed: targetUser.autoconfirmed ? true : undefined,
status: targetUser.getStatus() || undefined,
rooms: roomList,
friended: user.friends?.has( || undefined,
roomlist(target, user, trustable) {
if (!trustable) return false;
return { rooms: };
rooms(target, user, trustable) {
if (!trustable) return false;
laddertop(target, user, trustable) {
if (!trustable) return false;
const [format, prefix] = target.split(',').map(x => x.trim());
return Ladders(toID(format)).getTop(prefix);
roominfo(target, user, trustable) {
if (!trustable) return false;
if (target.length > 225) {
return null;
const targetRoom = Rooms.get(target);
if (!targetRoom || (
targetRoom.settings.isPrivate && !user.inRooms.has(targetRoom.roomid) && !
)) {
const roominfo = { id: target, error: 'not found or access denied' };
return roominfo;
let visibility;
if (targetRoom.settings.isPrivate) {
visibility = (targetRoom.settings.isPrivate === 'hidden') ? 'hidden' : 'secret';
} else {
visibility = 'public';
const roominfo: AnyObject = {
id: target,
roomid: targetRoom.roomid,
title: targetRoom.title,
type: targetRoom.type,
modchat: targetRoom.settings.modchat,
modjoin: targetRoom.settings.modjoin,
auth: {},
users: [],
for (const [id, rank] of targetRoom.auth) {
if (!roominfo.auth[rank]) roominfo.auth[rank] = [];
for (const userid in targetRoom.users) {
const curUser = targetRoom.users[userid];
if (!curUser.named) continue;
const userinfo = curUser.getIdentity(targetRoom);
return roominfo;
fullformat(target, user, trustable) {
if (!trustable) return false;
if (target.length > 225) {
return null;
const targetRoom = Rooms.get(target);
if (!targetRoom?.battle?.playerTable[]) {
return null;
return targetRoom.battle.format;
cmdsearch(target, user, trustable) {
// in no world should ths be a thing. our longest command name is 37 chars
if (target.length > 40) return null;
const cmdPrefix = target.charAt(0);
if (!['/', '!'].includes(cmdPrefix)) return null;
target = toID(target.slice(1));
const results = [];
for (const command of Chat.allCommands()) {
if (cmdPrefix === '!' && !command.broadcastable) continue;
const req = command.requiredPermission as GlobalPermission;
if (!!req &&
!(command.hasRoomPermissions ? !! && user.can(req as RoomPermission, null, : user.can(req))
) {
const cmds = [
command.fullCmd, => command.fullCmd.replace(command.cmd, `${x}`)),
for (const cmd of cmds) {
if (toID(cmd).startsWith(target)) {
results.push(cmdPrefix + cmd);
// limit number of results to prevent spam
if (results.length >= 20) break;
return results;
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
version(target, room, user) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
const version = Chat.packageData.version;
this.sendReplyBox(`Server version: <b>${version}</b>`);
versionhelp: [
`/version - Get the current server version.`,
userlist(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const userList = [];
for (const id in room.users) {
const curUser = Users.get(room.users[id]);
if (!curUser?.named) continue;
let output = `There ${Chat.plural(userList, "are", "is")} <strong style="color:#24678d">${Chat.count(userList, "</strong> users")} in this room:<br />`;
output += userList.join(`, `);
userlisthelp: [`/userlist - Displays a list of users who are currently in the room.`],
mee: 'me',
me(target, room, user) {
if (this.cmd === 'mee' && /[A-Z-a-z0-9/]/.test(target.charAt(0))) {
return this.errorReply(`/mee - must not start with a letter or number`);
target = this.checkChat(`/${this.cmd} ${target || ''}`);
if (this.message.startsWith(`/ME`)) {
const uppercaseIdentity = user.getIdentity(room).toUpperCase();
if (this.pmTarget) {
const msg = `|pm|${uppercaseIdentity}|${this.pmTarget.getIdentity()}|${target}`;
if (this.pmTarget !== user) this.pmTarget.send(msg);
} else {
return target;
mehelp: [`/me [action] - Adds the given [action] into chat, attributed to the user.`],
shrug(target) {
target = target ? ' ' + target + ' ' : '';
if (target.startsWith(' /me')) target = target.slice(1);
return this.checkChat(target + '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯');
shrughelp: ['/shrug [message] - Sends the given message, if any, appended with ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯'],
tableflip(target) {
target = target ? ' ' + target + ' ' : '';
if (target.startsWith(' /me')) target = target.slice(1);
return this.checkChat(target + '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻');
tablefliphelp: ['/tableflip [message] - Sends the given message, if any, appended with (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'],
tableunflip(target) {
target = target ? ' ' + target + ' ' : '';
if (target.startsWith(' /me')) target = target.slice(1);
return this.checkChat(target + '┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)');
tableunfliphelp: ['/tableunflip [message] - Sends the given message, if any, appended with ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)'],
'battle!': 'battle',
battle(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (cmd === 'battle') {
return this.sendReply(`What?! How are you not more excited to battle?! Try /battle! to show me you're ready.`);
if (!target) target = "randombattle";
return this.parse(`/search ${target}`);
battlehelp: [
`/battle! [format] - Starts a battle in the given [format].`,
`If none is given, defaults to current generation random battle.`,
signout: 'logout',
logout(target, room, user) {
logouthelp: [`/logout - Logs you out and ends your session.`],
noreply(target, room, user) {
if (!target.startsWith('/')) return this.parse('/help noreply');
return this.parse(target, { isQuiet: true });
noreplyhelp: [`/noreply [command] - Runs the command without displaying the response.`],
async linksmogon(target, room, user) {
if (Config.smogonauth && !Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, Config.smogonauth)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Access denied.");
if (!user.registered) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(
"You must be registered in order to use this command. If you just registered, please refresh and try again."
