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* Random Simulation harness for testing and benchmarking purposes.
* Pokemon Showdown -
* Refer to `` for detailed usage instructions.
* @license MIT
'use strict';
if (process.argv[2]) {
const help = ['help', '-help', '--help', 'h', '-h', '--help', '?', '-?', '--?'].includes(process.argv[2]);
const unknown = !['multi', 'random', 'exhaustive'].includes(process.argv[2]) && !/^[0-9]+$/.test(process.argv[2]);
if (help || unknown) {
const out = help ? console.log : console.error;
if (unknown) out(`Unrecognized command: ${process.argv[2]}\n`);
out('tools/simulate random');
out(' Randomly simulates `--num` total games (default=100).');
out(' The format(s) played and what gets output can be altered.');
out('tools/simulate exhaustive');
out(' Plays through enough randomly simulated battles to exhaust');
out(' all options of abilities/items/moves/pokemon. `--cycles` can');
out(' used to run through multiple exhaustions of the options.');
out('tools/simulate help');
out(' Displays this reference');
out('Please refer to tools/ for full documentation');
process.exit(help ? 0 : 1);
require('child_process').execSync('node ' + __dirname + "/../../build");
const Dex = require('../../sim/dex').Dex;
global.Config = { allowrequestingties: false };
const { ExhaustiveRunner } = require('../../sim/tools/exhaustive-runner');
const { MultiRandomRunner } = require('../../sim/tools/multi-random-runner');
// Tracks whether some promises threw errors that weren't caught so we can log
// and exit with a non-zero status to fail any tests. This "shouldn't happen"
// because we're "great at propagating promises (TM)", but better safe than sorry.
const RejectionTracker = new class {
constructor() {
this.unhandled = [];
onUnhandledRejection(reason, promise) {
this.unhandled.push({ reason, promise });
onRejectionHandled(promise) {
this.unhandled.splice(this.unhandled.findIndex(u => u.promise === promise), 1);
onExit(code) {
let i = 0;
for (const u of this.unhandled) {
const error = (u.reason instanceof Error) ? u.reason :
new Error(`Promise rejected with value: ${u.reason}`);
console.error(`UNHANDLED PROMISE REJECTION:\n${error.stack}`);
process.exit(code + i);
register() {
process.on('unhandledRejection', (r, p) => this.onUnhandledRejection(r, p));
process.on('rejectionHandled', p => this.onRejectionHandled(p));
process.on('exit', c => this.onExit(c)); // TODO
function missing(dep) {
try {
return false;
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') throw err;
return true;
function shell(cmd) {
require('child_process').execSync(cmd, { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: __dirname });
function parseFlags(argv) {
if (!(argv.length > 3 || argv.length === 3 && argv[2].startsWith('-'))) return { _: argv.slice(2) };
if (missing('minimist')) shell('npm install minimist');
return require('minimist')(argv.slice(2));
if (!process.argv[2] || /^[0-9]+$/.test(process.argv[2])) process.argv.splice(2, 0, 'multi');
switch (process.argv[2]) {
case 'multi':
case 'random':
const argv = parseFlags(process.argv);
const options = { totalGames: 100, ...argv };
options.totalGames = Number(argv._[1] || argv.num) || options.totalGames;
if (argv.seed) options.prng = argv.seed.split(',').map(s => Number(s));
// Run options.totalGames, exiting with the number of games with errors.
(async () => process.exit(await new MultiRandomRunner(options).run()))();
case 'exhaustive':
const argv = parseFlags(process.argv);
let formats;
if (argv.formats) {
formats = argv.formats.split(',');
} else if (argv.format) {
formats = argv.format.split(',');
} else {
formats = ExhaustiveRunner.FORMATS;
let cycles = Number(argv._[1] || argv.cycles) || ExhaustiveRunner.DEFAULT_CYCLES;
let forever = argv.forever;
if (cycles < 0) {
cycles = -cycles;
forever = true;
const maxFailures = argv.maxFailures || argv.failures || (formats.length > 1 ? ExhaustiveRunner.MAX_FAILURES : 1);
const prng = argv.seed && argv.seed.split(',').map(s => Number(s));
const maxGames = argv.maxGames ||;
(async () => {
let failures = 0;
do {
for (const format of formats) {
failures += await new ExhaustiveRunner({
format, cycles, prng, maxFailures, log: true, dual: argv.dual, maxGames,
if (failures >= maxFailures) break;
} while (forever); // eslint-disable-line no-unmodified-loop-condition
throw new TypeError('Unknown command' + process.argv[2]);