; | |
// no-var is disabled since this is supposed to support old versions of node | |
// block scoped var is just because idk what the fuck is going on there since it wasn't | |
// failing before | |
/* eslint-disable block-scoped-var, no-var, no-redeclare*/ | |
// Before running, ensure that the Typescript files have been compiled. | |
// | |
// Simply doing `require('../build')` here doesn't work because the `replace` | |
// step of the build is asynchronous and we can't wait for it to finish easily | |
// unless we shell out and use `execSync`. However, the heuristic of simply | |
// checking for the presence of './dist/sim/dex' to determine whether a build | |
// is required is somewhat risky as it only is valid from a clean repository - | |
// if you make edits or have previous build artifacts lying around, this | |
// script could potentially be missing additional sources or the compiled output | |
// may be out of date. | |
// | |
// We're OK with risking being stale here unless we're starting the server | |
// because we want to keep this script as fast as possible to be usable as a way | |
// of interfacing with the simulator from non-JS languages. Otherwise we error | |
// on the side of caution and run `node build` to ensure we're always running | |
// with the latest code. | |
var fs = require('fs'); | |
function build() { | |
require('child_process').execSync('node build', {stdio: 'inherit', cwd: __dirname}); | |
} | |
function readTeam(stream) { | |
return stream.readLine().then(line => { | |
if (line.startsWith('[') || line.includes('|')) return line; | |
return stream.readAll().then(all => (line + '\n' + all)); | |
}); | |
} | |
function ensureBuilt() { | |
if (!fs.existsSync('./dist')) { | |
build(); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!process.argv[2] || /^[0-9]+$/.test(process.argv[2])) { | |
// Start the server. | |
// | |
// The port the server should host on can be passed using the second argument | |
// when launching with this file the same way app.js normally allows, e.g. to | |
// host on port 9000: | |
// $ ./pokemon-showdown 9000 | |
build(); | |
require('module')._load('./dist/server/index.js', module, true); | |
} else { | |
switch (process.argv[2]) { | |
case 'help': | |
case 'h': | |
case '?': | |
case '-h': | |
case '--help': | |
case '-?': | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown start [--skip-build] [PORT]'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Starts a PS server on the specified port'); | |
console.log(' (Defaults to the port setting in config/config.js)'); | |
console.log(' (The port setting in config/config.js defaults to 8000)'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown generate-team [FORMAT-ID [RANDOM-SEED]]'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Generates a random team, and writes it to stdout in packed team format'); | |
console.log(' (Format defaults to the latest Random Battles format)'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown validate-team [FORMAT-ID]'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Reads a team from stdin, and validates it'); | |
console.log(' If valid: exits with code 0'); | |
console.log(' If invalid: writes errors to stderr, exits with code 1'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown simulate-battle'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Simulates a battle, taking input to stdin and writing output to stdout'); | |
console.log(' Protocol is documented in ./dist/sim/'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown json-team'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Reads a team in any format from stdin, writes the unpacked JSON to stdout'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown pack-team'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Reads a team in any format from stdin, writes the packed team to stdout'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown export-team'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Reads a team in any format from stdin, writes the exported (human-readable) team to stdout'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log('pokemon-showdown help'); | |
console.log(''); | |
console.log(' Displays this reference'); | |
break; | |
case 'start': | |
{ | |
process.argv.splice(2, 1); | |
build(); | |
require('module')._load('./dist/server/index.js', module, true); | |
break; | |
} | |
case 'generate-team': | |
{ | |
ensureBuilt(); | |
var Teams = require('./dist/sim/teams.js').Teams; | |
var seed = process.argv[4] || undefined; | |
console.log(Teams.pack(Teams.generate(process.argv[3], {seed}))); | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'validate-team': | |
{ | |
ensureBuilt(); | |
require('source-map-support/register'); | |
var Teams = require('./dist/sim/teams.js').Teams; | |
var TeamValidator = require('./dist/sim/team-validator.js').TeamValidator; | |
var validator = TeamValidator.get(process.argv[3]); | |
var Streams = require('./dist/lib/streams.js'); | |
var stdin = Streams.stdin(); | |
readTeam(stdin).then(function (textTeam) { | |
try { | |
var team = Teams.import(textTeam); | |
var result = validator.validateTeam(team); | |
if (result) { | |
console.error(result.join('\n')); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
process.exit(0); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'simulate-battle': | |
{ | |
build(); | |
var BattleTextStream = require('./dist/sim/battle-stream.js').BattleTextStream; | |
var Streams = require('./dist/lib/streams'); | |
var stdin = Streams.stdin(); | |
var stdout = Streams.stdout(); | |
var args = process.argv.slice(3); | |
var options = args.flatMap(function (arg) { | |
if (arg.charAt(0) !== '-') { | |
if (arg) console.error("Invalid parameter: " + arg); | |
return []; | |
} else if (arg.charAt(1) === '-') { | |
return arg.slice(2); | |
} else { | |
return Array.from(arg.slice(1)); | |
} | |
}); | |
var debug = false; | |
var replay = false; | |
var spectate = false; | |
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { | |
switch (options[i]) { | |
case 'debug': case 'D': | |
debug = true; | |
break; | |
case 'replay': case 'R': | |
replay = true; | |
break; | |
case 'spectate': case 'spectator': case 'S': | |
replay = true; | |
spectate = true; | |
break; | |
default: | |
console.error("Invalid option: " + options[i]); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
var battleStream = new BattleTextStream({ | |
noCatch: true, | |
debug: debug, | |
replay: spectate ? 'spectator' : replay, | |
}); | |
stdin.pipeTo(battleStream); | |
battleStream.pipeTo(stdout); | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'unpack-team': | |
case 'json-team': | |
{ | |
build(); | |
var Teams = require('./dist/sim/teams').Teams; | |
var Streams = require('./dist/lib/streams'); | |
var stdin = Streams.stdin(); | |
readTeam(stdin).then(function (team) { | |
try { | |
var unpackedTeam = Teams.unpack(Teams.import(team)); | |
console.log(JSON.stringify(unpackedTeam)); | |
process.exit(0); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'pack-team': | |
{ | |
build(); | |
var Teams = require('./dist/sim/teams').Teams; | |
var Streams = require('./dist/lib/streams'); | |
var stdin = Streams.stdin(); | |
readTeam(stdin).then(function (team) { | |
try { | |
var packedTeam = Teams.pack(Teams.import(team)); | |
console.log(packedTeam); | |
process.exit(0); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
case 'export-team': | |
{ | |
build(); | |
var Teams = require('./dist/sim/teams').Teams; | |
var Streams = require('./dist/lib/streams'); | |
var stdin = Streams.stdin(); | |
readTeam(stdin).then(function (team) { | |
try { | |
var exportedTeam = Teams.export(Teams.import(team)); | |
console.log(exportedTeam); | |
process.exit(0); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
break; | |
default: | |
console.error('Unrecognized command: ' + process.argv[2]); | |
console.error('Use `pokemon-showdown help` for help'); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} | |
} | |