const response = await LoginServer.request("smogon/validate", {
const name = response[0]?.signed_username;
if (response[1] || !name) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage("Error while verifying username: " + (response[1]?.message || "malformed name received"));
const link = `${}/${name}`;
this.sendReply(`|html|If the page failed to open, you may link your Smogon and PS accounts by clicking <a href="${link}">this link</a>.`);
async msgroom(target, room, user, connection) {
const [targetId, message] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(i => i.trim());
if (!targetId || !message) {
return this.parse(`/help msgroom`);
const targetRoom =;
if (!targetRoom) return this.errorReply(`Room not found.`);
if (message.trim().startsWith('/msgroom ')) {
return this.errorReply(`Please do not nest /msgroom inside itself.`);
const subcontext = new Chat.CommandContext({ room: targetRoom, message, user, connection });
await subcontext.parse();
msgroomhelp: [`/msgroom [room], [command] - Runs the [command] in the given [room].`],
r: 'reply',
reply(target, room, user) {
if (!target) return this.parse('/help reply');
if (!user.lastPM) {
return this.errorReply(`No one has PMed you yet.`);
return this.parse(`/msg ${user.lastPM || ''}, ${target}`);
replyhelp: [`/reply OR /r [message] - Send a message to the last user you got a message from, or sent a message to.`],
pm: 'msg',
whisper: 'msg',
w: 'msg',
msg(target, room, user, connection) {
if (!target) return this.parse('/help msg');
if (!target.includes(',')) {
this.errorReply(`You forgot the comma.`);
return this.parse('/help msg');
const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: message } = this.splitUser(target);
if (targetUsername === '~') {
this.pmTarget = null; = null;
} else if (!targetUser) {
if (Chat.PrivateMessages.offlineIsEnabled) {
if (user.lastCommand === 'pm') {
// don't delete lastCommand so they can just keep sending pms
return this.parse(`/offlinemsg ${targetUsername},${message}`);
user.lastCommand = 'pm';
return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} is offline. Send the message again to confirm. If you are using /msg, use /offlinemsg instead.`
let error =`User ${targetUsername} not found. Did you misspell their name?`;
error = `|pm|${this.user.getIdentity()}| ${targetUsername}|/error ${error}`;
} else {
this.pmTarget = targetUser; = null;
if (targetUser && !targetUser.connected) {
if (Chat.PrivateMessages.offlineIsEnabled) {
if (user.lastCommand === 'pm') {
// don't delete lastCommand so they can just keep sending pms
return this.parse(`/offlinemsg ${targetUser.getLastId()},${message}`);
user.lastCommand = 'pm';
return this.errorReply(`User ${targetUsername} is offline. Send the message again to confirm. If you are using /msg, use /offlinemsg instead.`
return this.errorReply(`${targetUsername} is offline.`);
return this.parse(message);
msghelp: [`/msg OR /whisper OR /w [username], [message] - Send a private message.`],
offlinepm: 'offlinemsg',
opm: 'offlinemsg',
offlinewhisper: 'offlinemsg',
ofw: 'offlinemsg',
async offlinemsg(target, room, user) {
target = target.trim();
if (!target) return this.parse('/help offlinemsg');
if (!Chat.PrivateMessages.offlineIsEnabled) {
return this.errorReply(`Offline private messages have been disabled.`);
let [username, message] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',').map(i => i.trim());
const userid = toID(username);
Chat.PrivateMessages.checkCanPM(user, userid);
if (!userid || !message) {
return this.parse('/help offlinemsg');
if (Chat.parseCommand(message)) {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot send commands in offline PMs.`);
if (userid === {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot send offline PMs to yourself.`);
} else if (userid.startsWith('guest')) {
return this.errorReply('You cannot send offline PMs to guests.');
if (Users.get(userid)?.connected) {
this.sendReply(`That user is online, so a normal PM is being sent.`);
return this.parse(`/pm ${userid}, ${message}`);
if (userid.length > 18) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid userid. Must be <=18 characters in length.`);
message = this.checkChat(message);
if (!message) return;
await Chat.PrivateMessages.sendOffline(userid, user, message, this);
offlinemsghelp: [
`/offlinemsg [username], [message] - Sends a message to the offline [username], to be received when they log in.`,
receivedpms: 'offlinepms',
offlinepms() {
return this.parse(`/j view-receivedpms`);
offlinepmshelp: [
`/offlinepms - View your recently received offline PMs.`,
inv: 'invite',
invite(target, room, user) {
if (!target) return this.parse('/help invite');
const pmTarget = this.pmTarget; // not room means it's a PM
if (!pmTarget) {
const users = target.split(',').map(part => part.trim());
let targetRoom;
if (users.length > 1 &&[users.length - 1])) {
targetRoom = users.pop();
} else {
targetRoom = room;
if (users.length > 1 && !user.trusted) {
return this.errorReply("You do not have permission to mass-invite users.");
if (users.length > 10) {
return this.errorReply("You cannot invite more than 10 users at once.");
for (const toInvite of users) {
this.parse(`/pm ${toInvite}, /invite ${targetRoom}`);
const targetRoom =;
if (!targetRoom) return this.errorReply(`The room "${target}" was not found.`);
const invitesBlocked = pmTarget.settings.blockInvites;
if (invitesBlocked) {
if (invitesBlocked === true ? !user.can('lock') : !Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, invitesBlocked as GroupSymbol)) {
Chat.maybeNotifyBlocked('invite', pmTarget, user);
return this.errorReply(`This user is currently blocking room invites.`);
if (!targetRoom.checkModjoin(pmTarget)) { = targetRoom;
this.parse(`/roomvoice ${}`);
if (!targetRoom.checkModjoin(pmTarget)) {
return this.errorReply(`You do not have permission to invite people into this room.`);
if ( in targetRoom.users) {
return this.errorReply(`This user is already in "${targetRoom.title}".`);
return this.checkChat(`/invite ${targetRoom.roomid}`);
invitehelp: [
`/invite [username] - Invites the player [username] to join the room you sent the command to.`,
`/invite [comma-separated usernames] - Invites multiple users to join the room you sent the command to. Requires trusted`,
`/invite [username], [roomname] - Invites the player [username] to join the room [roomname].`,
`(in a PM) /invite [roomname] - Invites the player you're PMing to join the room [roomname].`,
blockpm: 'blockpms',
ignorepms: 'blockpms',
ignorepm: 'blockpms',
blockofflinepms: 'blockpms',
async blockpms(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
target = target.toLowerCase().trim();
if (target === 'ac') target = 'autoconfirmed';
const isOffline = cmd.includes('offline');
const msg = isOffline ? `offline ` : ``;
if (!isOffline && user.settings.blockPMs === (target || true)) {
return this.errorReply(`You are already blocking ${msg}private messages! To unblock, use /unblockpms`);
if (Users.Auth.isAuthLevel(target)) {
if (!isOffline) user.settings.blockPMs = target;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking ${msg}private messages, except from staff and ${target}.`);
} else if (target === 'autoconfirmed' || target === 'trusted' || target === 'unlocked') {
if (!isOffline) user.settings.blockPMs = target;
target =;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking ${msg}private messages, except from staff and ${target} users.`);
} else if (target === 'friends') {
if (!isOffline) user.settings.blockPMs = target;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking ${msg}private messages, except from staff and friends.`);
} else {
if (!isOffline) user.settings.blockPMs = true;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking ${msg}private messages, except from staff.`);
if (isOffline) {
let saveValue: string | null = target;
if (!saveValue) saveValue = 'none';
// todo: can we do this? atm. no.
if (['unlocked', 'autoconfirmed'].includes(saveValue)) {
saveValue = null;
await Chat.PrivateMessages.setViewOnly(user, saveValue);
return true;
blockpmshelp: [
`/blockpms - Blocks private messages except from staff. Unblock them with /unblockpms.`,
`/blockpms [unlocked/ac/trusted/+/friends] - Blocks private messages except from staff and the specified group.`,
unblockpm: 'unblockpms',
unignorepms: 'unblockpms',
unignorepm: 'unblockpms',
unblockofflinepms: 'unblockpms',
async unblockpms(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const isOffline = cmd.includes('offline');
const msg = isOffline ? 'offline ' : '';
if (isOffline ? !(await Chat.PrivateMessages.getSettings( : !user.settings.blockPMs) {
return this.errorReply(`You are not blocking ${msg}private messages! To block, use /blockpms`);
if (isOffline) {
await Chat.PrivateMessages.deleteSettings(;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
user.settings.blockPMs = false;
return this.sendReply(`You are no longer blocking ${msg}private messages.`);
unblockpmshelp: [
`/unblockpms - Unblocks private messages. Block them with /blockpms.`,
`/unblockofflinepms - Unblocks offline private messages. Block them with /blockofflinepms.`,
unblockinvites: 'blockinvites',
blockinvites(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const unblock = cmd.includes('unblock');
if (unblock) {
if (!user.settings.blockInvites) {
return this.errorReply(`You are not blocking room invites! To block, use /blockinvites.`);
user.settings.blockInvites = false;
this.sendReply(`You are no longer blocking room invites.`);
} else {
if (toID(target) === 'ac') target = 'autoconfirmed';
if (user.settings.blockInvites === (target || true)) {
return this.errorReply("You are already blocking room invites - to unblock, use /unblockinvites");
if (target in Config.groups) {
user.settings.blockInvites = target as GroupSymbol;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking room invites, except from staff and ${target}.`);
} else if (target === 'autoconfirmed' || target === 'trusted' || target === 'unlocked') {
user.settings.blockInvites = target;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking room invites, except from staff and ${target} users.`);
} else {
user.settings.blockInvites = true;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking room invites, except from staff.`);
return user.update();
blockinviteshelp: [
`/blockinvites [rank] - Allows only users with the given [rank] to invite you to rooms.`,
`Valid settings: autoconfirmed, trusted, unlocked, +, %, @, ~.`,
`/unblockinvites - Allows anyone to invite you to rooms.`,
status(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (user.locked || user.semilocked) {
return this.errorReply(`Your status cannot be updated while you are locked or semilocked.`);
if (!target) return this.parse('/help status');
const maxLength = 70;
if (target.length > maxLength) {
return this.errorReply(`Your status is too long; it must be under ${maxLength} characters.`);
target = this.statusfilter(target);
if (!target) return this.errorReply(`Your status contains a banned word.`);
this.sendReply(`Your status has been set to: ${target}.`);
statushelp: [
`/status [note] - Sets a short note as your status, visible when users click your username.`,
`Use /clearstatus to clear your status message.`,
donotdisturb: 'busy',
dnd: 'busy',
busy(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (target) {
this.errorReply(`Setting status messages in /busy is no longer supported. Set a status using /status.`);
const isDND = ['dnd', 'donotdisturb'].includes(cmd);
if (isDND) {
this.parse('/blockpms +');
user.settings.doNotDisturb = true;
this.sendReply(`You are now marked as busy.`);
busyhelp: [
`/busy OR /donotdisturb - Marks you as busy.`,
`Use /donotdisturb to also block private messages and challenges.`,
`Use /back to mark yourself as back.`,
idle: 'away',
afk: 'away',
brb: 'away',
away(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
if (target) {
this.errorReply(`Setting status messages in /away is no longer supported. Set a status using /status.`);
this.sendReply(`You are now marked as away. Send a message or use /back to indicate you are back.`);
awayhelp: [`/away - Marks you as away. Send a message or use /back to indicate you are back.`],
cs: 'clearstatus',
clearstatus(target, room, user) {
if (target) return this.parse(`/forceclearstatus ${target}`);
if (!user.userMessage) return this.sendReply(`You don't have a status message set.`);
return this.sendReply(`You have cleared your status message.`);
clearstatushelp: [
`/clearstatus - Clears your status message.`,
`/clearstatus user, reason - Clears another person's status message. Requires: % @ ~`,
unaway: 'back',
unafk: 'back',
back(target, room, user) {
if (user.statusType === 'online') return this.errorReply(`You are already marked as back.`);
const statusType = user.statusType;
if (user.settings.doNotDisturb) {
user.settings.doNotDisturb = false;
if (statusType) {
return this.sendReply(`You are no longer marked as busy.`);
return this.sendReply(`You have cleared your status message.`);
backhelp: [`/back - Marks you as back if you are away.`],
async rank(target, room, user) {
if (!target) target =;
const values = await Ladders.visualizeAll(target);
let buffer = `<div class="ladder"><table>`;
buffer += Utils.html`<tr><td colspan="8">User: <strong>${target}</strong></td></tr>`;
const ratings = values.join(``);
if (!ratings) {
buffer += `<tr><td colspan="8"><em>${`This user has not played any ladder games yet.`}</em></td></tr>`;
} else {
buffer += `<tr><th>${`Format`}</th><th><abbr title="Elo rating">Elo</abbr></th><th>${`W`}</th><th>${`L`}</th><th>${`Total`}</th>`;
buffer += ratings;
buffer += `</table></div>`;
rankhelp: [
`/rank [user] - Shows all ladder ranks for the given [user].`,
`If no user is given, it defaults to the user of the command.`,
showrank: 'hiderank',
hiderank(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const userGroup = Users.Auth.getGroup(Users.globalAuth.get(;
if (!userGroup['hiderank'] || !user.registered) {
return this.errorReply(`/hiderank - Access denied.`);
const isShow = cmd === 'showrank';
const group = (isShow ? Users.globalAuth.get( : (target.trim() || Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) as GroupSymbol);
if (user.tempGroup === group) {
return this.errorReply(`You already have the temporary symbol '${group}'.`);
if (!Users.Auth.isValidSymbol(group) || !(group in Config.groups)) {
return this.errorReply(`You must specify a valid group symbol.`);
if (!isShow && Config.groups[group].rank > Config.groups[user.tempGroup].rank) {
return this.errorReply(`You may only set a temporary symbol below your current rank.`);
user.tempGroup = group;
this.sendReply(`|c|~|${`Your temporary group symbol is now`} \`\`${user.tempGroup}\`\`.`);
showrankhelp: 'hiderankhelp',
hiderankhelp: [
`/hiderank [rank] - Displays your global rank as the given [rank].`,
`/showrank - Displays your true global rank instead of the rank you're hidden as.`,
language(target, room, user) {
if (!target) {
const language = Chat.languages.get(user.language || 'english' as ID);
return this.sendReply(`Currently, you're viewing Pokémon Showdown in ${language}.`);
const languageID = toID(target);
if (!Chat.languages.has(languageID)) {
const languages = [...Chat.languages.values()].join(', ');
return this.errorReply(`Valid languages are: ${languages}`);
user.language = languageID;
const languageName = Chat.languages.get(languageID);
const langRoom = || "");
let language = languageName;
if (langRoom) {
language = `<a href="/${langRoom.roomid}">${languageName}</a>`;
return this.sendReply(
`|html|` +`Pokémon Showdown will now be displayed in ${language} (except in language rooms).`
languagehelp: [
`/language - View your current language setting.`,
`/language [language] - Changes the language Pokémon Showdown will be displayed to you in.`,
`Note that rooms can set their own language, which will override this setting.`,
updatesettings(target, room, user) {
const settings: Partial<UserSettings> = {};
try {
const raw = JSON.parse(target);
if (typeof raw !== 'object' || Array.isArray(raw) || !raw) {
this.errorReply(`/updatesettings expects JSON encoded object.`);
if (typeof raw.language === 'string') this.parse(`/noreply /language ${raw.language}`);
for (const setting in user.settings) {
if (setting in raw) {
if (setting === 'blockPMs' &&
Users.Auth.isAuthLevel(raw[setting])) {
settings[setting] = raw[setting];
} else {
settings[setting as keyof UserSettings] = !!raw[setting];
Object.assign(user.settings, settings);
} catch {
this.errorReply(`Unable to parse settings in /updatesettings!`);
updatesettingshelp: [
`/updatesettings [settings] - Update your settings to match the given JSON settings blob.`,
* Battle management commands
allowexportinputlog(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be in a battle.`);
const targetUser = Users.getExact(target);
if (!targetUser) {
return this.errorReply(`User ${target} not found.`);
if (!battle.playerTable[]) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be a player in this battle.`);
if (!battle.allowExtraction[]) {
return this.errorReply(`${} has not requested extraction.`);
if (battle.allowExtraction[].has( {
return this.errorReply(`You have already consented to extraction with ${}.`);
this.addModAction(`${} consents to sharing battle team and choices with ${}.`);
if (!battle.inputLog) return this.errorReply(`No input log found.`);
if (Object.keys(battle.playerTable).length === battle.allowExtraction[].size) {
this.addModAction(`${} has extracted the battle input log.`);
const inputLog =`<br />`);
`|html|<div class="chat"><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word; display: block">${inputLog}</code></div>`,
allowexportinputloghelp: [
`/allowexportinputlog [user] - Consents to sharing teams and choices from the current battle with the specified user.`,
requestinputlog: 'exportinputlog',
exportinputlog(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) {
return this.errorReply(`This command only works in battle rooms.`);
if (!battle.inputLog) {
this.errorReply(`This command only works when the battle has ended - if the battle has stalled, use /offertie.`);
if (user.can('forcewin')) this.errorReply(`Alternatively, you can end the battle with /forcetie.`);
this.checkCan('exportinputlog', null, room);
if (user.can('forcewin') || Dex.formats.get(battle.format).team) {
if (!battle.inputLog) return this.errorReply(`No input log found.`);
this.addModAction(`${} has extracted the battle input log.`);
const inputLog =`<br />`);
`|html|<div class="chat"><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word; display: block">${inputLog}</code></div>`,
} else if (!battle.allowExtraction[]) {
battle.allowExtraction[] = new Set();
for (const id in battle.playerTable) {
const playerUser = Users.get(id);
if (!playerUser) continue;
if ( === {
} else {
Utils.html`|html|${} wants to extract the battle input log. <button name="send" value="/allowexportinputlog ${}">Share your team and choices with "${}"</button>`
this.addModAction(`${} wants to extract the battle input log.`);
} else {
// Re-request to make the buttons appear again for users who have not allowed extraction
let logExported = true;
for (const id in battle.playerTable) {
const playerUser = Users.get(id);
if (!playerUser || battle.allowExtraction[].has( continue;
logExported = false;
Utils.html`|html|${} wants to extract the battle input log. <button name="send" value="/allowexportinputlog ${}">Share your team and choices with "${}"</button>`
if (logExported) return this.errorReply(`You already extracted the battle input log.`);
this.sendReply(`Battle input log re-requested.`);
exportinputloghelp: [`/exportinputlog - Asks players in a battle for permission to export an inputlog. Requires: ~`],
importinputlog(target, room, user, connection) {
const formatIndex = target.indexOf(`"formatid":"`);
const nextQuoteIndex = target.indexOf(`"`, formatIndex + 12);
if (formatIndex < 0 || nextQuoteIndex < 0) return this.errorReply(`Invalid input log.`);
target = target.replace(/\r/g, '');
if ((`\n` + target).includes(`\n>eval `) && !user.hasConsoleAccess(connection)) {
return this.errorReply(`Your input log contains untrusted code - you must have console access to use it.`);
const formatid = target.slice(formatIndex + 12, nextQuoteIndex);
const battleRoom = Rooms.createBattle({ format: formatid, players: [], inputLog: target });
if (!battleRoom) return; // createBattle will inform the user if creating the battle failed
battleRoom.auth.set(, Users.HOST_SYMBOL);
this.parse(`/join ${battleRoom.roomid}`);
setTimeout(() => {
// timer to make sure this goes under the battle
battleRoom.add(`|uhtmlchange|invites|<div class="broadcast broadcast-blue"><strong>This is an imported replay</strong><br />Players will need to be manually added with <code>/invitebattle</code> or <code>/restoreplayers</code></div>`);
}, 500);
importinputloghelp: [`/importinputlog [inputlog] - Starts a battle with a given inputlog. Requires: + % @ ~`],
showteam: 'showset',
async showset(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const showAll = cmd === 'showteam';
const hideStats = toID(target) === 'hidestats';
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!showAll && !target) return this.parse(`/help showset`);
if (!battle) return this.errorReply(`This command can only be used in a battle.`);
let team = await battle.getTeam(user);
if (!team) return this.errorReply(`You are not a player and don't have a team.`);
if (!showAll) {
const parsed = parseInt(target);
if (isNaN(parsed)) {
const id = toID(target);
const matchedSet = team.find(set => toID( === id || toID(set.species) === id);
if (!matchedSet) return this.errorReply(`You don't have a Pokémon matching "${target}" in your team.`);
team = [matchedSet];
} else {
const setIndex = parsed - 1;
const indexedSet = team[setIndex];
if (!indexedSet) {
return this.errorReply(`You don't have a Pokémon #${parsed} on your team - your team only has ${team.length} Pokémon.`);
team = [indexedSet];
let resultString = Utils.escapeHTML(Teams.export(team, { hideStats }));
if (showAll) {
resultString = `<details><summary>${`View team`}</summary>${resultString}</details>`;
return this.sendReplyBox(resultString);
showsethelp: [
`!showteam - show the team you're using in the current battle (must be used in a battle you're a player in).`,
`!showteam hidestats - show the team you're using in the current battle, without displaying any stat-related information.`,
`!showset [number] - shows the set of the pokemon corresponding to that number (in original Team Preview order, not necessarily current order)`,
confirmready(target, room, user) {
const game = this.requireGame(Rooms.BestOfGame);
acceptopenteamsheets(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) return this.errorReply(`Must be in a battle room.`);
const player = battle.playerTable[];
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be a player to agree to open team sheets.`);
const format = Dex.formats.get(battle.options.format);
if (!Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).has('openteamsheets')) {
return this.errorReply(`This format does not allow requesting open team sheets. You can both manually agree to it by using !showteam hidestats.`);
if (battle.turn > 0) {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot agree to open team sheets after Team Preview. Each player can still show their own sheet by using this command: !showteam hidestats`);
if (battle.players.some(curPlayer => curPlayer.wantsOpenTeamSheets === false)) {
return this.errorReply(`An opponent has already rejected open team sheets.`);
if (player.wantsOpenTeamSheets !== null) {
return this.errorReply(`You have already made your decision about agreeing to open team sheets.`);
player.wantsOpenTeamSheets = true;
this.add(`${} has agreed to open team sheets.`);
if (battle.players.every(curPlayer => curPlayer.wantsOpenTeamSheets)) {
acceptopenteamsheetshelp: [`/acceptopenteamsheets - Agrees to an open team sheet opportunity during Team Preview, where all information on a team except stats is shared with the opponent. Requires: \u2606`],
rejectopenteamsheets(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) return this.errorReply(`Must be in a battle room.`);
const player = battle.playerTable[];
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be a player to reject open team sheets.`);
const format = Dex.formats.get(battle.options.format);
if (!Dex.formats.getRuleTable(format).has('openteamsheets')) {
return this.errorReply(`This format does not allow requesting open team sheets.`);
if (battle.turn > 0) {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot reject open team sheets after Team Preview.`);
if (player.wantsOpenTeamSheets !== null) {
return this.errorReply(`You have already made your decision about agreeing to open team sheets.`);
player.wantsOpenTeamSheets = false;
for (const otherPlayer of battle.players) {
return this.add(`${} rejected open team sheets.`);
rejectopenteamsheetshelp: [`/rejectopenteamsheetshelp - Rejects an open team sheet opportunity during Team Preview, where all information on a team except stats is shared with the opponent. Requires: \u2606`],
acceptdraw: 'offertie',
accepttie: 'offertie',
offerdraw: 'offertie',
requesttie: 'offertie',
offertie(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) return this.errorReply(`Must be in a battle room.`);
if (!Config.allowrequestingties) {
return this.errorReply(`This server does not allow offering ties.`);
if (room.tour) {
return this.errorReply(`You can't offer ties in tournaments.`);
if (battle.turn < 100) {
return this.errorReply(`It's too early to tie, please play until turn 100.`);
this.checkCan('roomvoice', null, room);
if (cmd === 'accepttie' && !battle.players.some(player => player.wantsTie)) {
return this.errorReply(`No other player is requesting a tie right now. It was probably canceled.`);
const player = battle.playerTable[];
if (!battle.players.some(curPlayer => curPlayer.wantsTie)) {
this.add(`${} is offering a tie.`);
for (const otherPlayer of battle.players) {
if (otherPlayer !== player) {
Utils.html`|uhtml|offertie|<button class="button" name="send" value="/accepttie"><strong>${`Accept tie`}</strong></button> <button class="button" name="send" value="/rejecttie">${`Reject`}</button>`
} else {
player.wantsTie = true;
} else {
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be a player to accept ties.`);
if (!player.wantsTie) {
player.wantsTie = true;
} else {
return this.errorReply(`You have already agreed to a tie.`);
this.add(`${} accepted the tie.`);
if (battle.players.every(curPlayer => curPlayer.wantsTie)) {
if (battle.players.length > 2) {
this.add(`All players have accepted the tie.`);
offertiehelp: [`/offertie - Offers a tie to all players in a battle; if all accept, it ties. Can only be used after 100+ turns have passed. Requires: \u2606 @ # ~`],
rejectdraw: 'rejecttie',
rejecttie(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const battle = room.battle;
if (!battle) return this.errorReply(`Must be in a battle room.`);
const player = battle.playerTable[];
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`Must be a player to reject ties.`);
if (!battle.players.some(curPlayer => curPlayer.wantsTie)) {
return this.errorReply(`No other player is requesting a tie right now. It was probably canceled.`);
if (player.wantsTie) player.wantsTie = false;
for (const otherPlayer of battle.players) {
return this.add(`${} rejected the tie.`);
rejecttiehelp: [`/rejecttie - Rejects a tie offered by another player in a battle.`],
inputlog() {
this.parse(`/help exportinputlog`);
this.parse(`/help importinputlog`);
* Battle commands
forfeit(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! return this.errorReply(`This room doesn't have an active game.`);
if (! {
return this.errorReply(`This kind of game can't be forfeited.`);
forfeithelp: [
`/forfeit - Forfeits your currently active game, if it supports that.`,
guess: 'choose',
choose(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! return this.errorReply(`This room doesn't have an active game.`);
if (! return this.errorReply(`This game doesn't support /choose`);
if ( this.checkChat();, target);
choosehelp: [
`/choose [text] - Make a choice for the currently active game.`,
mv: 'move',
attack: 'move',
move(target, room, user) {
this.parse(`/choose move ${target}`);
movehelp: [
`/move [move] - Make a move for the current game.`,
sw: 'switch',
switch(target, room, user) {
this.parse(`/choose switch ${target}`);
switchhelp: [
`/switch [pokemon] - Make a switch for the current game.`,
team(target, room, user) {
this.parse(`/choose team ${target}`);
teamhelp: [
`/team [pokemon] - Change your team for the current game.`,
undo(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! return this.errorReply(`This room doesn't have an active game.`);
if (! return this.errorReply(`This game doesn't support /undo`);, target);
undohelp: [
`/undo - Reverts the last move of the player in the current game, if it supports it.`,
uploadreplay: 'savereplay',
async savereplay(target, room, user, connection) {
if (!room?.battle) {
return this.errorReply(`You can only save replays for battles.`);
const options = (target === 'forpunishment' || target === 'silent') ? target : undefined;
await room.uploadReplay(user, connection, options);
savereplayhelp: [`/savereplay - Saves the replay for the current battle.`],
hidereplay(target, room, user, connection) {
if (!room?.battle) return this.errorReply(`Must be used in a battle.`);
this.checkCan('joinbattle', null, room);
if (room.tour?.forcePublic) {
return this.errorReply(`This battle can't have hidden replays, because the tournament is set to be forced public.`);
if (room.hideReplay) return this.errorReply(`The replay for this battle is already set to hidden.`);
room.hideReplay = true;
// If a replay has already been saved, /savereplay again to update the uploaded replay's hidden status
if (room.battle.replaySaved) this.parse('/savereplay');
this.addModAction(`${} hid the replay of this battle.`);
hidereplayhelp: [`/hidereplay - Hides the replay of the current battle. Requires: ${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL} ~`],
addplayer: 'invitebattle',
invitebattle(target, room, user, connection) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.battle) return this.errorReply(`You can only do this in battle rooms.`);
if (room.rated) return this.errorReply(`You can only add a Player to unrated battles.`);
this.checkCan('joinbattle', null, room);
const { targetUser, targetUsername: name, rest: slot } = this.splitUser(target, { exactName: true });
if (slot !== 'p1' && slot !== 'p2' && slot !== 'p3' && slot !== 'p4') {
this.errorReply(`Player must be set to "p1" or "p2", not "${slot}".`);
return this.parse('/help addplayer');
const battle = room.battle;
const player = battle[slot];
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`This battle does not support having players in ${slot}`);
if (!targetUser) {
return this.errorReply(`User ${name} not found.`);
if ( {
return this.errorReply(`This room already has a player in slot ${slot}.`);
if (player.invite) {
return this.errorReply(`Someone else (${player.invite}) has already been invited to be ${slot}!`);
if ( in battle.playerTable) {
return this.errorReply(`${} is already a player in this battle.`);
if (targetUser.settings.blockChallenges && !user.can('bypassblocks', targetUser)) {
Chat.maybeNotifyBlocked('challenge', targetUser, user);
return this.errorReply(`The user '${}' is not accepting challenges right now.`);
if (!targetUser.inRooms.has(room.roomid) || !player.hasTeam) {
player.invite =;
const playerNames = => &&', ');
const ready = player.hasTeam ? battle.format : new Ladders.BattleReady(, battle.format, user.battleSettings);
new Ladders.BattleInvite(,, ready, {
acceptCommand: `/acceptbattle ${}`,
message: `You're invited to join a battle (with ${playerNames})`,
roomid: room.roomid,
battle.sendInviteForm(battle.invitesFull() ? true : connection);
return this.add(`||Invite sent to ${}!`);
room.auth.set(, Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL);
const success = battle.joinGame(targetUser, slot);
if (!success) {
if (!battle.started) battle.sendInviteForm(connection);
invitebattlehelp: [
`/addplayer [username], [p1|p2|p3|p4] - Invites the player to join your current battle.`,
async acceptbattle(target, room, user, connection) {
const chall = Ladders.challenges.resolveAcceptCommand(this);
const targetRoom = Rooms.get(chall.roomid);
if (!targetRoom) return this.errorReply(`Room ${chall.roomid} not found`);
const battle = targetRoom.battle!;
const player = battle.players.find(maybe => maybe.invite ===;
if (!player) {
return this.errorReply(`You haven't been invited to that battle.`);
const slot = player.slot;
if ( {
throw new Error(`Player ${player.slot} in ${chall.roomid} should not have both 'id' and 'invite'`);
let playerOpts = undefined;
if (!player.hasTeam) {
const ladder = Ladders(battle.format);
const ready = await ladder.prepBattle(connection, 'challenge');
if (!ready) return;
playerOpts = ready.settings;
const fromUser = Ladders.challenges.accept(this);
this.pmTarget = fromUser;
this.sendChatMessage(`/text You accepted the battle invite`);
this.parse(`/join ${targetRoom.roomid}`);
battle.joinGame(user, slot, playerOpts);
acceptbattlehelp: [`/acceptbattle - Accept an invite from someone to join a battle.`],
uninvitebattle(target, room, user, connection) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('joinbattle', null, room);
if (!room.battle) return this.errorReply(`You can only do this in battle rooms.`);
const invitesFull = room.battle.invitesFull();
const challenges = Ladders.challenges.get(target as ID);
if (!challenges) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`User ${target} is not currently invited to the battle`);
for (const challenge of challenges) {
if ( === target && challenge.roomid === room.roomid) {
Ladders.challenges.send(challenge.from, target, `/text The battle invite was changed to someone else; sorry!`);
room.battle.sendInviteForm(invitesFull ? true : connection);
uninvitebattlehelp: [
`/uninvitebattle [username] - Revokes an invite from a user to join a battle.`,
`Requires: ${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL} ~`,
restoreplayers(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.battle) return this.errorReply(`You can only do this in battle rooms.`);
if (room.rated) return this.errorReply(`You can only add a Player to unrated battles.`);
let didSomething = false;
for (const player of room.battle.players) {
if (! && !== `Player ${player.num}`) {
this.parse(`/invitebattle ${}, ${player.slot}`);
didSomething = true;
if (!didSomething) {
return this.errorReply(`Players could not be restored (maybe this battle already has two players?).`);
restoreplayershelp: [
`/restoreplayers - Restore previous players in an imported input log.`,
joinbattle: 'joingame',
joingame(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! return this.errorReply(`This room doesn't have an active game.`);
if (! return this.errorReply(`This game doesn't support /joingame`);, target);
joingamehelp: [`/joingame [username] - Join the game being played in the current room.`],
leavebattle: 'leavegame',
partbattle: 'leavegame',
leavegame(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! return this.errorReply(`This room doesn't have an active game.`);
if (! return this.errorReply(`This game doesn't support /leavegame`);;
leavegamehelp: [`/leavegame - Leave the current game.`],
kickbattle: 'kickgame',
kickgame(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!room.battle) return this.errorReply(`You can only do this in battle rooms.`);
if (room.battle.challengeType === 'tour' || room.battle.rated) {
return this.errorReply(`You can only do this in unrated non-tour battles.`);
const { targetUser, rest: reason } = this.requireUser(target, { allowOffline: true });
this.checkCan('kick', targetUser, room);
if (room.battle.leaveGame(targetUser)) {
const displayReason = reason ? ` (${reason})` : ``;
this.addModAction(`${} was kicked from a battle by ${}.${displayReason}`);
this.modlog('KICKBATTLE', targetUser, reason, { noip: 1, noalts: 1 });
} else {
this.errorReply("/kickbattle - User isn't in battle.");
kickbattlehelp: [`/kickbattle [username], [reason] - Kicks a user from a battle with reason. Requires: % @ ~`],
kickinactive(target, room, user) {
this.parse(`/timer on`);
kickinactivehelp: [
`/kickinactive - Activates the inactive timer, if the game supports it.`,
timer(target, room, user) {
target = toID(target);
room = this.requireRoom();
if (! {
return this.errorReply(`You can only set the timer from inside a battle room.`);
const timer = as any;
if (!timer.timerRequesters) {
return this.sendReply(`This game's timer is managed by a different command.`);
if (!target) {
if (!timer.timerRequesters.size) {
return this.sendReply(`The game timer is OFF.`);
const requester = [...timer.timerRequesters].join(', ');
return this.sendReply(`The game timer is ON (requested by ${requester})`);
const force = user.can('timer', null, room);
if (!force && ![]) {
return this.errorReply(`Access denied.`);
if (this.meansNo(target) || target === 'stop') {
if (timer.timerRequesters.size) {
timer.stop(force ? undefined : user);
if (force) {
room.send(`|inactiveoff|${`Timer was turned off by staff. Please do not turn it back on until our staff say it's okay.`}`);
} else {
this.errorReply(`The timer is already off.`);
} else if (this.meansYes(target) || target === 'start') {
} else {
this.errorReply(`"${target}" is not a recognized timer state.`);
timerhelp: [
`/timer [start|stop] - Starts or stops the game timer. Requires: ${Users.PLAYER_SYMBOL} % @ ~`,
autotimer: 'forcetimer',
forcetimer(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
target = toID(target);
if (this.meansNo(target) || target === 'stop') {
Config.forcetimer = false;
this.addModAction(`Forcetimer is now OFF: The timer is now opt-in. (set by ${})`);
} else if (this.meansYes(target) || target === 'start' || !target) {
Config.forcetimer = true;
this.addModAction(`Forcetimer is now ON: All battles will be timed. (set by ${})`);
} else {
this.errorReply(`'${target}' is not a recognized forcetimer setting.`);
forcetimerhelp: [
`/forcetimer [start|stop] - Forces all battles to have the inactive timer enabled. Requires: ~`,
forcetie: 'forcewin',
forcewin(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (
!room.battle &&
!( && typeof ( as any).tie === 'function' && typeof ( as any).win === 'function')
) {
this.errorReply("/forcewin - This is not a battle room.");
return false;
if (room.battle) room.battle.endType = 'forced';
if (!target) {
( as any).tie();
return false;
const targetUser = Users.getExact(target);
if (!targetUser) return this.errorReply(`User '${target}' not found.`);
( as any).win(targetUser);
forcewinhelp: [
`/forcetie - Forces the current match to end in a tie. Requires: ~`,
`/forcewin [user] - Forces the current match to end in a win for a user. Requires: ~`,
* Challenging and searching commands
async search(target, room, user, connection) {
if (target) {
if (Config.laddermodchat && !Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, Config.laddermodchat)) {
const groupName = Config.groups[Config.laddermodchat].name || Config.laddermodchat;
this.popupReply(`This server requires you to be rank ${groupName} or higher to search for a battle.`);
return false;
const ladder = Ladders(target);
if (!user.registered && Config.forceregisterelo && await ladder.getRating( >= Config.forceregisterelo) {
Utils.html`|popup||html|${`Since you have reached ${Config.forceregisterelo} ELO in ${target}, you must register your account to continue playing that format on ladder.`}<p style="text-align: center"><button name="register" value="${}"><b>${`Register`}</b></button></p>`
return false;
Chat.runHandlers('onLadderSearch', user, connection, ladder.formatid as ID);
return ladder.searchBattle(user, connection);
return Ladders.cancelSearches(user);
searchhelp: [
`/search [format] - Searches for a battle in the specified format.`,
cancelsearch(target, room, user) {
if (target) {
} else {
cancelsearchhelp: [
`/cancelsearch [format] - Cancels a search for a battle in the specified format.`,
`If no format is given, cancels searches for all formats.`,
chall: 'challenge',
challenge(target, room, user, connection) {
const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest: formatName } = this.splitUser(target);
if (!targetUser?.connected) {
return this.popupReply(`The user '${targetUsername}' was not found.`);
if (user.locked && !targetUser.locked) {
return this.popupReply(`You are locked and cannot challenge unlocked users. If this user is your friend, ask them to challenge you instead.`);
if (Punishments.isBattleBanned(user)) {
return this.popupReply(`You are banned from battling and cannot challenge users.`);
if (!user.named) {
return this.popupReply(`You must choose a username before you challenge someone.`);
if (Config.pmmodchat && !user.hasSysopAccess() && !Users.globalAuth.atLeast(user, Config.pmmodchat as GroupSymbol)) {
const groupName = Config.groups[Config.pmmodchat].name || Config.pmmodchat;
this.popupReply(`This server requires you to be rank ${groupName} or higher to challenge users.`);
return false;
return Ladders(formatName).makeChallenge(connection, targetUser);
challengehelp: [
`/challenge [user], [format] - Challenges the given [user] to a battle in the given [format].`,
bch: 'blockchallenges',
blockchall: 'blockchallenges',
blockchalls: 'blockchallenges',
blockchallenges(target, room, user) {
if (toID(target) === 'ac') target = 'autoconfirmed';
if (user.settings.blockChallenges === (target || true)) {
return this.errorReply(`You are already blocking challenges!`);
if (Users.Auth.isAuthLevel(target)) {
user.settings.blockChallenges = target;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking challenges, except from staff and ${target}.`);
} else if (target === 'autoconfirmed' || target === 'trusted' || target === 'unlocked' || target === 'friends') {
user.settings.blockChallenges = target;
if (target === 'friends') target = 'friended';
target =;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking challenges, except from staff and ${target} users.`);
} else {
user.settings.blockChallenges = true;
this.sendReply(`You are now blocking all incoming challenge requests.`);
blockchallengeshelp: [
`/blockchallenges - Blocks challenges so no one can challenge you. Unblock them with /unblockchallenges.`,
unbch: 'allowchallenges',
unblockchall: 'allowchallenges',
unblockchalls: 'allowchallenges',
unblockchallenges: 'allowchallenges',
allowchallenges(target, room, user) {
if (!user.settings.blockChallenges) return this.errorReply(`You are already available for challenges!`);
user.settings.blockChallenges = false;
this.sendReply(`You are available for challenges from now on.`);
allowchallengeshelp: [
`/unblockchallenges - Unblocks challenges so you can be challenged again. Block them with /blockchallenges.`,
cchall: 'cancelchallenge',
cancelchallenge(target, room, user, connection) {
const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target);
if (rest) return this.popupReply(`This command does not support specifying multiple users`);
this.pmTarget = targetUser || this.pmTarget;
if (!this.pmTarget) return this.popupReply(`User "${targetUsername}" not found.`);
const chall =,;
if (!chall || chall.from !== {
connection.popup(`You are not challenging ${}. Maybe they accepted/rejected before you cancelled?`);
return false;
this.sendChatMessage(`/log ${} cancelled the challenge.`);
return Ladders.challenges.remove(chall);
cancelchallengehelp: [
`/cancelchallenge [user] - Cancels a pending challenge to the given [user].`,
async accept(target, room, user, connection) {
const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target);
if (rest) return this.popupReply(`This command does not support specifying multiple users`);
this.pmTarget = targetUser || this.pmTarget;
if (!this.pmTarget) return this.popupReply(`User "${targetUsername}" not found.`);
const chall =,;
if (!chall || !== {
connection.popup(`${} is not challenging you. Maybe they cancelled before you accepted?`);
return false;
if (chall.acceptCommand) {
return this.parse(chall.acceptCommand);
const gameRoom = await Ladders.acceptChallenge(connection, chall as Ladders.BattleChallenge);
if (!gameRoom) return false;
this.sendChatMessage(Utils.html`/nonotify ${} accepted the challenge, starting &laquo;<a href="/${gameRoom.roomid}">${gameRoom.roomid}</a>&raquo;`);
return true;
accepthelp: [`/accept [user] - Accepts a challenge from the given user.`],
reject(target, room, user, connection) {
const { targetUser, targetUsername, rest } = this.splitUser(target);
if (rest) return this.popupReply(`This command does not support specifying multiple users`);
this.pmTarget = targetUser || this.pmTarget;
if (!this.pmTarget) return this.popupReply(`User "${targetUsername}" not found.`);
const chall =,;
if (!chall || !== {
connection.popup(`${} is not challenging you. Maybe they cancelled before you rejected?`);
return false;
this.sendChatMessage(`/nonotify ${} rejected the challenge.`);
return Ladders.challenges.remove(chall, false);
rejecthelp: [`/reject [user] - Rejects a challenge from the given user.`],
saveteam: 'useteam',
utm: 'useteam',
useteam(target, room, user) { = target;
useteamhelp: [`/useteam [packed team] - Sets your team for your next battles to the given [team].`],
vtm(target, room, user, connection) {
if (Monitor.countPrepBattle(connection.ip, connection)) {
if (!target) return this.errorReply(`Provide a valid format.`);
const originalFormat = Dex.formats.get(target);
// Note: The default here of Anything Goes isn't normally hit; since the web client will send a default format
const format = originalFormat.effectType === 'Format' ? originalFormat : Dex.formats.get('Anything Goes');
if (format.effectType !== 'Format') return this.popupReply(`Please provide a valid format.`);
return TeamValidatorAsync.get(, { user: }).then(result => {
const matchMessage = (originalFormat === format ? "" :`The format '${}' was not found.`);
if (result.startsWith('1')) {
connection.popup(`${(matchMessage ? matchMessage + "\n\n" : "")}${`Your team is valid for ${}.`}`);
} else {
connection.popup(`${(matchMessage ? matchMessage + "\n\n" : "")}${`Your team was rejected for the following reasons:`}\n\n- ${result.slice(1).replace(/\n/g, '\n- ')}`);
vtmhelp: [`/vtm [format] - Validates your current team (set with /utm).`],
hbtc: 'hidebattlesfromtrainercard',
sbtc: 'hidebattlesfromtrainercard',
showbattlesinusercard: 'hidebattlesfromtrainercard',
hidebattlesfromusercard: 'hidebattlesfromtrainercard',
showbattlesintrainercard: 'hidebattlesfromtrainercard',
hidebattlesfromtrainercard(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const shouldHide = cmd.includes('hide') || cmd === 'hbtc';
user.settings.hideBattlesFromTrainerCard = shouldHide;
if (shouldHide) {
this.sendReply(`Battles are now hidden (except to staff) in your trainer card.`);
} else {
this.sendReply(`Battles are now visible in your trainer card.`);
hidebattlesfromtrainercardhelp: [
`/hidebattlesfromtrainercard OR /hbtc - Hides your battles in your trainer card.`,
`/showbattlesintrainercard OR /sbtc - Displays your battles in your trainer card.`,
* Low-level
cmd: 'crq',
query: 'crq',
async crq(target, room, user, connection) {
// In emergency mode, clamp down on data returned from crq's
const trustable = (!Config.emergency || (user.named && user.registered));
let cmd;
[cmd, target] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ' ');
const handler = Chat.crqHandlers[cmd];
if (!handler) return connection.send(`|queryresponse|${cmd}|null`);
let data =, target, user, trustable);
if (data?.then) data = await data;
trn(target, room, user, connection) {
if (target === return false;
const [name, registeredString, token] = Utils.splitFirst(target, ',', 2);
const registered = !!parseInt(registeredString);
return user.rename(name, token || '', registered, connection);
trnhelp: [
`/trn [username], [registered], [token] - Finishes a rename to the [username] with a given [token].`,
* Help commands
commands: 'help',
h: 'help',
'?': 'help',
man: 'help',
help(target, room, user) {
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
target = target.toLowerCase().trim();
if (target.startsWith('/') || target.startsWith('!')) target = target.slice(1);
if (!target) {
const broadcastMsg =`(replace / with ! to broadcast. Broadcasting requires: + % @ # ~)`;
this.sendReply(`${`COMMANDS`}: /report, /msg, /reply, /logout, /challenge, /search, /rating, /whois, /user, /join, /leave, /userauth, /roomauth`);
this.sendReply(`${`BATTLE ROOM COMMANDS`}: /savereplay, /hideroom, /inviteonly, /invite, /timer, /forfeit`);
this.sendReply(`${`OPTION COMMANDS`}: /nick, /avatar, /ignore, /status, /away, /busy, /back, /timestamps, /highlight, /showjoins, /hidejoins, /blockchallenges, /blockpms`);
this.sendReply(`${`INFORMATIONAL/RESOURCE COMMANDS`}: /groups, /faq, /rules, /intro, /formatshelp, /othermetas, /analysis, /punishments, /calc, /git, /cap, /roomhelp, /roomfaq ${broadcastMsg}`);
this.sendReply(`${`DATA COMMANDS`}: /data, /dexsearch, /movesearch, /itemsearch, /learn, /statcalc, /effectiveness, /weakness, /coverage, /randommove, /randompokemon ${broadcastMsg}`);
if (user.tempGroup !== Users.Auth.defaultSymbol()) {
this.sendReply(`${`DRIVER COMMANDS`}: /warn, /mute, /hourmute, /unmute, /alts, /forcerename, /modlog, /modnote, /modchat, /lock, /weeklock, /unlock, /announce`);
this.sendReply(`${`MODERATOR COMMANDS`}: /globalban, /unglobalban, /ip, /markshared, /unlockip`);
this.sendReply(`${`ADMIN COMMANDS`}: /declare, /forcetie, /forcewin, /promote, /demote, /banip, /host, /ipsearch`);
this.sendReply(`For an overview of room commands, use /roomhelp`);
this.sendReply(`For details of a specific command, use something like: /help data`);
const getHelp = (namespace: Chat.AnnotatedChatCommands, cmds: string[]): boolean => {
const [cmd, ...subCmds] = cmds;
if (subCmds.length) {
// more specific help first
const subNamespace = namespace[cmd];
if (typeof subNamespace === 'object' && !Array.isArray(subNamespace)) {
if (getHelp(subNamespace, subCmds)) {
return true;
const curHandler = namespace[cmd] as Chat.AnnotatedChatHandler;
let isPrivate = curHandler?.isPrivate;
let requiredPerm = curHandler?.requiredPermission || 'lock';
let help = namespace[`${cmd}help`];
if (typeof help === 'string') {
help = namespace[help];
if (!help && typeof namespace[cmd] === 'string') {
help = namespace[`${namespace[cmd]}help`];
if (!help && namespace !== Chat.commands && namespace['help']) {
help = namespace['help'];
const isNamespace = typeof Chat.commands[cmd] === 'object';
if ((namespace !== Chat.commands || isNamespace) && !isPrivate) {
if (isNamespace) namespace = Chat.commands[cmd] as Chat.AnnotatedChatCommands;
for (const k in namespace) {
const cur = namespace[k];
if (typeof cur === 'function' && cur.isPrivate) {
isPrivate = true;
requiredPerm = (cur.requiredPermission || "lock");
if (isPrivate && !user.can(requiredPerm as GlobalPermission)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The command '/${target}' does not exist.`);
if (typeof help === 'function') {
// If the help command is a function, parse it instead;
return true;
if (Array.isArray(help)) {
this.sendReply( =>'\n'));
return true;
if (!curHandler) {
for (const g in Config.groups) {
const groupid = Config.groups[g].id;
if (new RegExp(`(global)?(un|de)?${groupid}`).test(cmd)) {
return this.parse(`/help promote`);
if (new RegExp(`room(un|de)?${groupid}`).test(cmd)) {
return this.parse(`/help roompromote`);
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The command '/${target}' does not exist.`);
if (cmd.endsWith('help')) {
this.sendReply(`'/${target}' is a help command.`);
return true;
return false;
if (!getHelp(Chat.commands, target.split(' '))) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Could not find help for '/${target}'. Try /help for general help.`);
helphelp: [
`/help OR /h OR /? - Gives you help.`,
`/help [command] - Gives you help for a specific command.`,
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {
receivedpms(query, user) {
this.title = '[Received PMs]';
if (!Chat.PrivateMessages.offlineIsEnabled) {
return this.errorReply(`Offline PMs are presently disabled.`);
return Chat.PrivateMessages.renderReceived(user);
process.nextTick(() => {
// We might want to migrate most of this to a JSON schema of command attributes.
'>>>? ', '/(?:room|staff)intro ', '/(?:staff)?topic ', '/(?:add|widen)datacenters ', '/bash ', '!code ', '/code ', '/modnote ', '/mn ',
'/eval', '!eval', '/evalbattle', '/evalsql', '>>sql',
'/importinputlog '
export const loginfilter: Chat.LoginFilter = user => {
if (!Chat.PrivateMessages.checkCanUse(user, { isLogin: true, forceBool: true })) return;
void Chat.PrivateMessages.sendReceived(user);